Monday, January 31, 2011


Tomorrow is Imbolc, for those of you who are desperate for the first day of spring, here it is! Well, maybe not on the Georgian calendar, but if the Pagans said spring was starting, that is good enough for me!

You may also know the day by its' Irish name, St, Brigid's Day. Imbolc falls between the winter solstice and the spring solstice. This makes it a cross quarter day , along with Samhain (we just discussed as All Hallow's Eve), Lughnasadh, and Beltane. We will talk about them later on this year.It is a time when we can really notice that the skies are lighter longer, and the air may even be a bit warmer.

Its' heyday of celebration was in the Middle Ages, centered in Ireland, and now Neo-Paganism has adopted it causing a rebirth of sorts. How appropriate for the heralding of spring!

The word "Imbolc" is said to mean "in my belly" in the old Irish tongue. It does not refer to food per se, but to the fact that the ewes were starting to become pregnant with this year's lambs.

Cailleach, a hag of Irish lore, is said to gather her firewood for the rest of winter on Imbolc. If she gathers a huge amount of wood it causes us to have a long winter yet ahead of us. When she does not gather much, spring will soon arrive.Many hope for cloudy weather on Imbolc so she will stay in and sleep thereby not gathering much wood. When it is sunny on Imbolc, she will be outside all day storing up a huge stockpile, insuring a longer winter. This same type of legend is apparent in our Groundhog Day story which came from Europe (Germany), and actually involved a badger, not a groundhog.

So, hope for bad weather tomorrow (the weather man says rain here in Indiana!).

As for St Brigid, today the women would make corn husk dolls and bed for them, the men of the neighborhood would come to visit and show respect to the women and the dolls. When it was time for bed, the ladies would put scraps of clothing outside for Brigid to bless. Once these were blessed they would have healing powers. I remember as a child, we had a "sick blanket", it was only used when you were ill. I thought it was about germs,but now I wonder if my Scots/Irish grandmother was giving me some of Brigid's blessings??

The day of Imbolc, the women would enter a procession through the town with the corn dolls to honor Brigid.They thank her for bringing the light back into the year.

Neo-Pagans, Wiccans, and Celtic Re-constructionists celebrate this day every year. Today to celebrate, make a corn doll, and pray for rainy weather!

Spring is just around the corner, and it doesn't hurt to rush it just a little bit!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, January 28, 2011

What's your craft?

Everyone has a talent. Some just have not found it yet. There are so many things one can do , the sky is the limit. Do you have a craft or skill? Many places offer inexpensive classes.There are books on to be had for just a few dollars. Some of these "hobbies" are inexpensive, and yes, some are VERY expensive. I can't even begin to imagine how much money I have tied up in quilting supplies.

When you find your talent, embrace it. It may be a musical talent, a creative talent such as writing, painting, pottery or sculpting. I have friends and family that make leather goods, quilts, can draw, play musical instruments, write (and have published books), and scrapbook. There is something out there for everyone and every budget. Once you find your new passion, you can spend for the best tools of your trade.

You can even take free classes at Home Depot and build birdhouses or reasonably priced craft classes at craft stores. Quilt stores ALWAYS have classes. Many towns have community colleges that have these creative types of classes, from cooking to kung fu.

Your homework for this weekend Grasshopper, is to find something creative, something you do with your hands. At least investigate it. If you already know what it is , try it. When you haven't done it in a long time, do it again! Having this love of working with your hands, gives you a working meditation. When you encounter challenges, you can adapt that type of thinking to life. When you create something beautiful it makes you feel better. When you create anything, even if it is not perfect, you have taken a first step.

This creative passion is a place to go when things are not going well. It is a place to take your mind off of things, and to concentrate on the positive. It is a place to show yourself that you can "do it", you can accomplish, you can achieve and improve. Sometimes it even brings beauty or pleasure to the world.

I have managed to do all kinds of things in life that were my passions. I took dance and musical comedy lessons for 20 years, then taught, took piano and guitar lessons, learned to quilt, and play the Native American flute. They are all things that I treasure and always will.

Can you find a new passion this weekend????

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)20111 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ego, teachers shouldn't have one.

The authentic self is the best part of a human being. It's the part of you that already cares, that is already passionate about evolution. When your authentic self miraculously awakens and becomes stronger than your ego, then you will truly begin to make a difference in this world. You will literally enter into a partnership with the creative principle.
~ Andrew Cohen

There is a trend lately. The direction of the Universe is towards an age of Enlightenment. Yet there are still people out there, doing the wrong things, for the sake of ego and money.

When the tide of the Universe wants us to move towards doing the right things for the right reasons, they do everything for the wrong reasons. Their reasons always boil down to attention, and inevitably, money.

