Monday, February 28, 2011

...until you don't have it any more

There is an old saying that you really do not know what you have until you do not have it anymore. That does not always apply, but it does MUCH of the time. I grew up in the northeast where spring was days and even weeks of rain. You wouldn't see the sun for such long periods, you began to doubt that it really was still up there. I can imagine why our ancestors would fear these types of situations and worship sun gods, and rain gods too!

The weather where I lived had extremes. It could be 90 plus for days on end, or single digits. It could rain for days, or we could have a drought. It could snow all winter, or not at all. It was all up to the weather gods.

When big life changes came my way, I vowed to never be cold again. To be out of the soggy rain. A friend said there were jobs in Las Vegas (this was just after 9/11 and there were no jobs on the east coast). Las Vegas is sunny and warm, and off I went. I had wanted to move, although Las Vegas never entered my mind as the place to be. I was thinking more Carolinas. Vegas was great. Sunny, warm winters, no freezing body parts or moldy leaves to rake. It was great for about a year. Then it was OK, then it was flat out boring.

I always loved the rain, just not for weeks at a time....Yet now, I was lucky if it rained twice a year, and "rain" was several drops for about 10 minutes. It dried up immediately. I only saw one desert deluge that washed cars, and even a firetruck, away.The dry arroyo next to us became a raging set of rapids. It was awesome to watch.

After about three years, I had to have cooler weather , and rain. I wanted the rain back. I moved to New Mexico and the weather was awesome, the only problem there was that I was in a community that was in the middle of nowhere and had nothing. There was work, and that was about it.I couldn't find the right weather, climate, people combination. I later figured out I was to work for myself, and that made everything MUCH better.

The point is that we sometimes do not know what we have til it's gone. We need to appreciate the sun AND the rain, the winter and the summer, the good and the bad.
There is a reason for everything, some reasons are major, some are not. I love the rain, and I suppose I have always loved it. I had to NOT have the rain to know that though.

After doing some real studying of the metaphysical and Universal Law, I realized we should never ever ask for Gaia, or Mother Nature to bring us rain, or not; to bring us sun or not; to bring us warmer or colder. Each thing that she does, even her extremes, has a direct purpose. We should NEVER do anything to alter her whims except treat her well. When she is treated well, she does exactly what she is meant to do. We should never pretend to know more than Creator, God, or the Universe by asking for weather to be altered. Mother Nature knows much better than we, what this planet needs at any given time. rust her and she will do well by you!

Allow a little rain into your is cleansing, cooling, and makes the flowers grow!

Spring showers , after all, do really bring May flowers!

Peshaui Wequashimese

Friday, February 25, 2011

When did it become OK....

When did it become OK to:

Shoot at politicians we didn't agree with?
Threaten people in groups or in political positions because we want to smoke in public places?
Use violence to get our way?
Stalk people? In person or in the internet.
Bully people? Both in person and on the internet.
To spread fear?
To spread lies?
To spread hate?
To worry only about what WE want and to do anything to get it? To forget about how our actions effect others?

It didn't.

When we are supposed to be improving, growing, learning, and becoming more aware, aware that there is a higher power, that we are all connected, and that Gaia needs our love...we instead go backwards.

Some do not have a clue about spirituality, but sadly, many who do and who teach and preach metaphysics, are FAR from getting it, and never actually do it. They can talk a real good ballgame, but cannot walk the path.

Don't think that it is ever OK to do those things listed above, for any reason. It is not. It is also not good enough when after doing these things, or even more minor attributes of the same, that you try to make it OK by giving to charity, or some other notable behavior.

You can't "fix" bad deeds with good ones, you can only fix them with permanent change. The words "I am sorry" mean NOTHING, unless you change the behavior that brought about the "I am sorry " in the first place.

Walk the talk, and always do the right things for the right reasons (that means don't do a good deed just so it benefits you or makes you feel better).

Lose the EGO, lose the ME, and walk a good walk.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sedona, Glastonbury, Lillydale

There are places in the world that are known as energetic meccas. There are also places in the world that are known as "New Age" and consist of a bunch of folks who have dropped out of society, and who believe in the strangest things.

Some of the "good" places that come to mind are Sedona and Lillydale. Sedona is a place of beauty, wonderful people and an outlet for information, energy, and understanding. It has attracted many wonderful people. I can't say that I have met a bliss ninny, nor a rude person living or doing business there. It is so refreshing. You can find any form of authentic energy work imaginable, and genres from the Native American to Far Eastern.

Lillydale is a town in New York where spiritualists live. Spiritualists are those that communicate with those who have passed. The spiritualist church there is open to the public, and visiting during services may just earn you a message from one who has passed. All of the psychics living there have been tested and authenticated. Energy work and readings are all that they do. They are not always open to the public, but have hours of operation where the town is open to all.

Glastonbury is a bit harder to get to, it is in Somerset England. It is a small place that has metaphysical festivals that rival Woodstock. The history of the area goes back thousands of years, and like Sedona , it is said to be situated on certain energetic lines that bring a heightened energy to the place. There are stories of it being a place where King Arthur lived and roamed. Glastonbury can have its' "out there" folks though, so be ready for a few strange people.

These are all places with good, powerful energy. I have had a few people tell me that they are self proclaimed "energy workers" and such,are overwhelmed by the energy of Sedona and Glastonbury. If the energy of those places bothers you, you need a lot of work! Just like reiki, that good energy CANNOT hurt you, or make you feel bad in any way.

Take a little metaphysical tour of the world. There are many more places, these are just some of the ones I know to be authentic, quality places. Instead of sitting on a beach somewhere, go to where the good energy is, save the beach for another day!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do not fear 2012 !

Since we are approaching the infamous 2012 date next year,let's put some fears to rest. First first and foremost the world is NOT going to end. There will be no cataclysm like in the movie with John Cusack.I have written about this before, and will say it again. The "disaster of 2012" does NOT exist.

