We have friends in our soul group. What makes them different from say a teacher, or a stranger that only effects your life path for a minute or a day?
Everyone in our soul group is there for learning and teaching. We all learn and teach from each other. Sometimes this is a fun event, sometimes it isn't, but it is always valuable. It is always worth it as it is always meant to be.
People have misguided thoughts that your friends should always be up your butt, in your face, know your thoughts and never say a word to upset you. That isn't a friend, that is a Golden Retriever. They are good to have too, if you want, but they aren't part of our soul group. Animals have their own eneretic job to do and it rarely involves learning a lesson.
Friends are people you can disagree with and still have coffee, a drink, or a meal with them at the end of the day. Friends are people who have different interests, go places both with and without you. They make you laugh, yes, but they can also make you cry and still be your friend. The former should greatly outnumber the latter however, unless they are tears of joy.
Friends are those people that should be able to say something to you, flat out and honest, and you won't get offended. Friends are people you know well enough, that you know why they feel that way, you respect them for it, and may even learn something (hint hint) from it.
Friends are people you can laugh with, cry with, and tell all about it. No matter what the subject.
They are the people you can count on when things go sideways, and they are the ones who are flat out honest with you. They know you well enough to know when something is up, or when you need a hug.They have different interests, viewpoints, passions, and styles. They aren't afraid to openly discuss any of it with you.
They never quit on you. Never give up on you, even when you give up on you.
You don't have to talk to them every day. You don't have to see them every day, yet the bond doesn't get any weaker from that. You are totally open with them though. Even though they don't see you, they know when something big happens in your life, or when you are in a crises. They know your being better than you do.
That is a friend.
A friend isn't a number on a Facebook tally. They aren't people who you never met or talked to in your life. They aren't someone who constantly agrees with you to keep from upsetting you. They aren't people who walk away and never look back, or are abusive to you. They aren't demanding of you or tell you what to do, say or think. They aren't people who try to monopolize your time. They don't play mind games with you, or try to make you feel badly about being you.
There are so many crazy, dangerous, mindless people in the world today.
Surround yourself with quality, with real friends, and let them know you love them!
To all my friends (and you know who you are), you are the BEST!
Tomorrow is Friday (my weekly break), and then the Christmas holiday. I will not be writing until after Christmas on the 28th, and I am doing no "in person" readings until January 3, 2013 (yes we will still be here). Enjoy the season no matter how you celebrate it! Be safe, happy and healthy!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Energy changes already happening.
There are energetic changes already happening, and they have been for a while now, to people for their next phase of being. Dizziness, headaches, sleeplessness are all signs of energetic changes that are going on right now. The sleeplessness is due to all kinds of random thoughts going through your head, messages that seem to make no sense and things not associated with your daily life.Some are getting psychic flashes, and this is a first for them. Some are already advanced enough that this is not happening, but they feel the change coming for others.
Cahos in the world is stepping up a notch too. Don't worry, the good side will win, but there will be a crescendo before the dust settles.
God works in mysterious ways. Bad things do happen to good people, but not just for no reason at all. God isn't cruel. God, The Universe, Allah is also no longer amused with how people have been behaving.
Before we come for this earthwalk. We make a deal. We are going to learn these lessons, have this type of life, do these things, and sometimes we say "I will sacrifice myself", it will be a short life, or a long and hard one, but well rewarded. God (the Universe, or whatever resonates with you),doesn't allow mass murder, natural disasters, and devastating tragedy just for fun.There is always a purpose. When we disregard the lessons, we suffer greatly for it.
There are always "wake up calls" in our lives. They may be a serious accident that you are lucky to survive. You may be the only one who knows you were asleep, intoxicated, or not paying attention when it happened. You always drive in such a state, and the Universe says....You aren't done here, WAKE UP. Sometimes these wake up calls are in things we see happen to friends or family members. Sometimes in the world community.
Sometimes people have it hard or have "special" people in their lives to help them inspire or teach others. "Bad" things DO happen to good people, but we contracted for it before this earthwalk.
This latest tragedy will be fixed, mark my words, the Universe isn't very happy with many right now. People who have skated along won't skate anymore. The more lax we get, the tighter the Universe will grasp things and put us back on the path, and this is as individuals, as a nation, and as a human race. Disasters always happen for a reason. Sometimes, they are Karma, but rarely. The Universe dishes out Karma in an individual manner, it teaches on a bold , large scale to get everyone's attention.
A friend, "Karma then is for those who don't go along their intended path, right?" BINGO!! Karma isn't just for "bad people" doing "bad things", it is for getting us back on our path, and Karma doesn't have to be life threatening. When we rush around disregarding others and suddenly crash into a closed door to the amusement of all our co-workers or even the general public, it is the Universe's way of slowing us down. It is instant Karma. You don't have to be an evil person to get Karma, Karma is a teacher, not a retribution.
Sometimes Karma takes years, sometimes it won't happen in the person's lifetime on this planet. It does happen however.
The energy is shifting, and those who disregard the messages won't get the benefits that those who do will, like that of a higher consciousness and guidance to abundance and help whenever they need it. Those that need a dose of Karma will get it, it won't be held off anymore. Those who are hateful, demanding, selfish, and egotistical won't have a good time of it. They can donate to charity,go to church just to be there, they can try to balance the scales, but it won't work that way , it never has. It is what is in your core being that will matter.
Even if you don't believe in a higher conscious change coming (and of course those who don't experience a higher consciousness and get left behind, won't say" I was doing it wrong", they will say, "see nothing happened"), it is still always the right thing to do to put other people first, don't play games, don't react badly to situations, don't be all those things your Mama taught you not to do. Don't be spiteful, sarcastic, abusive or rude. Things no one should have to tell you. Never try to silence others, as what they say is always something we need to hear. It may be to correct it in the world somehow, or it may be to influence us to see things differently.
...and no matter what, always do the right things for the right reasons. I only know a handful of people that actually do that.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Cahos in the world is stepping up a notch too. Don't worry, the good side will win, but there will be a crescendo before the dust settles.
God works in mysterious ways. Bad things do happen to good people, but not just for no reason at all. God isn't cruel. God, The Universe, Allah is also no longer amused with how people have been behaving.
Before we come for this earthwalk. We make a deal. We are going to learn these lessons, have this type of life, do these things, and sometimes we say "I will sacrifice myself", it will be a short life, or a long and hard one, but well rewarded. God (the Universe, or whatever resonates with you),doesn't allow mass murder, natural disasters, and devastating tragedy just for fun.There is always a purpose. When we disregard the lessons, we suffer greatly for it.
There are always "wake up calls" in our lives. They may be a serious accident that you are lucky to survive. You may be the only one who knows you were asleep, intoxicated, or not paying attention when it happened. You always drive in such a state, and the Universe says....You aren't done here, WAKE UP. Sometimes these wake up calls are in things we see happen to friends or family members. Sometimes in the world community.
Sometimes people have it hard or have "special" people in their lives to help them inspire or teach others. "Bad" things DO happen to good people, but we contracted for it before this earthwalk.
This latest tragedy will be fixed, mark my words, the Universe isn't very happy with many right now. People who have skated along won't skate anymore. The more lax we get, the tighter the Universe will grasp things and put us back on the path, and this is as individuals, as a nation, and as a human race. Disasters always happen for a reason. Sometimes, they are Karma, but rarely. The Universe dishes out Karma in an individual manner, it teaches on a bold , large scale to get everyone's attention.
A friend, "Karma then is for those who don't go along their intended path, right?" BINGO!! Karma isn't just for "bad people" doing "bad things", it is for getting us back on our path, and Karma doesn't have to be life threatening. When we rush around disregarding others and suddenly crash into a closed door to the amusement of all our co-workers or even the general public, it is the Universe's way of slowing us down. It is instant Karma. You don't have to be an evil person to get Karma, Karma is a teacher, not a retribution.
Sometimes Karma takes years, sometimes it won't happen in the person's lifetime on this planet. It does happen however.
The energy is shifting, and those who disregard the messages won't get the benefits that those who do will, like that of a higher consciousness and guidance to abundance and help whenever they need it. Those that need a dose of Karma will get it, it won't be held off anymore. Those who are hateful, demanding, selfish, and egotistical won't have a good time of it. They can donate to charity,go to church just to be there, they can try to balance the scales, but it won't work that way , it never has. It is what is in your core being that will matter.
Even if you don't believe in a higher conscious change coming (and of course those who don't experience a higher consciousness and get left behind, won't say" I was doing it wrong", they will say, "see nothing happened"), it is still always the right thing to do to put other people first, don't play games, don't react badly to situations, don't be all those things your Mama taught you not to do. Don't be spiteful, sarcastic, abusive or rude. Things no one should have to tell you. Never try to silence others, as what they say is always something we need to hear. It may be to correct it in the world somehow, or it may be to influence us to see things differently.
...and no matter what, always do the right things for the right reasons. I only know a handful of people that actually do that.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Time runs short.
This Friday is the solstice. There won't be volcanoes erupting, or earthquakes knocking down entire cities. There won't be doom and gloom, but there will be an energetic shift. Some won't feel a thing, nothing will change, it will seem like their being is just the same as it was before.
They will still promote fear, selfishness, and hate. They walk around mad at the world. Mad at family members, or politicians, or their station in life. They will still wander the world wondering when Karma will attack others, not realizing it is attacking them. They missed the boat.
The energetic shift that is coming is mild in feeling , but powerful. It means much and it is a shift in the world going back to order. The Universe will use humans to do that, no aliens are going to land in Central Park . A firey cloud won't appear over the desert, it will be much more subtle, widespread and powerful. It is the world being one, and the ones that are left out will have their lives deteriorate, and they aren't great to begin with.
I have seen such ignorance, unreasonable fear, and selfishness in the past weeks. I don't know why people think it is OK to only care about their lives, their belongings, their happiness,their opinion and their well being. I don't know why people think that the answer to problems is always that someone else needs to do something and not themselves. Maybe that is why we are in the mess we are in. People go way off the deep end shouting about how they will not allow something to happen, when there is no indication it will happen at all. They live in fear, unreasonableness, and wonder why their lives aren't the way they want them to be.
They walk around fearful and angry all the time. They have a low opinion of anyone who doesn't think and speak like they do. They are selfish , narrow minded, and nonspiritual. They think they are wonderful people, and that they do good things from time to time so that makes it all right. The daily constant negative or hateful thinking energies overwhelm the good deed every now and then!
People have pat answers to world issues that make no sense what so ever. They like it better if their lives stayed just the way they are, and nothing was made harder (becasue it is already hard, and that is their issue). They want others to change, to be the ones who need to adjust.They can't be part of the problem, it has to be ten other things!
It is as if instead of being the highest brain power on this planet, some people are in the IQ range of a stone sitting in the middle of a desert. They have the same flexibility and need to change as that hard, cold stone.
People say stupid, thoughtless and unreasonable things. I have seen words lately putting down cultures, illnesses, and beliefs. I thought we stopped that nonsense in the 60's. Why did people suddenly go backwards? The reason is they portrayed themselves as "spiritual", "good" and "advanced", and to be these things you have to first be wise. You must be able to discern good from bad, truth from lies, and your true motivations for doing things. They can't do that. Now the truth is unfolding, and will unfold more and more over time.
People espouse on things they have no idea about. They claim things to be true which are not. They grasp on to untruths that they like the sound of. This makes it OK then for them to be in the state they are in. It is OK because a social networking site placard said it is OK, a prejudicial site said it is OK, or a famous person said it is OK. I used to think it was about being gullible, now I know that it is about feeling comfortable in an easy answer that sits well with an individual.
When you are not in discomfort, you aren't hearing new ideas, learning things, or seeing truth. You aren't making positive change for the world. Life is about discomfort. Not pain, or anguish, but discomfort. Very few are at the level where they do not learn something new.
I don't think it is too late to change, although I can't see how people can change now. One can only hope that a few have an epiphany, something like in the movies, but I doubt that will be on any large scale.
This earthwalk isn't about you. None of it is, and once you start living your life for others, always thinking of how your deeds and your "rights" being enacted effect others, never worrying about "what ifs" that will never happen, or never locking someone into a box because you are afraid of them, or don't understand them, then not only you will change, but the world will change. When you realize "your way" is not always the "best way", and MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT the only way, then your life path will improve.
We are viewed by other countries as a bunch of selfish barbarians. People who waste, and cheat just to get what we want. Sadly that IS the perception we put out there and it is true for many...but not all.
Can you tip the scales? It may take just one person to do so? Will you be that person that puts faith back into mankind, this country , and this world, or will you stay stuck in your little world? None of what you do is supposed to be about you. When you always think of how and what you do effects others and adjust to that, so that it isn't all about you, then you always reap rewards. Yet there are too many without the faith to do that, they keep doing for themselves. their wants, their religion, their beliefs. They are the ones who won't make it.
Do the right things for the right reasons.....the second part of that is the HARD part.
Too many are failing miserably, and I would love to see them succeed!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
They will still promote fear, selfishness, and hate. They walk around mad at the world. Mad at family members, or politicians, or their station in life. They will still wander the world wondering when Karma will attack others, not realizing it is attacking them. They missed the boat.
The energetic shift that is coming is mild in feeling , but powerful. It means much and it is a shift in the world going back to order. The Universe will use humans to do that, no aliens are going to land in Central Park . A firey cloud won't appear over the desert, it will be much more subtle, widespread and powerful. It is the world being one, and the ones that are left out will have their lives deteriorate, and they aren't great to begin with.
I have seen such ignorance, unreasonable fear, and selfishness in the past weeks. I don't know why people think it is OK to only care about their lives, their belongings, their happiness,their opinion and their well being. I don't know why people think that the answer to problems is always that someone else needs to do something and not themselves. Maybe that is why we are in the mess we are in. People go way off the deep end shouting about how they will not allow something to happen, when there is no indication it will happen at all. They live in fear, unreasonableness, and wonder why their lives aren't the way they want them to be.
They walk around fearful and angry all the time. They have a low opinion of anyone who doesn't think and speak like they do. They are selfish , narrow minded, and nonspiritual. They think they are wonderful people, and that they do good things from time to time so that makes it all right. The daily constant negative or hateful thinking energies overwhelm the good deed every now and then!
People have pat answers to world issues that make no sense what so ever. They like it better if their lives stayed just the way they are, and nothing was made harder (becasue it is already hard, and that is their issue). They want others to change, to be the ones who need to adjust.They can't be part of the problem, it has to be ten other things!
It is as if instead of being the highest brain power on this planet, some people are in the IQ range of a stone sitting in the middle of a desert. They have the same flexibility and need to change as that hard, cold stone.
People say stupid, thoughtless and unreasonable things. I have seen words lately putting down cultures, illnesses, and beliefs. I thought we stopped that nonsense in the 60's. Why did people suddenly go backwards? The reason is they portrayed themselves as "spiritual", "good" and "advanced", and to be these things you have to first be wise. You must be able to discern good from bad, truth from lies, and your true motivations for doing things. They can't do that. Now the truth is unfolding, and will unfold more and more over time.
People espouse on things they have no idea about. They claim things to be true which are not. They grasp on to untruths that they like the sound of. This makes it OK then for them to be in the state they are in. It is OK because a social networking site placard said it is OK, a prejudicial site said it is OK, or a famous person said it is OK. I used to think it was about being gullible, now I know that it is about feeling comfortable in an easy answer that sits well with an individual.
When you are not in discomfort, you aren't hearing new ideas, learning things, or seeing truth. You aren't making positive change for the world. Life is about discomfort. Not pain, or anguish, but discomfort. Very few are at the level where they do not learn something new.
I don't think it is too late to change, although I can't see how people can change now. One can only hope that a few have an epiphany, something like in the movies, but I doubt that will be on any large scale.
This earthwalk isn't about you. None of it is, and once you start living your life for others, always thinking of how your deeds and your "rights" being enacted effect others, never worrying about "what ifs" that will never happen, or never locking someone into a box because you are afraid of them, or don't understand them, then not only you will change, but the world will change. When you realize "your way" is not always the "best way", and MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT the only way, then your life path will improve.
We are viewed by other countries as a bunch of selfish barbarians. People who waste, and cheat just to get what we want. Sadly that IS the perception we put out there and it is true for many...but not all.
