Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Predjudice still flowing years after 9 /11

Living in a way that is truly spiritual means living not only a love based life, but a positive life. It means more than either one of those , living a fearless life. Fear generates hate. When living the truly spiritual life you will be able to allow each and everyone their way. You won't bash, ridicule, defame, or set out to personally harm anyone or anything. You allow the Universe to make the decisions, but you always do what is right. That means if there is a crime to report, you report it, and step back.

Many waste their time getting upset or fearful over events, and always....yes always, blown up accounts of facts. No one checks facts anymore. No one bothers to see if something is true if it strikes a positive chord with them, they pass it on perpetuating the hate, the lies, the upset, the fear.

People use 9/11 as a platform to voice their views. How pathetic is that? It is not a platform. It is an event that was horrible, and it really had a huge impact on the northeast, and the country. I know, I saw the smoke, I saw Flight 93 fly over my house. I knew people in the city (what we called New York City), at the time. Many laws we have today resulted from that attack. However, using it as a reason to hate anyone, Muslims in particular, is pathetic, prejudicial, uninformed and hateful. Maligning any group, race or religion is all of those things.

I studied religion both times that I worked on degrees in other fields. I know that the Muslim religion isn't about hate, killing, or treating your fellow man poorly. It is just the opposite. It is about community, love, charity, and living a faith based day. People associate the Muslim religion with the 9/11 attacks. These men were not following the Muslim religion, they were crazy extremists who maligned their words and teachings. They are the Westboro Church or the IRA. Would you want your religion represented as a whole by such a group as Westboro? Well when you malign the Muslim religion, you do just that.

Being ignorant of a fact is OK, it is a learning opportunity. Not wanting to know the truth is being ignorant, and that is a whole other issue. You cannot act ignorant and be spiritual. The two are mutually exclusive.

When you put down any religion, race, way or lifestyle, YOU are the one who is doing wrong. You are the one who will receive the teachings of Karma. You are the one who will  have a string of "bad days" as your hard lessons are learned.

Never hate, and never fear. Never pass along information that you have not checked out, and checked out the right way.

Recently a person sent me articles on a cause she believed in. I checked them out and they all were either false, had improper procedures (things we all learned how to do in high school done incorrectly), or the "scholars" and doctors writing the articles were not recognized by anyone (especially the AMA), except the group pushing for their desired results. Any 14 year old high school student could properly research and see the stores didn't hold water. None of them. Research means checking facts, not reading and believing. Research means looking for proof of the opposite of what you believe and weighing both carefully. Then I was labeled "negative" (first time I have been called that!), for not watching yet another inane video.

Make sure that you are not being gullible. People have a bad habit of reading the hate , the rumors, the dirt they want to hear, and buying it lock, stock and barrel. They then remain the most uneducated and aware folks on the planet, although they will tell you how "informed" they are.

Don't hate. Do unto others, and get your act together. Don't pass it on until you check it out. Do the right things FOR THE RIGHT REASONS!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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