Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The energy that surrounds you

You live in the energy that you create around you.

What kind of energy do you create? Fear? Prosperity? Love? Hate? Success? People always try to blame their ills on someone or something else. For some it is the government, others, their family, still others, their bosses. The fact is that at the end of the day what it all boils down to is you.

You create what energy that you will swim in every day. All of it. When there is a problem situation, you always have the power to change it. Always. No one said it would be easy. Some fixes are, some are not. Sometimes we have to close doors on friends, jobs, significant others. Sometimes that will cause a disruption in our lives, but if we are so unhappy, then that disruption will always bring about a better state in the long run. We are here to learn, adjust, change and even adapt. We choose each day what kind of energy we will swim around in.

A client recently let go of a problematic relationship partner. He was manipulative, demanding, abusive and could play that guilt card better than just about anyone. She loved him, yes, but she could no longer be with him. We all have our "breaking points", there is always a time when we say "enough". It sometimes amazes people when they push that final button. They then blame the fact that they have finally gone too far, on whatever comes to mind (in this case it was a female friend's influence). What it really was in the end , was my client having enough of the bad relationship.

Changing partners, shunning old friends or even family members, changing jobs, going back to school, saving money instead of spending, are not easy things to do.  They are sometimes necessary and even crucial to a person's mental, emotional, and even physical health.

Challenges are there to make us learn, grow, and see how strong we can be. When we successfully meet a challenge, we can help others meet them as well. It is a beautiful snowball of positive energy.

Remember that for the past few years now there has been an energetic shift going on. People are migrating to others who are more like themselves. That can be good and bad. The good side of it is that it pulls negative people away from positive people and adds even more positive people to the group. These are very general terms, but like DOES attract like. It is the energetic shift that will culminate its' first stage at the end of 2012.

Matt and I have watched the people around us change and grow, and are so thankful for the people that surround us. They are wonderful souls who would do anything for us at any time, and we would do the same. We help whenever we can. We help quietly.

So many clients are having issues with life, issues they can change pretty easily, but it requires action, faith and a little inconvenience. Take the time to decide what you need, and make sure that your needs do not impose upon other people's needs. We ASK for others to join us, BUT we never demand or play games like Guilt  Card; we work where we are APPRECIATED, BUT where we give 100% to our boss or business; we help others without need for recognition and repayment, but we do not allow others to abuse our desire to help. The healthy way of living life is with boundaries, and being able to set and keep healthy boundaries.

Set good boundaries that enable you to keep good, positive, healthy energy around you. Decide to have a good day, and see what magic happens. When things aren't working in your life, take a good hard look in the mirror, and find the change that needs to happen. Work at that change. When the answer is an outside issue, like a boyfriend who lays guilt on you, get rid of him. When it is a job that you hate going to everyday, find a new job. The fixes aren't always instantaneous, easy,or completed in one step , but they are still worth doing. We either put in the energy to change things, or continue to suffer. Change is a much better choice.

Our home is filled with laughter, fun, love, prosperity, happiness, success. It isn't made with magic wood, or blessed windows. It is made with hard work, love, mutual respect and positive energy. There had never been a fight in this house, and there never will be, anyone can have this special house aura exist in their home, anyone.

Make your day a day surrounded by wonderful energy. Do the same each day, for the rest of your life. I know some of the happiest, funniest, most loving people in the world. I am not just simply blessed, but I am working in harmony with the Universe, and that brings wonderful abundance, including abundant , happy people.

Have a wonderful day full of positive energy!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Medium vs Psychic, and ghosts......

First let me say there were many people that have claimed some family member or other as the QUEEN of guilt and drama. There were also people who sent me examples that didn't have to do with holidays.  Maybe you all need to gang up on the offenders. Stand strong!! I know if someone tries to lay the guilt card on me, they get something that resembles The Terminator.....

I had an email that asked about how we know if our "psychic talents" are regular psychic or mediumistic. Answer: If you have dead people come to you all the time with messages that you can understand clearly, you are a medium. When you can tell people about situations that they are going through, or know future events, you are psychic.

That being said, psychics can see dead people, just like any one of us can see an apparition.  Yet, they sometimes get the bonus of being able to try to look at the past (psychics read past, present and future) to obtain more information on the subject. They sometimes read the place or the energy of the area. We all have different talents in different ways. One psychic may be able to touch the wall and see a party that happened in the home, another may need to sit quietly and will hear voices telling them things. Mediums have dead people walk up to them and tell them things.

The dead are around us all the time. Day time, night time, haunted houses, or not. Just because a place doesn't have high activity (being haunted), doesn't mean it there aren't a pile of dead folks walking around. Now that you are all looking over your shoulder....some can follow you, some can attach to you. There are many ways of setting up protection for yourself. Usually though, they are in a certain area for a reason. They may simply want to be there, I plan on haunting Hawaii myself......

We more easily see spirits , and can photograph them most easily in the darkness , or actually semi darkness, that is why we investigate in low light. It also helps focus your attention and helps you see movement. It attunes your ears more sharply when you can't see as well, so that you hear things more easily. It really isn't the creep factor, but darkness does heighten our sixth sense.

I have found that the places that are the most popular "haunts" aren't as active as the ones that aren't so "famous". Maybe the ghosts get tired. We have a few folks signed up already for our "ghost class" on January 14. Come and join us and bring questions. It will be a lot of fun, I guarantee!! (No I haven't picked a place yet, I am still working on that, I have a few ideas that may be extra fun).

Meanwhile develop your skills. I hope that those who took my psychic development class are practicing!!!! HINT HINT

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Making people feel guilty, is abuse.

Good day everyone! Hope that you all had a good weekend. Ours was wonderful, and we are looking forward to the Christmas vacation.