When there is a life of struggle, the answer is never to make another person improve it. The people of the world are not here to tell you how wonderful you are. We don't have to never strive to gain positive attention, but we do have to do that through honest paths. We have to be authentic, fair, and straightforward.

I had a long talk with a lady who does readings yesterday. She has a business that advertises out psychics and healers. She has had to stop taking on people without referrals. There are so many new psychics, healers, and mediums out there. You do not become any of these things overnight. Most people are born with the sharp skills they have. You cannot gain any good standing in these things by reading a book. Yet, since there are so many out there who are looking to make money or make more money, they figure this is an easy way to do so.

Fortunately, the metaphysical world is being noticed in a more positive way. That has caused an influx of smart consumers. They want to see licenses, degrees, certificates and history. They know these things exist and the days of the ripoff artists will again come to an end. There were many in the old days, then lawsuits and organizations helped to tramp that down, now we have an influx of new "teachers" (who do not deserve that title) wandering around offering their "services".

It is all about making money and getting attention with these people, not helping others. Yes, practitioners need to get paid, but when you are selling people the Brooklyn bridge, then it is a huge issue, not only morally, and legally, but energetically. They struggle in their lives, bounce around, have trouble paying their bills, yet they are sure they are doing the job they are supposed to. Not at all. It isn't easy, but when you fail at it repeatedly, then it is something you are not supposed to be doing.

Others operate out of making you fear something. The most recent example is 2012, and taking Mayan ways and tradition and adapting them to something that New Age people can appreciate, and calling it "ancient rites". The whole 2012 scare tactic has worked on people, a man just this month killed himself because concerned family members wanted to have him checked out. He was building bombs for 2012.

People entering a sweat lodge and dying , trying to gain the almighty dollar, something a sweat lodge is not to be used for in the first place (only Sundancers, medicine men, and chiefs can build Native American sweat lodges...they can have helpers, but the main person must be a man of stature in the tribe). Research,there were Celtic sweat lodges too, hence the use of the word "Native" in the last sentence.

Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. When I was a kid, being Native American was a "bad thing", you were looked down on, now everyone wants to be involved with it. There are people with good hearts, and that follow tradition, and then there are the ego types who learn a little, turn it to their ways, and scare people for 2012, or build sweat lodges they have no business building. All in the name of ego and money. All to be rich and famous. All to be liked and loved.

Teachers who act all strict or all airy fairy (bliss ninnies) are also people to stay away from. Most of them have personal issues, not things to teach.When they tell you that you can change your life by just sitting and thinking, hoping, chanting, then find another teacher before you" bliss ninny" 5 years of your life away. Reaching goals requires work, the neat part is that we can have the Universe clear the path for us, but not dump a new Mercedes in our driveway while we sit in our living room and visualize.

Make sure that you stick with people who do not display ego. Ego will not exist in strong , authentic teachers. They know that leaving ego behind is the first step on the path. When a person tells you that their way, their class, their belief is the "right" and only way, run away.

Ask for authentication, and references. Check the person out. Are they snotty, egotistical, bossy? Then they are not a teacher, actually they are, they teach us what NOT to be. I hear so many stories of people being ripped off every day, it is sad. I hear so many stories of people being yelled at, made fun of, and dressed down by "teachers". These are not teachers! These people are predators, searching out the weak, or unhappy and promising to fix it all for a small fee.

One very important thing to remember, there is not anything energetically that you cannot do for yourself. Things actually work better if you can do them yourself or be involved with the situation. You need no one to ground you, heal your aura, protect you from evil,etc. Doing it yourself works wonders energetically. Try doing it yourself first.

Get quality teachings, information, and guidance.

Meanwhile, do the right things for the right reasons!

When you find that things are not right, do not continue to participate in them!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina.May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Psychic attack-rare indeed , easy to protect oneself

When a theme comes up, I know it is a "hint" to write about it. Someone mentioned psychic attack yesterday, and a client asked if they were under attack and what to do today. Two or three hits on a topic means: WRITE ABOUT IT GINA....

Psychic attacks are first of all a VERY rare occurrence, like winning the lottery. A person who could even begin to worm their way into your head not only has to have the knowledge, and the ability, but a natural talent. A rare combination to start with.

Psychic attack is when someone "gets into your head", your thoughts, and emotions.I do have to say "don't take this lightly", not because you are under psychic attack, but that most people that have this happen "out of the blue" (in other words you do not normally get strong intuitive direction or are clairaudient), are MOST times suffering from a brain tumor or schizophrenia. Psychic attack would actually be low on the list of true causes.

That being said, psychic attack is easily , VERY easily warded off. I have given this same instruction to people learning psychic development, or to people who are going to investigate places that are said to be "haunted" ,where the problem may not just be your average garden variety ghost. If you are a person who works and lives in the mundane world, you most likely will never come in contact with this issue .

