Thursday, March 28, 2013

Reading tarot the best way

Back in 1972 I was taught how to REALLY read tarot. Good tarot readers will tell you not to use a book of meanings as the gospel, but more like guidelines. The key to a great tarot reading is taking the cards and using them as a launching point only. I was always psychic , but the cards gave detail, specifics, and showed paths leading to options. I really loved them right away.

Giving a "book" tarot reading, is something anyone can do, yes, anyone. As long as you are able to separate yourself from the situation, you will never need a tarot reader. The problem is those definitions are pretty vague, hackneyed and old. You want pertinent, updated, and new, not meanings from the 1500's. You need someone who has the connection with their cards to get more meaning, personal meanings, clearer meanings. Not just a definition. When you want to learn a language, do you read a dictionary? Of course not. It has valid info, but it is so cut and dried, it isn't what you really need.

I personally use my own method and my personal attachments to the cards. That means that my meaning will have similarities to a book, but not be the same, the psychic abilities adds to and refines that meaning.

I always hate it when someone asks "what card" did you get? It means they will form their meaning to the card, and my cards aren't speaking their language, but mine. Will it be close? Probably. Will it be right on for them, NO. It is like we are speaking a dialect the querant doesn't understand, and it will make for insulting someone's mother. All jokes aside, don't ask the doctor what that squiggly line means, then take your knowledge of the anatomy, trust the doctor's training and experience.

If you want card meanings, get a Rider Waite deck, and pull away.

There are also MANY (hundreds) methods, systems, and ways to get answers. I never pull less than 5 cards at a time. I use several decks at once in some readings, this isn't standard "buy a tarot book" meanings....but then why pay for that? Anyone can do that. That isn't putting down tarot readers, they took the time to learn 78 cards with multiple meanings, but there is so much more to tarot.

I do not include astrology with my tarot, but that is an option, not one I choose to use but a valid one none the less. I will be teaching a  class soon, but don't expect me to spit out the "traditional" tarot meanings, and make you memorize them, that is just scratching the surface of tarot. You want to be extraordinary, so my class is geared into that direction.There are so many tarot readers out there, if you want to use this as a business, you need to do more. Many people don't like it, as they think they are checking you, or testing you, in fact they will just be confused.

A regular tarot reading is not a bad thing, but it isn't the best thing. Find a reader that is psychic, or has their own relationship with the cards, and don't try to read them while they are on the table.You will miss much, misinterpret more, and put what you "want to hear" on to the cards.

I have come up with situations and asked my guides to show me a card for things that never existed in original tarot. We have situations, people and lifestyles today that didn't exist in the 1500's. We need to be aware of the depth of tarot, not just the surface.

People who "read" tarot like a book, are like reading the Cliff Notes. Get the in depth , "60 Minutes" readings, by finding a reader who really has their own meanings, and abilities/gifts.
You will be much the wiser!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf, published under "Triple Moon Goddess" . May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

NEVER wish Karma on anyone!

This is a conversation I have at least once a day with someone. It seems to be that we have become a vengeful society. We are not here to learn how to wish ill on anyone. Certainly not people we once loved.

Karma works in its' own way. It is superefficient, and puts whatever you could come up with to shame. It does its' job without malice however. Karma is a teaching tool, not a punishment. Karma is there to teach a lesson to a person in a way that is meaningful to THEM, NOT to you. It is a way that the Universe continues taking people to a higher place, not beating them down.

When we have hurts in life, we need to look at them and say "Where did I go wrong?". It may be you just picked the wrong person to be with, or maybe there was more to your actions that you may not want to look at , but need to. Did you pick that person because they had something you wanted? Money? Ability to help you move up in the world? Because then a break up is YOUR Karma being delivered. Sometimes the "wrong" is simply that we made a bad choice, or a quick and desperate choice. The break up is the Universe putting things to right, and that does not mean that just because you are unhappy Karma gets visited on the other person.

To top all of it off, bad things happen. They happen to everyone, even good people. They happen less and less severely to good people, but they happen. This is school, not "heaven" we have the yin and the yang, good and bad, black and white, without all of that the Universe could not function. Bad things will happen. They have to! Accept them. learn from them, adapt, and move on!

The WORST thing that you can do is wish something bad happens to someone. The worst you could do is wish vengeful thoughts on another person. Once you do that, you bring that energy to YOU. People who pray every day for something bad to happen to another in retribution, get the "retribution" not the person they are wishing it on. Then they wonder why their lives are not going well, and the other person seems to be happy and moving right along.

Karma strikes when the time and situation are right, not right away so you can revel in the situation. The Universe is trying to protect you, if it allows you to be happy that something bad happened to someone else, then YOU are due for Karma, and since you are such a fan of it, it will visit you long and hard.

Whatever you put out there comes back to you, multiplied, and depending on how you see things, from threefold to tenfold. Just once is more than you really want to experience. When you wish swift retribution every day, the Universe gives YOU swift retribution, right in the back of the head.

Maybe the Universe didn't intend for you to be with someone at all. Your free will pushed it, you achieved it, and then ,since the Universe always gets it's way, you lost it. You cannot then wish retribution on a person that you should never have been with in the first place. Maybe, just maybe, what you wanted with all your heart, a person, a job, a situation, was never supposed to be yours in the first place.When you wish Karma on that, who do you think gets the Karma? You do , for trying to bend the Universe's plan into something you preferred. Sometimes we can change things to the way we prefer, but sometimes we cannot, and when we force that, we cause issues, and it is no one's fault, but our own.

