I recently had an email question about nature spirits. The querant asked if there really were such things, and if they were part of hauntings.
Nature spirits can be at a haunting, but they stay outside. They are part of nature, not man made structures or activities. You find them in woods, cemeteries, battlefields, and on the plains. They are out and about , everywhere. Most times you would not know they were there. They do not interact with humans unless you invite them to do so in order to help nurture yourself, or unless you try to do harm to nature.
Most times they sit quietly in the background. They are of the 4 elements, air, fire, water, and earth. Sometimes they appear as tiny lights, smaller than fireflies when you are taking photos (non flash) outdoors at night. They can be earthy smells that seem to come from nowhere, or heat, cold, and wind that comes past on a still night.
They are protectors and they are ancient. They are something to be considered when people tell of flashing lights outside, strange smells, upset animals, or noises in the trees. Those things can be human spirits, but they can also be Nature Spirits. A good investigator will be able to figure out which they are and if they are part of a haunting or not. They are there, that is not what you need to find out, just if they are actively interacting in a way that is being misconceived as a haunting. They in and of themselves are not "haunts", but their interaction with humans, rare as it is, can be misinterpreted as a haunting.
You may know these tiny beings as sylphs, fairies, undines or gnomes, but they are all part of the hidden universe of the earth and Mother nature. They all resonate with one of the four elements and help protect them. They will not bother you if you do not bother them.
Nature interacts with us each day, we may have a hard time understanding or noticing, but Mother Nature is always in charge of all of our surroundings. Respect Mother Nature, and the Nature Spirits will leave you alone.
Enjoy Gaia, and protect her, she is the mother of all of us!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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