The idea of someone or something being inside your head, is scary to some people. However when you know how to get them out in a second, or better yet, not allow them in, in the first place, it isn't scary anymore. I have had it happen only one time to me where I currently live, and I tossed the offender out in about 5 seconds. She came back, and out she went again with the door slammed hard, never to return.

Everyone should use this technique, just to protect themselves. When you work in the psychic, healing, or ghost hunting arenas, you should do it, period. It is simple. You stand up, preferably outdoors, with your fingers pointed down to the earth. Close your eyes and keep them closed. Take a deep breath and relax. When you feel you are ready, call in all angels, guides, helpers, God and Goddess. Now this has to be important to you, not just the Universe, it does not care what you call it, so call in Creator, the Universe, doesn't matter. Tell them that you want to cleanse and set up a white light of protection around you. Tell them to drain off any harmful or negative energy and to ground you. You should feel your fingertips tingle, or become heavy as the energy drains into the earth. When that sensation ends (usually after a minute or so). Ask that any repairs that need to be made on your aura are done now. It is also VERY rare for holes or tears to be in auras. Be aware though that people with substance abuse issues MANY times have damaged auras. You will begin to feel positive and energetic. Picture a healing "pink light egg" around your whole body, and ask that it do its' work to ready you for ultimate protection. When you feel warm, comfortable and safe, picture a white light around you. Tell the powers that be that this white light is for protection against evil, negativity and psychic harm, and that it is to remain around you always. Never to diminish or disappear.

Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

You are now protected. There are strange things , like demons, something else you will never come in contact with, that can batter through these defenses if you allow them. People sometimes challenge the negative by saying things like "come and get me", and then you have to repair the light. Once you INVITE something in,all bets are off. Also be aware that if you are an energy worker, you may sometimes need to open that door a bit to get information. Make sure you have a gatekeeper (something you can learn in my psychic development class). Do not abuse drugs or alcohol as it causes the aura (our natural protection against these things) to weaken, tear and form holes.

The average person with a healthy aura has no fear of any type of psychic attack. When you go into dark places, then that is a different story. You need extra protection. Do NOT confuse psychic attack with picking up on other people's negativity. Psychic attack is done on purpose. When you are near a negative person, just picture a wall of white light between you and them, or a white light around yourself and the negative feelings will diminish or end.

Sometimes a psychic attack can be physically felt. It is like an icepick going into your head, a very fine pinpoint. Simply shout into your head the words:"GET OUT", if it is a psychic attack it will stop immediately. Then picture a door closing over the area where the pain was, and a seal going over that door. The person may try to get into another area, do the same thing, but then visualize a mirror around you, and it will bounce back. I generally, for the sake of Karma, don't bounce stuff back to people unless they are persistent, then, no holds barred. I have an arsenal of things I don't ever use, or use rarely, and believe me, it is so tempting sometimes to not whip out the biggest, baddest weapon I have.

We have to trust Karma to take care of problem people to a certain extent. We need to remedy , but not to seek revenge. Karma will do that part. Meanwhile, if they keep sticking ice picks in your head, mirror it back , as it gets annoying and painful.

Again.Please remember that it is extremely rare for people to come under psychic attack. When things seem amiss, and easy energetic remedies do not work, seek medical attention.

Make sure that you are getting help from trained and accredited people (ask to see their certification and degrees), we are out there. There are way too many people doing "metaphysical" work, because they need the money and don't have a clue as to what they are doing. They are coming out of the woodwork these days. Some are simply rip off artists and fakes.Some just read a book or took a class and decided they know enough to teach. Not true by a long shot.

Some people also believe that protecting themselves from psychic attack will not allow psychic readers to read them, not true. These protectors block NEGATIVITY, not information flow. You cannot (and should not) EVER make it impossible for a reader to get in, as the Universe WANTS AND NEEDS us to have that connection, it is a lifeline, and a connection to the Universe, it is not meant to be ever closed off entirely. It wasn't put there for readers per se, but becasue we are all connected, and that is the connection origin. It is a primal part of us and our original connection to the godhead. Anyone who tells you it is OK to shut that off is guaranteeing your spiritual death, and you need to stay far away from people like that. The idea is to keep out the negative and harmful, period, nothing else.We are all connected, and the Universe will always make sure we are connected, that psychic antenna and signal is part of that, those who try to shut it down are not doing the work in the light. Be careful of people that make you fear anything and then want to teach you how not to fear for a few bucks.There is a person out there who is telling people they have beings attached to them, and she can get them off. I just know Karma has a huge smack in the head for people like that.

