Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blog and Dissertation

Tomorrow is New Years Eve . A day of thinking, reflecting, and getting ready for the New Year. It is not a day of making a New Years' Resolution, as I wrote before, it is a day to make plans that you can stick to. Remember to NOT take anything out of your home from midnight New Year's Eve until midnight New Year's Day.

I have a dissertation to write, and I will need time to research, study, read, and write, so I am taking the blog down to once a week, at least while I write the dissertation. I believe in not just doing something, but doing it well. If I cannot do it well, I do not do it at all, I leave it to those who do. This gives me the time and energy to do it well. I want the paper to be accepted the first time that I do it.

The theme for the year 2011 to make sure that you are doing 100% of what you represent, what you say you are , and what you say you will do. Don't mislead, flat out lie, or scam. There are many in the metaphysical community that claim titles they do not have, and talents that do not exist in them. I always ask that you all check people out before you buy into their rhetoric . When you are on the other end, the theme is to ONLY use authentic, certified and licensed people for your teachers and services.

Check authenticity. There are certificates that reiki practitioners, and masters have. There are certificates that Healing Touch Practitioners have. I have a ministerial card, all ministerial practitioners will have a current card. Do NOT take any instruction in Native American spirituality, or way, from someone who is not Native, and check them out too. Use NAFPS to find people who are scamming by being fakes and phonies. This even goes for classes like what is now jokingly called the "money key" (and is listed on the NAFPS site).

Beware, be a smart consumer, be authentic, and demand authenticity. When you are spending your money, time, and energy, spend it wisely. Make sure that you are getting the best deal out there. Don't be afraid to take classes from multiple teachers, one may resonate more with you.

Make sure all metaphysical teachers are kind, giving, understanding, yet strong and firm with you. Make sure that they are no nonsense, not some flaky, "out there" person, while at the same time treat you as a student who wants to learn. They need to give respect to their students, and make sure they answer all their questions.

When you take on a Native American way of life, and learn form elders, they will not charge you a penny, and cannot. When you pay to learn ritual and ceremony of the Native American way, you are being ripped off. You can pay to learn history, or some other information, but the "way" is not charged for.

Real metaphysicians are not boastful, flamboyant, nor demanding. They are not in any way pushy or unkind. When you come across a person like this, run . There are MANY more of us out there who are trying to really TEACH the right way. There is no easy "step program", no attunement, no magic wand, to make you any better than you are now. It is all work, study, and being authentic, that makes things right.

Make sure that you are learning authentic things form authentic people. A sign, business card, title, or claim , or "uniform / costume", does not an authentic person make. Be a wise consumer.

See you next year!

Have a safe, happy and healthy new year full of abundance!

Love and Light

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year' House cleansing

There is a tradition that makes its' way through a few different belief systems. It goes way back to pagan roots. You should never take anything out of your home on New Years' Day, unless you want it to always come out. This begins at midnight on New Year's Eve, through New Year's Day.

Taking out the trash is good....but do not take anything else out, at all. Not a thing. There is an energetic meaning to things, that we do not always see that makes us think, "well this is OK", or "I will just bless it, and it will be OK". That unseen energetic meaning can cause havoc when disregarded or used improperly. The Jewish way will tell you that the only reason to break any tradition, is if it will save a life.

So, if there is anything that needs to leave the house, make sure it is done before or after New Year's Day.

The other part of that is doing a house cleansing. Step one is cleaning the house (I heard so many of you just sigh and say...well I guess I won't be cleansing my house). Give it the best cleaning you can. You don't need to wipe down walls, but get all clutter put away and clean what is left. Too much stuff? Donate it to the Salvation Army or Goodwill.

Cleaning the house means cleaning out clutter. Hoarders are a perfect example of the unhealthy living caused by having too much. It not only is an EXCELLENT PLACE FOR NEGATIVE ENERGY (ESPECIALLY FEAR,INSECURITY, and HATE),to hide out and accumulate, but it is a HAVEN for negative entities. Clean it, get help if need be, but get it cleaned out.

Then go outside, and sprinkle salt (sea salt is best) on your doorsteps, and spray a salt/water combination around your windows. Do not spray it right on the window, unless you want a foggy view of the world all winter.

Re-enter the house and cleanse. You can use easy methods like putting a bowl of water and orange peels in the house, and then throwing it outside after the new year begins. You can use sage burning, or Reiki to cleanse the house. You can use all three, and more. You can even get a priest to come and do a blessing.

This will cleanse out stagnant and negative energy. When there is a strong negative issue, other methods, and people who know what they are doing should be called in . I have cleansed a few houses, and every one had an immediate and strong effect. There is a lot to it, but yet it is simple. It takes time more than anything else.

Positive energy, spirits, and entities will not leave due to salt, sage, or anything else that you will use, so a friendly ghost will not leave your home after this is done. It will also not scare away angels, guides, and positive feeling that you have put into your home.

Retrograde ends on the 30th, try to do the cleaning AFTER retrograde has ended, get all that nasty energy out at the same time.It only gives you a small window of opportunity, but try to take advantage of it.

Please email me if you have any questions.

So, don't take ANYTHING out of your house from midnight New Year's Eve, until midnight New Year's Day, clean, and then cleanse your home. The more cleaning energy you put into it, the better, and more powerful it will be.

This is just ONE New Year celebration , other cultures celebrate on other days. Try to celebrate as many as you can.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Following your heart and dreams

Many do not follow their heart and their dreams, and the reason for that is usually a "well meaning" friend or relitive who tells them all the reasons that it isn't a good idea. There is usually only one or two spouting the negativity, but that "fear" voice is always too loud and too clear for many.

I moved from PA to NV on my own, without a job promise, or friends in the area. I knew a couple of folks , but no friend's house to land at, or anyone to show me the neighborhood. I then moved to two places in NM, one in the counrty, and one in a small town. I would have stayed in NM, but work called me elsewhere. It is a beautiful state, and the people were wonderful.

I followed my heart and mind. I explored, I met wonderful people, and saw the vast beauty of several AZ and NM reservations. I have wonderful memories of that time...and still some old friends too.

I trusted my instincts, and followed them , always to a good place, and right where I needed to be at that time.People say I am brave, I don't know how "brave" it is. There are wonderful people all over this country, beautiful places to be seen, new traditions to learn.

Many of my clients get talked out of following their dreams. It is by another person , and always comes from a fear based place. They may be afraid the person will achieve more, or they won't see them again. Sometimes it is just pure jealousy (which is also fear based), because they never got to do what the "brave" one is doing.

When you look CAREFULLY at something and realize that is where you need to be, and what you need to do...BE THERE and DO IT. Don't go running off on romanticized journeys to nowhere, be resonable and safe...but do it! There is a reason that the experience came calling to you, go and find why!

ENJOY life, it is here to be lived.

and as the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior writtem permission.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Weclome back! New Year's affirmations

I hope that you all had a great weekend...Time to get back to work!

Take the time this week to think about your New Year's CHANGES. People make, and quickly break "resolutions". The reason is because they just do it as part of the holiday spirit, they really don't have the resolve, or determination to make the change. Sometimes we just are not ready, and sometimes other things need to be in place before the change can occur, be permanent and successful.

