Monday, June 27, 2011


I was recently sent an email asking, what exactly is channeling. People seem to think it is a new phenomenon, but as usual, it isn't. It is what was called previously "trance mediumship". Channeling is a person entering a light hypnotic state and allowing another entity to speak through them. The other entity can be what we call angels, nature spirits, or other beings. A true "channel" does not channel the dead, but a medium may use trance as a method to bring those who have passed into voice.

Then came the harder question, "How do you know if they are real?". That is the tough one. Look for changes, not just in how they sound or act, but finer points. What about their facial expressions (they should actually LOOK different), their selection of words, sentence structure, gestures and  appearance. This is of course easier if you have had conversations with the person prior. A very good actor can fake even that.

Listen to what they say. The channel will never put down or single out anyone in the room, to reprimand, or scold. They will just talk about Universal teachings and how our lives intertwine, our growth as a species, and what we are capable of as a group. If the "channel" starts telling someone they know in the group, that they don't dress well for example, that isn't Universal channeling, that is the person hiding behind the "channel".

A channel will never have to pause and think, answers will flow smoothly. There will be no contradiction in anything they say and there will be a theme to the channeling that will not digress nor go off on a tangent.

A channel will not remember anything they talked about earlier,(in certain circumstances a hypnotist can tell them to remember). They are freely giving over themselves to another being and are no longer "there" as part of the proceedings.

The messages must always be of quality and higher thought. It isn't about anything mundane.

The channel is always showing and teaching.

Generally people can be easily taught to self hypnotize. It is an excellent way of enabling oneself to grow, overcome boundaries, manifest, and find answers to issues. It is also a way to meditate and relax. Just because one can do this,(self hypnosis), does not make one a channel. It can help clear their thoughts and make them able to better present themselves later, but the actual act of self hypnosis, does not a channel make!

There are a ton of fake channels out there, and some real ones. It is easy to just BS for half an hour and say you are channeling the angel so and so. Actually research has found that angels don't have much to say, it is more along the lines of Universal teachers in the form of a collective thought or state of being. You may speak to a "spirit" of wisdom, love, truth. These are vast and deep topics and representations of them, that speak. The information that is" collected wisdom" over the centuries is what channels tap into , not a person who lived on this earth as a human being.

A channel will never tell you to do something bad, harmful, or negative. They won't tell you to give them money, cheat, steal or lie.

They won't have an interesting accent or tell you about their life, they never had one on this earth. This happens when mediums channel the dead, not channels who are channeling higher conscience. Higher conscience doesn't have an accent.

Many researchers are now finding that channels are rarely channeling, and have even found a couple of cases of multiple personalities. This is a psychological disorder, not friendly beings from another dimension.

Arthur Hastings PhD was asked in an interview whether people should open themselves to channeling, here is what he said:

There are several problems. One is, if people are interested in doing channeling, my suggestion is don't do it, because anytime you are changing your conscious level of awareness you are in a sense opening a door, and the door might be open to parts of yourself that you don't like. It might be open to spirits, if that's what's going on, that might be dangerous. A Ouija board is sort of like opening your door on a dark night. You don't know who might come in. So that's one thing. A second thing is that you can be possessed by your enthusiasm for channeling. I know of some people who channeled, who were doing channeling, still are doing channeling, who get totally fixated and caught up. They are listening to their other voice, they are listening to the voice of the channel, they can't wait to get back to it. Like some people get addicted to computers, some people get addicted to chocolate, some people get addicted to being channels. 

There are so many kinds of entities out there, higher consciousness is just one of hundreds of thousands. Would you be able to tell a being who never lived on this earth, and who is just a thought form, with no value ...a thing that wants to play a game with your voice and body, from a higher conscience? The answer is "no". The same reason we don't use Ouiji Boards is the same reason we don't throw our doors open wide to the ether. You can also open yourself to partial possession or walk ins.

I have protections in several forms that I use on simply doing psychic readings and healing. Whenever doing any metaphysical work, use protection. Spiritual celebrations etc., do not require such, as they are automatically connecting with God, Creator, the Universe and have the ultimate protection without even asking. Make sure that your space however and participants are cleared, cleansed and ready to go. When doing any ritual it is of ultimate importance that all participating are constantly thinking positive thoughts during the ritual/rite. Just one person not doing so, WILL deflect or minimize the results. That is why it is so important to not open your doors on anything serious and important to all to participate.

Be very wary of channels, or so called channels, it is easy to get caught up in it, even addicted to it, as Hastings says. Being hard to prove, it is also dangerous. You have a person giving you direction who may be confused or mentally ill.

There are so many ways to obtain information and Universal spiritual teachings, from something as easily obtained as a holy book, like a Bible, to forming a link to your guide. Just like the Bible and your guide don't make predictions, neither do channels.

Many people took on the "channeling" bug in the 70's through 90's. At that time, it seemed everyone was a channel, and as I wrote earlier, it is hard to disprove. Channels will not predict the future, or play silly games with you, they have much more vast and important things to do. Today be very careful and skeptical of channels. Make sure that you study them carefully, their mannerisms, what they say, and their messages.

Some so called channels are even fooling themselves. They self hypnotize and bring back past life memories, personal messages, and forgotten thoughts, they then proceed to call them channeled messages for all, when they are nothing of the sort. They don't mean harm, they are just confused, and maybe needing a little extra attention!

Be careful, smart, and always take on EVERY aspect of metaphysical and spiritual study with a good dose of skepticism (something our bliss ninny friends can't seem to do).  If you are in a vulnerable state or are a person who is gullible, stay away from this genre. Focus more on organized religion. Although to me, it is not what it makes itself out to be, it if much safer and protects those who would otherwise give fortune teller their life savings.

Research any channel, there are very few genuine ones in the world.

Never be taken in by a smile, a nice personality, a promise. There are more charlatans in the metaphysical and spiritual world than anywhere else.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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