Here are some FACTS about 2012:

Disaster is not eminent, although there are some predicted changes like polar shifts. Now that sounds huge, but scientists estimate it has happened at least a hundred times before.That means your summer may be your winter, and your winter is your summer.

The whole hoopla about this date came from one obscure temple. The significance of it was put upon it by anthropologists (mostly and sadly, Americans), not the Mayans. The Mayans don't consider it a major date at all, just another one in their SEVERAL calendars. Many say, the calendar ends...really? So does the one I have on my wall...will the world end Dec 31, 2011? Of course not, there are several Mayan calendars and yes, they continue.The people who know how to truly read these are rare indeed, and they are Mayans.

There are still Mayans living on this earth, their civilization is not what it was, but the population has not been entirely wiped out.

People quote "Mayan scripture" with doom and gloom , the "scripture" happens to be in Spanish. The Mayans didn't speak Spanish, they spoke Mayan. All that fear crap in Spanish that is claimed to be from Mayan temples is totally false.

The change coming is about higher consciousness, living not for oneself first, but for the world. It is about opening up to instinct, and guidance of the Highest Power. It is about faith , peace and cooperation, not fear.

There is no instruction that you need to go through this, nor class, nor attunement. The anthropologist, Albert Villoldo, who started much of this fear in order to promote his made up class, the Munay Ki, which he claims are ancient Mayan rites. (Munay Ki...clearly stolen from Reiki). He was thrown out by the Mayan elders. The Native Americans of this country protested against him, as first he mutilated Native ritual, second he did things like put Aztec gods in the Mayan "rites", and he made money off of "spiritual teachings" (something that is never done in traditional Native spiritual teaching).His rites and practices also clearly go back to Buddhist and Taoist beliefs. He made a mixed bag and sold it. He is listed as a fraud on the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shaman list. He is the man you can thank for all the 2012 fear. He studies and practices Neo-Shamanism, not Native American spirituality. Some confuse Neo Shamanism with Native American traditional beliefs, they are NOT the same. (Here is just one of the threads on his inconsistences : ).

All of this hoopla also came out of Q'ero which is the NEW AGE, NOT traditional capital of South America. There is nothing wrong with new age spirituality or Neo Shamanism, but when you call it ancient tradition, THAT is a problem.They are all mutually exclusive.

The new age will most likely signal the end of new inventions, it is believed that everything we were here to bring into this dimension will be here at this time. You have probably noticed that new ideas, and products come almost every month now, when there used to be years in between them.You won't have to learn how to use your new cell phone twenty times.

There will be things that we have experienced before like larger solar flares, the last time this happened to this degree,we didn't have satellite TV or cell phones, so we will notice it more in the way of static and disruption of signals.

The bulk of important things that will happen are energetic. A higher consciousness for those who are open to it and who are ready for it. Those who put themselves before others and live a life that is full of hate, greed, and ego, will not benefit from the higher consciousness, but falter and learn life lessons over and over.

When you do the right things for the right reasons, you will thrive. Your body and mind are already a part of Creator/God/the Universe and will know what to do. You will learn, grow and be more aware. We will see more solutions to problems , and learn how to make this planet better and better. You do NOT have to fear, get an attunement, or take a class, and you certainly do not have to pay to be "saved".

Do not allow anyone to put fear into you about 2012, the only ones who need to fear are those who do wrong. They won't be punished, but they sure won't be rewarded either!

When you want to learn abut the Mayans, go directly to the Mayans and learn, not Americans, and certainly to anyone who charges to teach Native spiritual processes.

Stop the 2012 fear, if you see it, nip it in the bud. To guarantee a good transition for yourself, simply...DO THE RIGHT THING FOR THE RIGHT REASONS!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Circles of "ME" are too small

So many people wrote to say that they saw an extreme lack of manners over the weekend, from college kids to an "80 something". Has the world gone mad? We are supposed to be moving to a better place,yet all I see is people looking at how things effect them personally. They stop right there, and never see how the other side of things may help some, or the the world. They do not see the difference between helping and enabling. They do not see how they infringe on the rights of others.

They are against health care becasue they fear (and we all know what happens when you act out of fear)that this will put them in the poorhouse... it won't. Better yet, many who cannot afford health care (and this does not include the indigent who already have Medicaid), who cannot get health care due to previous illness, and other groups, will now be able to get health care. We are one of the most advanced countries in the world, yet we allow our people to suffer. Why? The answer is : ME ME is the "M Syndrome" rearing its' ugly head, spurred on by the "F" word...not that one, but FEAR. Fear, that which causes us to make rash decisions which only bring relief for a moment. Decisions that never solve a thing.

One of the basic principles that this country was founded upon, was that we each get to do things in basically our own way, as long as that way does not take away the rights or "way" of another. For example, you can have a party at your home, you can do pretty much whatever you want , except harm others at this party (that includes under age drinking). Party for days if you want to. However, if that party keeps your neighbor from sleeping, or piles empty beer cans on their lawn, or leaves them with no place to are infringing on their rights.

People get all hung up on "it is my right", and forget about all the other people around them. They do not realize that many things are not a "right". Driving for instance is not a right, but a privilege. Then we have part two of the equation, responsibilities. People do not want to be responsible for their actions, or act responsibly. They want to do whatever they please, where and when they want to. They think that is their right, and it is not.

People get stuck on the "my right", "this is good for me", "I need this", and forget about how that effects everyone else around them. When making decisions, we need to think about the whole.

Years ago I wrote about circles and how things always come back around full circle. There is a life in that circle, or a part of it, but there are also other people's lives in that circle. There is an environment in that circle. There is a Creator/God/Universe in that circle. You always effect another when you do anything, and being that there are circles in every part of our lives, you will come back to having to deal with it sooner or later.

