Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Make your Thanksgiving list.

I know that Halloween is just hours behind us, and today is All Soul's Day, along with the first day of the Day of the Dead celebrations....and that just make it even better. What you ask? A time to think about giving thanks. A time to start your Thanks List.

Thanksgiving is just days away, but how many people REALLY get into the spirit of the holiday and give real thanks. Many find it hard to think of what to give thanks for.  Start today and on a piece of paper or a calendar, write down one thing that you are truly thankful for. It may be the roof over your head, your spouse, your job (even it isn't the greatest one in the world). It may be that you do not live in a war torn country in Africa or one where people are starving. When you get into really looking at things, you will find that your job is a wonderful job, your house is awesome and you live in the best country in the world even though you complain about it all the time.

Make the next few weeks a practice in positive thinking . Then on Thanksgiving day, take a moment, even if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom alone, and read your whole list aloud to the Universe. At the end , say THANK YOU three times. It isn't difficult, and coming up with so many things to be thankful for is easy if you just come up with one thing a day!

...and you can do this every  month! WOW, mind blowing isn't it!?

I have already given you some ideas.....

Now, let's have a positive November.
Thank you!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c) 2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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