The hot thing to do these days is "ghost hunt"...we who know what we are doing, prefer the term paranormal investigations. Everyone with a few dollars and a little nerve can get in on the excitement, which is a point.
The past 30 years or so , I have spent learning about the paranormal. I am not just talking ghosts and haunting, but all of it. Energy work, healing, cleansing, the psychic world, belief systems of the world, ancient religions, other beings (like black shadow people, earth spirits) ley lines, dowsing, and on and on and on.
There is so much there that is interconnected and effecting other aspects of each other.
When you go to a home to investigate, just getting a noise, an EVP, or seeing a shadow, doesn't tell you a thing. Seeing these things doesn't even mean a home is haunted, and if you provoke activity, the place may not even be haunted at all! You have to know or find out many things. First, is there a haunting, a genuine haunting? I have said many times, every house has a spirit or two. We carry them with us all the time in the form of guides. When people say their kids are talking to their invisible friends, it doesn't necessarily mean "ghosts", it could well be their guides. We cannot ever enter a building and there not be a spirit in that building since we carry them in all the time.
When we decide there is something going on, it still doesn't mean a haunting. A haunting requires consistent and continual activity that stays at the same level or increases, otherwise you simply have had spirit activity, or paranormal phenomenon.
Then you have to fine tune that a bit, for example, is the activity intelligent, residual, poltergeist , nature spirits or negative? You need to know how to figure all this out, and better yet, you need to know WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.
When families are scared or having issues, just leaving that night saying "Yup, it's haunted" doesn't help them.
You have to be able to advise them or directly help them. You need an expert, someone who has been studying and experiencing things for a long time. You need people that understand the other side, how it works, the levels, the types of energy that can come through, and how to address that.
Too many people watch TV, go on a few organized hunts and then fancy themselves "ghost hunters", they go into people's homes, stir the pot and leave. This helps no one, it sometimes gets some EVPs for the investigators, but that is about it. The family isn't helped, and the activity may actually worsen.
When Uncle Joe who has passed is wandering around the house at night, that is fairly easy to address. What if the person were a suicide? What if it is non human? What if it is Nature Spirit activity or poltergeist activity? Do you know what to do? If the answer is "no" don't be leading , or forming a "ghost hunt group". Learn from experienced people. The ones who know how to handle each eventuality are rare. The ones who know how to figure out what is what aren't exactly easy to find either. People who walk around with a camera and a voice recorder are a dime a dozen.
Remember, when Zach Bagans goes into a site, he isn't there to help a homeowner solve their issue, so don't be like Zach.
My husband and I make sure we help people. Our group Paranormal Research and Investigation, Ohio Valley, knows how to investigate and how to help. We know how to figure out what is what and what to do about it. We know how to cleanse and bless the area in different ways. I always think it is funny when people say something like they held up a cross and told the spirit to get out. First of all, human spirits don't care what you are holding....evil stuff will take more than that, and what if the entity is non human or maybe a Jewish spirit? People watch too many movies that they think are informative.
I have said it before and will say it again....learn from knowledgeable people who have been successful in solving issues over a long period of time. Watching all the shows and going to established sites with groups does not a paranormal investigator make!
Be safe out there!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf.. May not be used,copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
I have clients tell me all the time that they don't understand why things aren't getting more positive and abundant for them. They are saying affirmations, they are setting goals and asking for things, they are doing the work, but nothing is changing. They at the same time tell me how their life stinks, how this person is out to get them, and that one is getting better treatment, and the one of there is always getting what she wants....
I'm sorry I thought that you said you were working in the positive?
When you are still dwelling on why some other person is, in your opinion, or in fact, getting treated better than you; when you wish ill on those who you feel have done your wrong in the past; when you recite all the bad things going on in your life; when you have issues with everyone you meet and feel that every word out of a person's mouth is a hidden attack...then you are FAR from working in the light, thinking positively and doing the work.
You can say affirmations til the cows come home and NOTHING will happen, unless you are doing it correctly. Doing it correctly means changing your THINKING, your ENERGY, and your BELIEF. You can't just say the words, you have to BELIEVE them and WORK towards them.
