First: Yes we will have a "ghost class", I will let you all know the particulars when I have it all sorted out.
While having folks respond about the ghost class, there were "topics" that people asked me to think about covering in the class. I am always open to suggestion, so I love having questions and topics. One was something that I don't think I ever discussed here, so I want to touch on it briefly to give you an idea of some things we will be talking about.
Let me begin by saying that I am a firm believer in (for lack of a better term), Ghosts. It isn't that simple, that there is one type of entity out there, but til the class, let's leave them be in one group. I have had psychic experiences with other beings from as far back as I can remember, and lived in not one, but two VERY haunted houses (and haunted in very different ways). However, I also firmly believe that sometimes a thump is just the house settling, a voice really is your neighbor outside, a light blinking is a loose bulb. I have seen pictures that were so clearly faked it was ridiculous and well meaning folks take pictures of their breath, camera straps and sunlight, water droplets, and just plain dust.
The mind needs to be open, as in all things, but it also still needs to be reasonable.
This leads to the question, how do you know if you are talking to a "famous" (or particular) ghost. You don't . Period.
Now I know that some people will tell you that the ghost said his name was "So and so", and he said things "only so and so would know". First off, if I am a ghost and you cannot see me (even if you can and I look like a famous person that means nothing...more on that in the class!!!), it doesn't mean I was that person in life! I can say I am anyone. I can saunter up to your recorder and say , "Hi,I'm George Washington". That doesn't mean I am , or that I am THE George Washington. I can send the message by knocks, lighting up EMF detectors, or speaking to your Frank's Box, but that doesn't mean I am not messing with you. There are other reasons for this. Let's say I was a mental patient that was convinced I was Napoleon. What name do you think I will tell you when you ask? What if I was a prankster? A pathological liar? A ghost who loves live people around and wants hoards coming to hear George Washington speak? What if I am bored and just want to act out a different person's existence every day? What if I were a jerk in life and just love being mean to people or fooling others?
There are many reasons for messing with people, maybe you just like telling people what they want to hear. Maybe you like ghost hunters and want to keep them coming to your place for entertainment purposes . Who knows? The fact is that there is no proof that a spirit is anyone in particular.
I won't go in to it any deeper here, we will keep that for the class, but NEVER claim to have spoken to the ghost of anyone. I hope to have all kinds of fun stuff to talk about and to make you all think during the class, hopefully those who come will learn much!
Have an awesome day!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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