NEVER wish Karma on a person.It is not a weapon, and not a punishment! Rest assured the Universe will take care of everything, even delivering it to you, if it has to.

Do the right things for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr> R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Outside investigations

Yesterday a friend saw some pictures Matt took outside in a cemetery on an investigation. She asked how well you can do an outside investigation. She was asking from a standpoint of power for equipment. The question is bigger than that, outside investigations are tough.

Power is the one thing you can easily provide. The hard part about outside investigations is contamination.
Contamination can happen indoors. It is not as bad, but it still is something that you have to account for. You need to know the area that the building you are investigating is located in. Does a train track run nearby; is there primary lines or a transformer outside the window to make meters useless in some rooms; is the house on a "T" intersection where car headlights will shine into the window all night long? When you know these things are present, then you have to disregard any evidence that could be influenced by these things in that room or the whole building. When headlights shine into a room, all light anomalies need to be discounted for that room. When there are primary power lines outside a window, your meter will read high in that room, but it isn't paranormal.

Inside a building with some prep, you will again be in a semi-controlled environment. You will know what you can and cannot trust from the building or room.

Outside is 100 times worse. Just about anything can happen. You have to use tools differently and wisely. Many you have to leave at home.You do have to take into consideration the weather, power, and all those outside influences. When we were at the cemetery, we had wind, coyotes, owls, turkey vultures, clanking flag pole lanyards, snapping flags, and cars passing, just to name a few. A local church had a bell tolling (which sounded awesome by the way), and car headlights and "eternity lights" reflected off of tombstones. There can be pollen creating orbs, bugs creating light anomalies, animals creating all kinds of issues. Add in weather in general and you are not the one in control!

When you are outside, you can still use equipment. SLR cameras are great, and probably your best tool. The hardest evidence to collect is visual (because the hardest thing for a "ghost" to do is get up enough energy to appear), so it may be the tool that gets the least results, but it is 100% the best tool for outside. You do have to watch for reflections and bugs, cars, etc. appearing as something else. Always take 3 pictures in a row (no matter where you are) to compare.

Voice recorders are still a great tool for outside. You have to be very cognizant of noises around you and make sure that you review the recordings quickly so you won't forget that church bell, owl, or car radio.
Trust voices more than sounds outside. Also run the recording through a computer program to see if it was paranormal or not. It may just be a team member making a comment a few yards away. Once it is run through the program and shows as paranormal, call it evidence. Meters are good as long as you know where power lines are. An Ovilus is good, a FLiR camera, handheld IR video camera, and IR video camera system is also good to use, although the latter needs a power source.

Do not use tools that are for controlled areas, as you will get all kinds of false evidence. Don't use a shadow detector (even days when it isn't all that windy, things still move), laser grid, vibration detector, or even a thermometer (temps can change drastically due to shade/shadow, coolness of tombstones, streams, blacktop, channels through hills where wind travels, and more); motion detectors, or any tool that reads or  is effected by movement.

Make sure that you carefully investigate, note all changes, movement, and sound. Make sure you go back and check in the daylight. Before you go make sure all video equipment is night vision or IR capable.

Remember that when outside to not to use artificial light for anything, and if you want to bring a flashlight to use in emergency or to check meters, battery level, etc., to have a red bulb or cover the lens with red plastic wrap. This will not reduce your night vision when you use it.

Know what results are produced by "ordinary" things. Rain hitting the ground on a nighttime flash picture can appear as a fiery light coming up out of the ground (raindrops always bounce). Spider webs break off and float through the air and make cool wispy figures. Pollen, water vapor, rain, and dust appear as orbs in flash photos. You should NEVER use flash on an investigation, except for "before",  historic, or artsy pictures.
Make sure hair is tied back, camera straps are removed, and there is no clothing hanging or blowing into the picture. No scarf or jewelry. Most "paranormal" pictures I see are entirely normal or faked.

Make sure that you get an outside investigation done as part of your training. It is very important to learn as it is totally different from inside investigations. Most items are battery powered. Make sure that you have back up and if you are really needing power, buy a small camping generator. Make sure it is away from all meters and voice recorders.

Lastly, wear the right clothes and quiet, comfortable shoes. I had a cemetery investigation ruined once by a gal clicking in high heels all night long. When you aren't sure, ask.The key to having a good investigation is to go with experienced people. People who have that ounce of skepticism, and don't buy into every shiny round thing in every picture. The best evidence is the evidence that cannot be refuted, and remember to do all this , have all the tools, and computer programs, costs money.

Make sure that you KNOW how to use your equipment. Know its' limits, what happens when the battery is getting low; what happens when it gets wet or damp; what happens when you have it too close or too far away from both normal things and paranormal things. Know the limits of the equipment, and its' proper use and handling.

Make sure that you always use the right tools for the application. This is a hard and fast rule in the group I investigate with. No flashlights for communicating, no controlled area tools used outside, no provoking to "cause" a haunt. Do things the right way and you will get awesome and VALID evidence every time!!!

Happy Hunting!

Peshaui Wequashimese.

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spotting a fake....

