Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Many times this week I have told clients to use discernment. They have wasted so much time waiting for a person to do the right thing, to act, to shape up, or to even return a phone call. Anyone can speak flowery words and say nice things, but the truth of the person comes out in their actions. We have to gauge them by what they do (or don't do). There is also a need to hold back a bit, slow down. People trust others right away because of words, what they say they do for a living, or what they say they believe in. See it before you believe it, especially if it is important to you.

I hear every day about internet relationships of people who have never met spouting "I love yous" . Really? Seriously? How is that possible? It isn't. These people come on strong and then never show for the first date. They have either a fear of closeness and intimacy or they are married and the wife won't let them out of the house.....use discernment.

Use it also with people you know and meet. Just because someone is in a metaphysical group, yoga class, or church group, doesn't make them a good person! They can spout Dyer, Jesus and the Tao, and yet can't live one word of it. They hug everyone, and treat every other person like crap. They have an Ego the size of Asia, which is a sure sign of a non spiritual person.

You do not have to be everyone's friend. You do not have to love everyone. God/Creator/The Universe gave you something many creatures don't have, the ability to think critically and logically. You can tell when someone is treating you right. Use that ability you were given and be discerning. You can still be polite, without buying into a person's BS. You can talk to them about it, call them out, and still be OK. It isn't a bad thing to do. Just be honest about it.

I have seen people who call themselves "spiritual", do THE most spiteful, dishonest things. From telling lies to breaking the law. From ripping people off to treating them like a dog. These aren't spiritual people. They are fakes, even to themselves. Use that discernment that you were given and use it wisely!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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