Can you tip the scales? It may take just one person to do so? Will you be that person that puts faith back into mankind, this country , and this world, or will you stay stuck in your little world? None of what you do is supposed to be about you. When you always think of how and what you do effects others and adjust to that, so that it isn't all about you, then you always reap rewards. Yet there are too many without the faith to do that, they keep doing for themselves. their wants, their religion, their beliefs. They are the ones who won't make it.
Do the right things for the right reasons.....the second part of that is the HARD part.
Too many are failing miserably, and I would love to see them succeed!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Monday, December 17, 2012
NO simple answers to Newtown
When did we lose the ability to think? When did we become so politically correct we lost our appreciation of speech and new ideas? When did we become so bored with life we take placards on social networking sites to be words of wisdom? We did the people of this country become zombies?
So many people have these "simple solutions" to preventing mass shootings. The solution will NOT be simple.
They are things like:
Bring back prayer to schools. First we haven't had prayer in school since 1962. Kids would have gone bad way before 2012 if that were the reason.The Muslims pray several times a day, yet they still have extremists that not only pray THREE times a day, but crash planes into buildings while screaming ALLAH! Prayer isn't the answer.
Bring on more mental health professionals. That would help, but again, we have placed ourselves in our own way. It used to be easy to force people into care and mental institutions, now getting a commitment procedure accomplished on someone is next to impossible. Even if we encourage more people to be trained, it will take a minimum of 6 years to get them trained . We don't have six years.
The more serious aspect of this is that you cannot always help or cure mental illness. You can try to manage it, but stress and life circumstances can make a person snap, even if they are getting therapy and medication. It is NOT as simple as "get them help". Just like you cannot always cure cancer, you cannot always help mental illness.
We DO need to improve our ability to catch and assist with mental health issues. However that is still not a simple answer.
We do need different gun laws. The ones we have no longer are working. They aren't. We are the most violent country in the world. Hands down. This is something we need not to be proud of. No one wants to take away our guns, and people will shout that this is what will happen, but it won't. Not ever.
Places I have lived with strict gun laws do not have these issues. There are laws to cover if you loan a gun to a person who commits a crime. There are laws about buying and selling, carrying, and using. Where it is hard, the crazy people find other ways to kill yes, but ways that allow the victims to more easily defend themselves.
Here I have a neighbor that gets intoxicated and fires a gun into the air. The bullets do have to come down. An officer told me about his mother in law getting a concussion that way.
There was a knife attack in China. Twenty children. Their children all lived becasue a gun was not used. It is still a terrible thing, but there are not 20 Chinese families preparing for a funeral. When you take several guns with 15 shots each into a school of small children, it is hard to miss. We now have 20 more children dead.
How many more? Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech. How many more.
People say to keep the guns in the hands of the good guys. I am fine with that, but there is not ONE SINGLE INCIDENT of an armed citizen thwarting a massacre by taking out his concealed weapon and killing or wounding a perpetrator. Hasn't happened. There have been people at these scenes with guns. They freeze or are afraid of criminal charges and do nothing.
Things WILL change now becasue they have to. There won't be an option, it is just what exactly will those changes be. The fact remains that good, law abiding, sane citizens will still have their guns, and those who are insane or criminal will not have as many. Even if ONE child's life is saved by new legislation, that is enough!
Our founding fathers wanted to make sure we protected ourselves from tyranny. Nothing wrong with that. I am sure however they never imagined Americans packing several firearms, loading them with 20, 50, 100 shots and taking out people like tin cans on a wall. Never did they imagine that. They would be appalled at the senseless killing and the hollering about gun owners rights. They carefully crafted our constitution to say that we have rights, UNTIL they impinge on the rights of others. That we have rights, but we have responsibilities. So they were much smarter than many people today.
It is time to protect our children. Not make excuses to lessen our fear of having our guns taken away. It is time to be responsible to our fellow humans, and it is PAST time to be direct. It is time to stop grasping at straws that won't solve the issue and take firm, decisive action. Will it make some lives harder, sure.....just like standing in long security lines at airports. Welcome to the 21st century! This isn't your Grandma's world any more, and it never will be!
ADDED Dec 17 10:27 AM:
"The American Right is fond of putting itself inside the minds of America’s Founders and intuiting what was their “original intent” in writing the U.S. Constitution and its early additions, like the Second Amendment’s “right to bear arms.” But, surely, James Madison and the others weren’t envisioning people with modern weapons mowing down children in a movie theater or a shopping mall or now a kindergarten.
Indeed, when the Second Amendment was passed in the First Congress as part of the Bill of Rights, firearms were single-shot mechanisms that took time to load and reload. It was also clear that Madison and the others viewed the “right to bear arms” in the context of “a well-regulated militia” to defend communities from massacres, not as a means to enable such massacres.
James Madison, architect of the U.S. Constitution and author of the Bill of Rights.
The Second Amendment reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Thus, the point of the Second Amendment is to ensure “security,” not undermine it.
The massacre of 20 children in Newtown, Connecticut, on Friday, which followed other gun massacres in towns and cities across the country, represents the opposite of “security.” And it is time that Americans of all political persuasions recognize that protecting this kind of mass killing was not what the Founders had in mind."
Robert Parry (the man who broke/reported the Iran Contra scandal).
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permisison
So many people have these "simple solutions" to preventing mass shootings. The solution will NOT be simple.
They are things like:
Bring back prayer to schools. First we haven't had prayer in school since 1962. Kids would have gone bad way before 2012 if that were the reason.The Muslims pray several times a day, yet they still have extremists that not only pray THREE times a day, but crash planes into buildings while screaming ALLAH! Prayer isn't the answer.
Bring on more mental health professionals. That would help, but again, we have placed ourselves in our own way. It used to be easy to force people into care and mental institutions, now getting a commitment procedure accomplished on someone is next to impossible. Even if we encourage more people to be trained, it will take a minimum of 6 years to get them trained . We don't have six years.
The more serious aspect of this is that you cannot always help or cure mental illness. You can try to manage it, but stress and life circumstances can make a person snap, even if they are getting therapy and medication. It is NOT as simple as "get them help". Just like you cannot always cure cancer, you cannot always help mental illness.
We DO need to improve our ability to catch and assist with mental health issues. However that is still not a simple answer.
We do need different gun laws. The ones we have no longer are working. They aren't. We are the most violent country in the world. Hands down. This is something we need not to be proud of. No one wants to take away our guns, and people will shout that this is what will happen, but it won't. Not ever.
Places I have lived with strict gun laws do not have these issues. There are laws to cover if you loan a gun to a person who commits a crime. There are laws about buying and selling, carrying, and using. Where it is hard, the crazy people find other ways to kill yes, but ways that allow the victims to more easily defend themselves.
Here I have a neighbor that gets intoxicated and fires a gun into the air. The bullets do have to come down. An officer told me about his mother in law getting a concussion that way.
There was a knife attack in China. Twenty children. Their children all lived becasue a gun was not used. It is still a terrible thing, but there are not 20 Chinese families preparing for a funeral. When you take several guns with 15 shots each into a school of small children, it is hard to miss. We now have 20 more children dead.
How many more? Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech. How many more.
People say to keep the guns in the hands of the good guys. I am fine with that, but there is not ONE SINGLE INCIDENT of an armed citizen thwarting a massacre by taking out his concealed weapon and killing or wounding a perpetrator. Hasn't happened. There have been people at these scenes with guns. They freeze or are afraid of criminal charges and do nothing.
Things WILL change now becasue they have to. There won't be an option, it is just what exactly will those changes be. The fact remains that good, law abiding, sane citizens will still have their guns, and those who are insane or criminal will not have as many. Even if ONE child's life is saved by new legislation, that is enough!
Our founding fathers wanted to make sure we protected ourselves from tyranny. Nothing wrong with that. I am sure however they never imagined Americans packing several firearms, loading them with 20, 50, 100 shots and taking out people like tin cans on a wall. Never did they imagine that. They would be appalled at the senseless killing and the hollering about gun owners rights. They carefully crafted our constitution to say that we have rights, UNTIL they impinge on the rights of others. That we have rights, but we have responsibilities. So they were much smarter than many people today.
It is time to protect our children. Not make excuses to lessen our fear of having our guns taken away. It is time to be responsible to our fellow humans, and it is PAST time to be direct. It is time to stop grasping at straws that won't solve the issue and take firm, decisive action. Will it make some lives harder, sure.....just like standing in long security lines at airports. Welcome to the 21st century! This isn't your Grandma's world any more, and it never will be!
ADDED Dec 17 10:27 AM:
"The American Right is fond of putting itself inside the minds of America’s Founders and intuiting what was their “original intent” in writing the U.S. Constitution and its early additions, like the Second Amendment’s “right to bear arms.” But, surely, James Madison and the others weren’t envisioning people with modern weapons mowing down children in a movie theater or a shopping mall or now a kindergarten.
Indeed, when the Second Amendment was passed in the First Congress as part of the Bill of Rights, firearms were single-shot mechanisms that took time to load and reload. It was also clear that Madison and the others viewed the “right to bear arms” in the context of “a well-regulated militia” to defend communities from massacres, not as a means to enable such massacres.
James Madison, architect of the U.S. Constitution and author of the Bill of Rights.
The Second Amendment reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Thus, the point of the Second Amendment is to ensure “security,” not undermine it.
The massacre of 20 children in Newtown, Connecticut, on Friday, which followed other gun massacres in towns and cities across the country, represents the opposite of “security.” And it is time that Americans of all political persuasions recognize that protecting this kind of mass killing was not what the Founders had in mind."
Robert Parry (the man who broke/reported the Iran Contra scandal).
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permisison
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Treating sacred objects right!
There have been several blogs on this topic, and a reader emailed me yesterday to ask if all things used in any type of prayer, ritual or ceremony need to be treated special all the time.
The answer is yes. When you want to get into seriously doing spiritual work, you need to have the right "tools". The tools should be in a toolbox that is protected and used just for those things. It doesn't have to be made of gold, but if you carry your drum in it one day, you don't carry your laundry in it the next day.
Each "carrier" or case should be cleansed, protected, and honored too. Our drum is in with sage and other items to protect it. It isn't tossed in a basement or attic and disrespected. It is honored.
Items are also only to be used with the right intent. Always in a positive way. A drum, flute, chalice, wand, crystal, has in it the energy it was "born with" and more importantly, the energy you put into it. Never use any item to send harm, upset, or negativity in any way. When you cannot find a way to do it positively, leave it to the Universe to take care of it.
I have spent many a time taking ritual objects that people have touched (no one touches my tarot cards), used, or basically abused, to clean, bless and clear the energy. I have only had to cleanse the pow wow drum once, but it was done immediately. Ritual objects need to be honored, protected and treated as if they are your grandparents. Treated in other words with respect and love. There are specific ways to do these things, and there are a multitude of ways, depending on the item and tradition behind it. When you don't know how, find someone who does.
Be mindful. Most people who have such tools would never think of using them for anything other than their intended purpose. They would never allow strangers or people who gave them bad vibes to handle them. They protect them as they would a grandparent. They don't bring them into places that are inappropriate or allow others (who don't know what they are doing), to handle them.
I am a stickler about keeping ritual items cleansed,heck, I am anal about it.When I have to suddenly use an item in time of need or trouble, I do not want to have to stop and cleanse it first. The key is to originally cleanse it, use it properly and treat it responsibly. Put it away in the right manner in a safe and protected place, and to cleanse it when necessary.
I have rattles that are only used for drumming, and others only used for healing, each rattle has a purpose and a way it is used. There are several tarot decks, drums, flutes, and such in my possession that I use just for a specific purpose . Some have more than one purpose, but they will be close purposes, such as the pow wow drum. All are kept with, love, integrity, and honor.
There are people who have objects they have no idea how to use or to honor. There are ways to cleanse every object and none ever needs being destroyed, but spending your life cleansing sacred objects is not only time wasting, but does take away from the object.
Be careful how , when, and where you use an object, and make sure it is always for a positive purpose. Intent is important.
Be careful with that which you have that is sacred. People who follow Native American spirituality; Wiccan and other Nature and goddess based lives; religious people, and more, all honor that which they use.
Respect each other, and respect the item for it's use. There is an energy in that object. It has a purpose, and it is a spirit. It needs to be treated properly. It will teach you when you make a mistake, but when you blatantly disregard the true nature of the object, it will turn out very badly in the end.
Respect and honor that spirit always.
When mistakes happen, correct them and cleanse the item.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The answer is yes. When you want to get into seriously doing spiritual work, you need to have the right "tools". The tools should be in a toolbox that is protected and used just for those things. It doesn't have to be made of gold, but if you carry your drum in it one day, you don't carry your laundry in it the next day.
Each "carrier" or case should be cleansed, protected, and honored too. Our drum is in with sage and other items to protect it. It isn't tossed in a basement or attic and disrespected. It is honored.
Items are also only to be used with the right intent. Always in a positive way. A drum, flute, chalice, wand, crystal, has in it the energy it was "born with" and more importantly, the energy you put into it. Never use any item to send harm, upset, or negativity in any way. When you cannot find a way to do it positively, leave it to the Universe to take care of it.
I have spent many a time taking ritual objects that people have touched (no one touches my tarot cards), used, or basically abused, to clean, bless and clear the energy. I have only had to cleanse the pow wow drum once, but it was done immediately. Ritual objects need to be honored, protected and treated as if they are your grandparents. Treated in other words with respect and love. There are specific ways to do these things, and there are a multitude of ways, depending on the item and tradition behind it. When you don't know how, find someone who does.
Be mindful. Most people who have such tools would never think of using them for anything other than their intended purpose. They would never allow strangers or people who gave them bad vibes to handle them. They protect them as they would a grandparent. They don't bring them into places that are inappropriate or allow others (who don't know what they are doing), to handle them.
I am a stickler about keeping ritual items cleansed,heck, I am anal about it.When I have to suddenly use an item in time of need or trouble, I do not want to have to stop and cleanse it first. The key is to originally cleanse it, use it properly and treat it responsibly. Put it away in the right manner in a safe and protected place, and to cleanse it when necessary.
I have rattles that are only used for drumming, and others only used for healing, each rattle has a purpose and a way it is used. There are several tarot decks, drums, flutes, and such in my possession that I use just for a specific purpose . Some have more than one purpose, but they will be close purposes, such as the pow wow drum. All are kept with, love, integrity, and honor.
There are people who have objects they have no idea how to use or to honor. There are ways to cleanse every object and none ever needs being destroyed, but spending your life cleansing sacred objects is not only time wasting, but does take away from the object.
Be careful how , when, and where you use an object, and make sure it is always for a positive purpose. Intent is important.
Be careful with that which you have that is sacred. People who follow Native American spirituality; Wiccan and other Nature and goddess based lives; religious people, and more, all honor that which they use.
Respect each other, and respect the item for it's use. There is an energy in that object. It has a purpose, and it is a spirit. It needs to be treated properly. It will teach you when you make a mistake, but when you blatantly disregard the true nature of the object, it will turn out very badly in the end.
Respect and honor that spirit always.
When mistakes happen, correct them and cleanse the item.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Holidays can be depressing for some
I usually receive email on metaphysical questions, but the latest was
asking about my training in psychology. A woman is very concerned about
a friend of many years as her behavior had changed after two deaths in
the family.
There is some concern as the family members died from a congenital disease, so it would be normal to have some concern and have things checked out. The friend sent me a list of behavior she was concerned about, and should be, since the holiday season is a time for heightened depression and suicide. Don't confuse a normal sadness with depression, they are two different things, mostly due to severity and duration.
People think that most suicides occur in the winter months, generally around the holidays. It is a time of heightened suicide rates, but the peek times are late spring and early summer. It is important however to make sure that we are aware of signs of depression in people around us.
Suicide is preventable. Depression is manageable. Signs of depression include:
When people "drop out" of life. They don't do things they used to love doing. They don't participate in group activities. This can mean not showing up , or being there and being totally unplugged. Not participating in the conversation, or physically withdrawing. Doin gthis at home is even more serious, and is a sure sign that something is wrong.
Shut out loved ones. Family, friends, partners are avoided and closed out. They may literally hide from them, or absorb themselves in other things so as not to become involved emotionally.
Saying and doing things that tell you they feel there is no hope. Hopelessness is a major part of depression and is one of the differences between being sad and being depressed. Saying things like "I will never be happy again", "or life is hard, it always is, I will always have problems".
