Thursday, November 19, 2015

What happened to the Brotherhood of man and Lady Liberty?

When I was a young child in the 60's and 70's, the world took great leaps and bounds forward. It made great strides in equality, acceptance, and knowledge. Race , religion, and gender issues were being dealt with and things did get better. Resolved totally, no, but improved greatly. Woman's rights, rights of African Americans and Latinos, and relationships between races and religions all made great strides. A little later the Gay Community found more voice, and finally has found some of their goals met. We saw more and more inter racial couples, and men brought home Vietnamese women , something most of us had never seen before. It wasn't all roses and smiles, but it was strides in the right direction.

It was beautiful. We had the "Summer of Love". Peace signs were everywhere, marches and peaceful demonstrations. We allowed people to come to share the beauty of freedom in America. I remember a schoolmate from the Ukraine who told me how her Father managed to get them to America, and how the first time her Mother entered a supermarket she fell to her knees and wept tears of joy. You couldn't see American supermarkets on Google, nor in any publications, the vast choice and abundance was more than she could ever imagine.

There are still many people working toward making progress in all of our issues from being THE Melting Pot. Yet, things get resolved, people move forward and time marches on. We progress, we learn, we grow.Until now.

We have a country of abundance. It isn't always evenly distributed for sure, but that is because we are a Capitalistic country. Many people share though. There are charities, and organizations that do their best to make sure everyone has at least the basic minimum. Are there people who take advantage of these programs...... of course, there always will be, but that is no reason to stop the programs, or ask people to close off their hearts.

Now we have a world in crisis. We are a part of that world. When I hear people call for Isolationism, it just astounds me, we cannot survive in isolation. Cannot do it. Not without going without much, and we know Americans don't like to to without. It is impossible. World goods and economies are all mixed together, and they should be, it makes all of us stronger.

I grew up in a large city, and I will say that the large cities today still have a good grasp on the "Brotherhood of Man". Maybe it is experience with others, and learning that allowing those who are not exactly like us to be in our midst doesn't make horrible things happen.Maybe it is an education level. Maybe both, and more.

Now we have the world asking us to bring in Syrian refugees. Should we? Yes. Why? Because our world is one unit. When one country suffers, the trickle down effect makes all suffer, but more importantly it is the right things to do. People complain about Muslims. The Muslim religion (and we DO have freedom of relgion in this country), is a religion of community.It is a religion of helping others. Not all Syrians are Muslims, it is the predominant religion of the area, but not the ONLY religion.

 Imagine yourself fleeing your comfy American home , with just the clothes on your back, and someone trying to kill you as you flee. You make a long, arduous journey, a deadly journey, and as you and your baby reach the shores of America you are told...get out, we don't want you here. How would you feel?

We talk about "What about the homeless here?" OK, so what about them? What have YOU done about them? There will always be homeless. Always. Sad truth, but some choose to be homeless, some are mentally ill, drug addicts, and alcoholics whose addiction and illness has a hold on them, that they cannot or will not break. Many cities have homeless shelters that do not fill until the temperature reaches 10 degrees or 110 degrees.

When you say "What about our homeless? What about our Vets?" or compare starving 2 year olds to gun laws, you aren't even beginning to make sense. My Grandma used to say "You can't compare apples and oranges". This is people's lives. Yes American lives are important too. However if I am a terrorist who wants to sneak in this country, you can bet I won't do it as a 2 year old fleeing bullets, crossing an ocean while starving and watching people die, suffering for days to come here and be assaulted, and insulted. I will fly first class on a jet and arrive on our shores with nothing incriminating, even my "country of origin" on my papers being bogus. To think that a terrorist would enter the country in a dingy is pure idiocy. 

This country bases its' stand on all kinds of subjects based on social media and memes. Two of the LEAST informed places (and MADE to misinform) on this planet. It is so sad.

You are ALL refugees America.....most of your ancestors were refugees from religious restrictions in England back in the 1600's. You fled Poland, Russia, Italy, Germany.....and you came here, to America.

Take a moment and think about what truly makes sense. While you are doing that, read, and re-read the words written on the one woman who truly represents America. The statue of Liberty.......the poem by Emma Lazarus:

The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" 

YOUR ancestors were one of those that Lady Liberty talks of unless you are 100% pure blood Native American Indian! You ARE a refugee, or child of refugees.

In closing.......what have YOU done to make this world a better place today? 
Bring back the love of the 60's and 70's, it is BADLY needed.
When you make decisions based in fear, you ALWAYS make the wrong decision!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Please don't use the "S" word! (soulmate)

There is a word that has actually been detrimental to the lives of many. It is a word meant to have a positve context, but what it does, is irreparable damage to many people. It is the other "S" word...soulmate.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge first used the word in 1822. He was a poet and he wrote about being able to spend your life with the one you loved. It may sound strange to us today, but many times in the past people didn't marry for love. Marriages were arranged, and many cultures still use that practice today. People sometimes married strangers, especially royalty. Marriages were arranged to secure lifestyles, lineage, and to make sure that property and wealth stayed in the family. Poets thought it should be different, it should be about love, and Coleridge wrote about a "soulmate", meaning to marry a person you loved, not one who was arranged for you. That was the positive connotation of the word soulmate.