Make sure you have quality teachers. When you are not sure, ask me, I can refer you, or let you know if I teach that class. There is no monetary bonus in it for me, so I will be honest with you. I also, as you can see by this blog, give away free info to help others.

Don't fear psychic attack, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The root of all evil- Fear and insecurity

Every time someone does or says something harmful, it is done out of fear.
I have said it before and I will say it again. Fear is the STRONGEST emotion , and we have to work to remove fear from our lives.

I have heard clients tell of sabotaging co-workers out of fear of having these superstars replace them. Checking cell phones for calls and messages of a loved one to see if they are cheating.Losing out on loving relationships because they fear commitment. Cheating on money matters from expense reports to income tax as they fear not having the money to use/pay. Not showing up for events and appointments that would enrich their lives as there is a plethora of fear based reasons not to go.

Fear is the one thing that needs to be wiped out on this planet. Once fear is gone, every other negative action and event is gone. Yes there will always be death, illness and the like. We are not on the other side yet, but when fear makes people act out against others, it creates negativity and even horrible actions. People stay in horrible relationships becasue they fear being alone. They allow the first warm body into their lives, then wonder why their lives are a mess.

This morning a story was in the paper about a mother killing herself and her three children. She had lost her job and was in the midst of a divorce, the only way out she could see through the fear was death for all of them. How terribly sad is that!

I have been in that same situation, and made it through. It wasn't easy , but I made it. It meant going without, it meant life wasn't much fun for a couple of years, but I came out the other side stronger, smarter, and with the faith that I can do it. I can make sure that I survive.

Some walk around with a victim mentality. They see everything that happens to them as someone out to get them somehow. What a sad way to live. No one can ever be happy like that .

There are real things to be concerned about, things that we can do something about. We need to make sure we are doing right by ourselves and others. We need to make sure we are always self supporting, as healthy as we can be, as informed as we can be, and as strong as we can be. When we are all these things, we can meet any obstacle that is put in our path.

When we fear and despair, then we can never come out into the sunshine and happiness that is there for everyone.

Don't be your own worst enemy !!!

When you are self sufficient, there is nothing that can do serious harm to you.
Life is full of wonderful things, places, people, opportunities, however you have to be able to see them to take advantage of them. Many times I hear people say "I have no choice". There is ALWAYS a choice. People do not see the choice as it is hard. The choice may mean getting a second job, not spending what they don't have, moving, ending a relationship, examining a belief system, friend, or group. It isn't always "pretty", but when hard choices are made, beautiful things happen.

Sometimes we need to take the hard choices. Hard choices lead to a better place. We need to do the work and yet always see the glass as half full. Then it will be.

Onward and forward!

Do the right things for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Reaching goals

Today I was sending out some free minutes to my callers, when I thought back to the time I started doing readings worldwide. It was SCARY when I started, I can tell you that. Although I had given hundreds of readings before, I had never talked to a stranger on the phone to do a reading. My mentor assured me there was nothing to it, and she was right.

I wanted to achieve 250 points (we are given points by callers) , so that I could have input on the bulletin board. I wondered how long that would take, I was sure it would be at least a year. It was a main goal for me. It took a couple of months. Now I have over 18,000 points on only one listing, have been on that bulletin board, and then had to walk away from it as I was so busy. How perfect is that!

I couldn't wait to have my first "regular" client. Then I thought that 100 of those was a lofty goal. Now I have over 1200 regulars.

Back in 2004, I thought this would be a nice "part time" job to help add to my income. I was on my own after 13 years,living in Las Vegas, and had lost my job through cutbacks before my divorce was final.How much worse could it get? The world was looking bleak. I just followed my instincts, and trusted my intuition, and here I am. The only person who decides how my business is run, is me. That being said, I am a harsh taskmaster. When I was in the mundane work world, I never asked my employees to do something I wouldn't do, but they sure better do what they were supposed to, and knew I would do much, and be at their side doing it. When they were in on the weekends, I was in on the weekends. They loved me. Two quit the day I was laid off.

I don't have sick days, or vacation days (I have done readings in the Adirondacks, Sedona, Las Vegas, and just about everywhere else I have ever been in the past seven years). I work 7 days a week, 16 hours a day. I tell the truth, even when people don't want to hear it. That loses me some clients, but I am not about to rip anyone off by telling them some crazy psychic story.There are already too many "psychics" out there making things up as they go along.

It isn't easy, but it isn't terrible either....although Matt says he doesn't know how I do it.

The point is, I reached my goals, and surpassed them with ease. Goals that looked HUGE in the beginning are barely a memory now. When we take something on, we look at the huge mountain. Sometimes this stops people dead in their tracks. The faithful ones plunge right in and later realize it was a little bump in the road we easily climbed over.

