What is the scariest thing that ever happened to you? Maybe it was even something that you were expecting to happen , but didn't. Maybe it was a close call. What was it?
I can certainly think back to some scary moments. Most of them involve haunted houses. There was a near death experience, but to be honest, that wasn't scary at all. Honestly. Running into a burning house was unsettling , and something I say I will never do again (but who knows). Yet that also does not top the list. The scary moments that really made me uncomfortable were all moments in my two haunted houses.
Scary moment number one was when , after years of all kinds of things moving, noises, and sensing a couple who used to live in the house, I was lying in bed one night when my name was said in a singsong manner (which made it creepier), over and over and over.....I kept telling myself it was people playing a joke, maybe they were even outside, after all, how could they get in? But in the end, I knew it was voices from those I just could not see. The cadence I think, was the part that got to me. It was just too unfitting for the experience. Sort of like why Pennywise the Clown (from Stephen King's "It" scares us so).
The second was when a dark hooded figure wearing all black wandered down my hallway one night in NM. The house took on a whole different atmosphere after dark that put you in fear mode just because the sun went down. There were all kinds of things happening there too, but the man walking down the hall, was the icing on the cake. The funny part is that he was so scary because I thought he was a real person. The house was active and beyond creepy, but I was SURE someone had broken in. I was hoping they would take what little I had an go. I had no phone in my bedroom , and thought that if it were indeed a burglar, he would just take stuff, like the computer and leave.
My thoughts were racing, and after about 5 minutes I realized a few things. There was no noise of things being taken, looked at or moved. There was no noise period. There was no reappearance of the "man" all "dressed" in black. There was no anything. I was wide awake. Breathing hard, heart pounding, thinking of how to ambush him and get to a phone....and it dawned on me. There is no man. What I saw was not of this dimension. I was actually relieved that it wasn't a real person. I would rather deal with a black shadow than a burglar that night. He was later was back with a parade of folks behind him....that actually wasn't as scary as my first encounter with him, although it was the last. Maybe he just needed to find a detour for that night or they were trying out a new trail. The house was still haunted as ever, but I never saw the black shadow man again.
So tell us all, what was your scariest moment???
Happy homework!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
This morning this was my first posting on Facebook:
Good morning everyone...have a day free of fear, worry and relentless chain mail. May you happily delete or return every piece of BS mail that enters your mailbox claiming that some crazy thing will happen to you; someone's child sprouted and antlers, ran away & is missing; eating food will kill you...or any other BS designed to show the world how gullible you are. IF you really feel that you need to send that check to Ethiopia, send it to me instead, I will happily take care of it for you! BWWAAAHAAAHHAAAHAAA. Wake up and smell the coffee...and drink some of it while you are at it.
What happens on Facebook lately is that there is the same thread posted 20 times about the same (non existent) event. Sometimes it is a play on things that really are going on, most times it is pure fabrication. Facebook, and all other social network sites , become a list of repetitive threads. It gets beyond BORING, but I do get to see what friends I can sell the Brooklyn Bridge to.
This stuff makes me crazy because it actually upsets and scares some people ("pass this on or you will have bad luck"), wastes people's time, and makes my reading day boring as all get out. I do have to wonder though if it isn't a preemptive strike....hmmmm, maybe those folks who try to scam you out of a PIN number or get you to mail a check to them for lottery winning taxes, put these little tidbits on the net first to see who the gullible ones are.
The sad part is, as I wrote the other day, there are several sites that you can go to to find out in an instant if something is true or not before re-posting it. Here is a Snopes report on a most recent one:
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE -- READ SNOPES FIRST: http://www.snopes.com/inbo xer/trivia/fivedays.asp
Don't be gullible, not on Facebook, and not in life. It puts you in danger , literally, not by cursing you, but by making you make bad decisions and showing the world how easily you are fooled. It brings to you and puts out bad , negative, energy. It serves no purpose except to give the author a huge chuckle. It causes you to make bad decisions from planning your calendar to who you vote for.
For those of you who don't know what "gullible" means:
easily deceived or cheated.
The "cheated" part is the part that should make you nervous.
Be a a THINKING human being. Be smart, resourceful, sharp, and caring.
Peshaui Weqaushimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Why be unhappy???
Why is everyone so unhappy and so grouchy?
They hated the Republican president, now they hate the Democrat one. They blame the country for all their woes....some of those who complain have lifestyles better than mine! I think people just like to complain. They look at every instance as another example of how their life sucks, or tis country sucks, or their job sucks.
They complain about gasoline prices and we still are one of the countries where it is the cheapest in the world! They complain about everything and anything. They remind me of the two grouchy old men on the Muppet Show up in the balcony , making fun of and complaining about everything.
I am so glad that I seem to live in a different place. My life is fine, my business is growing, my kids are doing well, my husband is awesome, I have amazing friends. Can I look and FIND things to complain about. Of course, but unlike most other people, I have better things to do.
I don't look at everything as truly wonderful like a bliss ninny, but also not as a problem like all the malcontents out there. Don't like this country? There are 195 other ones you can move to anytime. Job sucks? Be happy you have one. Spouse is a jerk? Trade them in. Don't like the weather? Move.
I have a leaky roof, it will be expensive to fix, but guess what, it lasted over 30 years, it made it about 10 years longer than it should have. I am also happy because I HAVE a roof over my head, and I will be able to afford to fix it, although it takes away a lot of "fun money", we won't starve.
Most people need to take a long, hard look in the mirror to see the source of their problems. Most people who complain they lost their jobs or can't find work....I wouldn't hire to mow my lawn. The ones who can't afford to buy off the dollar menu at the fast food store, are living above their means and have been for years. The ones who have terrible relationships, are the ones who are terrible partners. The ones who have kids in big trouble...well they raised them!
Try to have a better day, I will, leaky roof and all!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
They hated the Republican president, now they hate the Democrat one. They blame the country for all their woes....some of those who complain have lifestyles better than mine! I think people just like to complain. They look at every instance as another example of how their life sucks, or tis country sucks, or their job sucks.
They complain about gasoline prices and we still are one of the countries where it is the cheapest in the world! They complain about everything and anything. They remind me of the two grouchy old men on the Muppet Show up in the balcony , making fun of and complaining about everything.
I am so glad that I seem to live in a different place. My life is fine, my business is growing, my kids are doing well, my husband is awesome, I have amazing friends. Can I look and FIND things to complain about. Of course, but unlike most other people, I have better things to do.
I don't look at everything as truly wonderful like a bliss ninny, but also not as a problem like all the malcontents out there. Don't like this country? There are 195 other ones you can move to anytime. Job sucks? Be happy you have one. Spouse is a jerk? Trade them in. Don't like the weather? Move.
I have a leaky roof, it will be expensive to fix, but guess what, it lasted over 30 years, it made it about 10 years longer than it should have. I am also happy because I HAVE a roof over my head, and I will be able to afford to fix it, although it takes away a lot of "fun money", we won't starve.
Most people need to take a long, hard look in the mirror to see the source of their problems. Most people who complain they lost their jobs or can't find work....I wouldn't hire to mow my lawn. The ones who can't afford to buy off the dollar menu at the fast food store, are living above their means and have been for years. The ones who have terrible relationships, are the ones who are terrible partners. The ones who have kids in big trouble...well they raised them!
People still don't realize that when all you do is complain...about the country, president, your job, your home, your spouse...you CREATE that reality. From convincing yourself it is true and walking around with a negative outlook , to manifesting it outright. Stop being your own worst enemy!
To quote Eldridge Cleaver, "Are you part of the solution, or part of the problem?"
Try to have a better day, I will, leaky roof and all!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Ghost Hunting season
October is fast approaching....ghost hunting season. It isn't all so much that it will be Halloween, but that it is a time when it is warm enough to be traipsing around in unheated buildings and outdoors without freezing your butt off. It is also still warm enough to easily feel cold spots and drafts. It is cool enough to not die of heat or be eaten alive by mosquitoes.
Many haunted places have stuff going on outside. "Outside" is many times an uncontrolled environment, so there is a lot that you need to be careful of in terms of contamination, but energy does love to be outside just as much as living humans do. Just ask "Joshua" a spirit Matt bumped into at the New Harmony cemetery. He was quite clear about his name. Just a plain Grade A, EVP.We were all surprised at the clarity and strength of it, yet we knew it was no one there.