So instead of making statements that you know you won't stick to for more than a day, take the time this week to really look back at the last year and see what is was that did not work well for you. What new things are you taking on? What old things are you revamping? Are you making a resolution each year to lose weight, and not doing it? Switch to something else, take a break, and you may find that your NEW change makes the weight easier to manage.

Then work it, remember how I say these things always take some type of "work"? They really do . People think manifesting is as easy as asking, not making sure they are ready, putting a picture on their wall, and then wondering why nothing happens. The usual mistake is that they do not do the work.The only people that benefit are the ones giving instruction in manifesting and charging good money for lessons, books, and CDs.

Start with the examining and thinking about what you want to achieve this year. You do not have to stick to one thing, but if you have trouble handling more than one thing at once, or are taking on something that is huge, or will take months to achieve, then just pick one.

Make a PLAN, yes a plan, you DO have to do the work. To get a better position at work you may have to :

apply for it
put in time
take a class
learn a computer program or skill
be a better employee (show up on time, take on extra work, etc)

Then , do the affirmations. Remember to keep them literal, simple, and direct. A good general one will be: "Help me to make positive changes in my life this year, and accept them as they come to me."

When you have specific goals, then state them in your affirmation.

KEEP focused and use something (or someone) to help you do that. Eating brownies every night won't help you with your weight loss.

Keep your goal in mind in other things that you do. Are there other aspects of your life that need to change to help you reach your goals? Do you need to change the atmosphere you are in, or your daily schedule?

Then work successfully towards your goal. Have another one ready too. This way when you reach one half way through the year, you can work on another. Do not make resolutions, make changes. Use affirmations and correct manifesting.

...and as always, do the right things for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

May you all have a Merry Christmas.

I am going to take a break for the weekend. So much fun to be had with the kids, Matt, and the animals. We are all having a WONDEFUL time and I don't want to miss one moment!

So far, Matt however is the Yahtzee champ, and I need to try my best to dethrone him.....

SO ENJOY the holiday! I will see you all here on Monday the 27th!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


This morning my rabbit, for about the fifth time, managed to get onto a chest where my phone and some books are. The only reason she could get there is a chair has been moved to accommodate the Christmas tree. I gave her a ladder to books to chomp and an obviously delicious phone cord. At first I was mad at her, for about 1 minute, then I realized....she is a rabbit. This is what she does...chew. Her mission is life is only to be food for something else. TO do that, Mother Nature makes her eat, eat, eat. Then she is a fat , juicy rabbit for a hawk, fox, bear, wolf or coyote. That is basically it. So she eats, and then of course poops.....ah the life of a rabbit.

So , I was the enabler. Once I took that chair away, I took her destructive chewing ability away.

How often do we get upset at people for doing stupid stuff, yet we don't say a word. People are much smarter than rabbits and have more to do than be food, so we need to be tougher on them. We need to teach them. So many times we try to associate humans with nature. We are part of nature, but our human minds have taken as far from being a pure being. Deer, fish, birds, and rabbits do not have free will, an ability to think rationally and a conscience. We do. We have no excuses to act badly, nor to allow, or worse yet, enable others to do so.

Being an enabler is pretty much doing the same thing as the person who has an issue. We may as well say "Hey it's OK, let me help you ruin your life and everyone else around you."

Enabling is a terrible take the chairs away from the rabbits in your life. It really does make a difference.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Christmas (or any other day) Lesson

People today are very outspoken about how "terrible" their lives are. Their lives really aren't" terrible", and where there are issues, many of them were self perpetuated. When I grew up I was always taught to have money saved for a "rainy day". Our "rainy day" money was never much, but a mishap would never put us into a bad situation, like foreclosure. My Mom made minimum wage or close to it all her life. I was telling Matt the other day how she brought a peanut butter and butter sandwich to work every day, for years and years. She claimed it was her Scottish frugality, maybe it was. I think it was by having parents who lived through the Great Depression.

Now people feel they need to have fancy lunches, living spaces, cars, and are living beyond their means. They forget what happened to their Grandparents and Great Grandparents when times were REALLY hard.

I have written before on the fact that people live beyond their means and it creates havoc. I have also written about charity being just that, and that it begins at home.It isn't a stage for you to stand on and say "look at the good things I am doing", the only reward should be you knowing that you did a good thing.I also have asked everyone to be tolerant and respectful of other races, religions, and cultures.I read a story yesterday that covered all these topics. It is a Christmas story, but it doesn't have to be.

So before you complain about being broke and how it is the government's (or anyone's fault but your own), or how you don't celebrate Christmas, so don't make me look at your Christmas tree, or tell how many charities you gave to in far away places this holiday season.....think about this:

During the Great Depression, a time when people really went without (without coats, shoes, food, shelter), there was a town in Ohio that received a great holiday blessing. One day in the newspaper, there was an ad that said a man wanted to make Christmas happier for everyone. It was 1933, and half the town of Canton was out of work. The ad was "signed" by B. Virdot. He said that if you lived in Canton and needed help with Christmas, write him, and he would send you a check for $5.00.

Now, $5.00 may not seem to be much, but in 1933 it was the equivalent of $100.00. Needless to say , this would solve a lot of problems for families during the Depression and help make Christmas a lot happier. His original ad said he would help 50-75 families. He ended up helping 150 families. No one knew who this man was. A young girl wrote to him saying that her family was not really living in Canton, but lived outside of town on a farm , and if he would send $10, she would clothe the whole family , buy Christmas dinner for everyone and presents. She got the $10.00

Many were families with 10 and 12 children, all with cardboard inserts in their shoes, and a will to work or do whatever they (legally) needed to in order to make some money.

So B. Virdot made 150 families Christmas day a happy one. He then just disappeared into history. The people and town recovered and life went on. One day in 2008 a woman gave her son a suitcase full of letters. He is a writer and she told him they were just "old papers". He read the letters all telling of hard times, starvation, and bare feet in the winter of 1933 Ohio. The names were not familiar to him, nor the person that the letters were addressed to. There were 150 canceled checks in the name B Virdot. His mother told him that B.Virdot was his grandfather. The name made up from the names of his daughters Barbara, Virginia and Dorothy.

His real name was Sam Stone, a Canton businessman. Not only did Mr Stone help those 150 families, and do it without recognition, not only did he not turn down a soul, but Mr Sam Stone was Jewish.Christmas was not a holiday he celebrated. Here is a man who did not live beyond his means, and was not hit hard by the depression, he gave locally, and without recognition, and he gave to people no matter what their nationality (he even gave to a lady who had moved there from Jamaica). All on a holiday that was not part of his culture and belief system! He knew it was important to his fellow townspeople, and he gave, from the heart without recognition, thanks, reward, or prejudice.

We may not all have the financial ability Sam Stone did, but we sure all need to have his heart!

There is only one person left living who benefited from B. Virdot's generosity. She is the only one , besides his family, who knows who he was. Even though he has long gone to his grave, he is remembered by at least one stranger.

