Since we are approaching the infamous 2012 date next year,let's put some fears to rest. First first and foremost the world is NOT going to end. There will be no cataclysm like in the movie with John Cusack.I have written about this before, and will say it again. The "disaster of 2012" does NOT exist.
Here are some FACTS about 2012:
Disaster is not eminent, although there are some predicted changes like polar shifts. Now that sounds huge, but scientists estimate it has happened at least a hundred times before.That means your summer may be your winter, and your winter is your summer.
The whole hoopla about this date came from one obscure temple. The significance of it was put upon it by anthropologists (mostly and sadly, Americans), not the Mayans. The Mayans don't consider it a major date at all, just another one in their SEVERAL calendars. Many say, the calendar ends...really? So does the one I have on my wall...will the world end Dec 31, 2011? Of course not, there are several Mayan calendars and yes, they continue.The people who know how to truly read these are rare indeed, and they are Mayans.
There are still Mayans living on this earth, their civilization is not what it was, but the population has not been entirely wiped out.
People quote "Mayan scripture" with doom and gloom , the "scripture" happens to be in Spanish. The Mayans didn't speak Spanish, they spoke Mayan. All that fear crap in Spanish that is claimed to be from Mayan temples is totally false.
The change coming is about higher consciousness, living not for oneself first, but for the world. It is about opening up to instinct, and guidance of the Highest Power. It is about faith , peace and cooperation, not fear.
There is no instruction that you need to go through this, nor class, nor attunement. The anthropologist, Albert Villoldo, who started much of this fear in order to promote his made up class, the Munay Ki, which he claims are ancient Mayan rites. (Munay Ki...clearly stolen from Reiki). He was thrown out by the Mayan elders. The Native Americans of this country protested against him, as first he mutilated Native ritual, second he did things like put Aztec gods in the Mayan "rites", and he made money off of "spiritual teachings" (something that is never done in traditional Native spiritual teaching).His rites and practices also clearly go back to Buddhist and Taoist beliefs. He made a mixed bag and sold it. He is listed as a fraud on the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shaman list. He is the man you can thank for all the 2012 fear. He studies and practices Neo-Shamanism, not Native American spirituality. Some confuse Neo Shamanism with Native American traditional beliefs, they are NOT the same. (Here is just one of the threads on his inconsistences : ).
All of this hoopla also came out of Q'ero which is the NEW AGE, NOT traditional capital of South America. There is nothing wrong with new age spirituality or Neo Shamanism, but when you call it ancient tradition, THAT is a problem.They are all mutually exclusive.
The new age will most likely signal the end of new inventions, it is believed that everything we were here to bring into this dimension will be here at this time. You have probably noticed that new ideas, and products come almost every month now, when there used to be years in between them.You won't have to learn how to use your new cell phone twenty times.
There will be things that we have experienced before like larger solar flares, the last time this happened to this degree,we didn't have satellite TV or cell phones, so we will notice it more in the way of static and disruption of signals.
The bulk of important things that will happen are energetic. A higher consciousness for those who are open to it and who are ready for it. Those who put themselves before others and live a life that is full of hate, greed, and ego, will not benefit from the higher consciousness, but falter and learn life lessons over and over.
When you do the right things for the right reasons, you will thrive. Your body and mind are already a part of Creator/God/the Universe and will know what to do. You will learn, grow and be more aware. We will see more solutions to problems , and learn how to make this planet better and better. You do NOT have to fear, get an attunement, or take a class, and you certainly do not have to pay to be "saved".
Do not allow anyone to put fear into you about 2012, the only ones who need to fear are those who do wrong. They won't be punished, but they sure won't be rewarded either!
When you want to learn abut the Mayans, go directly to the Mayans and learn, not Americans, and certainly to anyone who charges to teach Native spiritual processes.
Stop the 2012 fear, if you see it, nip it in the bud. To guarantee a good transition for yourself, simply...DO THE RIGHT THING FOR THE RIGHT REASONS!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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