Lack of concern with appearance of themselves and their surroundings. They don't have to be a Fashionista or Martha Stewart to be healthy, but if a person is no longer paying attention to hygiene, or has gone from looking nice to wearing sweats and a bathrobe all the time, be concerned. It is the change in a downward or less concerned way, that you are looking for.
When a normally clean home goes to being totally unkempt, that is a cause for concern.
This also includes a loss of appetite, or desire to do the basic things we normally do to survive.
They find things to absorb them so they don't "have time" to do things they normally did or to be plugged in to the world. Some people become workaholics, others suddenly develop what seems like an addiction to a hobby, pass time or endeavor. It consumes them and their time, and allows them to "check out" of daily, family and/or work life.
They dwell on the past or a particular event in their life that was devastating to them. A divorce, death, loss of job. They still mourn the loss of something. People do heal at different rates, but after a year has passed, and the person is still mourning, there is an issue. Most people heal in a matter of a few months.
Endangering other aspects of life. Some who are depressed will do things that put them at risk, and make them cause issues to give them something to be depressed about. You will see this in Borderline Personality Disorder. The most common ways of doing this is spending money to get in to a huge financial hole that is next to impossible to climb out of. Others put themselves in physical danger, that can vary from them not eating well, or taking their medications to have unprotected sex with dangerous or ill people. They may take up dangerous hobbies, or sports that put them at risk. They put themselves at risk in any way imaginable.
Body pain. Clinical depression many times comes with body aches and pain. Not always, but some cases do involve physical pain.
Causing minor harm to themselves. They may start by cutting themselves , the physical pain takes their mind off of the emotional pain for a short period of time. They may also "accidentally overdose" on regular medication, or increase in drinking or drug use.
Trouble sleeping at night. Excessive sleeping to escape during the day.
Difficulty concentrating.
Any of these things should be a cause for concern, and prompt a visit to your doctor. There is not an immediate need to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist, but it is imperative to seek help. When these signs are severe, or all of them show up, it is time for a visit to a psychiatrist. Not only is there danger of a suicide, but people are not living their lives, and are cheating themselves and their loved ones out of their attention, love and creation of happy memories.The key is to watch for change, duration and intensity. Help your loved ones by protecting them. They may not like being dragged to the doctor's office, but when their lives are happier they will not be able to thank you enough.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There is some concern as the family members died from a congenital disease, so it would be normal to have some concern and have things checked out. The friend sent me a list of behavior she was concerned about, and should be, since the holiday season is a time for heightened depression and suicide. Don't confuse a normal sadness with depression, they are two different things, mostly due to severity and duration.
People think that most suicides occur in the winter months, generally around the holidays. It is a time of heightened suicide rates, but the peek times are late spring and early summer. It is important however to make sure that we are aware of signs of depression in people around us.
Suicide is preventable. Depression is manageable. Signs of depression include:
When people "drop out" of life. They don't do things they used to love doing. They don't participate in group activities. This can mean not showing up , or being there and being totally unplugged. Not participating in the conversation, or physically withdrawing. Doin gthis at home is even more serious, and is a sure sign that something is wrong.
Shut out loved ones. Family, friends, partners are avoided and closed out. They may literally hide from them, or absorb themselves in other things so as not to become involved emotionally.
Saying and doing things that tell you they feel there is no hope. Hopelessness is a major part of depression and is one of the differences between being sad and being depressed. Saying things like "I will never be happy again", "or life is hard, it always is, I will always have problems".
Lack of concern with appearance of themselves and their surroundings. They don't have to be a Fashionista or Martha Stewart to be healthy, but if a person is no longer paying attention to hygiene, or has gone from looking nice to wearing sweats and a bathrobe all the time, be concerned. It is the change in a downward or less concerned way, that you are looking for.
When a normally clean home goes to being totally unkempt, that is a cause for concern.
This also includes a loss of appetite, or desire to do the basic things we normally do to survive.
They find things to absorb them so they don't "have time" to do things they normally did or to be plugged in to the world. Some people become workaholics, others suddenly develop what seems like an addiction to a hobby, pass time or endeavor. It consumes them and their time, and allows them to "check out" of daily, family and/or work life.
They dwell on the past or a particular event in their life that was devastating to them. A divorce, death, loss of job. They still mourn the loss of something. People do heal at different rates, but after a year has passed, and the person is still mourning, there is an issue. Most people heal in a matter of a few months.
Endangering other aspects of life. Some who are depressed will do things that put them at risk, and make them cause issues to give them something to be depressed about. You will see this in Borderline Personality Disorder. The most common ways of doing this is spending money to get in to a huge financial hole that is next to impossible to climb out of. Others put themselves in physical danger, that can vary from them not eating well, or taking their medications to have unprotected sex with dangerous or ill people. They may take up dangerous hobbies, or sports that put them at risk. They put themselves at risk in any way imaginable.
Body pain. Clinical depression many times comes with body aches and pain. Not always, but some cases do involve physical pain.
Causing minor harm to themselves. They may start by cutting themselves , the physical pain takes their mind off of the emotional pain for a short period of time. They may also "accidentally overdose" on regular medication, or increase in drinking or drug use.
Trouble sleeping at night. Excessive sleeping to escape during the day.
Difficulty concentrating.
Any of these things should be a cause for concern, and prompt a visit to your doctor. There is not an immediate need to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist, but it is imperative to seek help. When these signs are severe, or all of them show up, it is time for a visit to a psychiatrist. Not only is there danger of a suicide, but people are not living their lives, and are cheating themselves and their loved ones out of their attention, love and creation of happy memories.The key is to watch for change, duration and intensity. Help your loved ones by protecting them. They may not like being dragged to the doctor's office, but when their lives are happier they will not be able to thank you enough.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Monday, December 10, 2012
What is this about "Catfish"? Internet scams.
The internet is a vast array of information, but it is also a vast array of MISinformation. More and more of what is on the net is pure nonsense. You cannot believe half of what you read on the net, and further research is always needed. Add to that the fact that you will get a "slant" of the publisher of the page, not 100% truth in many instances, adds to the confusion. I remember during the election telling people that getting any information from a partial site (like a party site), or slanted news service was pure intellectual suicide.
Last week I alluded to the fact that the internet is not a place where you want to take any one stab in the dark and believe it. It may be a page that is 100% true, but having backed up that information is invaluable. There are sites that will help you find if things are true or not, like Snopes or Truthorfiction. They research and find the source and are 100% unbiased. They have no reason to lie to you, and will tell you if something is true or not , or even partially true.
Sadly there are a bunch of sickos out there that get supreme pleasure in trying to attack and discredit successful businesses and people. They have meaningless , unpleasant lives and get their jollies out of making large companies or famous people look bad. Harming a person's business out of pure lies and pleasure is sick, disgusting, and criminal. Laws have been enacted to prosecute internet bullies and slanderers. I say , it is about time!
Yet there is a step deeper into internet lies, deceit, and hate.It is a behavior that is deplorable. We all know that there are people on dating websites who play themselves up. They may even have a picture from 10 years ago, or a description that makes them look irresistible. My clients fall for them all the time. Did you ever wonder what all those Prince Charmings are doing on a website, yeah me too. The fact is, dating websites are a joke. They can advertise in ways to lure you in like "more weddings". Ok, so your site had 3% instead of 2.5%, and none of them lasted? Great statistic. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning.
So, we all know dating sites are full of people playing up their best (or imagineed attributes), and downplaying the bad side. People fish hoping to catch that one gem in the ocean. They prepare for that, so what? The" what", is that there are people out there who totally and completely fabricate a persona, and never intend to meet the person they are communicating with. The reason, psychosis. They are called "catfish".
Recently in the news was a person who had 30 plus women that they were communicating with. There were phone calls, texts, pictures, email, but never a face to face meeting. Every time the face to face meeting was arranged, there would be a disaster that would keep the two from meeting. The reasons included surgery, near death of family members, illness, accidents, and being stranded somewhere due to weather, or other serious issues.
These relationships would seem monogamous to the person involved. There would be talk of marriage, even gifts sent, but the meeting would never happen. The reason why? The person who for months on end was courting these women, was another woman. She was doing this for her own twisted, evil amusement. She is a catfish.
There is no financial gain, nothing but pure trickery in order to amuse themselves. Catfish are becoming more and more prevalent on the internet. This one was even "brave" enough to suggest to a girlfriend that she contact "this guy" (who was actually herself), who was really sweet. The girlfriend was very savvy and not desperate at all. She figured it out when the attempts to meet were always thwarted by major issues. She caught on right away.
The pictures this woman was using was from the internet, a man who is a local singer and model who had many pictures on the net. She "became" him. When the made up persona had "serious accidents",keeping him from a face to face meeting, his "sister" (the catfish) , would call and tell the poor woman who was being played that her "brother" was in a serious accident, or some other dramatic reason they could not meet.
When one girl caught on, she asked for a picture taken that day with a newspaper or some other non alterable item with the current date on it. She never got the picture, because the catfish could not create that.
This woman had the time to play out these 30 women over time, one girl up to 30 months.
There are people in this world who get nervous about dating again, they get funny about meeting up. Yet, 30 months? That is way too long. Two meetings cancelled by the same person for the original meet up , should be the maximum.
Dating outside the country is also asking for trouble. There are not only catfish galore, but people who will try to scam you out of money. One man told a client he needed money to pay his taxes to leave the country. That is pure BS. Another wanted citizenship , and another a job here. If you think for a moment these people will not pull out all the stops and promise you the moon, you are highly delusional. This is very important , heartbreaking stuff here.
Do not internet date a person from another country, one you have not met in a reasonable amount of time, or one that says they need money first for ANY reason. They are all scammers.
The catfish are, to me, the sickest, as they just do it for personal pleasure. So if you have a hard time believing someone will make a sign for Facebook with information that isn't true, think about Catfish.
The internet is a place where people can hide. They sometimes become bullies, scam artists, or even Catfish. Beware any internet predator, it is a jungle out there!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be copied, reproduced, or shared without credit or prior written permission.
Last week I alluded to the fact that the internet is not a place where you want to take any one stab in the dark and believe it. It may be a page that is 100% true, but having backed up that information is invaluable. There are sites that will help you find if things are true or not, like Snopes or Truthorfiction. They research and find the source and are 100% unbiased. They have no reason to lie to you, and will tell you if something is true or not , or even partially true.
Sadly there are a bunch of sickos out there that get supreme pleasure in trying to attack and discredit successful businesses and people. They have meaningless , unpleasant lives and get their jollies out of making large companies or famous people look bad. Harming a person's business out of pure lies and pleasure is sick, disgusting, and criminal. Laws have been enacted to prosecute internet bullies and slanderers. I say , it is about time!
Yet there is a step deeper into internet lies, deceit, and hate.It is a behavior that is deplorable. We all know that there are people on dating websites who play themselves up. They may even have a picture from 10 years ago, or a description that makes them look irresistible. My clients fall for them all the time. Did you ever wonder what all those Prince Charmings are doing on a website, yeah me too. The fact is, dating websites are a joke. They can advertise in ways to lure you in like "more weddings". Ok, so your site had 3% instead of 2.5%, and none of them lasted? Great statistic. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning.
So, we all know dating sites are full of people playing up their best (or imagineed attributes), and downplaying the bad side. People fish hoping to catch that one gem in the ocean. They prepare for that, so what? The" what", is that there are people out there who totally and completely fabricate a persona, and never intend to meet the person they are communicating with. The reason, psychosis. They are called "catfish".
Recently in the news was a person who had 30 plus women that they were communicating with. There were phone calls, texts, pictures, email, but never a face to face meeting. Every time the face to face meeting was arranged, there would be a disaster that would keep the two from meeting. The reasons included surgery, near death of family members, illness, accidents, and being stranded somewhere due to weather, or other serious issues.
These relationships would seem monogamous to the person involved. There would be talk of marriage, even gifts sent, but the meeting would never happen. The reason why? The person who for months on end was courting these women, was another woman. She was doing this for her own twisted, evil amusement. She is a catfish.
There is no financial gain, nothing but pure trickery in order to amuse themselves. Catfish are becoming more and more prevalent on the internet. This one was even "brave" enough to suggest to a girlfriend that she contact "this guy" (who was actually herself), who was really sweet. The girlfriend was very savvy and not desperate at all. She figured it out when the attempts to meet were always thwarted by major issues. She caught on right away.
The pictures this woman was using was from the internet, a man who is a local singer and model who had many pictures on the net. She "became" him. When the made up persona had "serious accidents",keeping him from a face to face meeting, his "sister" (the catfish) , would call and tell the poor woman who was being played that her "brother" was in a serious accident, or some other dramatic reason they could not meet.
When one girl caught on, she asked for a picture taken that day with a newspaper or some other non alterable item with the current date on it. She never got the picture, because the catfish could not create that.
This woman had the time to play out these 30 women over time, one girl up to 30 months.
There are people in this world who get nervous about dating again, they get funny about meeting up. Yet, 30 months? That is way too long. Two meetings cancelled by the same person for the original meet up , should be the maximum.
Dating outside the country is also asking for trouble. There are not only catfish galore, but people who will try to scam you out of money. One man told a client he needed money to pay his taxes to leave the country. That is pure BS. Another wanted citizenship , and another a job here. If you think for a moment these people will not pull out all the stops and promise you the moon, you are highly delusional. This is very important , heartbreaking stuff here.
Do not internet date a person from another country, one you have not met in a reasonable amount of time, or one that says they need money first for ANY reason. They are all scammers.
The catfish are, to me, the sickest, as they just do it for personal pleasure. So if you have a hard time believing someone will make a sign for Facebook with information that isn't true, think about Catfish.
The internet is a place where people can hide. They sometimes become bullies, scam artists, or even Catfish. Beware any internet predator, it is a jungle out there!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be copied, reproduced, or shared without credit or prior written permission.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Hanukkah, a different side of the story
Saturday at sundown marks the beginning of Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Light. There are many cultures that have a "festival of light", Christmas began as one, and pagans celebrate the solstice as a festival of light. The Romans had Saturnalia. December 21 (or thereabouts), may be the shortest and therefore darkest day of the year, but as the next day dawns, light starts creeping back into the world. We have a little more daylight each day until we reach the summer solstice (in the northern hemisphere).
When you delve into learning about religions and the history surrounding them, you see them from a whole different perspective. You see the connections to other faiths, you see where differences lie, and sadly you see a lot of war. Many places, many reasons, every religion.
I had heard the stories of the Maccabees and how they fought for their religious freedom. I knew how they had won a battle and reclaimed the Temple. They went to clean and restore it and found that the little oil left in the lamps that were next to empty, lasted for 8 days. Thus we have the festival of light, Hanukkah, that lasts 8 days. A candle is lit each night to celebrate this religious victory.
Since there are many "festivals of light", and they go back to the winter solstice, I am sure much of it was wrapped around the old beliefs (solstice celebrations), after all, at this time religion was in flux, Christianity was not established yet, there were many celebrating the old ways, gods and goddesses. When I was studying for my doctorate I heard a very different take on things, and one of the advisers said to remember that when you hear a story, it depends on if you are hearing it from the winning side or the losing side. It depends on if you are hearing it from the person who was miles from the battlefield or deep inside it. They will have different perspectives, beliefs, and come with a different set of tools to process everything.
The most surprising part she told me is that the story of the Maccabees isn't part of the Torah. The Torah is the Jewish scrolls that govern the religion and its' history, it is basically the Old Testament of the Bible. I would have figured that out for myself if I would have thought about it, because I knew that New Testament books, and information are not in the Torah.Depending on your version of the Bible, the information is different, so stepping outside the religion, of course things will be different. You can read about the Maccabees in Hebrews (New Testament)...but the interesting part of all of this is that when the story as history is told, not the story as religion, it is a different story.
I did some research this year as Hanukkah is just around the corner, and as with most religious stories, it wasn't exactly the way it went. The history of religion is filled with bloodshed, and this "battle" wasn't quite the "fight for religious freedom", that it is touted to be. A Jewish scholar named Shawna Dolansky (yes she is Jewish), even called the Maccabees "religious terrorists". Once I read the history, I had to agree.
The story in the "pretty version" is the Jewish people, as represented in the story as the Maccabees, began an uprising for religious freedom. However, they did not simply fight against the King, but everyone who wasn't a Maccabee (religious priestly class). They not only fought, killed and tortured non Jews, but other Jews as well. This was not a Jewish revolt, but a revolt by a small group of Jews. It was ugly. The ugliest part was the Maccabee Jews killing other Jews becasue the majority of Jews wanted to assimilate into the King's way of doing things. Maybe they had a point in wanting to keep their religion pure, but then we have to say the same about the Muslim extremists today (see it IS all in the perspective).