I have seen what I was SURE was one of our friends walking to another area one night. When I asked him where "he" was going, he answered me from behind...."what do you mean?" Apparently that wasn't one of "us" strolling away.
There are old abandoned sites that offer "ghost tours" and many are not heated. Some don't have windows, roofs, or walls, and this is the perfect time to visit them. When we went to Waverly , I was playing ball with an unseen person. I thought maybe a breeze...but new windows had been installed in the old children's ward. It wasn't the wind.....It was even more interesting that we walked to another area at the opposite end of the building, and when we returned, the ball had moved about 20 feet into the main area in front of the stairway.
There are hotels out there that are haunted, and some combine a restless night with a time reserved for an organized ghost hunt. I plan to stay at the haunted Jerome Grand Hotel soon, maybe even this spring. They are just one of many.
Use Halloween as an excuse to get out there and have some ghost hunting experiences. Go with an established group, you will learn much! We go just about every month, until it gets too cold. There are many places now, where for a fee, you can be part of a group, or bring your own group to investigate (Waverly being one of them). Try it, you just may catch the ghost hunting bug (or hide under your covers for the next six months).
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Many haunted places have stuff going on outside. "Outside" is many times an uncontrolled environment, so there is a lot that you need to be careful of in terms of contamination, but energy does love to be outside just as much as living humans do. Just ask "Joshua" a spirit Matt bumped into at the New Harmony cemetery. He was quite clear about his name. Just a plain Grade A, EVP.We were all surprised at the clarity and strength of it, yet we knew it was no one there.
I have seen what I was SURE was one of our friends walking to another area one night. When I asked him where "he" was going, he answered me from behind...."what do you mean?" Apparently that wasn't one of "us" strolling away.
There are old abandoned sites that offer "ghost tours" and many are not heated. Some don't have windows, roofs, or walls, and this is the perfect time to visit them. When we went to Waverly , I was playing ball with an unseen person. I thought maybe a breeze...but new windows had been installed in the old children's ward. It wasn't the wind.....It was even more interesting that we walked to another area at the opposite end of the building, and when we returned, the ball had moved about 20 feet into the main area in front of the stairway.
There are hotels out there that are haunted, and some combine a restless night with a time reserved for an organized ghost hunt. I plan to stay at the haunted Jerome Grand Hotel soon, maybe even this spring. They are just one of many.
Use Halloween as an excuse to get out there and have some ghost hunting experiences. Go with an established group, you will learn much! We go just about every month, until it gets too cold. There are many places now, where for a fee, you can be part of a group, or bring your own group to investigate (Waverly being one of them). Try it, you just may catch the ghost hunting bug (or hide under your covers for the next six months).
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Monday, September 26, 2011
Check it out before passing it on
Several times in the past I have written on this topic. This is a phenomenon that comes in waves and a wave seems to be washing over things lately. It makes people worry, fret, and warn others....they are online stories, scams and jokes.
As soon as you repost any of these crazy stories, you have been punked! You would have been a star of Candid Camera. Maybe it is worse, maybe you actually mailed a check to a foreign country , or handed over your PIN number to a stranger on the phone. Did you give your account number to a "Western Union" official" who never actually worked for Western Union or anyone else for that matter?
My mailbox has been chock full (the "junk" mailbox thank goodness), of scam mail over the weekend. People phishing for information hoping that there is at least one idiot in the millions that will fall for their story. The sad part is, many do. They either see a get rich quick opportunity, or think they are helping some poor helpless person somewhere in the world. Then it spread like wildfire to Facebook. People many times have good intentions...but we all know what the road to Hell is paved with.
The less serious jokesters just get a chuckle seeing how many people will spread their nonsense how many times. Some "WARNING" email are about 3-4 years old, yet they keep getting passed around like they happened yesterday. We have been told lunacy after lunacy, and some change their lives to live by it.
God/Creator/the Universe gave us all intuition. I have been blessed with a little bit bigger antenna than the average person, it helps me, and others and it puts a roof over my head. I don't leave it "turned on " all the time because frankly I don't care what you think about your boss, or what you plan to do this weekend. Yet, it still serves as a warning system. It works well in that capacity, and each time I see an email or social network posting of one of these scams or jokes, a little alarm goes off. It should for you too! It should because you should all be well aware by now of the Nigerian money scams, and all the other nonsense that lands in your email box.
Murderers and rapists are not using crying babies to get your attention...after all it would get a lot of people's attention and we don't need witnesses. They don't tape pieces of paper to your windshield. There is not a human alive that can in any way possible, shoot themselves with a nail gun (it has several safety features AND has to have the ability NOT to shoot yourself or others, or they would have to register them as weapons). Onions will not kill you if you eat them. You don't have to pay taxes up front to collect your inheritance. Missing children will be put out on an amber alert, not on Facebook. My "weather radio" goes off every time there is an amber or silver alert, not social networking sites.
Actually watch and read the news, this way you will know that Facebook is not going to charge you, and when there are crafty criminals or scams in your area, the police will have the news media send the details out so you are warned.
You have all this nonsense streaming to you through the web, so why not use it to combat it? This is NEGATIVE energy. Even when you respond positively, like praying, you are responding to NEGATIVE stimuli. The Universe will happily send you negative things to have to pray about if that is the message that you send to it (which IS the message you send when you respond to this nonsense...and part of why bad things happen to good people). So , what is a person to do? Simple. If you feel the need to pass it along, CHECK IT OUT FIRST!!!! There are several sites dedicated to weeding out the untrue email, the scams, the BS stories, and fakery, that is all over the net. They include, but are not limited to: Snopes.com, urbanlegendsonline.com, and truthorfiction.com. When you cannot locate the story on any of these, that does NOT make it true. These sites will tell you if something is true! When it isn't there, it has not been investigated yet, Snopes will be happy to investigate for you! They will also send you a daily email of the newest BS circulating on the web.
NEVER, ever, pass anything along until YOU REALLY research it first, and I just gave you three tools to use, there is no excuse to pass along any of this crap. It is PURE negativity . Anything that is made to upset or scare anyone is negativity that does not need to be spread. Be a POSITIVE part of the Universe. Don't spread ANYTHING around until you check it out....and that includes non-web "rumors" about people you know!
Spread the positive, the true and the valuable, not the untrue, dramatic, and harmful.
Perpetuate POSITIVE , energy, not false, negative and harmful energy!
Peshaui Weuqashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
My mailbox has been chock full (the "junk" mailbox thank goodness), of scam mail over the weekend. People phishing for information hoping that there is at least one idiot in the millions that will fall for their story. The sad part is, many do. They either see a get rich quick opportunity, or think they are helping some poor helpless person somewhere in the world. Then it spread like wildfire to Facebook. People many times have good intentions...but we all know what the road to Hell is paved with.
The less serious jokesters just get a chuckle seeing how many people will spread their nonsense how many times. Some "WARNING" email are about 3-4 years old, yet they keep getting passed around like they happened yesterday. We have been told lunacy after lunacy, and some change their lives to live by it.
God/Creator/the Universe gave us all intuition. I have been blessed with a little bit bigger antenna than the average person, it helps me, and others and it puts a roof over my head. I don't leave it "turned on " all the time because frankly I don't care what you think about your boss, or what you plan to do this weekend. Yet, it still serves as a warning system. It works well in that capacity, and each time I see an email or social network posting of one of these scams or jokes, a little alarm goes off. It should for you too! It should because you should all be well aware by now of the Nigerian money scams, and all the other nonsense that lands in your email box.
Murderers and rapists are not using crying babies to get your attention...after all it would get a lot of people's attention and we don't need witnesses. They don't tape pieces of paper to your windshield. There is not a human alive that can in any way possible, shoot themselves with a nail gun (it has several safety features AND has to have the ability NOT to shoot yourself or others, or they would have to register them as weapons). Onions will not kill you if you eat them. You don't have to pay taxes up front to collect your inheritance. Missing children will be put out on an amber alert, not on Facebook. My "weather radio" goes off every time there is an amber or silver alert, not social networking sites.