Say affirmations as if they are already happening and state your goals. It is easy to find a positive thing to say. I have people who have a roof over their heads, tell me their financial world is a mess, dire, terrible. How can they think positive?
People who manifest well are people who are appreciative. They thank the Universe every day for each good thing. When you believe, and you work it, you will find it easy. Many struggle with this, some to the point where they actually need professional help....but most can do this on their own. Every time you want to complain and be upset about something, do two things, one state your unhappiness. When a person truly does you wrong, tell them about it, but make sure that you aren't just imagining a slight, or making mountains out of molehills. Then look at what good came of it. Thank the Universe for the good, and restate your goal.
It will go something like this:
My friend "So and So" again made a point to put me down today in front of others. I am sure this is happening and others have commented to me about it also.
I have told "So and so" that since I feel that she constantly puts me down , I will have to discontinue this friendship. I don't lecture her on it, call her names, or cause trouble in her life, I quietly exit.
Universe, thank you for helping me see the issue clearly and stand up for myself.
Affirm- The Universe is enabling me to take people out of my life that no longer serve my highest good , The Universe is bringing in new people who are helping me achieve my goals and giving the gift of true friendship which I will return in kind.
Now, keep in mind when we ask for highest good, it may be something we don't like. Maybe we need people to tell us that we are over sensitive about the and So & Sos of the world and need to let some things go.
People think that working towards a higher state and manifesting means only really warm and fuzzy things will happen....not so. When there are things you need to do or learn first, then they are NOT warm and fuzzy. You don't automatically get all the good stuff just because you say magic words....remember I said you have to work it.
To get Prince Charming, you need to BE Princess Charming. To get the great job, you have to be capable, qualified, and get along well with others. You don't just get magic.
Manifesting is a tool of communication and COOPERATION with the Universe, not the Universe bestowing gifts on you because you are so damn awesome.
When you dwell on and believe others have it better than you.....others WILL have it better than you, you are manifesting FOR them.
Work it, own it, be it.
Never ask for something to be taken from another (you don't know their life lessons and "highest good"). Never ask for the free will of others to be taken away (make him love me). Never ask for harm for another.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I'm sorry I thought that you said you were working in the positive?
When you are still dwelling on why some other person is, in your opinion, or in fact, getting treated better than you; when you wish ill on those who you feel have done your wrong in the past; when you recite all the bad things going on in your life; when you have issues with everyone you meet and feel that every word out of a person's mouth is a hidden attack...then you are FAR from working in the light, thinking positively and doing the work.
You can say affirmations til the cows come home and NOTHING will happen, unless you are doing it correctly. Doing it correctly means changing your THINKING, your ENERGY, and your BELIEF. You can't just say the words, you have to BELIEVE them and WORK towards them.
Say affirmations as if they are already happening and state your goals. It is easy to find a positive thing to say. I have people who have a roof over their heads, tell me their financial world is a mess, dire, terrible. How can they think positive?
People who manifest well are people who are appreciative. They thank the Universe every day for each good thing. When you believe, and you work it, you will find it easy. Many struggle with this, some to the point where they actually need professional help....but most can do this on their own. Every time you want to complain and be upset about something, do two things, one state your unhappiness. When a person truly does you wrong, tell them about it, but make sure that you aren't just imagining a slight, or making mountains out of molehills. Then look at what good came of it. Thank the Universe for the good, and restate your goal.
It will go something like this:
My friend "So and So" again made a point to put me down today in front of others. I am sure this is happening and others have commented to me about it also.
I have told "So and so" that since I feel that she constantly puts me down , I will have to discontinue this friendship. I don't lecture her on it, call her names, or cause trouble in her life, I quietly exit.
Universe, thank you for helping me see the issue clearly and stand up for myself.
Affirm- The Universe is enabling me to take people out of my life that no longer serve my highest good , The Universe is bringing in new people who are helping me achieve my goals and giving the gift of true friendship which I will return in kind.
Now, keep in mind when we ask for highest good, it may be something we don't like. Maybe we need people to tell us that we are over sensitive about the and So & Sos of the world and need to let some things go.
