A fellow reader and blogger was asked the other day why she blogs. Her answer was to teach people a better way, or at least try to. I fully agree. I started off writing a blog over 4 years ago. It was about holidays and celebrations at that time. I changed the blog becasue I saw a need for a strong voice, and how many times can one read about the origins of Samhain and not get bored with it. I was told by two if my teachers to write things to teach others. A client read my blog one day on MySpace and told others, and then many of my clients started reading the blog.
My blog, and my friend's blog, are ones that teach how you should try to be. They try to open people's minds, and they are sometimes tough and gritty. Both of us can be a lot tougher than we are in our blogs, but we try not to cross and boundaries. We try to write on things that people won't talk to you about. We try to get people to THINK for themselves. We try to get people to stop acting and living out of fear.
People don't like to say things to you like "you are being a jerk", so instead they refer people to the blog...at least it is a way of being outspoken, although a very laid back way!
People ask where the topics come from and how we get our information. Ie use psychic insight, messages from guides, and research the heck out of things. I work hard , and I write just about every day. My blogs are written 90% of the time, because I somehow received a message to write on a particular subject.
My fellow blogger said to me, "seems like now everyone has a blog". When we started, there were lots of blogs out there already, but it seems that there are more and more. Some great stuff has popped up, and some not so great has.Many times we see a person start to blog, then the entries disappear, like most things, it isn't easy to write everyday. Fellow blogger then went on to say, "just like you say Gina, everyone has to jump on the bandwagon, I am surprised my Grandma isn't writing a blog".
My blog has grown and grown, it has world wide readers at this point. I get emails asking to write about a particular subject, and questions on metaphysical subjects. Please feel free to email any questions or ask in the comments section at the end of the blog. Sometimes messages from the Highest Power come through humans.
I blog in the hopes that people will learn some things; change their lives; won't be taken in by people; be inspired to take action in some way. I know it is doing its' job, as many write to say that these things are happening to them.
There are just a few things to remember , one a direct quote from me: Do the right things for the right reasons. The others are simple," harm none", "do unto others", and "always learn and grow".
There are times when it is hard to do the things the blog suggests, no one said it would be easy.
However, doing the right things for the right reasons has an immense payoff in abundance. It rains good people, situations, and being , into your life. It weeds out those who are still refusing to do the right things.
Be authentic, search out quality....and keep off the bandwagons, they usually get you into trouble.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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