I did take clients over the long weekend. Holiday weekends are the worst time for many of them. They have issues with friends and family. They have issues with work, and some have issues with having extra time on their hands. The biggest "issue" I have found is that people have this archetype of a holiday. I don't know if it is too many Saturday Evening Post pictures or the movies , but they think that if they do not spend the holiday with a crowd of loved ones, they are some how a failure.

First of all, you should (unless there are hundreds of miles between you), see people that you really want to spend time with as often as possible. Not just on the holidays. The other side of that is, if a friend of family member never drops in, never makes arrangements to see you, or visits throughout the year, take the hint. I have clients who have "significant others" , that they have been in a "relationship" with, that they have never met face to to face, and the relationship has been going on for months, and sometimes years. That isn't a real relationship. Move on!

There is a flip side, there is no need for family members to spend holidays with family. Yes you heard that right. So many people use the holidays as vacation time, down time, "me" time. They need a break. They don't want to spend all day traveling, or hundreds of dollars they may not have. Maybe they just want to do things , or need the time to do things, that they normally would not. When you really love a person, you want to see them happy, and if that means they spend Thanksgiving alone hiking in the mountains, then you should be happy for them.

The absolute WORST thing to do , is to try to make people feel guilty. That is selfish, abusive, manipulative and rude. When you have to manipulate and guilt someone into seeing you, then YOU have a problem. Not the person who refuses to be manipulated. Maybe they don't want to come around you because are manipulative or make them feel guilty. Some people put the "fun" in dysfunctional, many don't. Time with them is depressing, aggravating, and frustrating.Not the best way to spend a holiday. Your mate, children, friends and other family members don't have a job description that says "you are required to make so and so feel better by visiting them on the holidays".

When a significant other spends time with you on a holiday, it usually means something, It sends a signal of serious intent , of a promise of things to come. It is not a guarantee, but a vested interest in the relationship. When they do not spend the holidays with you , it doesn't mean they don't care, it means that they may not be ready to sign on the dotted line yet.

People put WAY too much significance into the holidays as a day that you are required to be somewhere. You aren't required to be anywhere but where you want to be. When you , and all your loved ones are close by, then sharing from house to house is a wonderful idea, but families are scattered all over the world today. You can't be at Grandma's in Florida, your children's a few towns away, and the home of your significant other in town, all at the same time, nor should you. There is not a rule saying "you must spend every holiday with family", or "you must spend every holiday with your new boyfriend". These demands that others put on people create a holiday mess instead of a wonderful, fun, joyous time.

Don't worry about anyone else. Worry about where you feel you WANT to be. A bunch of people running all over creation to be where they do not want to be, is ridiculous. It may make my phone ring , but it doesn't make people happy. Decide where you want to go, or if a couple, where you both want to go. Matt and I are seriously thinking about spending Christmas in Sedona sometime soon. We leave it up to the kids if they want to go there or not, but I am sure they will want to...I may never be able to get them, or Matt,  to leave, but we do understand that what holidays are about, is spending time with people you like, not are required to love but like, and like spending time with. It is about enjoying YOUR holiday, not making other people feel better about themselves. You can love you brother, but not be able to tolerate a half an hour in a room with him. Just because you were born to the same mother does not require you to spend days together just because it is a holiday.

You are also NOT required to spend time with people who are troubled or abusive, just because it is a holiday. When people are violent, or verbally, mentally or emotionally abusive, when they guilt you into showing up, when they treat you or your partner like crap when you are there, then DON'T BE THERE.

There is no rule or law, man made or God made that says you have to spend holidays with any specific person. Spend your holidays happily this Christmas, not by suffering through it, but by being where you want to be, and if that is in Bermuda, so be it! If you are a person who guilts others into being with you, knock it off and find out what it is about you that makes them NOT want to be around you. When you decide to fix it, you may have more friends, and visits. Accept that people may want to go and do things, and be places that you don't want to, but none of you are the supreme ultimate being. None of you deserve to have a child, friend, significant other, be with you on a holiday.

And for goodness sakes, do not mail a plane ticket to someone and expect to guilt them into using it. There are a few folks that lost the cost of an airline ticket this past weekend, and they aren't cheap these days.

  It isn't all about you, even on the holidays. It is about being where are heart is, not where another human tells us we need to be.

Lose the holidays "guilts", there is no reason to allow another person to make you feel badly about how you spend your holidays!

ENJOY life!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

We all have "bad days"

I have noticed so many people asking for help to be sent to those in need. It is an admirable thought. Yet, the fact of the matter is that everyone needs help. So, we should send help to everyone, right?


There are many people in the world who do exactly what we were told to do by Creator/God/ the Universe. We are told to have faith, be strong, learn from our negative situations and become better people day by day. We won't do any of those things unless challenges happen in some way. We won't know to be "better" if we don't see that we aren't as good as we can be, it is impossible.

We need to also be mindful that some people like to deal with issues on their own, and when they need help, they will ask for it. Always offer to help, but don't shove it down someone's throat. Don't "pray" for them to make yourself feel better, pray for them to actually help.

They may also not appreciate having the whole world knowing they are having issues. Just because you think you are being helpful, doesn't mean they are comfortable with everyone knowing their business.

When people are needing constant help, they aren't learning, aren't having faith, aren't making good choices. There are times of unexpected catastrophe, yes, but that is a rare event in our lives. Sometimes those "bad" times are just meant to be, they are Karma, they are a lesson being taught, they are a push in another direction. Sometimes they are just life.

There are times when people are upset, and I think "if that is the worst thing that happens to you in your life, than your life will be a thousand times better than most of us". There are people that thrive on disaster. They come alive when someone needs help, and I don't mean that in a good way. They spread the word, and do that extremely well, but they don't actually do anything to change things. They feel good about themselves when they are asking for help for others.Asking for help for those who want it, is a good thing, but if that is all you do , you are looking for attention and love more than actually helping anyone. It is not a good deed if you do it to get a good feeling about yourself out of it. A good deed is done totally and entirely for the person(s) needing help.

