Thursday, June 27, 2013

Why reiki?

A client asked last night what I would recommend for her daughter who has terminal health issues. I told her..."reiki"! I also told her to not only have a practitioner start on her daughter right away, but to learn it , become attuned, and to work on her daughter also. I also suggested that her daughter have a non permanent attunement. The attunement is not sealed in with the final reiki symbol, but it helps her receive the energy more readily and strongly as she is already "tuned into" that "reiki station".

Why reiki? Reiki heals body, mind and spirit. It is said to be the process that Jesus' disciples used to help heal the sick. We will never know if that is true or not, and I suspect that a little piece of it at least is true, but the fact of the matter is, it works. It works on yourself (it is hard to practice some healing modalities on yourself), and others; it works long distance; it relieves pain, stress, worry and helps people deal with personal issues. It helps people cross over peacefully. It helps all living things, pets love reiki. It is instant, it is powerful and it is simple.

There is no need to know physiology, biology, or remember what part coincides to what other part. It is simply a handing yourself over to a higher power and using yourself as a channel or funnel for the healing energy.

Make sure that you take reiki from a reputable person. A reiki master who is certified. There are many who got their training on the net and don't really have a clue. There are also many who claim training and have none at all. There is a pair of techers in town here who never completed their training and who don't even know the basic hand positions nor teach them, yet they keep taking people's money and sending them out into the world.

Reiki is like psychic ability, something we all have in us. Psychic ability can be built like a muscle and reiki can be awakened and attuned. These are gifts we are born with and can easily share with others. I teach reiki, but do not take on every student. There are many out there who really don't have the ability to call themselves reiki paractitioners or reiki masters, yet they do! Many are just plain "out there", ok, they are crazy....they have no business funneling their garbage into others. Many take drugs, also not people who have any business putting that into your aura and energy.

Be very careful who you allow to administer to you (just like you would be careful about your physician), and whom you learn from. There are many out there who use reiki, not to make the world a better place, but to make their pocketbooks fatter.

Remember in the metaphysical you still have to follow the old adage "buyer beware".

happy healing!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written agreement.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

If I ruled the world....

Last night a fellow reader emailed me and said....What would you do if you ruled the world?

At first that seems like a fun question, you may think things like, "free pizza for all"! But not everyone likes pizza, can eat pizza, and who is paying for the pizza? When you take the question seriously it is a really HARD question to answer.

I would like to end a lot of things like hate, discrimination, child endangerment in any way, shape or form. Eliminate hunger, war, and violent crime.

Then what do I create? Well the first sentence will not make any negative effects I can think of, but healthier people and less death due to war, makes another ugly fact. Overpopulation. There wouldn't be enough food, clean water and clean air to go around. There eventually wouldn't be enough living space.

Everyone has a "pat" answer to solve the world's problems, usually bringing in more problems .

So my answer to the question is just what I do now. I don't get embroiled in politics, religion or any other time wasting mess. I handle issues , individually. I never harm, I help as many as possible, I know when to let people go so they do not waste my time and energy. I allow others their ways and means as long as they do not harm others.I allow the Universe in its' infinite wisdom to worry about it, it takes much better care of the big things than I ever could.

So my answer in the end was, I wouldn't change a thing, to which she either.

Every action does have an equal DO the right things for the RIGHT reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ouiji Boards where they came from and where they need to go.

Yes, those little gateways to everywhere....those "toys" that you can buy in the store. Ouiji Boards. What about them?  I had a couple of Ouiji Board moments yesterday and was talking to some others about them. The only thing you really MUST know, is don't ever use them. Period, no "ifs ands or buts". 

Now with that said, can people who know how to restrict the door the Ouiji Board creates, use them. Yes. But to be honest, I know of three people who know how to truly do that, I am one , and one other is on the east coast, and one in CA. People aren't trained how to do that anymore because no one uses the darn things anymore...well almost no one.  I see no reason to use one. There are so many better ways to communicate out there, and every one of them is not only safer, but better for the site where you are connecting.

