Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mc Pike Mansion Part II Photo evidence

I finally was able to go over some of the evidence from the Mc Pike Mansion trip. I FINALLY obtained some photo evidence. It took a few years, but I did it. I also have 5 EVPs, they are faint, but there. There are actually two photos that aren't "orb" or light anomalies.

One is a mist that seems to be pink coming over a board lined with pictures of people who lived in the mansion. at first I thought I moved, as the pictures are blurry. Then I realized that the wall and other chair (on the left), are not blurry, and if I had moved the camera, all would be blurry. Then I spotted the mist in the lower RH corner. BINGO!

There is also a picture of a shadow that appeared while I was taking pictures of a grave out in the woods. There is nothing nearby to cause this shadow.There are trees, and our founder, Bill Miller was to my right. I saw it on my camera screen and took another picture, thinking I did something. We experimented, I didn't do anything, it is not a part of my body, not a strap (I never put straps on my cameras). The picture taken right after it has no shadow.

You can see the edge of the shadow spreading over the grave.Then it is gone.

I also have a couple of cool things , like a speeding "something". I can't even call it an orb, it is more like a mist taking off, but it does look like a ball.

I was looking up the stairs from the basement. The second or bottom photo is a cropped close up.The large bright square is sunlight coming through a window. The moving ball is not a beam of light, which is obvious by its' lesser intensity, and I know there was nothing there to cause it.

We had other experiences, pictures and video. We have yet to cull the video evidence from the whole, but we will get to it. Meanwhile, the Mc Pike Mansion did not disappoint!

Happy Hunting!

(C) 2013 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, July 29, 2013

Mc Pike Mansion

This weekend a group of us from SIPI, did an investigation at the Mc Pike Mansion. It was a private investigation and we camped on the grounds after the initial part of the investigation was over.

Alton is a river town that could have been St. Louis or Chicago, but the whims of rail line builders and developers of the day, didn't allow the greater growth of larger cities. The town is however now becoming a tourist hotspot. Not only is it full of great little shops and restaurants, but it is haunted. Just about the whole town is. There is also a casino and the river for those who don't want to participate in the ghostly activities, including eagle watching in the cooler months.

SIPI however went to see what we could experience at Mc Pike Mansion. There are ghosts, and they don't confine themselves to the house. We were only able to go into the basement and wine cellar, due to the condition of the once grand 11 room mansion. That however,  worked just fine. The owners were able to place a couple of cameras upstairs for us, and that proved invaluable. Since the place is small (no one can go upstairs due to the condition of the house). We did something we don't always do, we had two people watching the monitors. It worked out well, four people spotted activity as it happened, including "bouncing" balls of light and shadows. Shadows are a big part of Mc Pike and not only did we catch one on video, I caught one in the daytime on my still camera.

We had spirit box voices, although they didn't seem to be able to use it well. One spirit however loudly proclaimed the name of a group member,and another said "danger". The "danger", I am sure was in the condition of the house , and I am sure the spirit was warning us to not venture upstairs where one could easily go through the floor.

The owners are very nice people and helpful. We were given all the help we needed, a history of the house, and all the accommodations we needed to camp.

I know we have video evidence, still camera evidence, and personal experiences. I have not had time to go over the EVPs yet, but will get to that as soon as possible. We left the video running all night, so there may be even more surprises there. Many of the group experienced "tingling" sensations outside as if there was low voltage electricity running through them.

Mc Pike mansion does do camp outs a few times during the year where you go in with others to investigate. There is more information at:


We also toured the town the next day and visited two cemeteries on our trip, one with open crypts (don't worry the bodies have been removed). It was a fun and exciting day & night!

On to the next investigation!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior writtten permission.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Respect does not come to you due to reaching a certain age, nor a certain level of education. It does not come to you for a position your hold, or a family name. It does not come to you becasue of anything except one thing. You earn it.

You earn it by being honest, truthful, transparent, dependable. You earn it by backing friends when they are right and telling them when they are wrong. You earn it by putting you butt on the line for someone, even when , and especially when everyone else deserts them.

You earn it. You don't demand it, you earn it.

I have seen so many people do the Flim Flam Shuffle lately it has actually reached a point of amusement. Some are pretty good at it, they should have put those dancing abilities to work on the Broadway stage in stead of in a mundane life.

The blatant disregard for rules, laws, manners, people's needs, and the respect they have earned is frightening. It is disgraceful. I don't stand back and watch fools make a mess of things for their own enjoyment. It isn't right, and is not acceptable energetically. I don't suffer fools....

I long ago came up with a statement that I think sums it up, the one rule for life that if you follow it, you will always be on the right path.

Do the right things or the right reasons.

How many people do that? Some do. Some think they do. Some know they missed a chance to do so and make it right. All of these are acceptable. Some don't and do not care. Those are the ones that eventually end up suffering because of their lack of respect for people, the environment, the good in the world in any way shape or form.

People need to be the catalyst to that. Karma isn't a strange mysterious force you never see and you wait for. Karma is in actions and words that come from doing the right things for the right reasons.

Never allow anyone to walk all over you , nor anyone else.

Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf , May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Not all fun and games.....

I recently saw and complained about a "ghost hunting " group doing an investigation at a Native American site. I talked to the site and the group and was told they would not be on the mounds, or in the outside area. Their advertising said the name of the park, which is synonymous with the mounds. Any local would immediately think it was outdoors on the mounds. They claim now it was, and always has been the office area. Then it needs to be advertised it as such, doing that won't get a big response perhaps, but it is truth in advertising.

Now they are promoting how they give to charity. Good press? Of course. Most larger groups do. We do, and another local group also does.I am sure many do. We have donated thousands of dollars over the years. We don't charge to investigate or to teach others how to ghost hunt. We do not accept donations or "tips". What we do is have a convention and donate the proceeds. All of it. We give away free trips (that the members pay for), to humane societies to auction off. We don't get a dime.

We don't brag about it. You have read in many past blogs where I have said that you give quietly and if possible anonymously. You do so from the heart, not for return of favor,or good press. You do it because it is the right thing to do.

Paranormal investigating is not about getting noticed, being "famous", or getting an EVP. You do it because it is helping others and is the right thing to do. You do it to learn about the other side. Our group, and myself personally, also does it to help cross souls over and to see if THEY need help (often they do). We also bless houses. I am an ordained minister, and know the ways of many belief systems. I try to use the one pertaining to the spirit if we can find that out, not the homeowner.

This all comes under what I say all the time in my blogs : Do the RIGHT THINGS, for the RIGHT REASONS.

Helping others and helping souls cross is the reward. We travel to the more "known" venues as a group also. People from the group have been to Waverly many times, The Villisca Axe murder House a few times, Fort Miflin, Mc Pike Mansion, Thomas House, The Birdcage Theater, Jerome Hotel, the LST in Evansville, and many more. We love what we do, and we do it from the heart.

When you want to learn to be a paranormal investigator, never pay for the lesson. Join a group that is willing to teach (most do). You will learn much, and hopefully have some life changing experiences.

In the the right things for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, July 22, 2013

Being hateful

There are people in this world who are haters. They hate comes from many directions. They hate those they admire; they hate those they are jealous of; they hate they see their own bad qualities in; they hate the strong; they hate the weak. The hate comes from many directions.

They hate for all kinds of reasons. But they hate.

Most haters are the most childish , demanding people you will ever meet. They usually are people who feel they were slighted in some way , or had a childhood of being bullied, abused, or left out. They figure now that they are bigger, and sometimes more powerful, they can now return that hate to others. It happens all the time. They are short sighted, "my way or the highway" people. They don't compromise, they DO lie, and they are always plotting and scheming.

Never give in to bullies. When you do, you create a bigger bully for someone else to deal with. Remember to treat others as you would wish to be treated and you will have no trouble stopping a bully. You wouldn't want someone else to stir up a bully, make them worse and unleash them on you, so don't that to others.

Sometimes this take a process, time, and determination, but that is even more the reaspn to continue to move forwards against a bully. When they are that strong and set in, you have a monster that was created over time and repeated situations where the bad behavior was created.

Never allow anyone to abuse you in any way.

Never allow anyone to abuse others in any way.

Never allow someone to bully you.

Never allow someone to bully others.

Do unto others, and ALWAYS Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Rock it!

There have been a few instances in my life lately and in my client's lives where people are afraid to "rock the boat". They don't want to do or say the right thing. Some have reasons like they are responsible for the money flowing into the home, and a few kids, but that still isn't an excuse.

The more we "look the other way" , the more we condone bad behavior. No good ever came of it, and much evil has fostered because of it.

When people do not have integrity, it isn't going to go away. People always hope that the person in question will suddenly "see the light" and change. Never happens. They sometimes can be shown th elight, but most times need to be shown the door out.

Never be afraid to speak up, or address a problem. Always address it in a proper and legal manner. Keep your energy high and use the best and fairest ways to deal with things, but DEAL with them. Make sure that you are not part of the problem, and ignoring an issue means that you are part of the problem.

We can't always sit and wait for the mysterious force of karma to suddenly appear. There is no deus ex machina in the clouds ready to come doen and make all the wrongs go away. YOU are a function and tool of Karma. Karma doesn't work through lightning strikes (although that would be awesome), it works through people.

Always, do the right things for the right reasons, and that means fighting wrongs at every chance. Never turn away, as someone may be waiting for a resue of sorts, and you may be the only person qualified to provide that. Think of how you would fell if someone had the power to help you , and they just walked away saying "don't rock the boat"?


Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, July 15, 2013

Right and wrong

I hear from clients all the time that, "it isn't fair", or "I had nothing to do with it". Many times we get caught up in things, every time it is a lesson. Not a punishment, a lesson.

Life isn't fair. Maybe you had a parent smart enough, and brave enough to tell you that. However in the scheme of things, you have the power and ability to tip the scales in your favor a bit every time. The people who don't bother to ever tip the scales are people who are lazy, or scared, or know they are wrong. Life isn't fair, but that doesn't mean we always have to swallow a wrong or suffer an injustice.

When life goes sideways on you, and you know that you were wronged, then use every available option to set things right. Speak up for yourself, act within the laws of society, and get things back in balance. No one is going to do it for you, and hopefully you are lucky enough to have people to do it with you. Most times you can make it right.

This doesn't mean you get to slash the ex's tires, or call their new relationship partner and tell them what a worm he is. It means you defend yourself , and protect yourself in any legal way possible.

When we sit and live with the "don't rock the boat" mentality, we leave another person or person(s) susceptible to the whims of the person who is doing wrong. When a person is doing something that is legally wrong , report them. Rock the boat becasue that is how things improve, how they change and how they get righted.

There are many ways in this society ro right wrongs, but revenge through lies, innuendo, and property damage, isn't the way.

This takes me to a current topic, the Zimmerman trial. From day one I knew that both sides were telling some truth and both sides were telling some untruth. What people do not realize, or remember, is that when we have an issue go to trial it isn't about who is right and wrong. It is about who can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt (in some cases) , their version the best way. It is a about PROOF, not right or wrong. Sometimes you can be totally right and not have a shred of proof. Many people of every race, creed, background and religion are wronged, ruined, maimed and killed everyday.It is far worse overseas in some countries than it is here. The only reason the Zimmerman trial was no "important" was that the media latched on to it as a way to sell news. It was a classic story. Two people alone at night, one dies, one is black , one is white. Who was right and who was wrong? They both were both. Was Martin an angel, heck no. Was Zimmerman over reactive, heck yes. The combination usually results in a blow up. Sometimes people die. Should that young man have died? No not at all, but what can either side prove? No one else was there, and things have to be unbiased and pieced together.

I can tell you the answer is NOT to threaten Zimmerman, then you are as low, if not lower than he. It is not to take retribution or take to the streets, because our court system is, and will always be about proof. It happens in all our lives everyday on a smaller scale. The bigger, faster, smarter, stronger are always working at an advantage. They know it and abuse it. It is up to you to stand up for yourself in a smart, firm, fair way. A way that protects you as much as possible, without unduly damaging another person.

This will blow over, it all does, it just remains to see how long it will take. Are people still enraged over the Anthony trial? No, how long ago was that?  About 2 years ago. People threatened her, and she went into hiding. A totally innocent child died. Much more innocent than Martin, much younger, and most likely died at the hands of her mother. But it isn't about what happened and who is right and who is wrong, it is about  proof.

It is about proof in your life, it is about piling up the small things so  high that they tip over on the head of the person who keeps stepping over the line. It is about drawing healthy boundaries and sticking to them. It is about being fair. It is about speaking up for yourself. It is about not knuckling under to people who have control issues. It is about standing strong and speaking up in a fair voice to all who will listen.

Life isn't black or white, it is grey. It always has been. How light a shade of grey your life is , is up to you.

Do the right things for the right reasons and you will never have to worry. Speak up. Speak fairly.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Friday, July 12, 2013


Yesterday I was involved in trying to make sure that a paranormal group did not investigate a Native American site. Since we always see things through our eyes of our upbringing, experience , knowledge and environment, others equated that to investigating cemeteries. They actually have nothing to do with each other. The NA site is not a burial site, although there are most certainly burials there. The original people didn't have pretty fenced in lawns down the street for their dead.

The Native American belief (for the most part) is that when you die one soul (they believe you have more than one), makes a journey. They body is sometimes buried in special places, sometimes facing a particular direction, and with items believed to help them make the journey safely. The reason we do not disturb sites where the original people lived, is that we never want to disrupt that journey, nor touch things belonging to a deceased person. It is NOT a religious thing. When these people were alive there were items some never touched. For example you have heard me say that a woman on her moon cannot touch ceremonial objects. That belief still exists when the objects belong to a deceased person. The original people , the Native Americans, were not people who looked at their relationship with Creator as a religion. Modern Native Americans may even follow tradition and Christianity. Some do not. They are two very different things. It is hard for someone who did not grow up with that influence to understand that the NA way is not a religion.

There are many beliefs, traditions and taboos in different Nations about death, and the body of the deceased. There are some particulars that relate to certain tribes, or areas of the country and not others, but the basic belief of not disturbing the journey is prevalent.

In this country we have several things that we do depending on a religious belief system or upbringing. There is an old belief that we don't disturb the dead. I really don't know how you would disturb a dead body because there is nothing in there. No soul. It leaves. It may stay right there in the cemetery, may go back to its' childhood home, may tag along with you because you attract it somehow. It may go where it has always wanted to, or go and check on family, but unless it wants to be there, or is somehow lost, it isn't in the cemetery. Are there spirits in the cemetery? Sure, also if you look over your shoulder right now, you will see at least one, well maybe not actually "see it" but it is there. A guide (a dead person) is always with you.There are most likely a couple of dead folks hanging with you right now.

Cemeteries are not places of rest. It is funny how that comcept comes up when every belief system we have, says that the soul leaves the body. It goes all sorts of places according to belief systems (but basically it has 2 options that I have written about a few times,that is hang around, or go to the light. Suicides have the same options, but the "hang around is only in the place they died, they cannot move about like other spirits). The belief systems however, nowhere say that the soul hangs out in the casket. The "do not disturb the dead" thing came from people being scared half to death of cemeteries, spirits and ghosts. This was a good excuse to stay away. It has no basis in religious dogma.

Modern belief systems have added wording to try to scare you off form spirits, psychics, mediums. They want to be your source of comfort and solace.

There is absolutely no reason to treat a cemetery different than any other haunted site. When you feel that investigating in a cemetery at night is wrong, than you shouldn't investigate anywhere. What you SHOULD do is only talk to those who talk to you. Never provoke ANYWHERE and see who wants to just chat, or who needs help.There is nothing special about a cemetery. It is a bunch of dirt where dead bodies with no souls in them to disturb, are placed. When you won't investigate a cemetery, then you can't investigate a battlefield, especially of the Civil War era where there were so many bodies they were left where they lie. You can't investigate a place like Fox Hollow where victims were buried in the woods.Just putting up a fence and a sign "cemetery" makes no difference at all.

I have found spirits in cemeteries directing live people to souls who want help. I have found lost souls, I have found people who just want to chat. They don't mind at all that people are there, and actually welcome them.I have found most who want to play or need help in cemeteries....they are welcoming not forbidding.

Going back to the NA discussion, the rules are different because this is not about the "religion" of the death. It is about the process of the afterlife and the rules of handling of items in the previous life. There is even more to it, but it has nothing to do with religious beliefs or fears. Some place bodies in sacred areas, yes, others, no. It is about not disturbing the things that the person needs for their journey around the other world. It is about not touching items belonging to those who have passed and might need them in the other life. The Egyptians did a similar thing. Provided the dead with all they would need in the afterlife, and a sealed , booby trapped, or cursed tomb if they were rich enough. It was to protect the journey around the other world.It was to protect the Pharaoh's items he would need.

None of this has anything to do with religion. Even cemeteries. Catholics believe that you immediately are scooped up and brought to a holding place (Purgatory). Here you wait while the ones you left behind try to send your soul in the right direction. It used to be by paying for mass to be said for you so you could "get out" and move on to Heaven. your life was reviewed and St. Peter would allow you in or not....

It would make no sense for a Catholic to believe that there are dead people being disturbed in the cemetery, it goes against the basic tenants of the religion. Christian beliefs are all basically centered on the same beliefs with some little adjustments.There are other beliefs that the soul stays with the body for a few days while others (alive) clear the path for them.The Tibetan Book of The Dead is a good example of people sitting with and watching the body so it can prepare, and then reading a sort of "instruction manual" to the dead person so they will know what to do on that journey, and what to watch out for.

All around the world however, in every belief system, there is none that believes people are "resting" in a cemetery. Your attic, basement, deserted area, sure. Some probably do go to the cemetery, it is quiet at night, but they aren't in eternal sleep that you can disturb.

It is funny how old beliefs, old wives tales still govern our modern lives.Even funnier is how religion contradicts itself constantly.

When you are an investigator, make sure that you are respectful, that you never provoke, that you leave things as you found them. I remember one group saying how they set up angels. Are you kidding me? What if the people there have no belief in angels, what if they feel fine before you entered. What if the angels have better things to do (they do). Last time I checked the only person in charge of the angelic realm was God. We can ask for help, but we don't order angels around. We never impose our beliefs on others. Ever, live or dead.

The problem today is so many people calling themselves ghost hunters, that do not have a CLUE as to the other side, how it is structured, how to help if needed, and what is taboo. They just know how to use monitors and recorders. The former is so much more important than the latter. I am glad that TV brought the paranormal out in to the light, but I am not glad it created a lot of Zak wannabees. I remember a person who leads a group saying....e don't know anything about the other side, no one does. Bullcrap. Maybe he doesn't , but many psychics, mystics,mediums, channels, visionaries, prophets know a PILE of information about the other side. He should know if he is an investigator.

Always be respectful, and being respectful means to never investigate NA areas. Not because of religion or resting spirits, but as to not disturb the journey and items associated with it. When you don't know what you are doing, don't do it. Learn from experienced investigators and NEVER pay anyone to teach you how to investigate. Any respectable paranormal investigating group will teach you for free.

Treat the spirits as if they were live people. People who "live" in a place that you just entered. 

Do unto others......and do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Respecting Native American sites.

All my life I have wondered about the "other side" . I had experiences that couldn't be explained that puzzled me for the first 15 years of my life. I was able to reach out to the right people at that time and make many discoveries. I was able to take a college parapsychology course before I entered Montclair State and began my study of psychology, where I earned my first Bachelors Degree.

I have worked, studied, experienced, and helped others who were in my situation. This has happened both formally and informally over 40 years.We were "ghost hunters" before there was such a TV show, a show that started because of people pretty much in the same position, as many who have an interest in the other side. They have an experience they can't explain, and it is powerful and as such stays with them. They want answers.

I also grew up as a child with Native American background. I wasn't raised within miles of that side of the family, but when with them, they shared much and taught much. I later moved to the southwest and learned even more from friends who were Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Zuni, and of a few of the Pueblo tribes. They all taught the same thing. Respect for the dead. Some groups even have a flat out fear of the dead and a "hands off" policy. They believe the dead can bring "Spirit sickness". Probably what we would call attachment or possession depending on the severity and your beliefs. Yet the one theme is the same in the NA community, NEVER disrespect the dead. There are cases fought in court on a regular basis about NA land, the use of it, and the beliefs of different Nations.

With all this going on , from the sale of Wounded Knee to the use of land for natural resources or passage of pipelines, there are still people totally clueless to the NA ways, beliefs and customs. There are still people that do not know that you never disturb the dead in NA belief. Surprisingly one of those is a local museum and site that supposedly teaches about NA ways and life. That floored me. The people who should be teaching this respect, are ignoring one of the most important tenants in NA society.

The other interesting thing is that there is a ghost hunting group who will do the investigation. Most long time groups know better. I can't expect everyone to know that you never investigate NA sites and NEVER investigate where there may be NA buried.Groups who have been around a long time and know their stuff, do know. I will give the group the benefit of the doubt, but when you have an NA museum, there is no excuse, they should know better.

I am sure it is all good publicity, but that is not a reason to disturb the dead.

You all know I belong to a group an go to people who call for help. We investigate, we cleanse, we bless, but we never go to NA sites to investigate. I have been invited twice (at different places) and turned down both offers. I know better.

I have informed both the site and the group investigating that this WRONG WRONG WRONG. Hopefully they will be respectful and listen. I ask any in the Native community and even those outside of it, that respect it, to contact Angel Mounds in Evansville Indiana and tell them that this needs to stop immediately. Apparently this is something that is being repeated which is even more worrisome.

We need to protect our ancestors, we need to defend belief systems, and we need to respect the dead. We do not go into places trying to rustle up activity. We go where there is activity and people need help becasue the activity is disturbing.There is a huge difference. I guess everyone wants to be Zak Bagans (except me).

I thank you all in advance for your support.

You can comment on the Angel Mounds event page at:

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I remember, just the other day in fact, advising a caller that the key to any relationship is communication. A simple "I will be right back I am running to the store" to a complicated "I am feeling that you are rushing me in this relationship" helps every time. Even when the conversation is difficult. The clarity itself, although it may be something you don't WANT to hear, will keep you from wasting time, energy, and emotion.

I am totally honest with people. I try to find a nice way of saying things, but I say them. I try to use humor, or make examples. I do NOT tolerate BS, lies, or the spreading of untrue information (and would hope most people do not either). I speak up, I state why and then back off. Life isn't a debate, and although sometimes we get entangled in them, they aren't the goal.

Communication, like anything, is a balance. It is also a great way of cleaning up a lot of misinformation and doubt. It works wonders.

Lately I have seen an example or two (or three...) of people clamming up, and then wondering why the world hasn't assumed what they wanted, or how they felt. They then get upset and stomp, or slink away, depending on the person. I have seen it directed at others and at me. It is another example of the ME ME ME attitude that people have.

It isn't difficult to say to friends, "Hey can we do this", or "let's try that". It isn't hard to say "no I am sorry I can't be there" or "I will help next time". Just make sure you are being honest. Don't say things just to hurt, or to get attention. Don't fish for compliments or try to start fights. Just flat out state what is on your mind, but remember it is all in HOW you say it....but SAY IT.

The past few days were an eye opener for me. I saw a couple of people in a light I had been trying to ignore for a while. I always give people the benefit of the doubt. They will usually redeem themselves or prove you 100% correct. I was proven 100% correct. So now I move forward without a bump in the path. They were already weeding themselves out and now the weeds are pulled. Why? Lies. I cannot tolerate anyone who lies to me. There is no reason for it. When your behavior is so bad that you know you need to lie about it, then  you need to change your behavior.

Weed, weed, weed...and the garden is healthier. The good plants have more air, water and attention to thrive.

Communicate, and do it as well as you can, but it is a skill that everyone needs to develop, and fine tune.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Vibrations of the planet

I have lived life in places where fireworks are outlawed, and in places where some form is allowed like sparklers. I have lived where they were allowed and you would be surprised if you heard a "pop" all week long. Now I live where it seems that making as much noise as possible , all day long for a week, is a necessity of life, like breathing.

I am not talking about local firework shows. They last about 45 minutes a few days a year, and that is it. I am talking about people, citizens with enough firepower in their hands to rattle your windows. The problem is that it not only is annoying, it does other things as well. Scares the heck out of animals (both domestic and wild), frightens children and adults, as in those with issues and PTSD. It makes a paper mess no one ever seems to clean up. It disrupts life and even business. Many of my friends do massage and healing techniques out of their homes, they can't work all this week (where we live they allow fireworks all week for some insane reason). Who wants a relaxing reiki healing that includes a big boom and a hundred small pops.

I counsel on the phone many times and I have had a client last night say "That is so annoying, I will call you another time". She is right , it is annoying. Do people with fireworks in their hands care that other people's business is harmed, their animals are cowering under the bed, their kids are crying and upset or that their vet neighbor is freaking out? Apparently not. It is the ME ME ME society we live in. "My right to fire off these noisy , smelly, dirty things succeeds your right of quiet enjoyment of your home." That is the mindset. It isn't true, but welcome to the world today. I wouldn't mind if it were on the 4th, but all week? Not to mention that they are ALLOWED for a week, but people light them off before and after that date and the allowed times. I try scheduling my clients for when the fireworks are not allowed....guess how well that is working?

I won't even get into the physical danger of them here as I am talking about vibrations, but that also exists.

Let's go to the metaphysical for a moment. Every culture or belief system in this world knows quiet and peace are an integral part to spiritual living.They know that there is a vibration to things and the goal is to always make it higher. It allows the mind, body and spirit to not only relax, but to enter in to the brainwaves of being open to the Universe, to prayer, to meditation. The peace of that delicate balance is rocked sideways every time an earth rattling boom resonates outward.That shatters the vibration and makes it start over LOWER, the direction we DON'T want to go in. There are positive noises, like meditative drums, chanting, singing bowls and singing people, all in a steady cadence, but  then there are bad, inharmonious, off beat,ear splitting noises, like explosions, fireworks, loud machinery.

The earth vibrates. It actually vibrates at the sound of B flat. When that vibration is allowed to run and strengthen, good things happen in the world. Many things can set that vibration off, but loud noise is the easiest way.  It doesn't have to be fireworks, any loud noise will do. Steady noises aren't as bad (and we actually drum to get the vibration back into sync), but a BOOM here, and a blast there, just rock it OFF kilter.

People naturally vibrate at a lower level, but one harmonious with the earth's vibrations. People with higher levels of vibrations are our psychics, mediums, and at the highest visionaries, prophets, and healers. People with lowest vibrations are the ones you don't ever want to be around.

It is probably hard to imagine that things like fireworks would upset this, but not when you consider how many people are exploding how many objects at once time, it isn't. Besides the actual vibration itself, how many starts of fear, upset or anger go out into the planet on each big boom? How much of that upset gets sent into the collective unconscious (all of it)? What fear gets dumped into the energy of the world, and when someone finally gets hurt (someone always does), that hurt goes out also. We live is a world that needs less, fear, hurt , upset and anger, dumped into its' energy, not more.

A friend yesterday said to me that no one who truly understands the spiritual universe and even those who simply , but truly understand the peace, love and wonder of religion in any manner, will ever light off a firecracker. He said "people may think they understand or go to church every Sunday, but when they make explosions for fun and entertainment, do they really understand?". The answer is no, they do not understand the mechanics of the Universe nor the "like attracts like" system of universal energy. They do not understand at all.

The loud and inharmonious noises aren't good for the planet in any way, and I doubt even lovers of the noisemakers can put up a reason how they would be.

Allowing the planet to vibrate at its' natural level is so important. Do not disrupt the vibration in any way, but add to it with peace, drumming, flute, chanting, prayer, and energy work. It needs it more now with all the disruption of the 4th.

When people leave Catholic services they say...may peace be with you (and with you), but they really don't mean it if their first action when they get home is to light off fireworks. Walk your talk.

Do the right things for the right reasons.
Heal the earth, don't harm her.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, July 1, 2013

It really isn't all about you.....

First a note, some say that they want to share the blog but were not sure because of the copyright. You can  copy and share the link, just like any other page on the internet. Feel free to share.

Yesterday I was reading postings on Facebook and thought, we have slipped even further down the road. It used to be that there were too many "ME ME ME , It is ALL about ME" people in the world. Now they are still here, but they are trying to influence others to do and think as they do. Wait that is too kind, they are trying to force others to do and think as they do.

 Examples lately include the big "tempest in a Teapot" about Paula Dean. I really don't give a crap what she says in her personal homelife, I really don't give a crap what anyone does in their own private world. When you are insensitive or prejudicial, then it is up to the people around you to decide if that works for them or not and either put you in the balcony of their theater, stay around and teach you, or ignore your flaws. However when society then denounces a person and says to the world, "do not buy her products, watch her show", etc., they are just as bad, actually worse than Paula Dean. That should be an individual and personal decision. When her words effect you to the point where you decide not to buy her frying pans or coffee cake, that is noble. To tell the world she is the Devil Incarnate and not to buy her products is pure hate, worse than the hate of some woman who is a product of her time and circumstance. I am not making excuses for her, but the reaction has been ridiculous. Paula will bounce back, she will because not everyone will jump on the Paula Dean Haters band wagon. It seems there is a new team sport in the world, it is called, "ruin people who are liked or successful".

Another example is a temporary line of crosses that will be erected on the local waterfront. We have the "ME ME ME" people saying "You can't do that, it disrupts my sensibilities". No it doesn't , these are people who just want to make a noise about something. They are only focused on themselves. They say they are focused on the Constitution. The Constitution gets whipped out more times these days than ever. Everyone sees the Constitution with their own eyes, and demands that others see it as they do. That is diametrically opposed to the basis of the Constitution. The crosses are temporary, so "put on your big girl panties and deal". I doubt if these ladies shield their eyes when they drive past churches, synagogues, and mosques. I  doubt they tell a friend who may be wearing a cross to" take that offensive thing off while I am talking to you", but give us a chance to whip out that Constitution and get our name in the paper, and they are all for it. They have even called in the ACLU. I have to honestly say that anytime I read that the ACLU is involved lately, I think, here is another selfish idiot wanting the world to revolve around them. When I then read the story.....I find I am right. The ACLU has become a joke.

Maybe those people involved need to know my saying...Do the right things FOR THE RIGHT REASONS. Apparently they never heard it.

The Constitution was never meant to be a weapon to beat someone into submission with, but that is how many are trying to use it. The Founding Fathers never had a moment's thought in that direction, but that is where we are today.

Just because you CAN do something , doesn't mean that you SHOULD. We as a society need to do what is for the common good, not what makes your eyes personally feel better when strolling down the riverfront for a few days.

It really isn't all about you, not even close.

Metaphysically being self aware is good, self centered is really bad.Our actions, words, and vibrations effect all of those around us. With the internet they effect people around the world. How are we effecting people? When something is temporary, let it slide. When people are rude, point it out, maybe you will teach them something. I think most people are just clueless, not meaning to be jerks, but being so self focused they don't think how what they are doing effects others.

You are a stone being thrown into a pond, your ripples resonate is a fact. What are your ripples doing to the world? Think hard because it really isn't all about you at all, not for a moment.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.