The Maccabbes killed other Jews and performed forced circumcisions on them (OUCH, I can't imagine that went well). They forced those who were reforming their religion, to worship in their way of doing things. Once they won the war and their " religious freedom ", they didn't stop, they then forced everyone else to do as they did, in essence taking away THEIR religious freedom. They were priests and religious zealots (which is never a good thing in any religion), who imposed their will on others. You can see them as religious terrorists or pious men who saved their original religion. Either way , they killed people and forced them to believe as they did, and I have a very hard time with that.
The Talmud introduced the story as a dedication ( the word Hanukkah means dedication),of the Temple 600 years after the fact. This is where the oil story gets introduced. Many scholars believe it was a story invented by the Rabbis, as it was never mentioned before that time. They believe that this way it is a story of the power of God, not a story of a bunch of religious fanatics killing others.
The stories of religion are usually ones of hate, negativity, and bloodshed. It is so ironic, and the story here isn't to put down the Jews, but to show how things can get presented the way those in power of the religion want you to see it. This tactic doesn't just limit itself to religion.
The message here is not really about Hanukkah, but about looking at things carefully. Making sure that you see the other side of the story (or all three....), and making sure that you are not led into believing something that isn't entirely true. It is about research. A few years ago Biblical scholars wouldn't dare say things like "Jesus was probably married", or "the Maccabees killed more fellow Jews than others". They would be ostracized, and worse. Today the information and the tools to gain it are out there. It is hard to refute it, and people can still continue to believe as they wish. We have religious freedom in this country (not every country does), and we have access to a vast array of knowledge. Use it.
This doesn't just pertain to religion, but to every aspect of your life. Today there are multitudes of people who spread all kinds of nonsense through the internet and unfortunately many who believe what they write. Monday I will write about "Catfish", and give you an idea of the senseless craziness that goes on via the internet, and why it is important to not buy into others stories, beliefs, and agenda, but to listen, research (and research the RIGHT way), and make an informed decision. You cannot make an informed decision after reading an email, looking at a Facebook posting, or even (GASP) a blog. RESEARCH!
Meanwhile, I can not look at Hanukkah the same again, but at least I see the other side of the coin now, and to me that is fascinating, as it just goes along the same historic path many other religious stories have.
Research, learn and grow!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(2012) Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
When you delve into learning about religions and the history surrounding them, you see them from a whole different perspective. You see the connections to other faiths, you see where differences lie, and sadly you see a lot of war. Many places, many reasons, every religion.
I had heard the stories of the Maccabees and how they fought for their religious freedom. I knew how they had won a battle and reclaimed the Temple. They went to clean and restore it and found that the little oil left in the lamps that were next to empty, lasted for 8 days. Thus we have the festival of light, Hanukkah, that lasts 8 days. A candle is lit each night to celebrate this religious victory.
Since there are many "festivals of light", and they go back to the winter solstice, I am sure much of it was wrapped around the old beliefs (solstice celebrations), after all, at this time religion was in flux, Christianity was not established yet, there were many celebrating the old ways, gods and goddesses. When I was studying for my doctorate I heard a very different take on things, and one of the advisers said to remember that when you hear a story, it depends on if you are hearing it from the winning side or the losing side. It depends on if you are hearing it from the person who was miles from the battlefield or deep inside it. They will have different perspectives, beliefs, and come with a different set of tools to process everything.
The most surprising part she told me is that the story of the Maccabees isn't part of the Torah. The Torah is the Jewish scrolls that govern the religion and its' history, it is basically the Old Testament of the Bible. I would have figured that out for myself if I would have thought about it, because I knew that New Testament books, and information are not in the Torah.Depending on your version of the Bible, the information is different, so stepping outside the religion, of course things will be different. You can read about the Maccabees in Hebrews (New Testament)...but the interesting part of all of this is that when the story as history is told, not the story as religion, it is a different story.
I did some research this year as Hanukkah is just around the corner, and as with most religious stories, it wasn't exactly the way it went. The history of religion is filled with bloodshed, and this "battle" wasn't quite the "fight for religious freedom", that it is touted to be. A Jewish scholar named Shawna Dolansky (yes she is Jewish), even called the Maccabees "religious terrorists". Once I read the history, I had to agree.
The story in the "pretty version" is the Jewish people, as represented in the story as the Maccabees, began an uprising for religious freedom. However, they did not simply fight against the King, but everyone who wasn't a Maccabee (religious priestly class). They not only fought, killed and tortured non Jews, but other Jews as well. This was not a Jewish revolt, but a revolt by a small group of Jews. It was ugly. The ugliest part was the Maccabee Jews killing other Jews becasue the majority of Jews wanted to assimilate into the King's way of doing things. Maybe they had a point in wanting to keep their religion pure, but then we have to say the same about the Muslim extremists today (see it IS all in the perspective).
The Maccabbes killed other Jews and performed forced circumcisions on them (OUCH, I can't imagine that went well). They forced those who were reforming their religion, to worship in their way of doing things. Once they won the war and their " religious freedom ", they didn't stop, they then forced everyone else to do as they did, in essence taking away THEIR religious freedom. They were priests and religious zealots (which is never a good thing in any religion), who imposed their will on others. You can see them as religious terrorists or pious men who saved their original religion. Either way , they killed people and forced them to believe as they did, and I have a very hard time with that.
The Talmud introduced the story as a dedication ( the word Hanukkah means dedication),of the Temple 600 years after the fact. This is where the oil story gets introduced. Many scholars believe it was a story invented by the Rabbis, as it was never mentioned before that time. They believe that this way it is a story of the power of God, not a story of a bunch of religious fanatics killing others.
The stories of religion are usually ones of hate, negativity, and bloodshed. It is so ironic, and the story here isn't to put down the Jews, but to show how things can get presented the way those in power of the religion want you to see it. This tactic doesn't just limit itself to religion.
The message here is not really about Hanukkah, but about looking at things carefully. Making sure that you see the other side of the story (or all three....), and making sure that you are not led into believing something that isn't entirely true. It is about research. A few years ago Biblical scholars wouldn't dare say things like "Jesus was probably married", or "the Maccabees killed more fellow Jews than others". They would be ostracized, and worse. Today the information and the tools to gain it are out there. It is hard to refute it, and people can still continue to believe as they wish. We have religious freedom in this country (not every country does), and we have access to a vast array of knowledge. Use it.
This doesn't just pertain to religion, but to every aspect of your life. Today there are multitudes of people who spread all kinds of nonsense through the internet and unfortunately many who believe what they write. Monday I will write about "Catfish", and give you an idea of the senseless craziness that goes on via the internet, and why it is important to not buy into others stories, beliefs, and agenda, but to listen, research (and research the RIGHT way), and make an informed decision. You cannot make an informed decision after reading an email, looking at a Facebook posting, or even (GASP) a blog. RESEARCH!
Meanwhile, I can not look at Hanukkah the same again, but at least I see the other side of the coin now, and to me that is fascinating, as it just goes along the same historic path many other religious stories have.
Research, learn and grow!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(2012) Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Classic metaphysical
I frequently gets email asking what books I recommend in a certain area of metaphysics. There are a lot of great books out there, and a pile of , as Dr Sheldon Cooper would say, "hokum".
Recently a young man who is just starting to learn about metaphysics asked what to read to get started. That is a tough question. It is also a TON of reading. There is no easy answer, but I say start with two things, first history. Yes history. Read about the Roman gods and goddesses, the Celts (especially the Druids), Native American spirituality (the Hopi will amaze you), pagans, Norse mythology and on from there. This will give you a good basis for really understanding what you are reading. It is also essential if you are going to do any spiritual work, like cleansings. Not every issue in a place is a demon. You need to know what to do in every contingency, and that means knowing a lot about a lot of different things out there.
Then move on to studying pagan and wiccan traditions, they are going to repeat some of the history you read about, but in a new light. The earth and Her power will help you understand even more deeply and appreciatively.
Then move on to the "classics". The books written when the subject of metaphysics was just beginning to be studied, and some newer books that are essential. These books are serious, accurate, and give you good roots and a basis to work on. Many new books use terms and instances as examples and readers who are not familiar with them, are quickly lost or miss the real gist of things. This comes from not having that prior experience. It is like trying to study algebra before basic math.
These are the "classics" I recommend. They are well written, explain things thoroughly, and are packed with good information. They are a sampling of different subjects, but they help you see how it all comes together. Many of these authors have multiple books that are a treasure trove. When an author resonates with you, read more!
First read the history we talked about, then books on all the major religions. Read the Tao Te Ching, Bhagavad Gita, The Tibetan Book of the Dead.
Then read on to these valuable tomes:
ESP, Hauntings and Poltergeists, a Parapsychologist's Handbook- Loyd Auerbach
The Gnostic Jung and the Severn Sermons of The Dead- Stephan A. Hoeller
Spirit Allies- Christopeher Penczak
Major World Religions From Their Origins to The Present- Lloyd Ridgeon
Book of the Hopi- Frank Waters
Jung the Mystic- Gary Lachman. Jung can be a heavy read, and if you are not familiar with psychology he may frustrate you. Reading books like this one where his works are interpreted by someone else and set out in plain, modern English (Jung wrote in German), make it easier to grasp his amazing concepts. I wrote my Master's Thesis on Jung for my degree and he was an amazing man.
The Golden Ratio- Mario Livio
Chariot of the Gods- Erich Von Daniken (information in this book has been updated, but still worth the read, it is only 150 some pages)
Supernatural and Fingerprints the Gods-Graham Hancock (Fingerprints delves into the Egyptians, Mayans, and alien helpers, it is full of myriad information).
Then read from a scientific viewpoint to see how the metaphysical is becoming more mainstream, in books like The Field and the Intention Experiment by Lynn Mc Taggart. When that grabs you, reach for books on String Theory like The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
Read anything by Raymond Buckland, he focuses on mediumship and witchcraft; Wayne Dyer and Mike Dooley (learning about law of attraction);Sonia Choquette, and Carl Jung. You can then "specialize" in psychics, tarot, crystals, Reiki, ghosts.....wherever you want to go.
Yes, it is a lot of reading, but people who really know what is going on in the field have done two things, read a TON of books, and been in the field in different genres of the metaphysical. It is vast, and it is so very interesting.
My husband has devoured quite a few of these books. He wasn't a big reader in the past, more due to time available than anything else, now he is reading these books and loving them, especially Graham Hancock.
Once you read these and see how it all intertwines, your brain goes in many directions. Read reviews on Amazon before purchasing a book, or drop me an email. There is a lot of repeated information and garbage out there, everyone trying to make a buck on the changes coming this year, but there are still MONTHS of great reading out there.
Buy cheap used books on Amazon and make notes in them, or on them, and see the vines intertwine. Then find your passion and jump in!
Enjoy the good reads!!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Recently a young man who is just starting to learn about metaphysics asked what to read to get started. That is a tough question. It is also a TON of reading. There is no easy answer, but I say start with two things, first history. Yes history. Read about the Roman gods and goddesses, the Celts (especially the Druids), Native American spirituality (the Hopi will amaze you), pagans, Norse mythology and on from there. This will give you a good basis for really understanding what you are reading. It is also essential if you are going to do any spiritual work, like cleansings. Not every issue in a place is a demon. You need to know what to do in every contingency, and that means knowing a lot about a lot of different things out there.
Then move on to studying pagan and wiccan traditions, they are going to repeat some of the history you read about, but in a new light. The earth and Her power will help you understand even more deeply and appreciatively.
Then move on to the "classics". The books written when the subject of metaphysics was just beginning to be studied, and some newer books that are essential. These books are serious, accurate, and give you good roots and a basis to work on. Many new books use terms and instances as examples and readers who are not familiar with them, are quickly lost or miss the real gist of things. This comes from not having that prior experience. It is like trying to study algebra before basic math.
These are the "classics" I recommend. They are well written, explain things thoroughly, and are packed with good information. They are a sampling of different subjects, but they help you see how it all comes together. Many of these authors have multiple books that are a treasure trove. When an author resonates with you, read more!
First read the history we talked about, then books on all the major religions. Read the Tao Te Ching, Bhagavad Gita, The Tibetan Book of the Dead.
Then read on to these valuable tomes:
ESP, Hauntings and Poltergeists, a Parapsychologist's Handbook- Loyd Auerbach
The Gnostic Jung and the Severn Sermons of The Dead- Stephan A. Hoeller
Spirit Allies- Christopeher Penczak
Major World Religions From Their Origins to The Present- Lloyd Ridgeon
Book of the Hopi- Frank Waters
Jung the Mystic- Gary Lachman. Jung can be a heavy read, and if you are not familiar with psychology he may frustrate you. Reading books like this one where his works are interpreted by someone else and set out in plain, modern English (Jung wrote in German), make it easier to grasp his amazing concepts. I wrote my Master's Thesis on Jung for my degree and he was an amazing man.
The Golden Ratio- Mario Livio
Chariot of the Gods- Erich Von Daniken (information in this book has been updated, but still worth the read, it is only 150 some pages)
Supernatural and Fingerprints the Gods-Graham Hancock (Fingerprints delves into the Egyptians, Mayans, and alien helpers, it is full of myriad information).
Then read from a scientific viewpoint to see how the metaphysical is becoming more mainstream, in books like The Field and the Intention Experiment by Lynn Mc Taggart. When that grabs you, reach for books on String Theory like The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
Read anything by Raymond Buckland, he focuses on mediumship and witchcraft; Wayne Dyer and Mike Dooley (learning about law of attraction);Sonia Choquette, and Carl Jung. You can then "specialize" in psychics, tarot, crystals, Reiki, ghosts.....wherever you want to go.
Yes, it is a lot of reading, but people who really know what is going on in the field have done two things, read a TON of books, and been in the field in different genres of the metaphysical. It is vast, and it is so very interesting.
My husband has devoured quite a few of these books. He wasn't a big reader in the past, more due to time available than anything else, now he is reading these books and loving them, especially Graham Hancock.
Once you read these and see how it all intertwines, your brain goes in many directions. Read reviews on Amazon before purchasing a book, or drop me an email. There is a lot of repeated information and garbage out there, everyone trying to make a buck on the changes coming this year, but there are still MONTHS of great reading out there.
Buy cheap used books on Amazon and make notes in them, or on them, and see the vines intertwine. Then find your passion and jump in!
Enjoy the good reads!!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
More Christmas tidbits
Some interesting Christmas facts:
Some countries celebrate Christmas on January 6, 7, or 19th. They tried to figure Jesus birth by conception date. Any Mom will let you know how well that works! Others will tell you that there would be no shepherds about on late December or early January, and that he was actually born in spring or early fall (September). Dates that are popular with scholars include May 20, April 18, and March 25.
Christmas had/has other names: "midwinter", "Yule", "Jol" and "Noel".
Places that don't celebrate Christmas include: China (except Hong Kong), North Korea, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iran, Turkey and Japan.
In many officially Catholic countries, parades are held up up to the time of Christmas, all with a religious nature to them, of course.
The term "Christmas tree" was not recorded until 1835.
Christmas trees are German, pagan traditions, not Christian. The first Christmas trees were said to be used in Germany in the 18th century , although they weren't used primarily for Christmas in the beginning, but as a way to celebrate life and the winter solstice. They were ALWAYS green after all!
People began putting up Christmas trees in the US around 1870.
Santa Claus as we know him began as Sinterklaas with the Dutch. There were traditions of gift giving prior to "Santa Claus" in other places, like a witch who tossed gifts down chimneys at Halloween in Eastern Europe.
Other names for Santa include: St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Babbo Natale, Father Christmas, Saint Basil,and Joulupukki.
The modern image of Santa was created in New York thanks to author Washington Irving, who also wrote the Headless Horseman, a Halloween favorite!
Ancient documents on Jesus birth connect him the the sun. Like many powerful entities in many cultures, the sun was a god and was what ruled the earth. Jesus was literally described as the "sun" being born. "...the 'Birthday of the Unconquered'. Who indeed is so unconquered as Our Lord ...? Or, if they say that it is the birthday of the Sun, He is the Sun of Justice." We managed to change that to "son". There are pages and pages of prophecy about the "sun" being born, not the "son".
