Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Drifting away and returning again

I have blogged on the changes coming for the new millennium many times. There is absolutely a situation where the "world is being set to right". I have noticed more and more serious, and even violent circumstances that bring about major change. We are being put on the learning path that we are meant to walk. There won't be the volcanoes erupting and tidal waves washing over New York. No Mayans coming down in spaceships or monsters coming up out of the earth. No attunement needed, no class required, no religion specified. All it takes is the simple thing that I have written many times....DO THE RIGHT THING FOR THE RIGHT REASONS.

The right reasons are NOT so that you can get a pat on the back, be in with a specific social group, make money, get favors....it is simply because you want to help. It is also doing the right thing in your own household. Paying your bills (and not living beyond your means), respecting others in the household, taking care of your body, mind and spirit. When your bills, marriage, and general life are not in order, work on YOU first!

That all leads to something that many of us who study metaphysics have noticed. There are things and people we left behind, not because we had to , but because the other processes we were going through left us tired, worn out, even sick and weak. There wasn't time or energy for them in the myriad of things we needed to do and learn. Now the ones that are supposed to be near us are drifting back, the ones that don't need to be near us are still drifting away.It is as if they were moved out of the way temporarily to make way for all the construction work that needed to go on.

Many "spiritual" people will say "everything happens for a reason". I want to edit that a little bit and say "everything significant happens for a reason, and some things that seem insignificant at the time are not". The reason I say this, is that there are people who "see a sign" in everything, or just "see a sign" when it points them in a direction that they WANT to go in. I have sadly seen some very talented (psychically), people say that they know they are supposed to do something, or their angels or guides told them to do something. It wasn't any higher power at all, but their own voice over speaking the Higher Self. Many are starting to fool themselves. They are heading for a crash into reality.

What they forgot was the second part of the mantra,"FOR THE RIGHT REASON".

Do not be afraid to welcome that back in which you know is not bad for you. Keep in mind what I just wrote. Be honest with yourself. Make sure that you are letting the good back in. Don't INVITE the old back in (so no calling ex boyfriends), but allowing old people, places and situations that were not bad for you, to resurface. Go slowly and make sure that you are on the right path, but open the door when good things come knocking.

Do not hold on to the old. Let the old things go, and welcome the good , new experiences in.

Develop a like full of positive thinking and energy, but don't trip your pendulum off center to bliss ninny (people who see nothing but flowers, pink bunny rabbits and peace signs while the run their life into the ground and "help" others simply by saying "love" and "peace"). Be centered. Be reasonable, be honest with yourself, and learn more every day.

Welcome back old friends, and welcome in new experiences!

Peshaui Wequashimese
(for new readers, this is my Narragansett name given to me by my Grandmother)

(C) Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Retrograde Coming Soon

First I would like to say WELCOME to everyone . I have switched to blogspot.com for my daily blog since there were so many tech issues with the old one. You can still go back and read the blogs in the archives at the myspace blog.

I will still post a blog each weekday, and take holidays off...after all that is Matt time.

Today is a short blog, but I wanted everyone to know that there is a Mercury retrograde coming. This will , of course, be the last one this year. Most retrogrades are known for disrupting communication and small electronics. They throw your schedule right out the window and make you wonder if the whole world has gone mad. Mercury retrogrades are when the planet Mercury seems to moves backwards in the sky. It is an illusion created by the movement of other objects in the sky, and its' motion in relation to Earth.

This retrograde begins on December 10, at 7:04 AM EST in Capricorn  and ends on December 30 at 2:21 AM EST. Those who are Capricorn natives will feel the effects more strongly than other astrological signs. I am not an astrologer (that was my Mom's talent), but I know from clients and their challenges during retrogrades that they are really a force to be reckoned with.

You may say "white" and the person you are talking to will hear "black". Your email won't go through, your cell phone won't connect, your voice mail arrives the next day. You can't get along with people you always got along with before. You have little things go wrong that slow you down as you try to hurry here and there. Little electrical appliances refuse to work, and may actually start working again AFTER the retrograde is over. Anything that has a plug or battery is open for issues.

The best way to fight retrogrades is to give yourself some extra time in your travels, unplug what you aren't using when you will be away extended periods of time, and do not have important discussions during this time. Be very clear in instructions. Write things down and read and reread them. Double check on things, especially plans, due dates, times and places. Don't fret because you thought you would get a call and it didn't come. Make the call back, and check. Try not to sign important documents.

Retrogrades can be very frustrating, but when we take a deep breath and say "mercury retrograde" when things go wrong, it makes it a smoother transition into getting things done, instead of getting upset about them.

It will be the holiday season to remember to make extra, extra time for plans, and glide through the retrograde like Santa's sleigh on snow!

Triple Moon Goddess Gina

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.