All was well for a very long time. Two hundred years in fact.

The 1980's dawned with an influx of "self help" books, seminars and teachings. The word "soulmate" then became twisted. It lost its' original meaning and became a slang word. A word that evolved into being" the one and only person that you were supposed to spend your life with". It took all choice and free will out of the picture and made a terrible mess of things. People started writing books and making money, telling people how to find their soulmate, what a soulmate was, and how the Universe paired you together. Twin flames, love, ah......and all total 1980's catchword bullcrap.

There is NO one person that we are supposed to spend our life with. People blame  their obsessive feelings for others to those people being their soulmates. They MUST be with them. Many times the so called "soulmate" disagrees, doesn't feel the same at all and a terrible emotional mess occurs.

We do have a soul group, 111 other people in our lives that are there for our life lessons in this earthwalk. There are relationship partners in that 111. There are all teachers in that 111. There are people to help in that 111, and most certainly more than one option for a relationship partner in that 111.

Your soulmate is not with another person, not married, not rejecting you, not taking out a protection order against much as you love and adore those people, they are NOT your soulmate. There is no soulmate requirement on any of us. We sometimes have Karma to fulfill with others and that Karma is a teaching lesson, and sometimes it is with our significant other, HOWEVER that is with our TRUE significant other, a person we are in a monogamous relationship with.

Soulmates are not an entity that the Universe created, a person we MUST be with. "Soulmates" in the sense of this is the one and only, are nonexistent in the metaphysical world, and are a creation of self help gurus in the 1980's.

The saddest part of all this is that writers, psychic readers, speakers are making a fortune off of people's unhappy love lives. They are doing very well at it too.

Soulmates in the poetic sense, are people who we love, who love us equally, and who share our lives with us, teaching and learning. They are true partners and people who we can depend on , and who can depend on us. They are NOT people who we "make up/break up" with, have a child with, but no other relationship, are unhappy with. They are not married to , or living with other people. They are NOT people who hurt us physically, emotionally, mentally, financially. They do not tell us to "go away" in any way, shape or form. Poetic soulmates, meaning REAL soulmates, do not do these things!

There is NO ONE PERSON in this life that you are supposed to be with romantically. There ARE 111 people attached to you in life to learn and teach, and some of them are relationship partners. Here is another newsflash, not all of us are supposed to have romantic relationships in our lives, we are here to do other things. I will give you a prime example. Mother Teresa. She had a mission, she had wonderful loving goals. She never married, she was a nun, and if there was anyone on earth that God would give a soulmate to, don't you think it would be as lovely and wonderful a person as Mother Teresa? Yes, it would, but the fact is that the Universe, God, fate does NOT have people picked out for us that we MUST be with. The Universe doesn't even put romance high on the priority list.

When people obsess over others, they become, in their mind, a soulmate. It is an excuse for behavior that is irrational, and sometimes extends to improper and even dangerous.

Please do not waste your life looking for your soulmate in the sense of the one person. NO ONE on this earth is here to complete you, or fulfill you, that is YOUR job. Poetic soulmates are partners. They love each other, do for each other, support each other EQUALLY, that is what makes them MATES.

When a person rejects you , move on. Do not become stuck because of some misguided idea that was created in the 1980's to make money,  become your life goal. There are many things you are to do and learn in this lifetime, and the Universe's primary goal is not to find you a relationship partner. There are many more important things to be accomplished and learned. Many of us have partners we love dearly and who love us back just as strongly, that is a wonderful situation, but there is not just one person on this planet that you are supposed to be with.

When rejected move on, that isn't your soulmate in any sense of the word.

Don't become a catchphrase, live a life.

Let's bring the REAL meaning, the poetic meaning of soulmate back into existence, and rid the word of the 1980's catchphrase that has damaged so many lives. Move up and on, and make sure that you are living YOUR life in a happy way.....

Triple Moon Goddess Gina

(C)2015. May not be copied, or reproduced without prior written permission and credit.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Getting the best EVPs.

By Dr Regina Wolf, co-founder of PRIOV

Our group gets a ton of EVP evidence when we investigate.
PRIOV (check out for more information about the group), is a small group of serious investigators. People write all the time and ask how do you get so many EVPs?

When we investigate at a location that is a paid venue, we only go to quality places that we know have generated good results in the past. You can't train , test equipment, or try new things, at a place that isn't haunted. We do however also get results on our cemetery walks and other investigations. You cannot MAKE EVPs happen, but you can make it easier to capture them.

First a warning....Do not try this at home! Seriously.

