Thursday, June 2, 2011

How is not an easy answer....

I am often asked, "How do you get information?" (meaning psychic information). The answer isn't easy. Some people will tell you their guide provides all the info directly (like Sylvia Browne and her guide Francine). Some see things, hear things, feel things or just know things.Just because they do not talk directly to a guide, or use tools, does not make them a bad psychic.The reverse is also true, just because they use tools, doesn't mean they are not an excellent reader. The absolute best psychic I ever met uses tarot cards to get her answers.

The source however, of all of it, is really one place, the Highest Power. God, Creator, the Universe. It is the ultimate, and it is the only entity that knows all. There are paths for the information to follow to the psychic. Some are a direct link, some are through guides, some are tapping into the Collective unconscious or Akashic records. Some need to alter their mind and need to slip into a state of near sleep (like Edgar Cayce), or meditate to get answers. No matter what the process, the answer still comes from the same place, the Highest Power. When you ask a psychic a question, you are asking the Highest power in your life. Take the answer and accept it just as if you were speaking directly to your guide or God (Creator, the Universe, whatever term resonates with you).

Everyone has some intuition, but it takes years of experience and training to be able to separate real messages from wishful thinking, adoration, or even in some cases, emotional or mental illness. Some people that hear voices are schizophrenic, not clairaudient. It is sometimes hard to tell the difference.

There is also years of experience needed to know how to interpret the messages. Sometimes readers just see a ball of energy, an aura, or hear a word or two, they then have to interpret it. That is why it is important to be clear and not play games when obtaining a reading. Seeing a lighthouse can mean a trip to the beach, a saving grace, darkness dispelling, religion entering your life, a brilliant idea, or better vision or understanding of a situation.

Sometimes we use tools to "turn on the switch", and others may use them to get direct messages to be clearly understood. I am mostly claircognizant (clear knowing), so when asked a question , I just "know" the answer. It has taken time to make the transition happen quickly and accurately. Sadly people see a movie or a psychic on TV and think that is reality for all psychics. It isn't. The ways of obtaining information are many and varied. I use a combination of clairsentience (clear feeling of someones' emotions), claircognizance, and sometimes use tarot as a clarification tool. There are times when clairvoyance (clear seeing) and clairaudient (clear hearing) abilities enter in, but the claircognizant ability is where most of my information comes from.

There is still another piece to the puzzle. Your entire life is not cast in stone. You have free will, and you have the ability to change CERTAIN things. Your life is just about half and half predetermined and free will.

I was once asked if I knew "everything". Can you imagine all of the information of this world being in your head at one time? You would most likely go insane. When I was three, we realized how much information was coming in to me about strangers around me. I was eventually taught how to shut out all that "noise", and today my tool to opening that door is to have a question asked of me. That tells the psychic switch to turn on. After almost 40 years of channeling information, it happens as naturally as breathing.

Anyone can be trained to develop their psychic abilities, however, like anything, some will master it and some will not. Just like there are starving artists, and there are people like Monet or Rembrandt.

Some of my Psychic Development I students have asked for a more advanced class, there is one. I will be teaching it soon, although I do not have a date set. In the meantime, see how you get messages. What is your way of opening to the Universe? When you know that , it makes it easier to develop that particular talent.

Develop and move along the psychic pathway. Never doubt nor argue with a psychic about their abilities or how they obtain messages. You could sit with 6 different people who get messages (and relate them back), in six different ways.

Respect the Highest Power that sends these messages. Know that you can make changes in some circumstances. Live life in a positive and open manner, and so much will come to you!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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