I once thought "wow people sure have a lot of bad stuff happen to them and their friends, they sure have a tough life", then I realized they created, nurtured and thrived on adversity, and not in a good way. Most likely not even in a conscious way.

Things go bad in everyone's life, yes they do, it is just that some of us handle it quite well. We don't announce our bad times for many reasons, some of them being that we know they are temporary; not wanting that ego boost or desperate need for attention; wanting to live the experience and learn from it. I noticed that creates another little monster, jealousy. Can you imagine being jealous of other people having issues? It happens too, it takes attention away from people that thrive on it. The flip side also occurs, jealousy because people have a decent life and are happy. There are people that just can't stand the fact that you are happy!

I have seen people get so caught up in the drama that they didn't notice that there were issues happening that were not shouted from the roof tops. The issues went unnoticed, because a full orchestra, planes with banners, and a PR consultant weren't hired to announce them...yes sarcastic, but still 100% true.

I have always said that people are filtering into groups, and it is happening quite strongly. I saw a big filter happen over the past week. I see who are real friends and who are friends only when they are having a need; only when they are having a drama that want someone to participate in; only when they want attention. That isn't the energy I want to swim in, nor does Matt.We had weeded our garden because of that a few months back, and it is weed time again.

To balance that, there are others who have come in to replace the old. Some were people we knew who just came closer, and others are brand new. They are authentic, good people. When people keep drifting away from you, and no new ones come in, it time to take a good look in the mirror. If you need a disaster to have your "friends" communicate with you, you dont' have any real friends.

One friend said the other day "they don't like me becasue I tell it like it is". He is a kindred spirit, "They" don't like me for the same reason, but with both of us, and all our close friends, that is OK, because we are all living in reality. We are all there for each other, we are all staying away from creating drama.

Are you a person who thrives and feels better about themselves for broadcasting negativity for yourself and others? Because no, it isn't helping. What helps is going to the person in need and saying "what can I do", then DOING IT. Not to be the Village Crier or announcing what you are doing to help. Those who really want to help, just help. They don't announce it, or look for kudos for doing it. You can reassure the person who asks for help and tell them you are helping if they need that, but this "look at me, I am a good helper person" stuff is crazy. The Universe knows what you are doing (or aren't doing). Bragging isn't listed as a virtue.

When you thrive in that energy, guess what energy will be sent your way?  Then don't ask "why is my life always such a mess?" , the answer is that you call it in.

Charity , good deeds, and love are best given personally and in a quiet, sincere manner. If you need an audience, join a theater group.(And please these includes passing around those scams that say something bad is happening)

Peshaui Weqashimese

(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf . May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A real flash from the past.

Something happened this past weekend that has not happened in about 3 years. There were three instances, two times this happened they were old men, definitely in their retirement years, and going about their daily activities. They didn't say "hello" or hang around very long. As a matter of fact, they were gone in  a flash, as if my seeing them scared them back into keeping hidden. The third was a woman in a long white dress, she looked like a Gibson Girl and she turned and was gone.

One I may know the name of, the others I don't have a clue. One was sitting at my kitchen table eating something out of a bowl and reading the paper. The other was walking through a hallway in his home. The woman was out in St. Joe Cemetery. I could see the men as clear as day, sharp and crisp.The woman was sharp and crisp too, but a monotone of white.  It happened very quickly, and they were gone in an instant.

I don't think any of the people knew I was there, or maybe they did. The woman saw me, turned and disappeared. Maybe some being that is in charge of things said "hey you aren't supposed to see this", but they were there and gone. I can't even tell you if the most recent one had legs.

To some this will make no sense, to others , it makes perfect sense. Not one of these people were alive on this earth dimension when I saw them, but I saw them. They were from different times,and all gave me a quick clear look. I have also seen such beings in my mind's eye, more clairvoyantly, but these three could have been seen by anyone.

The last one surprised me by how small he was. I was expecting a big man, and he was not big at all. Rather overweight and hunched over, not the ruthless businessman type he is purported to be. It was a little surprising.

That all being said, they were all what we commonly call, ghosts. I think it is strange, but I have seen people apparitions and animals (cats). The cats held form for quite some time. The most recent cat was just last week (a trend is developing here), but for a person, it has been about 3 years since I have seen one. I wonder if there is a reason that animals can hold on to this dimension easier. Do humans not really want to appear , and an appearance is an "oops", a break in concentration. Someday we will have all these things figured out.

It is always a thrill to see a human that you know no longer walks this earth. It isn't creepy or scary to me, they have been hidden in the shadows so often in my life of living in haunted places, that I like having them where I can see them. When they appear, you can see that they are , or were, just like us. The men looked harmless, and the woman looked scared. Maybe I startled her!

I think I surprised the last gentleman as we had pretty much been on our way out the door, when I turned back to see if anything was going on while waiting for others to collect their things. Maybe he felt it was safe to come out. I hope he doesn't think I ambushed him, I would love to see him again.

My life has been full of things that for a long time, no one could explain. Now people are scientifically proving their existence and more and more information about "the other side" is coming to light.

While you go through your day today, there just may be someone you can't quite see over your shoulder, but if you turn a corner or move your head quickly enough, you just may get a clear glimpse of the past!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happiness, it doesn't cost a penny

When I was in college, I thought happiness was something that was tied to success, money, and recognition. Then I grew up. After moving up through the ranks in corporate America, building a huge, beautiful house, and honeymooning in Hawaii, I realized that this wasn't happiness. It was stress. Once you achieve these things, you have to maintain a high level of income and dedication in order to maintain it. You have to climb ever higher to have even better......

Better what?