 The reason is, that if you do, you will live in a place that  rivals LAX and Grand Central Station for traffic. When spirits know a place is a source of communication, they flock there. It may sound cool until you try to sleep at night and someone wants to chat. It isn't healthy for you, or good for the spirits, so only use a recorder as an investigation tool in places that are venues designed for investigators , or in a location that your group is investigating. Remember also that investigating frequently stirs up activity, so you don't want to keep investigating a location that is anyone's home or business. When you investigate homes the idea is to then help the homeowner by providing experienced cleansers or holy people. When you leave with your equipment the connection is gone and activity will go back to normal, when you do this at home, it won't die down.

Now back to recording EVPs.

There are practical tips and technical tips. all will help you to pick up and understand the EVPs.

First , get the best recorder you can afford, the more expensive brand names do cost a bit more,but tihey are worth it. A Yugo and a Mercedes will both get you to point B , but the ride is very different. You need a digital recorder with MP3 capability. That will get you the best results. There are multi directional recorders still floating around out there, but you will notice that no one really uses them anymore, the new technology for the masses works just as well. Buy a Sony, Olympus, or other known brand name. Price will go up as capacity goes up, just like your laptop.

I need to insert a note here, do not rely on a smartphone. Smartphones are awesome, and I have one, BUT they are made for phone calls.....little tiny dots of a speaker that are actually engineered to keep OUT background noise ......when in a situation where you are trying to pick up EVPs, you don't want anything to REDUCE noise, you are trying to pick up what sometimes sounds like whispers. A phone is counterproductive.

Do NOT use a phone for serious investigating at all! (All those apps don't work either, the phone doesn't have the right sensors to make those apps work they are just a waste of your $$$$, and generally include some sort of spyware).

Now that you have your recorder (and probably spent between $60-80) you need one more thing, headphones or really good ear buds. Many times the recorder will pick up live EVPs and you can hear them as they happen. This is not always the case and we are not sure why.....but then there are still many "whys" in investigating the paranormal. Now one more little trick, take some Velcro and put it on the rear of the recorder (be careful not to block the battery compartment closed), and another strip on a strap or piece of clothing that will be part of your normal investigating gear (I carry everything with me in a molle bag, and the recorder is attached to it). The reason for this is that any movement is picked up by the sensitive mike. Evern your hands will make raspy noises that can obliterate EVPs. When you are hands off, and away from any interference, you will get clearer EVPs. This also frees up your hands to hold other equipment.

You still have work to do before setting out. You want to learn how that little machine functions, they are much more complicated these days and just pushing REC is only part of the process. It will most likely be dark, and you will need to be able to use the recorder without seeing it or reading the manual.

 It is a pain until you understand the recorder, but get out that little book that came with it and make sure the recorder is set up properly. There are settings on it for recording. You want your volume all the way up when you record, EVPs are frequently low volume. You also want to set your recorder on CONFERENCE. This allows the recorder to NOT do what your cell phone does, and that is filter out voices away from the mike. You WANT to hear those voices, and "Conference" assumes you are in a large room, and the recorder "listens hard". You also want to make sure that your noise reduction setting is turned OFF. Again, we want to bring in as much as possible, not filter it out, to do that turn OFF the VCVA tab and turn UP your Mike Sensor. Make sure that the volume is up, and the batteries are fresh.

That is all the techie side to getting going, now the practical side of things.

First when you turn it on say where you are, the date, and who is present. Include the room where you are, for instance: May 1, Waverly Hills, KY, Myself, Bob Jane and May, first floor, morgue.
OK, time to see what you can get! The best practice I have found is to first say "Hello", introduce yourself, and ask if anyone wants to talk. When I watch some paranormal shows and all session they ask about a "known" spirit, I laugh. I just picture them asking "Bob" several questions, while Bob isn't there but 5 other spirits are standing around hoping someone asks them a question! It is OK to ask a specific question of a specific event , but don't limit yourself. 

Take your time, give them time to answer. Time on the other side is different basically because time is a "man made" concept. I have also found MOST EVPS are captured when NOT when asking direct questions, but when walking around the location and even chatting with other investigators. Residual conversations do not answer your questions, they just are going on in the background, so asking questions won't bring in those EVPs.  You don't want too much chatter and noise however, as you won't hear the EVPs, but leave your recorder on when you are setting up and touring the location, you will be surprised at what you get. Remember TV is edited for time and you get little pieces of everything that is being done.

When there are noises being made, such as a person walking , or someone clears their throat, mark it on the recorder as "George clearing his throat" or "May walking". Later you will be able to distinguish footsteps on a floor from a whisper and creaky doors from a groan.  When you hear noises during an investigation immediatey go and check them out (that is a discussion for another day), and mark them also.

NEVER whisper while doing an investigation, and never talk in funny voices without marking it. If you slip say "that was me whispering" or "George talking like the wicked witch". You also frequently get burps, stomach growls, sneezes and yes, flatulence. Mark them all!