I had two people ask me over the weekend , "how do you spot a fake psychic"? That is easy and it is hard. I spot them a mile away , but I have my psychic abilities and years of experience behind me, so it is most likely easier for me. One wanted to know so she could find one when I wasn't available (I gave her some recommendations), the other said she heard a person saying all kinds of stuff and thought it was hokey. It was.

First of all , the answer is "it depends" , it depends on how you spot a fake for two reasons, one is that some advertise and you have a lot of info to go on, so it depends on if they are advertising or not, and the other is that sometimes people are just a little nuts and it is hard to get valid information out of them. Either way one rule stands, that is , if they seem to be seeking attention, they aren't real. Real honest psychics won't try to gain attention, they do just the opposite. Credible and ethical psychics will NEVER try to get attention, ever. They won't walk up and tell you things. Now I know some of you are thinking The Long Island Medium does this.She is a medium and that is a little different. When a spirit asks to please tell the person a message, they need to hear it, the medium will deliver it. I don't even leave myself "open" anymore in "regular" life as I was taught by otheres, and instructed by my guides, that this is not necessary, if there is something so darn important it needs to get through, they won't care if I am "off duty" they will send it anyway. I have certain "events" that will happen if I need to be aware of something.

So , how do you spot a fake? There are a few ways, and they are pretty solid indicators. I haven't seen them steer anyone wrong yet!

These are for those who advertise:

No glam shots. When they need to use good looks to lure you in, they don't have the talent. One friend once said to me, "if a guy has his shirt off in a psychic advertisement, pass him by".

 Have no feedback available. All sites these days for psychics have feedback (like everything else from books to hotels),  have feedback. Some person websites do not as they do not have the capability, but then find the person on one of those sites and check them out.My main site has over 20 thousand feedback responses.

For any psychic or "wannabe":

First, I do want to say that as we have reached 2012 and there is so much information out there on the metaphysical, that "wanna be" psychics are coming out of the woodwork. Some are people who think they have a talent, or that it is easy, others are just plain "people with issues". Many want attention and many hear voices alright, but that is because they need meds!

So things to beware of in people who claim abilities:

When they do not know Universal Law, the paranormal, the metaphysical, and know it well, they are not psychics. Our guides teach us before they unleash us on the world, and the lessons are constant. We learn always. But if someone doesn't know certain things,or how this all works, they aren't psychic. They should know how it all works, where they get messages from and how; Universal Law; the physics of metaphysics, or how THAT  all works; how to cross people over, remove attachments, ground themselves; how to not be fooled by the other side; where to go for metaphysical help (guides, angels, helpers, runners, gatekeepers, etc.), and more.

They know not to show off; not to scam people (because they KNOW karma exists and how it really works); they have good lives (when their lives are a mess, they aren't psychic); they are happy to teach others.

They never make general statements just to talk. They don't say things out of the blue that can fit a million circumstances, for example, "a little boy lived in that house"; "one person who worked there loved cats"; "there was a car crash near here one day". These are people just looking for attention and want you to say "Oh please tell me more!"

Fakes only make statements that can't be proven.

They ask questions instead of giving answers, like "did an old man live here?" or "how long have you been dating this man?".

Fakes won't know their guides, and/or their names, or worse yet, don't know that they have any. Those who claim a dead relative is a guide are fakes (or crazy). Your guide is a person you did not know in life and they have been your guide in ALL your lifetimes, so it is impossible for them to have lived with you.

Fakes are many times "over the top" dramatic, artistic, and imaginative (remember some people don't know they are fakes).

They are passive /aggressive . All sweet and spiritual, then hostile when you don't play along. After they are caught, you are the "bad guy".

They say the ever popular give away "no one knows". Those who truly are psychic and hone their craft DO know, read my blog on the subject for more information. They don't know, so they want you to think you don't, or they are just as good, that the quality people are the liars or the misguided ones. When they say "no one knows", find someone who does!

The fakes claim 100% accuracy.  This is impossible. People have free will, the Universe changes your plan or shifts a lesson, or how it is learned. A warning from an adviser can get you to change your path, changing your future. And the big one, not everything is cast in stone. Life is a combination of free will and destiny. Not one or the other.

The fakes make claims that cannot be backed up like "Number one psychic in Massachusetts", or "Voted top psychic by young adults". When they say they are a "famous radio psychic", and you never heard of them, they aren't all that famous, are they?

They claim their information comes from a holy source personally, like Jesus, a specific angel, or saint. These entities are NOT in the business of giving psychic predictions. The psychic gift comes from a higher source, but Jesus doesn't sit on a cloud shaking a Magic 8 Ball for psychics all day. There are several sources the information comes from, and it is all a higher source, but it isn't Archangel Michael, Jesus, Mary, or any of the saints.

They don't try to get more money out of you (this goes back to the scam part and Karma). When they tell you you need to have a curse removed, for a fee, or you have negativity around you and they need to remove it, for a fee, or that you need your chakras aligned, for a fee. Then move on quickly.

When they are pomp and circumstance and Ego, move on, those things BLOCK psychic ability, not bring it out.

Now going back to the nutty folks, they are sure they are talented, so you can't really tell them they aren't. Just ignore them, that is the best thing to do. They may be sensitive and overstating their abilities to psychic, and they may just be nuts. Just walk away.