It took a huge downturn to make me realize a few things. It didn't matter what type of house you live in , as long as it is safe and warm. It doesn't matter if you get your books from Barnes and Noble and sip overpriced coffee while you shop, or stop at the local library, the story you read and the information that you gather is still the same. It doesn't matter what the label says in your clothing, it matters that it is comfortable, fits , and keeps you warm/cool. It matters when you just can toss it in the washer and dry it in the sun, that is a thousand more times positive and inexpensive than chemicals at the dry cleaners.It matters that you have people who stick by you, the ones that desert you are the ones that weren't really there in first place. It matters that you can be happy in your own company, becasue if you can't, who else would want to be in your company? It matters that you have access to what you need, it doesn't matter to have access to what you want.

It doesn't matter that the car is new and has the latest gadgets. It matters that when you turn the key it starts, and when you step on the brakes, it stops. It matters that you know the bus routes or have a pair of shoes that you can walk in, not only do you get there free, but you are a healthier person for it. It really only matters that you have food in your belly everyday, not that you have steak every night, or dinner at the hottest new place in town.

It doesn't matter if you have hip clothes, eat hip foods, and go to the hip places, the exact opposite is what really matters.

What matters is enough. Enough food to keep you satisfied, enough clothing to keep you warm and dry, or cool and comfortable. Enough room in your home for that which you need. Enough friends (and that "enough can be only one"), who will be there when you really need them, and will be there when you just want to talk, laugh and have fun. Enough freedom to keep you in happiness and peace.

It isn't about attention, recognition, a large bank account or material things, well it is to some people. When all the "fancy" was taken away, and I started over, it was scary, but once I realized that the Universe wouldn't let me fall if I didn't let me fall, all was well. Now I have a comfy house that I bought on my own, I now share it with my husband, I love so very much, and two cats who entertain me to no end. I have good health, good friends, good books, a big backyard to experience Mother Nature,  and good times. I have my own business, and even if I don't make what I used to, I can't say that there is a darn thing I need, and I really can't think of anything I want (that I can't just go and get).

I see people running around trying so hard to keep up with each other, not realizing that as far as God/ the Universe/ the Highest Power is concerned, you just look silly. You look insecure, and you look scared. Could you survive if the rug were jerked out from under you? Could you eat spaghetti leftovers for days on end and still be happy? Could you get your workout in Mother Nature and not in the expensive gym?

What is important, as the old saying goes, are the things that money cannot we make our "Thank you" lists for Thanksgiving, make sure that the thanks are for non material things. Good kids, good health, good times, and good friends. When you have these things, you truly are one of the richest people on the planet!

When the Universe gave us happiness it made sure that it didn't cost a penny. 

Have an awesome weekend!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced, without prior written permission

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Going beyond spiritual to being the problem.....

I have noticed a tendency in some "spiritual" folks to step over the line of spiritual acts lately. That sounds strange, but here is what they do, they become self righteous, they claim to speak for the world, they say they will "pray for you" (and that isn't a good thing, it means "you are a jerk and I hope God can straighten you out"), they take on rites, rituals and such that they have no business taking on, and no authority to teach, run, share.

I have seen a lot of people lately who are overly sensitive about things. They imagine a "bad world" where there isn't one. They have a chip on their shoulder the size of an aircraft carrier. This make everyone else a little "badder" which makes them look a little more holy. They put down others to make themselves look and feel better.

There are some things that are true about spirituality.....

God (or whomever you resonate with), is not to be used as a weapon. (As in "God will get you for that" or "I will pray for you!")

Charity begins at home, not where it will get your name in the paper or some kudos from friends. Charity is from the heart, not the ego.

Spiritual people welcome questions from "what school did you go to" to "What tribe are your from", and do not get offended.

Spiritual people aren't bliss ninnies becasue they know being spiritual means being based in reality. We have to live, experience, learn and share in THIS REAL WORLD.

Spirituality doesn't shove itself down someone's throat.

Spiritual people do not rip other people off, as in "I see a black cloud over you and can remove it for $1,000".

Spiritual people do not pretend to be something they are not.

Spiritual people do not harm others.

Spiritual people help whenever they can HOWEVER when they are told "no thank you" they back off.

Spiritual people work hard in the mundane world, as hard as they do in the spiritual world.


I see more spiritual people stirring the pot lately, and yet they are the same people who yell "world peace!" . When you keep my simple rule for life in mind you will never have a problem, and that is "do the right thing for the right reason."

Be authentic.

Peshaui Wequashiimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Customer what?

Before I started my own business I was in the corporate world. I worked for big companies , one of the biggest was Caterpillar. I have to say unlike what the "Occupy" people would have you think, they were awesome. I was paid well, had excellent benefits, holidays, and training. My union mechanics even had their birthdays off. Maybe if the "occupy" people had jobs with these big companies they would see that they aren't all bad.

But , I digress, I work mainly through a website that provides call connections to people all over the world. They were recently taken over by AT&T. There were always tech issues, and it seemed like no one cared when we complained. When AT&T took over, I thought , hey maybe this will be a good thing. Boy was I wrong. It got better for a New York Minute, then went downhill.

There were two times recently that I wanted to shake someone. The first was when I posted on the bulletin board that callers were complaining that they couldn't get through to us and that when I tried to call to reset my line, there was dead air. Nothing. The repsonse on the bulletin board was....Did you call in to leave a message for a tech?

I felt like saying "Here's your sign!". Duh, no, gee I didn't even think of trying to call you on the dead lines. That was a dream I had that I was just talking about, where I tried to call in and got dead air, gee I will call ya right now!

Really?  And that was just a few days ago.

Last night, I called customer service to tell them my customer records were all kinds of messed up ,one issue was that an old caller who called many times was listed as "new". We get credit for repeat callers, so I wanted my list fixed, and to let them know there is a database issue. This was one of SIX issues I found, most likely all tied to the same problem somewhere. When I said, this is a caller of mine, he isn't showing....they said (and remember this is customer service), "Prove it.".

WHAT!? Are you freaking kidding me? How the hell do I prove something disappeared that was there?  I said, go into his records and see if it is still there on his end. They said "We can't tell you what is in his records". I said...I don't want to know what is in his records, I just want you to see there is an issue. Response: Sorry, prove it.