Christmas during the Middle Ages included gift giving, but only between those with a legal tie, such as landlord and tenant, or master and apprentice.
The English gave us the dancing, parties, and more public celebrations.
The Puritans in the US tried to ban Christmas. They succeeded in Boston from 1659 to 1681.It took many years after the ban for Christmas to become popular.
The German settlers in PA and NC celebrated Christmas on a large scale at the same time and made it very popular.
Christmas celebrations had died down for a while but were revived in the 1820's thanks to stories by Washington Irving in "The Sketch Book".
President U. S. Grant proclaimed Christmas an official Federal holiday in 1870.
There is so much more Christmas Trivia out there....enjoy the Holiday Season , no matter how you choose to celebrate it.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wold, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Some countries celebrate Christmas on January 6, 7, or 19th. They tried to figure Jesus birth by conception date. Any Mom will let you know how well that works! Others will tell you that there would be no shepherds about on late December or early January, and that he was actually born in spring or early fall (September). Dates that are popular with scholars include May 20, April 18, and March 25.
Christmas had/has other names: "midwinter", "Yule", "Jol" and "Noel".
Places that don't celebrate Christmas include: China (except Hong Kong), North Korea, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iran, Turkey and Japan.
In many officially Catholic countries, parades are held up up to the time of Christmas, all with a religious nature to them, of course.
The term "Christmas tree" was not recorded until 1835.
Christmas trees are German, pagan traditions, not Christian. The first Christmas trees were said to be used in Germany in the 18th century , although they weren't used primarily for Christmas in the beginning, but as a way to celebrate life and the winter solstice. They were ALWAYS green after all!
People began putting up Christmas trees in the US around 1870.
Santa Claus as we know him began as Sinterklaas with the Dutch. There were traditions of gift giving prior to "Santa Claus" in other places, like a witch who tossed gifts down chimneys at Halloween in Eastern Europe.
Other names for Santa include: St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Babbo Natale, Father Christmas, Saint Basil,and Joulupukki.
The modern image of Santa was created in New York thanks to author Washington Irving, who also wrote the Headless Horseman, a Halloween favorite!
Ancient documents on Jesus birth connect him the the sun. Like many powerful entities in many cultures, the sun was a god and was what ruled the earth. Jesus was literally described as the "sun" being born. "...the 'Birthday of the Unconquered'. Who indeed is so unconquered as Our Lord ...? Or, if they say that it is the birthday of the Sun, He is the Sun of Justice." We managed to change that to "son". There are pages and pages of prophecy about the "sun" being born, not the "son".
Christmas during the Middle Ages included gift giving, but only between those with a legal tie, such as landlord and tenant, or master and apprentice.
The English gave us the dancing, parties, and more public celebrations.
The Puritans in the US tried to ban Christmas. They succeeded in Boston from 1659 to 1681.It took many years after the ban for Christmas to become popular.
The German settlers in PA and NC celebrated Christmas on a large scale at the same time and made it very popular.
Christmas celebrations had died down for a while but were revived in the 1820's thanks to stories by Washington Irving in "The Sketch Book".
President U. S. Grant proclaimed Christmas an official Federal holiday in 1870.
There is so much more Christmas Trivia out there....enjoy the Holiday Season , no matter how you choose to celebrate it.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wold, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Beginnings of Christmas
Several people have emailed and reminded me that I promised an "origin of Christmas" blog....I did allude to it a week or so ago, and they wanted to hear it. Readers who have been reading the blog for years or who are students of history, all religions, or are Pagans, will already be familiar with the origins of Christmas.
When the "Church" was first founded in the Roman empire, it needed members. This meant that they had to go out and convince the locals to join the church. This was a hard sell, especially in Rome. There were many temples, gods and goddesses. There were fun and interesting celebrations. Things were going very well, people weren't looking for an answer for the most part. The church realized that the best way to get people in the doors, was to make it familiar, and comfortable, so they borrowed the Pagan celebrations and holidays.
Oestre became Easter. It is a fertility celebration, about birthing new animals and growing abundant crops, it fits in with the whole Christian Easter story of rebirth (the world reawakening in spring), and fertility, life, and growth.
Christmas is all about Christ's birth, right? Christ's name IS in "Christmas". Well, yes, but that is because the Church made it that way. Jesus of Nazareth was born, most likely, in the spring. Scholars argue that point, and another group says September. Either way they agree it was no where near December 25. Jesus was born a Jewish boy who went to Temple, born in Nazareth, most likely in the spring time. He isn't a Capricorn, he is most likely a Taurus or Virgo. The Church already borrowed Oestre and made it Easter, so we can't crowd that all together. We have a huge Roman celebration that we need to fit into the scheme of things, Saturnalia. What to do?
This all wasn't a big secret really, but it wasn't broadcast either. The Catholic Encyclopedia in 1911 stated that "Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church…the first evidence of the feast is from Egypt.” Further, “Pagan customs centering around the January calendars gravitated to Christmas.” Under “Natal Day,” Origen, an early Catholic writer, admitted, “…In the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day in which they were born into this world”. The way the ancients marked a great man, was by honoring him on the day he died, not on the day he was born. That is a "modern" take on things.
The celebration of Saturnalia was of course to honor the god Saturn. It was a celebration that lasted December 17 through the 23rd. There was feasting, gift giving, parties and sacrifices. The best twist of the celebration was that the masters served the slaves. Everyone was involved in the carnival atmosphere that went on for days and even included gambling. There was singing and dancing in the streets, and human shaped biscuits were made and consumed. No one would want to end this fun festival for a new holiday in the Church! The Roman Catholic Church knew it had to include the celebration to get the people into the church. It took about 200 years. That's right, Christmas wasn't celebrated in the Church for about 200 years after Jesus was born.
Saturnalia was a "festival of light", so, by the way , is the Jewish celebration Hanukkah, celebrated around the same time. Hanukkah is to celebrate a battle. But they all celebrate, in essence, the winter solstice and bringing light to the darkness. The days are now again beginning to get longer the day after the winter solstice (usually December 21 in the northern hemisphere). The pagans will tell you that the Holly King is off of the throne and the Oak King has returned to bring back the light.
Saturnalia was always about gifts, family, parties, light, and fun, it just didn't have Christ thrown into the mix until 200 years after his birth. Saturnalia even continued to run hand in hand with Christmas for a while.We added to the celebration as the years went by including bringing in greenery to give us hope that spring would return. This was popular in Eastern Europe, but originated in the North. The Christmas tree has absolutely nothing to do with Christ or Saturnalia, it is a new twist. Some groups will have stories to add the reason for things like the tree, that make it "authentic", but trees had nothing to do with Christmas until modern times.
During the Middle Ages the Church banned gift giving at Christmas saying it was a pagan tradition as it harkened back to Saturnalia. Today gift giving is again included in Christmas, and many "non religious" people celebrate the holiday, some even in its' original form, as a celebration of light!
Today Christmas is a popular holiday , it is both secular and non secular. It is celebrated all over the world in different ways. At the same time, or close enough to it, the Jewish people are celebrating their festival of lights, Hanukkah, and the Pagans are celebrating the winter solstice as a celebration of light coming back into the world.
When the winter is long and the days are cold it is a little ray of hope to recognize that each day is light a little bit longer. Each day creeps closer and closer to spring.Light and warmth return, and the winter solstice is the beginning of that.
All the celebrations of the Church can be traced back to pagan roots, the fun part is to be open minded enough to find them. It will be interesting when some day a scholar is able to pinpoint Jesus birthday, will we change the date of Christmas or start a new celebration? We already have a day to mark Jesus death, as was the way in the olden days, but we seem to be a few months off on his birthday.
No matter how you choose to celebrate, be happy that you live in the most wonderful place in the world where you can choose your religion, rites, rituals, and celebrations. Not everyone is so lucky!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
When the "Church" was first founded in the Roman empire, it needed members. This meant that they had to go out and convince the locals to join the church. This was a hard sell, especially in Rome. There were many temples, gods and goddesses. There were fun and interesting celebrations. Things were going very well, people weren't looking for an answer for the most part. The church realized that the best way to get people in the doors, was to make it familiar, and comfortable, so they borrowed the Pagan celebrations and holidays.
Oestre became Easter. It is a fertility celebration, about birthing new animals and growing abundant crops, it fits in with the whole Christian Easter story of rebirth (the world reawakening in spring), and fertility, life, and growth.
Christmas is all about Christ's birth, right? Christ's name IS in "Christmas". Well, yes, but that is because the Church made it that way. Jesus of Nazareth was born, most likely, in the spring. Scholars argue that point, and another group says September. Either way they agree it was no where near December 25. Jesus was born a Jewish boy who went to Temple, born in Nazareth, most likely in the spring time. He isn't a Capricorn, he is most likely a Taurus or Virgo. The Church already borrowed Oestre and made it Easter, so we can't crowd that all together. We have a huge Roman celebration that we need to fit into the scheme of things, Saturnalia. What to do?
This all wasn't a big secret really, but it wasn't broadcast either. The Catholic Encyclopedia in 1911 stated that "Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church…the first evidence of the feast is from Egypt.” Further, “Pagan customs centering around the January calendars gravitated to Christmas.” Under “Natal Day,” Origen, an early Catholic writer, admitted, “…In the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day in which they were born into this world”. The way the ancients marked a great man, was by honoring him on the day he died, not on the day he was born. That is a "modern" take on things.
The celebration of Saturnalia was of course to honor the god Saturn. It was a celebration that lasted December 17 through the 23rd. There was feasting, gift giving, parties and sacrifices. The best twist of the celebration was that the masters served the slaves. Everyone was involved in the carnival atmosphere that went on for days and even included gambling. There was singing and dancing in the streets, and human shaped biscuits were made and consumed. No one would want to end this fun festival for a new holiday in the Church! The Roman Catholic Church knew it had to include the celebration to get the people into the church. It took about 200 years. That's right, Christmas wasn't celebrated in the Church for about 200 years after Jesus was born.
Saturnalia was a "festival of light", so, by the way , is the Jewish celebration Hanukkah, celebrated around the same time. Hanukkah is to celebrate a battle. But they all celebrate, in essence, the winter solstice and bringing light to the darkness. The days are now again beginning to get longer the day after the winter solstice (usually December 21 in the northern hemisphere). The pagans will tell you that the Holly King is off of the throne and the Oak King has returned to bring back the light.
Saturnalia was always about gifts, family, parties, light, and fun, it just didn't have Christ thrown into the mix until 200 years after his birth. Saturnalia even continued to run hand in hand with Christmas for a while.We added to the celebration as the years went by including bringing in greenery to give us hope that spring would return. This was popular in Eastern Europe, but originated in the North. The Christmas tree has absolutely nothing to do with Christ or Saturnalia, it is a new twist. Some groups will have stories to add the reason for things like the tree, that make it "authentic", but trees had nothing to do with Christmas until modern times.
During the Middle Ages the Church banned gift giving at Christmas saying it was a pagan tradition as it harkened back to Saturnalia. Today gift giving is again included in Christmas, and many "non religious" people celebrate the holiday, some even in its' original form, as a celebration of light!
Today Christmas is a popular holiday , it is both secular and non secular. It is celebrated all over the world in different ways. At the same time, or close enough to it, the Jewish people are celebrating their festival of lights, Hanukkah, and the Pagans are celebrating the winter solstice as a celebration of light coming back into the world.
When the winter is long and the days are cold it is a little ray of hope to recognize that each day is light a little bit longer. Each day creeps closer and closer to spring.Light and warmth return, and the winter solstice is the beginning of that.
All the celebrations of the Church can be traced back to pagan roots, the fun part is to be open minded enough to find them. It will be interesting when some day a scholar is able to pinpoint Jesus birthday, will we change the date of Christmas or start a new celebration? We already have a day to mark Jesus death, as was the way in the olden days, but we seem to be a few months off on his birthday.
No matter how you choose to celebrate, be happy that you live in the most wonderful place in the world where you can choose your religion, rites, rituals, and celebrations. Not everyone is so lucky!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Holiday mayhem...
Clients are already going through the holiday worry, of wanting to know if they will have a person "to spend the holidays with". I understand that the holidays are supposed to be fun and festive. Hollywood and TV has made us think of holiday time as huge family gatherings, glamorous parties or romantic times by the fire. It has made us believe that Christmas , along with Valentine's Day, is a failure without a diamond gift.
I can see holidays being about families in SOME families. There are families however, that are problematic to the point of dysfunctional or abusive. You do NOT have to include those people in your holiday in a big way, or at all. Holidays are NOT about romance. Holidays are not about diamonds. Holidays are not about spending time with someone who makes you feel guilty, fearful, sad, angry or any other negative emotion. Giving birth to a person , or being a biological father, does NOT automatically allow you control of your offspring's schedule. When you aren't a good parent, or if you are an abusive parent, then you don't get time at all.....period.
What holidays are about depends on the holiday. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for what we have, and if you have been doing the "days of thankfulness daily ritual", you have at least 29 things so far. I won't get into Christmas yet, as that is a whole blog in and of itself, but it isn't about what you may think it is. Christmas was a pagan celebration way before Jesus of Nazareth was born. It has however become a time of celebration, and celebrated in different ways around the world. It is a time of celebration , food, and parties OR a time of peace, contemplation, and reaping the harvest of your year that has just passed.
You don't have to have a bunch of friends or a significant other to celebrate the holiday. Last time I checked the only "significant other day" was Valentine's Day. Sometimes having a partner just makes it harder to do. The key is to NOT take your clues from anyone else, and certainly not TV ads, shows or the movies. The key is to do what you can do that makes you happy, content, peaceful, and serene. It is not a day put on the calendar to make you upset or depressed. I know, easier said than done for some. Remember to change the things you can (Serenity Prayer), and not sweat what you cannot control or change. What would be the point?
There are holidays I have spent with family, and without. Close to home, far away from home. Dressing up for parties and sitting home in my sweats and a warm quilt. Single, married, divorced, and married again. They were all good days and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything. They all had a meaning, a feeling, and a peace to them that I embraced.
Just because it is a holiday , it is not a time to rush to find a significant other. This is probably the worst time actually. I have clients stressing because their new partner will be away with family and families stressing because their members are with others all the time at Christmas. Get over it! I mean seriously, do not try to control the things you can't. You can invite, you can rearrange schedules, but you cannot make somone spend a holiday with you. The result of forcing people to do things with you (and maybe even like spending time with you) just ends up being a huge mess.
Find people who want to be with you, who resonate with you. Don't try to force people to be with you, it never works in the long run. Those who threaten and try to make people do what they want end up alone , or at least without that person near them. People go where they feel comfortable in the long run. You can force, make people feel guilty, or demand, but in the long run all you are building is resentment.
When you are constantly alone on the holidays , and not out of choice, examine why. YOU are the common denominator. What is it about you what makes people stay away? It is a hard journey to find that answer. But you have to BE what you want. When you want Prince Charming, you have to BE Princess Charming.
Make the holidays YOUR special day. The day set aside to celebrate YOUR way. When you want a celebration, create it! When you don't, don't. There are many who are content with their own company , and there is nothing wrong with that, but there is something of an issue with needing a person to make anything "complete". A person in your life is not there to complete you, but to complement you.
Do the right things for the right reasons!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
I can see holidays being about families in SOME families. There are families however, that are problematic to the point of dysfunctional or abusive. You do NOT have to include those people in your holiday in a big way, or at all. Holidays are NOT about romance. Holidays are not about diamonds. Holidays are not about spending time with someone who makes you feel guilty, fearful, sad, angry or any other negative emotion. Giving birth to a person , or being a biological father, does NOT automatically allow you control of your offspring's schedule. When you aren't a good parent, or if you are an abusive parent, then you don't get time at all.....period.
What holidays are about depends on the holiday. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for what we have, and if you have been doing the "days of thankfulness daily ritual", you have at least 29 things so far. I won't get into Christmas yet, as that is a whole blog in and of itself, but it isn't about what you may think it is. Christmas was a pagan celebration way before Jesus of Nazareth was born. It has however become a time of celebration, and celebrated in different ways around the world. It is a time of celebration , food, and parties OR a time of peace, contemplation, and reaping the harvest of your year that has just passed.
