I waited until the 11th hour to write this. The 11th hour of the upcoming Presidential election in the US. The reason why I waited, was that people had to be true to their behavior and beliefs, it was important that they do that. Why? The last year was shown to me as being a test. A test quite a few failed, a test that has been showing results to people for the past year.
Trump was, and is a catalyst. He is here to show if we are basically good inside or not so good. He is a Universal test. Now , let me be clear, this is NOT about WHO you voted for. You may have voted for Trump because you always follow the party line; you may have thought it would be good to have a non politician for President; you may have thought that he would be like the TV Trump and increase your wealth by making the nation more prosperous. You are safe.....at least you are if you were not hateful in your behavior in supporting your candidate. Those who were hateful supporting EITHER candidate, will, and already have been having issues with life.
Those issues will be a lesson, not a punishment, the Universe doesn't punish, on how to be more humble. I can't say it will be directly reflective on what sector or what avenue your hatred took, but three things were shown to me as areas people will suffer in, and already are. They are health, wealth and relationships. This will flow to anyone who has been hateful, even if they are not the least bit concerned with the election. This is about behavior thought to be "ok" because of the actions and words of the catalyst.
People with health issues will have them return, get worse, or new ones develop. They will have treatment become more difficult to obtain through finances or availability. There will be more physical pain in the world for those who were hateful. This doesn't mean that non hateful people won't ever get sick, if that is part of their path, that will remain, but those who were hateful will have worse medical condition than those who were not.
Financially things will cost more for you and less money will flow to you. Jobs, benefits, and financial worth will suffer in many different ways. Money flow will lessen and possibly stop. Again this has already been happening for a year. Have you lost your job in the last year and do not have a new one? Have you been hateful , deceitful, and damaging in the past year? Money will flow right out of your hands. Businesses will fail, and jobs will be hard to find.
Relationships will suffer. Even friendships and working relationships. Were you unfair and hateful? People will now be unfair and hateful to you. This is a lesson, a lesson on how it feels. This is a time of, for lack of a better term, instant Karma. People will leave you behind and you won't know why. People who are horrid to you will integrate themselves deeper into your life.
Look at your past year. Was it sickness? Job issues? Money issues? Serious relationship issues? What was your behavior? Were you hateful, reactive, mean spirited, unfair, prejudicial, unjust?
This can be turned around. It can only be turned around by turning around behavior. When you are less hateful, when you "do unto others", when you see the world from the eyes of people who are not like you, you can turn this loss around. Just giving $100 to a food bank won't buy your way out, you have to turn your perspective, be sorry, truly apologize, and move forward. About 1% of the people will be able to do this.
When you stayed out of the fray, nothing will happen either positive or negative to you along these lines, life will go on and will be in your power to make better or worse.
Those who tried to talk reason; to show others how to act; to bring light, true information and reason to discussions; to be factual; to try to calm others, will be rewarded. They will have better finances, relationships (including valuable new ones), and health.
Please remember this has nothing to do with whom you voted for, but how you acted during the past year. It is about what your words were, your thoughts, your actions. It is about how you treated others. Were you unfair, untruthful, hateful, harmful? Were you mentally, physically or emotionally abusive to others? Were you a bully? A cheat? A racist?
Living in fear, hatred and negativity only spawns those things, plus ill health, poor finances and bad relationships. Never make a decision out of fear or hatred. They will always be the wrong decisions.
You will see people around you who are complaining of new issues, and have been for the past year, look back at their behavior and see the proof in the words. When you are one of those people, please turn yourself around and make amends to the Universe. The downslide if you choose to stay as you are will go on for seven more years.
This last year was, IN PART, a test. Did you pass or fail?
I hope you passed!