This is bad, very bad, so I wrote to their manager, we will see if I get a response. The next step is writing to corporate at AT&T, I am not even going to bother wasting my time on the phone with them. The good news is that there are other options on the horizon, and there are also other avenues for me to go down, I don't have to bang my head in the wall anymore. They are all opening up next year, and hopefully I will be able to jump on board. Since the company that processes my calls right now gets 40% of my earnings, they will have to fire a person or two, I hope they start with the man who told me "prove it".

I have worked in customer service much in my life. It sucks. It really does. You deal with at least one idiot a day who is rude and makes themselves feel bigger, and better by belittling the poor CS person, but they have created monsters, and the service has left customer service high and dry.

Meanwhile , to the marketing genius who told me to call in my problem on the dead line.....Here's your sign!"

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Metaphysical , love that word!

I had a caller email me yesterday asking what "metaphysical" means. She has an idea, but not really sure.It is a word that is hard to define, as hard as what it really is I suppose. I also had an email from another light worker who said he wasn't familiar with the term.
So what does "metaphysical" mean?

If you had to describe it, you might say, it is all that strange stuff, the spooky stuff, the stuff some people don't believe in. OK, true, but that applies to a lot of stuff, and so does the word. But what does it really mean???

Meta is from the Greek meaning "beyond". Metaphysical is beyond the physical world. It isn't something we can relate to with our normal five senses.

It is anything that is difficult to test scientifically (although that is changing). It is considered part of philosophy (that is changing also), much of it (manifesting or recording ghost voices for example), is becoming more of reality to people. It deals with the beginnings of our Universe, the unknown, the abstract. It looks for ultimate cause of things, it looks beyond the physical universe.

The metaphysician will be interested in energy work, psychic and energy healing, spirits, the other side, reading the future, past lives, talking to the dead. They will study manifesting, religion beyond and before denominations came along and ruined it,  and the ultimate supreme energy of the Universe. All those things that people tell you aren't real, or that you don't have to worry about, you will never know.

Science is catching up with metaphysics. Scientific study is being done on spirits, manifesting, healing to see how it works. Physics is catching up , things like the Zero Point Field and String Theory help us see that not only is all this metaphysical stuff possible, but probable.

The word metaphysics will most likely have its' definition changed soon as these things will become more trusted by the scientific community and will be proven rather that something you just have to believe in. Maybe all the stuff we call metaphysical now will just be labeled "mundane".

Since my blog is called "Metaphysical to Mundane". The definition of mundane is common, earthly and everyday. Sometimes we do get into the ordinary here don't we?

There are two universities out there that are accredited for teaching metaphysics. Since the common world hasn't quite caught up with them yet, they are based as religious schools, although they do not call themselves that. There are major universities teaching parapsychology.  This is a branch of psychology that studies psychic abilities like clairvoyance and telepathy. So we are moving forwards. I completed a parapsychology correspondence degree in the 70's, before I even earned my BA from Montclair State (or graduated high school for that matter). I am sure a lot has changed since then , and I am sure I knew most of it before it became approved course curriculum,  because I live it every day. It is a shame it is taking the academic world so long to catch up.

I have always sought out the people with the knowledge, and that has made me a knowledgeable person. Seek people out, talk to them, learn from them. Watch them work. There is so much out there that is beyond the physical. Find the true, competent, trained and talented people. They are the ones with all the knowledge of the Universe, and you will never know it unless you ask questions.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf , may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why train other psychics?

I had a fellow psychic ask why I would train other psychics. After all , they will take a piece of the pie right? Well, yes, I would hope so.

There are many reasons for me. Here is a brief tally:

I want QUALITY people out there who are well trained, know what to do in any situation, and who are ETHICAL.

I don't want people to struggle like I did when I was a teenager, trying to figure out what was happening and how to control it.

People are naturally going to do it anyway if it is part of their path, so you aren't stopping a thing by not helping.

I love teaching (I have also taught dance and quilting).

I love the reaction I get when people "get something". The training I put them through also helps them in their everyday lives.

We need all the help we can get.


Anyone who has been around varied and authentic psychics, realizes that they are all different. We all have certain things we are better at. I am best at people's emotions and hidden motives. Some are best at finding things, or best at telling you where to go for your next opportunity. Some are best at finding dead bodies, and some just get random information that they pass along. We all generally have a combination of "talents", and no one has them all.

Beware the "gypsy fortune teller" types. When a reader says you have something "bad" around you and they will remove it for a huge fee....the only bad thing around you, is the gypsy fortune teller. Whenever I come in contact with a person or home that needs a dusting off, I do it for free. We are not here to cash in on other people's suffering.

I do charge for readings, but I also try to help others as much as possible. I have had one or two people try to take advantage of the fact that I am psychic with a bazillion questions (free of charge), and they are not my "friends" any more. My business includes many things, and some, like cleansings do not carry a fee. People wonder how that can work, it just does.

I spent many years and many dollars getting the right information, and training. I always check to see what is new, as there may be a new discovery out there (and there will be many new discoveries is 2012), that I need to know.

I also like to teach so that people aren't running around afraid of demons.....those little creatures that you have to seriously seek out. Some TV shows have made them "popular", but they are something that you will probably never bump into unless you are practicing the black arts, a serious ghost hunter, or a priest who does exorcisms. Please do not fear the things that go "bump"

The "Ghost Class" , for lack of a better term, will be in January. I will get a date together. We will discuss the different types of hauntings, the "other side", and what all those things are out there in the ether (they aren't all your garden variety ghost). There will also be a Psychic Development III this winter, but you will have had to have taken I & II with me. I am not sure when a PD I will come around again, most likely in the spring. If you have a group that wants a class (minimum 4 people), we can talk about scheduling one.

Remember to ask for quality, and check to make sure people are authentic and have a good reputation. Unfortunately there are more shysters out there than authentic, and if you need a reference for anything , let me know. I have lots of "metaphysical" friends that I can send you to for help.