Who can be more like B. Virdot, not only this holiday season , but all year long?

(The entire story is in the December issue of "Smithsonian")

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied, or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Who not to be friends with....

This started out as a funny discussion and turned serious....

Who NOT to be friends with:

People who talk badly about others , as they will eventually talk badly about you.

People who think the world is either "perfect" (what we call bliss ninnies), or Sucks.

People who use guilt as a tool to make others do something.

People who claim to be what they are not. This was wide and varied from" not married", "financially stable", an "expert in something", to reiki "master" or any other metaphysical title. Say "Show me the paper!". People who claim to be "psychics and mediums" on to people who claim to be anything that they think makes them look good.

People who lie and cheat. It doesn't matter who, whether it is the power company, the government (think Wesley Snipes),their friends. It shows their character, and it isn't a good picture.

People who are Haters or stay in a Clique , Clan or selective group.

People who only have time for you when they have the time, or when you are doing something they want to do.

People who take advantage of you, as in wanting time, money, attention, material things.

People who are prejudicial.


People who are abusive.

People who are not keeping themselves or their homes clean (doesn't have to be Martha Stuart's house though!)

People who always ask and never give.

People who are disloyal, even if they are not disloyal to you right now, they will be.

People who lie, mislead, and teach the wrong things.

People who do wrong for attention.

There were more but basically they all went back to one or the other of these things. These were the serious ones. When there is someone like this around you, PUT THEM IN THE BASEMENT, and throw away the key! They have no healthy purpose. You can try and teach them first, but once they show they are not interested in learning, toss them in that dank, dark dungeon, and leave them be.

People are sometimes put in our path so that we can teach them something. Sometimes these people think they are already an authority and we can't teach them a thing. We are not meant to struggle along , but to walk away. Once you try to teach and your lessons are rejected, it is time to move on.

For the holiday season give yourself the gift of peace by removing a problem person from your life!


Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A word about teaching, and RESPECT.

Teaching is one of THE most important things that we do. We do it even without ever entering a classroom. We do it by example, we do it by being out and active in the world, and in being part of any group.

It is very important to do certain things correctly. It is important to make sure we perform ritual as ritual. The word itself means that something is done the same way every time. We can also celebrate, that does not mean there is a set of rules to follow, but there is an energy to things, maybe even guidelines to follow. For example, I may celebrate Easter by doing abundance rituals...another person may go to church that day...another person may take the old Pagan fertility and Christian ways out of it entirely and just have dinner with family. Some may just celebrate for the kids, and buy chocolate bunnies. No one is wrong, no one is right.

The point is that none of those are bad things. However, if you are teaching an origin or ritual of Easter, you have to go back to the Pagan Oestre, show how the church adapted it, etc. You don't tell the world that the way your family celebrates is the right way. We also need to be careful not to add outside FLUFF to ritual and make others think it is part of the original ritual or a genre.

Then there is the part where we need to learn how and when to speak up. When a group is being shown something incorrectly, and told incorrect information, yes, we need to speak up. When a person loudly proclaims himself of a certain genre or belief system and demonstrates it totally off the mark, then we need to say something so that others do not copy and think they are doing the right thing. When people do dishonest, illegal or immoral things, we need to have a chat with them, or contact law enforcement, depending on the situation.

The key is that there is always a "teaching" going on. That can include making an example and protecting the person at the same time. For example : The store clerk the other day could not count my change. What are we teaching in our schools?" Now, this doesn't make the clerk a bad person, her name was not mentioned to embarrass her, it is the speaker's way of getting people to think, make change in the way things are done, and hopefully bring about better things. Depending on the setting it has higher impact. Maybe the setting is a PTA meeting, school board meeting, or BBB get together, where this is significant. Maybe the person wants to start a discussion, or just vent (which is OK).

My blogs never mention names, although I could. I do not. I don't care if the people get mad at me, I am not in a popularity contest, but I try not to embarrass them.

However, when a person is constantly putting down everyone they meet, that is a problem. I know a person that can NEVER say a nice thing about anyone else. Needless to say, I stay far away from her.

When you pick on people, it is different from teaching them or making a teaching example of them. When you do something to belittle, insult, or cause hurt, and those being the first and only reasons, then that is not teaching. When it comes to teaching, don't sweat the small stuff. Teach important stuff. Not if the sentence should have included the word "who" or "whom", leave that to the college profs...they need the money.

I had a person one day complain about the grammatical errors and punctuation in my blogs, complain to others that is, not to me. That was just being mean and spiteful. She didn't give me a grammar lesson, but told others. She did it in retribution, and spite. All the wrong way and wrong reasons. This happened again to a friend of mine yesterday. When you have no valid argument, when you make fun of a person's ethnicity or background, when you make fun of how they spell, then you my friend, are the ignorant one.

Those types of behavior are mean and spiteful, things done by people who just have to make themselves feel better by putting other people down. They are angry and upset about other things, and have no firm basis to defend themselves, so they pick on your spelling, your clothing, your background, your hair, your friends. They are called Haters. I did a blog on them a while back on My space. They just have to attack, and do it below the belt. It is mean, spiteful, and childish.

I for one, cannot type to save my life.I can spell pretty well, so my detractor didn't even get that part right. I typed my web page out for my business, read it several times, published it, and goofed in 2 places. Other spiritual people were kind enough to privately email me and let me know that my page had 2 errors. I thanked them and corrected the errors. This was s business page and these things were important.

When a person makes fun of your blog, social network posting, email, or other personal issuance, then they are just being a mean, spiteful person. This is childish and unnecessary. This is not productive, teaching, or anything else positive, it is just trying to make that person look bad to others, and shows a lack of respect, and a huge amount of insecurity.

When you really "teach" you are showing respect. When you make fun of someone, you are being a jerk.

When you do not show respect to another person, and you make fun of them, you deserve no respect, you deserve whatever comes to you.

Teach, don't belittle.
Teach the right thing.
Do the right thing FOR THE RIGHT REASONS!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Watching the Universe work

Yesterday I saw all kinds of interesting things, and they were all a way of watching the Universe work.

Matt and I made some firm requests of the Universe and they were granted. When we ask for things we deserve, will work well with, and appreciate, it is easy to manifest those things.

I also saw how a person with a very skewed belief system (seeing evil and conspiracy everywhere), was stopped from spreading their nonsense, by good people having the knowledge and courage to stand up and say "no that is not true".

I read how Wesley Snipes is going to prison today for not filing/paying income tax for three years. Even the "stars" have to follow the law.

...and my favorite was an update on OJ spending 33 years in prison. The Universe cleared that up nicely, and trust" psychic me", he did do it. Sometimes the Universe doesn't react immediately, but it does react.

I thought back to a couple of incidences also, where people did BAD stuff, and think that a "sorry" covers it. When you willfully, knowingly, intentionally, and maliciously do something, "sorry" just doesn't make it all better. Changing your whole attitude and making good on what you screwed up, may.