People think that working towards a higher state and manifesting means only really warm and fuzzy things will happen....not so. When there are things you need to do or learn first, then they are NOT warm and fuzzy. You don't automatically get all the good stuff just because you say magic words....remember I said you have to work it.
To get Prince Charming, you need to BE Princess Charming. To get the great job, you have to be capable, qualified, and get along well with others. You don't just get magic.
Manifesting is a tool of communication and COOPERATION with the Universe, not the Universe bestowing gifts on you because you are so damn awesome.
When you dwell on and believe others have it better than you.....others WILL have it better than you, you are manifesting FOR them.
Work it, own it, be it.
Never ask for something to be taken from another (you don't know their life lessons and "highest good"). Never ask for the free will of others to be taken away (make him love me). Never ask for harm for another.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Ah the internet
The internet is a place where we can go to see places we would never see; to get information; to connect with others; to pay bills; go to school; video chat with family.....the possibilities are numerous. There is a bad side however, to the internet. It allows people who have bad intent, who are misguided, who are emotionally or mentally disturbed,or who are problematic, a platform to spout nonsense.
Worse yet, it allows people to perpetuate the perfect bull. The best way to get away with telling a whopper of a lie is to make sure there is a lot of truth to it. Many people don't check things out at all. They believe if it is on the net it is true (which probably happens less than half the time). I have written many times about not passing along all those "warnings" your friends and family send you . You know the ones about how it is easy for someone to rob your house if you do this, clean your oven if you do that, steal your car if you are here or is endless.
There are places to check this information. Not only are there sites that deal with all the BS and sort it out for you, but there is common sense. There are reliable news sources. Make sure that you check several of those also. Then there are the spoof sites, they write witty satire in a way that gullible people latch on to as real. Make sure you aren't being pranked by a site like The Onion.
Then there are the really bad guys. They have big soap boxes. Webpages, pages on Facebook and other social networking sites. They are negative as can be, and take the stance that they are helping, or exposing. I assume you have heard of the Westboro Baptist Church. They are a prime example. There are many sites and pages now that claim to expose wrong doing, bad people, and more. I don't know who made them the Karma Police, but apparently they think it is OK to enforce their beliefs on the world. They do that "good lie" thing, they start with a fact or facts, and either embellish or make that fact look like a very bad thing. They get their self esteem through putting others down. They are passive aggressive people who have nothing better to do than try to make others look small so they can look big.
I was going to name sites this morning, but then thought...why give them more press, they would love it. They are easy to spot. They don't do it for profit, they do it for an emotional high that makes them feel like they are saving the world.
When any site tells you someone or something is bad, check it out. Check it out several ways and in several places. When there is one iota of untruth, stop, disregard the whole thing and move on. Sites like these ruin people's lives, businesses and relationships. They are nothing but mean, spiteful and hateful, with a big dose of Holier Than Thou. Bypass them all! Nothing good will ever come of any person saying they have the scoop on who is good and who is bad. Gossip is gossip, even if it is on a webpage.
Be careful out there because there is more MISinformation, than information on the webpage these days.
...and while you even think for a moment of spreading the rumor, remember these two things:
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr RM Wolf , may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Worse yet, it allows people to perpetuate the perfect bull. The best way to get away with telling a whopper of a lie is to make sure there is a lot of truth to it. Many people don't check things out at all. They believe if it is on the net it is true (which probably happens less than half the time). I have written many times about not passing along all those "warnings" your friends and family send you . You know the ones about how it is easy for someone to rob your house if you do this, clean your oven if you do that, steal your car if you are here or is endless.
There are places to check this information. Not only are there sites that deal with all the BS and sort it out for you, but there is common sense. There are reliable news sources. Make sure that you check several of those also. Then there are the spoof sites, they write witty satire in a way that gullible people latch on to as real. Make sure you aren't being pranked by a site like The Onion.