Have a great week!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Friday, November 11, 2011

my how we have changed......

When I was a kid , there were many turning points , watershed moments in history. Some you could see then, and some you could not. It was a time of the Kennedys, Rev. King, "the summer of love", the Vietnam war, the British Invasion, and more. The change was dramatic and sometimes volatile.

Even though the great war (WWII), was over for quite some time (nearly two decades), words, thoughts, deeds, and songs (yes they actually wrote great songs about the war), were still being heard. Some of the best movies ever made have a WWII background to them. The directors and writers also made those movies positive, even though many were still very realistic. They managed to fine tune something into a reality that showed the good and the bad, and managed to keep the country positive about the war.

The war brought us music and moves on a grand scale. We all pulled together. We weren't a country of hawks, far from it, we stayed out of WWII until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, yet we never backed down from a fight or from helping others. Sometimes there is just a crazy dictator in the world, that harms too many , including the US. Men like Mussolini, Hilter, Stalin, Hussain, Dada ,and  Jong-il existed and still do.

Then came Vietnam. It was a war that the American public was not behind, this was the first time that ever happened. There were no fun songs about Vietnam, no great movies being made, and certainly no musicals. It was messy, bloody, and unpopular back home. The metaphysician in me wonders if we would have had a resounding victory there, a quick one , with less bloodshed, if the people were behind it. Did we as a country manifest a loss there? I would say , "yes". But there is a more important issue about Vietnam, a part that is important today, 11-11-11.

Many are touting today as some "special" day spiritually and metaphysically. It is pretty cool, but when the sun sets today, will the world be different, will the day have been a watershed moment? I doubt it very much. It is just something else for people to grab on to in the hopes that things will be better tomorrow.A talisman. Things will be better tomorrow if you believe they will, and you don't need any special numbers in a date for that to happen. WE invented a calendar, and time itself, not the Universe, and this particular one we are using now is not the one that was used not too long ago.

So what was that change that happened that is so important to apologize for (yes apologize) today? Today is important becasue it is Veteran's Day, not becasue of the numbers. That minimizes the day. As a country we took out our loss in Vietnam on every soldier that walked off a plane and back onto US soil. They were assaulted in many ways, harassed, insulted, and ridiculed. No "thank you for going there", no "I am glad that you made it back", just some tossed garbage, mean words, and maybe some flying spittle. Welcome home.

These were the same people who walked around with peace signs all over their clothing and mouthing the word "love" every third step. They really didn't know the meaning of those words at all. They meant peace and love for them, where they wanted it. Real peace and love doesn't work that way at all. Peace and love is not just for our friends.

When the pendulum swings wildly to a crazy place (like spitting on returning soldiers), it always swings back in the original direction. It has to, pure Universal Law and pure physics, it is just the way it is. When we "overcorrect" and make a mess, the Universe always tries to put it to right. We need the Yin and the Yang, the good and the bad. The war and the peace. We can't try to force anything to any extreme, the Universe won't allow it.

The good return swing is that people are more supportive of their military again. It isn't WWII style, but it is MUCH better. When I travel I see people saying "thank you" to total strangers in airports, just because they are wearing a uniform. Thank you America for getting your act together and acting in a more civilized manner! The "support our troops" attitude is coming back, and is in a reasonable and positive manner.

These men and women gave up a significant part or time of their lives for you. Be appreciative. They always need to be there, always ready in case there is another Pearl harbor or World Trade Center Tragedy, and unfortunately , there will be. They need to always be away, and training, being watchful, using preventative measures, training other countries, and helping support those in need of their knowledge and strength.

So say THANK YOU today to all veterans, and if you know or meet a Vietnam vet, please include "I am so sorry".  You may not have been the person who spit on them as they deplaned, but you may be a friend or relative of someone who did, and if not, it doesn't matter. They need to hear it.

Thank you to every vet out there. You signed on that dotted line which is more than I can say for a ton of people out there who like to sit on their ass and flap their gums complaining about this great country every day. And to all the Vietnam vets out there, I for one, am truly sorry.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr, R M Wolf

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Find a mentor

The one thing I wished I had when I was a little baby psychic, was a mentor. I wasn't able to find someone who was knowledgeable about the ability and how to handle it, until I was about 11 or 12 years old. The time up until then was confusing and fun until we moved into the creepy haunted house. Then I wanted so badly to know how to make things better. Luckily we eventually found a man and his expertise helped get things under control. Later on I learned even more and that knowledge made me braver and stronger.

Today there are many people out there who claim some sort of expertise, but many of them really aren't experts at all. Once you start talking to them, you realize they have about 1/100th of the information out there. What you need to really learn well, and work int he metaphysical, is a mentor. I have a few folks that bounce questions off of me and ask for help sorting out the metaphysical. That is part of why I am here. I have made sure that I had qualified teachers, read the best books, took classes , and on top of all that used my common sense and intuition to sort out the good from the BS that is designed to take your cash out of your pocket. Unfortunately there is a lot of that out there. Not all places that fleece you realize that they are fleecing you, and that compounds the problem.

I don't have a class that is expensive, my most expensive class is Reiki Master, and that is well below the thousands some people charge. We need healers , why would we make it difficult to have them?

I don't take a class without researching it first, unless I am very familiar with the teacher or the concept already. There are some people with reputations out there claiming they are wonderful teachers, and they didn't even begin to "teach" me a blessed thing. They are nice people, they just aren't teachers.

I am always willing to share basic knowledge with anyone. I tell people how to ground themselves, do protection , and the basics of Universal Law. It is the basis for every training in anything. You cannot do ANY energy or metaphysical work well without that knowledge. Teachers who try to give you a quick one hour Reiki Master class are giving you nothing but trouble. My reiki master training took 6 months, and that doesn't include the time spent on I & II.

