Monday, June 30, 2014

From the "In Box"

I have a had a few people asking questions, and there are some good ones piling up. I have answered people individually, but I usually write a blog about those questions. Life has been so busy lately that I have not been a very active blogger, so I thought I better sit down and write! This one was asked in different forms by three people.The first question has been answered a few times, in past bogs, but maybe not so specifically, so I will go at it again. Always feel free to put words in the search and you will have blogs brought up to read on that "subject".

The first question was "what is the first tool someone should buy to start investigating, an EMF meter or recorder"? EMF meters are tools, that unless you are an expert on your surroundings , and what makes EMF in the first place....are totally useless. They are great in locations where there is no electricity, where you know how to properly use the meter and have eliminated other things that can cause them to go off (like receiving a message on your cell phone). Even then they are not 100% useful. All EMF meters do is measure a fluctuation in the EMF field around you. Guess how many times that happens naturally during the day? Hundreds.

They are NOT communicating devices, we have so many other items to use for that task that are much better suited for it. They are only good to see if something MAY be about to happen. That is it, that is their function. Period. They are not indicators of a spirit in the room. Walking around a building, especially one with electronics in it, and seeing a meter fluctuate means zero. It certainly does not mean spirits are present. It means the EMF field is fluctuating. Even solar flares can cause this. There are wires, phone systems, ceiling fans, microwaves, cell phones (even some cause blips when turned off), 2 way radios, energy transformers, radio/cell towers nearby, power generating systems nearby. Add to that ley lines, running water, solar flares, and other natural sources. Many of those won't set the meter off alone, but how much of a combination of one ot two of the above generally happens at once? Many times.

Not only are there too many other things than can set off a meter, do you know what readings indicated electronics, like a clock radio, rather than a spirit? Do you know what readings may indicate a spirit or not? Generally if you go over 8 , you are seeing electronics. Cell phones for example getting an update or message will read lower, and you think you have a ghostly message when al yo uhave is a loved one asking what time the investigation will be over.

Let's throw something else into the mix. Many times EMF meters will register NOTHING  when there IS paranormal activity going on. It is apparent that some "ghostly" events do NOT set off the meter. Since we aren't always sure where activity is coming from (poltergeist? spirit? negative entity?), we don't know for sure what sets off the meter. Can some evolved spirits cloak that energy? Seems that they can.

Another issue is one I have seen so many times. People walk around all night with their nose buried in the meter, and miss a lot!  Meters are meant to be used for a few seconds. They are to be used to take base readings in the beginning of the investigation, and when entering a room, see if there is a higher reading. When there is , investigate, when there isn't , move on. One investigator on another team said if he has people walk around with a meter all night he kicks them off of the team, becasue he is convinced they are actually afraid to see something subconsciously (and that really is a good point).

All we DO know is that SOMETIMES when there is about to be paranormal activity, these meters fluctuate. Your body (hair standing up, nervous stomach, nausea) is a better indicator than the meter. It isn't always reliable and some people are more sensitive than others, but it is still better than the meter!

When you have a little money and want to try paranormal investigating, buy a voice recorder. When a spirit communicates with you, you will know it! Meters are not an indicator of paranormal activity and frequently miss paranormal events. I have been in a room where a disembodied voice told me to "get out" at a client's home. There were 2 meters working, one only a few feet from me, and one down the hall. Neither registered a blip.

Toss out the meters, or better yet, sell them, and buy some other equipment!

More answers to come in future blogs!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2014 May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, June 6, 2014


I have been so busy doing MUNDANE things , I have not had time to write and teach. These are two of my favorite things to do , so it is frustrating. We are renovating a kitchen and took a trip to see my son graduate. Now, onwards and forwards, right? The kitchen has been torn apart for over a month now. It will look great when it is finished, but going through it is frustrating. It doesn't happen overnight like in the TV shows, I can tell you that.

One thing that came apparent after running around, discussing the past,  and juggling so much lately, is that you realize how things that seemed life changing and all important at the time, are now past , forgotten events. We strive sometimes to get something done, right a wrong, make a change, and find that those things have become something in the faded past. That isn't good or bad, depending on what it is, but think about the things you stressed over 5, 10, or even 30 years ago. What happened to those events? You are still alive, and moving forward (hopefully), so were those moments that seemed so important, really that important. 

Did it matter you didn't go to the prom with "so and so"; did it matter that the rift in your group, club, organization was a battle with people attacking each other; did it matter that it rained on your wedding day; did it matter that your friend walked away to another life. It mattered them but does it matter now. How often can we say "it wasn't funny then, but it is now"? The answer in my life is OFTEN!

Many things that bring on anger, frustration, sadness.....fade away with time. They say "time heals all wounds", and I believe it is true. Some heal more slowly than others, but the key is healing.

That said, I want you all to try to find one of those instances (you can probably find many), and see how it faded and corrected itself with time, this way when a curve ball comes at you today, you can be older and wiser and let it roll on by!

Love and Light

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2014 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.