You don't have to have a bunch of friends or a significant other to celebrate the holiday. Last time I checked the only "significant other day" was Valentine's Day. Sometimes having a partner just makes it harder to do. The key is to NOT take your clues from anyone else, and certainly not TV ads, shows or the movies. The key is to do what you can do that makes you happy, content, peaceful, and serene. It is not a day put on the calendar to make you upset or depressed. I know, easier said than done for some. Remember to change the things you can (Serenity Prayer), and not sweat what you cannot control or change. What would be the point?
There are holidays I have spent with family, and without. Close to home, far away from home. Dressing up for parties and sitting home in my sweats and a warm quilt. Single, married, divorced, and married again. They were all good days and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything. They all had a meaning, a feeling, and a peace to them that I embraced.
Just because it is a holiday , it is not a time to rush to find a significant other. This is probably the worst time actually. I have clients stressing because their new partner will be away with family and families stressing because their members are with others all the time at Christmas. Get over it! I mean seriously, do not try to control the things you can't. You can invite, you can rearrange schedules, but you cannot make somone spend a holiday with you. The result of forcing people to do things with you (and maybe even like spending time with you) just ends up being a huge mess.
Find people who want to be with you, who resonate with you. Don't try to force people to be with you, it never works in the long run. Those who threaten and try to make people do what they want end up alone , or at least without that person near them. People go where they feel comfortable in the long run. You can force, make people feel guilty, or demand, but in the long run all you are building is resentment.
When you are constantly alone on the holidays , and not out of choice, examine why. YOU are the common denominator. What is it about you what makes people stay away? It is a hard journey to find that answer. But you have to BE what you want. When you want Prince Charming, you have to BE Princess Charming.
Make the holidays YOUR special day. The day set aside to celebrate YOUR way. When you want a celebration, create it! When you don't, don't. There are many who are content with their own company , and there is nothing wrong with that, but there is something of an issue with needing a person to make anything "complete". A person in your life is not there to complete you, but to complement you.
Do the right things for the right reasons!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Being thankful all year long.
A couple of years ago I started a challenge. The challenge was for people to think about what they were thankful for beginning with November first. It got everyone in the Thanksgiving mood, and the reminders of the holiday helped to remind people to be thankful. A nice little circle.
The idea is, that if you program yourself to be in tune with the Universe, God, Buddha or whatever you resonate with, then you become a thankful person, swimming in thankful energy and you have more abundance in your life. There IS something to be thankful for everyday, there is actually more than one thing, and this exercise trains you, and helps you form a good habit.
Lots of folks started the plan and some even went to the point of posting everyday (not a requirement, but OK to do) on social networking sites. Thanksgiving has passed and the comments have dried to a trickle.
Has anyone continued the practice? A few have and they will find things turn better and better for them, but where is everyone else? Don't you want a more thankful and abundant life? SURE you do!
You can do it in private, but make sure that you are still noting something every day to be thankful for. It may be something that happened that day, or something that has been ongoing in your life. It doesn't matter, don't be afraid that you will repeat something three months from now, that is OK, it also sends a message to the Universe. It is also OK to wait to the end of the day , or to name three or four things you were thankful for that day!
Being positive and seeing things positively, brings positive energy around you and makes things better everyday. You learn that even when things don't go exactly as you would have wanted or planned, that there is STILL something or things to be thankful for. Your whole mindset and energy changes, and it becomes a perpetual motion machine of bringing in better and better.
The Universe sometimes has to take away to bring in new, when we learn to trust and have faith, then we never fear, we never doubt and we never have harsh lessons. We learn that when things don't go our way, maybe that is becasue there was a better way. We have to look back to see the exact reason for things sometimes, but when you have the faith, you don't bother looking back, searching for answers, or sweating the small stuff. You just move forward.
Be openly thankful every day. Use a journal to make sure that you are doing it if you need help....here is another push...the Universe said to get back on track! SO what are you thankful for today?????
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The idea is, that if you program yourself to be in tune with the Universe, God, Buddha or whatever you resonate with, then you become a thankful person, swimming in thankful energy and you have more abundance in your life. There IS something to be thankful for everyday, there is actually more than one thing, and this exercise trains you, and helps you form a good habit.
Lots of folks started the plan and some even went to the point of posting everyday (not a requirement, but OK to do) on social networking sites. Thanksgiving has passed and the comments have dried to a trickle.
Has anyone continued the practice? A few have and they will find things turn better and better for them, but where is everyone else? Don't you want a more thankful and abundant life? SURE you do!
You can do it in private, but make sure that you are still noting something every day to be thankful for. It may be something that happened that day, or something that has been ongoing in your life. It doesn't matter, don't be afraid that you will repeat something three months from now, that is OK, it also sends a message to the Universe. It is also OK to wait to the end of the day , or to name three or four things you were thankful for that day!
Being positive and seeing things positively, brings positive energy around you and makes things better everyday. You learn that even when things don't go exactly as you would have wanted or planned, that there is STILL something or things to be thankful for. Your whole mindset and energy changes, and it becomes a perpetual motion machine of bringing in better and better.
The Universe sometimes has to take away to bring in new, when we learn to trust and have faith, then we never fear, we never doubt and we never have harsh lessons. We learn that when things don't go our way, maybe that is becasue there was a better way. We have to look back to see the exact reason for things sometimes, but when you have the faith, you don't bother looking back, searching for answers, or sweating the small stuff. You just move forward.
Be openly thankful every day. Use a journal to make sure that you are doing it if you need help....here is another push...the Universe said to get back on track! SO what are you thankful for today?????
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Days and dates and more, oh my!
I do get email all the time asking if the world will end on December 21, 2012. No it won't, it sure will transform as far as consciousness, awareness, abilities, energy, and Karma is concerned. I suppose that for some, their world will end, or at least shift dramatically.
Some are asking about 12/12/12. People do get all excited about dates, don't they? I suppose many of them are numerologists. I never put much faith in numerology. I suppose there is something to it, yet all the special "dates" that have come and gone in my life , in the form of special looking numbers, have been ordinary days. For example, can you remember 11/11/11 being a life changing day in your world? You probably can't remember a single thing about that day. I don't. I have a memory like an elephant. Yet people get excited about the dates. Eleven is a master number in numerology, so 11/11/11 was supposed to be very special. It was very mundane.
We will have to wait and see. The Mayans were astrologers, not numerologists, so to associate 12/12/12 with 12/21/12 would be a grave mistake. They didn't pick it becasue the numbers looked well together, they picked the date as a series of dates over millions of years. They also didn't say we were all going to die. They predicted a celestial change that would bring us in contact with our roots from the stars.
Modern people made the Mayan "prophecy" what it is. They added volcanoes, tidal waves, and earth shifting on its' axis to scare the heck out of a lot of people. It worked. Books, movies, classes galore. There are so many "end of world" people hoarding and hiding that it is scary. They are scary! Much scarier than the date itself.
The date 12/21 is a date of shift, but it is also a date where consciousness opens and people who have been on the right path reap the benefits of that more open consciousness. Some won't reap that benefit, they will reap nothing but in some cases, a visit from Karma. Things will be more on a reward basis then they have been in the past. The opening of the consciousness will allow you more insight, and ability to bring in love, health and abundance.
The date 12/21 is an ending of sorts, but more importantly, it is a new beginning.
December 12 is just a Monday, very like 11/11/11.
Don't get caught up in the hype like everyone who ran to take classes to learn about the end of the world and how to protect themselves during that event (either by hoarding food or getting attunements). There is MUCH to the metaphysical, but there is also way too many people who create drama for the fun of it, or through disillusion. There are too many people who claim a special knowledge of the world who are just plain crazy.There are lastly, a BUNCH of people who create things out of whole cloth to sell you something. Spiritual help is ALWAYS free of charge, don't let anyone sell you salvation!
Please be careful, and check everything out. Always believe with a grain of salt.
A touch of skepticism is what makes a good seeker of true knowledge.
Keep that touch of skepticism, and check everything out before you pass it along.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Some are asking about 12/12/12. People do get all excited about dates, don't they? I suppose many of them are numerologists. I never put much faith in numerology. I suppose there is something to it, yet all the special "dates" that have come and gone in my life , in the form of special looking numbers, have been ordinary days. For example, can you remember 11/11/11 being a life changing day in your world? You probably can't remember a single thing about that day. I don't. I have a memory like an elephant. Yet people get excited about the dates. Eleven is a master number in numerology, so 11/11/11 was supposed to be very special. It was very mundane.
We will have to wait and see. The Mayans were astrologers, not numerologists, so to associate 12/12/12 with 12/21/12 would be a grave mistake. They didn't pick it becasue the numbers looked well together, they picked the date as a series of dates over millions of years. They also didn't say we were all going to die. They predicted a celestial change that would bring us in contact with our roots from the stars.
Modern people made the Mayan "prophecy" what it is. They added volcanoes, tidal waves, and earth shifting on its' axis to scare the heck out of a lot of people. It worked. Books, movies, classes galore. There are so many "end of world" people hoarding and hiding that it is scary. They are scary! Much scarier than the date itself.
The date 12/21 is a date of shift, but it is also a date where consciousness opens and people who have been on the right path reap the benefits of that more open consciousness. Some won't reap that benefit, they will reap nothing but in some cases, a visit from Karma. Things will be more on a reward basis then they have been in the past. The opening of the consciousness will allow you more insight, and ability to bring in love, health and abundance.
The date 12/21 is an ending of sorts, but more importantly, it is a new beginning.
December 12 is just a Monday, very like 11/11/11.
Don't get caught up in the hype like everyone who ran to take classes to learn about the end of the world and how to protect themselves during that event (either by hoarding food or getting attunements). There is MUCH to the metaphysical, but there is also way too many people who create drama for the fun of it, or through disillusion. There are too many people who claim a special knowledge of the world who are just plain crazy.There are lastly, a BUNCH of people who create things out of whole cloth to sell you something. Spiritual help is ALWAYS free of charge, don't let anyone sell you salvation!
Please be careful, and check everything out. Always believe with a grain of salt.
A touch of skepticism is what makes a good seeker of true knowledge.
Keep that touch of skepticism, and check everything out before you pass it along.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Monday, November 26, 2012
Gut check time
Last week , when I was on "blog vacation", there were people who said "you should write a blog about..." more than ever. Maybe it was the holiday season, who knows, but there seemed to be a lot of folks asking themselves, "What are people doing, have they lost their minds?"
When I go back and review what people said about topics for a blog, they all came down to the same thing, people having some kind of presumption that they are better than, and act better than everyone else. Their way is the ONLY way, there is not an option.
Life is FULL of options. God, The Universe, or whatever you wish to call the highest power would not have needed to give us free will if their were no options! People need to take the "Holier than thou" crap and stow it. Prime example, those few politicians who said stupid self righteous things during the elections, along the lines of a child resulting from rape being God's will. Where are they now? Not in any office. People will tolerate difference of opinion, they won't tolerate egotistical crap.
The second part, and more important, because as you can see, the idiots of the first part do themselves in, is that people want others to conform, to do things a certain way, at a certain time, and tag "or else" on the end of that statement. Yet most times (not all), they will NOT do that particular thing themselves. They don't have the courage or the strength to do something, so they try to get someone else to do it for them. They need a gut check.
Before you try to coerce someone into doing something, you best be ready to do it yourself. When you think about it and decide not to, don't try to get someone else to do your dirty work for you. Some may have physical handicaps that prevent them from doing things, but even that is limited. I have seem handicapped people that you couldn't stop from doing things no matter how hard you try, and at the same time there is a person with a paper cut whining that they can't...fill in the blank.
When we stand up and shout, we best be ready to do things ourselves. Prime example, most multilevel marketers, another complaint that same in over the holiday weekend. The key to success in this type of "business" is getting other people, as many as possible, and the more the richer, to do your selling for you. The key is to get so many worker bees out there investing that you sit back and sip mint juleps.
A multilevel marketing program ALWAYS only greatly benefits the first guy in the door, and unless you invented the product or procedure, you will never be the first guy in the door. You can make money, but become a millionaire? No, the guy who got you involved will ALWAYS make more than you.
When you aren't out on the front lines, that can be OK, not everyone is made for every role. However, when you keep trying to get others to do your work for you, then you have a problem.
When Dec 21 comes around, the world will not end, but there will be that accounting so many worry about when they die. The accounting that says "you are on the good list", "you are not". Time is short. Groups are breaking up and reforming, change is in relationships, friendships, and the way we do things. It never was about "me me me", but it is even less about it now. Less to the point of ZERO.
I saw an interesting class description the other day, it talks about what I have been saying for about 3 years now. We need to shift and be that person that always tries to do the right thing for the right reasons (my words, but the same concept). It went on to describe who the people are that are going to be left behind, they sound like people who have been in my blogs. They are those that spread fear through email and social networking sites with stories of things that never happened (like don't open your door if you hear a baby crying). They are people who thrive on conspiracy theories and live in fear. They are people who believe and preach any hateful, mudslinging, smearing crap. They are people who want things to go wrong so they have something to whine about.They are people who put down others less fortunate, or who are of a different race (we all began as the same race people), belief system, or culture. They are people who first worry about how something will effect their pocket, not that child lying on the street starving.
They are people who do nothing while others suffer. There are people who do good only so they can brag about it. They are people who think going to church every Sunday, and donating to charities every now and then for bragging rights, while being a jerk every other day, will save them.It won't. There isn't a tit for tat.
You can't play the Universe. You can't act like you are doing the right thing. You are or you are not. You aren't expected to be perfect, but when you know you shouldn't do something and do it anyway, that is a problem. When you do something to be hurtful or spiteful, when you spread fear, when you scam people, when the most important thing to you is your ego....Dec 21 is not going to be a good day for you. When you try to make others feel guilty when they don't' do what you want them to, or you use threats to make people stay with you or help you, when you treat anyone with disrespect, it won't be a good day for you. You won't burst into flames, but if you think your life is going downhill now......The new part to all this, is the people on the right side of the see-saw will finally get positive to flow towards them more freely. They will get rewarded where in the past rewards were not always immediate or visible. Now this will start to shift.
Do a gut check. Are you really doing the right things for the right reasons? Last chance, you have less than a month to go. And if anyone tries to get you into the latest multilevel marketing scheme that is going around, tell them, no thanks, YOU invest.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
When I go back and review what people said about topics for a blog, they all came down to the same thing, people having some kind of presumption that they are better than, and act better than everyone else. Their way is the ONLY way, there is not an option.
Life is FULL of options. God, The Universe, or whatever you wish to call the highest power would not have needed to give us free will if their were no options! People need to take the "Holier than thou" crap and stow it. Prime example, those few politicians who said stupid self righteous things during the elections, along the lines of a child resulting from rape being God's will. Where are they now? Not in any office. People will tolerate difference of opinion, they won't tolerate egotistical crap.
The second part, and more important, because as you can see, the idiots of the first part do themselves in, is that people want others to conform, to do things a certain way, at a certain time, and tag "or else" on the end of that statement. Yet most times (not all), they will NOT do that particular thing themselves. They don't have the courage or the strength to do something, so they try to get someone else to do it for them. They need a gut check.
Before you try to coerce someone into doing something, you best be ready to do it yourself. When you think about it and decide not to, don't try to get someone else to do your dirty work for you. Some may have physical handicaps that prevent them from doing things, but even that is limited. I have seem handicapped people that you couldn't stop from doing things no matter how hard you try, and at the same time there is a person with a paper cut whining that they can't...fill in the blank.
When we stand up and shout, we best be ready to do things ourselves. Prime example, most multilevel marketers, another complaint that same in over the holiday weekend. The key to success in this type of "business" is getting other people, as many as possible, and the more the richer, to do your selling for you. The key is to get so many worker bees out there investing that you sit back and sip mint juleps.
A multilevel marketing program ALWAYS only greatly benefits the first guy in the door, and unless you invented the product or procedure, you will never be the first guy in the door. You can make money, but become a millionaire? No, the guy who got you involved will ALWAYS make more than you.
When you aren't out on the front lines, that can be OK, not everyone is made for every role. However, when you keep trying to get others to do your work for you, then you have a problem.
When Dec 21 comes around, the world will not end, but there will be that accounting so many worry about when they die. The accounting that says "you are on the good list", "you are not". Time is short. Groups are breaking up and reforming, change is in relationships, friendships, and the way we do things. It never was about "me me me", but it is even less about it now. Less to the point of ZERO.
