When we talk about going to haunted locations, we get a mix of responses. One is "You believe in that stuff?" The second is "Why bother the dead?". The third is "Can we come too!?"
The first answer is" absolutely" . I have had too many direct experiences that happened WAY before the creation of TAPS and GAC that were pretty convincing. Then I learned about how to communicate with my guides, and the information I garnered was very valuable.
Question two, "why bother the dead"? Why do people think the dead are being bothered? Many approach people, come into their homes and even cause issues. When they cause issues we send them on their way, just as you would any misbehaving or unwanted guest. I would say from experience MOST spirits we have communicated with aren't bothered at all. They want to communicate, and many cannot see, hear or feel them...or are afraid of them, so their opportunities are limited. Some do want to be left alone, and we do leave them alone unless they are causing distress to someone living. Then we either make a deal with them to behave, or oust them.
The dead are the same people they were in life. The talkative, friendly, active people are still the same and have no problem interacting with you. The grouchy, nasty, unfriendly ones, are also still the same and either won't interact, or will be negative.
When we are told "we don't want to talk", we move on. We do not EVER provoke, demand, or force answers from spirits. We know we wouldn't want someone coming into our home and treating us like that, so we don't treat them like that.
Question three, "can we go too?" . The answer is "maybe". I have seen people come and go, they either get scared, feel guilty, worry about things following them home (which can be an issue if you don't know what you are doing), or act so badly that they ruin an investigation ( the biggest issue). Currently we have a group that votes members in, and they have to have experience. That doesn't mean we won't go on "ghost walks" and teach people, but we do not invite them on investigations, especially to client's homes.
When you visit a haunted location, please be respectful. How would you like it if a group of people barged in your front door and demanded answers from you? The "do unto others" rule applies to the dead also.
Remember also that the dead are active in the daytime, they are around you always, they are just who they were when they were alive, you just can't see them (unless you are a medium). Make sure that you treat them well, but if they "act up" treat them like a child who needs instruction or an intruder in your home, depending on the situation and severity. Make sure that when you need help, that you get qualified help.
Ghosts ARE people too.....
Do the right things for the right reasons!
Check out our group page on Facebook under:
Paranormal Research & Investigation, Ohio Valley
Peshaui Wequashimese
Please feel free to share the link for the blog.
(C) 2014 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Thursday, January 16, 2014
ASSUME.....well you know how that goes
Yesterday was a day that was full of people assuming things and making their life worse for it.
There are so many times when a small issue can be quickly cleared up, but instead is made into Mount Everest. The way to keep this from happening? Simple, ask a question.
How many situation comedies are based on someone seeing , hearing or experiencing something that they get the wrong idea about?You as the audience know, as you are privy to the actions the "assumer" didn't get to see, and you laugh your way through the show watching them make a fool out of themselves.
How many times in real life have you been that fool?
This life is school. We are here to learn to show our achievements (or failures so we can be taught again). We are here to communicate with , teach and learn from others. Instead of assuming the worse about people, assume nothing.
Here are two examples from the past 48 hours.
A woman sees on her boyfriend's phone a text to a female saying "You are beautiful". She had not time to read others....just that one. I looked and found it to be to a family member. I can think of other scenarios where someone may text this and it doesn't mean that he is having sex with her. I told my secretary this once when she helped solve a huge problem for me....so does that make me a lesbian? People let their minds go to places of their own insecurity. This lady I am talking about went totally insecure and almost messed up a great thing..
First of all , remember Shakespeare's words. "Peek not through the keyhole lest you be vexed".(King Lear)
In other words, when you are nosy, you may find something you don't like, and it may be about you. You may find something that you totally do not understand and worry about that is totally nothing at all. We find what we look for. When we look for negative in the world, we find it. When we look for positive in the same world, we find it. Train yourself to look for positive.
Getting back to the lady with the phone...her boyfriend was texting his 10 year old daughter who was being picked on in school. She met his daughter, and lo and behold, it was her name on the text.....
The next issue was a person who had made a mistake in life, she felt very guilty about it and was having trouble reconciling the event. During an argument with her boyfriend, he said to her that another male friend (who the boyfriend was jealous of), had told everyone of her mistake she made in life. It worked, she shut that man out of her life.
The problem, the man friend never said it, never told anyone, he was a friend of hers when this event happened, and the boyfriend wasn't even around yet. She found out when the boyfriend confessed to her after the old friend was cut out a few weeks. Her "wonderful" boyfriend was gloating over how vulnerable she was, he was "showing her" that she needed him becasue she couldn't make sound decisions on her own. Apparently her "picking boyfriend abilities" aren't that sharp. I told her to ditch him....she did. She and the old friend are friends again.