Where did this all begin and why is it sold as a toy?

"Talking boards" began in China around 1050-1150 AD. The use of "planchette writing" then moved to India, Greece, and eventually Europe and the US with the Spiritualist Movement. The boards were banned in China by the Qing Dynasty.

The boards made their way to the US. Back in the late 1800's there was a huge "spiritualist" movement in the US. Seances, mediums, and contacting the dead in any way became a fad. Everyone was interested. It came to the point where there was so much fakery going on that famous people became embroiled in arguments over if spirits existed, if they could communicate, and if mediums were real. People like Harry Houdini went around the country and exposed fakes almost as much as he did magic shows.

These seance and medium led events were mostly for the upper classes, they were the ones who could afford the medium's fees and expenses. The man on the street didn't get invited to these soirees, so different vendors began making the planchettes. A man named Elija Bond was smart enough to patent the planchette and in 1890 the "offical" Ouiji Board as we know it today was patented and sold.

As fakes flooded the "spiritualist" movement, the board became known as a toy, as an item to fake things. People DID use it to fake messages. Imagine how easy it would be to move the planchette giving friends and family messages YOU wanted them to hear....."the spirits say you must stop hanging out at the clubs, something bad will happen!"

Before you know it, the board was a joke.

A man named Kennard who partnered with Bond gave the planchette writer the name "Ouiji Board". He claimed the word was Egyptian and meant "good luck". Then in 1901 a man named Fuld took over the patent and claimed that the word was a combination of the French and German words for "yes". The board's most popular use was from the 1920's- 1960's, when the patent was sold to Parker Brothers, I bleieve that Hasbro has the current patent.

The problem is that it was never meant to be a toy. It actually was an authentic method of contacting the dead. It didn't always work, we all know today that spirits communicate when THEY want to , not when we want them to. However it's popular use and easy method of communication made it easy for spirits to flood in. 

The problem is that using one is throwing the gates wide open. It has no restrictions, no safety , no stopgap, as that was left to the medium and her spirit controls or gatekeepers. The common man who purchased the board had no idea of such entities or how to use them. So the board floods in anything that is nearby when the doors are open.

A similar thing is happening today when people start doing EVPs in their home and wonder why the activity level increases and changes. Spirits see they are being heard and getting attention, the word gets out and they flood in. NEVER do EVPs in your own home, let someone who is going to leave the home do it.

So now we have people using Ouiji Boards who have no clue, no abilities, no safety precautions. They open doors in places that they have no business opening doors in. It is like the go to the homes and businesses of other people, unlocking the doors and opening them wide. This will allow anyone from the street to come on in...then they leave them there. They don't even know that they need to close the door later, and certainly don't clear out the building first. It is a bad idea from the moment they take it out of the box.

That being said, many of us used them, especially in the 60's and 70's. Did you know that the movie "The Exorcist" was based on a true story? It was about a boy, not a girl, and a Ouiji Board. It isn't worth it, never use a Ouiji Board. There are other methods also , like using mirrors or a Devil's Toybox that throw the doors wide open. Never use these unless you are trained and know what you are doing. Never have more than one mirror in a room, especially if they face each other.

So now we have Ouiji Boards being sold in Toys R Us and amateur ghost hunters using them in haunted locations (why anyone would need a tool like that in a haunted location is beyond me). We have more and more places with nasty spirits and those that are non human due to people who don't know what they are doing with spirit communication. Not because of Satanic rites are being done, but because of Ouiji Boards and other "talking boards".

If there is one ( a Ouiji Board that is),  hiding in your closet, get rid of it. If it has never been used, burn it. If it has been used and you are not sure, bury it with salt. If you have something attached to it, it will need to be blessed and cleansed, and the spirit bound to it. Then bury it, deep, where no one will find it. I know that you have visions of the movie Jumanji going through your head, but it is the best you can do at this point. Otherwise you have to continue hiding it in your closet and hope that future generations will know better than to take it out of the box. That is the problem with "creating monsters" we have to then tend them all our lives.

You will know if something is attached to it because there will be activity that began around the time you used the board, that has continued. Be aware that some non human spirits can use the board to allow othes to enter and don't even need you to take it out and use it. So the best thing is to get rid of it.

Don't burn it or destroy it if you do not know if something is attached, because then it is basically stuck here until a person who is trained banishes it back where it came from. Using the way the entity entered is the preferred and easiest way, so you want the board to still exist if you know something is attached to it. If your house is peaceful, no worries, bury it DEEP. Say a prayer over it, or whatever resonates with you for a little extra added protection and sink it deep!

The best protection, never take it out of the box. Communicate with psychics, mediums, voice recorders, Frank's Box or Ovilus, but NEVER a Ouiji Board!

Be careful out there!

Pesahui Wequashimese

(C)Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Concentrate on what is key

People intentionally clutter their lives. They do it for various reasons. Some get to a point where they aren't sure how the monster was created, but they don't have a moment to do a thing. Last night someone wrote asking how to unclutter their lives. The old fashioned way! Prioritize, and rid yourself of what isn't needed.

People can sometimes busy up their days in order to not have to deal with things they don't want to deal with. They may not even be cognizant of what they are doing. When we are busy, it is harder to worry, to reminisce, to deal with things we would rather not deal with, or think, or feel guilty or sad. Some people sleep their troubles into monsters, some "busy" their troubles into them.

When people are so busy they can ignore things,like the mess in the house that is ready to fall on them, the child who is having issues, the spouse who is unplugged, the bills that are piling up, then there is a problem that needs to be addressed other than a clean up. Sometimes it is more general, they are depressed, or angry. Many depressed people spend their lives so busy that people are shocked when they crash, because they thought that the person had such a fulfilling life. They didn't at all, they were constantly running away.

There are different ways of not dealing with things from being a work-a-holic so we don't have to work thru issues at home, to sleeping our lives away. Keeping busy is one of the main ways people use. They are always SOMEWHERE doing SOMETHING, other than dealing with issues at hand. Some take on tasks and events so that people will like them, pay attention to them, or praise them, none of these is ever a reason to take on a project. When you don't get the praise you seek it will feel worse, not better.

When you can look in the mirror and say, no that really is not it, I just let myself get too involved in too many things, then prioritize. What is necessary and what isn't? What is important to you? What has long range bonus and what has short range bonus to it? You can put somethings off. Then start weeding. Start with things that you are doing for others that they can do for themselves. This is always a hard one for people, but people, even your kids, need to learn how to be independent. When you never learn that lesson, you never will be able to live your life in a fulfilling manner. Always having to depend on someone else, means you are always in their prison. Sometimes it may be a prison with a nice view, but it is a prison just the same.

Take away what you need to, and then schedule a ME time. We don't want to swing the pendulum all the way to the ME ME ME , it is ALL about ME place, just a time when you can relax and recharge. Some people do that by sitting and reading a book, others by climbing a mountain. "Me time" doesn't require stillness, just "down time". Time when you are not solving the world's problems.

Not only is this something you should do, but NEED to do. We can't help others if we run ourselves into the ground. We need to be in the right place emotionally, physically and mentally to help others. We aren't supposed to be "on" 24/7.

So start weeding. You may need to weed people, groups, events, duties, but if you have an overwhelming life, you need to act before you get buried under a mountain of requests.

Life is about doing things you feel good about, and learning in the process. It isn't about doing things to be liked or taking over things because you want to to make yourself feel better. It is DOING THE RIGHT THINGS FOR the RIGHT REASONS!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Rights and responsibilities

Many years ago, I mentioned to my Mom that certain friends were carrying on about their "rights", but that they weren't doing anything we were instructed to do for a group project. The work was hard, and they were just being lazy, and that was clear. She said that the problem with people nowadays was that they knew all about their rights, but not their responsibilities.