You can listen while at the location to see if you picked up anything, or wait until you go home.  It is easier to listen at home in a quiet room, but you may be trying to get a direct response which is fine, just make sure you are not mixing up your recordings. Most recorders won't allow you to record over another one, they move to another folder, but make sure you know how your works.

When you are home listening, have a pen and paper. Write down the time and what you heard, this way you can get back to it without going through the whole session. Some recorders will come with a cord to patch into your computer. Save the EVPs on your computer so you can eventually erase the ones on the recorder. Otherwise someday the files will be filled and you will need another recorder! We use Adobe Audition to evaluate and label the EVPs, we then post them to our page and youtube.

Make SURE that it is an EVP BEFORE posting. We try to post only Class A EVP, sometimes others are so interesting that we post them, but generally EVPs are difficult to hear. Listen carefully when you go over your evidence! Remember to use the Grant Wilson rule....when in doubt , toss it out. Don't open yourself to even more ridicule by skeptics.

I will tell you that from experience we know that when having a psychic, medium or empath in the group makes for more EVPs, the spirits recognize talents and come to talk. Their light shines brighter and they are like having an "open for business" sign out.

Just remember the one very important rule....DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME. It really will make your life a living nightmare.


(C) 2015 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Not everything is paranormal.

I joined a page on is supposed to be about people needing help of a paranormal team. I have one of those...a paranormal I joined. WOW.

It is scary how many people think that they are experts on the paranormal and their photo is showing...demons, ghosts, unusual animals, you name it. It is pure Pareidolia. Our brains are hardwired to look for "sense" in what we see.We can't help it.  Many of us have sat outside and looked at the clouds and said "that one looks like an elephant" or " I see an alligator". That is us playing with our mind's ability to "see things".

When we look at the world and something seems off, whether it is perspective, light, or an optical illusion, it catches our attention and makes us take a second look. How many times have you or someone you know said something along the lines of " I thought that was a cat on the chair, it's Bob's winter hat".
We do it all the time.

We need to make sense out of what we are seeing, it is a survival instinct that we don't need as much as we used to when we lived in caves, but it is neuroscience. It is real.

Today the paranormal is HOT HOT HOT. It used to be if you talked about ghosts or hearing things, you were nuts. Today it is almost the national past time (sorry baseball). Cameras do things on their own, especially the newer , more sophisticated automatics. They can create abnormalities, and they can "see" much better than their predecessors, bringing out things that we didn't see before (especially when it pertains to light). We are now seeing things that were always there, but we couldn't see them before. They must be paranormal! No, they must not be.....paranormal photographic evidence is the hardest to achieve (audio being the easiest). Cell phones are great at the number of pixels, but that ends it. They are terrible for taking "authentic" photos.

The internet is not only full of pareidolia examples, but fakes. It is so hard to weed out the one in a thousand these days. Everyone wants to have the paranormal photo, even if it isn't really a paranormal photo, they will make it one , by imagination or trickery.

I have learned a lot on the past few years about what cameras will do. I can tell you that a flash is your worst enemy. Flash creates false photos. When the light is just right, light rain, taken with a flash camera, can look like little balls of fire coming up out of the earth (rain bounces when it hits the ground). The photos look cool, but are not paranormal in any way. Once you see the way light reacts, and duplicate it, you understand what cameras can do. Pareidolia is a whole other issue.

One thing to know is that if you have to point it out, it probably isn't paranormal. When others say they don't see anything, it isn't because they are blind or idiots, it is because they are looking at it critically, which allows them to control how the mind is reacting to some extent.

The worst thing you can do besides take a flash photo, is take one in a mirror or other reflective surface. Never take a photo through a window, in a mirror, or shiny metal surface, you will see all kinds of things that aren't paranormal, including yourself. We will never use a photo taken in such circumstances as they are too open to not only not being real, but not being provable.

People mention orbs all the time. First of all, we don't even know if "real" orbs are paranormal, it is just energy. Some may be related to ghostly activity, some may not. It may be a moment when we see normal science . Energy doing its' thing, remember, cameras see better these days. I have NEVER had an orb guarantee paranormal events are happening. I will see a thousand photos of dust, pollen, pet dander, moisture, or bugs before I see an honest to goodness orb. They are rare, not as rare as a full body apparition, but rare. We don't call those streaks of light orbs, we call them "light anomalies". Light anomalies just means, the light is doing something abnormal. The abnormal reaction can be to normal things...including your camera flash. Movement of the light is important in determining what it  is, when it turns at 90 degree angles it is more likely paranormal.

Orbs don't mean there is a haunting, they don't mean anything, so most paranormal investigators disregard orbs altogether. Lay people get excited over them , real investigators ignore them. There are much better ways of showing a paranormal event, like an investigator picking up a voice on a recorder when the investigator right next to them does not.

