What are you dedicated to?? Dedication can be in the form of responsibility or even a hobby. It can cover all aspects of life. It is something that is important in certain areas of life, and yet we cannot be totally dedicated in everything we do, as we wouldn't have the time or energy.
Most people are dedicated to their families, and some their jobs. They may be dedicated to our country, a group, or an endeavor. Dedication is what gets things done,done well, and in a timely manner.
People who are dedicated, are generally admired and respected, people who do things haphazardly, usually are not. When you are in charge of a group, a business or an endeavor, you WANT dedicated people as part of the whole. People who show up, show up on time, do not complain, take on extra tasks and put out fires, stay til the job is done, and who know what they are doing. They learn more and ask to learn more, they don't let little things get in their way.
When you say that you are going to do something, do it,unless of course you end up in the hospital or jail. Don't let little issues or discomforts stop you. I don't know how many times I have done things I promised to do, when I was tired, sore, achy, freezing, sweating my butt off, or missing out on some fun things I wanted to do. Remember that others are counting on you, or rearranging their day for you. They may have even spent money based on the fact you would do something or be somewhere. They may have turned others down to make room for you.
It is OK to join a group and say something like "I will be here when I can, I have a busy schedule at work", but if you are going to say that you will dedicate yourself to something, that is what you need to do. Dedicate yourself. You make that one thing a top priority, and remember that others are depending on you. This way the people who are organizing things know if they need to put you on the "maybe" list or to count on you. When they have you on the "maybe" list, they know that they need to find more bodies to fill that gap that will be left open from time to time.
I have seen some amazing dedication in people, and I have seen people who seem to use any little excuse to NOT do what they should, just like the old joke, they constantly complain that "the sun was in their eyes".
When I am going to do something and promise to do it, I do it. When I promise to try, I try. When I cannot promise to DO, then I am clear that I will try. I work 7 days a week, 15 hours a day. I have the luxury of being my own boss and can get time off, but time off equals $0. I manage to dedicate myself to my business, have a life, and dedicate myself to certain other things. The thing that is taking up most of my dedication right now is the drum , learning new songs, and being ready for anything (there was already a rumor we were doing a pow wow this weekend, it was meant to be malicious , and I hope the person wasn't too disappointed the drum wasn't where they said it would be so they could continue their maliciousness).
When I am dedicated, I am pretty strict about things. I am a "by the rules" kind of person. I am fair though, and expect no more than I would give, but no less either.....I thought I was tough, but I know tougher folks (and no they aren't from NJ), and they get the job done and in an awesome manner.That said, I don't waste anyone's time, time is precious. When it is time to get down to business, that is what time it is.
When you say you are going to dedicate yourself to something, make sure that you mean it. When you speak those words, people count on you, they have a high level of expectation form you, and once you disappoint others, you are rarely counted on again. We frequently hear the words, but do not always see the action!
Dedicate yourself to something important, the rewards are amazing and many. Don't try to dedicate yourself to too many things at once, you won't be able to handle it and will end up not being dedicated to much of it.
I am dedicated to my family, my business, my friends and the drum. My plate is full.
Dedication brings excellent results. Every time. Doing things half way brings so-so results, every time. Be truly dedicated and watch wonderful things happen.
....and with that keep in mind, "Do the right things for the right reasons".
Oh, and if you find a folded print out of this in your mailbox, car, desk...someone is trying to tell you something like "Your lack of dedication is showing...."
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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