Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ripped off by a "spiritual" flute maker.

How do you know what is the right thing to do?

This was a question posed to me by a reader via email. It should be easy to know what the right thing is, the issue lies in people sometimes having a difficulty to doing it. There are so many ways to get the answer, from saying to yourself "what is fair", "what is the law" or "what would (insert responsible adult's name here) do". You know what is right. You know it isn't all about you.

I have a situation going on right now with a person that Matt paid quite a bit of money to, a year ago, to make me a flute. I have had many excuses from it just needing finishing touches and it will go out in a few days (in April), to  "I don't have my tools available to make it". The fact is , at this point, I don't want the flute. I want Matt to have his money back. The energetic significance of this flute is one of deceit, that is not the energy I will put out there.

This could have been resolved many times. The money could have been returned (it could have been returned at the rate of $10 a week and been paid up already), and returned in an economical way. The flute could have been finished , even if it meant borrowing someone's tools. The litany of broken promises and outright lies could have been left entirely out of the picture. The excuses were just that, not reasons, just excuses.

This was originally supposed to be a Christmas present for me in 2011. Matt was upset that it didn't arrive, but had bought me other beautiful things to make sure I had something to open on Christmas day. There was no warning it wasn't coming. It just got closer and closer to Christmas without arriving. Imagine poor Matt if he didn't have the foresight to get something else. How badly would he have felt!

Then it was supposed to be here for my wedding,that didn't happen. Then to take on our honeymoon, that didn't happen. Then it was supposed to be here right after we got home, that didn't happen. This was all in April and May.

Then it was just a slight problem that would be addressed and fixed (yeah right), that didn't happen. Then there was flat out ignoring of my queries . I asked for Matt's money back and I was promised it would be here by June 1, and guess what...that never happened.

Then I was told that the person who had our money was short on funds . I told him, "mail it in installments". Now a year has gone by since Matt made the first payment. This has caused upset and stress around Christmas, the wedding and at other "normal" times. Meanwhile not a flute and not a penny.

I am a person of my word, and I know my responsibilities. I am not a liar and a cheat, and when I encounter such people it makes me furious. I think a year's time and flexibility with the situation has been more than kind enough. I have given this person a final chance, and am now perusing him legally.A year is more than time enough.

I know the difference between being understanding to someone's situation and being a doormat. I have been sliding to the doormat side of things, and party time is over.

The couple of hundred dollars won't make either one of us starve to death, and I have a roof job in the "thousands range " to pay for, but the real reason for my anger, is being lied to and having my husband ripped off. Ripping off my husband is cause for the flying monkeys to be released.

When you say that you are going to do something do it!
Do it in a reasonable time frame.
Keep your word, you are nothing without it.
Don't steal from others (and taking money promising goods in return and never supplying the goods nor the money back is THEFT).
When you can't do it, MAKE IT RIGHT.
Make it right in a timely manner.

We all have situations in life that make things difficult from time to time. It is how we deal with solving those difficulties instead of stealing from others that makes us a spiritual , honest, good person.

May you always figure out "what is the right thing to do"....and then DO IT!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf.

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