The best thing to do is to get a recommendation from someone you trust. When you can't do that, watch for the red flags, and if at any time you feel uncomfortable. Move on!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Totally mundane today....Credit theft

This January I was waiting for a 1099 from a site I work on, it never showed up. This may be the beginning of a huge issue, or just coincidence, but I don't believe in coincidence. I called them and was given the typical non-answers, "we have until January 30th to mail it", "we don't know which ones we mailed", give it another few weeks". Then I called and asked for a copy and was told they couldn't provide one. Then on February 28 someone used my Master Card number to attempt to order two night vision scopes and drop ship them to Indianapolis. One went through, much to the accounting department's chagrin, because someone didn't do their job right. It cost them almost $2000.00, they caught the second one or they would be $4000.00 in the hole.

Digressing for a moment. In January I said to my husband, "I am really afraid someone has my information and will use it." So I signed up for a credit protection company. Guess how well that worked. Not at all. The only time I heard from them was when I went through the fiasco listed above and Citibank cancelled my card so no other charges could be made. So , they let me know after I found it and Citibank stopped it. Gee thanks that was a huge help.....

I filed a police report. Luckily we had a ship to address in Indy, and the police are currently following that up. Apparently people overseas crave two things. Electronics like cell phones, game systems, cameras, etc., that are difficult or impossible to get, and weapons. The night scopes are used for just one thing, killing people in the dark. They ship to a person in this country who thinks they have a legit job, sometimes even off of a web page, and those people in turn ship to either another person in this country to pass on the items, or they pass on the items themselves overseas, usually to the Mid East and Northern Africa.

That was easily handled. They had tried making another purchase, to Best Buy, and that was stopped. A few days later, now that "their" credit card won't work anymore, my debit card gets used. A purchase was made from EBay India (not sure for what), and several charges to Facebook (again not sure for what). They again attempted Best Buy and the transaction didn't go through. All those charges (Ebay India was for $400), put my checking account in arrears. I don't keep much money in there as my debit card is set up to only access my checking account, so I can keep someone from getting into my accounts and draining them.

I did everything right, and still got jacked.

Now I have bank fees.I was told by the bank's fraud department to go down and sign an affidavit that I didn't make the charges. The local person there said there was nothing for me to sign until charges hit the account. So I made the trip for nothing....but she was wrong. Because I didn't sign the affidavit, the bank, after putting credits on my account for the charges, removed them, allowed the charges to go through (hey it isn't their money, right), and add fees. When I went down and told her what happened, she said, "OK we will do a letter to start an investigation" (really, START one, it WAS done til you screwed it up), and then argued with me over the fees because MY checks bounced. Well Honey, MY checks would not have bounced if YOU had done YOUR job!Now I am REALLY mad. There was no manager available , so guess where my first phone call is going today?

Then she told me that there would be a provisional credit (which I have yet to see), but when they find I made the charges (EXCUSE ME!), even though she is not saying I did, but people do it all the time, and say they don't....they will take it back.

Here I thought I was the customer and the person in India was the thief. Silly me.

I would love to know if a person for the site that contracts me, stole the paperwork with my address and SSN. Did someone intercept the mail? Did someone hack into the credit protection site? It was one of those things, but which one???

A little information:

Don't register with online protection sites, I was told many are the thieves themselves and you hand them all of your information. The three credit reporting agencies Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian all provide credit protection services. They are the best to use if you want to go that route.

Credit card companies are much easier to deal with than banks. I was told that the best thing to do is have a card just for online purchases. Pay it off each month, and if it gets used, cancel it immediately.

When you have a problem , you can put a free 90 days Credit Fraud Alert on your credit report. Anytime a credit ap or bank account is attempted to be opened in your name, a red flag will go up and the credit reporting company will stop the application or account from going through.

Only use sites that require the CVV number on the back of your card, they have a higher level of security. Most credit is stolen when sites get hacked, not you!

Sites need to contact you if the billing and ship to are different, if they don't contact you, you know they aren't security conscious.

Only allow access to your checking through your debit card. This way a thief (or the bank) can't clean you out!

I am so ready to call my bank today, when I was in Albuquerque last year for the Gathering of Nations, I tried to get $60 out of an ATM to have for the day eating and buying souvenirs. I kept getting denied. When I came home I was told that because I was away from home the system thought I was trying to steal the money. I asked what good a debit card is then when you can only use it at home! I was told, well you have to call us first and tell us where you are going. REALLY? Meanwhile, someone can sit at their computer and order $400 from EBay in India, and that flows right through my account. Nice.

I said to my husband last night, what if I were some poor soul that had no other access to money? No credit card, no savings, and no food in the house. Banks are such idiots.

ID theft isn't the issue it was years ago. There is more protection and awareness, back a few years no one believed you if you said you didn't take out that credit card, or buy that car, now there are stop gaps in place and a whole division of people at credit companies and police stations just for that purpose, to investigate credit theft. But cleaning it up is still a huge pain in the neck. The bank had best clear this up today, if not, they can have my new debit card, after all, if all it is good for is taking money out of an ATM locally, then I don't need it. I can walk into the bank!

I believe the reason this happened to me is I am going to be that relentless jerk who pounds on doors, and makes constant phone calls to get things fixed, changed, and to get this idiot caught. I am starting this morning with my bank.....

Have a safe day all!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ghosts have a new trick??

Last night I was pondering a recent investigation. I asked my guides for help , as I had this suspicion that kept popping up, and after that happens three times, I know I am supposed to be paying attention. I asked and received a simple, and very interesting answer!

Originally on this case there was a strong guardian spirit. Very warm, friendly, even enthusiastic. I wasn't able to communicate with it, as it was on a voice mail, so I don't know if it were a guide or a passed loved one. It was certainly nothing to worry about, and even decidedly helpful.

We investigated. There were two spirits when we entered the upstairs of the house who immediately retreated. They retreated in a major way, as in out of the area totally. All  through the investigation there wasn't a word. No answers to any questions, and not much of anything really. I still have video evidence to review, but for the most part, things were very quiet. I realize now it is because they didn't know the answers and didn't want to be tripped up.

Then just before we finished up for the night, and after making comments as to being almost finished, we heard things. There are two recordings, that are not technically EVPs because I, and one other person, heard them with our ears. There are more recordings that may be also, but no one was in the area, so we can't say for sure if they were EVP or disembodied voices.  The ones we heard were a baby cry that almost sounded like a pull string doll, and another was the ever classic "get out".

"Get out" usually comes with a creepy feeling, a touch, a scratch, cold air, an item flying across the room. This was just a low whisper telling me to "get out", again I heard it with my ears. It wasn't even the least bit scary, it was like it had no energy behind it.

Another EVP, which may also not be an actual EVP, but we can't say for sure as no one was in the area when the recording was made, said "we know who you are". I think it is kind of funny in a few ways. One, why tell the air that it knows who we are? We were in two groups at the time, one up in a bedroom, one in a dining area, and we could easily have had the spirit talk to us. We were hearing them with our ears, so there was no use for the recorder. They knew we heard them as I commented on the ones we did hear right at the time. So why just go make a comment where no one actually was? The other funny part was it was a cliche. Something you hear in all the ghost movies. A ghostly catch phrase.

It was like ghosts playing games. They do that. But it kept niggling at me. There was more to it. These were disembodied voices, MUCH stronger than a spirit who just comes across on EVP.These spirits should be able to rock the house. The guardian wasn't present, which makes sense as his charge wasn't present either, but away at a family member's house. He would stay with her and not the house. They weren't bad or mean, they were strong enough to cause harm, but didn't even begin to go there. So what was up?

So who showed up late for the party?

People seem to think that spirits are attached to places. They generally are where they are, because they want to be there so badly, even in death. They may be confused. They may have built the home there themselves, or living loved ones are still there. They may be afraid to pass so they stay where they are, but they are never trapped, unless they were a suicide or a strong negative entity is holding them there. The second one is rare. They could still leave technically, but it would be a fight of sorts.

Spirits can come and go wherever they please for the most part. The "guardian" went with his charge, and who came in? Who were these two strong "fraidy cat ghosts"? Were they always there? I don't think so, they had no energy permeating the house. It was like they were not there, yet they had to be strong to make disembodied voices!!  This puzzled me. Something I had never experienced before, or at least realized before. There was one possible answer that I immediately dismissed, that would be that the clients put recorders in the  house to play out phrases as intervals. That was clearly NOT what was happening.

So I did what I do every time I get a metaphysical question I can't figure out, I went to the other side for details. The answer was simple, amusing, and something for ghost hunters and homeowners to think about.
When I asked who the spirits were, the answer was "just some spirits wandering through". OK,that is common enough, more common than you may want to think when you are alone at 2 AM, but it is very common. That made sense. But the messages they were spouting and the "baby doll" noise were puzzling. So of course my next question was that if they didn't belong there, why the messages like "get out" and "we know who you are", the answer was simple and one word, "TV". Apparently not only are we watching Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures and Dead Files, but they are too. And why not! Maybe they actually learn something from the shows, or see that there dead uncle starred on last week's episode. When we watch these shows religiously, we probably get a reputation in our local spirit world as open minded or welcoming....a whole other thing to think about.

I then asked my guide "So they got that typical ghost movie crap from a TV show?" He said "yes" and told me which one, I won't mention it. But it made total sense. I had heard these exact words more than once on that show.

So now our ghosts are watching and imitating ghost hunt shows! I thought it was bad enough that the amateur ghost hunters were doing that, but apparently they aren't the only ones. Once my guide said it to me, it all made sense. It "felt right". I thought, how dumb are we that we don't realize that spirits have watched lots of shows. When they know that the blue house on the corner watches Ghost Adventures every Friday, and they are a fan, the whole ghostly crew probably goes in and has a seat, watches and leaves. They may have their own conversation about the show and the "ghostie" feeling the homeowners get while watching the show is because they have a bunch of house guests they can't see!

It puts a whole new spin on ghost hunting. Are the ghosts in any one particular investigation acting out a starring ghost's role on GA Crew? Do homeowners who watch these shows religiously have more hauntings and paranormal activity? Is there a spirit reading this as I write, or as you read? Probably. Do they just try the "cliches" to see if you are scared? I mean after all,  it is no fun to haunt you if you aren't afraid. So do people who watch ghost shows, and have no effects from them, have no haunts,  where people who watch all the time and have trouble sleeping have more? This is a great study for a parapsychologist, maybe one will write a thesis on it.

We DO know that if investigate in your own home repeatedly (or any home really), you will stir things up. Spirits will know where to go for attention. Do they know that going to homes that watch ghost investigation shows are places where they will get attention? When people constantly do EVP work in their own home they find more and more voices, and more and more spirits come to be heard, do the ghost shows work the same way? Looks like they do!

How does this skew our evidence? I mean if a ghost is acting a part, and just passing through, it isn't a haunt. You have heard Jason Hawes say that just having an EVP or two doesn't mean you have a haunting, and that is true for just that reason, spirits pass through! Will the amateur ghost hunters call more and more "passing through acting ghosts" haunts? Will the spirits now have catch phrases, like "get out"? I would think from the shows they know that "get out" doesn't work to get investigators to leave.

It opens up a whole new area of ideas to explore. At least now I have an answer that makes sense. It sounded like a cheap "B" grade horror movie, but they were working with the best they had. By the way, the "get out" didn't work with us either.

It puts a whole new area of possibility into residential investigations. It's better than the "investigators" who saw a demon in every haunt thanks to Ryan Buell and the old version of Zach Bagans. Thank goodness that is finally wearing off. Ryan is gone and Zach got smarter. We have enough actual bad stuff out there to deal with,  than to make a cranky old ghost into a demon.

This realization however doesn't change the answers we gave the clients. Nothing to worry about. However, maybe we need to tell them to cut back on their ghost show viewing. So another puzzling , nagging thought was resolved, and I think it is kind of funny that I never thought of it in the first place!

Remember, ghosts were people too!!

Happy haunting!!

Peshauui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yes, lots of people know......I do!

I had a chuckle yesterday, I keep hearing from a person who should know, that no one knows what the other side is like. Really? I do. I may not know all the details, but I bet I know most of them. There are thousands of bits of information out there. There are classes galore, programs, and books with information from psychics , mediums, and channels. There are entire programs of information from ascended masters. There are people who had NDEs, or who astral travel. There are even people shown and taught information that is just there to be passed on.

Many people don't get into the metaphyscial, and that is OK, but if it is part of what you do and who you are, you best know what the other side is like, otherwise how do you effectively investigate it? Anyone can find an elephant while stumbling around in the jungle, but when you know what the elephant eats, where they sleep and how they migrate, you can quickly go and find one without being told where they are and how to photograph them. You don't have to go yelling through the brush with big sticks hitting and destroying the elephant's habitat as you go.

When you understand the metaphysical, you will have no issue getting evidence, and also have no issue with yourself if you don't get any. Every place on this planet has spirits , EVERY place. Not every place has spirits that want to talk to you, and that is OK. Just like we don't have to give in to being disturbed in our home , ie haunted, they don't either! Some are simply your great aunt Edna following you around to see how you are doing. Some are suicides stuck in a location, some are people who still firmly believe they live in that house and that you are a trespasser. Some are afraid to cross, or aren't sure how, some need help. Some have no faith or basis for an image of the afterlife and freeze up.I remember the first time I met an authentic medium, she said, you do know you have five energies around you all the time? I didn't. I knew there were some, but five? Wow, I have an entourage!

Not only do you need to research the metaphysical field to find out about "the other side", but there are books and classes by scientists (yes it has finally happened), that explain how all this metaphysical "stuff" is not really anything strange. They have already firmly identified ELEVEN dimensions (and you thought there were only three), and they are all alongside or even right through us as we move about in our dimensions. They understand how an energy can exist in those dimensions and will be happy to explain it to you. They can also explain how we can move through what we think of as "solid" matter like walls and doors.

So when someone says to you "we really don't know anything about the other side", then walk away and find one of the millions that does know. The problem is many get all they know from edited TV shows. There isn't a lot of info there, and these folks mostly are not looking to do anything except gather evidence of an afterlife. The exception to the rule is Dead Files, where they actually give solutions to help. Find someone whose education goes beyond Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures.

I had a certificate (I was still in high school so could not complete the 4 year college course) in parapsychology, before many of these people were ghost hunting, and before some of them were born (this was in 1977). I then moved on to complete a bachelors in psychology, then a ministerial degree, and attended one of two accredited universities to obtain my masters and doctorate in metaphysical sciences. Along the way I became a reiki master; studied with a medium, several psychics, and a tarot card master. They all knew their craft well, not just what they did , but how it worked and why. So when people say "no one knows" I am astounded! Maybe they need to read a few books!

The same people probably don't realize we also have what we term as "angels" around us, but we have Guides, Helpers, Runners, Gatekeepers, and more. There is all kinds of stuff right next to you. You don't have to "hunt" ghosts, they and other beings are always right there next to you!

We know the structure of the other side at this point (seven levels), and we know there is no "hell" (but the lowest level of what we term "heaven" doesn't have many "perks") . We know that we can stay there, move on (back to another life), or come back and visit. We know suicides stay where they die if they don't cross all the way over (the Bible calls that in between space Purgatory, and most ghosts call it home). When they do cross all the way over suicides are counseled and sent back to do it all over again. We know we live in soul groups of 112 souls and we are all important to the learning and development of the others in our soul group. We know that there is always a light to go to, but for some it is a pinpoint, not the bright light of movies, and that depends on several factors. We know so much more, this is just the basics that every Metaphysician knows! These aren't secrets, or things that are hard to find outlets to learn.