When you are meant to do something it is EASY, productive, rewarding. When you are not, it is difficult to impossible. Choose carefully , and then give it all you have. When you are walking your path, there will be no mountains to block you, but a road that meanders through the tough parts.

Set reasonable goals, and go for it!

Who learned anything new over the weekend??? Any new religions or belief systems enter your world????

I did, I read a very interesting book about the French and Indian wars. I didn't finish it, but I will!

Challenge yourself.
No excuses.
Do the right things for the right reasons.

Friday, January 21, 2011

It is all the same

A longtime reader said she liked the way I gave an assignment every Friday. It was usually something to think about,and sometimes things to try. She misses that (and I think mostly that was just taking time off for holidays and papers). So she has asked me to come up with a weekend "assignment" for her. hmmmmmmmm The papers are finished, so get ready. The daily blog is back.

I was going to write today how the root to every major belief system is the same. It is the man made dogma that gets people in arguments that escalate to wars.Now how do I make a homework assignment out of that?

Every belief system tells you to be a good person, to not harm others, and that there is a reward for that behavior. That is it, every major religion in a nutshell. Then we get all tangled up in who said what, when they said it, who's book is THE book, and all that dogma.

There is no "The" book, or religion. Those are man made objects meant to teach you lessons. My English book when I was in school is different from the kid's books today. They both teach English and you don't see anyone stupid enough to get in a fight or war about that, but bring into it a genre that is SUPPOSED to be about peace and love, and we get war.

Who cares who your savior is??? Really? I could care less if you worship Jesus, or Buddah, as long as you are a good person, who does good things; is respectful to yourself, your friends, family and people around you; harms none. It should NEVER matter what a person's belief system is. When you are leading a good life, doing the right things, for the right reasons, God really doesn't give a crap if you go to church or not. As a matter of fact, there were no churches when people started believing in a higher power, they were thousands of years in the future. There was no Bible, no censure, no anything. Yet these are the exact things that get people's blood boiling.

Some of the WORST people I have ever met in my life have been "church people". Let me be clear, not everyone that goes to church is a bad person, however, not everyone that goes to church is a good person either. Some people wield church like a battle ax. You aren't a good person if you don't go to church; you are evil if you are a Pagan, Jew, Christian, whatever; you are a bad person if you haven't found God (found him? I didn't know he was lost!).

The Highest Power is in each of us, and we all need to cherish and celebrate that in our own way. Pagans were here before just about anyone else. The church gave them that moniker "pagan" to say they weren't one of the enlightened ones. PULEEZE....first, and they sure have a beautiful nature based religion. Buddhists, Taoists, and many other Eastern religions are the most peaceful bunch of folks. We need to learn about other religions and accept them. Many think Islam is a hateful religion, not true at all. We are unduly influenced by all the crazies who happen to be Islamic (and that seems to be more by geographical accident than choice).

People are people, good and bad, their religion does not make them a good person, and their religion does not make them a bad person.

So, the homework of the weekend, should you choose to accept it, is read up on the basis of another religion. Try Islam, you may like what you find! Read a Native American creation story like "Sons of the Wind". Take a book out of the library on comparative religion and read the synopsis of each one. Read the book of Tao and see how it relaxes you.It is simply a little instruction book for life. Read about the Hopis and how we came out of the center of the earth, or how the Jews believe the savior is coming. Read it, as much as you can, and you will see that the dates, names and the places change, but the theme of all of it is the same. There is a higher power, and if you do the right thing for the right reasons, and reap the rewards.

Simple. Nothing there to fight about.

Who will read something this weekend that inspires them , or changes their life? Maybe someone will, at least we will all be a little smarter, more tolerant (hopefully) of other people's religions, and get some Brownie points from the Universe.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Many examples have come to me over the past week or so, of that age old habit that gets so many in trouble. Assuming. They hear what is said, but they sure don't LISTEN.

Listening requires you to turn off the brain voice for a few seconds. There should be no "forming of a response" before the person who is talking to you, has made their statement. The even bigger issue, is people only hearing through their filter of "what they WANT to hear" or "expect to hear".

From incorrect medical information to a few gatherings (three actually) the misinformation flew. It isn't me, because out of these four situations, I only was the originator on one, my wedding. I made an announcement to everyone (well not EVERYONE), just people that I usually see and speak to,who are family far away, or whom I see at gatherings. I also sent those close to me, a written invite with time, place, and what to expect. Matt did the same. We both had people misunderstand that, AND I had several people invite themselves to my wedding, after all, that was an invite, right ( no my house is small, we can't all fit in here).

Sometimes I wonder if maybe pictures and cue cards would work better. People need to stop and think, AND ask questions. A friend was recently ill, I would ask her questions, I know this is important stuff...I learned quickly that the only way to get good info , was limit my sources and double check with her.

