What we need in this world today is LESS religion and MORE spirituality. Religion always has a premise that a particular belief system is THE way, the ONLY way, and anyone unlike that way, is an enemy of some sort. People have been getting killed over religion as long as it has existed.
The problem with religion is dogma. Those "rules" for life that are specific in how you need to do things, and how the world should be. Dogma causes people to get killed everyday. Organized religion is the biggest mess on this planet. It causes wars, family issues, violence, and even financial issues. It creates hatred through preaching that if you are certain things , like homosexual, or believe certain things, then you not only will have a terrible afterlife, you will be punished in this life by people who think they are more righteous that you are.
We are allowing our laws to be infiltrated by religion and religion does not belong in our laws, as we are a nation where there is freedom of religion (WITHOUT the state "religious freedom laws"...which are nothing of the sort). Religion should not tell a non believing woman that she cannot have an abortion, even if that baby will be born with terrible physical handicaps. How is that compassionate? Relgion should not tell us what we can do except in our own homes and our places of worship. Period. Not in our restaurants, doctor's offices, and workplace. Religion does not belong anywhere else as we are not a nation of one religion.
I had someone state to me the other day that Jesus is loved by all who believe in God. No he isn't. Jesus is an entity of Christianity (hence the Christ name). Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hinduism.....and more, do not believe in Jesus Christ at all, or as a son of God. In fact, most of the world does NOT believe in Jesus. People get wrapped up in their belief systems and think it is the only one and everyone should practice it and love it. We also have about 40 MILLION Atheists in this country.
Spirituality , on the other hand, does believe in a higher power, it doesn't give it a name, or is uses all names, from "God" to "The Universe". It does not have dogma, so no one gets upset with the way someone else is screwing in a light bulb. Spirituality tells us that we need to always strive to do what is best, to help others, and to be honest and straightforward. It tells us we are learning many lessons on earth and that in the afterlife we will be viewed on how well we learned our lessons. We are taught that this life or the next ca,n be effected by the biggest teacher of all...Karma.
Religion basically teaches that you can be as nasty, evil, vindictive, hateful and predjudicial as you want to, and as long as you confess or pray for forgiveness, it is all good. So how does that help people be a better person and treat others well? It doesn't. It does just the opposite.
We need people to be more spiritual. We need people to think about how they would like to be treated, to not judge people, to not break laws or moral codes and defend them in the name of religion or God. We need to stop condemming others and calling them unGodlike.
God, The Highest Power, The Universe created us all. It created the criminals, the other religions,the people you don't like, the homosexuals, all of it.Good and bad. Everyone is equal in the eyes of the Almighty, and that is what you should strive for. This doesn't mean that when there are people doing criminal acts we don't prosecute them, but it does mean that we do not persecute because someone is not thinking or acting like we were taught, or believe. Religion has no business being part of the law! Every time and every place that has been tried through thousands of years it has failed miserably and has resulted in death and destruction.
Christianity is just about the newest religion on the block. It is not far wiser or more "Godlike" than other religions, but it is about 33% of the major religion population (not world population). Now that may be the largest religion on the planet, but there still is 67% of the organized religion world who does NOT practice Christianity. This is only the religious population. Christianity's numbers get smaller when you factor in all religions and non believers, like the 42 million Atheists on the planet.The largest Christian population in America is Protestant. We are a planet of 7 billion people. Christianity has 2 billion adherents. The other 5 billion people of the world should bow down to Christian dogma written into our laws? I think not.
Be spiritual, forget dogma, do unto others....and as I have been saying for years, do the right things for the right reasons! Let The Highest Power worry about religious and spiritual matters, it understands them FAR better than humans, as it would NEVER persecute any other belief system, or way of life, unlike humans do!
Triple Moon Goddess Gina
(C)2015 May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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