I was asked by a client if she should forgive (and this person she is asking about really is an abusive jerk), since it is the holidays. The answer...HECK NO. Christmas is not a "Get out of jail free card". We need to remember that forgiveness means harboring no ill will toward the person who wronged us, it does NOT mean having that person back in our lives to make a mess again. Put them in the basement of life and keep moving on. Learn the lesson from the experience. Maybe it is that we need to be less trusting, or to allow ourselves to be abused. Maybe it is to make sure we don't give money to those who don't deserve it or won't pay it back. It doesn't matter. These people didn't learn their lessons just because there is a day on the calendar called Christmas. Some will even use the celebration of Christmas to make you try to feel guilty. Don't.

I used to let people try to make me feel guilty. I don't anymore. I have no room for manipulative people in my life. I also have no room for them in any of my friend's of family's lives....nor Matt's nor my neighbor' get the picture.

The way to have a Happy to spend it EXACTLY how you want to spend it, with whom you want to spend it, where you want to spend it (I wish I were in

You may wish to celebrate it in church, or by doing nothing at all. Do what YOU want to do , otherwise, it isn't a happy holiday!

Just sit back and do what you know is right, and let the Universe take care of the rest, it does a heck of a good job!

Happy Holidays

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c) Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission .

Thursday, December 16, 2010

People are stepping up for local charities

Charity begins at home. That is one of the truest statements ever made.

Local charities have recently seen some good folks doing wonderful things for them. Charities that really HELP people, meaning that the people get help, and move on , so a new group of those needing help can come in, and move on.

There are so many groups out there who make a business out of asking for money. I have stopped donating to those. Are their people hungry? Sure, but when they do nothing to actually solve the problem, I walk away.

We were talking the other night about how a Cherokee man who is an elder in his Nation , he told how they will never ask for charity, never solicit money. For 99% of the tribes that is true. They take care of their own, they KNOW charity begins at home. The Cherokee have always been an industrious and proud Nation (and well they should be!)

The local charities need help. I am sure that in your city, the story is pretty much the same. Here we had a huge plant close and there are many more people seeking help this holiday season. They aren't people who ask every month for help. They are seeking education, and jobs, they just need a helping hand, not a Sugar Daddy.

Your local charities help your friends and neighbors. They will help you , if God forbid you ever need it. They are there for you.They don't care who you are, they will help you.

When you have the ability to give, whether it is time, money, or material goods, give locally. Governments will worry about Haiti, and other countries with disasters... we need to help those locally, no one is coming from another country, or even another state to help the people our kids go to school with, or our neighbors, only you are going to do that.

Give wisely, give only what you can afford to give. Give anonymously, give from the heart. are giving in any way that you can!

Some local folks are being very generous, make sure that you

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Well this is a first

Here I am, plopped in the middle of an area that considers itself very Americana. They consider themselves for the working man,they go to church,and consider themselves to be good, nice people.

I was reading comments on a story yesterday about how the Jehovah's Witnesses are returning to our town for their convention, even though the hotel and venue they used the last few years are no longer available.
A very large group keeping their business in our town. That is a great thing.

But then I see some of the comments are "JW" bashing. Attacking people for their religion. There is NEVER, EVER a valid reason to attack ANY religion. PERIOD. You don't have to agree to it, you don't have to practice it, but putting down the people who practice that religion is about as low as you can go.

I am sure these Negative comment folks all consider themselves God fearing Bible readers. Otherwise, why would they bother? But these people are exactly the worst of the worst. They are the problem, not the Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, Muslims or anyone else out there. These prejudicial haters are the problem.

One complained the Jehovah's Witnesses don't drink and smoke....who cares! Like that is a bad thing?? Good lord, how ridiculous can you get ,putting down people who practice a helping religion because they don't do "bad things". They come to this town to eat, sleep in our hotels, and shop while they are here. They spend a lot of money. They buy gas and other necessities. They don't bother a soul , they just make this town money, and these local prejudicial idiots are putting them down. My Mom always said "ignorance shows", and she wasn't kidding.

Just another bit of proof that shows that just because you go to church or believe in God, doesn't make you a good person.

Do the right things for the right reason....
Don't hate


(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another word on psychic development

First, there will be a class this winter, I have not put a particular date down yet, but will do so after the holidays. Always check my webpage : for updates!

A couple of people said that they are trying to get the messages and the guides to help, but they get a blank.

This will happen. First of all, it is a powerful gift and they want to make sure it is put in good hands, and that you know what you are getting into. Many times people develop the gift without asking for help and misuse many times have you heard of the stereotypical Gypsy woman telling of a curse someone has, or a psychic (who are supposed to be healers), being snobby, bossy, or egotistical?

The other side of this is that it is not all fun and games. Every day I encounter at least one person who has had a total break with reality, and I mean that seriously, as in psychotic. I also have angry, upset, and vengeful people looking for help. You may be asked to help find things, including the dead or missing. You may become involved in some very serious emotional situations. You may be asked to pass on a message to a person who doesn't want to hear it, and thinks all psychics should "rot in hell". There are times when you see, hear and feel upsetting things. There are times when you enter places that are creepy on a good day, and have to stay and act as if all is well.

This is hard. Ask any psychic who works full time with a large range of people. I work locally and on a website. The stories I hear! WOW!

There is also a need to feel that you are really serious about this. It takes a ton of prep time to get you where you need to be, thing MUST come slowly , or your head would explode...not literally, although I guess that might be able to happen. You need to know how to control it, set boundaries, and protect yourself.

The flip side of this is that if you ask for it to be taken away, it will, and quickly. If you change your mind the next day, and say that you want it back, it will be YEARS. So, the Universe wants to be sure that you are sure.

There is also a TON of psychic ethics. Sadly many do not follow those ethics at all. I would be scared to death not to! They are something that you need to learn from a working psychic. If you ask one and she answers, "what do you mean", or starts talking about money, find an ethical psychic to ask.

It is more than just acquiring the ability, but being ready to handle it, to accept it and to use it wisely and appropriately.

That said, I will soon be looking for a partner to do parties with. This person needs to be psychic, ethical, dependable, friendly, and ready for strange hours, settings and people.....a hard pair of shoes to fill.

Make sure that you really are ready, and I will help anyone that I can who has questions, but please first take the psychic development class, it will answer MANY of your questions, and get you started. Have patience, it is usually a long process with those who were not bron with a big antenna, already using it.

In the meantime...practice, practice, practice!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission


Monday, December 13, 2010

Be authentic

Conversation over the weekend was about how diligent Matt and I were in our latest spiritual endeavor. Extra time, research, love, and care was put into the project, and is in everything that we do. To us, if you do something half way, you will get half way results. If you do something dishonestly , you will get dishonest results. If you do something out of ego, you will get non spiritual results. The law of energy and attraction, what you put in , is what you get out. Like the old computer saying "garbage in , garbage out".

Many are totally fake and dishonest in the metaphysical and spiritual world today. They want to be a part of things, and rush to make themselves fit in. A client told me of a person who is a part of her group, who has begun to "give messages". She claims they are from the Archangel Michael...yet they are messages that are commonplace. Archangel Michael won't send commonplace messages like " you are going to meet your future husband today". The group is starting to realize that Michael wouldn't give silly messages, put people down, dress down people in front of everyone. Michael would give messages of love, healing, and those that provoke thought. He would give keys and clues to the other side and how to achieve your goals in life. Not messages about your day.He leaves his light work to people like me.