When you have a real paranormal investigating team checking things out for you , they will investigate. That means, they try to find out alternative reasons, they try to recreate it, they try to find an answer, when there is not a "normal" answer, they say it is paraNORMAL, or above the norm. Now, paranormal, means above the normal, beyond what you will normally see, that does NOT mean it is a ghost. It means it is UNUSUAL.

I have lived in two haunted houses, have experience , training and life events galore, and I am so skeptical about most of what I see because I know what the real deal looks like, sounds like; what cameras can and can't do; what other explanations there are; I know what pareidolia is.....

Not everything is paranormal. When someone says it is not....don't be disappointed, and certainly don't be hostile, instead try to capture some other evidence. Now, that being said...NEVER do investigations where you live, in your own home. NEVER take out a recorder and ask if someone is there. Bring in someone to do that, and who will leave and take the communication device with them. When you investigate in your own home the level of activity increases. Some have thought that would be fun, but they thought that for a very short time, then they call in people to stop the activity. Sometimes people, not homes, become haunted and you really don't want to be that person .

Not everything is paranormal. When you have to imagine or create an image like you do with clouds, it isn't there. When you have to try to see it, it isn't there. It is just normal camera reaction 99% of the time.

Happy investigating!

(C) 2015 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without priior written permission.

Earn a title, get more flack

I have noticed that ever since I earned my PhD, that people just LOVE to not only argue more, but get snarky. I had been thinking that for a while, and a friend brought it up to me today...she said "what is it, all you do is disagree with someone, you write professionally, clearly, and don't call anyone names, or make smart ass comments, and BAM, they get all snotty". She is right, well for the most part. Not everyone does that, but a lot more people do it than did before I had "Dr" showing before my name. I was actually talking to my husband about that the other night. People can be in a discussion , having the same opinion as me, and I am the asshole. It has to be the title. I asked some others if they have had the same experience and the response was anything from "Hell YES" to "I have certainly noticed that change myself". Many think it is the strength and confidence most people with titles have, theat may be part of it, but I think people see "Dr" and think...I am going to show how much  smarter, better, stronger, tougher, I am. They fail miserably.

The consensus is that people have lives where they generally do not feel empowered, maybe a bad job,relationship, income, home life. People who are secure in their place in the world don't attack, there is no need to. I especially think it is funny when talking about people's motivations and feelings...after all I do also have a degree based in Psychology. Yeah, I would have no idea about that motivation stuff.

I earned my PhD because I thought the subject (world religions, metaphysics, healing, empowerment) was fascinating. It is, and I loved every minute of the 3 years it took to complete. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I did it for me because I love to learn, not to get attention. I rarely use my title, but use it online as it doesn't help for people authentically looking for help from me. It gives them some confidence in me. I have learned to ignore the people who seem to have an issue with it. You can't win a debate with a person who is angry at you for no reason other than a tag in front of your name.(My Mom used to say that you couldn't win a battle of wits with an unarmed person, because it would be so inhumane to fight).

People also just aren't that informed (see I used a nice word), they don't get it, the whole "Dr" thing. I met a man once in person for the first time, he said something along the lines of me being a medical doctor. I told him no I was not, I was a PhD. He said....oh so you are an animal doctor, ummm, no that is a DVM. His response was, oh so you really aren't a real doctor. I said, I am not a medical doctor if that is what you mean, but I am a real doctor. That left him totally puzzled, how could someone have "Dr" in front of their name and  not lance boils?

There was also a young lady (again , believe me I am being nice) , the other day online who was asking about a photo she took of herself in the mirror and if it were paranormal. I told her no, and why. She didn't like that answer, so she told me to get off the page (yeah just a rude person to begin with), and go to a page about doctoring, like where they are talking about healthcare or something. I told her that I was not a medical doctor and thanks for the suggestion, but "no thanks".

People like to suggest I am some kind of idiot, people don't get PhDs being an idiot, they get them for thinking for themselves. When you are in grammar school and high school, much of what you do is memorize things and learn processes, like the capitols of states and your times tables. When you get to college you are expected to think. When you get to grad school you are expected to think to the level of figuring something out that no one did before you, and/or finding new solutions or ways of looking at something....all depending on what you are studying. My Thesis was on healing and people's beliefs, along with the power of the mind to heal. I guess I skated right up to that medical doctor thing everyone seems to be so hung up on. My psychology training helped greatly with that Thesis.

The psychology student from the past gets awakened when things happen like people being so aggressive and even nasty when you have a title. Most people I talked to call it "educational racism". Meaning, people who hate a person just becasue they had a higher education. No other reason...well that and you disagree with them.

 It isn't just "dr", but that is what I have had experience with. The internet gives people a wall to hide behind and makes them nastier than ever to each other to begin with. We used to call it "phone muscles" years ago....people would say things on the phone (especially to someone they didn't know), more than face to face. The internet takes the lack of "face to face" to a whole new level. I am a Jersey Girl, I could come up with things to say to people that would stun them, I lived in a place where people spoke their mind, and I can tear you up with words....I don't do that anymore, I am a better person than when I was younger, but I am good at holding back now, actually what I do is ignore them, makes them feel better, and keeps my BP down. You can't change the minds of people like that (they don't want to know any different than they believe), so you let it go.

I disagree with someone on the ne,t and I get an instant nasty, aggressive, and even smart ass answer. It is almost automatic. Another "dr" told me she figures , if you can't beat them....and she starts off anything she says aggressively. She says, "there is always one out there, sometimes two". She is sadly correct.

There are certain things I know a lot about, and certain things I know nothing about. The things I know nothing about, I listen/read carefully. The things I know much about, I speak up about. The things people say on the internet are just pathetic. A person posted a photograph asking what something in the photograph was, there was a person holding the object out from a cell phone to get the picture...some wonderful person said "it is a fat arm, go on a diet". Wow, talk about needing some empowerment in their lives.

When you realize all nasty attacks come from people who have a low opinion of themselves inside (although they won't tell you that), and that they are just insecure people who wouldn't talk like that to your face, you just walk away and shake your head. I do that an awful lot lately.

When you are on the internet, in any form, be  nicer. Does it really make you feel better to tell people they need to get off the page (and then they don't), or that they will "never get it" (when they will never get life),or that most other people are thinking...why is that person being an ass? People don't look up to rudeness, at least good, emotionally stable and secure people don't. You don't look "strong" you look like a whiny jerk. I have said this before and I will say it again...


It doesn't matter if they have Mrs, Ms, Dr, Sir or anything else in front of their name. They are proud of that title, and should be, some worked hard for that title, and it isn't a carte blanche to be a jerk to them....and by the way, they can handle your bad behavior for the most part, people don't get to that level reacting badly to the nasty idiots of the world. People don't walk away because they are weak, they walk away because they have self respect and won't sink to your level.

Treat others as you would like to be treated....
DO the right things for the right reasons.

People ARE allowed to disagree with you, really they are. Doesn't make them stupid, fat, or assholes. It makes them thinking human beings.

Treat people nicer and see how your world improves. Be secure with yourself and be happier. It really is not difficult at all.


(C) 2015 , the DR . May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission, as always internet world, share by sharing the link! 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

More spirituality, less religion.

What we need in this world today is LESS religion and MORE spirituality. Religion always has a premise that a particular belief system is THE way, the ONLY way, and anyone unlike that way, is an enemy of some sort. People have been getting killed over religion as long as it has existed.

The problem with religion is dogma. Those "rules" for life that are specific in how you need to do things, and how the world should be. Dogma causes people to get killed everyday. Organized religion is the biggest mess on this planet. It causes wars, family issues, violence, and even financial issues. It creates hatred through preaching that if you are certain things , like homosexual, or believe certain things, then you not only will have a terrible afterlife, you will be punished in this life by people who think they are more righteous that you are.

We are allowing our laws to be infiltrated by religion and religion does not belong in our laws, as we are a nation where there is freedom of religion (WITHOUT the state "religious freedom laws"...which are nothing of the sort). Religion should not tell a non believing woman that she cannot have an abortion, even if that baby will be born with terrible physical handicaps. How is that compassionate? Relgion should not tell us what we can do except in our own homes and our places of worship. Period. Not in our restaurants, doctor's offices, and workplace. Religion does not belong anywhere else as we are not a nation of one religion.

I had someone state to me the other day that Jesus is loved by all who believe in God. No he isn't. Jesus is an entity of Christianity (hence the Christ name). Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hinduism.....and more, do not believe in Jesus Christ at all, or as a son of God. In fact, most of the world does NOT believe in Jesus. People get wrapped up in their belief systems and think it is the only one and everyone should practice it and love it. We also have about 40 MILLION Atheists in this country.

Spirituality , on the other hand, does believe in a higher power, it doesn't give it a name, or is uses all names, from "God" to "The Universe". It does not have dogma, so no one gets upset with the way someone else is screwing in a light bulb. Spirituality tells us that we need to always strive to do what is best, to help others, and to be honest and straightforward. It tells us we are learning many lessons on earth and that in the afterlife we will be viewed on how well we learned our lessons. We are taught that this life or the next ca,n be effected by the biggest teacher of all...Karma.

Religion basically teaches that you can be as nasty, evil, vindictive, hateful and predjudicial as you want to, and as long as you confess or pray for forgiveness, it is all good. So how does that help people be a better person and treat others well? It doesn't. It does just the opposite.

We need people to be more spiritual. We need people to think about how they would like to be treated, to not judge people, to not break laws or moral codes and defend them in the name of religion or God. We need to stop condemming others and calling them unGodlike.

