Thursday, November 19, 2015

What happened to the Brotherhood of man and Lady Liberty?

When I was a young child in the 60's and 70's, the world took great leaps and bounds forward. It made great strides in equality, acceptance, and knowledge. Race , religion, and gender issues were being dealt with and things did get better. Resolved totally, no, but improved greatly. Woman's rights, rights of African Americans and Latinos, and relationships between races and religions all made great strides. A little later the Gay Community found more voice, and finally has found some of their goals met. We saw more and more inter racial couples, and men brought home Vietnamese women , something most of us had never seen before. It wasn't all roses and smiles, but it was strides in the right direction.

It was beautiful. We had the "Summer of Love". Peace signs were everywhere, marches and peaceful demonstrations. We allowed people to come to share the beauty of freedom in America. I remember a schoolmate from the Ukraine who told me how her Father managed to get them to America, and how the first time her Mother entered a supermarket she fell to her knees and wept tears of joy. You couldn't see American supermarkets on Google, nor in any publications, the vast choice and abundance was more than she could ever imagine.

There are still many people working toward making progress in all of our issues from being THE Melting Pot. Yet, things get resolved, people move forward and time marches on. We progress, we learn, we grow.Until now.

We have a country of abundance. It isn't always evenly distributed for sure, but that is because we are a Capitalistic country. Many people share though. There are charities, and organizations that do their best to make sure everyone has at least the basic minimum. Are there people who take advantage of these programs...... of course, there always will be, but that is no reason to stop the programs, or ask people to close off their hearts.

Now we have a world in crisis. We are a part of that world. When I hear people call for Isolationism, it just astounds me, we cannot survive in isolation. Cannot do it. Not without going without much, and we know Americans don't like to to without. It is impossible. World goods and economies are all mixed together, and they should be, it makes all of us stronger.

I grew up in a large city, and I will say that the large cities today still have a good grasp on the "Brotherhood of Man". Maybe it is experience with others, and learning that allowing those who are not exactly like us to be in our midst doesn't make horrible things happen.Maybe it is an education level. Maybe both, and more.

Now we have the world asking us to bring in Syrian refugees. Should we? Yes. Why? Because our world is one unit. When one country suffers, the trickle down effect makes all suffer, but more importantly it is the right things to do. People complain about Muslims. The Muslim religion (and we DO have freedom of relgion in this country), is a religion of community.It is a religion of helping others. Not all Syrians are Muslims, it is the predominant religion of the area, but not the ONLY religion.

 Imagine yourself fleeing your comfy American home , with just the clothes on your back, and someone trying to kill you as you flee. You make a long, arduous journey, a deadly journey, and as you and your baby reach the shores of America you are told...get out, we don't want you here. How would you feel?

We talk about "What about the homeless here?" OK, so what about them? What have YOU done about them? There will always be homeless. Always. Sad truth, but some choose to be homeless, some are mentally ill, drug addicts, and alcoholics whose addiction and illness has a hold on them, that they cannot or will not break. Many cities have homeless shelters that do not fill until the temperature reaches 10 degrees or 110 degrees.

When you say "What about our homeless? What about our Vets?" or compare starving 2 year olds to gun laws, you aren't even beginning to make sense. My Grandma used to say "You can't compare apples and oranges". This is people's lives. Yes American lives are important too. However if I am a terrorist who wants to sneak in this country, you can bet I won't do it as a 2 year old fleeing bullets, crossing an ocean while starving and watching people die, suffering for days to come here and be assaulted, and insulted. I will fly first class on a jet and arrive on our shores with nothing incriminating, even my "country of origin" on my papers being bogus. To think that a terrorist would enter the country in a dingy is pure idiocy. 

This country bases its' stand on all kinds of subjects based on social media and memes. Two of the LEAST informed places (and MADE to misinform) on this planet. It is so sad.

You are ALL refugees America.....most of your ancestors were refugees from religious restrictions in England back in the 1600's. You fled Poland, Russia, Italy, Germany.....and you came here, to America.

Take a moment and think about what truly makes sense. While you are doing that, read, and re-read the words written on the one woman who truly represents America. The statue of Liberty.......the poem by Emma Lazarus:

The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" 

YOUR ancestors were one of those that Lady Liberty talks of unless you are 100% pure blood Native American Indian! You ARE a refugee, or child of refugees.

In closing.......what have YOU done to make this world a better place today? 
Bring back the love of the 60's and 70's, it is BADLY needed.
When you make decisions based in fear, you ALWAYS make the wrong decision!

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