I don't know how things can get so messed up. I can watch a person make a statement, hear it, and then watch another person totally reconstruct it, and blare out a ton of misinformation. I know it wasn't the person giving the information, I understood it.

The old adage says to never ASSUME....good advice. When you do and goof, let EVERYONE that you originally contacted, know that you goofed. I do it, nothing bad ever happened. Thank god I don't have to do it often. Maybe I just have a little more faith in myself, and am able to say "oops" easier. But there is a step that makes it so that you won't have to assume...LISTEN. Don't just hear what they are saying, but LISTEN, it is a totally different thing. Totally.

When it is important, ask the person you just spoke to something like " now I want to be clear, did you say NEXT Tuesday, not tomorrow, and after people are finished with their lunch?". It is that simple. So many hear part and want to run off and be the grand announcer, and don't get half the information correct.


Listen carefully.

Don't assume.

Ask questions.

It is sooo easy , but apparently soooo hard.

I hope that you all listened....

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just about to cross the finish line

It took time, money, reading a ton of books, and energy...but I finally did it. Well, close anyway. I finished the schooling that I undertook, what seems like, eons ago.

I now have more current certification to do life coaching (although my BS in psychology was enough), a ministerial degreee and current certification, a Bachelors and a Masters of Metaphysical Science. I also have a metaphysical pratitioner's licence. The last step, the approval of my dissertation, is in motion.

There are only two schools accreditated through the US to do this type of study and they both base thier cirriculum on pastoral counseling, as that is the only basis Washinton DC will allow then to certify under. Metaphysics has come a long way, but not quite far enough. Fortunately I was able to study and be accredited for parapsychology years ago, just after I completed my first Bachelors.

With so many people out threre losing their jobs and suddenly becoming "psychic" or a "life coach", it is important to study and obtain certification , so that you can practice honestly and without danger of legal issues. You DO have to be certified to be a life coach through an accredited organization. Some states are currently regulating the ability to take on the "life coach" title. That may not mean an online school , even if you do pay a hefty sum. You can find which schools are accredited or certified on the internet

Beware imitators. Many of us have gone through many years of time and expense to obtain the certification and even the "mundane" degrees that we have. We have been doing this for years, not just because we are one of the many who are looking for a menaing for life or a way to make money.

I am glad that I took the time, studied under true, talented individuals, and made my way to my own business. It was a long journey, and even though this is a completion of sorts, to me it is a search for yet another trek of the journey. What road shall I take next ? What learning is there for me still? There is always something new to learn, and what it will be, I can't wait to see!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina May not be used, copied or reproduces without prior written permission

Monday, January 17, 2011

Using the whole toolbox

First a note: I am on the last chapter of my dissertation, and hopefully will be back to a more" regular blog " next week. I have to get the paper done, as I have a quilt to finish for my upcoming wedding April. There is suddenly "much to do", not that there was not before, but so many important things and so little time.

Recently a very dear friend of ours was taken to the hospital with heart issues, the end of the story is a happy one, but the meat of the story is interesting.

This was a wonderful life example of all the genres pulling together and bringing about a healing. There was reiki pouring in from a group, Native American rituals, drumming, massage, and other hands on healing modalities. Add to that visualization, prayer, and just plain positive thought, and the end result was a healing.

The initial prognosis was "gloom and doom", and within days went to "we can fix this". The fix required no major surgery. It is important to remember that although we have some wonderful healing tools at our fingertips, they work best when combined with traditional medicine. It is a powerful two punch that does what needs to get done.

There were lessons in all of this for everyone, and all good, healthy lessons.This really was a blessing in disguise!

Reiki does what is for "the person's highest good", and sometimes with gravely ill people, that means helping them pass. Reiki is an excellent tool for helping people pass, and I have used it in that manner, but to heal, is even better.

Make sure that you allow all and any help in time of need. Some genres are a powerful combination, and even though some approach things totally differently,allow the Universe sort it out. Whatever you do, never take away a person's free will, and always keep their highest good as a goal, that way you will never fail.

Learn, teach, and grow.
Do the right things for the right reasons!

Enjoy the week!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Spirit of the "tool"

Sorry I am a little late, I was taking a reiki sending break this it is time to get to work!

Authenticity. It is a word that we should always strive for, in everything that we do.

Metaphysicians have many tools.We may know a healing practice or two, or a way of making things happen. Many have special abilities, from intuition to mediumship.We may have a case of crystals, oils, or other tools like athames, amulets, and wands. There are so many tools available to us, and much more readily available (and affordable) than they were years ago.