There are more fake channels out there than real ones. Many of the "fake" ones don't even realize their "fakery", they want stuff so badly that when a thought pops into their head , they claim it as a message from a prophet. Talking to a true prophet would be like talking to Creator. They don't care about your broken care, how much TV you watch, where you soulmate lives, or how to be popular with the "in crowd". Some of these people are downright crazy. They have a total break with reality and believe they ARE Archangel Michael, or some other prominent teacher.

The other thing that brought up this series of discussions was from people that know they are lying, faking, and doing things halfway, but don't care. They need recognition, love, attention, and are willing to rush through the steps to get it. They end up getting it for a time, then have a huge downfall. I always say "this isn't a popularity contest", and that is very true. It isn't about how many friends you have (especially when they think you are something or someone special only to find out later that it was all untrue).

Then came an email on what were the "tribal rules were for drum circles" in my ancestors. OK, for the UMPTEENTH time. Native Americasn do not, did not, and will not have drum circles. That is new age spirituality. It is not traditional Native American practice. Drums were used to communicate, for ritual use, and pow wows (my ancestors did have pow wows and even are the origin for the word). There is no such thing as a "Native American Drum Circle". I also want to state that using the Word "Native American" anything is illegal unless you are a Native American. You can make a "Native American style" anything, but the word "style" must be in the description unless you are Native. Period. Not only is that the law, but many Native Americans are not amused. Say you make a flute. It can be a "Native American style flute", but unless your ancestors were here before the Pilgrims, it is not a Native American flute.

People with real talent and spirituality, don't advertise it. The joke among all my fellow readers is "what do you tell people you do for a living when you know you are in hostile territory?" Sometimes it will actually save your skin to come up with a "politically correct" answer. Mine is counselor. It is what I do, and I have my psych degree to back me up. I had a friend who was discussing doing a psychic party. She was in a restaurant and a person outside the group overheard her and her friends. This "lady" threw her hot soup all over my friend, and told her "maybe that will burn the devil out of you". Sometimes "God's supporters" can be the most evil of people.

That is why I say judge by actions. People who go to church every week don't impress me. People who learn something spiritual , even if they have never been in a church, do. Everyone wants to put on a show....I am this, I went to that, or I am involved with such and such. Who cares? Who are YOU???

Ask someone who they are , and you will most likely get their occupation. This society focuses on money, ego, and popularity, not dedication, faith , and quietly doing the work of the Universe. Try not to go with the popularity contest....

Do the right things

Beware of fakes, they are all over the place these days!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Another set of "beings" that exists around us are "Helpers". They do just that, they "help", but what they do is ENABLE YOU to complete a task.

Having trouble fixing something? Having trouble remembering s name? Having trouble getting a task completed?

Just say out loud, "Helpers help me to _____" It works great. I took my sewing machine apart once. Had to walk away, got involved in other things and when I came back I couldn't remember all what went where. There was a thread stuck where I could not get my fingers. I asked my helpers for help. I got the thread out and the machine back together, working just fine.

They seem to take our human ability and "up the talent" so we can get things done. They don't give you unfair advantage as in "Help me win this poker game" or with anything negative, like "Help me rob this person", just good and positive things where you need a helping hand.

Give your helpers a call this weekend and let me know how it goes!

Have a great weekend!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Remaining positive vs denial

It is very important to make sure that you bring in the positive by always focusing on positives ASPECTS of a situation. There are two types of people that I have talked to recently. One group does nothing but complain, use derogatory wording and deep sighs to explain their situation and how unhappy they are. Then in the next breath they tell me how they are the most positive people they know (I would hate to meet the rest of your group). Then to put the cherry on top, they said that the Universe keeps punishing them (the Universe TEACHES , it doesn't PUNISH). How can all this be? It is mutually exclusive!

They insist they know everything I am telling them about affirmations,positive thinking etc., they say they have been doing it for years, yet they aren't getting what they are trying to get. It just doesn't seem to be working.

That means that you are NOT the best manifester in the world. You can know "The Secret" verbatim, but putting the concepts into practice is harder than a lot of folks think. When you have doubt that it will work, even though you want it to, and at the same time walk around saying how much your life sucks...your life will suck. That is what you verbally and mentally reinforce every day. What you reinforce and expect the most, is what happens, not what pictures you paste on your fridge. You have to tip the scales to more positive, MUCH more positive .

You also ALWAYS have work to do. You can't get a job without looking. You can't meet Prince Charming without ever leaving the house. You can't exude disdain for your job everyday and expect the powers that be to promote you. You can't get ahead financially by living above your means. You can't break the laws and rules of society and expect it to reward you with gifts. You MUST do the work.

The other side of the coin is being in denial. People can go too far to the other end of the pendulum (what we call bliss ninnies), and see total good in everything that happens. There is not ever total good or total bad in anything that happens. When you see nothing but total good, you miss the lesson and the opportunity for growth. It is like living on drugs, high as a kite all the time, you may have a false sense of happiness, but the world outside isn't on your high. You are running headlong into a mess.

Denial never solved anything, it is a temporary Band Aid. It makes you feel better, but does not make the situation better. The situation remains, and most times it even gets worse.

Listen to what you are saying. Listen carefully, even record it, write it down, and see how many negative words are in there, and how many positive. The positive need to outweigh the negative. FAR outweigh. However we need to embrace the negative and see the lesson, or the way to change it, or it will never go away. We just should not dwell on it.

I have people ask why they always date the jerks. They pick them! The only reason people always date jerks is that they always choose jerks, it is usually out of a sense of desperation. Slow down, learn from your past (or you really are doomed to repeat it). Change your methods and focus when it doesn't work. Pay your dues, and move forward.

Don't be in a rush (patience is a lesson constantly taught to us by the Universe), and don't settle. Don't act out of fear, loneliness or Ego. When you are able to wait for the best situation, you will always have the best situation.

Respect yourself and those around you by not saying "I am the most positive person in the world", instead realize that positive people are always looking for ways to improve themselves, and hence their lives, and for them it works EVERY TIME. They aren't trying to convince the rest of us how positive they are.

Focus on the positive, but do not be in denial.
Be centered. Not negative, and not a bliss ninny.
Do nothing out of fear, loneliness or Ego.

Learn and grow.
Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


It took me a while to realize what these large, powerful, serious, beings were. They, of course, do not call themselves "angels", and they don't have wings. Man put wings on them in the Biblical style art because they needed to make the trip from Heaven to Earth. How else would that have been possible without wings? Well today we know that even ourselves have the ability to move about, in the air or anywhere else , without wings. Not many can do it on demand, or with ease, but we can. We know the Supreme Being is everywhere , but we never depict him with wings...they are not needed.