Make sure that you are getting a quality teacher, and that does not mean just taking their word for it. I never get insulted when people ask about my training, my abilities or my view of the metaphysical world. People who are authentic won't mind at all! They will be happy to share and even point you to some good teachers.

Make sure that you are trained and that you have a mentor that you can go to with questions, before doing any metaphysical work. Not only may you give misinformation or a lack of info, but you may get yourself into a situation that you cannot handle.

As always, if you have any questions, please ask!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How do you know....

First: Yes we will have a "ghost class", I will let you all know the particulars when I have it all sorted out.

While having folks respond about the ghost class, there were "topics" that people asked me to think about covering in the class. I am always open to suggestion, so I love having questions and topics. One was something that I don't think I ever discussed here, so I want to touch on it briefly to give you an idea of some things we will be talking about.

Let me begin by saying that I am a firm believer in (for lack of a better term), Ghosts. It isn't that simple, that there is one type of entity out there, but til the class, let's leave them be in one group. I have had psychic experiences with other beings from as far back as I can remember, and lived in not one, but two VERY haunted houses (and haunted in very different ways). However, I also firmly believe that sometimes a thump is just the house settling, a voice really is your neighbor outside, a light blinking is a loose bulb. I have seen pictures that were so clearly faked it was ridiculous and well meaning folks take pictures of their breath, camera straps and sunlight, water droplets, and just plain dust.

The mind needs to be open, as in all things, but it also still needs to be reasonable.

This leads to the question, how do you know if you are talking to a "famous" (or particular) ghost. You don't . Period.

 Now I know that some people will tell you that the ghost said his name was "So and so", and he said things "only so and so would know". First off, if I am a ghost and you cannot see me (even if you can and I look like a famous person that means nothing...more on that in the class!!!), it doesn't mean I was that person in life! I can say I am anyone. I can saunter up to your recorder and say , "Hi,I'm George Washington". That doesn't mean I am , or that I am THE George Washington. I can send the message by knocks, lighting up EMF detectors, or speaking to your Frank's Box, but that doesn't mean I am not messing with you. There are other reasons for this. Let's say I was a mental patient that was convinced I was Napoleon. What name do you think I will tell you when you ask? What if I was a prankster? A pathological liar? A ghost who loves live people around and wants hoards coming to hear George Washington speak?  What if I am bored and just want to act out a different person's existence every day? What if I were a jerk in life and just love being mean to people or fooling others?

There are many reasons for messing with people, maybe you just like telling people what they want to hear. Maybe you like ghost hunters and want to keep them coming to your place for entertainment purposes . Who knows? The fact is that there is no proof that a spirit is anyone in particular.

I won't go in to it any deeper here, we will keep that for the class, but NEVER claim to have spoken to the ghost of anyone. I hope to have all kinds of fun stuff to talk about and to make you all think during the class, hopefully those who come will learn much!

Have an awesome day!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New class idea

A reader who is local recently asked why I don't have a class on ghosts. Well, we do discuss the dearly departed in my other classes, but they don't have a class of their own. We could do a short class and see what happens. Who would be interested in a short (couple of hours), class on what all those things are that go bump (at least what we know and what we have received in messages from the other side about what it is like), in the night.

There are a lot of misconceptions about the ghostly dimension, especially about demons. There is also a ton of misinformation on black shadow people, poltergeists, and even angels, and other entities of that "other space" we so often cannot see. What is the difference between psychics and mediums??? Those who frequently read the blog should know.
Should we feel sorry for ghosts and move them on? Usually "NO!". Why?

I think there is much good stuff there to talk about. So if you are interested let me know, we will see what we can schedule!


Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, November 7, 2011

Calendar filling fast!

Between parties, teaching classes, owl prowls, Christmas shopping, lunch with friends,paranormal investigations and family visits....I think I am about booked til next year. It is amazing how the calendar can fill up so quickly. I still have to manage in our annual after Thanksginving "No turkey allowed" brunch. That is a cold day (usually) of eggs and bacon cooked over a bonfire with some mimosas, and our Jim's creation (a Derail), to keep people warm and give them vitamin C.

I remember times when there was no money to do anything and I was in Las Vegas where I basically knew no one. I made a friend from my home state, She and her family and myself became friends.We had a blast. I got out of Vegas when it became too expensive and too boring (yes boring), and moved on to New Mexico (that I LOVED). I say "boring" because the view out the window didn't change much in several years time. Now Matt has become a fan of the west. It doesn't have to be the desert, as a matter of fact we prefer the high desert with a dash of green. When I lived in NM it could snow at night and was always around 55-65 the next day at noon. The people are so genuine and so wonderful , and all my NA friends that I made there were such great teachers.

Things change, things progress, and now I have a new bunch of friends, all of whom are awesome people. I had to "weed my garden" now that I am out of the southwest, but there was a huge crop, so the weeding didn't harm things a bit. They managed to fill up my calendar! It was a journey, and journeys are sometimes scary, sometimes fun, sometimes uncomfortable. My journey was filled with amazing true things, and sadly some stories about me that defy logic, but that's OK, I moved forward and onward and kept moving upward to more achievements, and better places.

Someday my calendar may be full of many more events even newer that the ones I have now, some of those events, like pow wow's followed a thread and waxed and waned all though my travels to become important again. I have learned, and have grown, and managed to escape the rat race. There are things I miss about my younger days, and things I hope to never experience again...but then it all led me to this place.

Making sure that you are always moving, learning , growing. Don't get to be old and say "I have always wanted to..." or "I was never able to...". The calendar fills up quickly, and that is a good thing!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, November 4, 2011


This week there were a few things that made me think , "really?"

 Here they are:

Occupy Oakland protesters break windows and burn businesses (of the 99%). Eighty people are arrested for causing damage and harm to others. Oakland has a reputation of being a bunch of violent and prejudicial people, with reputation of violence against police that they say is not deserved.  Oakland, really?