Then there are the really bad guys. They have big soap boxes. Webpages, pages on Facebook and other social networking sites. They are negative as can be, and take the stance that they are helping, or exposing. I assume you have heard of the Westboro Baptist Church. They are a prime example. There are many sites and pages now that claim to expose wrong doing, bad people, and more. I don't know who made them the Karma Police, but apparently they think it is OK to enforce their beliefs on the world. They do that "good lie" thing, they start with a fact or facts, and either embellish or make that fact look like a very bad thing. They get their self esteem through putting others down. They are passive aggressive people who have nothing better to do than try to make others look small so they can look big.
I was going to name sites this morning, but then thought...why give them more press, they would love it. They are easy to spot. They don't do it for profit, they do it for an emotional high that makes them feel like they are saving the world.
When any site tells you someone or something is bad, check it out. Check it out several ways and in several places. When there is one iota of untruth, stop, disregard the whole thing and move on. Sites like these ruin people's lives, businesses and relationships. They are nothing but mean, spiteful and hateful, with a big dose of Holier Than Thou. Bypass them all! Nothing good will ever come of any person saying they have the scoop on who is good and who is bad. Gossip is gossip, even if it is on a webpage.
Be careful out there because there is more MISinformation, than information on the webpage these days.
...and while you even think for a moment of spreading the rumor, remember these two things:
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr RM Wolf , may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
The REAL Christmas
The following has been taken from past blogs, this is all information about the true roots of Christmas. Now please don't take this to mean there wasn't a Jesus of Nazareth, he just wasn't born December 25, and depending on your belief system, he was a man, a scholar, a guru or the son of God. I don't dictate dogma in this blog. To each his own, however here is the real Christmas (and other holidays) story.
When the "Church" was first founded in the Roman empire, it needed members. This meant that they had to go out and convince the locals to join the church. This was a hard sell, especially in Rome. There were many temples, gods and goddesses. There were fun and interesting celebrations. Things were going very well, people weren't looking for an answer for the most part. The church realized that the best way to get people in the doors, was to make it familiar, and comfortable, so they borrowed the Pagan celebrations and holidays.
Oestre became Easter. It is a fertility celebration, about birthing new animals and growing abundant crops, it fits in with the whole Christian Easter story of rebirth (the world reawakening in spring), and fertility, life, and growth.
Christmas is all about Christ's birth, right? Christ's name IS in "Christmas". Well, yes, but that is because the Church made it that way. Jesus of Nazareth was born, most likely, in the spring. Scholars argue that point, one group forgoing spring and saying he was born in September. Either way they agree it was no where near December 25. Jesus was born a Jewish boy who went to Temple, born in Nazareth, most likely in the spring time. He isn't a Capricorn, he is most likely a Taurus or Virgo. The Church already borrowed Oestre and made it Easter, so we can't crowd that all together. We have a huge Roman celebration that we need to fit into the scheme of things, Saturnalia. The Saturnalia celebration was very popular, so it became Christmas.
This all wasn't a big secret really, but it wasn't broadcast either. The Catholic Encyclopedia in 1911 stated that "Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church…the first evidence of the feast is from Egypt.” Further, “Pagan customs centering around the January calendars gravitated to Christmas.” Under “Natal Day,” Origen, an early Catholic writer, admitted, “…In the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day in which they were born into this world”. The way the ancients marked a great man, was by honoring him on the day he died, not on the day he was born. That is a "modern" take on things. This helps us realize that celebrating the birth of Christ is a modern thing, not ancient.
The celebration of Saturnalia was of course to honor the god Saturn. It was a celebration that lasted December 17 through the 23rd. There was feasting, gift giving, parties and sacrifices. The best twist of the celebration was that the masters served the slaves. Everyone was involved in the carnival atmosphere that went on for days and even included gambling. There was singing and dancing in the streets, and human shaped biscuits were made and consumed. No one would want to end this fun festival for a new holiday in the Church! The Roman Catholic Church knew it had to include the celebration to get the people into the church. It took about 200 years. That's right, Christmas wasn't celebrated in the Church for about 200 years after Jesus was born.
Saturnalia was a "festival of light", so, by the way , is the Jewish celebration Hanukkah, celebrated around the same time. Hanukkah is to celebrate a battle. But they all celebrate, in essence, the winter solstice and bringing light to the darkness. The days are now again beginning to get longer the day after the winter solstice (usually December 21 in the northern hemisphere). The light is returning as again the days get "longer". The pagans will tell you that the Holly King is off of the throne and the Oak King has returned to bring back the light.
Saturnalia was always about gifts, family, parties, light, and fun, it just didn't have Christ thrown into the mix until 200 years after his birth. Saturnalia even continued to run hand in hand with Christmas for a while.We added to the celebration as the years went by including bringing in greenery to give us hope that spring would return. This was popular in Eastern Europe, but originated in the North. The Christmas tree has absolutely nothing to do with Christ or Saturnalia, it is a new twist. Some groups will have stories to add the reason for things like the tree, that make it "authentic", but trees had nothing to do with Christmas until modern times.
During the Middle Ages the Church banned gift giving at Christmas saying it was a pagan tradition as it harkened back to Saturnalia. Today gift giving is again included in Christmas, and many "non religious" people celebrate the holiday, some even in its' original form, as a celebration of light!
Today Christmas is a popular holiday , it is both secular and non secular. It is celebrated all over the world in different ways. At the same time, or close enough to it, the Jewish people are celebrating their festival of lights, Hanukkah, and the Pagans are celebrating the winter solstice as a celebration of light coming back into the world.
When the winter is long and the days are cold, it is a little ray of hope to recognize that each day is light a little bit longer. Each day creeps closer and closer to spring.Light and warmth return, and the winter solstice is the beginning of that.
All the celebrations of the Church can be traced back to pagan roots, the fun part is to be open minded enough to find them. It will be interesting when some day a scholar is able to pinpoint Jesus birthday, will we change the date of Christmas or start a new celebration? We already have a day to mark Jesus death, as was the way in the olden days, but we seem to be a few months off on his birthday.
Some interesting Christmas facts:
Some countries celebrate Christmas on January 6, 7, or 19th. They tried to figure Jesus birth by conception date. Any Mom will let you know how well that works! Others will tell you that there would be no shepherds about on late December or early January, and that he was actually born in spring or early fall (September). Dates that are popular with scholars include May 20, April 18, and March 25.
Christmas had/has other names: "midwinter", "Yule", "Jol" and "Noel".
Places that don't officially celebrate Christmas include: China (except Hong Kong), North Korea, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iran, Turkey and Japan.
In many officially Catholic countries, parades are held up up to the time of Christmas, all with a religious nature to them, of course.
The term "Christmas tree" was not recorded until 1835. Christmas trees are German, pagan traditions, not Christian. The first Christmas trees were said to be used in Germany in the 18th century , although they weren't used primarily for Christmas in the beginning, but as a way to celebrate life and the winter solstice. They were ALWAYS green after all!
People began putting up Christmas trees in the US around 1870.
Santa Claus as we know him began as Sinterklaas with the Dutch. There were traditions of gift giving prior to "Santa Claus" in other places, like a witch who tossed gifts down chimneys at Halloween in Eastern Europe.
Other names for Santa include: St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Babbo Natale, Father Christmas, Saint Basil,and Joulupukki.
The modern image of Santa was created in New York thanks to author Washington Irving, who also wrote the Headless Horseman, a Halloween favorite!
Ancient documents on Jesus birth connect him the the sun. Like many powerful entities in many cultures, the sun was a god and was what ruled the earth. Jesus was literally described as the "sun" being born. "...the 'Birthday of the Unconquered'. Who indeed is so unconquered as Our Lord ...? Or, if they say that it is the birthday of the Sun, He is the Sun of Justice." We managed to change that to "son". There are pages and pages of prophecy about the "sun" being born, not the "son".
Christmas during the Middle Ages included gift giving, but only between those with a legal tie, such as landlord and tenant, or master and apprentice.
The English gave us the dancing, parties, and more public celebrations.
The Puritans in the US tried to ban Christmas. They succeeded in Boston from 1659 to 1681.It took many years after the ban for Christmas to become popular.
The German settlers in PA and NC celebrated Christmas on a large scale at the same time and made it very popular.They brought Christmas to the new country.
Christmas celebrations had died down for a while but were revived in the 1820's thanks to stories by Washington Irving in "The Sketch Book".
President U. S. Grant proclaimed Christmas an official Federal holiday in 1870.
No matter how you celebrate, enjoy the season!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
When the "Church" was first founded in the Roman empire, it needed members. This meant that they had to go out and convince the locals to join the church. This was a hard sell, especially in Rome. There were many temples, gods and goddesses. There were fun and interesting celebrations. Things were going very well, people weren't looking for an answer for the most part. The church realized that the best way to get people in the doors, was to make it familiar, and comfortable, so they borrowed the Pagan celebrations and holidays.
Oestre became Easter. It is a fertility celebration, about birthing new animals and growing abundant crops, it fits in with the whole Christian Easter story of rebirth (the world reawakening in spring), and fertility, life, and growth.
Christmas is all about Christ's birth, right? Christ's name IS in "Christmas". Well, yes, but that is because the Church made it that way. Jesus of Nazareth was born, most likely, in the spring. Scholars argue that point, one group forgoing spring and saying he was born in September. Either way they agree it was no where near December 25. Jesus was born a Jewish boy who went to Temple, born in Nazareth, most likely in the spring time. He isn't a Capricorn, he is most likely a Taurus or Virgo. The Church already borrowed Oestre and made it Easter, so we can't crowd that all together. We have a huge Roman celebration that we need to fit into the scheme of things, Saturnalia. The Saturnalia celebration was very popular, so it became Christmas.
This all wasn't a big secret really, but it wasn't broadcast either. The Catholic Encyclopedia in 1911 stated that "Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church…the first evidence of the feast is from Egypt.” Further, “Pagan customs centering around the January calendars gravitated to Christmas.” Under “Natal Day,” Origen, an early Catholic writer, admitted, “…In the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day in which they were born into this world”. The way the ancients marked a great man, was by honoring him on the day he died, not on the day he was born. That is a "modern" take on things. This helps us realize that celebrating the birth of Christ is a modern thing, not ancient.
The celebration of Saturnalia was of course to honor the god Saturn. It was a celebration that lasted December 17 through the 23rd. There was feasting, gift giving, parties and sacrifices. The best twist of the celebration was that the masters served the slaves. Everyone was involved in the carnival atmosphere that went on for days and even included gambling. There was singing and dancing in the streets, and human shaped biscuits were made and consumed. No one would want to end this fun festival for a new holiday in the Church! The Roman Catholic Church knew it had to include the celebration to get the people into the church. It took about 200 years. That's right, Christmas wasn't celebrated in the Church for about 200 years after Jesus was born.
Saturnalia was a "festival of light", so, by the way , is the Jewish celebration Hanukkah, celebrated around the same time. Hanukkah is to celebrate a battle. But they all celebrate, in essence, the winter solstice and bringing light to the darkness. The days are now again beginning to get longer the day after the winter solstice (usually December 21 in the northern hemisphere). The light is returning as again the days get "longer". The pagans will tell you that the Holly King is off of the throne and the Oak King has returned to bring back the light.
Saturnalia was always about gifts, family, parties, light, and fun, it just didn't have Christ thrown into the mix until 200 years after his birth. Saturnalia even continued to run hand in hand with Christmas for a while.We added to the celebration as the years went by including bringing in greenery to give us hope that spring would return. This was popular in Eastern Europe, but originated in the North. The Christmas tree has absolutely nothing to do with Christ or Saturnalia, it is a new twist. Some groups will have stories to add the reason for things like the tree, that make it "authentic", but trees had nothing to do with Christmas until modern times.
During the Middle Ages the Church banned gift giving at Christmas saying it was a pagan tradition as it harkened back to Saturnalia. Today gift giving is again included in Christmas, and many "non religious" people celebrate the holiday, some even in its' original form, as a celebration of light!
Today Christmas is a popular holiday , it is both secular and non secular. It is celebrated all over the world in different ways. At the same time, or close enough to it, the Jewish people are celebrating their festival of lights, Hanukkah, and the Pagans are celebrating the winter solstice as a celebration of light coming back into the world.
