Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just about to cross the finish line

It took time, money, reading a ton of books, and energy...but I finally did it. Well, close anyway. I finished the schooling that I undertook, what seems like, eons ago.

I now have more current certification to do life coaching (although my BS in psychology was enough), a ministerial degreee and current certification, a Bachelors and a Masters of Metaphysical Science. I also have a metaphysical pratitioner's licence. The last step, the approval of my dissertation, is in motion.

There are only two schools accreditated through the US to do this type of study and they both base thier cirriculum on pastoral counseling, as that is the only basis Washinton DC will allow then to certify under. Metaphysics has come a long way, but not quite far enough. Fortunately I was able to study and be accredited for parapsychology years ago, just after I completed my first Bachelors.

With so many people out threre losing their jobs and suddenly becoming "psychic" or a "life coach", it is important to study and obtain certification , so that you can practice honestly and without danger of legal issues. You DO have to be certified to be a life coach through an accredited organization. Some states are currently regulating the ability to take on the "life coach" title. That may not mean an online school , even if you do pay a hefty sum. You can find which schools are accredited or certified on the internet

Beware imitators. Many of us have gone through many years of time and expense to obtain the certification and even the "mundane" degrees that we have. We have been doing this for years, not just because we are one of the many who are looking for a menaing for life or a way to make money.

I am glad that I took the time, studied under true, talented individuals, and made my way to my own business. It was a long journey, and even though this is a completion of sorts, to me it is a search for yet another trek of the journey. What road shall I take next ? What learning is there for me still? There is always something new to learn, and what it will be, I can't wait to see!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina May not be used, copied or reproduces without prior written permission

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