God, The Highest Power, The Universe created us all. It created the criminals, the other religions,the people you don't like,  the homosexuals, all of it.Good and bad.  Everyone is equal in the eyes of the Almighty, and that is what you should strive for. This doesn't mean that when there are people doing criminal acts we don't prosecute them, but it does mean that we do not persecute because someone is not thinking or acting like we were taught, or believe. Religion has no business being part of the law! Every time and every place that has been tried through thousands of years it has failed miserably and has resulted in death and destruction.

Christianity is just about the newest religion on the block. It is not far wiser or more "Godlike" than other religions, but it is about 33% of the major religion population (not world population). Now that may be the largest religion on the planet, but there still is 67% of the organized religion world who does NOT practice Christianity. This is only the religious population. Christianity's numbers get smaller when you factor in all religions and non believers, like the 42 million Atheists on the planet.The largest Christian population in America is Protestant. We are a planet of 7 billion people. Christianity has 2 billion adherents. The other 5 billion people of the world should bow down to Christian dogma written into our laws? I think not.

Be spiritual, forget dogma, do unto others....and as I have been saying for years, do the right things for the right reasons! Let The Highest Power worry about religious and spiritual matters, it understands them FAR better than humans, as it would NEVER persecute any other belief system, or way of life, unlike humans do!

Triple Moon Goddess Gina

(C)2015 May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What happened to seperation of church and state?

I am sure that unless you have become a hermit, you will have heard about Indiana's "Freedom of religion" act. A poorly written, in the best of terms, and a license for hate in the worst of terms, document.

I grew up in an age and place when times were greatly changing. It was about race and women's rights at that time, more than religion, but fighting over religion has been going on since written history. People talk about Christian values, but many do not demonstrate Christian values. Let's take a minute here and think about religion and law and its' history, shall we? The Spanish Inquisition is an epic example and an epic fail.
The goal was to maintain Spanish Catholic Orthodoxy .There was also the less "famous" Christian Inquisition, Portuguese Inquisition and Roman Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition began as a way to force Jews and Muslims to convert or leave Spain, and spread beyond that already hateful goal. Over 150,000 people were charged with crimes and tortured, up to 5,000 died during torture or were sentanced to death, all because they didn't have the same religion.

When governing bodies try to force religion on the people, someone always suffers. It never has turned out to be a successful or "good" thing in any way. It has happened in every country. People jailed , tortured, killed, all in the name of religion. It is why we have a split Ireland, and Jerusalem, it is why we had a Holocaust, it is why we had the Spanish Inquisition, it is why England had "priest holes" to hide clergy. Millions died during the Holocaust, and they weren't all Jews.

There should never be laws defining religious actions in governments or courts. It never turns out well. The simple fact is that in the US today, if you look around you , you will see several types of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Taoists, Buddhists, Wiccans, and more. Who gets to have the final word? The Christians seem to believe it should be them, and want to force their beliefs into the state affairs. It doesn't work in Isreal, it won't work in the US.

We have religious freedom guaranteed to us in the Constitution. We also have separation of church and state. Neither should be messing in the business of the other.

The Governor of Indiana tried to sneak through a law that is an open door for discrimination. It's language and structure is completely different than any "freedom of religion" law ever. Many uninformed say it is "just like" other laws in other states. It is not, it is unique unto itself. The loudest and strongest groups to oppose the law have been the well organized LGBT community. This is not however just about gays. You could be refused service by a small business owner in Indiana because his Christian beliefs do not agree with you being in a mixed race marriage, not being married, but living with someone, being on birth control, having had an abortion....any information about you that they know, "can and will be held against you".

There are still Neanderthals out there who hate the Lesbians and Gays, they believe the LGBT community made this choice and don't care about God. I grew up around MANY Gay men, and they have no problem with God. They believe or don't on the same average as straight men do. Gays are not unholy, prejudicial idiots who hide behind the Bible and use it to defend hate are the unholy, that would be The Westboro Church!

I was taught to NEVER hate another just because they were different. I learned that a long time ago. I also learned to speak up and never allow hate and discrimination, even if people try to make it look like that is their religious right.

The Governor of Indiana thought he was smarter than everyone else. He wasn't. He wasn't even close. He tried to slip something by folks because it had a nice little title on it..."freedom of religion", he was acting like he was giving us something but we already had it! I do not, and will not tolerate ANY race, religions, sexual orientation, to be discriminated against. I am just one voice, but there are many people who are smarter and more successful that Governor Pence that also have the same non tolerant belief. They know that such laws will result in discrimination. They know that the law protects no one. They know that it was a backlash against allowing same gender marriage in Indiana.

Religion sparks such hatred in people. What does it matter that two people of the same sex marry? It doesn't cost you or the state a penny. It does not effect your life in any way. Being against same sex marriages is just being hateful. Period. You can spout what you THINK God wants, but rest assured, God made Gays and Lesbians too.

Stop being hateful.
Be smart READ the laws, not the headlines.

Thank you to all the companies, religious institutions, politicians, entertainers, organized sports, schools, and well informed people of the United States, that know when the wool is being pulled over their eyes and have the courage to not only speak up about it , but pull their business out of such a hateful state. It is a shame that the only thing that gets politicians attention is money, but that's a rant for another day.