When the winter is long and the days are cold, it is a little ray of hope to recognize that each day is light a little bit longer. Each day creeps closer and closer to spring.Light and warmth return, and the winter solstice is the beginning of that.
All the celebrations of the Church can be traced back to pagan roots, the fun part is to be open minded enough to find them. It will be interesting when some day a scholar is able to pinpoint Jesus birthday, will we change the date of Christmas or start a new celebration? We already have a day to mark Jesus death, as was the way in the olden days, but we seem to be a few months off on his birthday.
Some interesting Christmas facts:
Some countries celebrate Christmas on January 6, 7, or 19th. They tried to figure Jesus birth by conception date. Any Mom will let you know how well that works! Others will tell you that there would be no shepherds about on late December or early January, and that he was actually born in spring or early fall (September). Dates that are popular with scholars include May 20, April 18, and March 25.
Christmas had/has other names: "midwinter", "Yule", "Jol" and "Noel".
Places that don't officially celebrate Christmas include: China (except Hong Kong), North Korea, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iran, Turkey and Japan.
In many officially Catholic countries, parades are held up up to the time of Christmas, all with a religious nature to them, of course.
The term "Christmas tree" was not recorded until 1835. Christmas trees are German, pagan traditions, not Christian. The first Christmas trees were said to be used in Germany in the 18th century , although they weren't used primarily for Christmas in the beginning, but as a way to celebrate life and the winter solstice. They were ALWAYS green after all!
People began putting up Christmas trees in the US around 1870.
Santa Claus as we know him began as Sinterklaas with the Dutch. There were traditions of gift giving prior to "Santa Claus" in other places, like a witch who tossed gifts down chimneys at Halloween in Eastern Europe.
Other names for Santa include: St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Babbo Natale, Father Christmas, Saint Basil,and Joulupukki.
The modern image of Santa was created in New York thanks to author Washington Irving, who also wrote the Headless Horseman, a Halloween favorite!
Ancient documents on Jesus birth connect him the the sun. Like many powerful entities in many cultures, the sun was a god and was what ruled the earth. Jesus was literally described as the "sun" being born. "...the 'Birthday of the Unconquered'. Who indeed is so unconquered as Our Lord ...? Or, if they say that it is the birthday of the Sun, He is the Sun of Justice." We managed to change that to "son". There are pages and pages of prophecy about the "sun" being born, not the "son".
Christmas during the Middle Ages included gift giving, but only between those with a legal tie, such as landlord and tenant, or master and apprentice.
The English gave us the dancing, parties, and more public celebrations.
The Puritans in the US tried to ban Christmas. They succeeded in Boston from 1659 to 1681.It took many years after the ban for Christmas to become popular.
The German settlers in PA and NC celebrated Christmas on a large scale at the same time and made it very popular.They brought Christmas to the new country.
Christmas celebrations had died down for a while but were revived in the 1820's thanks to stories by Washington Irving in "The Sketch Book".
President U. S. Grant proclaimed Christmas an official Federal holiday in 1870.
No matter how you celebrate, enjoy the season!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Monday, December 2, 2013
The ME ME ME goes on and on.....
I have written in the past about how TOO many people are focused on only themselves. It is all about what they want, how they feel, what they need, where they want to be. It is about people paying attention to them, and doing for them. There is a sense of entitlement in this country that is pathetic. You are entitled to NOTHING. Not respect, not love, not material goods, not friendship.... NOTHING.
Everything in life that has value, is earned, and it is either achieved by dedication, actions, or earned by work of some sort. It may be schoolwork, manual labor or philosophical work, but it is work.
There was a time when people raised their kids to be their friends, not their children. A time when they told them they were good people, no matter what they did. They set the example that it was always the fault of another person or circumstance. This was a reaction to people putting down others who didn't achieve.We had programs even like "no child left behind", where are those children now? We went overboard. Now what we have is a bunch of folks strolling the planet that think that the rules do not apply to them. They are perfect, and they can do no wrong. Actually they do wrong constantly and they demand things they have no right to.This has led to people going overboard much more frequently than in the past. They shoot each other over partners or an X-Box. They fail their way through school, live disappointing lives and take and demand from others who have worked hard.
This year we went to the Christmas tree farm to pick out our tree. The farm was entirely roped off except for a few little "entrances" here and there. I said to my husband, "I guess people trample over the same ground and they want to guide folks down the rows".
I don't think like a lazy, selfish person, so I didn't even imagine the need for the rope. When we went to pick up our tree, we asked. Apparently many folks (usually in SUVs and trucks), were driving all over the farmer's field to pick out their tree. They caused ruts and erosion, two of the farmer's worst enemies. They didn't care, they were just too lazy to walk and find their tree....I recommend Walmart for them next year. They can drive right up and pick it out.
I have heard people complain that their new dating partner spends too much time with ; too much energy on; too much money for....their kids. Seriously? When you are jealous of your partner's kids, you aren't mature enough to be in a relationship. Don't even look for a person with no kids, mature first, and stop thinking of only yourself.
People have no regard for others, just what they want and need. I am happy to say that not everyone has become this horrible, selfish person, but too many have.
It isn't always a material thing they want, it could be attention, love, friendship. You cannot demand any of those things. You can't get them until you GIVE them either.
Life is cooperation, exchange, teamwork. That doesn't mean that you only do for those who can do for you, but it does mean that you cannot take, take, take. You are entitled to NOTHING, not even a "hello". Some people wonder why their family won't talk to them , their co-workers are all against them, they have no friends, and no partner. They want to know what is wrong with the world. What is wrong is THEM. Make sure you always think of each decision as to how it will effect others. What goes around does come around. Karma is a wheel and it is always turning. You choose what day you will have and what attitude you will have. Choose wisely.
It really isn't all about you......
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Everything in life that has value, is earned, and it is either achieved by dedication, actions, or earned by work of some sort. It may be schoolwork, manual labor or philosophical work, but it is work.
There was a time when people raised their kids to be their friends, not their children. A time when they told them they were good people, no matter what they did. They set the example that it was always the fault of another person or circumstance. This was a reaction to people putting down others who didn't achieve.We had programs even like "no child left behind", where are those children now? We went overboard. Now what we have is a bunch of folks strolling the planet that think that the rules do not apply to them. They are perfect, and they can do no wrong. Actually they do wrong constantly and they demand things they have no right to.This has led to people going overboard much more frequently than in the past. They shoot each other over partners or an X-Box. They fail their way through school, live disappointing lives and take and demand from others who have worked hard.
This year we went to the Christmas tree farm to pick out our tree. The farm was entirely roped off except for a few little "entrances" here and there. I said to my husband, "I guess people trample over the same ground and they want to guide folks down the rows".
I don't think like a lazy, selfish person, so I didn't even imagine the need for the rope. When we went to pick up our tree, we asked. Apparently many folks (usually in SUVs and trucks), were driving all over the farmer's field to pick out their tree. They caused ruts and erosion, two of the farmer's worst enemies. They didn't care, they were just too lazy to walk and find their tree....I recommend Walmart for them next year. They can drive right up and pick it out.
I have heard people complain that their new dating partner spends too much time with ; too much energy on; too much money for....their kids. Seriously? When you are jealous of your partner's kids, you aren't mature enough to be in a relationship. Don't even look for a person with no kids, mature first, and stop thinking of only yourself.
People have no regard for others, just what they want and need. I am happy to say that not everyone has become this horrible, selfish person, but too many have.
It isn't always a material thing they want, it could be attention, love, friendship. You cannot demand any of those things. You can't get them until you GIVE them either.
Life is cooperation, exchange, teamwork. That doesn't mean that you only do for those who can do for you, but it does mean that you cannot take, take, take. You are entitled to NOTHING, not even a "hello". Some people wonder why their family won't talk to them , their co-workers are all against them, they have no friends, and no partner. They want to know what is wrong with the world. What is wrong is THEM. Make sure you always think of each decision as to how it will effect others. What goes around does come around. Karma is a wheel and it is always turning. You choose what day you will have and what attitude you will have. Choose wisely.
It really isn't all about you......
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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