Tomorrow is the second NEW MOON of the month! Take advantage of it. Anything that needs to be started, renewed, or given some freshness can be benefited by the new moon. When there are things where light needs to be spread on the situation....use the power of the new moon to shed some light.
Now on the downside, Aug 2 to Aug 26 is Mercury Retrograde. ARTICULATE is the word to remember. Make sure that you are clearly understood, that goes for any retrograde, but ESPECIALLY for this one. This is a Virgo retrograde , so it is all about details, details, details....
This is also the last full month of summer. Finish up any summer rituals and think about what you want to harvest this year for the equinox next month. Whatever you want to finish, get ready to finish it. Many times people do not prep for an ending, and end up with a mess to clean up afterwards. Get your homework done for any endings you want to harvest next month.
This weekend take a break and see what new and interesting thing you can learn, it will go well with the new moon on Saturday. Your curiosity may take you off on a journey onto a new path of life.
Learn, research, teach and grow.
Do the right things FOR THE RIGHT REASONS!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Still trying to find ancestors, a long but entertaining trip
I spent all afternoon yesterday looking for the dead, and looking at their lives.
My search is frustrating at times (just try to find a person's maiden name from things like census and Social Security ...which don't go back very far, HA!). It is compounded by the fact that in the not so distant past, my family spoke French, or a crazy mixture of words from several different languages that only the locals understood. When they gave their names to census takers, the names were usually only a close replica of what they should be. I found a grandfather who was listed as O., Oliva, Oliver, and finally the real first name...Olivier.
I found that about 5 people had incorrectly copied other people's trees, but the hard part was made easier by the interesting part. Other relatives living in the household, their jobs (one was only 14 and a servant girl), the young ages they were when some died, the close proximity of families even in cities. The number of children was greater, and when looking at the census column there were many countries listed other than the US, it was a time of immigration on a large scale.
I saw a name of a daughter that was a different surname , which led me to the fact that this was a second marriage (which will make tracing lineage all that much harder). I also found that a great majority of my ancestors in New England worked in cotton mills. Maybe that is where my quilting love came from.
The tedious and frustrating journey is frequently turned to fun and interest when things are discovered that really show the family's life, not just their names. They were hard working and most likely tough folks to endure through bad food, bad air, long work days, hot summers, and cold winters without AC, central heating and insulation.
Most people today wouldn't be able to survive it, I am sure.
What were your ancestor's like????
Peshaui Wequashimese
(c)2011 Dr. R M Wolf, May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
My search is frustrating at times (just try to find a person's maiden name from things like census and Social Security ...which don't go back very far, HA!). It is compounded by the fact that in the not so distant past, my family spoke French, or a crazy mixture of words from several different languages that only the locals understood. When they gave their names to census takers, the names were usually only a close replica of what they should be. I found a grandfather who was listed as O., Oliva, Oliver, and finally the real first name...Olivier.
I found that about 5 people had incorrectly copied other people's trees, but the hard part was made easier by the interesting part. Other relatives living in the household, their jobs (one was only 14 and a servant girl), the young ages they were when some died, the close proximity of families even in cities. The number of children was greater, and when looking at the census column there were many countries listed other than the US, it was a time of immigration on a large scale.
I saw a name of a daughter that was a different surname , which led me to the fact that this was a second marriage (which will make tracing lineage all that much harder). I also found that a great majority of my ancestors in New England worked in cotton mills. Maybe that is where my quilting love came from.
The tedious and frustrating journey is frequently turned to fun and interest when things are discovered that really show the family's life, not just their names. They were hard working and most likely tough folks to endure through bad food, bad air, long work days, hot summers, and cold winters without AC, central heating and insulation.
Most people today wouldn't be able to survive it, I am sure.
What were your ancestor's like????
Peshaui Wequashimese
(c)2011 Dr. R M Wolf, May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Drumming and healing
“There's a moon in my body, but I can't see it!
A moon and a sun.
A drum never touched by hands, beating, and I can't hear it!” Kabir
This quote is actually about one's heart/heartbeat and soul...and some will tell you that a drum was considered to be a heartbeat of the earth. That is more a fairy tale passed down, than a real belief, but it has a nice ring to it. (or it has a nice beat and you can dance to it).
What is one of the first things we do as children? Beat our hands in the air, and then on something, anything. When we find pots and pans that make even louder noise, watch out world!
It is a natural thing to do . Drums were used to excite, not to calm with Mom's heartbeat. They were used first to send messages (usually warnings that camp was being invaded), and then to send messages along battle lines at war. Different beats sent different messages, as it was hard to shout instructions to thousands of men at the same time. The drum then became an encourager to get the men moving , and sometimes to scare the enemy (til the bagpipes came along,then they were the best at scaring the enemy).
The drum also inspired people to move in dance. Quicker drumming brings more exciting dancing and inspires the dancers to move when they may be too tired to do so. I was a dancer and taught for many years. Dancing to just one instrument can only be done in two instances for me, the piano , and the drum. It is really hard to take a piano everywhere, so the drum became a dancer's best inspiration. It provides the beat and backbone.
I mistakenly thought that drums were frequently used in healing, but after reading up on about 20 of the world's leading shaman and Native American healers, I found that none of them use a drum, ever. It is interesting the things that we believe that are totally false, but the drum is only used "officially" in "reiki healing" as the healing channel. So called "shamanic drumming" is a new invention, not a tradition of Shaman. The man who developed reiki drumming was a musical drummer, and took his talents to the next level. This doesn't mean that drumming, or being around a healing drum won't heal or make you feel better. It simply means that the traditions of the Shaman were not to sit around and drum all day long to heal people, nor to journey to find the answers for the healing.
Some also believe that the Shaman and other healers used to drum to go into a trance. Not one of them do. They use, heat, starvation, drugs, exhaustion or self hypnosis to go to another place. They didn't sit on one spot and drum themselves into another place. Some of the concoctions they drink would most likely kill us, not to mention heat stroke and such, but true Shaman put their lives, spirits and souls on the line for those they are healing.
The drum however can make you feel uplifted, and that is a job it does well. That may be expressed in dance, song, or just tapping your feet, but it is hard to be unhappy around a good, steady, solid, strong, quick drum beat. It is impossible to be unhappy while dancing to an upbeat pace. Slower beats calm, faster beats uplift.
Native American drums contain a spirit that heals, enlightens, teaches, and uplifts. This is also true in other cultures. There are different songs for different things, and the song is what channels that drum energy to do something specific. The spirit of that drum is to be highly respected and honored. When we drum around our big drum, some magic doesn't really matter how it happens, but it does. The drum was made in the right way, with the right intent, and the right materials, prayers, and blessings, and that makes such a wonderful difference. You can pick up a pot and a wooden spoon though and still get a wonderful feeling, although the tone may get to you and your neighbors after a short while.
Drumming can be just plain fun, or powerful and life changing. I have seen the drum do some awesome things to people.
I learned something new about drums and healing by researching....see what you can learn today. When you stop learning, you stop growing, and you die a death of the spirit!
Learn, teach, grow!
Research, in the right manner, and really LEARN!
The beginner scorns criticism.
The wise soul carefully weighs it.
And the Master says, "But, of course!"
Mike Dooley
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tracing roots
I was asked (by email) what is the best way to trace family roots. How is for tracing family ancestry?
The best way is the old fashioned way. Time, research (that is checked and double checked), and official records.Some libraries do not publish this information to the internet, you need to actually go there to do the research.
Family memories get fuzzy, and has a host of issues. I use Ancestry to a point, but I have seen so many mistakes on people's pages. My Grandfather was Jesse James Oliveria. Someone had him as Oliver James, and another as some weird concoction that was similar if you knew the right name. The problem with is twofold. The first issue is that much info is provided by other members. The problem with that is that many don't know their Grandfather's own name as evidenced above. There is also a problem when you have similar names. Some names like Smith and Jones are notoriously difficult to trace. Relying on someone else's so called research can lead you down the wrong path. I know that there must have been hundreds of Mary Mc Carthy's in the 1800's. There were at least 2 in my family, and there was another one living on the same street!
The other issue is that many focus on trying to find links to famous people. You can make a connection if you try hard enough and fool yourself into being someone "special". If a person did that,and then you copy his or her tree, you are down a whole crazy path that has nothing to do with your ancestry. I have never met a person on the site who simply is Native American, they are all relations of chiefs. I would conclude from their research that the chiefs were the only ones having sexual intercourse in the tribe....but all sarcasm aside, it is hard to trace exact lineage back where there are no written records. The written NA records that are provided by the BIA and other governmental sources have their own issues. Many didn't participate (it was easy to "hide" out if one wanted to), many records indicated that the people were "Black", not "Indian", and matralineal societies confused the heck out of the census takers and record keepers. There were mistakes, not only on these records, but records in general. Only certain tribes (mostly in the Plains and Desert Southwest) were in certain official records, as in other places, many Native Americans were already assimilated into the European society. My ancestors lived in villages on the east coast before there ever was a Lakota reservation. The Lakota are well recorded, the eastern woodlands people, are not.
The good part about is that you can research thousands of records, but you can do that ANYWAY without the site, just by using your head and a search engine. You may not know what records to search, so ancestry will help guide you, but if you do have an idea how to do the research, do it yourself for free.
I am at a place where I would have to travel to the east coast to certain libraries, and a museum research center, to get more info and do research. I am seriously thinking of hiring a genealogist. It would be quicker, and maybe more accurate. At least I can hand them a starting point!
Meanwhile, some families are very easy to trace, they lived in larger towns where records were well kept, or they had a position in society that made them noteworthy in the news of the time. I was told my family was traced back to U. S. Grant, but I haven't even touched that branch of the tree yet, I don't know if it is family lore at this point or fact.
The sad part is that before I was born, my grandmother had a genealogist trace the family tree, where that paperwork is, I will never know. The other sad part is my half sister is roaming around the country somewhere with all the paperwork on our NA ancestry. It is all there, all finished, but no one can find her (IF she still has it).
So I have a huge project on my hands.
Someday , if you are bored, start researching, just make sure that you do it right, one little goof can take you off into a whole other direction that really has nothing to do with your family. Genealogical research is hard, it isn't a picnic, but if you like playing detective, you will enjoy it, especially when you find and authenticate a connection.
There are also classes in genealogical research, but I think most people can figure it out for themselves, it isn't difficult. It is just time consuming and sometimes tedious.
Research , learn and grow!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The best way is the old fashioned way. Time, research (that is checked and double checked), and official records.Some libraries do not publish this information to the internet, you need to actually go there to do the research.
Family memories get fuzzy, and has a host of issues. I use Ancestry to a point, but I have seen so many mistakes on people's pages. My Grandfather was Jesse James Oliveria. Someone had him as Oliver James, and another as some weird concoction that was similar if you knew the right name. The problem with is twofold. The first issue is that much info is provided by other members. The problem with that is that many don't know their Grandfather's own name as evidenced above. There is also a problem when you have similar names. Some names like Smith and Jones are notoriously difficult to trace. Relying on someone else's so called research can lead you down the wrong path. I know that there must have been hundreds of Mary Mc Carthy's in the 1800's. There were at least 2 in my family, and there was another one living on the same street!
The other issue is that many focus on trying to find links to famous people. You can make a connection if you try hard enough and fool yourself into being someone "special". If a person did that,and then you copy his or her tree, you are down a whole crazy path that has nothing to do with your ancestry. I have never met a person on the site who simply is Native American, they are all relations of chiefs. I would conclude from their research that the chiefs were the only ones having sexual intercourse in the tribe....but all sarcasm aside, it is hard to trace exact lineage back where there are no written records. The written NA records that are provided by the BIA and other governmental sources have their own issues. Many didn't participate (it was easy to "hide" out if one wanted to), many records indicated that the people were "Black", not "Indian", and matralineal societies confused the heck out of the census takers and record keepers. There were mistakes, not only on these records, but records in general. Only certain tribes (mostly in the Plains and Desert Southwest) were in certain official records, as in other places, many Native Americans were already assimilated into the European society. My ancestors lived in villages on the east coast before there ever was a Lakota reservation. The Lakota are well recorded, the eastern woodlands people, are not.
The good part about is that you can research thousands of records, but you can do that ANYWAY without the site, just by using your head and a search engine. You may not know what records to search, so ancestry will help guide you, but if you do have an idea how to do the research, do it yourself for free.
I am at a place where I would have to travel to the east coast to certain libraries, and a museum research center, to get more info and do research. I am seriously thinking of hiring a genealogist. It would be quicker, and maybe more accurate. At least I can hand them a starting point!
Meanwhile, some families are very easy to trace, they lived in larger towns where records were well kept, or they had a position in society that made them noteworthy in the news of the time. I was told my family was traced back to U. S. Grant, but I haven't even touched that branch of the tree yet, I don't know if it is family lore at this point or fact.
The sad part is that before I was born, my grandmother had a genealogist trace the family tree, where that paperwork is, I will never know. The other sad part is my half sister is roaming around the country somewhere with all the paperwork on our NA ancestry. It is all there, all finished, but no one can find her (IF she still has it).
So I have a huge project on my hands.
Someday , if you are bored, start researching, just make sure that you do it right, one little goof can take you off into a whole other direction that really has nothing to do with your family. Genealogical research is hard, it isn't a picnic, but if you like playing detective, you will enjoy it, especially when you find and authenticate a connection.
There are also classes in genealogical research, but I think most people can figure it out for themselves, it isn't difficult. It is just time consuming and sometimes tedious.
Research , learn and grow!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Monday, July 25, 2011
NA Id cards
I was asked over the weekend about Native American ID cards. There are different types, and for different reasons (work, benefits, production of goods). Some people, even some Native Americans, believe that without a federal ID card, you aren't Native American. I think it is pretty obvious that that isn't true at all.
I am all about doing things the right way, respectfully, and correctly. But if I saw what looked like a lily white person , correctly loading a pipe, singing the songs, and correctly performing the whole ceremony, I wouldn't say..."Hey, let me see your card!" I have seen some folks do it incorrectly, and I know they don't have a card, so I wasn't too disappointed, just pissed off. But the CARD isn't the factor here, although some people make it out to be.
The first side of this is that you can obtain an ID card , and it is necessary for some things, such as certain rights given to Native Americans, and to take advantage of certain programs. It is not necessary to have it to walk around the US and live the way you want to. It is required to prove your ancestry to sell goods marked Native American made or to carry certain feathers.
There is a negative side to this. There are many complaints about being a "Carded Indian".
Native Americans are the only poeple required in this country to prove their bloodline.
Many Natives think this is unnecessary and discriminatory.
There are groups that are Native American to the core, but cannot possess such cards from the federal government as they were recognized tribes BEFORE the US Government existed. The tribes of my ancestors are examples. We were recognized by the Crown before there was a US, so we are state recognized. It doesn't make us any less "Indian".
Another issue is that the requirements (percentage of blood ancestry needed), are different in different tribes. It is easiest to be a Cherokee ( It is 6.25%), than any other tribe. You can be of another tribe, have a higher percentage of Native blood in your veins than a Cherokee, and not be able to get a federal ID card. This isn't putting down the Cherokee, but the system itself.
Most Native Americans living off reservations couldn't give a crap about an ID card. They look at it as an insult. Why do they have to prove they are Native? Why should anyone have to prove their background on a general basis? No one should. The Native Americans are the only ones in this country that sometimes have to prove their ancestry.
It has become a game of who is more Native than whom. There are some people that look down on others (which happened to 2 people I know this weekend) just because they don't have long black braids, and their eyes are blue.
So there are Natives who won't have a card, because not enough of their blood is Native for their particular tribe! It is very difficult to find a 100% Native blood person, unless you live next to (or on), a reservation. There are state recognized Natives who have more Native blood than some Federally recognized Natives. The whole thing is a mess.
So why bother with it......if you need a certain percentage of Native blood for making and selling goods, that is excellent, it keeps things on the up and up, but to have a card just to identify you as Native just for no real reason, is ridiculous and prejudicial. You can get a document from your tribe if you are on the tribal rolls. That makes more sense.
Then there is the one thing that is the REALLY important point here. What is it that you do and how do you do it? Do you honor and respect the NA way, or play at it? There are a couple of white people that I know who honor, respect, and live the NA way a thousand times better than some with NA blood. They are the ones who should have not cards, but gold embossed certificates hanging around their necks, and the disrespectful ones should have their cards shredded. It is what is in your HEART, not in your VEINS that counts when it comes to anything! Your religion, belief system, way of life, where you live.....Not what some government or people tells you that you are. Then there are many white people who are an insult to the NA way, playacting , or using their sacred rituals as fun or to make money (James Ray and sweat lodges). These are the people that make Native Americans distrust others who say they are Native but don't look it. They suffer for the actions of people who step over boundaries.
My tribal members look Afro American (and have AA blood),they have blonde hair, red hair, black hair; they have blue , hazel, brown and green eyes. They HONOR their way and actively participate (hundreds of them), in their traditions many times a year. We don't look "Indian" , but then many people who don't live in the desert southwest won't fit your description of "Indian". We watched too many westerns to get our incorrect information on Native Americans. This wonderful woman I know, was questioned by a person who had an ID, but LESS Native blood than my friend ( a few folks knew her and provided this information). She showed her tribal affiliation and information from the state proving she was a Native American and was told, "Oh sorry I didn't know there were such tribes." A Native American that doesn't know about Natives, challenging a Native American's bloodline just for the heck of it. My friend wasn't selling anything, or doing anything , but wearing her regalia.
Be what you are in your heart, but do it RIGHT. Don't PLAY at it, do not degrade or disgrace it, do not go beyond what you are allowed to do, and respect the feelings of the NA community, or any community you are taking part in. When you do that , you are OK. That goes for Native blood or not. And let's not play "I am more Indian than you". That is purely disgusting. It is NOT the Native way.
Be respectful of other people's belief system, but if their way is degrading yours, lessening yours, and insulting yours, correct them. Have the courage to speak up, Creator gave you a tongue, use it.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I am all about doing things the right way, respectfully, and correctly. But if I saw what looked like a lily white person , correctly loading a pipe, singing the songs, and correctly performing the whole ceremony, I wouldn't say..."Hey, let me see your card!" I have seen some folks do it incorrectly, and I know they don't have a card, so I wasn't too disappointed, just pissed off. But the CARD isn't the factor here, although some people make it out to be.
The first side of this is that you can obtain an ID card , and it is necessary for some things, such as certain rights given to Native Americans, and to take advantage of certain programs. It is not necessary to have it to walk around the US and live the way you want to. It is required to prove your ancestry to sell goods marked Native American made or to carry certain feathers.
There is a negative side to this. There are many complaints about being a "Carded Indian".
Native Americans are the only poeple required in this country to prove their bloodline.
Many Natives think this is unnecessary and discriminatory.
There are groups that are Native American to the core, but cannot possess such cards from the federal government as they were recognized tribes BEFORE the US Government existed. The tribes of my ancestors are examples. We were recognized by the Crown before there was a US, so we are state recognized. It doesn't make us any less "Indian".
Another issue is that the requirements (percentage of blood ancestry needed), are different in different tribes. It is easiest to be a Cherokee ( It is 6.25%), than any other tribe. You can be of another tribe, have a higher percentage of Native blood in your veins than a Cherokee, and not be able to get a federal ID card. This isn't putting down the Cherokee, but the system itself.
Most Native Americans living off reservations couldn't give a crap about an ID card. They look at it as an insult. Why do they have to prove they are Native? Why should anyone have to prove their background on a general basis? No one should. The Native Americans are the only ones in this country that sometimes have to prove their ancestry.
It has become a game of who is more Native than whom. There are some people that look down on others (which happened to 2 people I know this weekend) just because they don't have long black braids, and their eyes are blue.
So there are Natives who won't have a card, because not enough of their blood is Native for their particular tribe! It is very difficult to find a 100% Native blood person, unless you live next to (or on), a reservation. There are state recognized Natives who have more Native blood than some Federally recognized Natives. The whole thing is a mess.
So why bother with it......if you need a certain percentage of Native blood for making and selling goods, that is excellent, it keeps things on the up and up, but to have a card just to identify you as Native just for no real reason, is ridiculous and prejudicial. You can get a document from your tribe if you are on the tribal rolls. That makes more sense.
Then there is the one thing that is the REALLY important point here. What is it that you do and how do you do it? Do you honor and respect the NA way, or play at it? There are a couple of white people that I know who honor, respect, and live the NA way a thousand times better than some with NA blood. They are the ones who should have not cards, but gold embossed certificates hanging around their necks, and the disrespectful ones should have their cards shredded. It is what is in your HEART, not in your VEINS that counts when it comes to anything! Your religion, belief system, way of life, where you live.....Not what some government or people tells you that you are. Then there are many white people who are an insult to the NA way, playacting , or using their sacred rituals as fun or to make money (James Ray and sweat lodges). These are the people that make Native Americans distrust others who say they are Native but don't look it. They suffer for the actions of people who step over boundaries.
My tribal members look Afro American (and have AA blood),they have blonde hair, red hair, black hair; they have blue , hazel, brown and green eyes. They HONOR their way and actively participate (hundreds of them), in their traditions many times a year. We don't look "Indian" , but then many people who don't live in the desert southwest won't fit your description of "Indian". We watched too many westerns to get our incorrect information on Native Americans. This wonderful woman I know, was questioned by a person who had an ID, but LESS Native blood than my friend ( a few folks knew her and provided this information). She showed her tribal affiliation and information from the state proving she was a Native American and was told, "Oh sorry I didn't know there were such tribes." A Native American that doesn't know about Natives, challenging a Native American's bloodline just for the heck of it. My friend wasn't selling anything, or doing anything , but wearing her regalia.
Asking a person for their card is rude, crass and ridiculous, the only people who have a right to ask are the US government, it is THEIR card, not Native America's.
Be what you are in your heart, but do it RIGHT. Don't PLAY at it, do not degrade or disgrace it, do not go beyond what you are allowed to do, and respect the feelings of the NA community, or any community you are taking part in. When you do that , you are OK. That goes for Native blood or not. And let's not play "I am more Indian than you". That is purely disgusting. It is NOT the Native way.
No matter who or what you are, you do not have to prove yourself to anyone, but you best be doing things the right way, and respectfully, no matter what the group is, Native, Jewish, Buddhist, German, Swedish.......
....and one more thought from a friend who was involved in all of this.....Beware of people with braids, they aren't all Indians.....(In other words, don't judge a book by its' cover).
Be respectful of other people's belief system, but if their way is degrading yours, lessening yours, and insulting yours, correct them. Have the courage to speak up, Creator gave you a tongue, use it.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sometimes it is all the same.
I have been studying the Hopi. I know some Hopi people, and have lived near them. I have some wonderful memories of time spent in NM around Hopi, Navajo, Zuni, Apache and Pueblo Nations. Their ways, history, and stories are wonderful and fascinating.
Last year on a trip to Sedona we saw a rock that was a Hopi calendar of sorts. It marked all kinds of important events in the history of the area. Some were of natural occurrences, some of visitors, and even a place to mark the sun for the solstices. It is beautiful and amazing. These people knew of poles, the shape of the continent, seasonal changes, and more, before Europeans stepped foot on this land.
I have been studying their Creation Story and their history, and found something that right away surprised me. The Hopis believe that there is an axis to the planet an one to man. Man's is his spine. They believed that along the spine were several vibratory centers that vibrated with the primordial sound of life that resonates through the Universe. There is an opening at the top of our heads that connects to and obtains messages from, the Creator. They believe that people forget to allow that opening to guide them and become to involved with personal, egotistical and worldly things instead of listening to Creator. (I have to say I agree with them).
People of different belief systems should be able to relate. Even if you are not very spiritual, think of the Force, how Jedi's know from the energy of the Universe if there is trouble somewhere. People who study Yoga, or Eastern belief systems, will recognize the chakras. Reiki masters will relate to the opening at the top of the head. Energy healers of many types will resonate with the vibratory aspect of the Hopi belief.
So many people, so long ago, knew things that many today still do not know , accept or understand. Many are learning these things and passing them on, which is a good thing. Many are keeping them sacred which is an important aspect of it. Too many are playing at it, adding new age things to it that confuse the energy and results of the ritual, which is sad.
The Hopi walked this land from sea to sea, deep into the north where they were blocked by ice, and deep into the south where they found other continents. It is believed that the Mayans were some Hopi members who stayed in south instead of completing their migration, as Creator Taiowa, demanded.
The Hopi remain a very traditional, loving, and talented people who are so intelligent about the world and the Universe.
The Hopi creation stories are also full of magic shields that people could fly around on. UFO's? I am not sure where this is from, but since the Hopi were so intelligent and have so much real , scientific knowledge from hundreds of years ago (and hundreds of years before the Europenas), one has to wonder where the flying shields came from. I have certainly seen things I cannot explain, so the fact that these shields are mentioned several times in Hopi history, one has to wonder where the concept came from! Something to really think about.
Have a wonderful weekend, and read up on the Hopi if you have some spare time!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Last year on a trip to Sedona we saw a rock that was a Hopi calendar of sorts. It marked all kinds of important events in the history of the area. Some were of natural occurrences, some of visitors, and even a place to mark the sun for the solstices. It is beautiful and amazing. These people knew of poles, the shape of the continent, seasonal changes, and more, before Europeans stepped foot on this land.
I have been studying their Creation Story and their history, and found something that right away surprised me. The Hopis believe that there is an axis to the planet an one to man. Man's is his spine. They believed that along the spine were several vibratory centers that vibrated with the primordial sound of life that resonates through the Universe. There is an opening at the top of our heads that connects to and obtains messages from, the Creator. They believe that people forget to allow that opening to guide them and become to involved with personal, egotistical and worldly things instead of listening to Creator. (I have to say I agree with them).
People of different belief systems should be able to relate. Even if you are not very spiritual, think of the Force, how Jedi's know from the energy of the Universe if there is trouble somewhere. People who study Yoga, or Eastern belief systems, will recognize the chakras. Reiki masters will relate to the opening at the top of the head. Energy healers of many types will resonate with the vibratory aspect of the Hopi belief.
So many people, so long ago, knew things that many today still do not know , accept or understand. Many are learning these things and passing them on, which is a good thing. Many are keeping them sacred which is an important aspect of it. Too many are playing at it, adding new age things to it that confuse the energy and results of the ritual, which is sad.
The Hopi walked this land from sea to sea, deep into the north where they were blocked by ice, and deep into the south where they found other continents. It is believed that the Mayans were some Hopi members who stayed in south instead of completing their migration, as Creator Taiowa, demanded.
The Hopi remain a very traditional, loving, and talented people who are so intelligent about the world and the Universe.
The Hopi creation stories are also full of magic shields that people could fly around on. UFO's? I am not sure where this is from, but since the Hopi were so intelligent and have so much real , scientific knowledge from hundreds of years ago (and hundreds of years before the Europenas), one has to wonder where the flying shields came from. I have certainly seen things I cannot explain, so the fact that these shields are mentioned several times in Hopi history, one has to wonder where the concept came from! Something to really think about.
Have a wonderful weekend, and read up on the Hopi if you have some spare time!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Ghost Walks
Just about once a month from March until November my husband and I lead ghost walks. I have been leading ghost walks for about 5 years now. It usually is a ton of fun, it has been scary once or twice, and it has been fascinating every time, even when we don't find things. Besides Spirits we have found deer, owls and people looking for a quiet place to do who knows what.....
Our trip to Waverly was awesome, and I would do it again,and most likely will. It gave me the opportunity to play ball with an unseen child, rolling a ball around the floor of the children's wing. There were many experiences there from noises, to black shadow people, to goosebumps. It would be a great place to take people to, but not many want to stay up all night long. It does get a little difficult around 4 AM if things are quieting down.
Someone emailed about our ghost walk tomorrow and asked if they would see or hear something....the answer is "I have no idea". Sometimes things are very busy at the cemetery. From children singing nursery rhymes , noises that are loud and sharp that are right next to you, and black shadow people flitting about, to shooting lights, and voices saying things like "I am so cold",to chanting the name of an interred person over and over.
We have found that there are things that contribute to a good ghost walk. The moon and weather make a difference, the group size (smaller is better), and type of group (it needs to be QUIET). When there are people who are truly open, they get attention, when they disbelieve , usually
the spirits don't waste their time.
I wish we had more equipment, and maybe someday we will. But as it is, it is always interesting.
Spirits however come and go as they please. They don't come out just becasue I show up. I have seen black shadow people twice in the daytime (in basically the same spot) at an area cemetery where we are walking tomorrow night (weather permitting, it may rain).
Ghost walks aren't for the timid. We did one once where I could barely move because I had a person attached to me. They are a good first step if you want to see if you are cut out for ghost hunting though. People who are scared tend to want to bolt. Running through grave markers in the dark is a very bad idea and a good way to get hurt.
We act very respectfully and say prayers going in and out of the cemetery. We do not do a bunch of protection, as we don't want to ward off what we are there to see and feel. We do sometimes end up in there for hours, and sometimes it is a quick walk if it is quiet.
Join us if you like, but please contact me first we do try to keep our group small, so we don't frighten the ghosts away......
Peshaui Wequashimese
NOTE: If you are going alone or in a small group to cemeteries be very careful, they seem to have become a place to do , sell, and manufacture drugs. You don't want to stumble upon a meth lab in the dark
(C)Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Our trip to Waverly was awesome, and I would do it again,and most likely will. It gave me the opportunity to play ball with an unseen child, rolling a ball around the floor of the children's wing. There were many experiences there from noises, to black shadow people, to goosebumps. It would be a great place to take people to, but not many want to stay up all night long. It does get a little difficult around 4 AM if things are quieting down.
Someone emailed about our ghost walk tomorrow and asked if they would see or hear something....the answer is "I have no idea". Sometimes things are very busy at the cemetery. From children singing nursery rhymes , noises that are loud and sharp that are right next to you, and black shadow people flitting about, to shooting lights, and voices saying things like "I am so cold",to chanting the name of an interred person over and over.
We have found that there are things that contribute to a good ghost walk. The moon and weather make a difference, the group size (smaller is better), and type of group (it needs to be QUIET). When there are people who are truly open, they get attention, when they disbelieve , usually
the spirits don't waste their time.
I wish we had more equipment, and maybe someday we will. But as it is, it is always interesting.
Spirits however come and go as they please. They don't come out just becasue I show up. I have seen black shadow people twice in the daytime (in basically the same spot) at an area cemetery where we are walking tomorrow night (weather permitting, it may rain).
Ghost walks aren't for the timid. We did one once where I could barely move because I had a person attached to me. They are a good first step if you want to see if you are cut out for ghost hunting though. People who are scared tend to want to bolt. Running through grave markers in the dark is a very bad idea and a good way to get hurt.
We act very respectfully and say prayers going in and out of the cemetery. We do not do a bunch of protection, as we don't want to ward off what we are there to see and feel. We do sometimes end up in there for hours, and sometimes it is a quick walk if it is quiet.
Join us if you like, but please contact me first we do try to keep our group small, so we don't frighten the ghosts away......
Peshaui Wequashimese
NOTE: If you are going alone or in a small group to cemeteries be very careful, they seem to have become a place to do , sell, and manufacture drugs. You don't want to stumble upon a meth lab in the dark
(C)Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Making wise decisions is easy.
Finding the wise answer is easy, carrying it out is where people get crossed up. When there is an easy road and a hard road, the hard one is usually best. The Universe didn't put you here to have a blast. This isn't a party. The Universe also did not put you here to suffer, but WILL certainly make you learn from your mistakes.
I was emailed a question as to how to make wise decisions. This person had just quit their job to be closer to a lover. Then out of the blue (as in the Universe sending a strong message), they lost their apartment for reasons that had nothing to do with them, but with the landlord. Now jobless, and ready to be homeless...this person reached out to their so called lover, only to be told, "Sorry to hear that", and the call ended.
First of all, unless you already have a new job lined up, you NEVER QUIT YOUR JOB! That is pretty basic. It is right up there with don't play in traffic at rush hour.
Rule number two is that if you have to change your lifestyle, and make a major move for another person who has not earned your trust and is also making moves, you are setting yourself up for failure.
Rule number three is ALWAYS have a back up plan.
...and one more thing, I highly caution people against finding people in other countries for partners. There is logistically so much in the way. I have had people leave their homes to be then shut out by the lover and be in a strange place with nothing. I have had people bring others to this country just to find out they were used for citizenship. There is also an alarming number of people getting married, then taking their children that they do not have custody of, to another country where the custodial parent cannot reach them or get them back. Having a person come to this country and find a job is very difficult, so unless you plan to support them for the next few years, don't do it. The logistics of these romances gives them a HUGE failure rate. Steer clear!
Getting back to the original querant, this person is weeks from being homeless, and IS jobless, and now doesn't have a partner. The truth is the "partner" never really existed in the first place. They had been "talking" for over a year and the last talk was about maybe forming the friendship into a relationship. This is a person who didn't call but maybe once a week, and never visited. This is NOT the type of person that you quit your job for!
Making wise decisions is important. Too often today , people are looking for fast and easy answers to everything and wanting to blame the disastrous results on someone, anyone else. It isn't just in the "love" area, it is almost equal between love and money.
One makes the excuse that today's economy has them in dire straits. They can't get business (but when I tell them how to, they obtain a new client in one day). It is so easy to sit on one's butt and complain about the economy when the problem has been years of laziness, overspending, and a disregard for money issues. This one particular person does owe, and yes, this is a real number, over half a million to the IRS. Obama hasn't been around for more than a couple of years, so how he got this person to owe half a million in taxes is beyond me. He blames Obama, but it is obvious he was in trouble long before Obama showed up on the scene. He isn't the only one. It takes YEARS to dig that hole, and YEARS to climb out.
When you are having money issues, the answer is to get a job, not just a high paying job if they aren't out there , but a JOB. While you are doing that, don't spend like you always did, which was most likely above your means.Then , if things are still bad, get ANOTHER JOB, you don't have the money to be out spending and having a good old time anyways. Don't say jobs don't exist, they do, and most of my clients get one within three months.
As far as the economy excuse.BULLCRAP. I did better last year than the year before, and this year is on track to be better than last year. We still go on two vacations a year, the bills are paid, and we always can do/obtain what we need, and usually what we want to. We work hard, and we play hard. We pay our taxes too (even though I want to cry every quarter when I write out my check). We aren't LUCKY, we are hard working, responsible, reasonable people who make sure that things are done in a practical way. We still are able to have and do things that we want....we aren't sitting unhappily in the dark wishing we could afford a movie ticket. We have both been there, and both because of other people's actions, and we are NOT going back there. I work 7 days a week, my husband works a full time and a part time/part year job. We know we want to be able to do certain things, so we make sure we earn the money to do them. We still have a lot of quality time together and with friends. We host parties and we attend them. We never skip paying a bill to host a party though, although many people do just that.
When there are people around you who are a danger to your health, whether it is financial , medical, or mental/emotional. LEAVE!
Make decisions based on what will happen in the long run, not on what shiny thing you want right now. This country got into a bad spiral of overspending. People were given mortgages who had no business having them; car loans that had no business having them....and it was so rampant it took us to our knees. Now the banks and loan companies are going back to the stricter guidelines that existed years ago. It isn't that it is harder to get a loan, it is just that we are back to normal, and all the people who ruined their credit will find it next to impossible to get a mortgage or loan, not because of Obama, or even the banks, but because of themselves. People were living WAY above their means, and now it is time to pay the piper. The people who had been living over their means, declaring bankruptcy, defaulting on loans and not paying millions in taxes, are the people we should all be angry at (and the institutions that allowed it).
So how do you make your decisions? Are they made with an eye to the future or just until tomorrow? Do you make decisions based on the moves of another person who is a dedicated partner or one who really doesn't even give you the time of day? Do you live within your means or above it?
Sit down and make careful plans, talk to a friend who is successful. Talk to the person who is doing well financially when you want to know if you are making a wise financial move. Talk to the person with a wonderful relationship when you are making relationship decisions. When you ask your friend if you should quit your job and they say "WHAT!?!?!?" , then you know the answer is NO! Many won't ask because they don't want to hear the answer. Others will have trouble finding friends that are stable or finding friends at all. There are ALWAYS options, you may not like them, but they are always there.
Use common sense (which is very uncommon these days unfortunately).
Those who know how, use muscle testing, those who don't, learn how to do it.
When I am asked to help people who are screaming about the state of the world today , I look at their past actions and current actions. Ninety nine percent of the time, the answer to the problem is THEMSELVES.
Be knowledgeable, strong, smart, and independent. Then you never have to worry about being knocked down by the Universe to a point where you cannot see a way out, and for goodness sake, stop complaining about things that happened to you EONS ago, your situation today is where you put yourself today. There are reasons (valid), and excuses (not valid). Don't make excuses for the actions of your parents, or even further back than that, to excuse your mess today. Don't blame the government (when I was a kid the thing to do was blame society), your boss, the bank, the car re-possessor. Unless you are not of age, you have no reasons, and just a head full of excuses that get you nowhere.
Be your own best supporter, not your own worst enemy !
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I was emailed a question as to how to make wise decisions. This person had just quit their job to be closer to a lover. Then out of the blue (as in the Universe sending a strong message), they lost their apartment for reasons that had nothing to do with them, but with the landlord. Now jobless, and ready to be homeless...this person reached out to their so called lover, only to be told, "Sorry to hear that", and the call ended.
First of all, unless you already have a new job lined up, you NEVER QUIT YOUR JOB! That is pretty basic. It is right up there with don't play in traffic at rush hour.
Rule number two is that if you have to change your lifestyle, and make a major move for another person who has not earned your trust and is also making moves, you are setting yourself up for failure.
Rule number three is ALWAYS have a back up plan.
...and one more thing, I highly caution people against finding people in other countries for partners. There is logistically so much in the way. I have had people leave their homes to be then shut out by the lover and be in a strange place with nothing. I have had people bring others to this country just to find out they were used for citizenship. There is also an alarming number of people getting married, then taking their children that they do not have custody of, to another country where the custodial parent cannot reach them or get them back. Having a person come to this country and find a job is very difficult, so unless you plan to support them for the next few years, don't do it. The logistics of these romances gives them a HUGE failure rate. Steer clear!
Getting back to the original querant, this person is weeks from being homeless, and IS jobless, and now doesn't have a partner. The truth is the "partner" never really existed in the first place. They had been "talking" for over a year and the last talk was about maybe forming the friendship into a relationship. This is a person who didn't call but maybe once a week, and never visited. This is NOT the type of person that you quit your job for!
Making wise decisions is important. Too often today , people are looking for fast and easy answers to everything and wanting to blame the disastrous results on someone, anyone else. It isn't just in the "love" area, it is almost equal between love and money.
One makes the excuse that today's economy has them in dire straits. They can't get business (but when I tell them how to, they obtain a new client in one day). It is so easy to sit on one's butt and complain about the economy when the problem has been years of laziness, overspending, and a disregard for money issues. This one particular person does owe, and yes, this is a real number, over half a million to the IRS. Obama hasn't been around for more than a couple of years, so how he got this person to owe half a million in taxes is beyond me. He blames Obama, but it is obvious he was in trouble long before Obama showed up on the scene. He isn't the only one. It takes YEARS to dig that hole, and YEARS to climb out.
When you are having money issues, the answer is to get a job, not just a high paying job if they aren't out there , but a JOB. While you are doing that, don't spend like you always did, which was most likely above your means.Then , if things are still bad, get ANOTHER JOB, you don't have the money to be out spending and having a good old time anyways. Don't say jobs don't exist, they do, and most of my clients get one within three months.
As far as the economy excuse.BULLCRAP. I did better last year than the year before, and this year is on track to be better than last year. We still go on two vacations a year, the bills are paid, and we always can do/obtain what we need, and usually what we want to. We work hard, and we play hard. We pay our taxes too (even though I want to cry every quarter when I write out my check). We aren't LUCKY, we are hard working, responsible, reasonable people who make sure that things are done in a practical way. We still are able to have and do things that we want....we aren't sitting unhappily in the dark wishing we could afford a movie ticket. We have both been there, and both because of other people's actions, and we are NOT going back there. I work 7 days a week, my husband works a full time and a part time/part year job. We know we want to be able to do certain things, so we make sure we earn the money to do them. We still have a lot of quality time together and with friends. We host parties and we attend them. We never skip paying a bill to host a party though, although many people do just that.
When there are people around you who are a danger to your health, whether it is financial , medical, or mental/emotional. LEAVE!
Make decisions based on what will happen in the long run, not on what shiny thing you want right now. This country got into a bad spiral of overspending. People were given mortgages who had no business having them; car loans that had no business having them....and it was so rampant it took us to our knees. Now the banks and loan companies are going back to the stricter guidelines that existed years ago. It isn't that it is harder to get a loan, it is just that we are back to normal, and all the people who ruined their credit will find it next to impossible to get a mortgage or loan, not because of Obama, or even the banks, but because of themselves. People were living WAY above their means, and now it is time to pay the piper. The people who had been living over their means, declaring bankruptcy, defaulting on loans and not paying millions in taxes, are the people we should all be angry at (and the institutions that allowed it).
So how do you make your decisions? Are they made with an eye to the future or just until tomorrow? Do you make decisions based on the moves of another person who is a dedicated partner or one who really doesn't even give you the time of day? Do you live within your means or above it?
Sit down and make careful plans, talk to a friend who is successful. Talk to the person who is doing well financially when you want to know if you are making a wise financial move. Talk to the person with a wonderful relationship when you are making relationship decisions. When you ask your friend if you should quit your job and they say "WHAT!?!?!?" , then you know the answer is NO! Many won't ask because they don't want to hear the answer. Others will have trouble finding friends that are stable or finding friends at all. There are ALWAYS options, you may not like them, but they are always there.
Use common sense (which is very uncommon these days unfortunately).
Those who know how, use muscle testing, those who don't, learn how to do it.
When I am asked to help people who are screaming about the state of the world today , I look at their past actions and current actions. Ninety nine percent of the time, the answer to the problem is THEMSELVES.
Be knowledgeable, strong, smart, and independent. Then you never have to worry about being knocked down by the Universe to a point where you cannot see a way out, and for goodness sake, stop complaining about things that happened to you EONS ago, your situation today is where you put yourself today. There are reasons (valid), and excuses (not valid). Don't make excuses for the actions of your parents, or even further back than that, to excuse your mess today. Don't blame the government (when I was a kid the thing to do was blame society), your boss, the bank, the car re-possessor. Unless you are not of age, you have no reasons, and just a head full of excuses that get you nowhere.
Be your own best supporter, not your own worst enemy !
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Reminder about what is NA
There were a couple of discussions over the past four days about NA tradition, and what is the way of doing certain things.Many times when you hear of a tradition, ritual, or ceremony, it isn't a "Native American" one per se, but one of a certain tribe, or Nation.
There are similarities, but there are also huge differences. When you go to an event that is anything other than an inter-tribal pow wow, call it a "Navajo ceremony", an "Ute Sundance" (the Utes invented the Sundance by the way, and the Lakota adopted it), or a" Mohawk wedding", a "Cherokee ceremony", not a Native American event.
Many times there will be a mention of a Native American event, and in fact there aren't many tribes who honor that event. The differences usually come from where the tribe was located. Those in the Northeast have no need for any raindance (Plains and southwest tribes however did), or deer song (Navajo). Water and food was plentiful, yet if you lived in the desert southwest, these things were more important to you and part of your life. Your food, clothing and belief about the world came from what Nature provided (and didn't provide), for you.
Some tribes have elaborate family ceremonies. An example is that some tribes have adoptions,like the Lakota, who have the Hunka ceremony, other tribes merely say..."Welcome". Just because there is a huge ceremony attached to one tribe, that doesn't necessarily mean there is one attached to another tribe. It also doesn't mean that if a person didn't have a Hunka ceremony, he wasn't adopted, he just wasn't adopted by a Lakota.
People have this strange idea about what is Native American. My joke when I was getting married was that if I were to wear traditional wedding attire, I would wear a knee length skirt , some shells, some paint and nothing else. I would be arrested today if I wore that, yet that is my traditional clothing, or lack thereof. Today if you go to a NA wedding, you frequently see brides wearing white is pretty obvious that white satin gowns are not traditional , but make sure that you aren't taking something as traditional, or broadly Native American, when it is not.
Some did hot sweats, some did cold sweats, some didn't really bother with sweats at all. There is a vast difference in daily life in not only the US, but Canada, Mexico (where some Apache lived), and down into Central and South America.
When asking about a way, regalia, or any other question, ask, "What is your tradition?". This way you will learn much more. You will know what is Pequot and what is Seminole, what is Hopi, and what is Inuit. They are all VASTLY different from each other....
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There are similarities, but there are also huge differences. When you go to an event that is anything other than an inter-tribal pow wow, call it a "Navajo ceremony", an "Ute Sundance" (the Utes invented the Sundance by the way, and the Lakota adopted it), or a" Mohawk wedding", a "Cherokee ceremony", not a Native American event.
Many times there will be a mention of a Native American event, and in fact there aren't many tribes who honor that event. The differences usually come from where the tribe was located. Those in the Northeast have no need for any raindance (Plains and southwest tribes however did), or deer song (Navajo). Water and food was plentiful, yet if you lived in the desert southwest, these things were more important to you and part of your life. Your food, clothing and belief about the world came from what Nature provided (and didn't provide), for you.
Some tribes have elaborate family ceremonies. An example is that some tribes have adoptions,like the Lakota, who have the Hunka ceremony, other tribes merely say..."Welcome". Just because there is a huge ceremony attached to one tribe, that doesn't necessarily mean there is one attached to another tribe. It also doesn't mean that if a person didn't have a Hunka ceremony, he wasn't adopted, he just wasn't adopted by a Lakota.
People have this strange idea about what is Native American. My joke when I was getting married was that if I were to wear traditional wedding attire, I would wear a knee length skirt , some shells, some paint and nothing else. I would be arrested today if I wore that, yet that is my traditional clothing, or lack thereof. Today if you go to a NA wedding, you frequently see brides wearing white is pretty obvious that white satin gowns are not traditional , but make sure that you aren't taking something as traditional, or broadly Native American, when it is not.
Some did hot sweats, some did cold sweats, some didn't really bother with sweats at all. There is a vast difference in daily life in not only the US, but Canada, Mexico (where some Apache lived), and down into Central and South America.
When asking about a way, regalia, or any other question, ask, "What is your tradition?". This way you will learn much more. You will know what is Pequot and what is Seminole, what is Hopi, and what is Inuit. They are all VASTLY different from each other....
Oh, and there are NO shaman in the US except in Alaska, and Hawaii.
Not all Indians lived in a tipi
There is not one single NA language.
Not all Natives look like the ones in the westerns, and if you learned it from a movie with John Wayne, it is probably wrong.
Always research, learn and grow!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Monday, July 18, 2011
A bloodline doesn't make one bad OR good. REALITY CHECK!
We met some interesting people drumming for Angel Mounds/Moonlit Mounds event over the weekend. We were asked to open and close ceremony. We did prayer songs for those who came before us. We also had folks dancing, asking good questions, and just having a good time.Thanks again to everyone who participated!
There was a discussion a few weeks ago , and it came up again briefly with some people that we were talking to yesterday. There is a perception that all Native Americans are wonderful, spiritual people. Being part NA I would love to say "that is true!". But it isn't. They are people. Just like all Christians aren't good people, all Jews aren't good people, all New Englanders aren't good people, all Muslims aren't good people, all anything is not good or bad. There is no group ,ethnic or spiritual, that is all good or all bad.
Native Americans fought and killed other Native Americans before any Europeans set foot on Turtle island. Not all of them didn't get along, but like any society, not all of them did either! The Navajo, who are wonderful people, were known in one form or another as "head breakers". The Iroquois nation were fighters and feared, especially the Mohawks! One of my tribal roots, the Narragansetts, were either fighting and killing their neighbors, or fighting with them, depending on the era and circumstances. The war dance wasn't invented for the Europeans! These nations won't hurt you today, and it is safe to roam around their world, but there was a time when things were very violent. That doesn't mean there are no issues these people do not face today, but thinking that the original people of this land walked around all day hugging each other is ridiculous!
Today there is MUCH tribal strife in certain nations (Lakota and Cheyenne have most recently been in the news), and others are prospering and have a smooth running tribal government. They are people, some will be good, some will be bad. Most recently Cheyenne and Arapaho tribal government members were caught embezzling tribal funds for such personal things as new cars.The story is here:
The Lakota reservation, most notably at Pine Ridge, suffers from corrupt government and young people who threaten and harm elders. They have forgotten the traditional ways and have sometimes become violent against other Lakota. (I have been told that Pine Ridge and Porcupine are the worst, and they call these people "thugs" or "Ridgers"). Money meant for all goes in to the pockets of the few.
The most recent example:
Some Lakota want the US government the put a stop to threats and con artists, but I really don't think they can step in...and if they did, traditionalists would most likely scream about government intervention. It is a very sticky situation. I don't know the answer...except that the Lakota need to step up and police the Lakota. Organizations like General Mills are in there feeding children at school programs, yet when programs are not policed, they are taken advantage of. There are hundreds of groups currently working in and on the Lakota reservation to make things better, but they are fighting a battle with the Lakota themselves. They have the most help of any tribe, and the least result from it. There are also abundant social issues there that need to be addressed so the people can move forwards.
Just being "any background" does not make one a good person. Just this week there was a Hasidic Jewish man (Hasidics are considered to be the most dogmatic and strict of the Jewish religion), who killed and dismembered a young boy who asked him for directions when he became lost walking home for a new school.The story:
We have all heard stories of priests molesting young boys, and the Vatican's NON response to it. Here is a religion that considers itself THE religion, and yet it is doing terrible, sinful, harmful things to children....and that is only part of the issue.
Just because someone is poor, or rich, doesn't make them good or bad; just because someone is religious or not, does not make them good or bad; just because someone is Native American, African American, Latino, Swiss, Irish....anything, does not make them good or bad. They may be mentally or emotionally disturbed, alcoholics, drug addicts,corrupt, and sadly, killers.
We usually think that when we hear the saying "don't judge a book by its' cover" that we are not supposed to make an assumption of someone being "bad" because of their background, heritage or religion. There is also another side to prejudice,that is assuming people are good just because they are of a certain background, heritage or religion.
There are corrupt people. Some have light hair, some have dark hair, the hair color doesn't make them corrupt, the upbringing does.
Don't ever put any group, culture, race or religion on a pedestal. Never look at any group and say they are all good, OR all bad. It was a bit nicer to hear people speaking of groups as being "good" instead of "bad", and maybe that means the mindset of this country has finally shifted, but it still isn't correct. There are corrupt people in every place, every religion, every race, and being a bliss ninny and turning a blind eye to that, will only get you in a bad spot from an empty pocket, to getting personally involved in a group that is harming others (maybe even of their own kind).
There are a few native American newspapers available on line and also Jewish, and Christian publications. They tell the good and the bad....they are a good reality check.
There is one thing I do know, and we have found this to be true since the big changes that happened in the 60's and 70's. You cannot solve problems by throwing money at them. Think of it this way. Say you win a million dollars. You go to the poorest section of town, and give it to the group living there. How many will change their lives for the better after you come with the cash? If you are lucky, maybe one. There will be a rash of spending, stealing, and probably a huge party. It would be a rare thing in deed if one of those folks said "Hey, I am going to go buy a modest home in a good neighborhood, and go to college, and change my life!" This doesn't mean poor people are bad people. It does mean that there is usually a set of circumstances that get people into the mess they are in. People are people, most got themselves into that situation in the first place by making bad decisions. Giving them some money, food or clothing will not help them begin to make good decisions.
When there is a person who met with a life disaster , you can give him a hand up. You can use money to cure a sick child, you can use money to help a family with a sick relative who has used all the family's money for health care. You can help a family burned out of their home.
When people are in their circumstances, because they put themselves there, you can write checks all day long, and nothing will change except the amount in your checking account.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There was a discussion a few weeks ago , and it came up again briefly with some people that we were talking to yesterday. There is a perception that all Native Americans are wonderful, spiritual people. Being part NA I would love to say "that is true!". But it isn't. They are people. Just like all Christians aren't good people, all Jews aren't good people, all New Englanders aren't good people, all Muslims aren't good people, all anything is not good or bad. There is no group ,ethnic or spiritual, that is all good or all bad.
Native Americans fought and killed other Native Americans before any Europeans set foot on Turtle island. Not all of them didn't get along, but like any society, not all of them did either! The Navajo, who are wonderful people, were known in one form or another as "head breakers". The Iroquois nation were fighters and feared, especially the Mohawks! One of my tribal roots, the Narragansetts, were either fighting and killing their neighbors, or fighting with them, depending on the era and circumstances. The war dance wasn't invented for the Europeans! These nations won't hurt you today, and it is safe to roam around their world, but there was a time when things were very violent. That doesn't mean there are no issues these people do not face today, but thinking that the original people of this land walked around all day hugging each other is ridiculous!
Today there is MUCH tribal strife in certain nations (Lakota and Cheyenne have most recently been in the news), and others are prospering and have a smooth running tribal government. They are people, some will be good, some will be bad. Most recently Cheyenne and Arapaho tribal government members were caught embezzling tribal funds for such personal things as new cars.The story is here:
The Lakota reservation, most notably at Pine Ridge, suffers from corrupt government and young people who threaten and harm elders. They have forgotten the traditional ways and have sometimes become violent against other Lakota. (I have been told that Pine Ridge and Porcupine are the worst, and they call these people "thugs" or "Ridgers"). Money meant for all goes in to the pockets of the few.
The most recent example:
Some Lakota want the US government the put a stop to threats and con artists, but I really don't think they can step in...and if they did, traditionalists would most likely scream about government intervention. It is a very sticky situation. I don't know the answer...except that the Lakota need to step up and police the Lakota. Organizations like General Mills are in there feeding children at school programs, yet when programs are not policed, they are taken advantage of. There are hundreds of groups currently working in and on the Lakota reservation to make things better, but they are fighting a battle with the Lakota themselves. They have the most help of any tribe, and the least result from it. There are also abundant social issues there that need to be addressed so the people can move forwards.
Just being "any background" does not make one a good person. Just this week there was a Hasidic Jewish man (Hasidics are considered to be the most dogmatic and strict of the Jewish religion), who killed and dismembered a young boy who asked him for directions when he became lost walking home for a new school.The story:
We have all heard stories of priests molesting young boys, and the Vatican's NON response to it. Here is a religion that considers itself THE religion, and yet it is doing terrible, sinful, harmful things to children....and that is only part of the issue.
Just because someone is poor, or rich, doesn't make them good or bad; just because someone is religious or not, does not make them good or bad; just because someone is Native American, African American, Latino, Swiss, Irish....anything, does not make them good or bad. They may be mentally or emotionally disturbed, alcoholics, drug addicts,corrupt, and sadly, killers.
We usually think that when we hear the saying "don't judge a book by its' cover" that we are not supposed to make an assumption of someone being "bad" because of their background, heritage or religion. There is also another side to prejudice,that is assuming people are good just because they are of a certain background, heritage or religion.
There are corrupt people. Some have light hair, some have dark hair, the hair color doesn't make them corrupt, the upbringing does.
Don't ever put any group, culture, race or religion on a pedestal. Never look at any group and say they are all good, OR all bad. It was a bit nicer to hear people speaking of groups as being "good" instead of "bad", and maybe that means the mindset of this country has finally shifted, but it still isn't correct. There are corrupt people in every place, every religion, every race, and being a bliss ninny and turning a blind eye to that, will only get you in a bad spot from an empty pocket, to getting personally involved in a group that is harming others (maybe even of their own kind).
There are a few native American newspapers available on line and also Jewish, and Christian publications. They tell the good and the bad....they are a good reality check.
There is one thing I do know, and we have found this to be true since the big changes that happened in the 60's and 70's. You cannot solve problems by throwing money at them. Think of it this way. Say you win a million dollars. You go to the poorest section of town, and give it to the group living there. How many will change their lives for the better after you come with the cash? If you are lucky, maybe one. There will be a rash of spending, stealing, and probably a huge party. It would be a rare thing in deed if one of those folks said "Hey, I am going to go buy a modest home in a good neighborhood, and go to college, and change my life!" This doesn't mean poor people are bad people. It does mean that there is usually a set of circumstances that get people into the mess they are in. People are people, most got themselves into that situation in the first place by making bad decisions. Giving them some money, food or clothing will not help them begin to make good decisions.
When there is a person who met with a life disaster , you can give him a hand up. You can use money to cure a sick child, you can use money to help a family with a sick relative who has used all the family's money for health care. You can help a family burned out of their home.
When people are in their circumstances, because they put themselves there, you can write checks all day long, and nothing will change except the amount in your checking account.
Be realistic, RESEARCH, don't assume, never be prejudicial in the negative OR the positive.
Don't be a bliss ninny, it really doesn't actually help anyone.
Learn, research and grow.
Do the right thing for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Friday, July 15, 2011
First thought
The first thought that you have before doing anything major, new or not, is "why" . The question can be very important or minimally important depending on what it is you are doing. Learning to play tennis is not something you need to think about much, but taking on life changes and spiritual quests is.
The past two days I have run into situations where there was either a major life change or a major spiritual undertaking , where the person involved was sofar out in left field, it is scary. One took on a spiritual practice that they do not even have a CLUE what that practice is about. The other is thinking with something other than their brain.
When you are making decisions, "Why?" should always be asked, but when you are changing your life, going on a spiritual quest, or in some other way making a huge energy change, you best know what you are doing and why you are doing it, otherwise you are either making a huge mistake you will pay for later, or make a complete idiot of yourself.
The spiritual quest person showed that they have no idea what they are undertaking, what it means, what the origins are, and why it is done, yet they are doing it. There can only be two real answers as to their "Why?", that being either ego, or to make themselves feel better about themselves. The other "life change" person is simply looking for positive attention in all the wrong places.
When people don't know the true meaning of a spiritual undertaking, how can they authentically undertake it? The answer is, they cannot. It's like sneaking a steak and potatoes out on a vision quest, then sneaking out into a 5 star hotel to sleep, and then and saying you saw yourself in a vision as a Medicine Man.....Why bother? You fool some people for a little while, but not Creator, the Universe, God.
Make a point to really know what you are doing, and more importantly why you are doing it. Be honest, knowledgeable and authentic. Research it first to really know what you are getting into and see if you are really ready , willing and able after knowing the true meaning of things. Do not always follow your desires, but carefully plan your way to them. Never do anything out of fear, or for adulation , attention or ego.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(c)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The past two days I have run into situations where there was either a major life change or a major spiritual undertaking , where the person involved was sofar out in left field, it is scary. One took on a spiritual practice that they do not even have a CLUE what that practice is about. The other is thinking with something other than their brain.
When you are making decisions, "Why?" should always be asked, but when you are changing your life, going on a spiritual quest, or in some other way making a huge energy change, you best know what you are doing and why you are doing it, otherwise you are either making a huge mistake you will pay for later, or make a complete idiot of yourself.
The spiritual quest person showed that they have no idea what they are undertaking, what it means, what the origins are, and why it is done, yet they are doing it. There can only be two real answers as to their "Why?", that being either ego, or to make themselves feel better about themselves. The other "life change" person is simply looking for positive attention in all the wrong places.
When people don't know the true meaning of a spiritual undertaking, how can they authentically undertake it? The answer is, they cannot. It's like sneaking a steak and potatoes out on a vision quest, then sneaking out into a 5 star hotel to sleep, and then and saying you saw yourself in a vision as a Medicine Man.....Why bother? You fool some people for a little while, but not Creator, the Universe, God.
Make a point to really know what you are doing, and more importantly why you are doing it. Be honest, knowledgeable and authentic. Research it first to really know what you are getting into and see if you are really ready , willing and able after knowing the true meaning of things. Do not always follow your desires, but carefully plan your way to them. Never do anything out of fear, or for adulation , attention or ego.
DO the right things for the right reasons, and make sure that you totally understand what they are.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(c)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
One thing at a time
When it comes to spiritual growth, or learning a genre, take one thing at a time. When we try to be all, do all, experience all, we usually end up overwhelmed. This can happen in life in general, but spiritual practice is something that usually demands that we slow down.
It is hard to rush through things from prayer, meditation, and ritual to making the altar just right, making regalia, developing skills, and learning important things word by word. We cannot rush through, and if we try , we just make a mess. We learn half way, wrong way, and nothing really ever gets done.
Take one thing at a time. Don't try to take a psychic development class and learn to be a medium at the same time, they require similar but different skills and connections. Make sure you decide what aspect is really important to you in any genre before entering it. Focus on that aspect, give it 100% and then move forward on it. Once that is accomplished, reach higher. Strive for more and always learn. It never hurt to re-learn things either. Sometimes just going through life gives you a different perspective on things. It makes you see what the lesson really meant, and that your perception at the time was a little off. Life experience has blown open more of the doorways and we understand not only more deeply, but with a new set of eyes.
The other aspect of this is to honor what you learn. Don't be a class junkie, but learn because you have an interest; it will increase your business; it will make you more valuable in the job arena; it will help you understand more about a genre you are interested in.
People tend to have a "gung ho" approach sometimes that ends up making it harder for them to learn and to appreciate what they are learning. Sometimes you just need to process things.When you zoom past step one without really understanding it, you may misinterpret and incorrectly learn steps two through ten. Then where are you? As the saying goes, you are back to square one. My reiki teacher makes the learning process months long to reiki master. I think you need the time and experience to become a true reiki master, and you can't do it in a weekend.
There are others who love the NA way, but can't decide how they are going to participate in that (and that requires a ton of learning to really KNOW it and understand it). All genres require concentration, respect, and time to really be taken on properly.
Take your time and truly learn something, learn it the RIGHT way, and research to make sure that you are learning the correct process, or the one that works best for you. Do it becasue you are called to it, not because your friends are all doing it.
Make yourself a valuable tool for the Universe to use to make its' magic, not a person who runs around teaching the wrong thing and misleading others. Most of all, don't mislead yourself. Take your time and do it right.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Learn , research and grow.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
It is hard to rush through things from prayer, meditation, and ritual to making the altar just right, making regalia, developing skills, and learning important things word by word. We cannot rush through, and if we try , we just make a mess. We learn half way, wrong way, and nothing really ever gets done.
Take one thing at a time. Don't try to take a psychic development class and learn to be a medium at the same time, they require similar but different skills and connections. Make sure you decide what aspect is really important to you in any genre before entering it. Focus on that aspect, give it 100% and then move forward on it. Once that is accomplished, reach higher. Strive for more and always learn. It never hurt to re-learn things either. Sometimes just going through life gives you a different perspective on things. It makes you see what the lesson really meant, and that your perception at the time was a little off. Life experience has blown open more of the doorways and we understand not only more deeply, but with a new set of eyes.
People tend to have a "gung ho" approach sometimes that ends up making it harder for them to learn and to appreciate what they are learning. Sometimes you just need to process things.When you zoom past step one without really understanding it, you may misinterpret and incorrectly learn steps two through ten. Then where are you? As the saying goes, you are back to square one. My reiki teacher makes the learning process months long to reiki master. I think you need the time and experience to become a true reiki master, and you can't do it in a weekend.
There are others who love the NA way, but can't decide how they are going to participate in that (and that requires a ton of learning to really KNOW it and understand it). All genres require concentration, respect, and time to really be taken on properly.
They say Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was a reiki master, championship pow wow dancer, or trance medium.
Take your time and truly learn something, learn it the RIGHT way, and research to make sure that you are learning the correct process, or the one that works best for you. Do it becasue you are called to it, not because your friends are all doing it.
Make yourself a valuable tool for the Universe to use to make its' magic, not a person who runs around teaching the wrong thing and misleading others. Most of all, don't mislead yourself. Take your time and do it right.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Learn , research and grow.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Psychic atttack protection (repeat)
I was asked to reprint this blog as there was some question about what was learned in a class and how fear was introduced into the class. First, never do anything out of fear, including taking a class, and if the teacher tries to make you even more fearful, leave. There are a few things in the metaphysical world that we need to be cautious about, but fear, that is rare....You can view older blogs by checking the listing archives, but since this person was so it is:
Psychic attacks are first of all a VERY rare occurrence, like winning the lottery. A person who could even begin to worm their way into your head not only has to have the knowledge, and the ability, but a natural talent. A rare combination to start with.
Psychic attack is when someone "gets into your head", your thoughts, and emotions.I do have to say "don't take this lightly", not because you are under psychic attack, but that most people that have this happen "out of the blue" (in other words you do not normally get strong intuitive direction or are clairaudient), are MOST times suffering from a brain tumor or schizophrenia. Psychic attack would actually be low on the list of true causes.
That being said, psychic attack is easily , VERY easily warded off. I have given this same instruction to people learning psychic development, or to people who are going to investigate places that are said to be "haunted" ,where the problem may not just be your average garden variety ghost. If you are a person who works and lives in the mundane world, you most likely will never come in contact with this issue .
The idea of someone or something being inside your head, is scary to some people. However when you know how to get them out in a second, or better yet, not allow them in, in the first place, it isn't scary anymore. I have had it happen only one time to me where I currently live, and I tossed the offender out in about 5 seconds. She came back, and out she went again with the door slammed hard, never to return.
Everyone should use this technique, just to protect themselves. When you work in the psychic, healing, or ghost hunting arenas, you should do it, period. It is simple. You stand up, preferably outdoors, with your fingers pointed down to the earth. Close your eyes and keep them closed. Take a deep breath and relax. When you feel you are ready, call in all angels, guides, helpers, God and Goddess. Now this has to be important to you, not just the Universe, it does not care what you call it, so call in Creator, the Universe, doesn't matter. Tell them that you want to cleanse and set up a white light of protection around you. Tell them to drain off any harmful or negative energy and to ground you. You should feel your fingertips tingle, or become heavy as the energy drains into the earth. When that sensation ends (usually after a minute or so). Ask that any repairs that need to be made on your aura are done now. It is also VERY rare for holes or tears to be in auras. Be aware though that people with substance abuse issues MANY times have damaged auras. You will begin to feel positive and energetic. Picture a healing "pink light egg" around your whole body, and ask that it do its' work to ready you for ultimate protection. When you feel warm, comfortable and safe, picture a white light around you. Tell the powers that be that this white light is for protection against evil, negativity and psychic harm, and that it is to remain around you always. Never to diminish or disappear.
Take a deep breath and open your eyes.
You are now protected. There are strange things , like demons, something else you will never come in contact with, that can batter through these defenses if you allow them. People sometimes challenge the negative by saying things like "come and get me", and then you have to repair the light. Once you INVITE something in,all bets are off. Also be aware that if you are an energy worker, you may sometimes need to open that door a bit to get information. Make sure you have a gatekeeper (something you can learn in my psychic development class). Do not abuse drugs or alcohol as it causes the aura (our natural protection against these things) to weaken, tear and form holes.
The average person with a healthy aura has no fear of any type of psychic attack. When you go into dark places, then that is a different story. You need extra protection. Do NOT confuse psychic attack with picking up on other people's negativity. Psychic attack is done on purpose. When you are near a negative person, just picture a wall of white light between you and them, or a white light around yourself and the negative feelings will diminish or end.
Sometimes a psychic attack can be physically felt. It is like an icepick going into your head, a very fine pinpoint. Simply shout into your head the words:"GET OUT", if it is a psychic attack it will stop immediately. Then picture a door closing over the area where the pain was, and a seal going over that door. The person may try to get into another area, do the same thing, but then visualize a mirror around you, and it will bounce back. I generally, for the sake of Karma, don't bounce stuff back to people unless they are persistent, then, no holds barred. I have an arsenal of things I don't ever use, or use rarely, and believe me, it is so tempting sometimes to not whip out the biggest, baddest weapon I have.
We have to trust Karma to take care of problem people to a certain extent. We need to remedy , but not to seek revenge. Karma will do that part. Meanwhile, if they keep sticking ice picks in your head, mirror it back , as it gets annoying and painful.
Again.Please remember that it is extremely rare for people to come under psychic attack. When things seem amiss, and easy energetic remedies do not work, seek medical attention.
Make sure that you are getting help from trained and accredited people (ask to see their certification and degrees), we are out there. There are way too many people doing "metaphysical" work, because they need the money and don't have a clue as to what they are doing. They are coming out of the woodwork these days. Some are simply rip off artists and fakes.Some just read a book or took a class and decided they know enough to teach. Not true by a long shot.
Some people also believe that protecting themselves from psychic attack will not allow psychic readers to read them, not true. These protectors block NEGATIVITY, not information flow. You cannot (and should not) EVER make it impossible for a reader to get in, as the Universe WANTS AND NEEDS us to have that connection, it is a lifeline, and a connection to the Universe, it is not meant to be ever closed off entirely. It wasn't put there for readers per se, but becasue we are all connected, and that is the connection origin. It is a primal part of us and our original connection to the godhead. Anyone who tells you it is OK to shut that off is guaranteeing your spiritual death, and you need to stay far away from people like that. The idea is to keep out the negative and harmful, period, nothing else.We are all connected, and the Universe will always make sure we are connected, that psychic antenna and signal is part of that, those who try to shut it down are not doing the work in the light. Be careful of people that make you fear anything and then want to teach you how not to fear for a few bucks.There is a person out there who is telling people they have beings attached to them, and she can get them off. I just know Karma has a huge smack in the head for people like that.
Make sure you have quality teachers. When you are not sure, ask me, I can refer you, or let you know if I teach that class. There is no monetary bonus in it for me, so I will be honest with you. I also, as you can see by this blog, give away free info to help others.
Don't fear psychic attack, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Psychic attacks are first of all a VERY rare occurrence, like winning the lottery. A person who could even begin to worm their way into your head not only has to have the knowledge, and the ability, but a natural talent. A rare combination to start with.
Psychic attack is when someone "gets into your head", your thoughts, and emotions.I do have to say "don't take this lightly", not because you are under psychic attack, but that most people that have this happen "out of the blue" (in other words you do not normally get strong intuitive direction or are clairaudient), are MOST times suffering from a brain tumor or schizophrenia. Psychic attack would actually be low on the list of true causes.
That being said, psychic attack is easily , VERY easily warded off. I have given this same instruction to people learning psychic development, or to people who are going to investigate places that are said to be "haunted" ,where the problem may not just be your average garden variety ghost. If you are a person who works and lives in the mundane world, you most likely will never come in contact with this issue .
The idea of someone or something being inside your head, is scary to some people. However when you know how to get them out in a second, or better yet, not allow them in, in the first place, it isn't scary anymore. I have had it happen only one time to me where I currently live, and I tossed the offender out in about 5 seconds. She came back, and out she went again with the door slammed hard, never to return.
Everyone should use this technique, just to protect themselves. When you work in the psychic, healing, or ghost hunting arenas, you should do it, period. It is simple. You stand up, preferably outdoors, with your fingers pointed down to the earth. Close your eyes and keep them closed. Take a deep breath and relax. When you feel you are ready, call in all angels, guides, helpers, God and Goddess. Now this has to be important to you, not just the Universe, it does not care what you call it, so call in Creator, the Universe, doesn't matter. Tell them that you want to cleanse and set up a white light of protection around you. Tell them to drain off any harmful or negative energy and to ground you. You should feel your fingertips tingle, or become heavy as the energy drains into the earth. When that sensation ends (usually after a minute or so). Ask that any repairs that need to be made on your aura are done now. It is also VERY rare for holes or tears to be in auras. Be aware though that people with substance abuse issues MANY times have damaged auras. You will begin to feel positive and energetic. Picture a healing "pink light egg" around your whole body, and ask that it do its' work to ready you for ultimate protection. When you feel warm, comfortable and safe, picture a white light around you. Tell the powers that be that this white light is for protection against evil, negativity and psychic harm, and that it is to remain around you always. Never to diminish or disappear.
Take a deep breath and open your eyes.
You are now protected. There are strange things , like demons, something else you will never come in contact with, that can batter through these defenses if you allow them. People sometimes challenge the negative by saying things like "come and get me", and then you have to repair the light. Once you INVITE something in,all bets are off. Also be aware that if you are an energy worker, you may sometimes need to open that door a bit to get information. Make sure you have a gatekeeper (something you can learn in my psychic development class). Do not abuse drugs or alcohol as it causes the aura (our natural protection against these things) to weaken, tear and form holes.
The average person with a healthy aura has no fear of any type of psychic attack. When you go into dark places, then that is a different story. You need extra protection. Do NOT confuse psychic attack with picking up on other people's negativity. Psychic attack is done on purpose. When you are near a negative person, just picture a wall of white light between you and them, or a white light around yourself and the negative feelings will diminish or end.
Sometimes a psychic attack can be physically felt. It is like an icepick going into your head, a very fine pinpoint. Simply shout into your head the words:"GET OUT", if it is a psychic attack it will stop immediately. Then picture a door closing over the area where the pain was, and a seal going over that door. The person may try to get into another area, do the same thing, but then visualize a mirror around you, and it will bounce back. I generally, for the sake of Karma, don't bounce stuff back to people unless they are persistent, then, no holds barred. I have an arsenal of things I don't ever use, or use rarely, and believe me, it is so tempting sometimes to not whip out the biggest, baddest weapon I have.
We have to trust Karma to take care of problem people to a certain extent. We need to remedy , but not to seek revenge. Karma will do that part. Meanwhile, if they keep sticking ice picks in your head, mirror it back , as it gets annoying and painful.
Again.Please remember that it is extremely rare for people to come under psychic attack. When things seem amiss, and easy energetic remedies do not work, seek medical attention.
Make sure that you are getting help from trained and accredited people (ask to see their certification and degrees), we are out there. There are way too many people doing "metaphysical" work, because they need the money and don't have a clue as to what they are doing. They are coming out of the woodwork these days. Some are simply rip off artists and fakes.Some just read a book or took a class and decided they know enough to teach. Not true by a long shot.
Some people also believe that protecting themselves from psychic attack will not allow psychic readers to read them, not true. These protectors block NEGATIVITY, not information flow. You cannot (and should not) EVER make it impossible for a reader to get in, as the Universe WANTS AND NEEDS us to have that connection, it is a lifeline, and a connection to the Universe, it is not meant to be ever closed off entirely. It wasn't put there for readers per se, but becasue we are all connected, and that is the connection origin. It is a primal part of us and our original connection to the godhead. Anyone who tells you it is OK to shut that off is guaranteeing your spiritual death, and you need to stay far away from people like that. The idea is to keep out the negative and harmful, period, nothing else.We are all connected, and the Universe will always make sure we are connected, that psychic antenna and signal is part of that, those who try to shut it down are not doing the work in the light. Be careful of people that make you fear anything and then want to teach you how not to fear for a few bucks.There is a person out there who is telling people they have beings attached to them, and she can get them off. I just know Karma has a huge smack in the head for people like that.
Make sure you have quality teachers. When you are not sure, ask me, I can refer you, or let you know if I teach that class. There is no monetary bonus in it for me, so I will be honest with you. I also, as you can see by this blog, give away free info to help others.
Don't fear psychic attack, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Monday, July 11, 2011
One of the most important things in life is to be you. Not what someone else wants you to be, or something the group is. You are here to learn YOUR life lessons, and to reach YOUR goals. That doesn't mean that you cannot work with others, or be part of a team. However, what makes you an integral part of a team is that you are YOU. If you had a team where everyone thought the same thoughts, nothing new would even happen. When you have a team where everyone is lazy, nothing at all would ever get done. When you have a team that is all headed down the wrong path, you simply have company for the next life lesson that whacks you all in the back of the head.
Being independent does not mean walking all over others. Walking all over others is not the definition of being independent. Being independent means being able to think for yourself, support yourself, and take care of yourself. It does not mean not caring about what happens to others, that is NOT independence.
A major lesson we are here to learn is that we all have to be able to live and work independently. That does not mean that we need to all live our lives in a bubble separate from everyone else, but it DOES mean having the ability to do so, and to THINK for yourself. When you spend your day following a guru and hanging on his every word, then all you are is an empty shell that is taking up air and water. BE something. Be YOURSELF.
People do things they wouldn't normally do, or even that they know is wrong, just so they won't be alone. From the battered spouse to the one in the group who is always made fun of, there are people who just shuffle along like Zombies. They do things because the group is, and the group tells them it is a cool thing to do. This is a lesson you should have learned in grade school. I remember my Mom saying "If the entire class jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you do it too?". I wouldn't, but there sure are a lot of others who would! They drink the Kool Aid, where I would say "no thanks".
I am not a Sheep, and no one in this world should be a sheep. When you can't think a single independent thought, there is a huge problem there. Seriously, medically, psychologically, a huge problem.
People often ask why their lives are a mess. Who makes the mess? God doesn't, Creator doesn't, the Universe doesn't , they do. There are always choices, the choices however are not always easy, and they sometimes require a person to take action on their own.
People confuse loving their fellow man with either having sex with all of them, or smiling at every one of them, and hugging them (then talking about them behind their backs). Many who espouse world peace have nothing good to say about others. They are what we call HYPOCRITES. You will always know where you stand with me, and there are people out there that think that others just adore them, but they don't. Just because people don't say things like "I don't think you should have said that", doesn't mean they actually like you. They just smile and drift along being part of the herd. This is not a popularity contest.
We are not herd animals, we are social animals. There is a big difference. The herd does not think independently, social animals come up with ideas and solutions. Are you a herd animal or a thinking human? When you can be independent, then you never have to worry about being abused; being in a clique you are afraid to leave; needing to be with someone you really do not love because you are afraid you can't pay the bills; stuck in a rut; doing things you wouldn't normally do; living in fear. We cannot be a member of the world without being independent. Otherwise we are easily influenced by others, and no one ever has a new idea.
When you can't start your day without guidance from another person, you need to break off ties with that person, and get your brain and soul back. When you can't speak up and disagree with a group for fear of reprisals, then you need to leave that group. When you find yourself always espousing words, like "world peace" without actively DOING something about it, you need to WAKE UP. When you cannot explain what it means to another person, you are just mouthing the words.
People in the spiritual world mistakenly think that it is OK to pray, drum, meditate, or do energy work on a situation, which it is...but that is ALL THEY DO. They never get off their butts and actually HELP, they never actually DO SOMETHING. It is NOT good enough. THINK about what you can do to actually make a difference, and don't do something just because the group is. Just showing up doesn't count either. Doing something that actually makes a difference, is.
I know of two groups that think they are helping, when all they are doing is having a social group that feels good about themselves while they don't actually do anything productive. Neither is making an iota of difference, although they tell themselves they are, and most time is spent doing things they want to do, like gathering together, rather than spending most of their time actually HELPING. When you are a group that is "service" oriented for helping others, most of your time should not be gathering together to do things that are not actively helping. MOST of the groups time should be spent actually HELPING.
Meetings, gatherings, and such can be fun, but they don't make a difference. Spend that time being productive.
It is both funny and sad, and it is a shame people need that "group" to feel OK with themselves. When you cannot feel OK alone, you have a problem. When you cannot take your life and your company, who else can? Make yourself the ultimate that you can be, and be independent so you never get fooled, abused, or misdirected. Be independent so you don't have to live this life over again. Be independent so that you never will live in fear. You will not suffer from influential people who do not have your well being in mind.
Being independent is a HUGE life lesson, it is one of the most important that gets taught over and over if you don't learn it. The other is patience. Being independent does NOT mean that you won't help the world or better yet, a neighbor. It means that you will do it out of REAL love and by using YOUR knowledge and skills to make it happen. You will act out of TRUE love and compassion, not out of a need to be part of a group. You will not have to go someplace and do something you really don't want to because the group is. You won't have to worry about being ostracized from the group. You will not get stuck with another person's agenda. You will be YOU and grow, and REALLY help people in a REAL way. You will learn what works and what doesn't, right before your eyes, not by what someone tells you is working.
People confuse the word independent with not caring about the Universe. Not true at all, they have no true grasp of the word. Independent people are the ones that make the most happen in the world. They aren't loners. They are fearless thinkers who see opportunity that others fear to take. They aren't cold or unkind, they are just able to do things , and THINK on their own, that doesn't mean they shun the world.
Groups are necessary to make things happen at times. Sometimes many hands are needed, but also many minds. Many minds with many ideas....not sheep. Have you ever seen a herd of sheep accomplish anything great ? Of course not. Don't be a sheep, be a thinking human.
Independent people make huge changes and do it quietly. They aren't there for recognition. Some make amazing strides, and independent thinkers like Einstein , Edison and Gates have changed our world. Their work was done quietly, but the amazing results resounded around the world.
Pesahui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Being independent does not mean walking all over others. Walking all over others is not the definition of being independent. Being independent means being able to think for yourself, support yourself, and take care of yourself. It does not mean not caring about what happens to others, that is NOT independence.
A major lesson we are here to learn is that we all have to be able to live and work independently. That does not mean that we need to all live our lives in a bubble separate from everyone else, but it DOES mean having the ability to do so, and to THINK for yourself. When you spend your day following a guru and hanging on his every word, then all you are is an empty shell that is taking up air and water. BE something. Be YOURSELF.
People do things they wouldn't normally do, or even that they know is wrong, just so they won't be alone. From the battered spouse to the one in the group who is always made fun of, there are people who just shuffle along like Zombies. They do things because the group is, and the group tells them it is a cool thing to do. This is a lesson you should have learned in grade school. I remember my Mom saying "If the entire class jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you do it too?". I wouldn't, but there sure are a lot of others who would! They drink the Kool Aid, where I would say "no thanks".
I am not a Sheep, and no one in this world should be a sheep. When you can't think a single independent thought, there is a huge problem there. Seriously, medically, psychologically, a huge problem.
People often ask why their lives are a mess. Who makes the mess? God doesn't, Creator doesn't, the Universe doesn't , they do. There are always choices, the choices however are not always easy, and they sometimes require a person to take action on their own.
People confuse loving their fellow man with either having sex with all of them, or smiling at every one of them, and hugging them (then talking about them behind their backs). Many who espouse world peace have nothing good to say about others. They are what we call HYPOCRITES. You will always know where you stand with me, and there are people out there that think that others just adore them, but they don't. Just because people don't say things like "I don't think you should have said that", doesn't mean they actually like you. They just smile and drift along being part of the herd. This is not a popularity contest.
We are not herd animals, we are social animals. There is a big difference. The herd does not think independently, social animals come up with ideas and solutions. Are you a herd animal or a thinking human? When you can be independent, then you never have to worry about being abused; being in a clique you are afraid to leave; needing to be with someone you really do not love because you are afraid you can't pay the bills; stuck in a rut; doing things you wouldn't normally do; living in fear. We cannot be a member of the world without being independent. Otherwise we are easily influenced by others, and no one ever has a new idea.
When you can't start your day without guidance from another person, you need to break off ties with that person, and get your brain and soul back. When you can't speak up and disagree with a group for fear of reprisals, then you need to leave that group. When you find yourself always espousing words, like "world peace" without actively DOING something about it, you need to WAKE UP. When you cannot explain what it means to another person, you are just mouthing the words.
People in the spiritual world mistakenly think that it is OK to pray, drum, meditate, or do energy work on a situation, which it is...but that is ALL THEY DO. They never get off their butts and actually HELP, they never actually DO SOMETHING. It is NOT good enough. THINK about what you can do to actually make a difference, and don't do something just because the group is. Just showing up doesn't count either. Doing something that actually makes a difference, is.
I know of two groups that think they are helping, when all they are doing is having a social group that feels good about themselves while they don't actually do anything productive. Neither is making an iota of difference, although they tell themselves they are, and most time is spent doing things they want to do, like gathering together, rather than spending most of their time actually HELPING. When you are a group that is "service" oriented for helping others, most of your time should not be gathering together to do things that are not actively helping. MOST of the groups time should be spent actually HELPING.
Meetings, gatherings, and such can be fun, but they don't make a difference. Spend that time being productive.
It is both funny and sad, and it is a shame people need that "group" to feel OK with themselves. When you cannot feel OK alone, you have a problem. When you cannot take your life and your company, who else can? Make yourself the ultimate that you can be, and be independent so you never get fooled, abused, or misdirected. Be independent so you don't have to live this life over again. Be independent so that you never will live in fear. You will not suffer from influential people who do not have your well being in mind.
Being independent is a HUGE life lesson, it is one of the most important that gets taught over and over if you don't learn it. The other is patience. Being independent does NOT mean that you won't help the world or better yet, a neighbor. It means that you will do it out of REAL love and by using YOUR knowledge and skills to make it happen. You will act out of TRUE love and compassion, not out of a need to be part of a group. You will not have to go someplace and do something you really don't want to because the group is. You won't have to worry about being ostracized from the group. You will not get stuck with another person's agenda. You will be YOU and grow, and REALLY help people in a REAL way. You will learn what works and what doesn't, right before your eyes, not by what someone tells you is working.
People confuse the word independent with not caring about the Universe. Not true at all, they have no true grasp of the word. Independent people are the ones that make the most happen in the world. They aren't loners. They are fearless thinkers who see opportunity that others fear to take. They aren't cold or unkind, they are just able to do things , and THINK on their own, that doesn't mean they shun the world.
Groups are necessary to make things happen at times. Sometimes many hands are needed, but also many minds. Many minds with many ideas....not sheep. Have you ever seen a herd of sheep accomplish anything great ? Of course not. Don't be a sheep, be a thinking human.
Independent people make huge changes and do it quietly. They aren't there for recognition. Some make amazing strides, and independent thinkers like Einstein , Edison and Gates have changed our world. Their work was done quietly, but the amazing results resounded around the world.
Don't let people tell you being independent is being nonspiritual, it is actually one of the most important lessons of life in truly being spiritual !
Pesahui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Following the path....
I always thought that my path was working hard, being in the corporate world, making money. My Mom wanted better for me than she had, and she told me I HAD to go to college. I didn't mind as I always liked school, but I had no idea what I wanted to study. Today I can think of many things I would want to study....time does make us smarter.
She would have loved to send me to law school (I would have too), but knew we could not afford the tuition, and being that she owned a home with her sister, the powers that be told her she was not eligible. Things seem to have changed, but in those days, if you had a paycheck and a home, you weren't considered to be needing any money from anywhere.
I graduated college, but already had a job. I worked since I was 16. I worked 38 hour weeks while in college, and somehow survived. I had a great job when I graduated and saw no reason to go for a Masters. I worked, I worked my way up, and eventually found myself earning 6 figures, in a 2600 square foot, awesome house we built. I wasn't using my degree at all , even though a college degree was and still is necessary for a decent job unless you have a trade that you are good at. There were two kids, and a nice car.....OK, now what?
"What", was 9/11. I lost my job, and even though I found one about a month later, it was a turning point. After years of constantly finding better and better jobs, there were no great ones to be found. I had not been using any of my psychic abilities (except to shout out the winning lottery numbers AS they were ex used to say "Can't you do that a few hours sooner?"), and life was a whirlwind of "this doesn't make me happy". I left the beautiful house and started over. I went for the sun and lived in the desert and then mountains of New Mexico for 4 years, then came to Indiana for a job. A job as a psychic.
I had already been doing readings at this point, and had been told by 2 psychic friends that I was supposed to be doing readings and healing. Healing! Not me, I am NOT into sick people , no way....well that was then, now I am a Reiki Master, go figure. The Universe nudged me along my path and got me back to where I started, that being, honoring my psychic abilities and using them, and honoring my Native American background. My Mom took me to every pow wow, museum, and celebration she could find, even though she didn't have a drop of NA blood in her.
The "job" I came to Indiana for, I discovered, was scamming folks into readings on the net. I had a bad feeling about it from the start, but my friend who is an ecellent psychic just kept telling are supposed to go there. I did. She was right though.
I took my business to new heights, and bought a home. I then branched out to reiki , tai chi, and more NA studies.I earned a ministerial degree, then a Masters and PhD in Metaphysical Science. Now I was doing what I wanted to do. I sharpened my skills, and worked hard at doing things the right way. It was never easy, but it was never difficult either. I quit on the first day at lunch time when I saw what they were about, and off I went.
Now I have my happy home with a wonderful husband who fully accepts what I do and has some talent himself. I have developed some awesome friendships, and we have our cozy house, and wonderful animals. We manage to do everything that we want to accomplish, and we are abundant and happy.We travel, and entertain friends on our beautiful property. It took years and pitfalls to get here, both for me and my husband. We had "other lives" before this one, and trusted the Universe to help us get where we needed to be.
Many told me I was brave to go places alone, to be in new states, new cultures. It isn't bravery at all, it is more like faith in the Universe. When you have that you don't have to be brave.
So again , another birthday and another year in business for myself. I would give myself the day off, but I also know that isn't what the Universe has in store for me today. I do however get to celebrate with friends tonight, doing one of my favorite things...a bonfire, drums, flutes, and some of the coolest people God/ Creator/ The Universe ever put on the face of the earth.I am giving my friends a party for my birthday, after all they put up with me all year.
Good food (after all I am a moon child), good friends, good fun.
Who could ask for more !!
It turns out that I do have it, and did have it much better than my Mom , I just took a little different path than she and I expected, to get there. I know she loves what I have done with my life, and she always taught me that the only one who can make my life better was me. She was right, about a lot of things....
Peshaui Wequashimese
(a name my Grandmother gave me on a birthday long ago)
(C) 2011Dr R M Reiter Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
She would have loved to send me to law school (I would have too), but knew we could not afford the tuition, and being that she owned a home with her sister, the powers that be told her she was not eligible. Things seem to have changed, but in those days, if you had a paycheck and a home, you weren't considered to be needing any money from anywhere.
I graduated college, but already had a job. I worked since I was 16. I worked 38 hour weeks while in college, and somehow survived. I had a great job when I graduated and saw no reason to go for a Masters. I worked, I worked my way up, and eventually found myself earning 6 figures, in a 2600 square foot, awesome house we built. I wasn't using my degree at all , even though a college degree was and still is necessary for a decent job unless you have a trade that you are good at. There were two kids, and a nice car.....OK, now what?
"What", was 9/11. I lost my job, and even though I found one about a month later, it was a turning point. After years of constantly finding better and better jobs, there were no great ones to be found. I had not been using any of my psychic abilities (except to shout out the winning lottery numbers AS they were ex used to say "Can't you do that a few hours sooner?"), and life was a whirlwind of "this doesn't make me happy". I left the beautiful house and started over. I went for the sun and lived in the desert and then mountains of New Mexico for 4 years, then came to Indiana for a job. A job as a psychic.
I had already been doing readings at this point, and had been told by 2 psychic friends that I was supposed to be doing readings and healing. Healing! Not me, I am NOT into sick people , no way....well that was then, now I am a Reiki Master, go figure. The Universe nudged me along my path and got me back to where I started, that being, honoring my psychic abilities and using them, and honoring my Native American background. My Mom took me to every pow wow, museum, and celebration she could find, even though she didn't have a drop of NA blood in her.
The "job" I came to Indiana for, I discovered, was scamming folks into readings on the net. I had a bad feeling about it from the start, but my friend who is an ecellent psychic just kept telling are supposed to go there. I did. She was right though.
I took my business to new heights, and bought a home. I then branched out to reiki , tai chi, and more NA studies.I earned a ministerial degree, then a Masters and PhD in Metaphysical Science. Now I was doing what I wanted to do. I sharpened my skills, and worked hard at doing things the right way. It was never easy, but it was never difficult either. I quit on the first day at lunch time when I saw what they were about, and off I went.
Now I have my happy home with a wonderful husband who fully accepts what I do and has some talent himself. I have developed some awesome friendships, and we have our cozy house, and wonderful animals. We manage to do everything that we want to accomplish, and we are abundant and happy.We travel, and entertain friends on our beautiful property. It took years and pitfalls to get here, both for me and my husband. We had "other lives" before this one, and trusted the Universe to help us get where we needed to be.
Many told me I was brave to go places alone, to be in new states, new cultures. It isn't bravery at all, it is more like faith in the Universe. When you have that you don't have to be brave.
So again , another birthday and another year in business for myself. I would give myself the day off, but I also know that isn't what the Universe has in store for me today. I do however get to celebrate with friends tonight, doing one of my favorite things...a bonfire, drums, flutes, and some of the coolest people God/ Creator/ The Universe ever put on the face of the earth.I am giving my friends a party for my birthday, after all they put up with me all year.
Good food (after all I am a moon child), good friends, good fun.
Who could ask for more !!
It turns out that I do have it, and did have it much better than my Mom , I just took a little different path than she and I expected, to get there. I know she loves what I have done with my life, and she always taught me that the only one who can make my life better was me. She was right, about a lot of things....
Peshaui Wequashimese
(a name my Grandmother gave me on a birthday long ago)
(C) 2011Dr R M Reiter Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Taking on other cultural ideals
Two folks asked about taking on other culture's ways, ideals, and methods. That is fine. There is no community anywhere on earth that will not welcome more members. The problem is when people want to "play" at something.
There is a tendency to do things half way, or with the flavor of the person's original life and belief system in it. Then it is a problem. When you stay in your home and worship Barbie dolls dressed in Burkas, that is OK, but when you then take that out into the world and call yourself a follower of a belief system that doesn't know Barbie from a hole in the wall, you are creating a huge issue.
Native American newspapers (yes they DO have them), are full of natives screaming about people playing Indian. This stems mostly from the James Ray sweat lodge horror. They are very clear that no white man belongs running a sweat lodge. I hear them loud and clear.They feel that an integral part of their spiritual lives has been taken and desecrated by others.
Let's look at it this way. I have been to a Bar Mitzvah, know very well what it is all about, can sing the prayers, but should I perform one? Of course not, that is up to a trained and authorized (ordained) Rabbi.I can WANT to be (fill in the blank), but that doesn't mean I can ever be that "personage", I can't.
This doesn't just happen in the Native culture, although that seems to be the popular one right now. When I was a kid it wasn't cool to be an Indian, not at all. Now all of a sudden, everyone wants to be one...well not everywhere. I didn't see this on the east coast or in the desert southwest, most likely because there are so many real Natives that no one would dare play at being one. James ray brought his nonsense from California, and made a horrible mess of things.
The fact remains, if you want to take on another culture, learn from the people OF THAT CULTURE, and learn your lesson WELL. Make sure that you carefully follow not only the words and deeds, but (and now here is the hard part), the thinking and belief behind it, otherwise you are just "playing". If you do it in a few months, you aren't doing it right, it takes years to take on another mind set and know all about any other belief system.
There is not a problem following another group or honoring it, but playing at it is abhorrent to the culture. It is not a compliment , it is an insult. It isn't what is in your Ego or "wants" are, it is what is in your heart. The Universe can see very clearly into your heart.
One person who wrote in said that they went to a pipe ceremony where the people with the pipes didn't sing a pipe loading song. They didn't know it.
They should know the song if they have a pipe, or they shouldn't have one at all. This person had heard the song, and had been to authentic ceremonies where the song is sung, and knew something was amiss. There are different Nations with different ways, but this was a following that should have included a pipe loading song.
That isn't honoring the Native way, that is "half assing" it and insulting it. It is being lazy and egotistical to say "I have a pipe", not honoring the native ways and putting the right energy into the ceremony. There is way too much ego in the spiritual community lately. Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. They don't want to put in the years of work or study, they just want to be part of something. Some don't even know they are being half taught , or under educated.
DO it the right way, and do the right things for the right reasons.
For those that wrote in, yes you are entirely correct, these situations you described to me are clearly people that you don't want to be around. Go for quality. Go for authenticity, I am so happy that you recognized the difference!!
Quality over quantity.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
If you are going to do it half way, don't do it at all.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There is a tendency to do things half way, or with the flavor of the person's original life and belief system in it. Then it is a problem. When you stay in your home and worship Barbie dolls dressed in Burkas, that is OK, but when you then take that out into the world and call yourself a follower of a belief system that doesn't know Barbie from a hole in the wall, you are creating a huge issue.
Native American newspapers (yes they DO have them), are full of natives screaming about people playing Indian. This stems mostly from the James Ray sweat lodge horror. They are very clear that no white man belongs running a sweat lodge. I hear them loud and clear.They feel that an integral part of their spiritual lives has been taken and desecrated by others.
Let's look at it this way. I have been to a Bar Mitzvah, know very well what it is all about, can sing the prayers, but should I perform one? Of course not, that is up to a trained and authorized (ordained) Rabbi.I can WANT to be (fill in the blank), but that doesn't mean I can ever be that "personage", I can't.
This doesn't just happen in the Native culture, although that seems to be the popular one right now. When I was a kid it wasn't cool to be an Indian, not at all. Now all of a sudden, everyone wants to be one...well not everywhere. I didn't see this on the east coast or in the desert southwest, most likely because there are so many real Natives that no one would dare play at being one. James ray brought his nonsense from California, and made a horrible mess of things.
The fact remains, if you want to take on another culture, learn from the people OF THAT CULTURE, and learn your lesson WELL. Make sure that you carefully follow not only the words and deeds, but (and now here is the hard part), the thinking and belief behind it, otherwise you are just "playing". If you do it in a few months, you aren't doing it right, it takes years to take on another mind set and know all about any other belief system.
There is not a problem following another group or honoring it, but playing at it is abhorrent to the culture. It is not a compliment , it is an insult. It isn't what is in your Ego or "wants" are, it is what is in your heart. The Universe can see very clearly into your heart.
One person who wrote in said that they went to a pipe ceremony where the people with the pipes didn't sing a pipe loading song. They didn't know it.
They should know the song if they have a pipe, or they shouldn't have one at all. This person had heard the song, and had been to authentic ceremonies where the song is sung, and knew something was amiss. There are different Nations with different ways, but this was a following that should have included a pipe loading song.
That isn't honoring the Native way, that is "half assing" it and insulting it. It is being lazy and egotistical to say "I have a pipe", not honoring the native ways and putting the right energy into the ceremony. There is way too much ego in the spiritual community lately. Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. They don't want to put in the years of work or study, they just want to be part of something. Some don't even know they are being half taught , or under educated.
Taking on any other culture's ways , when done fully and correctly is an honor. It shows dedication and respect. Doing it half way shows disrespect. No matter what you take on, do it for the right reasons, and do it the right way. There are many authentic people out there willing to teach.
DO it the right way, and do the right things for the right reasons.
For those that wrote in, yes you are entirely correct, these situations you described to me are clearly people that you don't want to be around. Go for quality. Go for authenticity, I am so happy that you recognized the difference!!
Quality over quantity.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
If you are going to do it half way, don't do it at all.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Everything happens for a reason
All the important things in life, the big things, all happen for a reason. Not really everything....that would just be way too complicated. So why did Caylee's Mom , Casey receive a not guilty verdict?
First of all, for what it is worth, I know she had something to do with the death of her child. I can't say she physically did the deed, but authorized, facilitated it, wanted it...yes. When you do that in this country you go to jail, well usually, as if you did it all by yourself. I could not help thinking back to the OJ Simpson trial. I knew he did it, I think everyone knew he did it, even his supporters, but they just didn't want anything bad to happen to their hero. What resulted there though, was that trial prep is very different from what it was.Judges also learned that their role in the trial is more important than just a mediator. Vince Bugliosi who was instrumental in convicting Charles Manson and his "gang", wrote a book about the civil trial of Simpson. The civil court rules are a lot looser than the criminal courts, and OJ was found guilty and had to pay a hefty sum. Then OJ did what every one of them does sooner or later. He showed his true colors, he will most likely be in jail for the rest of his life for kidnapping and robbery.
When Lacey Peterson disappeared and they said her husband was fishing, I said "He did it". We all know now, he did it. There have been other crimes where I knew the person and outcome . I knew it here. I know Casey is guilty, and I knew she was going to be found not guilty.
I knew James ray would be found guilty, although I was hoping for a harsher sentence. It enabled the Native American community to have a voice also, and they said loud and clear "no white men belong building or hosting a sweat lodge". They spoke loud and clear of how others have taken something that is sacred to them, and use it, and MISUSE it. Let's see who listens.
The looming question is "why"?
With OJ the way attorneys prepared for trials changed; Nicole's sisters have started abuse centers that have saved many more lives than OJ took. Many didn't want to believe that OJ could do something so horrible. Maybe he needed to be found guilty in civil court, and then screw up again so that people could learn that celebrities do bad things too, and not to judge them a good person just because they are a celebrity. Maybe it simply would have psychologically messed up OJ's kids even more if he were found guilty of murdering their Mom. They are so many layers and things we will never know.
With Casey Anthony, the same thing will happen. She will mess up again, she has all the signs and affect of a sociopath. Sociopath's can't help it, they just do bad things because they have no regard for what their actions do to others. They found her competent to stand trial, which means she knows what the trial is all about, but it doesn't mean that she isn't a killer. It isn't justice, but you can bet this gal will be ostracized from family, and friends. She won't be able to find a job, so I hope that she saves every penny from every interview she will be giving. Her life is ruined, she just isn't sitting in a jail cell. It doesn't seem fair, and I am sure it isn't, but there is a reason for it. The reason MAY appear to us somewhere down the line, and it may not. See, we as citizens get to make our own decisions. The court makes theirs and grants her freedom to be in the world, but people also are allowed to make decisions. We can't hang her from the highest tree like they did in the old west, but in a way, her life has ended . The party girl won't be living the fun lifestyle any more.
We just have to trust that the Universe had her found not guilty for a reason, I know the reason isn't that she had nothing to do with it, but that unfortunately, is what the jurors said, and we have to abide by that decision.
Trust in the Universe, it is not over , as Casey Anthony's life is not over. There is more to some... we just have not seen the true colors yet.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
First of all, for what it is worth, I know she had something to do with the death of her child. I can't say she physically did the deed, but authorized, facilitated it, wanted it...yes. When you do that in this country you go to jail, well usually, as if you did it all by yourself. I could not help thinking back to the OJ Simpson trial. I knew he did it, I think everyone knew he did it, even his supporters, but they just didn't want anything bad to happen to their hero. What resulted there though, was that trial prep is very different from what it was.Judges also learned that their role in the trial is more important than just a mediator. Vince Bugliosi who was instrumental in convicting Charles Manson and his "gang", wrote a book about the civil trial of Simpson. The civil court rules are a lot looser than the criminal courts, and OJ was found guilty and had to pay a hefty sum. Then OJ did what every one of them does sooner or later. He showed his true colors, he will most likely be in jail for the rest of his life for kidnapping and robbery.
When Lacey Peterson disappeared and they said her husband was fishing, I said "He did it". We all know now, he did it. There have been other crimes where I knew the person and outcome . I knew it here. I know Casey is guilty, and I knew she was going to be found not guilty.
I knew James ray would be found guilty, although I was hoping for a harsher sentence. It enabled the Native American community to have a voice also, and they said loud and clear "no white men belong building or hosting a sweat lodge". They spoke loud and clear of how others have taken something that is sacred to them, and use it, and MISUSE it. Let's see who listens.
The looming question is "why"?
With OJ the way attorneys prepared for trials changed; Nicole's sisters have started abuse centers that have saved many more lives than OJ took. Many didn't want to believe that OJ could do something so horrible. Maybe he needed to be found guilty in civil court, and then screw up again so that people could learn that celebrities do bad things too, and not to judge them a good person just because they are a celebrity. Maybe it simply would have psychologically messed up OJ's kids even more if he were found guilty of murdering their Mom. They are so many layers and things we will never know.
With Casey Anthony, the same thing will happen. She will mess up again, she has all the signs and affect of a sociopath. Sociopath's can't help it, they just do bad things because they have no regard for what their actions do to others. They found her competent to stand trial, which means she knows what the trial is all about, but it doesn't mean that she isn't a killer. It isn't justice, but you can bet this gal will be ostracized from family, and friends. She won't be able to find a job, so I hope that she saves every penny from every interview she will be giving. Her life is ruined, she just isn't sitting in a jail cell. It doesn't seem fair, and I am sure it isn't, but there is a reason for it. The reason MAY appear to us somewhere down the line, and it may not. See, we as citizens get to make our own decisions. The court makes theirs and grants her freedom to be in the world, but people also are allowed to make decisions. We can't hang her from the highest tree like they did in the old west, but in a way, her life has ended . The party girl won't be living the fun lifestyle any more.
We just have to trust that the Universe had her found not guilty for a reason, I know the reason isn't that she had nothing to do with it, but that unfortunately, is what the jurors said, and we have to abide by that decision.
Trust in the Universe, it is not over , as Casey Anthony's life is not over. There is more to some... we just have not seen the true colors yet.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Messages Part III
Messages. There are ways to obtain them, and ways to check them. Then there are the ones we discussed briefly,where the Universe is trying to tell you something important.
Searching messages out is the preferred method, once the Universe feels it has to send a message, it is because we were not paying attention. It means the Universe is noticing, and is perhaps a little upset with us. These messages usually come in threes also, but I would advise not waiting for the third bump in the head. When you think you have received a strong message, or know that you have , but not why you are making a mistake that the Universe feels the need to correct, go back to "obtaining" a message. Ask what you are doing wrong, or what path you are supposed to be on . Most people know the answers already when this happens, they just were hoping the Universe would not notice, or will stop bothering them. That WON'T happen.
A friend recently told me that she tried three times this year to go to her first sweat. All three times, there was a rain out. She said, "Will I ever get to go?". I told her it may be she isn't supposed to go to that particular lodge, or maybe not at all. She managed to do a sweat with an entirely different group of people who are authentic and allowed her to come to their traditional lodge on their native land to do a sweat. Three times is a charm. When the Universe keeps you at bay, there is a reason for it. She was in a safe place, with true Native teachers.
One day a family member who was all excited about doing a million things (some he was not yet prepared to do at all). He was rushing around and talking excitedly about his new thoughts, ambitions, and ideas. I had already told him to take things one step at a time, to slow down. His over enthusiasm was already getting him into situations he was not prepared for. We were running errands one day when he managed to bump up against or run over 3 curbs. One was a driveway in a business, one an island in a parking lot, and one a corner of a street. He said, "What is going on today, I keep running over curbs?". I told him, the Universe is literally telling you to "Curb your enthusiasm!". He laughed, and said..."Oh wow, that is funny". He changed plans, and all went well.
The Universe does send signals all the time, it is just that we usually are not paying attention or do not want to hear it. We want to do what the loud ego says, not what common sense tells us to do. When we make big mistakes, the Universe acts harshly. It doesn't punish , but it DOES teach and try to get your attention.
When something is repeatedly unobtainable; when it is taken away; when it is prevented entirely; when it is something that time and again eludes you, you are not supposed to do it.
When you feel uncomfortable, angry, frustrated with a situation , person, or group of people. LEAVE, they are not going to change unless they are 2 or 3 years old. It is the Universe telling you, "You do not belong here".
Learn to read the signs. There are many out there who ignore them daily, and life inevitably slips slowly downhill, don't be one of the clueless, be one of the tuned in. Just because you WANT to do something, doesn't mean that you should. Just because you got away with doing something before, doesn't mean you should do it again.
Search out your messages, read them clearly, verify them, and move on with them! Listening to messages is what separates those "lucky" and happy people from everyone else.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Searching messages out is the preferred method, once the Universe feels it has to send a message, it is because we were not paying attention. It means the Universe is noticing, and is perhaps a little upset with us. These messages usually come in threes also, but I would advise not waiting for the third bump in the head. When you think you have received a strong message, or know that you have , but not why you are making a mistake that the Universe feels the need to correct, go back to "obtaining" a message. Ask what you are doing wrong, or what path you are supposed to be on . Most people know the answers already when this happens, they just were hoping the Universe would not notice, or will stop bothering them. That WON'T happen.
A friend recently told me that she tried three times this year to go to her first sweat. All three times, there was a rain out. She said, "Will I ever get to go?". I told her it may be she isn't supposed to go to that particular lodge, or maybe not at all. She managed to do a sweat with an entirely different group of people who are authentic and allowed her to come to their traditional lodge on their native land to do a sweat. Three times is a charm. When the Universe keeps you at bay, there is a reason for it. She was in a safe place, with true Native teachers.
One day a family member who was all excited about doing a million things (some he was not yet prepared to do at all). He was rushing around and talking excitedly about his new thoughts, ambitions, and ideas. I had already told him to take things one step at a time, to slow down. His over enthusiasm was already getting him into situations he was not prepared for. We were running errands one day when he managed to bump up against or run over 3 curbs. One was a driveway in a business, one an island in a parking lot, and one a corner of a street. He said, "What is going on today, I keep running over curbs?". I told him, the Universe is literally telling you to "Curb your enthusiasm!". He laughed, and said..."Oh wow, that is funny". He changed plans, and all went well.
The Universe does send signals all the time, it is just that we usually are not paying attention or do not want to hear it. We want to do what the loud ego says, not what common sense tells us to do. When we make big mistakes, the Universe acts harshly. It doesn't punish , but it DOES teach and try to get your attention.
When something is repeatedly unobtainable; when it is taken away; when it is prevented entirely; when it is something that time and again eludes you, you are not supposed to do it.
When you feel uncomfortable, angry, frustrated with a situation , person, or group of people. LEAVE, they are not going to change unless they are 2 or 3 years old. It is the Universe telling you, "You do not belong here".
Learn to read the signs. There are many out there who ignore them daily, and life inevitably slips slowly downhill, don't be one of the clueless, be one of the tuned in. Just because you WANT to do something, doesn't mean that you should. Just because you got away with doing something before, doesn't mean you should do it again.
Search out your messages, read them clearly, verify them, and move on with them! Listening to messages is what separates those "lucky" and happy people from everyone else.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Messages Part II
Yesterday I wrote how to obtain messages, several different ways. I do want to mention that if you really want to learn to meditate , there are places where you can take classes to help you. Try for a while on your own first. it is a long slow process for most, but the moment it works, it is locked in, and you will be able to access the state of mind more easily each time.
The next part of the equation is that you have what you think is a message, but how can you be sure.
This is where two things come into play. Observation and a notebook. To preface this, the whole "getting messages" thing is not for overly optimistic (bliss ninny people), or the negative The negative will never get an answer (even when they actually do), and when they do, they will always doubt it. The overly optimistic will see signs, messages, and guideposts in EVERYTHING.They will always be positive messages where they never need to do anything difficult, or make big changes, they will always misread those messages.
Sometimes a rainbow is just refracted light on water, sometimes it is a message of hope and a better ending to the situation than you thought.
You need to believe that this can work, BUT have a dose of skepticism. When your "answers" are always what you want to hear, you aren't listenting to your higher self, but your Ego. This is where the notebook comes in.
Write down each "symbol" or message you receive. You may not know what it means right away. That is part of why the notebook is important. When you keep track of the message or symbol and what the result was ,you will have a lot of "A HA" moments. Then you will have a sort of code book to how your guide sends messages. It is also important that the Universe sees how dedicated and serious you are and sees that you understand a certain way of communicating. They will then use that channel to communicate with you on a more regular basis.
It helps you see what is real communication and what is not. It also helps you see a trend. When you get messages more like warnings when in certain situations, you will know to stay away from those situations.
The other part is observation. You simply state something like this, " If the message I received today means it is OK to spend money on a new car, then (make this happen,) three times in the next week." There are a couple of important components here. First the "three times" keeps coincidence and us fooling ourselves, to a minimum. When you ask for a sign, you have to tell the Universe what the sign is. Signs sometimes come without us asking for them, and we will talk about those on Tuesday.
The sign you ask for has to be unusual, but not impossible. It has to be something that happens, but not normally or on a daily basis.
I live in the midwest. I may say, "Let me see three large hawks over the next week if the message is that I should buy a new car". Then you have to go about life as usual. I can't sit in front of the window all day hoping to see a hawk. Going to the bird sanctuary where the hawk is housed and looking at it every day isn't going to work. These are messages, not magic formulas. We have hawks in our area, but not always in the yard, they do however come into our trees from time to time. This makes it easy for the Universe to manipulate the answer. We cannot ask for the impossible. I would not say, I want to see an elephant taking a bath in my birdbath every day, to know this symbol is true.
When you think of a good "test", like the hawks, keep it and use it all the time. Unless you change locations or cut down all your trees, then use the same test.
Be honest with yourself. Don't say, "I didn't see a hawk. but I heard one", in order to allow yourself to buy a new car. If you are going to do that, why bother to ask for a message? This is part of the important statement I made yesterday , you have to act on the message. If you do not, the messages will no longer come. The Universe will let you learn the hard way like everyone else.
So, get the message, verify it with keen observation, and honesty. Use good verifying tools, and write it all down. Then act on the message as given. Don't doubt the Universe.
Obtaining, recognizing and using messages makes for an abundant life.
NOTE: Today is also the NEW MOON, so please remember to do any new moon rituals that you have planned.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The next part of the equation is that you have what you think is a message, but how can you be sure.
This is where two things come into play. Observation and a notebook. To preface this, the whole "getting messages" thing is not for overly optimistic (bliss ninny people), or the negative The negative will never get an answer (even when they actually do), and when they do, they will always doubt it. The overly optimistic will see signs, messages, and guideposts in EVERYTHING.They will always be positive messages where they never need to do anything difficult, or make big changes, they will always misread those messages.
Sometimes a rainbow is just refracted light on water, sometimes it is a message of hope and a better ending to the situation than you thought.
You need to believe that this can work, BUT have a dose of skepticism. When your "answers" are always what you want to hear, you aren't listenting to your higher self, but your Ego. This is where the notebook comes in.
Write down each "symbol" or message you receive. You may not know what it means right away. That is part of why the notebook is important. When you keep track of the message or symbol and what the result was ,you will have a lot of "A HA" moments. Then you will have a sort of code book to how your guide sends messages. It is also important that the Universe sees how dedicated and serious you are and sees that you understand a certain way of communicating. They will then use that channel to communicate with you on a more regular basis.
It helps you see what is real communication and what is not. It also helps you see a trend. When you get messages more like warnings when in certain situations, you will know to stay away from those situations.
The other part is observation. You simply state something like this, " If the message I received today means it is OK to spend money on a new car, then (make this happen,) three times in the next week." There are a couple of important components here. First the "three times" keeps coincidence and us fooling ourselves, to a minimum. When you ask for a sign, you have to tell the Universe what the sign is. Signs sometimes come without us asking for them, and we will talk about those on Tuesday.
The sign you ask for has to be unusual, but not impossible. It has to be something that happens, but not normally or on a daily basis.
I live in the midwest. I may say, "Let me see three large hawks over the next week if the message is that I should buy a new car". Then you have to go about life as usual. I can't sit in front of the window all day hoping to see a hawk. Going to the bird sanctuary where the hawk is housed and looking at it every day isn't going to work. These are messages, not magic formulas. We have hawks in our area, but not always in the yard, they do however come into our trees from time to time. This makes it easy for the Universe to manipulate the answer. We cannot ask for the impossible. I would not say, I want to see an elephant taking a bath in my birdbath every day, to know this symbol is true.
When you think of a good "test", like the hawks, keep it and use it all the time. Unless you change locations or cut down all your trees, then use the same test.
Be honest with yourself. Don't say, "I didn't see a hawk. but I heard one", in order to allow yourself to buy a new car. If you are going to do that, why bother to ask for a message? This is part of the important statement I made yesterday , you have to act on the message. If you do not, the messages will no longer come. The Universe will let you learn the hard way like everyone else.
So, get the message, verify it with keen observation, and honesty. Use good verifying tools, and write it all down. Then act on the message as given. Don't doubt the Universe.
Obtaining, recognizing and using messages makes for an abundant life.
NOTE: Today is also the NEW MOON, so please remember to do any new moon rituals that you have planned.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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