Friday, July 1, 2011

Messages Part II

Yesterday I wrote how to obtain messages, several different ways. I do want to mention that if you really want to learn to meditate , there are places where you can take classes to help you. Try for a while on your own first. it is a long slow process for most, but the moment it works, it is locked in, and you will be able to access the state of mind more easily each time.

The next part of the equation is that you have what you think is a message, but how can you be sure.

This is where two things come into play. Observation and a notebook. To preface this, the whole "getting messages" thing is not for overly optimistic (bliss ninny people), or the negative The negative will never get an answer (even when they actually do), and when they do, they will always doubt it. The overly optimistic will see signs, messages, and guideposts in EVERYTHING.They will always be positive messages where they never need to do anything difficult, or make big changes, they will always misread those messages.

Sometimes a rainbow is just refracted light on water, sometimes it is a message of hope and a better ending to the situation than you thought.

You need to believe that this can work, BUT have a dose of skepticism. When your "answers" are always what you want to hear, you aren't listenting to your higher self, but your Ego. This is where the notebook comes in.

Write down each "symbol" or message you receive. You may not know what it means right away. That is part of why the notebook is important. When you keep track of the message or symbol and what the result was ,you will have a lot of "A HA" moments. Then you will have a sort of code book to how your guide sends messages. It is also important that the Universe sees how dedicated and serious you are and sees that you understand a certain way of communicating. They will then use that channel to communicate with you on a more regular basis.

It helps you see what is real communication and what is not. It also helps you see a trend. When you get messages more like warnings when in certain situations, you will know to stay away from those situations.

The other part is observation. You simply state something like this, " If the message I received today means it is OK to spend money on a new car, then (make this happen,) three times in the next week." There are a couple of important components here. First the "three times" keeps coincidence and us fooling ourselves, to a minimum. When you ask for a sign, you have to tell the Universe what the sign is. Signs sometimes come without us asking for them, and we will talk about those on Tuesday.

The sign you ask for has to be unusual, but not impossible. It has to be something that happens, but not normally or on a daily basis.

I live in the midwest. I may say, "Let me see three large hawks over the next week if the message is that I should buy a new car". Then you have to go about life as usual. I can't sit in front of the window all day hoping to see a hawk. Going to the bird sanctuary where the hawk is housed and looking at it every day isn't going to work. These are messages, not magic formulas. We have hawks in our area, but not always in the yard, they do however come into our trees from time to time. This makes it easy for the Universe to manipulate the answer. We cannot ask for the impossible. I would not say, I want to see an elephant taking a bath in my birdbath every day, to know this symbol is true.

When you think of a good "test", like the hawks, keep it and use it all the time. Unless you change locations or cut down all your trees, then use the same test.

Be honest with yourself. Don't say, "I didn't see a hawk. but I heard one", in order to allow yourself to buy a new car. If you are going to do that, why bother to ask for a message?  This is part of the important statement I made yesterday , you have to act on the message. If you do not, the messages will no longer come. The Universe will let you learn the hard way like everyone else.

So, get the message, verify it with keen observation, and honesty. Use good verifying tools, and write it all down. Then act on the message as given. Don't doubt the Universe.

Obtaining, recognizing and using messages makes for an abundant life.

NOTE: Today is also the NEW MOON, so please remember to do any new moon rituals that you have planned.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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