The key to life, and it applies to your tools, is that you get out exactly what you put in. When you put in fake , you get fake (and may not even realize it). When you do things for the right reasons, you reap abundance, when you do things for the wrong reasons, then you reap Karmic lessons. When you use the wrong tool , and try to adapt it, you get the "wrong" results that work part of the way.This is Universal law, and as of yet, man hasn't found a way around that , except fooling himself.

Think about mundane tools that you have. Some of you may work in a trade. You would have the best power tools, measuring devices, repairing tools that you afford. Sometimes maybe even better than you can really afford. Maybe you are a passionate cook. That may mean a double oven, the best cookware, and tools that most kitchens would never see. You have the sharpest knives and the coolest gadgets. I am a quilter, I have all kinds of tools in my quilting room, if I added it all up , I could probably retire on the total.So if you buy all these "best" things for work and home, why not for your soul? Isn't that so much more important!?

When you are serious about working in the metaphysical, you should have the best tools...and yes, that you can afford. When you are doing ANY kind of ceremony, whether Native, Pagan, or popular religious practices, have the best you can afford, but always have the REAL thing. When you are using the tool just for personal amusement, or to try something out, don't break the bank. You may end up will a pile of expensive stuff you will never use again. When you teach, facilitate, or do public appearances, use ONLY authentic. You are passively teaching when you do that. When you still just plain can't afford it, hold off until later, or immediately instruct the group that this is not the item that is generally used.

The important part here is that in any ceremony, rite or ritual, you use the correct, authentic, and proper tools. You wouldn't remove a switch plate in your home with a hammer would you? Of course not. So why would you adapt things to work, and use items that are not sacred in such a sacred space? The answer is , you should not.

Two people made comments to me over the weekend about non Native Drums. One was a question about if this person should purchase a synthetic drum. If you are just going to drum for yourself, or you are just trying out drum circles, go for it, especially if it is all that you can afford financially. The funny part is that a day after that a comment was made by a person who has several "Remo" drums who said they could not afford real NA drums. The prices of less than all their Remo drums would have bought them almost as many real Native drums. They would have one less drum and a PILE more quality. More is not better, better is better. The same day a person said they were disappointed to see Remo style drums used by a group that was honoring a Native American way of life. That was a HUGE "no no".When you put yourself in the public eye, do it right.

There is a spirit and power in every Native American and Pagan tool. When these objects are made, they are made with prayer, ritual, and blessings. A Remo drum, or a cut rate pagan item made in China, is not. You can put good energy into it, but it still is what it still is. Just like you were created a male/female, healthy/sickly; smart/not so smart; creative/uncreative person, so the ritual item is created with the spirit it requires. You cannot become something that naturally you are not, and neither can the tool. You can add to it, dress it up all pretty, but never get the full energy out of it that you can get out of an authentic item.

To do ritual, rites, ceremony, in Native American, Pagan, or any other genre, have an authentic tool. You can make it yourself if you know the proper way, or go to an authentic source. Remember that only Native Americans can sell goods called "Native American" , that is the law. A non Native can make a Native American "style" object that looks just the same, but has to make sure the word "style" is in there. Even the US government knows how important it is, so why don't the rest of the "spiritual" community? I think the reason is usually price and availability. Remo drums and similar drums are just a short trip and a few dollars away. Why put that energy into things? When it simply is all you can afford, so be it. Be aware however that Native drums are not much more expensive as Native style or just plain, "run of the mill".(now you know where that expression comes from).

One person said they bought a synthetic drum so they wouldn't have to be careful with it (synthetic drums don't care about weather, etc. as much as natural drums). Why would you have a ritual item you were not going to be careful with? All these items should be treated as if they are special, as they are. They should all be a home of a helpful and healing spirit. So why would you toss a helpful and healing spirit in your trunk!?

My tools are all authentic, every drum, rattle, prayer fan, that I have, is Native made, from Blackfoot to Navajo, to Hopi, to Zuni. I also only have Native made jewelry that is in that style. In other words, all my turquoise bracelets or southwest style earrings, are made by Native Americans.

I want to make sure that I have everything about myself as authentic as it can be. You may think that I am fussy because I am part Native American, but trust me, all Native Americans feel the same way. They don't like people "faking" it, hence the "Native American style" laws.

When you are not using these items in ritual, it really doesn't matter all that much, as you are not doing serious work with them, but when you do, try to always use authentic. This goes for ANY genre, not just NA.

Think about the laws of attraction.Put authentic in, get authentic out.Like they say about computers, garbage in, garbage out.

That being said....use the right ingredients also. For example, certain crystals have specific attributes to them that can be used in several ways, including healing. When a specific stone is needed, make sure that you have this specific stone! There are usually several stones that can be used, so you won't need the most expensive one, but that being said, there are sources all over to obtain crystals. It is so much easier and less expensive to obtain stones than it ever was! Competition has driven prices DOWN, and to me , that allows me to obtain larger pieces! How would you like your doctor saying...well this really isn't the drug for what you have, but it might help?