Now, to make it easier....never give anyone your PIN number to anything. Shred any old bills, or paperwork with information like your SSN#, and credit card applications that come in the mail. Something seem wrong? Call the police. Check out any organization before sending money.
You have all this nonsense streaming to you through the web, so why not use it to combat it? This is NEGATIVE energy. Even when you respond positively, like praying, you are responding to NEGATIVE stimuli. The Universe will happily send you negative things to have to pray about if that is the message that you send to it (which IS the message you send when you respond to this nonsense...and part of why bad things happen to good people). So , what is a person to do? Simple. If you feel the need to pass it along, CHECK IT OUT FIRST!!!! There are several sites dedicated to weeding out the untrue email, the scams, the BS stories, and fakery, that is all over the net. They include, but are not limited to: Snopes.com, urbanlegendsonline.com, and truthorfiction.com. When you cannot locate the story on any of these, that does NOT make it true. These sites will tell you if something is true! When it isn't there, it has not been investigated yet, Snopes will be happy to investigate for you! They will also send you a daily email of the newest BS circulating on the web.
NEVER, ever, pass anything along until YOU REALLY research it first, and I just gave you three tools to use, there is no excuse to pass along any of this crap. It is PURE negativity . Anything that is made to upset or scare anyone is negativity that does not need to be spread. Be a POSITIVE part of the Universe. Don't spread ANYTHING around until you check it out....and that includes non-web "rumors" about people you know!
Spread the positive, the true and the valuable, not the untrue, dramatic, and harmful.
Perpetuate POSITIVE , energy, not false, negative and harmful energy!
Peshaui Weuqashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Friday, September 23, 2011
Gathering of Nations
This spring I will be taking Matt to one of the most awesome things I have ever seen...It makes you want to dance, brings a tear to your eye, and amazes you with beauty, color and excitement. No not Old Faithful, or some other wonder of nature, but something totally man made. The Grand Entry of the Gathering of Nations.
I stumbled upon the Gathering of Nations one year by accident when I lived in NM. I also stumbled upon an awesome pow wow at Acoma that same year. I have never seen so many different Native peoples in one spot. They are in their best traditional dress, and looking perfect to the last bead. They dance, sing, share , tell stories and laugh.
The opening ceremony consists of hundreds of people, so many they literally do not fit in the dance ring, which is the University of New Mexico's arena. If you want to learn about all different peoples, dances, songs, foods, and regalia, this is the place. There is food, crafts, jewelry, and more for sale outside.
Albuquerque itself has everything, including a wonderful climate. I truly miss the New Mexico weather, hopefully somewhere down the line, when Matt and I retire, we will be somewhere in the high desert. In the meanwhile, we visit, we make new friends , see beautiful sights and learn MUCH.
So think about a trip to Albuquerque, a wonderful city with great Native American , Mexican and Spanish places, foods and peoples. Shop, visit Old Town and the Native American Museum. The Gathering is always the last weekend of April.
Plan a trip, one where you will learn new things and meet new peoples!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I stumbled upon the Gathering of Nations one year by accident when I lived in NM. I also stumbled upon an awesome pow wow at Acoma that same year. I have never seen so many different Native peoples in one spot. They are in their best traditional dress, and looking perfect to the last bead. They dance, sing, share , tell stories and laugh.
The opening ceremony consists of hundreds of people, so many they literally do not fit in the dance ring, which is the University of New Mexico's arena. If you want to learn about all different peoples, dances, songs, foods, and regalia, this is the place. There is food, crafts, jewelry, and more for sale outside.
Albuquerque itself has everything, including a wonderful climate. I truly miss the New Mexico weather, hopefully somewhere down the line, when Matt and I retire, we will be somewhere in the high desert. In the meanwhile, we visit, we make new friends , see beautiful sights and learn MUCH.
A little taste of gathering of Nations Grand Entry:
(If you listen you will actually hear the words "Mashantucket Pequot")
So think about a trip to Albuquerque, a wonderful city with great Native American , Mexican and Spanish places, foods and peoples. Shop, visit Old Town and the Native American Museum. The Gathering is always the last weekend of April.
Plan a trip, one where you will learn new things and meet new peoples!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Women do more than clean the hides....
Yesterday was a day of an email "conversation" with a Native American lady from New England. She has, like many of us from the region, several tribes in her blood. We were speaking about things we have seen and heard, and I was reminiscing about the huge east coast pow wows I used to attend when I was younger. They were different from where I live now. The ways were different, and I think that is a thing that most people, even Native American ones don't get. Just because a tribe does something one way, doesn't mean every other tribe (or even a majority of them) do it the same way. Just because your ancestors have been doing something for thousands of years, doesn't mean mine do too, or that mine are right and yours are wrong.
The perceptions and thought processes are even different. So we went back and forth most of the day about things and our drum. She is so happy about the drum, and sits on one herself. I was telling her of my reluctance to have more women on the drum, as in this part of the world, it is looked down on by many. Some call it sexist, I don't , I call it tradition. Even though I am a female, I won't tell anyone they should have females on their drum (or take part in any ceremony). It is their tradition and their way. You have to follow YOUR tradition. My sticking point is that my people did things differently than the the locals. Oh well. That doesn't mean I am going to take my tribe and forget all about them, my grandmother's teachings and their ways, but it also means I need to respect the traditions of others...a tight spot.
My friend said, "tell them about Weetamoo and Pocasset" ! (back to them in a moment).
That is all well and good, and I can do that, but the local ways are still the local ways and while I am swimming around on their piece of Turtle island I still have to respect their ways.Now, that doesn't mean becoming a local, but acting respectfully to the locals.The funny part is that there really wasn't any modern day tribe locally. The closest were the Shawnee, and Cherokee. That is part of the tradition here, along with a tribe who never set foot in this part of the world (for whatever crazy reason).
That means not adding other females to the drum, and of course then that makes others unhappy (especially females, as now I am a trader and a hypocrite), but, on the other hand it makes the men who are the authority in the area happy, and makes people take us more seriously. So, living by the old adage, you can't make everyone happy, so make yourself happy....that is what I will do. Be in the middle somewhere. Compromise. I have already said that if there is a ceremony then I will not participate, but pow wows are for gatherings of all people, I know, after all, the word is Narragansett, my ancestors' word. It really meant "medicine man", but to read that whole story, search back a few blogs.
Meanwhile, for all the men out there.....Weetamoo was a sachem, sort of "Vice chief" for lack of a better word, of the Wampanoag. Pocasset was a female warrior who fought the English. They didn't just clean the hides......they were smart, tough, brave, and respected.
In my tribe the females drummed, they did everything, apparently up to leading the tribe and war parties. So their lead is the one I will follow, while being as respectful to the locals as possible. You still only see maybe one female drummer on a drum back east. You won't see several. I guess they are keeping the same mind set, or maybe the women just don't want to drum.
My friend asked me if I thought women in general should be on a drum, forget tradition, and the stories, what did the "modern me" think. The answer isn't simply yes or no, the answer is the same I would have for a man. Are they respectful, knowledgeable, friendly, and can they learn the songs and keep a beat? Do they have their act together? Are they dedicated and focused? Then yes. However, women also (and I hate to say this about my gender , but it is true), tend to cause the most issues around the drum, and have times when they cannot drum (when they are on their moon). So you cannot depend on them, unless you throw out the "moon thing", which I am not going to do. The reason for that, it that at pow wows, (and I didn't know this until recently), it is a major issue to have women on their moon even under the arbor, or in the dance ring, etc. Therefore if I made a decision to allow women near the drum under the arbor, I would be taking them into an area that they do not belong in at all during that time, and that is unfair to everyone else there and to the other women who live very strictly by that rule. That means I am causing the other drums, artifacts, regalia, under the arbor to become drained of spiritual energy. It may not sound nice, but that is the belief. I am not going to do that to another person's sacred things.
That said, there are some strong females out there, but they are already sitting on drums, mostly female drums. Maybe the men are intimidated by them....who knows, but they are out there, singing and drumming away! Kudos to them!
I remain dedicated to honoring my tribe, and my ancestors.I also stay true to my beliefs, and my dedication. I expect no more of others, but I also expect no less. Some of us are OK with being outside the loop, others crave to be in it. It all depends on who you are. We were told by many that this wouldn't be easy, from elders, to pow wow officials. We were told there will always be someone with something to say, and someone throwing a fit about their tradition or their rights. We were told to start out strong and strict as it is impossible "to get the horse back in the barn". The key was to remain strong, and to ask questions of those with true knowledge. So that is what we have done and will continue to do...but the fact remains that at least on the east coast, the women didn't just clean the hides.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The perceptions and thought processes are even different. So we went back and forth most of the day about things and our drum. She is so happy about the drum, and sits on one herself. I was telling her of my reluctance to have more women on the drum, as in this part of the world, it is looked down on by many. Some call it sexist, I don't , I call it tradition. Even though I am a female, I won't tell anyone they should have females on their drum (or take part in any ceremony). It is their tradition and their way. You have to follow YOUR tradition. My sticking point is that my people did things differently than the the locals. Oh well. That doesn't mean I am going to take my tribe and forget all about them, my grandmother's teachings and their ways, but it also means I need to respect the traditions of others...a tight spot.
My friend said, "tell them about Weetamoo and Pocasset" ! (back to them in a moment).
That is all well and good, and I can do that, but the local ways are still the local ways and while I am swimming around on their piece of Turtle island I still have to respect their ways.Now, that doesn't mean becoming a local, but acting respectfully to the locals.The funny part is that there really wasn't any modern day tribe locally. The closest were the Shawnee, and Cherokee. That is part of the tradition here, along with a tribe who never set foot in this part of the world (for whatever crazy reason).
That means not adding other females to the drum, and of course then that makes others unhappy (especially females, as now I am a trader and a hypocrite), but, on the other hand it makes the men who are the authority in the area happy, and makes people take us more seriously. So, living by the old adage, you can't make everyone happy, so make yourself happy....that is what I will do. Be in the middle somewhere. Compromise. I have already said that if there is a ceremony then I will not participate, but pow wows are for gatherings of all people, I know, after all, the word is Narragansett, my ancestors' word. It really meant "medicine man", but to read that whole story, search back a few blogs.
Meanwhile, for all the men out there.....Weetamoo was a sachem, sort of "Vice chief" for lack of a better word, of the Wampanoag. Pocasset was a female warrior who fought the English. They didn't just clean the hides......they were smart, tough, brave, and respected.
In my tribe the females drummed, they did everything, apparently up to leading the tribe and war parties. So their lead is the one I will follow, while being as respectful to the locals as possible. You still only see maybe one female drummer on a drum back east. You won't see several. I guess they are keeping the same mind set, or maybe the women just don't want to drum.
My friend asked me if I thought women in general should be on a drum, forget tradition, and the stories, what did the "modern me" think. The answer isn't simply yes or no, the answer is the same I would have for a man. Are they respectful, knowledgeable, friendly, and can they learn the songs and keep a beat? Do they have their act together? Are they dedicated and focused? Then yes. However, women also (and I hate to say this about my gender , but it is true), tend to cause the most issues around the drum, and have times when they cannot drum (when they are on their moon). So you cannot depend on them, unless you throw out the "moon thing", which I am not going to do. The reason for that, it that at pow wows, (and I didn't know this until recently), it is a major issue to have women on their moon even under the arbor, or in the dance ring, etc. Therefore if I made a decision to allow women near the drum under the arbor, I would be taking them into an area that they do not belong in at all during that time, and that is unfair to everyone else there and to the other women who live very strictly by that rule. That means I am causing the other drums, artifacts, regalia, under the arbor to become drained of spiritual energy. It may not sound nice, but that is the belief. I am not going to do that to another person's sacred things.
That said, there are some strong females out there, but they are already sitting on drums, mostly female drums. Maybe the men are intimidated by them....who knows, but they are out there, singing and drumming away! Kudos to them!
I remain dedicated to honoring my tribe, and my ancestors.I also stay true to my beliefs, and my dedication. I expect no more of others, but I also expect no less. Some of us are OK with being outside the loop, others crave to be in it. It all depends on who you are. We were told by many that this wouldn't be easy, from elders, to pow wow officials. We were told there will always be someone with something to say, and someone throwing a fit about their tradition or their rights. We were told to start out strong and strict as it is impossible "to get the horse back in the barn". The key was to remain strong, and to ask questions of those with true knowledge. So that is what we have done and will continue to do...but the fact remains that at least on the east coast, the women didn't just clean the hides.
Follow your tradition, not another person's.
Be respectful while you are doing that.
Know what you are doing, and know it well.
...and like Teddy Roosevelt said, "walk softly , but carry a big stick". Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My Way or the Highway
There are so many things that people do in this life, but one of the most frustrating is the attitude of "my way or the highway". Do what they want, the way they want, or else. Do for their friends or their family, or suffer the consequences. Do your job and suffer or move on.
Selfish , control freaks have no place in my life, and I hope they do not in yours. Anyone who tries to control you by making you do things they want, for their benefit (or their friends and family) only, should be pushed out of your life. Take the highway. Sometimes people want us to do things differently in order to try something new or to correct a way that needs change, those things are fine to try. However, when someone wants something for their own personal value that goes against what you are trying to accomplish, then tell them...I will have a nice trip down the highway, thank you!
Some do it tacitly. They stop talking to you without telling you why. They don't show up around you , just trying to get you to want to be in their divine presence (sarcasm noted). You are to change your way of doing things, and then they will return. If you don't want to be somewhere, don't be there, don't use it as a weapon against anyone. This is not only non spiritual , but childish.
Some do it outwardly with much noise, pouting and carrying on, they are even easier to show the door to.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Weuqashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Selfish , control freaks have no place in my life, and I hope they do not in yours. Anyone who tries to control you by making you do things they want, for their benefit (or their friends and family) only, should be pushed out of your life. Take the highway. Sometimes people want us to do things differently in order to try something new or to correct a way that needs change, those things are fine to try. However, when someone wants something for their own personal value that goes against what you are trying to accomplish, then tell them...I will have a nice trip down the highway, thank you!
Some do it tacitly. They stop talking to you without telling you why. They don't show up around you , just trying to get you to want to be in their divine presence (sarcasm noted). You are to change your way of doing things, and then they will return. If you don't want to be somewhere, don't be there, don't use it as a weapon against anyone. This is not only non spiritual , but childish.
Some do it outwardly with much noise, pouting and carrying on, they are even easier to show the door to.
Life is too short to deal with people who try to manipulate you. Life is too short to deal with people that try to make you feel badly. Life is too short to not take the steps in your Life Walk education that will bring you to a higher level.
Choose quality over quantity. It pays off every time, and when people want to go and pout and not talk to you, say THANK YOU UNIVERSE !
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Weuqashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Rights bring responsibilities
I have written about this before, and I see it needs repeating, although the person in question won't get it, maybe someone else will.
I grew up in a bad neighborhood. Everyone in the household owned a gun, or several (I had three). I was a darn good shot, and if anyone was going to try to harm me, my two friends , Smith and Wesson, where there to show them, that wasn't such a great idea.
Our forefathers put the" right to bear arms" in our constitution because they recognized that any country that was not armed, could be easily taken over by a crazy ruler and his forces.Sometimes outsiders, sometimes their own! It had happened to them, and many other places at that time in history, it still happens today.
Now, in the world there is so much insanity, the person with the right to do something, can actually be the problem. This isn't a majority, thank goodness, but there sure are people out there that make it difficult for law abiding people. People who know their rights AND their responsibilities.
Case in point. A man with a permit for a gun and to carry, straps a gun on his hip and goes to the zoo. Why? Because he can. No reason given, just becasue he can. Was he using any brain cells in this decision? None that I can see.
He upset parents, children, and zoo employees . He was asked nicely to conceal the weapon. Not go home, not put it in his car, just conceal it. Did he? No, again any good reason for that...same answer. No. The police were called and he started carrying on about his rights,yelling and scaring people more, so much so, many left the zoo.
Just because you have a right to do something, does not mean you should do it. Rights also carries with them a set of responsibilities. This man had no need to bring that gun to the zoo, and there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to display it.
This is a person who is insecure, paranoid, needs attention, or has an issue with his own manliness....or all of the above. All personality types who are the last people who should own a gun.Now he wants to sue the city, and many are saying that was his intent all along. The funny thing is he had to get an attorney from miles and miles away to take his case.