You have the right to do many things. There are broad rights that cover many topics, that can be honed down to particulars, however , each and every right comes with a responsibility or two. Always. You have to use those rights in a way that is not harmful to others, and here is the kicker everyone have the right, as long as it does not impinge upon the rights of others. That is part of our legal basis that this country was founded on.

Put simply it means, sure you can blast your radio as loud as it will possibly go, however, if there is a person nearby that this bothers, or for example, cannot hear his TV, then you can no longer blast the radio as loud as it will go.

People today are worse than when I was a teenager. It is all about what they want to do , when they want to do it, and others and responsibilities be dammed. People like that don't stay in my circle very long. I have no use for selfish people, or people who are so clueless that they do not see how their actions affect others. I have no use for people who don't care how their actions effect others.First they go to the balcony of my theater, then the basement, to be locked in and left on their own.

I saw another example of this recently and moved the person to the balcony. Once in the balcony they can either redeem themselves (we all have bad days), stay in the balcony, or get moved to the basement. One yesterday moved from the balcony, to the top of the basement stairs. One more snide comment, one more sneaky move, one more lie, one more example of manipulation, one more self centered "the rules are for everyone else but me", and this person will be kicked down into the basement to ever languish in the cobwebs, spiders and other problem children. I think it is only a matter of time.

Over the last few weeks, the "me me me" mentality, that I have written about often here, has been streaming out of many people, but only one is in my theater. I don't allow people like that in my theater.The reaction is only part of what happens when you shirk your responsibilities. The energy comes back around and boomerangs right back in your face when you constantly try to ignore your responsibilities and swim in your rights. It is automatic, it is swift, and it is firm.

I realized that this person was also playing for sympathy, I guess trying to avoid the whiplash of the Universe as it doses out that reaction to people who try to skate on everything they do. There won't be another ounce of sympathy from me.

To sum it all up....when you ignore your responsibilities, in any way, it will bite you in the butt. The timing is the only factor to things. It can bite you immediately, it can bite you after several instances and people find you out, but bite you it will.

"It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of our responsibilities" Josiah Stamp
I think in this case it will be relatively quick. actually it is already happening.

So to keep from being tossed in the basement by folks, or kicked in the butt by Karma, remember that you get what you put out there, do unto others, and it is NOT all about you.

These are all things that have been said many times before, in this blog and all over the Universe, yet there are still many people who just don't get the message.

The messenger is on the way, and always is.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Villlisca update

OK so everyone wants to know what evidence we have from be honest we are not finished with the video yet. Villisca was interesting , as usual but very different this time.

The most marked difference to me was that the "character" of the spirits was different. The first time we were there, we had spirits mocking us, imitating us and making "smart" but funny comments. It was all in fun. Even when the nasty male spirit from the attic spoke, he didn't curse or get offensive. The children who died there were singing songs, and playing.

This year we had several curse words, nasty comments and two "get out"s , one on a Frannks's Box and one an EVP.

No one got injured or strongly touched this year, but also, no one was doing dumb things that caused those events to happen. Last year two of the three episodes happened because someone did something they were explicitly told NOT to do. The other person was just flat out terrified, and the mean guy spirit couldn't resist having a little fun. I don't blame him, it was funny.

This year there were more spirits, but they weren't very nice. Let's face it, a nasty spirit roaming the earth would probably love to visit Villisca. How easy is that? We aren't sure, we know it can be done, but do not know how easy or difficult it is. However, I DID notice on You Tube some MORONS, yes, I called you morons, using a Ouiji Board to contact spirits in the Villisca House. Really? I mean that is like taking a flaming torch into the tanning salon to find the tanning beds, unnecessary, dangerous, and stupid. Unless you really are trained at spirit communication, assistance and cleansing, you have no business even picking up the box the Ouiji Board is in. It flings open the doors wide to anything and the floodgates frequently, and more often than not, allow in the garbage of the spirit world. At Villisca all you need are your ears and a recorder and you will hear much, a Ouiji Board is stupid, stupid, stupid on a good day and unecessary on any day at Villisca. Those morons...yes I used that word again, took a house where things were in balance and the spirits were coexisting well (the nasty guys basically stays in the attic), and tossed in a bunch of nasty dead people. Good going guys.

So all these morons allowed in the yuck , and then took their Ouiji Board and went home, leaving the YUCK there with the funny southern lady, the kids, Sarah Moore and who knows who else. How cruel! We were doing a Frank's Box session when we had a message that the spirit was trapped. The only way it could be trapped is some idiot took the door it opened for them (ouiji board), and left with it.

Now Villisca will be full of garbage. Pure garbage, spirits who tell you nothing of the afterlife, spirits who hurt people and have no redeeming qualities to their presence. The house is already chilling, active and informative, why bring in a dumpster and dump some spirit garbage into it?

There was something else that we figured out while we were there. We had a thunderstorm predicted for that evening. We were excited as thunderstorms ramp up the energy and frequently cause more activity or even some activity when there is none at all. We were excited....until after the storm. Everything stopped. The house was completely comfortable, no one around...Our founder and I were talking and I said that the only thing I could think of, was that it "shorted out". The activity level and energy level is so high there normally, and then ramping it up just took it over the top to where it basically "shorted out". Now it had to build back up again.When we got home and he consulted an expert, we found out that this is most likely what happened. When it got quiet, we took a nap, and came back. The first thing that happened (in daylight, around 6 AM) was the ash cleaning door on the heating stove in the living room , opened and fell to the floor. Makes you want to quote the movie "Poltergeist" , "They're back!"

I can only hope that the shorting out that happened blew some of the crap that the Ouiji Boarders brought in, WAY OUT to the spirit world where they belong. I don't even know if that is possible to be honest, but I sure hope so. We are scheduled to go again in September, and we will see how the atmosphere is then, if those spirits are still there, it won't be the same...hope they are gone.

The good news is that it is still a place where there is something going on all the time (Except right after thunderstorms). You have the whole house to yourself on overnights. The rate is reasonable and the people who run it are awesome.

Now if we could just keep people from having Ouiji Boards and seances , we will be fine. There is always someone who ruins things thru "good intentions", or what they think is a "good idea". There is NO REASON EVER, to use Ouiji Boards or conduct seances in any site today with our modern methods of speaking to the dead. Those old methods are intrusive, dangerous and unnecessary, only amateurs use them. People who get their "training" from TV shows and movies have no business conducting an investigation. How would they like it if a stranger came in their home one night , opened the doors wide and said..."hey everyone COME ON IN!!!" Then after all the drunks, thieves, lost souls of society came in, leave and go home and leave their house full of problem people? I don't think they would like it at all, but that is what they did to the spirits of Villisca.

We did get several EVPs, I have seven and I know others have some that I do not. I did get some video that I can't explain, and will be showing it to our founder who has much more experience in the video end of things than I ever will. We had the stove door, and a moving wind chime (all the windows were shut in that house, and no one opened the door). We had a few folks get touched, a moving (bouncing) floor and a vibrating floor (no the train wasn't going past at the time and it wasn't thundering). We had several pieces of equipment get turned off. We had experiences (being touched for example).

The group that is going with us in September is all highly trained and experienced. They all have knowledge in many different areas. They all are fearless....they don't own a Ouiji Board......this will be an EXCELLENT investigation, as long as there are no thunder storms!We have another excellent opportunity to have a great investigation.

Villisca is still a quality place to go , don't get me wrong, I just wish I could clear out all the bad crap. I know how to do it,  I just can is against the policy of these haunted sites to chase away their spirits.It was hard for me to hear the man was "trapped" when I know I could get him out, yet I couldn't. Hopefully people who visit will be more respectful to the house and people who will follow them in there. Like a wise man (Alexander Pope) once said, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing".

Be respectful of the spirits and places you visit, you are doing yourself, the spirits and others who follow you a great disservice and even harm , when you do not!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, June 10, 2013

Villisca, Part II

Last night when we returned from Villisca, I received a bunch of "Well how was it?" emails and IMs. Villisca is a ghost hunter Mecca. It is one of the places that every true ghost hunter has to visit. It is in the middle of nowhere, and isn't for the type who need their climate controlled, king size hotel room with mini bar, and room service after the evening is over. Many people these days go on package tours that include dinner and a comfy bed. This isn't it. It is roughing it, but then a lot of the best places are like that. Three people asked "Where do you stay?", the answer a barn, in our cars, and there are folks that never get a wink of sleep.There isn't a motel nearby that covers the Axe Murder House trade.

Photo by Dr. Regina Wolf

I posted this last night to answer the emails:

Have been having folks ask about Villisca. It was fun, but it is a HUGE undertaking. It is 2 days packed with a minimum of 17 in hours in the car. It is a creepy place that you feel strange (many feel sick), just entering the house. It is a DRIVE, and the trip home is often after being up most of the night. You sleep in a barn, with no heat, or in your vehicle. There is a great cafe in town, but no gourmet food, food chains, or fine wine. No hotel, no motel, no Mc Donald's, no police to come to your rescue. No hospital (the nearest I found, is 17 miles away). The town is 1.9 square miles....yes, that's it.You have to be dedicated and just a little bit insane to take on the Villisca Axe murder house. It is not for the weak, in any manner, shape or form....but if like doing is Nirvana. Then there is the aftermath, where you review video (this trip we have 48 hours to review), audio (about 7 hours), and photos (I took 109, Matt,well over 200). We spent tons in gas, reserving our spots in the house and food, yet we still had an awesome time, AND will do it again in September. I think that covers all the questions and then some!

I forgot to add that it rains like crazy on the way home. Both times we made the trip it POURED on the way home. 

This is a place that sends out vibes. Last year we felt it when we walked in, this year we felt it on the ramp before we walked in. Just opening the door was magic. There was a thunderstorm that night. Most times a thunderstorm will ramp up activity. The storm killed activity. Activity started again the next morning with the sun up when the ash cleaning door of the pot belly stove opened and hit the floor in the living room. Villisca doesn't care if it is day or night. But apparently it doesn't like thunderstorms. It has spiders, and sometimes troublesome kids who dare each other to approach the house or knock on the door.

When we were setting up two women pulled up in a car and got out to take pictures. They climbed up on the porch and noticed there were people in the house and hightailed it for the car. I wonder if they thought we were ghosts?

The wood stove gave us a nice piece of evidence. The door opened and fell down sideways by itself. I looked and saw I had pictures of the handle from earlier in the evening (which belongs in a vertical or right hand horizontal position) in two different positions. My husband had a picture in a third position. At one point, the door opened and fell. Now skeptics will say it fell because it was unlatched. First of all it was in a position that was not one of the options. Could that position allow the door to open? Apparently. Yet the question remains, who moved it several times? It was none of us. We weren't paying any attention to it. We were no where near the latch. So let's assume we somehow opened the latch in a daze...I opened the latch when I put the door back on. I jumped, stomped, leaped, and nothing, The door didn't move, and certainly didn't come off. I latched it tightly, so if it moves again ..... This all happened around 6 AM with the sunrise.

We have EVPs (I listened to a few in the car on the way home), some shadow movement, and had a few hits on the Frank's Box (voices in real time). Some folks were touched, and there were lots of light anomalies. No one was hurt or rushed this year (thank goodness), and we heard kids and a woman either singing or crying.

We also talked to the locals. One lady told us her cousins owned it at one time, and nothing even happened, but she did say that as soon as the house was restored, things started to happen (which is typical). The locals are friendly and fun, and they feed us well. We stop at a cafe called TJ's all the time, and the home cooked food is not only good, but filling.

All that said though, it isn't a place for people who haven't done this before. It isn't a place for those who can't "rough it" a little. It certainly isn't a pace for people who have special needs. There are no facilities or services for miles. You have to bring your own bedrolls, and in the winter, it will be COLD. The best way to visit is with as much varied equipment as possible. The more equipment, the more results. You can go there and have experiences, day, night, anytime, but to get really good evidence, you need the right tools. For those who aren't ready to spend the night, they do daytime tours which last about 4 hours. The house is active in the day, so don't feel like you want have an experience just because the sun isn't up. Then you can go down the rad a few miles and visit the home of bandleader Glen Miller.

We were goofing around at one point and did the old "flashlight" communication nonsense. We love to disprove flashlight communication. We found the spirit in the room is a former group member (who is still alive), and is wearing some very unconventional other words, the flashlight lies. Well it doesn't lie, it just arcs out from time to time, and you are the one who decides what the answers are by the questions you ask. Never use a flashlight for communication.

No one was hurt this time and we were able to get into the attic (the floor is fixed). I didn't spend much time in there, just took come pictures, but it has that "feel" to it. But then, so does the downstairs bedroom. We had a good time. It is one that should be on a ghost hunter's bucket list, but not those who do not know what they are doing, who provoke, or who aren't prepared to sleep in the rough.

Like the old saying goes, it is a great place to visit, but I sure wouldn't want to live there.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

You are the one....

You are the one....

You are the one responsible for your own happiness, or lack thereof.

You are the one responsible for your well being, or lack thereof.

You are the one who is solely responsible for all your words, and actions, or lack thereof.

You are the one who ultimately makes decisions on what happens to you, or what doesn't.

You are the one who earns what they have, from respect to material things, or lack thereof.

You are the one who decides what kind of energy and people you attract, or do not.

You are the one who is responsible for your well being, or lack there of.

You are the one who made you what you are today.

You are the one who put you exactly where you are today.

There are no "buts" or circumstances that effect any of this. You make the decisions. Sometimes we do not have a great choice, maybe we like none of the options open to us, but we take the best choice, and we need to make the best of that, live with it, improve it and move on from it.

Life is not about bringing in a  partner to help pay your bills, raise your kids or relieve your loneliness.  Life is about BEING a half of a thriving partnership.Life is not about waiting for a family member to die so you can have a house, or money, or material goods. Life is about having whatever relationship you have with that person and learning from it and teaching from it. My worst phone calls are people who want to know when Aunt So and So will die so they can pay their bills, or if Dad will leave them the house and cut the others out because they need a place to live. These are the lowest of the low.

Pay your own bills, get your own roof over your head, don't wish death on someone so that you can have these things, or anything. That is about as low as you can get.

My phrase that I started years ago was "do the right things, for the right reasons". This means do it because it is right to do it, not because it will have a pay off, or put another in your debt. Life is not tit for tat. It is about YOU doing the right thing always.

When you constantly do the right thing with the right attitude, you are one of those people that has everything flow to them in beautiful abundance. You are one of those people that others look up too, and think "how lucky " you are . It isn't luck. It is pulling in all the good energy that you can and gathering it around you. The key is to remember that abundance doesn't mean there won't ever be a bill to pay, it means having enough and a little more. It means people, health, friends, opportunities, and even material gain. It isn't about money and things though, that is only a very small part of the whole. When you understand that you are solely responsible for everything (or lack thereof) in your life, you don't sit around and wait for someone to change it, you make things better, one day at a time. In this case it is all about you, it is all about you making your life what it is!

Do the right thing for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission