All my life I have wondered about the "other side" . I had experiences that couldn't be explained that puzzled me for the first 15 years of my life. I was able to reach out to the right people at that time and make many discoveries. I was able to take a college parapsychology course before I entered Montclair State and began my study of psychology, where I earned my first Bachelors Degree.
I have worked, studied, experienced, and helped others who were in my situation. This has happened both formally and informally over 40 years.We were "ghost hunters" before there was such a TV show, a show that started because of people pretty much in the same position, as many who have an interest in the other side. They have an experience they can't explain, and it is powerful and as such stays with them. They want answers.
I also grew up as a child with Native American background. I wasn't raised within miles of that side of the family, but when with them, they shared much and taught much. I later moved to the southwest and learned even more from friends who were Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Zuni, and of a few of the Pueblo tribes. They all taught the same thing. Respect for the dead. Some groups even have a flat out fear of the dead and a "hands off" policy. They believe the dead can bring "Spirit sickness". Probably what we would call attachment or possession depending on the severity and your beliefs. Yet the one theme is the same in the NA community, NEVER disrespect the dead. There are cases fought in court on a regular basis about NA land, the use of it, and the beliefs of different Nations.
With all this going on , from the sale of Wounded Knee to the use of land for natural resources or passage of pipelines, there are still people totally clueless to the NA ways, beliefs and customs. There are still people that do not know that you never disturb the dead in NA belief. Surprisingly one of those is a local museum and site that supposedly teaches about NA ways and life. That floored me. The people who should be teaching this respect, are ignoring one of the most important tenants in NA society.
The other interesting thing is that there is a ghost hunting group who will do the investigation. Most long time groups know better. I can't expect everyone to know that you never investigate NA sites and NEVER investigate where there may be NA buried.Groups who have been around a long time and know their stuff, do know. I will give the group the benefit of the doubt, but when you have an NA museum, there is no excuse, they should know better.
I am sure it is all good publicity, but that is not a reason to disturb the dead.
You all know I belong to a group an go to people who call for help. We investigate, we cleanse, we bless, but we never go to NA sites to investigate. I have been invited twice (at different places) and turned down both offers. I know better.
I have informed both the site and the group investigating that this WRONG WRONG WRONG. Hopefully they will be respectful and listen. I ask any in the Native community and even those outside of it, that respect it, to contact Angel Mounds in Evansville Indiana and tell them that this needs to stop immediately. Apparently this is something that is being repeated which is even more worrisome.
We need to protect our ancestors, we need to defend belief systems, and we need to respect the dead. We do not go into places trying to rustle up activity. We go where there is activity and people need help becasue the activity is disturbing.There is a huge difference. I guess everyone wants to be Zak Bagans (except me).
I thank you all in advance for your support.
You can comment on the Angel Mounds event page at:
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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