We do have rights, but we also ONLY have those rights AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT INFRINGE UPON THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. So if the people are the zoo are afraid (reasonably or not, it doesn't matter), your have to put your gun away. We have to use common sense, decorum, and not endanger anyone while exercising our rights.
It is people like this man who make it difficult for smart gun owners to own, carry and use their weapons. It is people like him who make people want stricter gun laws. It is people like him who get escorted out of the zoo.
All this man had to do was conceal his weapon. No one was taking it away or telling him he couldn't carry it, but his selfishness made a scene that caused families and their children to leave the zoo.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(c) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
I grew up in a bad neighborhood. Everyone in the household owned a gun, or several (I had three). I was a darn good shot, and if anyone was going to try to harm me, my two friends , Smith and Wesson, where there to show them, that wasn't such a great idea.
Our forefathers put the" right to bear arms" in our constitution because they recognized that any country that was not armed, could be easily taken over by a crazy ruler and his forces.Sometimes outsiders, sometimes their own! It had happened to them, and many other places at that time in history, it still happens today.
Now, in the world there is so much insanity, the person with the right to do something, can actually be the problem. This isn't a majority, thank goodness, but there sure are people out there that make it difficult for law abiding people. People who know their rights AND their responsibilities.
Case in point. A man with a permit for a gun and to carry, straps a gun on his hip and goes to the zoo. Why? Because he can. No reason given, just becasue he can. Was he using any brain cells in this decision? None that I can see.
He upset parents, children, and zoo employees . He was asked nicely to conceal the weapon. Not go home, not put it in his car, just conceal it. Did he? No, again any good reason for that...same answer. No. The police were called and he started carrying on about his rights,yelling and scaring people more, so much so, many left the zoo.
This is a person who is insecure, paranoid, needs attention, or has an issue with his own manliness....or all of the above. All personality types who are the last people who should own a gun.Now he wants to sue the city, and many are saying that was his intent all along. The funny thing is he had to get an attorney from miles and miles away to take his case.
We do have rights, but we also ONLY have those rights AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT INFRINGE UPON THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. So if the people are the zoo are afraid (reasonably or not, it doesn't matter), your have to put your gun away. We have to use common sense, decorum, and not endanger anyone while exercising our rights.
It is people like this man who make it difficult for smart gun owners to own, carry and use their weapons. It is people like him who make people want stricter gun laws. It is people like him who get escorted out of the zoo.
All this man had to do was conceal his weapon. No one was taking it away or telling him he couldn't carry it, but his selfishness made a scene that caused families and their children to leave the zoo.
Know your rights, but know your responsibilities too. Exercise your rights, but not to step all over others. Be responsible, polite, and considerate. And for goodness sakes, keep your gun out of the kid's places.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(c) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Monday, September 19, 2011
Yellowstone and beyond.
There is a place where I wanted to go since I was 8 years old, when my Mother bought me a Viewmaster package with pictures that were amazing. I finally got there!
The last week plus, Matt and I were traveling the country again. That Ford Edge has seen so many roads in the short time it has been with us and will see many more. It is so much fun and so enlightening to see the country. There are places where the climate and landscape change from hour to hour; places where people think and act completely differently from where we live. There is a huge misconception that everyone lives a daily life just like we do (or very similar to it). They don't. Not even close in many instances. What is important to us is pure nonsense to them.
The farmer in Nebraska, the retiree in Florida, the banker in New York, the student in California, all have completely different concepts, problems and concerns. They are all living a different day in different circumstances.
While in Yellowstone , our days were lived in wonder, amazement, beauty, and happiness. Mornings were cold (some below freezing), and a look out the front door was not met with school traffic, people speeding down the road to get to work in time, or dog walkers and joggers. It was met with mist coming off the lake, cool fresh air, and many times, a bison or a herd of bison.
Breakfast was always delicious and filling, but then the walk back up to the cabin at 7700 feet was one that literally took your breath away. People don't rush around there. You can't. I suppose if you were born at that altitude, you can a little bit, but most people were taking it easy. I saw only one jogger (not sure if he made his usual jog or not). Moving about on a level surface is easy (unless you are out of shape or ill), but uphill , or running, is a whole different story. I saw bicyclists with all their gear, who usually make me look like I am totally OUT of shape, gasping for air. Their routine, the jogger's routine, and even the walker's routine, had to slow down. Mother nature required it. She is firmly in charge there.
When I lived "in the middle of nowhere", NM, I had a 35 minute drive if I forgot an ingredient for dinner. You learned to keep a stock of certain foods, and medications. A trip down the mountain for some Imodium just wasn't going to work out well.
We live the way we do, and schedule our lives the way we do, for reasons, and most of them have to do with Mother Nature. There are no AC units in many places (including Yellowstone), they are totally unnecessary, heating however, is life saving. Your day is structured around making sure your back pack is filled with layers of clothing or room for them , water, and maybe rain gear. No snacks though, bears love snacks....
We had to stop for traffic jams, but they were caused by bison. When a 2000 pound animal wants to stand in the middle of the road, that is what he will do. A park ranger jokingly said "we pay those animals a lot of money to slow down the traffic here in the park.". Unfortunately some do not adapt to the new surroundings and 100 animals are killed per year in the park becasue someone just has to get to the next site before everyone else.
That said, there are idiots in the park, after all, there always has to be some. The scariest thing I saw wasn't a bear, but an elderly Japanese gentleman walking off the boardwalk to the edge of a hot spring. Hot springs are surrounded by a thin crust of minerals.All I could picture was him falling through. One hiker went through one and had scalded his legs, third degree burns that took months to heal. The water is at and above boiling. I am sure the Japanese man could not read the signs (he and the people he was with were speaking Japanese), but there is a boardwalk there for a reason, and when in a place like Yellowstone, you need a healthy dose of common sense. There are a few places where cell phones work, and if this man would have fell in, I may have been able to drag him out, but medical attention would have been at least an hour away. I would have had to drive to the ranger station, and the medical people would then have to drive to the man.....
There are people letting dogs run without a leash (I guess they think it is a giant dog park). The result has been dogs never returning, running into hot springs and dying, and getting attacked and eaten by wild animals. I don't think the concept of being in the "wild" hits these folks. Even eagles, golden eagles, red tail hawks, and great horned owls have snatched small dogs off to be dinner.
This is a place where Mother Nature rules. Period. The bison walk where they want to , forest fires are managed, not put out (without them there would be no new trees of certain species), bears roam at will, and trails are closed if the bear get too close to human hikers. Rest rooms are everywhere so no idiots pollute the landscape. You can't go 15 minutes without finding a rest stop. They function on a biodegradable system, not a sewer or typical septic. There are no areas for camp fires (one group of English folks on the lodge porch one night were lamenting that they couldn't find a place to bar-be-que). The park seems to have thought of every dumb thing a human can do, and made ways for these things to be difficult or impossible to do.
There is no smoking in any of the buildings at all, or on the boardwalks or trails. No litter of cigarette butts to be seen anywhere. There is no litter. My life at home seems to be a litany of picking up Mc Donalds bags (there is someone in the neighborhood that must eat it every day) , candy wrappers and soft drink cups. None are to be seen in Yellowstone.
Mother Nature comes first in the park, not people, yet there are no inconveniences. Lodges and hotels will even pack a box lunch for you if you want to picnic at one of the hundreds of picnic tables. You just can't start a fire. There are also no TVs in the park, well there is one , and that is in a bar at the Mamouth Hot Springs. No TV, and barely a phone signal (there are pay phones), are really the only things that are not readily available.
It was well worth it. We saw bison munching 3 feet away on my cabin doorstep, elk, black tail deer, antelope (prong horn), pikas (they are THE most adorable things), squirrels that would fit in your pocket (the second most adorable things), bear, coyotes strolling up the road,marmots, bald eagles, red tail hawks, golden eagles, ospreys, and ravens (who are not the least bit afraid of people). You see these things every day. How awesome is that! We missed the big horn sheep and wolves, but they are notorious for staying far from people.
The geysers, hot springs, and boiling mud pots remind you that you are sitting on a volcano that blew a hole" many miles wide" off the top of the mountains about 600,000 years ago. Thank goodness it is venting! We heard holes in the ground that sounded like jet engines, and others where the smell was so bad we could understand why some early visitors were sure it was an access to Hell. The visitor's centers are FULL of information about geysers, animals, trees...all in about seven languages. I heard German, French, Italian, Japanese, and a Scandinavian language I couldn't put my finger on.
It is indescribable, and the beauty in our pictures is just a small sampling of the grandeur there. Yes there are still people parking in handicapped spaces who have no right to be there, and letting their dogs run free, but you know what, eventually Mother Nature teaches them a lesson, there may not be a ranger in sight playing parking police, but the Universe is always watching.The same goes for the Grand Tetons, but that is a park for another day!
Visit a National park, and be a responsible visitor while doing so.
You won't be disappointed.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The last week plus, Matt and I were traveling the country again. That Ford Edge has seen so many roads in the short time it has been with us and will see many more. It is so much fun and so enlightening to see the country. There are places where the climate and landscape change from hour to hour; places where people think and act completely differently from where we live. There is a huge misconception that everyone lives a daily life just like we do (or very similar to it). They don't. Not even close in many instances. What is important to us is pure nonsense to them.
The farmer in Nebraska, the retiree in Florida, the banker in New York, the student in California, all have completely different concepts, problems and concerns. They are all living a different day in different circumstances.
While in Yellowstone , our days were lived in wonder, amazement, beauty, and happiness. Mornings were cold (some below freezing), and a look out the front door was not met with school traffic, people speeding down the road to get to work in time, or dog walkers and joggers. It was met with mist coming off the lake, cool fresh air, and many times, a bison or a herd of bison.
Breakfast was always delicious and filling, but then the walk back up to the cabin at 7700 feet was one that literally took your breath away. People don't rush around there. You can't. I suppose if you were born at that altitude, you can a little bit, but most people were taking it easy. I saw only one jogger (not sure if he made his usual jog or not). Moving about on a level surface is easy (unless you are out of shape or ill), but uphill , or running, is a whole different story. I saw bicyclists with all their gear, who usually make me look like I am totally OUT of shape, gasping for air. Their routine, the jogger's routine, and even the walker's routine, had to slow down. Mother nature required it. She is firmly in charge there.
When I lived "in the middle of nowhere", NM, I had a 35 minute drive if I forgot an ingredient for dinner. You learned to keep a stock of certain foods, and medications. A trip down the mountain for some Imodium just wasn't going to work out well.
We live the way we do, and schedule our lives the way we do, for reasons, and most of them have to do with Mother Nature. There are no AC units in many places (including Yellowstone), they are totally unnecessary, heating however, is life saving. Your day is structured around making sure your back pack is filled with layers of clothing or room for them , water, and maybe rain gear. No snacks though, bears love snacks....
We had to stop for traffic jams, but they were caused by bison. When a 2000 pound animal wants to stand in the middle of the road, that is what he will do. A park ranger jokingly said "we pay those animals a lot of money to slow down the traffic here in the park.". Unfortunately some do not adapt to the new surroundings and 100 animals are killed per year in the park becasue someone just has to get to the next site before everyone else.
That said, there are idiots in the park, after all, there always has to be some. The scariest thing I saw wasn't a bear, but an elderly Japanese gentleman walking off the boardwalk to the edge of a hot spring. Hot springs are surrounded by a thin crust of minerals.All I could picture was him falling through. One hiker went through one and had scalded his legs, third degree burns that took months to heal. The water is at and above boiling. I am sure the Japanese man could not read the signs (he and the people he was with were speaking Japanese), but there is a boardwalk there for a reason, and when in a place like Yellowstone, you need a healthy dose of common sense. There are a few places where cell phones work, and if this man would have fell in, I may have been able to drag him out, but medical attention would have been at least an hour away. I would have had to drive to the ranger station, and the medical people would then have to drive to the man.....
There are people letting dogs run without a leash (I guess they think it is a giant dog park). The result has been dogs never returning, running into hot springs and dying, and getting attacked and eaten by wild animals. I don't think the concept of being in the "wild" hits these folks. Even eagles, golden eagles, red tail hawks, and great horned owls have snatched small dogs off to be dinner.
This is a place where Mother Nature rules. Period. The bison walk where they want to , forest fires are managed, not put out (without them there would be no new trees of certain species), bears roam at will, and trails are closed if the bear get too close to human hikers. Rest rooms are everywhere so no idiots pollute the landscape. You can't go 15 minutes without finding a rest stop. They function on a biodegradable system, not a sewer or typical septic. There are no areas for camp fires (one group of English folks on the lodge porch one night were lamenting that they couldn't find a place to bar-be-que). The park seems to have thought of every dumb thing a human can do, and made ways for these things to be difficult or impossible to do.
There is no smoking in any of the buildings at all, or on the boardwalks or trails. No litter of cigarette butts to be seen anywhere. There is no litter. My life at home seems to be a litany of picking up Mc Donalds bags (there is someone in the neighborhood that must eat it every day) , candy wrappers and soft drink cups. None are to be seen in Yellowstone.
Mother Nature comes first in the park, not people, yet there are no inconveniences. Lodges and hotels will even pack a box lunch for you if you want to picnic at one of the hundreds of picnic tables. You just can't start a fire. There are also no TVs in the park, well there is one , and that is in a bar at the Mamouth Hot Springs. No TV, and barely a phone signal (there are pay phones), are really the only things that are not readily available.
It was well worth it. We saw bison munching 3 feet away on my cabin doorstep, elk, black tail deer, antelope (prong horn), pikas (they are THE most adorable things), squirrels that would fit in your pocket (the second most adorable things), bear, coyotes strolling up the road,marmots, bald eagles, red tail hawks, golden eagles, ospreys, and ravens (who are not the least bit afraid of people). You see these things every day. How awesome is that! We missed the big horn sheep and wolves, but they are notorious for staying far from people.
The geysers, hot springs, and boiling mud pots remind you that you are sitting on a volcano that blew a hole" many miles wide" off the top of the mountains about 600,000 years ago. Thank goodness it is venting! We heard holes in the ground that sounded like jet engines, and others where the smell was so bad we could understand why some early visitors were sure it was an access to Hell. The visitor's centers are FULL of information about geysers, animals, trees...all in about seven languages. I heard German, French, Italian, Japanese, and a Scandinavian language I couldn't put my finger on.
It is indescribable, and the beauty in our pictures is just a small sampling of the grandeur there. Yes there are still people parking in handicapped spaces who have no right to be there, and letting their dogs run free, but you know what, eventually Mother Nature teaches them a lesson, there may not be a ranger in sight playing parking police, but the Universe is always watching.The same goes for the Grand Tetons, but that is a park for another day!
Visit a National park, and be a responsible visitor while doing so.
You won't be disappointed.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
TV shows that frighten....
I have a few scared clients who watched a new show on SyFy last night. The show was more like a horror movie than a reality show. I have a hard time with any show that just tells you what happened from the view of frightened folks, then uses special effects to show you "evidence". That said, here is what I have to say about it all, take it or leave it....
I doubt anyone was dragged downstairs, especially without being hurt. Some inhuman spirits can be strong, but they would be doing damage to the parents rather than frightening the object of their desire. We all know how difficult it is to come in contact with these strong inhuman spirits and that they need to be called in, so please do not fear them. You have a better change of winning the lottery, getting hit by lighting and being pregnant with triplets all on the same day, then meeting with one of these spirits.
Can objects move with a little spiritual help? Of course. Usually small , light, or easy to move objects. Can they stack pictures, sure, but again that would be a very rare occurance , especially to happen in the seconds of people walking in the door. Spiritually moved objects usually move in a jerky motion, like an infant learning to use their hands and feet, it is usually clumsy. There are large objects that can be moved, it does happen, but the chance of one other than a ghost hunter or person who is dabbling in the black arts, finding one, is almost impossible.
That "medium" was about as much help as having a devil worshiping ceremony would have been. A person like that should never be allowed in your home.
If a voice in your home says "remove all the Bibles", tell it to go back to where it came from, and buy more Bibles.....
When you feel your child is in danger, don't send her to her room to sleep alone, night after night.
There was so much about that show last night that was making my Spidey Senses tingle...I wouldn't doubt there was an issue or even a mean spirit...many times mean spirits will act like evil entities to scare you into not dealing with them. Adding fear and doing dumb things will not make things better. A medium should help guide spirits to the other side, not make demands for them. I have said this before and will say it again...make sure that you know that the person you are dealing with is authentic!
Many out there working in the metaphysical and even spiritual are just this side on mentally and emotionally disturbed. Many who "hear voices" are downright schizophrenic. Ask for references, and their background and training. Talk to them for a bit and see if they seem normal...a person who is a psychic or medium should be a person whom you could NOT pick out of a crowd as having any kind of abilities. Dramatic, bragging, and demanding people are not helpers who work in the light. People who mention a dollar amount, do not work in the light. Show them and the spirits the door.
Please do not fear that something like what happened on the show last night will happen to you, and always take things with a grain of salt that do not show you proof. You can bet the first thing I would do if I found my pictures stacked on the floor, was take a picture, then yell "GET OUT"....
There are a lot of people in this world who can become very upset about "hauntings" that really are nothing.
Meanwhile, when you have a positive , loving household, full of good thoughts and deeds, you will never have to deal with anything nasty. Don't go poking your head in haunted buildings if it scares you, and when the hauntings are said to be negative in some way, stay away unless you are trained and prepared to how to deal with such entities. Regularly sage your home (at least once a quarter), and welcome in whatever positive resonates with you (angels, your guides, the Holy Spirit, etc). This is so easy to prevent it is amazing.
Don't go looking for it, and you won't find it.
Do the right things for the right reasons.....
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
I doubt anyone was dragged downstairs, especially without being hurt. Some inhuman spirits can be strong, but they would be doing damage to the parents rather than frightening the object of their desire. We all know how difficult it is to come in contact with these strong inhuman spirits and that they need to be called in, so please do not fear them. You have a better change of winning the lottery, getting hit by lighting and being pregnant with triplets all on the same day, then meeting with one of these spirits.
Can objects move with a little spiritual help? Of course. Usually small , light, or easy to move objects. Can they stack pictures, sure, but again that would be a very rare occurance , especially to happen in the seconds of people walking in the door. Spiritually moved objects usually move in a jerky motion, like an infant learning to use their hands and feet, it is usually clumsy. There are large objects that can be moved, it does happen, but the chance of one other than a ghost hunter or person who is dabbling in the black arts, finding one, is almost impossible.
That "medium" was about as much help as having a devil worshiping ceremony would have been. A person like that should never be allowed in your home.
If a voice in your home says "remove all the Bibles", tell it to go back to where it came from, and buy more Bibles.....
When you feel your child is in danger, don't send her to her room to sleep alone, night after night.
There was so much about that show last night that was making my Spidey Senses tingle...I wouldn't doubt there was an issue or even a mean spirit...many times mean spirits will act like evil entities to scare you into not dealing with them. Adding fear and doing dumb things will not make things better. A medium should help guide spirits to the other side, not make demands for them. I have said this before and will say it again...make sure that you know that the person you are dealing with is authentic!
Many out there working in the metaphysical and even spiritual are just this side on mentally and emotionally disturbed. Many who "hear voices" are downright schizophrenic. Ask for references, and their background and training. Talk to them for a bit and see if they seem normal...a person who is a psychic or medium should be a person whom you could NOT pick out of a crowd as having any kind of abilities. Dramatic, bragging, and demanding people are not helpers who work in the light. People who mention a dollar amount, do not work in the light. Show them and the spirits the door.
Please do not fear that something like what happened on the show last night will happen to you, and always take things with a grain of salt that do not show you proof. You can bet the first thing I would do if I found my pictures stacked on the floor, was take a picture, then yell "GET OUT"....
There are a lot of people in this world who can become very upset about "hauntings" that really are nothing.
Meanwhile, when you have a positive , loving household, full of good thoughts and deeds, you will never have to deal with anything nasty. Don't go poking your head in haunted buildings if it scares you, and when the hauntings are said to be negative in some way, stay away unless you are trained and prepared to how to deal with such entities. Regularly sage your home (at least once a quarter), and welcome in whatever positive resonates with you (angels, your guides, the Holy Spirit, etc). This is so easy to prevent it is amazing.
Don't go looking for it, and you won't find it.
Do the right things for the right reasons.....
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Some housekeeping
I will not be able to write from Sept 9 until the 18th. Please take the time to go back through the archives and see if you missed any blogs or if you have any questions lingering. I will answer the email when I return.
We are looking at a November Psychic Development II class, open to all of those who took Psych Devel I with me. It will be on a weekend. Please email me.
There will be a Ghost Walk on October 7 at the New Harmony Cemetery. No one under the age of 18. You may bring cameras, video cameras, small flashlights and voice recorders. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
There will be a full moon on Sept 12 for those who want to do any full moon rituals or events.
There will be a New moon Drum practice on October 1 and 22 at 6 PM.
New Moon on September 27 for those who do the New Moon Abundance ritual.
Tomorrow will be the last blog for a few days, let me know today if there is something you want me to write about, and I will do my best!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
We are looking at a November Psychic Development II class, open to all of those who took Psych Devel I with me. It will be on a weekend. Please email me.
There will be a Ghost Walk on October 7 at the New Harmony Cemetery. No one under the age of 18. You may bring cameras, video cameras, small flashlights and voice recorders. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
There will be a full moon on Sept 12 for those who want to do any full moon rituals or events.
There will be a New moon Drum practice on October 1 and 22 at 6 PM.
New Moon on September 27 for those who do the New Moon Abundance ritual.
Tomorrow will be the last blog for a few days, let me know today if there is something you want me to write about, and I will do my best!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Change & Friday's homework
I watched the season change this weekend...We had 100 degree temperatures on Friday, by Sunday I saw people wearing long sleeve T-shirts, and this morning, we are in the low 50's. An almost 50 degree change from Friday afternoon to Tuesday morning.
Mother Nature could have said...Oh I can't do that. I don't have enough time, It is too radical a change. This is not the way we always do it. It isn't a good time yet. I haven't planned this all out yet. I don't know if I can do all that! She just did it.
Humans make so many excuses, and over much smaller changes that they need to make.How often have you heard the words in the last paragraph? They are excuses, not reasons. reasons have validity to them. Excuses are reasons that you give for doing or not doing something that you should have taken care of. An excuse is a handy tool for getting out of doing something that you don't want to do.
Change is inevitable. The more we embrace it and move with it instead of against it, the easier things will be.The quicker we embrace it, the smoother the transition. This doesn't mean there won't be some discomfort or nervousness, but we tend to make the matter worse by resisting what will be no matter what we do.
I talk to so many people each day who have had loved ones walk out on them months , or even years ago. They are still waiting for their return. Once in a very rare while, people do return, and I suppose that "Fairy Tale hope" is what keeps people from moving on, but they are a one in a million shot. When something really ends, and ends for a period of time....move on. When a person tells you "go away", that means "go away".
When Mother nature can perform such huge tasks as she sees necessary, so can you. Make plans that are realistic, and that you are willing to work towards, then go!
Now, back to Friday's homework:
A reader wrote in that we all believed that we went somewhere else when we die. Cultures had different beliefs (and still do) , about where that was and what it was like, but they all believed there was something beyond death. There are people today that believe that there is nothing, but they are a new breed, and seem to be trying to alleviate fear more than anything else...when belief of life after death should do that for them. The idea of the unknown and inseen is what scares them, although I doubt they would ever admit fear.
Another sent in was a taboo about cannibalism, but more specifically killing a person to eat them. Most people would eat boiled shoe leather and roots before dining on another person. There a rare few that see cannibalism as OK, but they usually do not kill anyone just to eat them. They will only perform the act of eating another person's flesh after death was handed out by an illness, accident or old age.
Another was suicide. We know it is wrong, and most people who do commit suicide are either in mental/emotional distress/illness or dire circumstances (like those who jumped from the burning World trade Center is 2001).
Some asked for more time to think, and we will see what they come up with!
Enjoy the week!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(c)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Mother Nature could have said...Oh I can't do that. I don't have enough time, It is too radical a change. This is not the way we always do it. It isn't a good time yet. I haven't planned this all out yet. I don't know if I can do all that! She just did it.
