I was asked yesterday about how to get messages. It is difficult at first, but once you master it, it is amazingly EASY!
This is a topic that is very hot with many people now. It is a good "hot topic" especially since messages will get easier and easier to obtain as we approach 2012. There are actually two parts to it. How do we get messages for our highest good, and how do we know they are genuine?
First let me say that the Universe loves it when people open up to it, and it doesn't mind being asked to "confirm" a message. The messages however are usually subtle, or happen over a length of time, so they are harder to see. The Universal voice speaks to us more softly than our loud Ego, so we have to move beyond Ego, and listen carefully.
Sometimes we get messages without asking or trying. Let's say that you keep trying to achieve something and failing time and again. The message is "don't do it". What if every time you are with a group, you feel badly. You may feel unhappy, physically ill or tired, or upset in some way. The Universe is saying, "Time to leave this group behind". When we are always rushing around, and we find that when we rush all kinds of things go wrong to slow us down, traffic jams, closed roads, flat tires, slow moving trucks, make us later and later...the message is SLOW DOWN, or simply to start leaving earlier. Whenever we are uncomfortable, angry or frustrated, there is a Universal message there!!
Before you go through the "attempts", there are a few things you need to do first:
Lose any fear about it. Just think of it as prayers being answered, as essentially it is the same thing.
Be sincere about it. Use it for YOUR HIGHEST GOOD, nothing else. These are important messages for you, not the winning lottery numbers, or what a boy thinks about you. These are life messages, and are on a much higher level. They are guidance for you.
Be consistent.
Accept and act on the knowledge when it comes.
The other pre-work is that you should use an affirmation daily, if not several times a day, to advise the Universe you are serious about this and need its' help. The affirmation can be:
I am ready to accept and act on Universal wisdom and direct messages sent to me. I will receive them, accept them and act on them. I ask the Universe to assist me in this now. The Universe will assist me now.Only messages from the light and for my highest good will come through.
This is the Pre-work, and is necessary for success.Part I is DOING the message gathering. There are a couple of parts to the process and we will talk more about those in the coming days.
There are a few ways to obtain messages, but the best way is to try to connect by way of meditation. The only method of meditation is NOT sitting cross legged in a dark and quiet room. That is wonderful if it works for you, but not everyone can clear their mind so easily. The reason this is best , is that you can do it at just about any time. When you get good at it, you can do it in a crowded room.
If you can sit and relax your whole body, and not think any thoughts, use that method. If you can't do it the first time, don't give up. It sometimes takes a lot of practice. The "quiet" is sometimes actually a deterrent. When you can't stop thinking, try the peaceful state with some new age, non invasive music, steady quiet drumming (you don't need an actual drum), or nature sounds (waves or rain). Total non thinking is your aim.
So, make your space as quiet and relaxing as possible. For some that is a dark, warm, totally quiet room. For others it is in the great outdoors , or in the bath. Blank your mind, you may have to try a few times. When you can't, don't get frustrated, but stop, and try another day.
There are other ways to alter your brain waves. When you go into this meditative state, you are taking the brain's electronic function to a different level. Zoning out so to speak. You are here, but you aren't.
I find that walking a familiar route is magic for me. If I have a question, I go for a walk, and get all kinds of solutions. It is just WALKING...not sight seeing, or window shopping, and it is best done alone. Long drives do it for a lot of people. I don't recommend trying to zone out while driving, but how many poeple have been on long highway drives and suddenly said, "Here's my exit! How did I get here, I don't remember a thing!" It is separating your conscious mind (that is still driving the car), from your subconscious mind (that was elsewhere). Some people are able to do this with a moving mediation like tai chi. Tai chi is performed through muscle memory, and does not require you to think, leaving your mind to roam, much like driving along the quiet and boring highway.
Find the right method that works best. When meditating, don't be afraid if you find yourself falling asleep. It is actually a good thing, You are relaxing. Many get messages just before they fall asleep.Work with it to stay "in between" for longer periods.
Another method is to ask for messages while you sleep, and to remember them. Obtaining messages while we sleep is the easiest way, and they do not appear as dreams, but sounds, or ideas given to you as you nod off. The HARD part is remembering them, so ask to remember them before going to sleep. Sometimes they will make you sit bolt upright in bed with their suddenness and clarity.
Other methods include psychic tools, like tarot, but they require training and interpretation. You can muscle test and use pendulums, but they give limited answers and I have seen too many people MAKE it move without realizing they are moving their hands.
To sum up Part I, do the affirmations, find the medatative method that works best. Before each session ask, "Do you have any messages for me that I need to know?" The answer may be nothing , as there are no messages for you, you are doing fine. So don't let silence deter you! The next session ask a more specific question, like, "How can I do better in my financial life?" The next session ask something along the lines of, " What would you like to teach me, even if there is nothing I need to know right now".
Write down ANYTHING you get. It may be one word, an image, a smell, a sound. Write it down.
Tomorrow, we will go into Part II!
Start practicing!!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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