True religion teaches us to hate no one. That is in EVERY religion on this planet, so if you think yours gives you permission to hate and discriminate against anyone, you best start back over in Sunday School before it's too late.

We are all different, celebrate that difference, becasue when you don't, you are not religious, holy, spiritual, or even a nice person  to be are a Hater, and one who WILL have to answer for that when you end this Earthwalk.

Be part of the world, not the world's problems.


(C)2015 TripleMoonGoddessGina

Monday, February 23, 2015

KEEN ratings, readers, and how to choose wisely.

I had a few email lately on the KEEN site from people who are new to the site, or new to readers. They want to know how to choose the best reader. Many times the best reader for one, is not the best reader for another. Go by the majority of the reader's feedback.

I say "MAJORITY" because there a quite a few folks out there who rate low and write scathing comments for reasons that range from trying to make themselves feel better, to not wanting to hear the truth , to having personal issues, to being either drunk, high, or in some other way "out of it".

When you look at a reader's page and see negative feedback, go to Google, and search the caller's screen name followed by "". See what you get. There are a few out there who leave nothing but bad feedback. when you see that, of course ignore their comments. Unfortunately Keen is a public site where anyone can leave feedback. This goes for ANY site, other psychic site, travel, food....check out the reviewer before condemning the person or business being reviewed.

The other thing to do is to make sure you know what kind of reading you are looking for.

Tarot doesn't predict, it gives you paths and options, it shows you what is most likely to happen if things continue without change being made. This really goes for any type of reading, the reading reflects what is going to happen based on a progression, in most cases. I say "most" because some things are not in our control. They are Karma or life lessons. You have to go through them. Most of life , however IS in your control and your free will is what you are graded on when you progress to the other side.

Tarot is great for people who want inside information and control over their lives, they want to make good choices and are not afraid to change to make those things happen for them.

When you want to get information directly from a passed individual, you need a Medium. Psychics can pull information about them, but mediums can talk TO them.

Know what skills you are purchasing. I have written a few blogs on that subject, please check them out, but quickly, clairvoyant means "clear seeing", clairaudient, means "clear hearing", claircognizant means "clear knowing", clairsentient means "clear feeling". 

There is a untrue belief that a person must be clairvoyant to be psychic. Clairvoyance is a TYPE of psychic ability. Many psychics are not clairvoyant! A person does not need to be clairvoyant to be a psychic!

Empaths feel other people's feelings. They don't see visions, or hear words, they just "feel". Empaths CANNOT give advice about the future except in some circumstances to tell you how you or another will feel after an event. This is helpful in some circumstances, but empaths are technically NOT psychics.

Many psychics have a combination of ways of getting information. All have a guide ( a person who roamed this earth at one point and who is now passed) to help process information. Everyone has a guide, and everyone is to some extent psychic!

Astrologers use your birthday and birthplace to chart planetary positions to read into the future, numerologists use your name, birth date and other combinations of numbers to arrive at advice.

Psychics receive information and then take the clues they are given and pass on the message. It is OK for them to ask some questions, especially names of who you are asking about, but they should not ask more questions than you do. We work in images, a word, a feeling, we don't know everything, our little heads would explode....people have a great misconception about psychics knowing everything. We don't, only the Highest Power does. This fact and the fact that we all have free will, means that NO psychic is 100% correct (or 99.9, etc). People who have no ability would guess correctly at a rate of 80-85%. Psychics are 86% and above. Most professional psychics are in the 90% range.

You will not always get facts, and sometimes a "non fact" is given to you by Spirit to make you react a certain way. An example would be...are you not able to pay your rent because you are spending all the money on psychics? Maybe Spirit wants you to stop or slow up.

Spirit sends the messages you NEED to hear not what you WANT to hear. It is important to keep that in mind when asking for guidance. When you truly ask for and seek guidance, you will get the most helpful reading of your life!

Make sure you know what you are looking for before lumping all "psychics" in a pile and expecting certain responses. Most readers on KEEN explain on their page what they do. Take time to read it. You wouldn't want to hire a plumber when you need a carpenter!

(C)2015 Triple Moon Goddess. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Feel free to share the link to this blog. Be well!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Readings available TripleMoonGoddess / Triple Moon Goddess Gina

Greetings all!

I do most of my psychic work on I am not working that site at this moment because of a disagreement with KEEN that I hope will be resolved without me having to hire a lawyer, which right now is a very strong possibility.

Those of you who are looking for readings , I can be reached on Kasamba at:
(unfortunately my price is higher there as their cut of my earnings is much greater than

or through my webpage where you can set up an appointment:
Payments on my page are made by Paypal and an appointment is set up.
I will give you a call at the time of the appointment.

Please email me at : if you have any questions.

Hopefully this mess will all be resolved soon.
Thank you!