Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Manifesting requires patience

I love to quilt. Love it. I know as a quilter that the better (and more expensive), the equipment, the easier it is to get great results. There are tools that allow precision and simplicity. One of them is an expensive sewing machine.

I have an expensive sewing machine, but it is not a machine made for quilters. Quilting has become such a huge industry that there are special machines for piecing quilts, and quilting quilts. Machines specialize in embroidering, quilting, and couture sewing.

My machine works well, but not for tiny pieces with tiny seams. I was told it was great for quilting, and it is, but "quilting" as in putting the 3 layers together, not in piecing. Precise piecing has always been a challenge with this machine.

A few months ago I started looking for a good quilt piecing machine. I researched and found what I wanted, but for some reason (big dollars most likely), the sewing machine industry doesn't like to say what these machines cost. I knew it would be expensive, but there are $800 machines, and there are $4000.00 machines. It is kind of hard to figure if you can buy it now, later or not at all when you don't know the price. (I would love a long arm quilting machine, but those run about $6000-10,000).

We went to a local machine retailer and they didn't carry the one I wanted. They told me what I had was better. Well, I do have a top of the line machine, but I am not sewing clothes most of the time. They almost talked me out of looking for a new machine. I went home and worked on the quilt I was working on, very small pieces are very difficult to manage.....the fabric doesn't cover the feed dogs with the 1/4" seam allowance, and things go sideways. So I was inspired to keep looking. I found prices ranging all over the place. The nearest retailer was in Illinois about 80- miles away.

So, I finally got smart and said, "Universe find me this machine, this model, this shape for under this price". It took the Universe about 3 weeks. It found one. I had been searching everywhere from the paper to Ebay and back again. Yesterday I saw a blog that suggested Ebay for great used and new machines. I had already looked on Ebay a few weeks ago, but I looked again...I found it. Half price of what she paid, and a couple of hundred under my "Universal request". Used only a couple of times, with items still sealed in the factory plastic. This one is for me! Sometime soon I will have my new machine (no I am not giving up the old one although I suspect Matt and his ribbon shirts will take precedence).

When you can't find exactly what you want, for the price you want, or the money for it, manifest it. Leave the words "can't" and "won't" out of your vocabulary, and search it out. Remember the manifesting rules, and one of those is "give it time". Don't be afraid to retry things, or look back in the same place.

I saved about $700.00 and put some money in a pocket where it may have been greatly needed. Now all the "fun money" is gone, but I am sure I can manifest a way to bring in some more.

The answer the Universe gives is always YES, the question is only, "when"?

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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