I have said it in many blogs. When you have an issue with someone talk to THEM about it. You can get other people's opinions, but ALWAYS make sure that you talk to the person who you think wronged you.You may find out that you are assuming.....the wrong thing.When they won't talk to you, that is OK, it's their funeral.
Someone asked me last night what I would do if a person I knew , assumed something untrue about me. I said...Let them go. I have done it and will do it again. I have done it recently.
When a person who is close to you in some manner, assumes something bad or negative about you and doesn't bother to stop a moment and ask you about it, then good riddance. I don't need people like that in my life. I have better things to do and better people to associate with. I have done it a few times now, in my life. I would do it again. I have no problem weeding my garden.
Make sure you always ASK, not ASSUME. It will keep you from stressing over things, it will help you make the right decision, and it will keep you from looking like a total fool.
Don't be the star of your own situational comedy!
Do unto others...
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2014 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There are so many times when a small issue can be quickly cleared up, but instead is made into Mount Everest. The way to keep this from happening? Simple, ask a question.
How many situation comedies are based on someone seeing , hearing or experiencing something that they get the wrong idea about?You as the audience know, as you are privy to the actions the "assumer" didn't get to see, and you laugh your way through the show watching them make a fool out of themselves.
How many times in real life have you been that fool?
This life is school. We are here to learn to show our achievements (or failures so we can be taught again). We are here to communicate with , teach and learn from others. Instead of assuming the worse about people, assume nothing.
Here are two examples from the past 48 hours.
A woman sees on her boyfriend's phone a text to a female saying "You are beautiful". She had not time to read others....just that one. I looked and found it to be to a family member. I can think of other scenarios where someone may text this and it doesn't mean that he is having sex with her. I told my secretary this once when she helped solve a huge problem for me....so does that make me a lesbian? People let their minds go to places of their own insecurity. This lady I am talking about went totally insecure and almost messed up a great thing..
First of all , remember Shakespeare's words. "Peek not through the keyhole lest you be vexed".(King Lear)
In other words, when you are nosy, you may find something you don't like, and it may be about you. You may find something that you totally do not understand and worry about that is totally nothing at all. We find what we look for. When we look for negative in the world, we find it. When we look for positive in the same world, we find it. Train yourself to look for positive.
Getting back to the lady with the phone...her boyfriend was texting his 10 year old daughter who was being picked on in school. She met his daughter, and lo and behold, it was her name on the text.....
The next issue was a person who had made a mistake in life, she felt very guilty about it and was having trouble reconciling the event. During an argument with her boyfriend, he said to her that another male friend (who the boyfriend was jealous of), had told everyone of her mistake she made in life. It worked, she shut that man out of her life.
The problem, the man friend never said it, never told anyone, he was a friend of hers when this event happened, and the boyfriend wasn't even around yet. She found out when the boyfriend confessed to her after the old friend was cut out a few weeks. Her "wonderful" boyfriend was gloating over how vulnerable she was, he was "showing her" that she needed him becasue she couldn't make sound decisions on her own. Apparently her "picking boyfriend abilities" aren't that sharp. I told her to ditch him....she did. She and the old friend are friends again.
I have said it in many blogs. When you have an issue with someone talk to THEM about it. You can get other people's opinions, but ALWAYS make sure that you talk to the person who you think wronged you.You may find out that you are assuming.....the wrong thing.When they won't talk to you, that is OK, it's their funeral.
Someone asked me last night what I would do if a person I knew , assumed something untrue about me. I said...Let them go. I have done it and will do it again. I have done it recently.
When a person who is close to you in some manner, assumes something bad or negative about you and doesn't bother to stop a moment and ask you about it, then good riddance. I don't need people like that in my life. I have better things to do and better people to associate with. I have done it a few times now, in my life. I would do it again. I have no problem weeding my garden.
Make sure you always ASK, not ASSUME. It will keep you from stressing over things, it will help you make the right decision, and it will keep you from looking like a total fool.
Don't be the star of your own situational comedy!
Do unto others...
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2014 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
It is all relative
I notice that the media (and especially the social media), like to use blanket statements about all kinds of different things , that they state as facts. I have yet to see a Facebook posting that has a full honest statement on it. It is always someone adjusting little snippets of almost truth to prove a point. That is very hard to do when there is little to no factual information in the statement, but people don't seem to care. Then people read it, think it is cool, and pass it on as fact.