I know that others who have developed these psychic abilities have seen these beings we call "angels", and have seen them in the same "physical shape". They are quite large. I would estimate them at anywhere from 8 to 10 feet tall. They look very humanoid, but resemble manikins more than humans. They are too smooth, too perfect. They always have a very serious look on their faces, and radiate light all around them. I have only ever seen ones with lighter hair, skin, and eyes. They have piercing eyes, and carry a great sense of power with them. To be honest, they are intimidating. Take a look at a Rider Waite "Temperance" card , and take away the wings, and you have a pretty good picture of what an angel looks like.

You may remember that I told you guides are like "advisers". Well, angels are like the Dean of the college. They are there to make sure you get your learning done. They are there to make sure you complete all you have to do. They are very single, logically minded (sort of like Spock on Star Trek). Nice, positive, but very "by the book". They take their job very seriously. They don't abuse their power, or make things happen, just becasue they think it is a good idea, or even just becasue you asked. They do it simply because it is the right thing to do. They take "do the right thing for the right reason" to the extreme.

They may somehow, magically pull you out of a burning wreck, or a sinking boat. They need to get your butt back on firm ground to complete your studies. It isn't all out compassion, it is their job, given to them by the Divine (whatever term you use for that Highest Power), and they are going to make sure it gets done. We humans with our free will, must drive them crazy.

They are protectors in a way, they do keep evil away, and have no tolerance for it at all. They are all powerful against it. They are also part of what holds the space when someone is dying to prevent unwanted energy from getting near the soon to be freed soul that has completed its' learning on this earth.

They stand in corners of a room, away from things. Walking through them can feel unpleasant, not that they are "bad", but they are very powerful and it can set you back on your heels. They give goosebumps, dizziness, and disorientation to those who pass to close. Just like EMF (electromagnetic fields) can make you feel sick, scared, or like someone is watching you, angels do the same type of thing. They are a HUGE source of power and energy.

They are the taskmasters in your learning process and work with the guides. They are sort of like a guide supervisor, and don't let them get too lenient with you. They will never desert you, but will stand back at times hoping that you "learn your lesson". They are very serious and single minded.

All that being said, if you are in a serious situation, call on them...I only call on them when I am in a situation where there is negative energy, never for anything else. It is sort of like, if you have a rip in a new pair of pants you bought, you go back to the store and exchange them, you don't go to the main office and march into the President's office and demand a new pair of pants.

There are angels for everything, sort of like saints or kachinas. Everyone has a job. You don't need to know names, just say "any angels who help with "_____" I need your help. Again, don't call on them for a stubbed toe. Call on yourself, your doctor, a reiki therapist....but not an angel.

It is funny what "man" has depicted angels as, and what that has perpetuated in society, but they are nothing like it. I do have to say that many angel pictures, you won't see them smiling, so maybe they got something right.....

So if a VERY large, light being who exudes "power" stand in your corner, head way up past the ceiling....say "hello angel". Once I realized what these beings were, I understood why some people who die may not completely cross over. Imagine dying and being greeted by a 10 foot tall, serious, unsmiling, silent could scare the daylights out of just about anyone... I wonder how many have turned tail and ran at the sight of one of these magnificent beings!

Many times we see , in the energetic area, and in real life, what we expect to see. I am sure that those who were meditating or praying to see angels, see smiling, beautiful beings....but they are beautiful in the way something large and powerful is beautiful, like the Hoover Dam. Another tidbit, I have yet to see what I would term a "female" angel, they all seem to be male, but that said, I believe they are androgynous. The size of them may be what makes us think "male". However, not one that I have seen had anything I would attribute to femininity.

So, if you really want to see an angel, give it a shot, but be prepared for a very large, serious , powerful being, not a pretty lady with wings, playing a harp!

There is a book of angels that tells you what each one has for a "job", but we all also have one that their only job is to watch over us, and make sure we make it through life, and our lessons we have promised to learn this Earthwalk.

The best thing to do with angels, is leave them alone, and let them do their job unless you are face to face with evil, yucky stuff....and the chance of that happening is very rare. They are watching, they never take their eyes off of you for a moment. They never slack off, or even blink. So there really is no need to call.

Nice to know someone always has your back!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Guide Communication

First I want to say...the Red Cross needs blood, the Food Bank needs money and food,The local Humane Society needs money and food, there are Toys for Tots, and Coats for Kids....anything...used clothes, your blood, or cash....Give, give locally, and thank the Universe that you were able to do so!

Today I want to write a little on communicating with your guides.

We as humans, are the break in the chain. Our guides hear (and see) us quite clearly, it is just a matter of remembering to contact them, and having faith in our guides to be there. We need to tell them what our questions are. We need to ask for guidance, inspiration, and understanding.

Start by just asking out loud. Just state clearly what you want to know. Guides are not there to grant magical wishes, or give you the winning lottery numbers. They are there to help keep you on your path, they are like the advisers that you had in school. Recommending classes (life paths), solutions, and new viewpoints. They are there to help you find the answers.

Good guide questions are things like "Why am I not finding the right job?"; "What path should I follow for a career?"; "What can I do to help make this project better?"; or any metaphysical question.

Then you need to look for the answers. They can be sent in songs on the radio, stories told to you by others, news stories, a life situation being acted out in front of you. Repetitive circumstances are messages, especially when they are unusual. Look for the link, if you can't see it, ask someone you trust.

Ask for signs that you are right. Say something like "You want me to take a career in the health field, right? If I am correct , please show me deer in my yard three days this week.". Three is a good number for making sure that something is really there. Also pick things that are not too unusual (three rhinos in the yard won't work unless you live in Africa), or too commonplace (like , let me see a bird today). You may want to put some thought into your validation before asking your questions. Change the validation request from time to time.

Another way is to sit quietly and ask for your guides to come. You may need to so this several times, as they want to see that you are dedicated and serious. Once a being comes, ask their name. Ask three times, when something will not give its' name, tell it to go away, and that you banish it from ever coming around you again. Guides will never refuse to give a name. Make sure the name is the same all three times. Guides may have strange names, they may be in another language, like Native American names, or ancient Greek names. You can then say, I cannot pronounce that or remember it well, can I call you "----". Your guide will always say "yes".

If you have a hard time meditating, have someone do a guided meditation for you. I have one that works wonderfully, most people meet a guide through the meditation.

Matt and I met his main guide when I was doing Reiki on him. I saw the guide and told him about the person I saw and his name. Matt turned white, a man with that name had introduced himself a few weeks ago, looking the same as described, and Matt told him to go away, as he didn't know he was a guide, and the guide surprised him. So, energetic work sometimes brings in guides.

The other avenue is one I have discussed before, dreams. your brain goes into another state of brainwaves making connection easier. That also goes for deceased loved ones, or receiving psychic information.

A psychic or a medium may be able to get you in touch with your guides, however, the best way is to do it yourself. They want to see you try, to see that you are willing to put the energy into it, and that you are willing to form a personal bond. When you have tried and were not able to connect, it is OK, but don't automatically take the easy way out. I have had other people's guides say , tell them I am always here, but not my name. I think having a psychic or medium find your guide for you is like buying a mail order do the work, and if you just can't after trying and trying, get someone to help you, but try all the methods above first.

The whole idea is to be able to speak to your guide right away any time you need help, not to spend time and money on psychics or mediums. The guides have that information for you, and are willing to help.

The guide connection usually takes months. It usually comes in little bits and pieces, but sometimes it is easy, visual, and auditory. Guides sometimes appear in the craziest outfits, it is what your interpretation of a guide will be, sometimes they are dressed as you like to see people dress. Maybe a ballgown, a tux, a doctor's lab coat, or a monk's robes. The most common is robes. You can ask them to appear dressed as they did in life and see a multitude of "costumes" (remember they lived many lives). They appear generally as you expect them to appear (just like the law of attraction, we have the kind of day we EXPECT to have).

So start with talking out loud. Give it time, and be serious about it. The more dedicated and serious you are, the faster you will get messages.

Tomorrow we will talk about the tougher taskmasters, angels. They really aren't all warm and fuzzy.....

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Guides 101

Each one of us has at least one guide. Most people have only one. This doesn't make you a bad person, or not as spiritual as another person. Guides sometimes step in to help with huge life changes, and step out again. Sometimes we have our normal guide, and then another for when we are performing ritual, or healing. It is sort of like bringing in a specialist.

I have listened to mine for years before I knew their names or could ask direct questions, there is not a need to know their names, although that should develop over time. The bond should get stronger.

Now, I know many people feel that their guide is someone they knew in life or a deceased family member. No, it is never that way. People can insist that their guide is their Grandma til the cows come home, but it is NEVER that way. Your guide stays with you through many lifetimes, so Grandma can't be it, nor would the Universe send you someone whose influence you already have in your life. Guides are with you, sometimes through all your lifetimes, sometimes through some. As you grow, guides can change. One of your "specialists" may become your "main guide".

That doesn't mean that you can't have an association with a passed loved one who will help you through life, but that said, dying doesn't make people psychic, smarter, or have insider information. So it would be like talking to Grandma when she was alive , which isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, talking to those who know your life plan, your destiny so to speak, your goals that you are to meet this lifetime, your weak points, and your strong ones, are going to be MUCH better at helping you with major life decisions. They DO have the insider information.

Some believe that angels (and they really are nothing like those winged creatures pictured in the Bible), are guides. They have a similar job, but they are nothing like guides. We will talk about them another day. They do have your best interests in mind, but they are more like the drill sergeants, and the guides are more like your psychic best friend. I have seen the energy of both, and they are distinctly different. Angels are more adept at making things happen, guides at directing you.

Guides were human. They lived many lives, and ascended to a realm of a "guide". A person who completed all their life lessons. They also volunteer for the position. They can relax in the higher realms, or hang around you to help you. Some need to put in that "guide" time in order to hang around in what some term "heaven", so they are also working towards a goal.

Guides were in lifetimes everything. They were male and female, black and white, died young, died old, rick and poor, smart and not so smart. They were exposed to every human condition so you can have an experienced person at your side.

They are not there to answer all the questions for you, but to GUIDE you. They are not there to make nice things happen, but to help you find the best way to achieve what you need to achieve. They counsel, push, advise, help, and help to protect you by trying to steer you away from bad decisions.

Different cultures have different names for them, but they are always there. There is at least one guide and one angel for everyone. You can usually see them in a person's aura, especially the angels, and the guides sometimes (they are not always looking over your shoulder). Guides step in and out as needed, you need to make your own mistakes and learn from them.

Guides can communicate with you, and for some that communication is easy. Tomorrow I will discuss some guide information passing. In the meantime when that little voice in the back of your mind says "don't do that, you know you shouldn't." Listen. It is probably a guide just doing their job!

have a great week!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Opening up

First a comment made by my partner Matt on yesterday's blog. He said, it makes it sound like women are the only ones abused, then he read further and saw the story about the man an his elderly and mentally ill Mother. He then thanked me for not forgetting the men. Men are physically abused more and more in this country. It is sad that the women are becoming so violent. However, men are more likely to suffer emotional and verbal abuse from female partners and family members. They are also more likely than women to suffer in silence. Hopefully this trend reverses itself!

Moving on to today's topic, "Opening up". I had a client tell me that she was struggling to hear guides, and get messages, now she can't walk into a room full of people without being bombarded by emotions. Ah yes, it is not so much fun as you all may think. The good news is that you can set up filters. I spent all of my childhood trying to hold that door back a little. What comes so strongly out of people is extremes, of course. So anger, frustration, fear come very easily. So most of what you get bombarded with isn't good. Extreme happiness does too, but how many times do people walk through their day overjoyed? Not enough.

You have to be able to set up boundaries, or you will be miserable. When people say it is not a gift, but a curse, they are right, it sure can be. However ,if you learn to manage it, a gift it shall be. It took me years, but I was able to. I don't know everything about everyone I meet anymore, because I choose not to. Some choose to allow that type of bombardment, but I found it was MUCH too wearing on me. Every now and then someone will powerfully break through (after all I have chosen to keep the door open,it IS what I do for a living), and I will get all kinds of messages. Some are silly and made to lighten my day, others are a list of information. I think it is just the Universe's way of still have it if you want it that way.

My struggle is with my mediumship abilities, but I know that comes from years of living in fear of the spirit of a murderer in my home as a child, staring me down every night.

I can go round in a back door and get info on those who have passed. Maybe someday I will better be able to communicate directly. I don't know if I want that, I already have too many sleepless nights with messages from guides and the Universe for others, and lessons to write about here. Don't get me wrong, they are few and far between, or come mostly when I ask for them, but one long night a week is way too much for me. Sometimes the excitement of that experience keeps me alert til around 2 PM that afternoon...then I need a nap!

Make sure that when you are ready to "open up" you are really ready. You have to use protection to filter in only the good, and keep the yucky stuff out. There are TONS of beings that were never human out there. They are not all bad, but they sure like attention. You also have to find your comfort zone of amount of information. It isn't too much fun after about a day or so of constant info. You also have to know how to turn it off to get some rest, you will need to find a switch to turn it on and off. The best way to learn these things is to work directly with an experienced teacher. I do psychic development classes, but do not have one booked just now. I will keep you posted on that.Check out my web page for events.(

Meanwhile, ask for messages from your guides. I can do a guided meditation for you that helps most people (those who are truly ready an believe in the process), meet their guides. I will write more on Monday on how to try to do that yourself.

Have a great weekend!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Break the chain

There are many people today who are in a dysfunctional or abusive situation. Much of that abuse is physical, but make no mistake, emotional and mental abuse makes scars that are just as deep and actually harder to heal.

I have many clients who are in relationships that are not good for them, and they struggle to get out of them. When I say to "have a healthy relationship", you need to be able to live totally independently, it is important for your emotional health. it is also very important to hold on to that, and to not give that ability up. This doesn't mean that you get to go out every night to 3 AM and party. It means that you have the emotional, financial, and social ability to stand alone. It means that if things go wrong in the relationship, you can get out. You can find a place to stay, you can pay your bills. It also means if the person gets ill, hurt or dies, you are not both on the street.

Abusive people make their victim either feel guilty about not being with them, or restrict them to the home, or their presence. They don't like outside influence, or for the person to see that there are healthier ways of doing things. They crave and need control. It can go from "if you leave here I won't be able to survive" to "if you leave this house I will break your legs". Both are just as bad, they are controlling another person's free will through threats, vague or clear. They don't want the person to be happy, but miserable like they are. They need control, and will tell you where to go and when.

If you are in either one of these situations, get out. When you are not independent enough, and there are no friends or family, there are places to go , including battered woman's shelters.

Many abusers use the holidays as pressure and holidays are a treasure trove of guilt to lay on a partner of family member. You do NOT have to buy a gift, visit, or even call ANYONE, including family members , who try to make you feel guilty, try to make you do things you do not want to do, talk to you in an abusive or nasty manner,or tell you that you need to do something. This is mental and emotional abuse. Do NOT stand for it.

There have been several callers the past couple of weeks complaining that they do not want to go to their dysfunctional (and in one case psychotic), family member's house. They have been staying away, and still the calls come. I tell them that they need to lay things on the line, saying something like "until you get help and change how you treat me,and apologize, I will not be back". One lady even had to change her phone numbers and email to keep a very disturbed family member from contacting her. One even had death threats from her father, she had to call the police.

When the people in question are doing things like taking drugs or getting nasty drunk while you are in their home, and this is not part of your lifestyle, don't go! When you have children, do not take them into any of these situations, PERIOD. I don't care if the abusive people are grandparents, sisters, or uncles. Keep them away.

Many courts are trying hard to "break the chain". Abusers ALWAYS abuse. They may not physically lash out and harm, even though that happens many times, but they also are dysfunctional enough where they sometimes go to the opposite extreme, and make people feel guilty for not staying and loving on them. They are also known to put down everyone and anyone. They sometimes do that to feel better about themselves, and sometimes to isolate the person so that they will only focus on the person who was abused. Locking them into a dysfunctional relationship. Many who have family members who were abused always feel guilty, and many times suffer from depression from dealing with the person who never healed, swimming in that dysfunctional energy will wear on anyone after a while.

The chain needs to be broken becasue it effects generation after generation. It creates either more abusers, or people who are depressed, guilt ridden, and even physically harmed.

It is hard to walk away from a friend, lover or family member, but unfortunately it is the only way to break the chain when the person will not go for help. Sometimes it is still the only way, even when they DO go for help. Never allow anyone to abuse you. Ever! That includes people who make statements like one made to a client last week...."if you do not come to dinner, you are no longer a son of mine, I love you, but you are out of my life." This man had been through this so many times, and had given in, this year he said " I don't think you ever really treated me like a son, because a loving mother would never say a thing like that. I forgive you and wish you well, but I agree, that I am no longer in your life." He thought he would feel terrible, but as each day went by (and he called me after 6 days), he felt lighter and lighter. He had reached his breaking point.

There also seems to be a tendency now for people who are abusers to use on line dating. There are also many who prey on people for money on these sites. I do not recommend on line dating sites. The horror stories I have heard......

No one says it is easy, it is in fact very hard, but God did not put you here to live an abused , guilt ridden life. Go out and live and leave the people who are abusing and mistreating you behind. They will be fine, as fine as they have always been.

Enjoy your holidays with the people you love, not the people who abuse you!! The number of callers being handed the guilt card these days is sickening. So when someone hands it to you , hand it right back!

We are not meant to be attached to people who treat us badly. Not our bosses, friends, or family. Don't take from a close person, what you wouldn't take from a stranger.

Happy Holidays!

Peshaui Wequashimese

These clients have agreed to allow me to discuss these situations.

(C)2010 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why bad things happen

Many times I hear the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"
There are many reasons. Yes, many.

One very important reason is something that many misunderstand. The Universe does NOT punish! It does TEACH but does NOT PUNISH. When "bad things" happen people ask what they did wrong. Sometimes there are ways that need to be changed and the Universe is teaching you by pushing you along another path. This causes "bad things" to happen. The answer is to look hard and long at the situation and see if there is a better way to handle it.

Something that is very hard for many is the death or severe illness of a child. They too teach us things in their short lives. It could be compassion, or to live our lives more fully. It could be to bring attention and focus against abuse; it could be to have a parent pick up a banner and run with it. There are laws in this country like Megan's Law (sex offenders must register), and one where trailer homes must have weather radios. The only reason these laws exist is because a child died. The death may not be so far reaching, but have reasons closer to home. Sometimes we will not realize the reason until later on.

We are all sent here to fulfill a purpose in someone's learning process, and to learn ourselves. We all have the goal to reach a higher level of human life. Sometimes illness is sent to slow us down and make us pay more attention to ourselves or our families.Sometimes we make ourselves ill. People who are always angry manufacture a chemical that causes cancer, this is a scientific fact.

The Universe and Gaia also know that they are in charge of population control. We cannot all live to a ripe old age. We have a hard enough time to feed, and provide clean water for the world. What if everyone lived a long life? What if there were no wars, or accidents? We would all starve to death and have no clean water. There is a reason for every MAJOR thing that God/Creator/The Universe put on this earth, if he thought it was "bad" and served no purpose, it wouldn't exist.

There is also the yin and yang of the world. The pendulum MUST swing. The good would not be known as "good" unless we had the "bad" to compare it too. Even if all were always good, we would be bored and dissatisfied.

Life is a series of tests. The response we have to each situation is what we are graded on. Do we despair and say "God, how could you do that to me?" , or do we learn from it, move on and prosper? Those who fail to learn, come through Earth lives again and again. We all however do many trips to live all aspects. We all get to be male and female, rich and poor, die young, die old....Some souls however take longer to learn the lessons and enjoy what the Bible calls "Heaven".

Our job is to learn and grow, to REALLY help others (that doesn't mean throwing money at a problem or doing something to boost our self esteem). We are here to learn from our mistakes, not try to push off the blame on others. We are here to thrive, and be abundant, not waste and live beyond our means. We are here to inspire others, to help others, and to grow ourselves.

When something "bad" happens, you are not being punished, you are being guided, taught, or used to help another. We all come in a soul group, and all the actions of the people in our soul group effect the others, and are meant to. We form soul groups over many lifetimes, and agree to help (and yes sometimes suffer), to assist in the whole group moving up and on. We are all in a group to give each other the situations we need to have in order to learn our life lessons. There are 111 people counting on you. You may be in their lives for a day, or for decades, but you are there for a reason, good or bad. You are purposefully here to interact in some way, again, good or bad.

Make sure that you do not despair over "bad" things. Trust that the Universe knows exactly what it is doing.

As a reiki master I learned to go into a healing with the intention of providing what was for that person's highest good. When they are in pain and ill, their highest good may be to pass. Some may not see that as a healing, but to be on the other side, young and healthy, sure sounds like a healing to me!

Death is not hard for the dying, it is hard on the ones left behind. We don't want to see people go becasue we know they will be missed. When you think about it, it is selfish, it really is. Yet, we are humans, and cannot help but have that emotion. However, when it comes down to it, death , even of the young, is NOT a punishment, but a reward for completing a job and moving on to the next life.

There is so much to all of this, and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me.


Peshaui Wequashimese

(2010) Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.