I saw an interesting class description the other day, it talks about what I have been saying for about 3 years now. We need to shift and be that person that always tries to do the right thing for the right reasons (my words, but the same concept). It went on to describe who the people are that are going to be left behind, they sound like people who have been in my blogs. They are those that spread fear through email and social networking sites with stories of things that never happened (like don't open your door if you hear a baby crying). They are people who thrive on conspiracy theories and live in fear. They are people who believe and preach any hateful, mudslinging, smearing crap. They are people who want things to go wrong so they have something to whine about.They are people who put down others less fortunate, or who are of a different race (we all began as the same race people), belief system, or culture. They are people who first worry about how something will effect their pocket, not that child lying on the street starving.
They are people who do nothing while others suffer. There are people who do good only so they can brag about it. They are people who think going to church every Sunday, and donating to charities every now and then for bragging rights, while being a jerk every other day, will save them.It won't. There isn't a tit for tat.
You can't play the Universe. You can't act like you are doing the right thing. You are or you are not. You aren't expected to be perfect, but when you know you shouldn't do something and do it anyway, that is a problem. When you do something to be hurtful or spiteful, when you spread fear, when you scam people, when the most important thing to you is your ego....Dec 21 is not going to be a good day for you. When you try to make others feel guilty when they don't' do what you want them to, or you use threats to make people stay with you or help you, when you treat anyone with disrespect, it won't be a good day for you. You won't burst into flames, but if you think your life is going downhill now......The new part to all this, is the people on the right side of the see-saw will finally get positive to flow towards them more freely. They will get rewarded where in the past rewards were not always immediate or visible. Now this will start to shift.
Do a gut check. Are you really doing the right things for the right reasons? Last chance, you have less than a month to go. And if anyone tries to get you into the latest multilevel marketing scheme that is going around, tell them, no thanks, YOU invest.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Just the way it is supposed to be
Everything big happens for a reason, and some of the little things do too. Everything is in hand, and the only thing that makes the world go sideways is the free will of people. This doesn't stop anything, but it can delay things while the world is put to right.The free will of people does NOT effect the BIG things, just the LITTLE things. The world is just the way The Universe wants it, and just becasue you cannot understand all the intricacies, or like the results, doesn't mean it isn't so.
Everything is as it is supposed to be today. Everything.
You can gripe and complain and think of 10 things YOU don't like, but it is still the way it is supposed to be. Everything. This world is not without problems, but it is also NOT in the midst of some terrible, chaotic mess, downfall, or some other "the sky is falling" scenario.
I am so sick to death of people whining about things. Whining about their situations that they created. Whine about the weather, costs of things, who is President, and why don't they have a significant other. Whine whine whine about things they created! You see, the Universe, which really is MUCH wiser than you, has it all in hand. The Universe cannot please everyone and it does not try to please ANYONE, so it does what is best for us in that time and space.
We may have a flat tire to keep us from getting to a place in the road where we would have a life threatening injury. The Universe knows MUCH that you don't, and is making things the best for us. Each of us. If your life is miserable, you need to look hard in the mirror, the culprit is there.
People wonder why they have a string of major financial issues, or breakups. Like Dr Phil says, what is the common denominator? The answer would be "you are".
We are each responsible for our own situation and our happiness and acceptance of it. When you are miserable and resistant to life, change, and new ways of doing things (or ways you wouldn't prefer), you will be miserable and unsuccessful for days on end. People who accept challenges, fix things, try new thinking, and keep positive attitudes are the ones who succeed and enjoy life. Like energy attracts like energy. These people aren't all healthy, or financially wealthy. They aren't all with partners, or invited out every Friday night to some fun event, yet they are happy, positive, and forward moving. Why? THEY CHOOSE TO BE.
Don't mire yourself in the muck of complaints, unhappiness, and for goodness sakes, wild stories, crazy conspiracies and lies. You waste your positive attitude, love and energy on those things. You attract negative, scattered energy to you, after all , you must love it since you seek it out and swim in it every day. This does NOTHING for you or the Universe you share.
Everything is just the way it is SUPPOSED to be. The Universe makes it so, and what goes on under YOUR roof, YOU created.
One word of advice for those who are young generations, I was discussing this with some young people the other day.....GO TO SCHOOL. Better yet, go to a trade school, or college. High school is NOT enough. You will never get rich on a high school education unless you are some genius who will somehow invent the next Facebook, and the odds of that are astronomical. People who struggle to make ends meet are people who never made it out of school or stopped before they should have. Young adults, it isn't too late, go BACK to school, or learn a trade. YOU are responsible for your life, your wealth, your happiness. You can't put that BMW in the driveway with an 8th grade education. There are several ways to achieve this. I worked 38 hours a week while I went to college.My single parent Mom who got minimum wage and I did it, all by ourselves! NO EXCUSES. This is THE most important thing you will do for yourself in your young life.
YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible for your situation, your attitude, and your well being. The Universe has all the rest in hand, and when you work WITH the Universe wonderful things happen.
Focus on the positive and move forwards.Remove fear from your life! Remove negativity, hate, and gloom and doom from your life, and MOVE FORWARD. Help, cooperate, and understand that not everyone needs and wants what you do, you are part of a world community, and sometimes that means NOT getting what you want today. Have faith in the Universe and when things don't go your way , say "there is a reason for this that I do not need to understand".
Accept, learn, grow, and MOVE FORWARD. Change your life, only YOU can do that too!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Everything is as it is supposed to be today. Everything.
You can gripe and complain and think of 10 things YOU don't like, but it is still the way it is supposed to be. Everything. This world is not without problems, but it is also NOT in the midst of some terrible, chaotic mess, downfall, or some other "the sky is falling" scenario.
I am so sick to death of people whining about things. Whining about their situations that they created. Whine about the weather, costs of things, who is President, and why don't they have a significant other. Whine whine whine about things they created! You see, the Universe, which really is MUCH wiser than you, has it all in hand. The Universe cannot please everyone and it does not try to please ANYONE, so it does what is best for us in that time and space.
We may have a flat tire to keep us from getting to a place in the road where we would have a life threatening injury. The Universe knows MUCH that you don't, and is making things the best for us. Each of us. If your life is miserable, you need to look hard in the mirror, the culprit is there.
People wonder why they have a string of major financial issues, or breakups. Like Dr Phil says, what is the common denominator? The answer would be "you are".
We are each responsible for our own situation and our happiness and acceptance of it. When you are miserable and resistant to life, change, and new ways of doing things (or ways you wouldn't prefer), you will be miserable and unsuccessful for days on end. People who accept challenges, fix things, try new thinking, and keep positive attitudes are the ones who succeed and enjoy life. Like energy attracts like energy. These people aren't all healthy, or financially wealthy. They aren't all with partners, or invited out every Friday night to some fun event, yet they are happy, positive, and forward moving. Why? THEY CHOOSE TO BE.
Don't mire yourself in the muck of complaints, unhappiness, and for goodness sakes, wild stories, crazy conspiracies and lies. You waste your positive attitude, love and energy on those things. You attract negative, scattered energy to you, after all , you must love it since you seek it out and swim in it every day. This does NOTHING for you or the Universe you share.
Everything is just the way it is SUPPOSED to be. The Universe makes it so, and what goes on under YOUR roof, YOU created.
One word of advice for those who are young generations, I was discussing this with some young people the other day.....GO TO SCHOOL. Better yet, go to a trade school, or college. High school is NOT enough. You will never get rich on a high school education unless you are some genius who will somehow invent the next Facebook, and the odds of that are astronomical. People who struggle to make ends meet are people who never made it out of school or stopped before they should have. Young adults, it isn't too late, go BACK to school, or learn a trade. YOU are responsible for your life, your wealth, your happiness. You can't put that BMW in the driveway with an 8th grade education. There are several ways to achieve this. I worked 38 hours a week while I went to college.My single parent Mom who got minimum wage and I did it, all by ourselves! NO EXCUSES. This is THE most important thing you will do for yourself in your young life.
YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible for your situation, your attitude, and your well being. The Universe has all the rest in hand, and when you work WITH the Universe wonderful things happen.
Focus on the positive and move forwards.Remove fear from your life! Remove negativity, hate, and gloom and doom from your life, and MOVE FORWARD. Help, cooperate, and understand that not everyone needs and wants what you do, you are part of a world community, and sometimes that means NOT getting what you want today. Have faith in the Universe and when things don't go your way , say "there is a reason for this that I do not need to understand".
Accept, learn, grow, and MOVE FORWARD. Change your life, only YOU can do that too!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Haunted places aren't cheap.
I had an email last night from a lady who wants to go on ghost hunts. She didn't realize two things. One is that you cannot always just traipse onto a cemetery and start hunting, and two, that it cost money to do those things.
Remember that TV edits out a lot of stuff. You don't get to see Zack making reservations, or Jason making dinner arrangements. That would all bore you to death. There is a "Script" to these things. We have intros, or in the case of Ghost Adventures, they find places for their "X" cameras. It is TV. This doesn't mean the results aren't real, but the hour of investigation is more like 8-12 hours, many of those with NOTHING happening. The investigation can even be over multiple nights. The hunters all, eat, use the bathroom, take breaks and do all of those human things we all do.
When my questioner wasn't sure she could scrape up $100 to visit Waverly,I reminded her that $100 was about the average for haunted sites. That however is only the beginning. There is gas money, food, equipment, batteries, snacks, and more, and that is just going "locally". When you venture out to Villisca for example, the cost goes up even more.
Ghost Hunting costs money.Most likely the Travel Channel and Sy-fy won't be supplementing your trip, so it is all up to you.Many places want deposits up front, and the deposits are getting more expensive because many back out at the last minute (Villisca is now $200 non refundable). People backing out is a huge problem with a group in the first place, organizing one of these forays into the dark, is like planning a third world invasion where half your army is defecting. It can be a hair pull for sure.
Haunted sights usually charge a fee. There are some that are haunted hotels and after you pay for your room, the "ghost hunt" is free (I believe the Stanley Hotel still have free options for ghost hunts, but they are short, and in a large group). When you want a place to yourself, it is expensive. The cheapest will most likely run you $100 per person, if you can get enough people to go. Some places depend on group size, so it is beneficial to be in a group at some places, and not in others. When you have a group of like minded friends, you can usually book a location and split the fee.Be aware that many places still charge PER PERSON and that may or may not be to your benefit. I do not recommend going to a place like Villlisca without experienced people, but there are places that the Ghost Hunt Tour groups go to, where you are in with a group and are guided and taught. Everyone pays the same fee.
Villisca will cost you $200 deposit, and a minimum charge of $420. More people, more cost, and extra $70 or so per person. Waverly is $100 per person if you take a chance and just go in with a group. Want the place to yourself? It is $2000.00 on Friday or Saturday nights. Cheaper during the week. Thomas House is $100 and you will be in a group with others. There are not many places that allow you to just wander about on your own anymore. Too many idiots acting like Zack on a bad day.
There are many little places scattered here and there, and you can find them on line, they are genuinely haunted. They all however, charge a fee!
Ghost hunting isn't inexpensive. Most serious ghost hunters have at least $500 of equpment hiding in their suitcases, trunks, and totes. Even a beginner may have a good $70 voice recorder and a digital camera. The SLR cameras that are best for ghost hunting (in the "normal" camera genre), are at least $400.00 without lenses. This isn't a hobby for people without a few extra bucks in their pocket. It really is useless to go without any of it unless you are trying it out to see how you like it before spending the big bucks.
Finding a haunted place to tour is easy. Getting one for free, next to impossible, getting one open to book, harder and harder to do. Do NOT ever go wandering onto property (even if it is abandoned, someone "owns" it, it may be the county or state) or into cemeteries without permission. NEVER trespass.
People who are local should try Waverly Hills. It is genuinely haunted, not too far away (less than 2 hours), supervised, safe (as in no strangers can wander on to the property), and will cost you only $100, and a night of missed sleep. Try that first. There is no hype, no people who go with you and try to scare you, or act like they have abilities. You are taken to an area, given instruction and let loose for about 45 minutes. Waverly packs a lot into that 45 minutes. You most likely won't be able to get in until next year, but that will be the way with most of the "famous" haunted spots.
Many people are all gung ho about going to haunted sites until they get there. When something "bad" happens, like someone gets scratched, then sometimes that is the end of it.
Also remember one other thing. Haunting doesn't happen just becasue you show up. You may spend your money and your time, and not have an experience. Some people have a low level of fear that will not allow them to perceive things that actually do happen. So be ready to say "nothing happened"...and while the cold winter is passing by, ask for equipment for Christmas and save your money for next year so you can take advantage of some of these trips!
Happy haunting!
Remember that TV edits out a lot of stuff. You don't get to see Zack making reservations, or Jason making dinner arrangements. That would all bore you to death. There is a "Script" to these things. We have intros, or in the case of Ghost Adventures, they find places for their "X" cameras. It is TV. This doesn't mean the results aren't real, but the hour of investigation is more like 8-12 hours, many of those with NOTHING happening. The investigation can even be over multiple nights. The hunters all, eat, use the bathroom, take breaks and do all of those human things we all do.
When my questioner wasn't sure she could scrape up $100 to visit Waverly,I reminded her that $100 was about the average for haunted sites. That however is only the beginning. There is gas money, food, equipment, batteries, snacks, and more, and that is just going "locally". When you venture out to Villisca for example, the cost goes up even more.
Ghost Hunting costs money.Most likely the Travel Channel and Sy-fy won't be supplementing your trip, so it is all up to you.Many places want deposits up front, and the deposits are getting more expensive because many back out at the last minute (Villisca is now $200 non refundable). People backing out is a huge problem with a group in the first place, organizing one of these forays into the dark, is like planning a third world invasion where half your army is defecting. It can be a hair pull for sure.
Haunted sights usually charge a fee. There are some that are haunted hotels and after you pay for your room, the "ghost hunt" is free (I believe the Stanley Hotel still have free options for ghost hunts, but they are short, and in a large group). When you want a place to yourself, it is expensive. The cheapest will most likely run you $100 per person, if you can get enough people to go. Some places depend on group size, so it is beneficial to be in a group at some places, and not in others. When you have a group of like minded friends, you can usually book a location and split the fee.Be aware that many places still charge PER PERSON and that may or may not be to your benefit. I do not recommend going to a place like Villlisca without experienced people, but there are places that the Ghost Hunt Tour groups go to, where you are in with a group and are guided and taught. Everyone pays the same fee.
Villisca will cost you $200 deposit, and a minimum charge of $420. More people, more cost, and extra $70 or so per person. Waverly is $100 per person if you take a chance and just go in with a group. Want the place to yourself? It is $2000.00 on Friday or Saturday nights. Cheaper during the week. Thomas House is $100 and you will be in a group with others. There are not many places that allow you to just wander about on your own anymore. Too many idiots acting like Zack on a bad day.
There are many little places scattered here and there, and you can find them on line, they are genuinely haunted. They all however, charge a fee!
Ghost hunting isn't inexpensive. Most serious ghost hunters have at least $500 of equpment hiding in their suitcases, trunks, and totes. Even a beginner may have a good $70 voice recorder and a digital camera. The SLR cameras that are best for ghost hunting (in the "normal" camera genre), are at least $400.00 without lenses. This isn't a hobby for people without a few extra bucks in their pocket. It really is useless to go without any of it unless you are trying it out to see how you like it before spending the big bucks.
Finding a haunted place to tour is easy. Getting one for free, next to impossible, getting one open to book, harder and harder to do. Do NOT ever go wandering onto property (even if it is abandoned, someone "owns" it, it may be the county or state) or into cemeteries without permission. NEVER trespass.
People who are local should try Waverly Hills. It is genuinely haunted, not too far away (less than 2 hours), supervised, safe (as in no strangers can wander on to the property), and will cost you only $100, and a night of missed sleep. Try that first. There is no hype, no people who go with you and try to scare you, or act like they have abilities. You are taken to an area, given instruction and let loose for about 45 minutes. Waverly packs a lot into that 45 minutes. You most likely won't be able to get in until next year, but that will be the way with most of the "famous" haunted spots.
Many people are all gung ho about going to haunted sites until they get there. When something "bad" happens, like someone gets scratched, then sometimes that is the end of it.
Also remember one other thing. Haunting doesn't happen just becasue you show up. You may spend your money and your time, and not have an experience. Some people have a low level of fear that will not allow them to perceive things that actually do happen. So be ready to say "nothing happened"...and while the cold winter is passing by, ask for equipment for Christmas and save your money for next year so you can take advantage of some of these trips!