Get off the ME ME ME side of things. It isn't always about what you want. Sometimes it is about compromise, sometimes you "can't always get what you want". Think about how your wishes, wants and desires effect others, and even yourself.

When your circle just includes ME ME ME , it is too small, it is a constant run around a treadmill, going nowhere and never expanding. Life lessons are never learned, and happiness is fleeting. Expanding your circle to quality people makes an enriched, learning and growing set of experiences and circles.

This is not a ME ME ME world, it never was. The world is getting smaller everyday.We are no longer tribes who live thousands of miles apart and across oceans who do not know that the other even exists. Those days are long gone. Our circles constantly intertwine with other circles. That is why now, more than ever, we must always "Do the right thing for the right reasons"!

Do the right thing for the right reasons, and no it isn't all about you!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, February 21, 2011

Protocol, manners, and respect

Note: Please remember to check my web page ( updates on events and classes.


There are some things in life that is free to give, and free to accept, yet their value is, as the kids say today, GINORMOUS! Two of them are manners and respect.
That is, treating people and events with respect and reverence. There is no reason to ever be rude, condescending, or disrespectful. Sometimes these flow from ignorance, and that is why it is so important to learn, research and grow. Sometimes it flows out of greed, or ego. The "I" steps before the "we". There were several times over the weekend, where Matt and I thought "Do people have manners anymore?".

Anyone can get into a situation where they are upset, and cross the line. It happens. Then all you have to do is apologize, suffer the consequences (the person may never allow you back into their lives again), and then make sure you NEVER DO IT AGAIN. That is the key, never do it again, without it, your apology is meaningless.

We weren't put on this earth to never make a mistake, but to learn from them.

For a moment over the past few days, I thought "Maybe I am old fashioned", but I knew my daughter would never do the things I saw and heard some adults doing, so it isn't that. These were not even actions and words out of anger, but out of selfishness. I even had moments of "My Mother would KILL me if I did that." In our excitement, frustration, happiness, or anger, we need to remember to still follow protocol, to have manners, and to be respectful of others. When you feel that there is a need to step outside a boundary, ask. It may be possible. I have learned SOOO much , just by asking questions in the middle of doing things. Just ask, the worst that can happen is that you are told "no", and the best, that you learn something.

When learning, you are expected to make mistakes. When you claim to be an authority, you are NOT expected to step all over people and tradition, just for the heck of it.

Always ask yourself first, "is this the right thing to do (for the right reasons)?", if the answer is "no", then don't do it. That should cover just about ANY situation. Be honest with your answer.

Meanwhile, as my Grandma would say "Mind your Ps and Qs" will keep you out of trouble.

Do the right things for the right reasons. Manners are not dead, and neither is respect.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gaia, an important part of spirituality

Some people think that spirituality is going to church or temple. That is a small iota of what it takes to be spiritual.

The word originated with spiritualists, who were people that believed that there was more to "life" than this plane. They believed they could contact those who have passed, that there were other existences, and that there was more to the Universe than what we learned in church, or from are parents.

They were right. Today that belief has expanded to understanding that all belief systems are basically the same, they all believe in a higher power that wants us to do well, do good things, learn, and grow during our Earthwalk. This Higher Power is also watching to see how we take care of Mother Earth, Gaia, Mother Nature.

Without her, we do not exist, yet we do not take very good care of her. A truly spiritual person will support Gaia. They will recycle, use vehicles that run cleanly and efficiently, keep their yards and neighborhoods clean of trash, support parks and other nature based organizations. They plant trees, grow vegetables, and plant shrubs that shelter and feed birds and small animals. They keep pesticides and poisons out of their yards and try to expand that love of Gaia throughout their neighborhood, and the world.

Today you can do a little to help Gaia. Ornithologists study birds. Their nests, food, behavior, migration, and population. They protect endangered species through the governments, and try to make places where migrating birds can rest.

It is easy to help these folks, and this weekend, right now in fact, is the time. GO to : Put in your zip code, and print your local bird list. Then all you have to do is look out the window for 15 minutes...or 15 minutes at a time. You can look out the window all weekend if you like! You do not need to be an expert. Just count how many of each species you see and then go on line to the checklist and put in your totals. This mass, up to the minute list is a great help to the experts.

So now you have your weekend homework, and you can help Gaia at the same time, right from your window, and comfy chair!

Happy Bird Hunting!!!

PS On a bird walk the other day we saw a Prairie Falcon, apparently they NEVER come to Indiana. Maybe he was lost, but he was beautiful. Look out your window, there may be a surprise waiting for you out there!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can energy work cause issues....

I had an email recently asking if having energy work done can cause issues.

Sadly the answer is YES.

Some folks never learned their "trade" properly. Some are not certified, and many times when you need to be certified, there is a darn good reason for it. There can also be an unscrupulous person doing work to influence you and change you to what they want you to do, or be.

This is why it is so important to make sure that you are working with certified people. I have had a bad experience after being introduced to a new genre. I was able to get myself back into the right alignment, but not everyone can do that.It may cost you time and money to have things put back to right.

Then you have another extreme, people who do things for money, without doing them mindfully and the extent of robbing and even killing people. I am talking about those who tell you that you have a curse that will take big money to remove , and sweat lodges built by people who have no business building them.

Never give anyone money out of fear ( or do anything out of fear). It is theft , just as much as if someone held a gun to your head. Never enter a sweat lodge that was not built by a Native American who knows what they are doing...spiritually,each pole has a prayer attached to it, a place to be, and a reason for being there. Not every Native can build a sweat lodge either, certain tribes have restrictions on who in that tribe can build a lodge, or lead the building of one. Structurally, the lodge needs to be safe and built in a safe manner. Make sure the person who is running the lodge knows what they are doing...leaving passed out people on the floor is not a good thing.Having people die is the worst.

There are so many people out there that think it is OK to read a book, go to a class, or an event, and then do it themselves. When you want to do for you and you alone, go for it. However, when you are putting yourself out there in the world
as a "Reiki Master" or any other title, you better have earned it, and/or be up to date on it.

Energy work CAN cause issues when done improperly. People who are unethical can cause issues outside the spiritual area by taking your time, money, and even your life. There have been times when people even used spiritual disguises as a way of getting sexual favors. Steer clear of these people.

Another way harm is caused is when an energy worker has mental or emotional issues and they are in your aura and energy. Never allow someone who seems too "out there", who gives you a bad vibe, or who you are just plain uncomfortable with, to do any work on you.

Check, research, and ask to see paperwork. Ask friends for their experiences. Ask what those experiences were. Your friend may have liked the class because there was no discussion, you may need time to ask questions and discuss some things, your friend's favorite class and teacher may not be for you!

Be mindful, and just because a person is giving a class, doesn't mean they are qualified or even have a clue. Be a wise consumer, after all it could actually mean your savings or your life (how sad is that!)

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

French and Spanish natives???

First, here are your Pueblo tribes, located in New Mexico, they are all interesting, wonderful people. Some also consider the Hopi a pueblo tribe, but they have a distinct separate tribal affiliation and structure. The tribes are: Acoma, Cochiti, Isleta, Jemez, Laguna, Nambe, Picuris, Pojoaque, Sandia, San Felipe, Santa Ana, Santo Domingo, San Ildefonso, San Juan, Santa Clara, Taos, Tesuque, Ysleta del Sur, Zia, and Zuni. The winner was Jennifer with 10. I have been to the Acoma, Laguna, and Zuni reservations. This spring it is on to Taos!


There is something evident in the Pueblo names, that being the influx of another culture. We all know Natives did not speak Spanish as a first language, yet there are tribal pueblos named things with "San" and "Santa" in their names. Don't be fooled by places with Spanish names when looking for Native locations. There were some cultures that were set on changing names to what was familiar to them, instead of the original place name. The Spanish came in and built missions on the pueblos to give Christianity to the Natives, something they didn't want, but were forced to have. The Spanish then give the missions Spanish names, hence pueblos like Jemez.

When I was little, I grew up in a place that kept the Native names for many places. People who came from somewhere else, especially outside the US, were thoroughly confused by how to pronounce place names like Piscataway, Absecon, Mahwah, Wanaque,
Ho Ho Kus, Watchung, Raritan, Pequannock, Hackensack, Hoboken,and Manalapan. We used to make up stories about how the towns got their names. For instance, two tribes, were having a Scrabble championship. One player needed a high score to beat the Leni Lenape. Another player turned to him and said "Want a Q?", he used the "Q" and won the championship! From then on the town was called Wanaque.

We were kids with a very vivid imagination and silly sense of humor.

But the people of the Eastern Seaboard kept most of the names the Natives used, although I am sure it was a struggle to write and read them. I have read old texts and have seen MANY spellings of Ticonderoga.

The Spanish influenced many southwestern names, changing them to something that made sense in their language, but the other group that was famous for changing names , was the French. They gave us Sioux, Nez Pierce, and almost totally renamed the upper northeast. They also made their way across the upper half of the US, as you can see by the last two names mentioned, and renamed people, tribes, and places. The state of Illinois is a French word, Illinois were a tribe, but they were really named Chictaghiks. The Teuchsagrondie became the Detroit; Adirondacks become Algonkins, now spelled Algonquins. Quatoghe became Hurons; Twihtwies became Miamis; Scunksiks became Terra Rouge. The languages of the northeast are difficult to spell and pronounce so that may have been part of the reason for the changes. They named the five nations of what is the New York state area now, "Iroquois" (they were previously simply known as the Five Nations and were the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas).

Don't mistake names from other languages with the real Native names, they didn't speak French or Spanish, but their own languages. Many do not realize that most tribes, and certainly different Nations, could not understand each other. Some could to a degree. The Algonquin languages of tribes like Narragansett and Pequot could understand each other , and had many words that were the same, but the language in total was different. However, if a Pequot tried to speak to a Hopi, neither would know what the other was saying.

The Native American culture suffers greatly from misconceptions and generalities. Not every tribe lives in tipis or teepees, however you want to spell it. They didn't all hunt buffalo, or wear turquoise. Their rituals were different, and so was their language. I always suggest that if you want to learn about the Native Americans, get ready for a long road, and start with a group or nation. The Cherokee are vastly different from the Navajo, who are different from the Mohawk.
Take the whole piece by piece and watch out for the French and Spanish, they are there ready to trip you up!

Learn, grow, teach.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Learning and Growing....go hand in hand

All my life, I loved school. Really. There were days I wasn't all that fond of it, but that was because I went to schools in a city where there was a lot of issues. Drugs, fights, and more. One of the high schools in my city, even had a movie made about it. The Principal got tough and straightened out a mess, he later was condemned for his tactics, but knowing that school, they were the only tactics that would work.I was "lucky" enough to attend a different school, on the other side of town, it was better, but not much.

The good thing was that if you wanted to learn, all the opportunity was there. I always loved learning. My Mom made sure I could read and print before I started school. I had a library card when I was in kindergarten, and used it every week. Good grades were expected and I was rarely off the honor roll, maybe two grade periods due to my least favorite subject, math.

I loved college, and the opportunity to learn what I wanted to. I earned my bachelors, but didn't really use it, until I started my own business. I learned to teach dance, and did so for a few years. I have also taught quilting classes and most recently metaphysical classes.

I love to teach, but the other side of that coin is that I love to learn! Many learn , go out and teach, and stagnate. They haven't been in a classroom in years, if ever. There are so many different things to learn and so much new information on things, that you almost HAVE to learn new things. When you learn different genres, you learn how things all come together and how many things thought to be different, are essentially the same.

A little over a year ago I started to work on my Metaphysical degrees. It was easy for me and I sped through most of the bachelors, as I already knew and taught most of what was in there. Then I wrote my Masters on the collective unconsciousness, which was apropos, as my original bachelors was in psychology. I also earned my divinity degree and pastoral counseling certification at the same time.

My Masters was a challenge, after all , when I was at Montclair State we were not even allowed to think about the metaphysical when it came to psychology.I had to take what I learned about Jung the psychologist, and what I learned about Jung the mystic, and combine it. I liked the challenge,but that's me. To get a nice blend I also took , what they called in those days, a correspondence course in parapsychology from a branch of Stamford. There were no accredited schools for metaphysical studies, and today there are only two.

I decided to make my dissertation an "easier" subject, at least for me, and wrote on adding different aspects, tools, and processes to traditional reiki. I was very happy with it when it was complete and I sent it off for approval. Yesterday I was notified that it was approved. I am not sure how many books I read in the process of the metaphysical studies and I still have suggested reading I will do, but it was fun. Yes, fun. Maybe the love of learning that my Mom instilled in me when I was a toddler is still there, but I love learning new things.

I cannot understand why people refuse to learn, pass up on a learning experience, or pass on incorrect information. They do, every day. Sometimes it is just their take on things, sometimes they misunderstand, and sometimes they just never bothered to learn. To them, learning is not fun, to me learning is awesome. The hardest part I have is finding time to learn new things. Time will loosen up a little now, but I already have a list of things I want to learn from new songs to new quilting techniques.

We are students all our lives. The Universe teaches us lessons everyday. Sometimes those lessons are hard, and sometimes they are wonderful, but they are all valuable. I would rather "do the right things for the right reasons", and choose my lessons. It is much more fun that way.

Pick up a book, take a class, try a new craft or skill. There are many people out there trying new things every day. It can be cooking, sewing, a sport, a dance, a belief system, a history, a language. It doesn't matter what, just learn what resonates with you , and learn it well. Remember to check your source's reliability, and get valuable information. Information for information's sake is not really learning. It is adding useless and sometimes false information to your brain. There is no need for that.

Don't try to cram your brain. I remember a wise soul telling me that the key to knowledge was not necessarily knowing all the information, but knowing how to find it.

You can't find it sitting under a rock, so come into the light and learn!

Learn, share and grow....and always do the right thing for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

PS, The leader in the Pueblo Tribes List has six...anyone have a longer list???You all should at least have Acoma.

(C)2011 triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, February 14, 2011

"It is your destiny!!"

Many people think that their whole life is predestined. It is NOT.

We do have a list of life lessons for this Earthwalk. We are expected to complete them, and when we don't , we just do it over next time. We have a general "destiny", such as we will be a certain gender; be rich/poor or somewhere in the middle; be healthy or sickly; be intelligent, mentally challenged, or again somewhere in the middle. The rest is , as they say, "up to you". That is why manifesting works.

Our destiny may be to overcome some of the obstacles in our lives easily, like be born into a dirt poor family, and die in a mansion, but that rarely happens.

Some believe that there are specifics to the Universe that is all planned out for them. I sometimes want to laugh when people ask "what will he/she look like"? Sometimes there is a person who is already entering in , and that is easy. Sometimes there is a Karmic or Soul Group link with a person who is already around and easily seen. Then there is the vast majority, and that is, " no particular person ". The Universe doesn't tuck some guy in a closet for 5 years while you get over your ex. They may have already scheduled a person to step in if things go wrong or lessons are not learned. They may even say "this lifetime you will be married", but not "this lifetime you will be married to Bob Smith of 101 Lovers Lane".

The Universe leaves the specifics up you. You do the manifesting, the work, and the creativeness, on much of your life. Some things are our destiny, but not who our next boyfriend/girlfriend will be, that is usually left up to you. The new age idea of "soul mates" is what got people hung up on this. Many believe there is ONE person that we are meant to be with forever. Hogwash. Soul mates are people who are there to learn and teach our most important life lessons of that time period of our lives. They can be sisters, mothers, or lovers.

What about the other side of specifics? What if I say your next husband will be " A medium build man, average height, with brown hair, darker skin, and dresses well", does that really help??? That narrows it down to about a billion people. Does that mean if the Universe gets a chance to slip in a Prince Charming for you, that has blond hair, you won't talk to him because he didn't meet a psychic's description? Maybe the blond wasn't your lover, but man who would offer you your dream job, and you snubbed him?

There is absolutely NO reason to know what anyone is going to look like. How will you know him/her? Feelings, instincts, words that come out of their mouths, you know , the old fashioned way!

Every little aspect of your life, down to what wallpaper you will pick for your living room, is NOT predestined. The DETAILS are up to you! It is your choice and ultimately your responsibility. We are frequently asked "Why is the Universe punishing me by sending me all these jerks?" First, the Universe never punishes, it teaches lessons, and if it keeps trying to teach you to pick a different type of partner, listen to it!

Then there is today, Valentine's day. The day that people rush to "warm bodies" , people who are harmful to them, and disinterested exs ,just looking for love. Love comes when it comes, it does not come for a day on the calendar. The Universe doesn't give a crap about Valentine's Day. Not one iota.

So take control of your destiny, and don't worry about what anyone looks is the LEAST important thing you need to know!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Traveling the US, Sky City, Acoma Pueblo

When I lived in New Mexico, I had the pleasure of being surrounded by Native American teachers. I worked with Navajo, Hopi, Apache, and Zuni. I met and shared time with Acoma and Laguna. What wonderful people, in so close proximity, with similar, yet very different beliefs, and lifestyles.

A friend emailed me yesterday and asked where to visit and learn about Native American history on a road trip through New Mexico. The answer is "a whole bunch of places". There is an excellent museum in Albuquerque, but knowing this woman as I do, I know she meant REALLY learning, as in "directly from the people". The best answer I could come up with, was Sky City ( ). Sky City is breathtakingly beautiful, absolutely authentic, a wonderful learning experience, and there are some beautiful people there.

Sky City is just off of Rt 40, just about the only road to run through NM. Once you are finished touring the pueblo, there is a casino nearby with a hotel, food, and gas. It is a mixture of the ancient and modern convenience all in a few square miles. Albuquerque is minutes away and has everything you could possibly need.

I did not learn much about my heritage (Narragansett and Pequot) out west, but I learned TONS of tradition, belief systems, culture and history. All from wonderful people who are happy to share. You can spend days listening to a traditional Navajo story, or walk (respectfully) through pueblos still inhabited by different tribes. It is all beautiful and a wonderful learning experience.

If you are ever traveling down Rt 40 through New Mexico, stop at Sky City, or any of the other places along the way.The People will be happy to educate you , better than any museum.

Another reader always reminds me to give Friday homework...this has become a tradition here. So, look and see how many Pueblo tribes you can find in the US. I have been on the land of three of them, so you know there are at least three. Let's see what you can find, and if you are ever in the neighborhood, stop in. Be a respectful visitor, not a tourist, and check at the visitor's centers first to see what you can and cannot do and where you can and cannot go (many places do not allow picture taking or entry into some sacred areas).

Whenever in an unfamiliar setting, check out the rules first, it will keep you from making a fool of yourself and insulting anyone. This is VERY important!

Happy travels!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess, May Not be used, copied, or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dreams, be careful how you interpret them!

Note; March Ghost Hunt is full. If you are not a "regular" or have not given me your name as going, we won't have room. Too many people make for a non-spooky walk.

I have had a lot of calls for dream interpretation lately. I have the unusual mix of psychic ability, metaphysical training and a BS in Psychology to help me in that realm. The funny part is, many people want the dream to mean something specific. When they dream of an old lover, the message they want it to be, is that the old lover is thinking about them. In reality, 99% of the time, it is the other way around, the dreamer is thinking about the old lover.

Dreams come from various places, some are messages, but the messages are not usually from another person, but from a guide, or higher power. Sometimes they are intuition, or psychic messages, but those are rarely for such mundane things as an ex returning. They are more likely to be of a serious nature, like a warning or a big event in your life. I am sure many think the old ex coming back is a big event, but in the world of metaphysics, it is small potatoes.

Dreams are also ways of communicating with those who have crossed over. Those dreams have a very REAL quality to them. There is no strange setting (strange in the "Alice in Wonderland way), or things morphing into other things. It is more like really being in a place. There is light and shadow play, air moving, smells, clear vision and hearing. The messages are usually short, sweet, but to the point. They are all messages that have a specific purpose behind them.

The most common reason for a dream is simply our subconscious "taking out the garbage". Maybe we are trying to NOT think about the ex during the day so our brain gets the ex out and exorcises him at night, it deals with the ex and gets rid of them so that the ex isn't in the way anymore.

Dreams are most commonly just plain dreams. Not messages, and never because someone else is thinking about you, on that one, you will always be the guilty party. It is "funny" how now that Valentine's Day is fast approaching, there seem to be a bunch of exs out there thinking of their lost loves....

No one in your common everyday life will come to you in a dream to tell you something. Your brain may read signals from them and then allow the ego to interpret them (and usually incorrectly), and then process them. Don't allow dreams to influence or run your life. Pay attention to dreams that are very clear and involve those who have passed. When you ask the highest power for an answer or inspiration, pay attention to that night's dreams. Please do not fool yourself, and dead Aunt Edna isn't using a ton of energy to come tell you that your ex is thinking about you.

There is a reason why readers do not read for themselves in emotional or serious situations, and the same reason applies to interpreting dreams. Most times, dreams are just dreams,that is, the brain's way of taking out the trash !

Sweet dreams!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without proir written permission.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day...a psychic's worst nightmare

Reminder: Psychic Development class Feb 26, class is just about full. I need to know who is coming , so if you have not given me a definite, please do so, so we know which area to use for the classroom and how many books to print.

Drumming, this Saturday at 7:30 at the Yoga Center.


It has started...from those who don't have a man and are hoping to conjure one up over the next few days, to those who are saying if they don't get a major gift, they are breaking up with their mate. Those of us who do readings can't win between Feb 1 to Feb 16 or so. It is never good. "What is he getting me? Are we going to spend the whole night together? Are we going to have sex?"....Are you kidding me!?

I never was one to feel like someone had to do something special for me on Valentine's Day. A card, a kiss, or just me, myself and I, were all that I needed. Why do people need one day a year to validate that they are special? Shouldn't that happen 365 days a year?

I want to be respected and treated well every day, and I am. I want to be loved every day, and I am. When people say things like "If I don't get an expensive gift I am telling him it's over.", I think...good for him.

Show someone you love them by telling them, or spending quality time with them. It doesn't have to cost a penny. When large gifts are expected of you, find another partner.Money and the price of the gift does not equate to the price of his or her love, it equates to the fear they have of pissing you off.

Life isn't a bout gifts. Life is a gift.

Spend Valentine's Day loving yourself and your partner.

Peshaui Wequashim

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Inspiration can come from many things. When deciding on what to wear for the wedding, I first ordered a 2 piece dress. It cost a lot, well less than $200.00, but when it arrived, the material just made me go ..YUCK. It looked like a costume. At fist I though I would alter it, the reason I had someone else make it was a time factor. Then I realized, it wasn't the design, it was the material and the plastic pony beads.

So what to do. There are many variations of Native American clothing, and if I wore what my ancestors did in the spring and summer, I would get arrested. So I took out a picture of my Great Grandmother. She is dressed in Civil War era clothing. By the time cameras were invented, my ancestors knew, traded with, lived with, married and fought with the Europeans. They were in between New York and Boston and had the ability to trade for some good cloth, household goods and beads.

My Great Grandmother was two (maybe more) tribes, but 100% Native. She sits there looking pretty happy in here Civil War black jacket and lace collar, with ribbons in her hair. Matt looked at her and said , "That is definitely a native." She looks very different from the faces of southwest , Mexican or Plains peoples, the ones we see so much in photos. Yet, it is there.

So I took some of her flavor and the widespread ribbon skirt, and combined it. We will all have to wait to see how it works out (including me!)That led to Deanna not being able to find a skirt, so I will make one for her too.

How a picture of a lady wearing a dress that we would see on any lady walking the streets of American, inspired a Native wedding dress, is just the beauty of inspiration. It isn't an answer, but a nudge, a hint, a clue. I wonder what her wedding dress looked like. She married a Frenchman. No one seems to remember what he was like. Maybe some day I will know more, but for now , there is just a face staring out at me from at least 140 years ago.

Look around for inspiration, not answers, and the answers will come!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, February 7, 2011

Easy way out is never easy

There are things we know we MUST do. Even though we know we MUST do them, we sometimes waste time and energy trying to circumvent them. That never works. Never. We end up back at square one with less time, and possibly resources than we had at the beginning.

I have learned that the easy way always has a catch. Always. Sometimes the "catch" is worth it, and most times it is not.

Hope does spring eternal, but we also always have to be a factor in what happens to us. Every thought, action, and non action, takes us somewhere. The answer from the Universe is rarely "no", but it usually is "not right now", "not that way" , "not that person", "not that job". The Universe knows what is best.It knows FAR better than us humans. Even when things are going badly, they are going that way for a reason. You may be being pushed to a different solution, person, place or circumstance that in the long run is better for you.

There are still people that think that if they sit around and think, meditate, and hope, that all will turn out exactly as they please. If you truly believe that, then quit your job, sit in the middle of the house and wish and hope for food, that the bank doesn't repossess, and that the heat stays on. See how long that works for you.

The Bible says that the "Lord helps those who help themselves", and so "the Universe manifests for those who take action and control of their lives". It is that simple.

Wishing, hoping and keeping our fingers crossed are things to do AFTER we do the work, not in place of the work. Instead of wasting time running down dead ends, ask the Universe to do what is "for your highest good".

Be you best ally. Work it , and work it hard, the Universe will have your back, and you WILL reap the benefits!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple moon Goddess Gina,. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Don't ignore crazy people.

When I was growing up , there was a lot of change going on in this country. We had come out of WWII quite a few years back, yet if you were of German or Japanese origin, you were treated badly by some people. My family all fought in WWII in the US military, yet the German last names of family members brought them dirty looks. It was a time of women's rights, JFK, MLK, and drastic change. The old negative was fading away, and the new "love and peace" era was coming in. Both had their pros and cons, neither was totally right , nor wrong. The whole country was in flux.

While all of this was going on, there were people who resisted the positive changes and did outright hateful things. Being a small child in a big city, I couldn't understand what the problem was. After all , my best friend was Puerto Rican, and our favorite neighbors (three teens and their Mom), were African American. The lady next door was from Ireland, and there was a convent of nuns, white as snow, across the street.I thought America was a patchwork. I had Native American friends and relatives in Rhode Island, and people in my Dad's neighborhood were all Native or Portuguese (or usually both). I saw a lot of dark skin, to me , that was the norm.

Once I was older and taking dance lessons, teaching and doing shows, I met many Gay men. I loved them to death! A gay man is a girl's best friend. They were fun, bright, talented, and understanding.

When I lived in Las Vegas there was a group of gay men who were having a rally. It may have been to promote same sex marriages, I am not sure. They were being very well behaved, and talking to people. People in Vegas come from all over, so they listened. Then a group from the Westboro Baptist church showed up...and eventually started physically harming these men (mostly by throwing rocks). The local people were appalled and a riot pretty much broke out. The "church " group was finally asked to leave town.

Now their mission is to disrupt funerals of service men and women. Apparently they believe this is God's way of punishing the USA for allowing Gay rights. Where the connection between the two comes from, I can only deduce is "insanity". I was taught a lot of things in church, but no one ever taught me to taunt family members at a funeral or throw rocks at people (although stoning was a way of putting people to death in the Bible).

It would be easy to ignore the Westboro Church, as a small family of crazy people. But this family travels around the country, and has other so called "churches" participate in their lunacy.

When I was small and there were riots in the streets and people still hurting from the war now 20 years over, my mom said, we have to always remember to not ignore the crazy people. The reason she said this is there was one man, a rather shy, awkward man, who almost destroyed the world, his name was Hitler.He didn't come from a powerful family, or have a lot of money. He was just full of hate and crazy.

We cannot afford to ignore the crazy people, they sometimes become very powerful.
Fortunately there is a group called the "Patriot Riders" who make sure that they are now everywhere the Westboro Church rears its' ugly head. Don't ignore the Westboro group becasue they are "small", they are still harmful.

Do not ignore any crazy people, they sometimes almost rule the world.

The only good that the Westboro Church has done, was helped create the Patriot Riders, see there is a yin and a yang. Be mindful and be the change that keeps the Westboro Churches of the world in balance, and never ever ignore hate and craziness just because it is one person. History has taught us what happens when we do that.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New moon, new year

Happy New Year!

It is the Chinese New Year, and Taiji Bunny Girl is proud to say, it is the year of the rabbit. This is one of the most important of the Chinese holidays.The New Moon is what signals the holiday which is literally translated into "Spring Festival". All these spring days lately, what a wonderful thing. Phil says spring is coming and I know the weather was bad on Imbolc, so the hag was not out gathering fire wood, it looks good for an early spring!

This "Chinese New Year" , or better yet, Spring Festival lasts until February 15.It is a time of food, decoration, presents and new clothing...and of course firecrackers.Much like the Christmas holiday season in the US.

It is the Year of the Rabbit, so "Gong Xi Fa Cai!", and wear some red today to celebrate the new year. A fertile year to all, abundance galore! Bring on the rabbit!

Being that it is a New Moon, it is also time to think about new beginnings. Perform any prayers, spells, or manifesting to bring about a new start. Being a rabbit year, it is a wonderful time to do any abundance ritual!

Remember what abundance does not mean money, and lots of it. Money will be part of abundance, but in the terms of money, it means enough to pay the bills, with a little left over. The "left overs" are to be used wisely, not hoarded or wasted, then the abundance goes away. Abundance also means good health , maybe not PERFECT health, but the ability to overcome health obstacles. It means good friends, happiness, contentment, opportunities, learning and new knowledge,new places, new experiences. That is abundance.

Remember, everything has an energy attached to it. When you attach wastefulness to money for example, you will attract energy that makes you continue to waste money, then you will never have "enough plus some". Be very mindful of everything that you do, and what you are telling the Universe when you do it!

Have an abundant year of the Rabbit, I know Taiji Bunny Girl will!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day, come on out!

What a miserable day. Windy, icy, snowy, cold. My Grandmother would call it "raw". I call it "a day to stay in doors". The wind chimes are a cacophony of clangs, not musical or pleasant. Hopefully all this unpleasant weather will keep Phil from seeing his shadow and we can move spring up a few weeks.

Like Phil, we need to sometimes take a weather check. We need to come up out of our hole and look around. People get very caught up in routine, or issues surrounding them, and then don't notice messages, opportunities, or chances for a break. They get tunnel vision. Everyone does it, it is a natural thing, but the way to move forwards in life and to be able to grasp what we need to , instead of allowing it to pass us by, is to get out there!

Some days there are icy sidewalks in life and we need to be careful, or daring and reach the goal first as we were not afraid of the icy sidewalks. It is all in your personal make up , goals, and life lessons for this Earthwalk.The only bad choice is keeping our head buried in the den.

It is easy , when the "weather isn't good", to stay in our little groundhog holes and hibernate. Hibernation never solved anything, unless you are a bear. We do need to take breaks from time to time, but burying ourselves in a "deep sleep" for months , never helps.

There are so many people getting "wake up calls" lately. Some are little nudges to grow, and move on (and I have had one of those nudges myself, and it has brought me more business success), others get lessons and serous messages to "wake up and smell the coffee".

If you are doing something because you always have, or staying away from something for a reason even you cannot remember. Jump into life. There are big changes happening. Old connections are dropping away, make sure you don't drop one out of inattention or carelessness. The Universe is doing enough rearranging without you having valuable people, places and situations also removed from your life by your own hand.

Don't get fixated on that which isn't working. After trying to make it better and failing many times, move on to something else. Make sure that you are not the "common denominator" in the problem. Spring is a time for RE newal....redoing, reevaluating, reacquainting. You don't just have to take on the new, but you can make the old new again.

Go where the Universe is pushing you. More and more situations will pop up where things HAVE TO change. Be ready for the change and go with the flow instead of fighting against it. Realize that the Universe really does what is best for you, even if you don't like it.

This is a year of growth and change, leading up to the big energetic changes of 2012. Be ready for them!! That means, come up out of your hole! Tomorrow is the Chinese New year. Time for a do over if you missed your new start on January first. Take advantage of it.

DO the right thing for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

From Imbolc to Groundhog Day

The good news is (yes I said good news),that there seems to be "bad weather" over most of the US, that means that the hag will not be out gathering wood today, and our winter will end shortly! Happy Imbolc~!

However, we have another, more well known prognosticator about to make his predictions for this winter. His name is Punxsutawney Phil. Phil lives a rather pampered life in Pennsylvania, and only has to work one day a year.He and his wife live at the town library with a select group to see to their every need. He can be cranky, and has been known to nip at his assistants when pulled from his warm den....wouldn't you!

Phil's legacy goes back to Europe, most notably Germany where badgers (called sacred bears), were used to predict the weather. (If you think Phil is cranky, can you imagine pulling a badger out of a den?).

Phil will look around and see if he sees his shadow. When he does, he returns to the hole and winter continues.Let's hope Phil doesn't see his shadow.

The Delaware Indians gave the area its' name when they settled there in 1723, having no idea what a circus it would be one day a year in the future. The Delaware did revere the groundhogs and consider them ancestral animals. The name they bestowed on the town however, is not so glamorous it means "town of the sand flies". The history of Phil and company goes back to 1841, yet Phil was just the New World prognosticator.

This Pennsylvania Dutch (German) tradition has its roots in Imbolc (hag with firewood, and groundhog with shadow) and Candlemas. Candlemas was a celebration of the day Jesus was presented to the temple. Depending on the tradition of specific churches, this is a major or minor feast day. This was the day of the redemption of the first born, the day Joseph took the baby Jesus to the temple. Remember, Jesus was a Jewish child and went to the temple, there were no churches yet.

Candlemas in the Middle Ages became a time of spring celebration and having the priests bless the candles so they would last long enough to make it through the remainder of the "darkness". The sun was starting to grace the skies more and more, but the candle supply was running low.

So whether you celebrate Imbolc, or Candlemas. whether you depend on Phil or his Canadian counterpart Wiarton Willie. Whether you celebrate Pagan holidays or just like to watch the fun of Phil on TV, today and tomorrow are the days.

Celebrate tradition, life, and the changing of the seasons. What is your rebirth going to be this year? This spring my life will take on a whole new aspect, I will be married with a new name, and hopefully with a PhD after it. Spring is a time for renewal and growth. Always strive to grow, that is part of why our ancestors had these celebrations.All of these ancient celebrations were about thanking the powers that be for life, and at this time of year, renewal. Celebrate the day, even if it just means going outside and looking for your shadow!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.