Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love a rainy day

I was going to answer some questions today, but the rain sidetracked me. Despite all the rain we have had lately, I am happy to see it again. I love the rain. I grew up where spring meant rain, and lots of it. Days of it at times. There were weeks when you thought that you would never see the sun again.

So, being me, I decided to see what I could find out about rain, besides the meteorological stuff that is.

I always thought that it was unusual that Aquarius was not a water sign (and something like a scorpion was). Maybe the literature got mixed up years back and we are doing it all wrong. When I was looking for mythological or metaphysical rain facts, I learned that the Greek god of rain was Hyas, a spirit (and the Greeks called them daimons) of the seasonal rains. He was said to be a man killed by a lion that the gods brought into the sky. He became the constellation Aquarius. Some will say Zeus is the god of rain since he rules the sky. Zeus is the ruler of the gods, and yes in the sky, but rain wasn't his specialty. For the Romans, Jupiter was the rain god. He was also a ruler of the sky.

In China,  Yinglong, a winged dragon,  is the god of rain. He is also known as "Responding Dragon". Yinglong flies through the sky bringing rain. He was also known to help control floods and channel waters, so a very friendly rain god.

The Aztecs had Tlaloc. They had other rain gods also, but he is the primary one. He is also the god of fertility. Many fertility gods have connotations that link them to things that make the crops grow and animals mate.

Among the Hopi, there is a storm kachina, and a sun kachina. Kachinas are small figures to represent messengers to the gods. Several tribes have them, all in the same area (lkike the Navajo and the Zuni). The messengers live in the San Francisco peaks near the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff. The kachina however that rules the rain is the deer or antelope (depending on your translation) kachina. The antelope dances to increase its' numbers, and to do that, it needs to bring rain, Rain brings food, food enough to support more antelope. The Hopi were amazingly ahead of their time, there are books out there about the Hopi ways and creation story, they are GREAT reading.

Eschetewuarha- The Great Spirit's wife and bringer of rain in the Chamacoco tribe of Southern Brazil. Many cultures have females (fertility again) as the rain bringers.

There are hundreds of rain deities. You can spend all a rainy day researching rain.

The metaphysical side also says that hunting ghosts is easier int he rain (as long as you are not out in it). Water is an excellent conductor of psychic energy, and may be why water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)  are seen as the most powerful psychics.  I have had some clearer EVPs on stormy or rainy days and nights, so there may be something to the rain/ghostly phenomenon connection. I have also heard many bathroom stories, and experienced them myself,  where toilets, showers , bath tubs and sinks and involved in ghostly phenomenon. All that water in one place. They love it.

Rain also washes our world, makes our plants grow, clears the air, spreads seeds, and gives animals and birds a drink and a bath. It is Mother Nature doing some cleansing.

So , when it rains, turn on your favorite lamp, and take out a book or laptop, and see what rain gods you can find.

Oh, and about thunder, my Grandfather said it was the angels bowling. Makes sense to me!

Enjoy the day!

 Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission. 

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