Kim Karsahian announces her divorce after being married (for the second time), for a total of 72 days. When asked about what will happen with the $2million ring, Kim's mother Kris says Kim will keep it "because she hates an Indian giver", showing the NA community that the Kardashians really are as dumb as you would think.

The Senate again rejects Obama's job package and then complains Obama is doing nothing to create jobs. You block someone's every move then complain they aren't moving?  Really? I thought that the biggest gathering of idiots would be at a frat house party, apparently I am wrong.

A local man dresses in a scary mask on Halloween to scare his girlfriend. As he is scaring her half to death, her dog bites him (really buddy, you didn't see that coming), and she also gets bitten while pulling the dog off of him. As if that were not enough, he further wants to show his callousness and stupidity by having the dog put down. Really? Lady, here is a hint, keep the dog, get a new boyfriend, that one has issues.

A woman is arrested for receiving a package containing marijuana. How many people have been caught mailing drugs? Maybe about a gazillion. Packages are checked more carefully than ever, especially since the anthrax scare when new procedures were put in place. I guess they don't call it "dope" for nothing. You thought that receiving drugs in the mail would work? Really? If it did the post office wouldn't be in financial danger.

Eighteen arrested in cocaine bust.....see last paragraph.

A man on Dr.Phil cheats on his wife because he says he has audio recording of her having sex with another man. After analyzing the tape, her husband , the accuser, was the man on the tape. He says he doesn't remember that night. You just destroyed your marriage over nothing. You don't remember having sex with your wife that night? Really? Hon, you need some serious help.

I have a friend who says that the problem in some places is that several people have to share a brain and it just wasn't that person's day to use it.Apparently there needs to be more Darwin awards passed out. The preceding people are my nominees for the week.

Let's see if we can be a little smarter.

Learn, research , grow.
Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

reiki, use the tool correctly.

My reiki master and I are sometimes amazed at what people ask reiki to be used for. Reiki is a HEALING energy. We sometimes feel we are left to being the bad guy by telling people "no". Many times people ask for reiki for the most inappropriate things. It is hard not to say "that isn't what reiki is used for", and easier to say...I will send up prayers. Reiki works for your highest good. That means reiki doesn't always do what you ask it to do. It does what the Universe feels is for your highest good.

Reiki is awesome stuff, no doubt about it, it is healing energy for the body , mind and spirit. It is used to cleanse and revitalize anything. People, pets, homes, land, anything that can benefit from healing. Any living thing can benefit from reiki. I use it as part of my house cleansing, it works wonders.

Reiki is not the panacea, the magic cure all for all your worries. I can't reiki you to make you pass a test, but I can reiki you to help you be calm and focused for the test. If you sat on your butt and didn't listen to a word the teacher was are pretty much failing the test, reiki or not. Going back to the statement on "highest good", if you slacked off all year, and I were to send you reiki for your test. Your highest good may be to fail that test so that you will actually study next time. People think reiki is a "wish granter" it is FAR from that.

There are MANY tools in the metaphysical realm that will help you with just about anything.  Most of them require something from you. You need to be an active participant. You do need to study for the test.

Reiki won't get you a job or a boyfriend. It isn't used for protection, actually protection should be used before doing reiki or ANY energy work! Reiki is simply a funnel for healing energy. It works miracles when used properly.

Use the right tools for the job, don't try to remove the light switch cover with a hammer......

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c) 2011 Dr. R M Wold. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Affirmations, abundance and thanks

Thanks to everyone who wrote saying they love the "thanks a day" idea from yesterday's blog. I get them every once in a while...It does make for a wonderful list of thanks for the holiday, and better yet, puts you daily,  in a better frame of mind.

Someone mentioned that they are like little affirmations, and they do focus your mind in the same manner. The same person asked for an affirmation today. I can do that! You all can, just remember to be literal, precise without making a laundry list that makes it a thing or event almost impossible for the Universe to provide. Make it reasonable, and set a goal. Make sure it is also not against the rules of nature. Those are the rules! Today an affirmation to go along with what you are already working on. The more tools that you pull out of your tool box, the better!

So the affirmation for today is:

Universe, help me find something to be truly thankful for everyday, as this is, in and of itself creates abundance, positive energy and thanks all around me on a daily basis. You are bringing me to a more spiritual and abundant self, I grow into this self more and more each day.

Affirmations are stated as "already happening". They are always said in a manner of the fact that the goal is already being reached. Don't use slang, or terms like "you know what I mean", but concrete ideas. The Universe may know exactly what you REALLY mean ("this isn't going to work, but I will try anyway"), then you fail. Affirmations are not to become greedy, but abundant. Abundance is not about a million in the bank. That is beyond abundance. Abundance is having enough.

Enough of what you need. Not everything you want.

Have an abundant day!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied, or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Make your Thanksgiving list.

I know that Halloween is just hours behind us, and today is All Soul's Day, along with the first day of the Day of the Dead celebrations....and that just make it even better. What you ask? A time to think about giving thanks. A time to start your Thanks List.

Thanksgiving is just days away, but how many people REALLY get into the spirit of the holiday and give real thanks. Many find it hard to think of what to give thanks for.  Start today and on a piece of paper or a calendar, write down one thing that you are truly thankful for. It may be the roof over your head, your spouse, your job (even it isn't the greatest one in the world). It may be that you do not live in a war torn country in Africa or one where people are starving. When you get into really looking at things, you will find that your job is a wonderful job, your house is awesome and you live in the best country in the world even though you complain about it all the time.

Make the next few weeks a practice in positive thinking . Then on Thanksgiving day, take a moment, even if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom alone, and read your whole list aloud to the Universe. At the end , say THANK YOU three times. It isn't difficult, and coming up with so many things to be thankful for is easy if you just come up with one thing a day!

...and you can do this every  month! WOW, mind blowing isn't it!?

I have already given you some ideas.....

Now, let's have a positive November.
Thank you!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.