The finer points of information in the mundane world are easier to show proof or to negate. When someone makes a statement like "the highest cost of living occurs in Moscow, Russia", it is easy to check that out (and that is true by the way). You can research and find lists of cities worldwide. When you have a statement like "workers in Norway make the best products because they are the highest paid in the world", you are treading in dangerous territory. Firstly I want to say that I made that up, but let's for a moment assume I did not. Where is the proof that their high pay is the reason that they make better product? Maybe it is their technology. Maybe they are raised differently with a value and pride in their work. Maybe they are the highest paid, but maybe they live in the country with the highest cost of living, so they aren't feeling so "well paid" and passing that feeling on to the work. When you make $10 an hour and a loaf of bread is .85 cents, you have a better cost of living than a country where you make $20.00 and hour, but a loaf of bread costs $3.00.
It is all relative.
The same goes with the spiritual or metaphysical world. A prime example is that people think that you have to be clairvoyant to be psychic. Not true. That is like saying you have to be a center Hall Colonial to be a house. A clairvoyant is a a type of psychic. Clairvoyants easily get messages through images they have to interpret. Sometimes the image is a archetype, and other times a specific image. It is a rare person indeed who is able to get messages the way you see on TV, that is by watching a scene play out.
The problem on the metaphysical side is unlike the mundane, where we can get a specific answer, we are many times left to "figure it out". This is why the beat paranormal investigators have a big touch of skepticism. Remember, an EVP does not a haunted building make....and many times weird photos are simply weird photos. They can be common things that are caught looking "uncommon". Bouncing raindrops in the right light, look like little fireballs coming out of the earth.
Whenever someone uses a statement including words like "best", "most", "always", be careful. RESEARCH before passing anything on.
Social media is the worst place to find facts, and should always be read with a healthy dose of skepticism. I had a friend one day pass along a "cleaning" hint that involved heating ammonia....when you heat ammonia, it explodes. It is what people make bombs out of (ammonium nitrate). It would take your breath away , make you pass out, and you probably wouldn't feel the explosion...but that is the type of stuff that is posted on Facebook.
An intelligent person is not one who has memorized a bunch of facts, but one who can think for themselves. It is a person who looks for answers, isn't gullible, and who knows how to properly research. Make sure that you are one of those if you are in the paranormal, metaphysical , or mundane community.
Check it out before passing it on!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2014 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The finer points of information in the mundane world are easier to show proof or to negate. When someone makes a statement like "the highest cost of living occurs in Moscow, Russia", it is easy to check that out (and that is true by the way). You can research and find lists of cities worldwide. When you have a statement like "workers in Norway make the best products because they are the highest paid in the world", you are treading in dangerous territory. Firstly I want to say that I made that up, but let's for a moment assume I did not. Where is the proof that their high pay is the reason that they make better product? Maybe it is their technology. Maybe they are raised differently with a value and pride in their work. Maybe they are the highest paid, but maybe they live in the country with the highest cost of living, so they aren't feeling so "well paid" and passing that feeling on to the work. When you make $10 an hour and a loaf of bread is .85 cents, you have a better cost of living than a country where you make $20.00 and hour, but a loaf of bread costs $3.00.
It is all relative.
The same goes with the spiritual or metaphysical world. A prime example is that people think that you have to be clairvoyant to be psychic. Not true. That is like saying you have to be a center Hall Colonial to be a house. A clairvoyant is a a type of psychic. Clairvoyants easily get messages through images they have to interpret. Sometimes the image is a archetype, and other times a specific image. It is a rare person indeed who is able to get messages the way you see on TV, that is by watching a scene play out.
The problem on the metaphysical side is unlike the mundane, where we can get a specific answer, we are many times left to "figure it out". This is why the beat paranormal investigators have a big touch of skepticism. Remember, an EVP does not a haunted building make....and many times weird photos are simply weird photos. They can be common things that are caught looking "uncommon". Bouncing raindrops in the right light, look like little fireballs coming out of the earth.
Whenever someone uses a statement including words like "best", "most", "always", be careful. RESEARCH before passing anything on.
Social media is the worst place to find facts, and should always be read with a healthy dose of skepticism. I had a friend one day pass along a "cleaning" hint that involved heating ammonia....when you heat ammonia, it explodes. It is what people make bombs out of (ammonium nitrate). It would take your breath away , make you pass out, and you probably wouldn't feel the explosion...but that is the type of stuff that is posted on Facebook.