We know how to manifest, how to get help from the other side and even how to cleanse out evil and negative energy. We know about protection, grounding, and because we know all this, we know to RESPECT the other side. When you are going "retro Zach Bagans" on a spirit you may be yelling at a man who called that place home for 40 years and doesn't know he passed, he thinks you are an intruder; maybe you are yelling at an angel, a guide, a helper. That oesn't get you any bonus points for YOUR afterlife.

Zach learned the hard way that was not the right way to do things. Make sure that you respect the other side whether they are confused spirits or energy that is there for your benefit. They are not to be yelled at. What about "bad" spirits? Do you think yelling at a psychopath is a good idea? A murderer? That may get you some good swear words on tape, but did that solve anything, make anything better? Did it get your answers, or solve the problem? You don't scare them, they aren't going to leave because you came in and yelled at them. What it did was get you a sound bite and a homeowner with a bigger mess on their hands. That is pure drama for the TV show ratings, not what professionals do (well even the TV shows don't do it any more thank goodness).

I have written several blogs on why you should never provoke, they are there for the reading, but do not allow anyone to tell you that "no one knows what the other side is like", because there are millions who do.

Read, research, learn and grow.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Learning the meaning of the words.....

Yesterday at lunch there was a discussion about how people misuse the English language. They say things that if you really listen to them, make no sense. There is misuse of words, and words that don't even exist (the word is CONVERSE, not CONVERSATE), or misuse meaning (as in "whenever" I was at my sister's house, the TV show was is "WHEN" I was at my sister's house the TV show was on). Pronunciation is the other hot spot. We don't AX a question. We ASK a question.

This morning I was thinking about how I get very frustrated when people call on my "spiritual" listing and say terrible things about the people in their lives. First of all, part of being psychic is swimming in the energy of the situation when people are asking questions. You are immersed in it, and protected from it at the same time. At least you are if you know what you are doing. I can feel emotions and energy attached to the situation. When you are dealing with a person who is unstable, hateful, resentful, angry, or any other negative emotion, it is like swimming in muck.

Being "spiritual" means believing that there is more to this world than we see. It is not the same as being religious. Religion is based on faith, spirituality is more based on life experiences and knowing through those experiences. It is also a quest of sorts, a quest to talk to the other side, from ghosts to guides, to obtain information. It is about trying to live life the way we need to, knowing there is more, and preparing for it. It is about doing the right thing, knowing we are being taught and guided, and making good choices to bring us not only into the right energy later, but the right energy right now. Knowing we can change our lives as we live them. It is about knowing we have loving help every moment of the day, and how to obtain that help. It is about being positive, strong, questioning (rather than faith based), and proactive. It is about belief, helping, teaching, and guiding.

Now knowing what spirituality is,  why would a person spew venom in that arena? Why would a person ask hateful question after hateful question? People can be so horrible. There have been times when I literally hung up the phone and went to take a shower. Literally. There are times when I walked outside and grounded myself and let all that YUCK drain back into Gaia, to be transformed back to its' original state. I don't have much trouble when a person is down on themselves, and I try to counsel them UP, but when they hope and wish and pray that a person gets hurt in life as retaliation for a suspected wrong done to them, I want to scream. The "ugly" can be so strong , it is overpowering.

It is terrible that there are people like that in the world at all, and that they spread this hate, negativity, and fear constantly. NEVER spread any of those things, ever. Some people make a hobby of it , especially in the political arena. They do the energy of the universe a great disservice. Learn to make a positive difference. Not to spread hate or fear, or to wish bad things of any sort on anyone. It only comes back to you in spades!

Learn the meaning of words, AND don't spew garbage.

Oh, and by the way......we flip the switch, we don't flip the script. I think we are the only country in this world that cannot speak its' own language.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Timing needs to be right

The discussions I have most often lately involve a "when". "When will I get this job, when will I get married, when will I have children." The answer is WHEN the time is right.That is the best time.

So many have a rush to things that are major in life. Things that shouldn't be rushed. Things that are not happening because many people  simply aren't ready. God/the Universe/Allah has a plan, schedule, and list of things for you to learn. They all know MUCH better than you do when is the best time, the best way, the best process. They know what is ahead. Things don't happen because we aren't READY for them to happen, even though we may WANT them to happen.

When we rush people to do things who are not ready and force them onto our timetable, we create issues. They may be everyday issues, like adding another mouth to feed when there isn't enough money to feed the ones you have, or it may be resentment that surfaces 10 years down the road. I can't tell you how many "childhood sweethearts" (don't get me wrong, these relationships DO work out between 2 mature people), fail because the couple never dated anyone else, had children immediately, taking away much of that fun teenage and young adulthood experience, and dove headlong into trying to keep their heads above water.One or both people reach age 30 in debt with three children they are trying to manage and raise and they want OUT, they want freedom, peace, and the life they feel they missed out on.

There is no rush. Not even to have children these days. Yes, that is easier when you are younger, but it is not impossible after 40. 

Never rush another person. There seems to be an idea out there that when you and a partner are exclusive,wedding bells should be ringing within a year. Really? Who came up with that rule? They should be ringing when you are ready. You really don't "know" a person after a few months. The best thing is to go through and resolve successfully, any issues first. Are there family issues? Resolve them. Do you already have children? SLOW DOWN THEN, make sure the kids are ready. How are finances? You should be on a relatively equal footing and in decent shape. Are old relationships resolved? Have you honestly moved away emotionally from an ex, and are you getting married because it is the best next move, or are you in a race with the ex to find a new partner.

It amazes me how many people just filed for divorce and want to know when the new long term person is coming. They want it now. That rush to marriage is what got them in the situation they are in in the first place!

Life is not a race, it is not a contest. It is a progression and a series of experiences that you learn from, grow from, and achieve from. Some people can successfully marry their high school sweetheart and be together happily ever after. They are the people with a true love, strong sense of self and equally strong sense of what a partnership is. They are usually based in faith and have positive outlooks on life. 

A marriage that happens after a year statistically doesn't last . A marriage that happens after 3 years on the average, lasts. Beware the person you have been dating for 7 years, they statistically will never get to the altar. 

Timing has importance to it, but never rush. Timing is best when it is allowed to happen by itself. Never rush anyone and remember that if you give an ultimatum, be prepared for the other other person to say "sorry I can't do that" , and walk away from you. NEVER give an ultimatum unless you are truly prepared for an answer either way!

Slow down!! A wise person once said, "Stop and smell the roses". 

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

LIfe can be stranger......

Life is full of mystery, strange occurrences that can't be explained, and events that happen to us we don't understand. It makes life fun, interesting and even exciting. No one has yet to figure out why there are "moving rocks" in California. They are high in the desert in Death Valley at a place called Racetrack Playa. Some would say when the ground gets wet (which isn't very often in Death Valley!), the wind blows the rocks over a slippery surface. However the wind/rain combo doesn't happen often enough for the pace of some rocks, and their tracks (going in all kinds of directions at the same time), doesn't make sense. No one has ever actually seen the rocks move. You can check them out here:

That is a cool mystery, one to have fun trying to figure out. 

There are also reports of many mummies in the desert southwest over 7 feet tall.. Such beings are in many places all over the globe, including Egypt. They are all ancient and seem to be a part of an ancient race. Some say the Aztecs were one of these races. These were found all over the US including Tennessee.

This was at a time when nutrition wasn't all that great, and most people were around 5 feet tall or less. It is something to really think about, after all we do have "giants" today, they usually are in the NBA, but they exist. Are they part of those ancient races? 

We can get voices on recorders that we can't hear with our ears.Are they the dead? People living in another dimension we can't see? What they say sometimes leads us to that explanation. Many are clear and they sure don't seem to be unhappy about where they are. They sometimes provide valuable information or information that can't be disputed.It is exciting to capture one of these voices.

So with some very cool mysteries out there, real things that make us wonder.People have a hard time buying into all the things I mentioned above, yet they are all true, all documented. They have been scientifically studied and many people have facts and theories about them. Yet many refuse to believe there is anything "strange" or unknown to them, that they are just things that can easily be explained away without using myths, legends, paranormal ideas.

Those same people however do something every day, or just about every day. They pass along untruths that in the here and now and are damaging to someone.They console themselves saying they are exposing truth, when in fact they are just passing along a story made up in some far away part of the world! Their reason for passing things along are totally misplaced. They usually aren't bad people, they are just on a path that sometimes blinds them to a belief or path that blinds them to other ideas, views, and even truth at times. These scams can be as simple as giving a recipe that will waste your time, as it won't work and tastes like cardboard; an act that just wastes your time; an email that makes you fear and act irrationally; slander on a public figure, group or organization.  The Nation Enquirer used to be the sole proprietor of these tall tales, but then man invested the internet!

The latest going around is that Obama pays a trainer $100k of our money. Not true. It is simple as checking Snopes, urbanlegend, Fastcheck, or any other non biased source that researches these tall tales. There is one still going around about praying for Marines on a hilltop that they haven't been on in 5 years. There is another about a microchip having to be implanted for Obamacare. There is one about making "cooler corn" where the PCB's released will at the least make your corn taste like a cooler, and at the most can cause cancer or kill you. When you do these things, or pass them along to your email list or Facebook community, you create a web of untruth, and someone in the Mid East or Asia is laughing their butts off.

Most of these "helpful" and "informative" email start in the Mid East and Asia. Most of the scams that involve money begin in Nigeria. Not everyone uses a bomb or blows up a plane to hurt us, they use more subtle techniques. It is also a great way to see who is gullible. Gullible people then get preyed upon, and this is mostly in the online dating community. When catfish see that someone will believe anything, they zoom in and collect the cash that is willingly given them. Next time you pass along something without checking it out, think of how you are a pawn in the life of a person who hates Americans and thinks we are a bunch of idiots. They want us to hate our leaders, and life. People buy right into it .

There are so many really awesome mysteries out there. So much really exciting news, so many causes to support, so many wrongs to fight. Why waste time and energy and create a glob of crappy energy around you swimming in lies and what amounts to online practical jokes? Check the pages that are out there (and more and more are going on line every day), use them. They are free and will only take a minute of your time. That is better than creating an aura of untruth, gullibility, unrest and hate around yourself. Much better! Most people pass these things along thinking they are helping someone. They can REALLY help by checking it out first.

Don't be the butt of someone's huge worldwide joke, be the smart person, and meanwhile pass the mysteries listed above will give your friends something true and positive to think about!

Be smart, and RESEARCH the RIGHT WAY before you pass it along!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.