Humans make so many excuses, and over much smaller changes that they need to make.How often have you heard the words in the last paragraph? They are excuses, not reasons. reasons have validity to them. Excuses are reasons that you give for doing or not doing something that you should have taken care of. An excuse is a handy tool for getting out of doing something that you don't want to do.
Change is inevitable. The more we embrace it and move with it instead of against it, the easier things will be.The quicker we embrace it, the smoother the transition. This doesn't mean there won't be some discomfort or nervousness, but we tend to make the matter worse by resisting what will be no matter what we do.
I talk to so many people each day who have had loved ones walk out on them months , or even years ago. They are still waiting for their return. Once in a very rare while, people do return, and I suppose that "Fairy Tale hope" is what keeps people from moving on, but they are a one in a million shot. When something really ends, and ends for a period of time....move on. When a person tells you "go away", that means "go away".
When Mother nature can perform such huge tasks as she sees necessary, so can you. Make plans that are realistic, and that you are willing to work towards, then go!
Now, back to Friday's homework....
Now, back to Friday's homework:
A reader wrote in that we all believed that we went somewhere else when we die. Cultures had different beliefs (and still do) , about where that was and what it was like, but they all believed there was something beyond death. There are people today that believe that there is nothing, but they are a new breed, and seem to be trying to alleviate fear more than anything else...when belief of life after death should do that for them. The idea of the unknown and inseen is what scares them, although I doubt they would ever admit fear.
Another sent in was a taboo about cannibalism, but more specifically killing a person to eat them. Most people would eat boiled shoe leather and roots before dining on another person. There a rare few that see cannibalism as OK, but they usually do not kill anyone just to eat them. They will only perform the act of eating another person's flesh after death was handed out by an illness, accident or old age.
Another was suicide. We know it is wrong, and most people who do commit suicide are either in mental/emotional distress/illness or dire circumstances (like those who jumped from the burning World trade Center is 2001).
Some asked for more time to think, and we will see what they come up with!
Enjoy the week!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(c)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Friday, September 2, 2011
Archetypes are symbols that resonate with us to the point of having reactions. They are meant to be the symbol of a traditional or perfect representation of something major. A belief , a feeling, a "being" (in the verb form, not in the noun form). It is the original, the perfect one. Jung went on to say that we all have these in our unconscious, they are ideas, feelings, beliefs that we all share in and can access. It is a universal pattern of thought that exists in all of us.
It may be hard to imagine the minds of the world all being on the same telephone line, as there are so many differences in the world. Yet that is because our personal thoughts, prejudices, fears, experiences, etc., color the archetype.
Think about it this way, all over the world, before there were travel and communication with others on this planet, we as humans came up with a few things.those few tings were all the same "thought", even though we never sat down and talked to the others wandering the planet. We believed there was a higher power, and even though we addressed it in different ways and for different reasons, we all believed there was something behind the machinations of the world that we could not see.
Some cultures prayed in various ways, danced, offered up sacrifices, all just to please "the gods". There wasn't a place on this earth where people didn't believe there were spirits, gods, or something lurking just beyond their vision.
The tarot is a set of archetypes, it reaches back into the "one mind" and brings up information. The depictions on the cards are there to reach into those archetypical ideals and bring them up to this consciousness.
Homework in harder this weekend....what is a way that you can see that shows we are all of one mind? Think archetypes (symbols) or beliefs that the whole world has....
Meanwhile, have a safe, happy, healthy , long weekend!
See you all on TUESDAY! (Gives you an exrta day to get your homework done).
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
It may be hard to imagine the minds of the world all being on the same telephone line, as there are so many differences in the world. Yet that is because our personal thoughts, prejudices, fears, experiences, etc., color the archetype.
Think about it this way, all over the world, before there were travel and communication with others on this planet, we as humans came up with a few things.those few tings were all the same "thought", even though we never sat down and talked to the others wandering the planet. We believed there was a higher power, and even though we addressed it in different ways and for different reasons, we all believed there was something behind the machinations of the world that we could not see.
Some cultures prayed in various ways, danced, offered up sacrifices, all just to please "the gods". There wasn't a place on this earth where people didn't believe there were spirits, gods, or something lurking just beyond their vision.
The tarot is a set of archetypes, it reaches back into the "one mind" and brings up information. The depictions on the cards are there to reach into those archetypical ideals and bring them up to this consciousness.
Homework in harder this weekend....what is a way that you can see that shows we are all of one mind? Think archetypes (symbols) or beliefs that the whole world has....
Meanwhile, have a safe, happy, healthy , long weekend!
See you all on TUESDAY! (Gives you an exrta day to get your homework done).
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Thursday, September 1, 2011
September and beyond...
September always meant the start of school. So it meant new shoes, a new pair of jeans and maybe, and if I were lucky, 2 or 3 new tops. That was about it. We didn't have to spend a lot on supplies, and there certainly were no expensive computers to be bought. You were lucky if you had an electronic typewriter.
It meant that there was one more weekend, Labor Day weekend, when the boardwalk was still in full swing and that seasonal business were open. The "summer season" was Memorial Day to Labor Day, and then the kids went back to school. The weather turned cooler, noticeably cooler, and some nights were precursors of what was to come.The leaves started to change down by the river, and it was time to bring cooler weather clothes down from the attic. The windows were thrown open wide to let the cool, fresh air in, and the lawnmowers and garden tools were tucked away for the year.
It was back to school time. None of our schools had air conditioning, and we really didn't need it except for maybe the last few days in June. I always loved school, so it was a nice time of change. Like then, I still love the change of seasons, and seeing if my clothes still fit, the growth is different these days, but it is still there for sure. I loved getting new books, and learning new things. It was time to explore the world again through the classroom.
Times have changed, they always do , yet we are still changing , adapting, and hopefully still learning, even though traditional school is over for most of us. Some returned to school, as I did, but many do not realize this earthwalk is a constant state of school. I have said it many times here in the blog, and will say it again, when you stop learning you stagnate and die. Your inner self, your soul, dies. We always need to strive to learn something new, and hence the Friday homework that pops up in the blog from time to time.
There are so many ways to learn and information is so much more available than it was in the past. Make sure that you are always challenging yourself, make sure you are always learning and growing.Seek out new information and new experiences.
We are starting a new month and soon to start a new season. What will you be harvesting this month? Did you even plant anything? What did you learn or do new so far this year? Hopefully there is something there for you that you have been doing besides stagnating!
It is time to reap the benefits of the year so far, the year is really almost over. Think about it, sixteen weeks til Christmas.....really.
Learn, grow, and share
Always do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
It meant that there was one more weekend, Labor Day weekend, when the boardwalk was still in full swing and that seasonal business were open. The "summer season" was Memorial Day to Labor Day, and then the kids went back to school. The weather turned cooler, noticeably cooler, and some nights were precursors of what was to come.The leaves started to change down by the river, and it was time to bring cooler weather clothes down from the attic. The windows were thrown open wide to let the cool, fresh air in, and the lawnmowers and garden tools were tucked away for the year.
It was back to school time. None of our schools had air conditioning, and we really didn't need it except for maybe the last few days in June. I always loved school, so it was a nice time of change. Like then, I still love the change of seasons, and seeing if my clothes still fit, the growth is different these days, but it is still there for sure. I loved getting new books, and learning new things. It was time to explore the world again through the classroom.
Times have changed, they always do , yet we are still changing , adapting, and hopefully still learning, even though traditional school is over for most of us. Some returned to school, as I did, but many do not realize this earthwalk is a constant state of school. I have said it many times here in the blog, and will say it again, when you stop learning you stagnate and die. Your inner self, your soul, dies. We always need to strive to learn something new, and hence the Friday homework that pops up in the blog from time to time.
There are so many ways to learn and information is so much more available than it was in the past. Make sure that you are always challenging yourself, make sure you are always learning and growing.Seek out new information and new experiences.
We are starting a new month and soon to start a new season. What will you be harvesting this month? Did you even plant anything? What did you learn or do new so far this year? Hopefully there is something there for you that you have been doing besides stagnating!
It is time to reap the benefits of the year so far, the year is really almost over. Think about it, sixteen weeks til Christmas.....really.
Learn, grow, and share
Always do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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