An intelligent person is not one who has memorized a bunch of facts, but one who can think for themselves. It is a person who looks for answers, isn't gullible, and who knows how to properly research. Make sure that you are one of those if you are in the paranormal, metaphysical , or mundane community.
Check it out before passing it on!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2014 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Happy 2014
I would like to start by saying that I am sorry that there has not been much blogging lately. I always "take of" between Christmas and New Year, but it was extended this year because we sold our home, bought a home, and helped move a raptor program (which involved building new mews). This was compounded by the usually Christmas celebrations that included a trip to an airport that is 2 hours from home...that was 4 car rides for a total of over 8 hours spent driving. Now it it time to get back to business....so here we go!
2014. The world is changing. Each year many exit at the end of the year, and this year that was even more evident in my personal life than last year. Each year the veil gets thinner, people who are "walking their talk" get rewarded even more, and people who are not doing the right things, get taught even more. Karma is working her way more strongly than ever. It isn't instant in many cases, but it is timely, and many are seeing big changes. Please remember that Karma is a TEACHER not a PUNISHMENT.
Those who are not only doing the right things, but manifesting correctly and working with their team, are getting amazing results. The Universe is listening and depending on what you are doing or saying, that is a good thing or bad thing.
A few years ago, I coined the phrase "Do the right things or the right reasons". It is a simple statement for life, and how to make the right choices everyday. It makes the decision easy, maybe not the action of it, but the decision part is simple. It is even more important today than it was when I first typed it on this blog. It is exponentially more important today.
This year I was slow in making changes with people, I was trying to slowly and gently back out of a group, the Universe thought I took to long and gave me incentive in words and actions of others that were reprehensible. I wrote about it in an earlier blog, so I won't go over it again here, but it was a shining example of how our way of doing things, and the Universe's way can sometimes differ. My way was too slow for the Universe (and I realize now why that was too slow), so it sped me up. This will be another year o "weeding the garden", what we do not weed out, the Universe will, it is still in action and even more active than in the past.
This year I will again be teaching reiki, it's energy seems to grow more powerful by the day, and it is an awesome healer. I will not waste time with people that I know are using me, and I will not allow myself to be sympathetic to those who deserve no sympathy, it sounds harsh, but it is a reality. "Helping" means giving a hand, or showing others how to do things differently, it does not mean "doing it for them repetitively".
Make sure that you are growing and fostering growth in others.
Have a safe, happy and healthy 2014!
Always do the best you can with the right intent. Keep searching out knowledge and learn as much as you can! Always do the right things for the right reasons!~
Love and Light this 2014
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2014 Dr R M Wolf.
2014. The world is changing. Each year many exit at the end of the year, and this year that was even more evident in my personal life than last year. Each year the veil gets thinner, people who are "walking their talk" get rewarded even more, and people who are not doing the right things, get taught even more. Karma is working her way more strongly than ever. It isn't instant in many cases, but it is timely, and many are seeing big changes. Please remember that Karma is a TEACHER not a PUNISHMENT.
Those who are not only doing the right things, but manifesting correctly and working with their team, are getting amazing results. The Universe is listening and depending on what you are doing or saying, that is a good thing or bad thing.
A few years ago, I coined the phrase "Do the right things or the right reasons". It is a simple statement for life, and how to make the right choices everyday. It makes the decision easy, maybe not the action of it, but the decision part is simple. It is even more important today than it was when I first typed it on this blog. It is exponentially more important today.
This year I was slow in making changes with people, I was trying to slowly and gently back out of a group, the Universe thought I took to long and gave me incentive in words and actions of others that were reprehensible. I wrote about it in an earlier blog, so I won't go over it again here, but it was a shining example of how our way of doing things, and the Universe's way can sometimes differ. My way was too slow for the Universe (and I realize now why that was too slow), so it sped me up. This will be another year o "weeding the garden", what we do not weed out, the Universe will, it is still in action and even more active than in the past.
This year I will again be teaching reiki, it's energy seems to grow more powerful by the day, and it is an awesome healer. I will not waste time with people that I know are using me, and I will not allow myself to be sympathetic to those who deserve no sympathy, it sounds harsh, but it is a reality. "Helping" means giving a hand, or showing others how to do things differently, it does not mean "doing it for them repetitively".
Make sure that you are growing and fostering growth in others.
Have a safe, happy and healthy 2014!
Always do the best you can with the right intent. Keep searching out knowledge and learn as much as you can! Always do the right things for the right reasons!~
Love and Light this 2014
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2014 Dr R M Wolf.
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