Happy haunting!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
New Moon / Eclipse
Today is a new moon. New moons are excellent times to manifest in whatever way resonates with you, new beginnings. A new moon combined with an exclipse is a nice combination since it wipes out the old and brings to our attention that which is hidden in the darkness. Sometimes we don't know the answer and we have to find it, erase it as much as possible, and then move forward.
The United States will not experience any of the eclipse today. It will be seen in Australia, and move across the water to the southwestern ocean area near South America. The only people who will really get to experience it is the Australians, New Zealanders, Caladonians, a handful of South Americans,and those few hardy souls in Antarctica
But the energy is there, and today would be the perfect day to make changes and create new beginnings in our lives. Think about what you want to begin, and do your prayers, rituals, and manifesting all through the next 24 hours.
This will be a wonderful time to ask for abundance, and remember that "abundance" is not a word that means the same as "money".
Have an awesome new beginning!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The United States will not experience any of the eclipse today. It will be seen in Australia, and move across the water to the southwestern ocean area near South America. The only people who will really get to experience it is the Australians, New Zealanders, Caladonians, a handful of South Americans,and those few hardy souls in Antarctica
But the energy is there, and today would be the perfect day to make changes and create new beginnings in our lives. Think about what you want to begin, and do your prayers, rituals, and manifesting all through the next 24 hours.
This will be a wonderful time to ask for abundance, and remember that "abundance" is not a word that means the same as "money".
Have an awesome new beginning!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Win the battle or the war
I know why people have bad relationships.Ego. I instructed a client how to save their marriage. I gave them two easy things to do. Very easy things. They did neither. Now the mess, instead of being smaller is bigger.
Why weren't the two easy steps taken? Because it was more important to them to twist the knife and get revenge than to save the marriage. It was more important to have the last word, to declare their hurt (even though I told them time for that was LATER), than to reach the goal they wanted, that being saving the marriage.
People have a bad habit of winning the battle to lose the war. Letting someone believe you are going to get a divorce when you have no intention of doing so, is CRUEL. The sweet revenge that happened for 5 days will now lose the marriage. It is over, there was a chance to save it, and that chance is gone, just so someone could try to make a point and twist the knife.
The other partner had even planned something nice and the culprit here made them cancel it. That was the death knell. It is over, for what, a few days of smug satisfaction.
You have to decide in times like this, do I want to make a point, or do I want to save the marriage? Both wasn't an option, and "making a point" became more important, it shouldn't have , but it did. The point wasn't made and the marriage is going to self destruct.
There are times when you have to step back and wait for the right moment to win the war, not the battle. Battle is about ego. War can be too, but sometimes when there is a difference that needs to be addressed, we have to do it logically and systematically, not emotionally.
Better yet, be around people and situations as much as possible where there is no battle and there is no war. That way you will never have to decide.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Why weren't the two easy steps taken? Because it was more important to them to twist the knife and get revenge than to save the marriage. It was more important to have the last word, to declare their hurt (even though I told them time for that was LATER), than to reach the goal they wanted, that being saving the marriage.
People have a bad habit of winning the battle to lose the war. Letting someone believe you are going to get a divorce when you have no intention of doing so, is CRUEL. The sweet revenge that happened for 5 days will now lose the marriage. It is over, there was a chance to save it, and that chance is gone, just so someone could try to make a point and twist the knife.
The other partner had even planned something nice and the culprit here made them cancel it. That was the death knell. It is over, for what, a few days of smug satisfaction.
You have to decide in times like this, do I want to make a point, or do I want to save the marriage? Both wasn't an option, and "making a point" became more important, it shouldn't have , but it did. The point wasn't made and the marriage is going to self destruct.
There are times when you have to step back and wait for the right moment to win the war, not the battle. Battle is about ego. War can be too, but sometimes when there is a difference that needs to be addressed, we have to do it logically and systematically, not emotionally.
Better yet, be around people and situations as much as possible where there is no battle and there is no war. That way you will never have to decide.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
My new ghost story
I mentioned the other day that I had a new ghost story. I have had a couple of email asking what it is. I am not positive it is a ghost story, but it is interesting.
We had a Halloween bonfire the other night. There are times when we think we see black shadows out back or other things going on out there. Never anything that we can solidly show, although we have not ever done any kind of investigating. There is a small Civil War cemetery out there and bodies were accidentally dug up when the school was built. It has all the makings for a haunted spot.
When we were having our party, someone heard a woman humming a tune. I didn't hear it, although at the time I was only maybe 8-10 feet away. It seemed to be coming from the field below us, where no one should be, and no one was (it is all open and easy to see right down to the school).
A few minutes later, a female left the party and went to her car on top of the hill about 30 feet away. A short while later I heard a female talking and thought that the lady who left, was maybe up there on her cell phone. I asked another party goer if she was still up there. He said no, so I asked if he heard the voice.He said no, but told me about the humming he had heard minutes earlier. We went up the hill and there was no one there. We looked around a little bit and came back down.
We did have a female neighbor commit suicide across the street during one bonfire a couple of years ago. Maybe she came over to join us! It is one of those stories that we may never know the answer to.
I guess we will have to keep our ears and eyes open the next time we are out having a bonfire!
Enjoy the day!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
We had a Halloween bonfire the other night. There are times when we think we see black shadows out back or other things going on out there. Never anything that we can solidly show, although we have not ever done any kind of investigating. There is a small Civil War cemetery out there and bodies were accidentally dug up when the school was built. It has all the makings for a haunted spot.
When we were having our party, someone heard a woman humming a tune. I didn't hear it, although at the time I was only maybe 8-10 feet away. It seemed to be coming from the field below us, where no one should be, and no one was (it is all open and easy to see right down to the school).
A few minutes later, a female left the party and went to her car on top of the hill about 30 feet away. A short while later I heard a female talking and thought that the lady who left, was maybe up there on her cell phone. I asked another party goer if she was still up there. He said no, so I asked if he heard the voice.He said no, but told me about the humming he had heard minutes earlier. We went up the hill and there was no one there. We looked around a little bit and came back down.
We did have a female neighbor commit suicide across the street during one bonfire a couple of years ago. Maybe she came over to join us! It is one of those stories that we may never know the answer to.
I guess we will have to keep our ears and eyes open the next time we are out having a bonfire!
Enjoy the day!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Say what you MEAN
Many times during my counseling I see that the real issue is twofold. Part one is communication, and part two is need to be right, or have the upper hand. When combined they are deadly.
The most recent is a client who continually tells her husband things she really doesn't mean at all, sometimes it controls him into a certain action or inaction. This past week it went sideways.
He is always reluctant to agree with her to do anything, because he knows he isn't always told the truth about what she wants or feels. There is always an ulterior motive. The poor man is always in a place of not knowing what is real, or true or not. This past week he didn't want to do something, and it suddenly went to her saying, "fine then we will get a divorce". A divorce is the last thing she wants. She wants him to comply, but she played the biggest card she had, the "D" card. He doesn't want a divorce, but does want an end to all this game playing, harsh words and fighting. He said, "If that is what you want, OK".
She was floored. Now what to do ? How do we backtrack from this? After months of me counseling to make sure there is no more game playing , no more words said that people do not mean, here we have gone to the biggest and most permanent step of all. Now there are pleas for help for me to save it.
The more amazing part of all this is, that another couple did the exact same thing this past weekend.
When you use threats, fear, harsh hurtful words that you do not mean, just to cause a reaction, you are not only causing much unnecessary harm to the relationship, but you may just get what you play for. This is childish, mean, spiteful behavior. It is wrong, it is nonspiritual, and it is not "doing unto others". It is NOT doing the right thing for the right reasons.
Never play games with a person's emotions. When you don't want to be there anymore, say so, then see what the response is. It may be, let's work at it, let's get counseling, let's part temporarily, or let's end it. But make sure that you voice the words you really want to impart.
My husband and I never have a moment when we need to try to tweek each other. I know people live their lives like that, but eventually the powder keg that is the relationship, blows up. It is more of a "when" , then an "if". I have written before on never giving ultimatums that you do not want to hear one of the replies to. You have to be ready to comply. When you say something, you need to honestly mean it, and know that you can carry it out. This goes for any situation from business to friendship to relationship.
Don't play games. In one of the above cases, the best thing is for the man to walk away, he is not being treated well. No matter what he does or says, it is not good enough and games are constantly being played with his emotions. When you torture someone for years then tease them with divorce, they just may grab at it like a lifeline!
Divorce is not a trump card to be played. It is an expensive emotional, mental, and financial journey. Sometimes it is the best solution, but not if you come to it in a fight of one upmanship.
Make sure you clearly say what you mean, and make sure that you know what you mean in the first place. No games, no hurtful words. Be kind to each other. Mention things early. This way you aren't in a position of not having room to make change. When you have been mad at a person and living with them for 10 years, it is hard to fix 10 years of hurt in a week or month.
Know what you want, say what you want. Be fair, be honest. Do unto others, and as I always say....Do the right thing for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied , or reproduced without prior written permission
The most recent is a client who continually tells her husband things she really doesn't mean at all, sometimes it controls him into a certain action or inaction. This past week it went sideways.
He is always reluctant to agree with her to do anything, because he knows he isn't always told the truth about what she wants or feels. There is always an ulterior motive. The poor man is always in a place of not knowing what is real, or true or not. This past week he didn't want to do something, and it suddenly went to her saying, "fine then we will get a divorce". A divorce is the last thing she wants. She wants him to comply, but she played the biggest card she had, the "D" card. He doesn't want a divorce, but does want an end to all this game playing, harsh words and fighting. He said, "If that is what you want, OK".
She was floored. Now what to do ? How do we backtrack from this? After months of me counseling to make sure there is no more game playing , no more words said that people do not mean, here we have gone to the biggest and most permanent step of all. Now there are pleas for help for me to save it.
The more amazing part of all this is, that another couple did the exact same thing this past weekend.
When you use threats, fear, harsh hurtful words that you do not mean, just to cause a reaction, you are not only causing much unnecessary harm to the relationship, but you may just get what you play for. This is childish, mean, spiteful behavior. It is wrong, it is nonspiritual, and it is not "doing unto others". It is NOT doing the right thing for the right reasons.
Never play games with a person's emotions. When you don't want to be there anymore, say so, then see what the response is. It may be, let's work at it, let's get counseling, let's part temporarily, or let's end it. But make sure that you voice the words you really want to impart.
My husband and I never have a moment when we need to try to tweek each other. I know people live their lives like that, but eventually the powder keg that is the relationship, blows up. It is more of a "when" , then an "if". I have written before on never giving ultimatums that you do not want to hear one of the replies to. You have to be ready to comply. When you say something, you need to honestly mean it, and know that you can carry it out. This goes for any situation from business to friendship to relationship.
Don't play games. In one of the above cases, the best thing is for the man to walk away, he is not being treated well. No matter what he does or says, it is not good enough and games are constantly being played with his emotions. When you torture someone for years then tease them with divorce, they just may grab at it like a lifeline!
Divorce is not a trump card to be played. It is an expensive emotional, mental, and financial journey. Sometimes it is the best solution, but not if you come to it in a fight of one upmanship.
Make sure you clearly say what you mean, and make sure that you know what you mean in the first place. No games, no hurtful words. Be kind to each other. Mention things early. This way you aren't in a position of not having room to make change. When you have been mad at a person and living with them for 10 years, it is hard to fix 10 years of hurt in a week or month.
Know what you want, say what you want. Be fair, be honest. Do unto others, and as I always say....Do the right thing for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied , or reproduced without prior written permission
Monday, November 5, 2012
Holiday time
Halloween marks the beginning of holiday time in the US, it is 2 months of non stop fun, parties, shopping, decorating, and socializing. It is however a time to reflect. People get caught up in excitement, and even the epitome of non thinking, which is called Election Day. Elections have become too emotional. They shouldn't be, there should be no emotion nor hatred in elections, but there are.
Fortunately election day is almost here, and we can get the ridiculous crap that people try to pass off as "facts" off of the TV. No more political commercials...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That to me , is an early Christmas present.
Some people have started their thankfulness lists. Some are keeping them private and others are sharing them. Remember the main idea here is to learn to be thankful and think positively every day. It is a tool to make your mind see things in a different way. You will become more exacting. Instead of "thanks for my hubby", it can be "thanks for my hubby who was able to have the skills, knowledge and talent to put in my new exhaust fan and light in my new shower". I can see when I shower now! I don't know yet if that is good or bad though.
Then we swing into Christmas. Christmas has become a secular holiday. That is OK. The reason it is OK is that for many it means things like family, peace, being together and putting issues aside for a few days. It means seeing old friends, and laughter. It means helping others. It means the thrill of the hunt, searching for that perfect gift.
It is a good day, no matter what angle you reach it from.
Try not to speed through the holiday season. Try to take the time to be grateful, to be peaceful, to be truly THANKFUL. Those of us who live in the US, live in one of the most wonderful countries in the world. Even though my thankful list is kept private (I already have been doing the every day thing for a while now),today I am thankful for living in such a wonderful country. It isn't perfect, but then none are, it is however one of the best places on earth.
The holidays have all kinds of significance to all kinds of people. Some just look at it as a time when family is back together. They don't go to midnight mass, nor put a creche on their lawn. That does NOT make them bad people. There are some that need to, and want to keep Christmas as a religious holiday. Those who do not, are not bad, nor wrong. The day has morphed over the years, and the truth of the matter is, Christianity didn't invent Christmas. Seriously, they didn't. The roots of Christmas facts are for another day, and probably another month. Make the holiday what works for you, but do not impose your holiday celebrations or way of celebrating on others.
Halloween isn't devil worship, and Thanksgiving isn't a big favorite with Native Americans. People have different ways of celebrating different holidays, and it doesn't make them wrong or right.
Hopefully one thing that you will be able to see one day, is all of a situation, clearly, without emotion, and without being fooled or coerced into thinking the way people want you to think. Seeing things with the soul, by the energy, and with your intuition, is a million times more valuable than your normal five senses that constantly let you down!
Be what you need to be, but in the meantime always do the right thing for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Fortunately election day is almost here, and we can get the ridiculous crap that people try to pass off as "facts" off of the TV. No more political commercials...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That to me , is an early Christmas present.
Some people have started their thankfulness lists. Some are keeping them private and others are sharing them. Remember the main idea here is to learn to be thankful and think positively every day. It is a tool to make your mind see things in a different way. You will become more exacting. Instead of "thanks for my hubby", it can be "thanks for my hubby who was able to have the skills, knowledge and talent to put in my new exhaust fan and light in my new shower". I can see when I shower now! I don't know yet if that is good or bad though.
Then we swing into Christmas. Christmas has become a secular holiday. That is OK. The reason it is OK is that for many it means things like family, peace, being together and putting issues aside for a few days. It means seeing old friends, and laughter. It means helping others. It means the thrill of the hunt, searching for that perfect gift.
It is a good day, no matter what angle you reach it from.
Try not to speed through the holiday season. Try to take the time to be grateful, to be peaceful, to be truly THANKFUL. Those of us who live in the US, live in one of the most wonderful countries in the world. Even though my thankful list is kept private (I already have been doing the every day thing for a while now),today I am thankful for living in such a wonderful country. It isn't perfect, but then none are, it is however one of the best places on earth.
The holidays have all kinds of significance to all kinds of people. Some just look at it as a time when family is back together. They don't go to midnight mass, nor put a creche on their lawn. That does NOT make them bad people. There are some that need to, and want to keep Christmas as a religious holiday. Those who do not, are not bad, nor wrong. The day has morphed over the years, and the truth of the matter is, Christianity didn't invent Christmas. Seriously, they didn't. The roots of Christmas facts are for another day, and probably another month. Make the holiday what works for you, but do not impose your holiday celebrations or way of celebrating on others.
Halloween isn't devil worship, and Thanksgiving isn't a big favorite with Native Americans. People have different ways of celebrating different holidays, and it doesn't make them wrong or right.
Hopefully one thing that you will be able to see one day, is all of a situation, clearly, without emotion, and without being fooled or coerced into thinking the way people want you to think. Seeing things with the soul, by the energy, and with your intuition, is a million times more valuable than your normal five senses that constantly let you down!
Be what you need to be, but in the meantime always do the right thing for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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