Taking out the trash is good....but do not take anything else out, at all. Not a thing. There is an energetic meaning to things, that we do not always see that makes us think, "well this is OK", or "I will just bless it, and it will be OK". That unseen energetic meaning can cause havoc when disregarded or used improperly. The Jewish way will tell you that the only reason to break any tradition, is if it will save a life.
So, if there is anything that needs to leave the house, make sure it is done before or after New Year's Day.
The other part of that is doing a house cleansing. Step one is cleaning the house (I heard so many of you just sigh and say...well I guess I won't be cleansing my house). Give it the best cleaning you can. You don't need to wipe down walls, but get all clutter put away and clean what is left. Too much stuff? Donate it to the Salvation Army or Goodwill.
Cleaning the house means cleaning out clutter. Hoarders are a perfect example of the unhealthy living caused by having too much. It not only is an EXCELLENT PLACE FOR NEGATIVE ENERGY (ESPECIALLY FEAR,INSECURITY, and HATE),to hide out and accumulate, but it is a HAVEN for negative entities. Clean it, get help if need be, but get it cleaned out.
Then go outside, and sprinkle salt (sea salt is best) on your doorsteps, and spray a salt/water combination around your windows. Do not spray it right on the window, unless you want a foggy view of the world all winter.
Re-enter the house and cleanse. You can use easy methods like putting a bowl of water and orange peels in the house, and then throwing it outside after the new year begins. You can use sage burning, or Reiki to cleanse the house. You can use all three, and more. You can even get a priest to come and do a blessing.
This will cleanse out stagnant and negative energy. When there is a strong negative issue, other methods, and people who know what they are doing should be called in . I have cleansed a few houses, and every one had an immediate and strong effect. There is a lot to it, but yet it is simple. It takes time more than anything else.
Positive energy, spirits, and entities will not leave due to salt, sage, or anything else that you will use, so a friendly ghost will not leave your home after this is done. It will also not scare away angels, guides, and positive feeling that you have put into your home.
Retrograde ends on the 30th, try to do the cleaning AFTER retrograde has ended, get all that nasty energy out at the same time.It only gives you a small window of opportunity, but try to take advantage of it.
Please email me if you have any questions.
So, don't take ANYTHING out of your house from midnight New Year's Eve, until midnight New Year's Day, clean, and then cleanse your home. The more cleaning energy you put into it, the better, and more powerful it will be.
This is just ONE New Year celebration , other cultures celebrate on other days. Try to celebrate as many as you can.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
New Year' House cleansing
There is a tradition that makes its' way through a few different belief systems. It goes way back to pagan roots. You should never take anything out of your home on New Years' Day, unless you want it to always come out. This begins at midnight on New Year's Eve, through New Year's Day.
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