You are the one....
You are the one responsible for your own happiness, or lack thereof.
You are the one responsible for your well being, or lack thereof.
You are the one who is solely responsible for all your words, and actions, or lack thereof.
You are the one who ultimately makes decisions on what happens to you, or what doesn't.
You are the one who earns what they have, from respect to material things, or lack thereof.
You are the one who decides what kind of energy and people you attract, or do not.
You are the one who is responsible for your well being, or lack there of.
You are the one who made you what you are today.
You are the one who put you exactly where you are today.
There are no "buts" or circumstances that effect any of this. You make the decisions. Sometimes we do not have a great choice, maybe we like none of the options open to us, but we take the best choice, and we need to make the best of that, live with it, improve it and move on from it.
Life is not about bringing in a partner to help pay your bills, raise your kids or relieve your loneliness. Life is about BEING a half of a thriving partnership.Life is not about waiting for a family member to die so you can have a house, or money, or material goods. Life is about having whatever relationship you have with that person and learning from it and teaching from it. My worst phone calls are people who want to know when Aunt So and So will die so they can pay their bills, or if Dad will leave them the house and cut the others out because they need a place to live. These are the lowest of the low.
Pay your own bills, get your own roof over your head, don't wish death on someone so that you can have these things, or anything. That is about as low as you can get.
My phrase that I started years ago was "do the right things, for the right reasons". This means do it because it is right to do it, not because it will have a pay off, or put another in your debt. Life is not tit for tat. It is about YOU doing the right thing always.
When you constantly do the right thing with the right attitude, you are one of those people that has everything flow to them in beautiful abundance. You are one of those people that others look up too, and think "how lucky " you are . It isn't luck. It is pulling in all the good energy that you can and gathering it around you. The key is to remember that abundance doesn't mean there won't ever be a bill to pay, it means having enough and a little more. It means people, health, friends, opportunities, and even material gain. It isn't about money and things though, that is only a very small part of the whole. When you understand that you are solely responsible for everything (or lack thereof) in your life, you don't sit around and wait for someone to change it, you make things better, one day at a time. In this case it is all about you, it is all about you making your life what it is!
Do the right thing for the right reasons!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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