Rites and rituals are like a recipe. There are certain things that you must put in, and they are in certain amounts. When you use certain products, your recipe turns out better. You can add something new, and change the recipe for the better, but if you add mud to your recipe, it will never make it better. Quality, not quantity!

This goes for any item you would use. Use pure essential oils, items made from natural materials, and if for any Native American event, use ONLY items made either by a Native, or using the rites and rituals a Native would use. When buying and selling, remember that Native American applies only to items made by a Native American, and "style" means made to be similar, but by a non Native American. ONLY take Native American spiritual lessons and instruction on rites and rituals from a Native American.

Be picky, be particular, spend as much as you can and buy authentic goods and services. That being said, don't get ripped off. Price compare. There are so many items out there to choose from these days. The metaphysical has come out of the closet, and many people are making quality ritual items available.

Strive for authenticity, go for quality, make sure that you are buying what is advertised, and are not overpaying. Make sure that you use the best that you can afford, even in private practice,but if it is impossible to do that, use what you can afford. There are so many out there with "fake" titles, ask for proof.

That all said, be authentic! Make sure that you personally are giving correct information, even passively.

Strive to get the best you can and be the best that you can....

and as always, do the right thing for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission in part or in whole.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Everyone needs a real life Helper Angel

This weekend was fun, and slow business-wise. Typical first of the year. The good news is, I made a lot more money this year, than last year (so all of you that think the economy stinks, think again).

I am frustrated though due to technical glitches that I can't fix. When in the corporate world, if there was something "off", I searched it out, and fixed it, or had someone who knew that they were doing, do so. The computer that runs my business is hundreds of miles away, and the people there are clueless on a good day. They mean well, but they just don't get it. Even when they have a group of psychics tell them that something is wrong and what area it is in, they still don't believe us. They believe that when at least some money is coming in, things MUST be working right.....bliss ninnies.

Last year a dear fried who got me started on this path in the first place, told me (basically) to quit screwing around and move up. She asked shy I wasn't doing parties (she is in a larger urban area, and that works well for her), and I said...I need a partner (it is almost impossible to do a party alone, I know, I have done it). Then she went on to the litany of other things I should be doing, like a radio show (I do as a guest), and asked where the heck the book was.....I (honestly) told her it is on a shelf until I can put "DR." in front of my name (I have started my dissertation so at least I am on track).

Matt and I discussed options for taking the business forward and higher. There are some great ideas and some stumbling points. I have seen others make huge mistakes wanting a business so badly , and trying to run one, that at least I know what NOT to do. Working in the corporate world for 20 some years helps too. My saving grace is I have one already, so I am not chomping at the bit making mistakes by rushing to have one.

When I first embarked on this metaphysical journey, I was told to make a list of "helper angels". These were real live people who I know would always be blunt, honest, and helpful. This lady Sandy was one of them. I know that if I get lazy, get off track, or wander, Sandy will reel me right back in. She is so full of life and knowledge. Matt loves her, although he can't get a word in, Sandy is my main Helper Angel.

Even if you are not working in the metaphysical, you need a helper angel. They are the people who have the guts to say things like "get off your ass", "stop complaining", or "that wasn't too smart". They push, prod, and always point you in the right direction. They are NOT the buddy who perpetually agrees with you, and tells you that you do not look fat in that dress. They are honest, ethical, helpful, and smart.

When you do something wrong they tell you, when you do something right , they praise you. They are sages and know much about your life, your profession, your mission, or your goals. They have to have no ego issues, and not be in competition with you. They have good ideas and information, so not "just anyone" will do. It is hard to pick good "helper angels", it really is.

My helper angel Sandy has helped make sure I am working just for me. The funny part is she held a mundane job after I took flight and worked only for me. I then became the helper angel and now she is out in NY kicking butt and taking names. I have great ideas for her, and she for me. We can always ask each other for advice, and always get a great answer. I have 5 helper angels, many have trouble finding one, but I sent the Universe out to help me find them. I don't talk to Sandy every day, we always know we are each there for instant help though. Helper Angels aren't there to tell you what to do everyday, just check in on your progress, and to help when times are tough.

We all need these folks, otherwise we stumble through life, never really reaching our goals, and making mistakes. We have to be accountable with a helper angel. Make sure that you have your goals set and then ask someone who really understands them and you , to be your helper angel. They are invaluable.

So to all the helper angels out there THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU....and for those of you that don't have one yet, find one...and make sure that they have the guts to honestly tell you like it is, otherwise you have just another fan.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission