Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Crazy morning

So much went on here today. A tornado passed us to the south and settled on a nearby town where we have many friends. They all have reported in OK. I am glad they are all safe.

I am taking a moment to keep checking on folks, so there will be no blog today.

Prayers go out to those who have had homes damaged and destroyed. There are people injured, and lots of property damage.

Be safe all!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weekend Part II

The trip we took was to a place where there is sometimes claims of things not being quite "up to par". I had a person who has never been there ask if I saw any indication of that , and I also discussed it with a person who has been there several times. Were there things that I thought were "funny", yes. Was there anything faked that night, any tricks being played, no, I don't believe there was anyone taking any direct action to fool with us.

The reason for that may be that they ask people (they asked my husband), are you psychic? He answered them , "no". They pretty much argued with him that he was. I spoke up and said "He is modest, yes he is", because it puts them on guard. What they are fishing for, is for you to say, "Well I am not, but "so and so" is. Then they know who may see through things. I flat out told them they had a medium, and a couple of psychics in the group. So that may have kept the shenanigans for another night. Besides mediums and psychics usually don't run from buildings. Scared folks who are curious may.

The sad part is that the place IS haunted, maybe not half as much as the house I grew up in, but it is genuinely haunted.

There are several issues I had. One is that there are mirrors all over the place. We are taught to never have more than one mirror in a room, and to NEVER have them face each other. These rooms are FULL of mirrors. They are trying to create a portal. That's OK, but that also allows the gates to be thrown wide open. ANYTHING can come in. They also tell people they can bring ouiji boards and use them. They want spirits. Again, that is great, but it brings in all kinds of YUCK. Part of the downside to that, is what if the "one in a million" happens? A small child is in the house and becomes possessed? A bad entity comes in and is so violent that you have to close the place to tours?  It isn't worth it! To me, as an energy worker, it is irresponsible. It also opens the gates for what is there to leave. When bad flows in, the good spirits will leave, and you get left with a mess.

The mirrors also cause pictures to have reflections and light anomalies that are totally NOT paranormal.I like my ghostly finds to be authentic. I have seen authentic, so I know it exists. I don't like giving fodder to the skeptics of the world.

The other thing was being told of fairy lights, or as they say "firefly" lights. Some of you may have seen them. They exist. I have seen them once or twice....outside. They are nature spirits, they don't hang in haunted houses. They are about life, they don't hang with dead people. We looked and noticed the carpets were shiny in the flashlights , and of course flash photos. People will have photos with all kinds of shiny things in them. I thought it was glitter on the carpet. It was finely crushed reflective "dust" in the carpet, possibly finely crushed glass. I tried to pick some of it up, it is part of the carpet.My husband managed to pick up a piece and said it was sharp. There is certainly a substance there that should not be there and is in no way paranormal. But if you get a bunch of scared and excited people in there, it will be orbs, fairy lights, and who knows what else.

The other interesting thing is that the folks who were all new at this were in a group together at one period during the evening. Their group had a door open on them (could just have been coincidence), and a ghost talking "dirty" to them. The medium and psychic group...all quiet at that point. The house doesn't even have that tingly feeling when you walk in to it, now that doesn't mean things aren't there, they are there. But a place that bills itself as "terrifying" has to at least give me a tingle that I get every time I come up on an entity. I think they are bored with the ghost hunters and hide.

So, there were things that concerned me, mostly the doors that don't latch, the glittered carpets, and a room full of wires we were told not to go into. Uh huh....ok. But the SAD part is, it is HAUNTED. If it wasn't I would say...good riddance, but the fact that a genuine haunted house is being "ruined" in my opinion, is very sad. I do have quiet a few EVPs, all very faint.

All this is good reason to go with experienced people. I am glad they didn't pull out all the stops on the fakery, or I would have had a long, disappointing ride home.

Now if you want to scare yourself silly, I DO have some great suggestions for you!!!

Happy Ghost Hunting!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(2012) Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ghost Hunting, our weekend of sleep deprivation.

This weekend a group of us ventured out to a "haunted location" to do an overnight . There was a mixture of experienced folks and first timers. It was a combination investigation and slumber party.

The house has hyped itself up , and if you are in the "come on down and do a haunted tour here" business, you need to do that. However, in all honesty, I grew up in a house with a lot more activity and a bigger "creepy factor". It was haunted, and there were things going on, but I can't say it isn't things that I not only haven't experienced before, but they were all things I lived through as a child. Maybe I am just getting used to it, but the activity was on the lower end.

Just about any house, store, church, theater, building , that you walk into, has spirits in it. Some are just more "lively" than others. Some really are wanting to make contact, others are more content to mind their own ghostly business and let you go about yours.

But getting back to this weekend's adventures...We did have a lot of doors open on their own, but I also have to say that the latches all barely caught, AND I didn't see any close. I mean that is really how you know it isn't a latch or a breeze, they open AND close. Of course that doesn't mean it isn't haunted, it would just make me have a better belief if the latches closed tightly and some swung the other way every once in a while.

There were light intensity changes, and shadows. There were times when light would be blocked out, and you knew something passed across, but we never saw the "something".

I heard a few whistles, but no house sounds, as a matter of fact I commented a few times on how quiet it was. No ghostly conversations going on elsewhere in the house, or footsteps along halls and floors. No ghostly voices saying "get out".

The ghostly side was this, there was a dress hanging on a hangar that I tried to move. It was wedged, and I couldn't move it (I was trying to see if it would fit in a certain space). A few minutes later, the hangar and dress fell to the floor. There are skeptics who will say I loosened it and it fell. Believe me, I am not easily convinced things are ghostly, and that hangar was WEDGED in there. It had help. I did remember to say thank you , and wedged it back into place.

I also did have someone pick up (and run it's hand down) my ponytail, and play with my hair at the front of my head. I also did see a shadow of a man on the wall, standing, when we were all sitting. It was not in a place to come from outside.

The hangar , shadow,  and hair play are the only things I can say "for sure".  I had wondered about another door in the house that opened a few times, but I have figured that out was another loose latch door too by the way, and I know why it opens.

Anyway, it was fun, and a good safe place for the first timers to get their feet wet. It wasn't the type of place to make you feel bad, drain your energy, or with evil stuff running around...although they probably wouldn't want me saying that...They showed us pictures of people with bruises and scratches. Maybe those nasty spirits were afraid of me, becasue they stayed away.

The stuff I picked up there really wasn't anything like what they were assuming or were told, but then I am not the drama type to flounce in with a skull, candle and cape and declare a building is full of black energy and evil spirits, not my style. I usually don't tell the hosts I am psychic.

So it was a fun night, and went fast (people always think they won't be able to stay awake, and they always make it, wide awake). Now I have about 10 hours of EVPs to listen too. Anyone know where I can hire a Steve or Tango to do that for me?????

Enjoy the week folks, and remember , if you want to ghost hunt, do it with a group that includes experienced people, and DO NOT do it in your own home. You may develop a lifelong friendship that gets out of hand.

Happy Haunting!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Friday, February 24, 2012

Don't try this at home.....

I have heard of three instances of this lately, so I am going to mention it. Three is the magic number. So here we go....

When you are interested in the paranormal, there are so many outlets to satisfy that interest. It used to be (when I was a kid) that there was very little information available, and very little proof. There were plenty of faked photos, which were so obvious that they are hysterically funny today.

Now we have all kinds of information, electronic devices and ways to check and see if information is real or faked. There is so much REAL out there, I don't know why anyone would fake it, but people do.

That being said, something you DON'T want to do is to experiment in your own home. This is a HUGE mistake. There are many lost souls out there and inviting them into your home is a bad idea. "What?" you say..."invite"? Yes, Spirits know no boundaries like we do, they also know no time (a man made "reality"). They travel between dimensions like you walk out your open front door.

When you have spirits in your home (and everyone does), they are usually content to go about their business and have their happy little existence, you never know they are there. Then there are the troubled spirits. They may not know they are dead and wonder why you are in their house. They may be afraid to cross over; they may not want to cross over; they may cross and go back every day, week, on month. They may like messing with you. They may have been pranksters, insane, or outright mean in life and they continue in death.

Having a group investigate is fine, you may find some answers and get them to go on their way. There may also be other things there that you REALLY don't want to mess with. You may also not be equipped to mess with them, and make more trouble than you can handle.

When you entertain "ghosts" everyday, by talking to them, recording them, filming them, taking pictures of them, you create little attention hogs. They have gone unnoticed for years, or maybe even decades, and now here you are! When the haunted place is a place where no one has to live, sleep and exist , that is fine, but in your own home, well they can pretty much take over. The energy you give them makes them stronger, and the need for attention can become like that or a cranky two year old. When you go to leave the house the car keys may be missing, or the door stuck. It isn't worth it.

NEVER do a series of investigations yourself in your home. Try not to do any at all yourself. It is better if outside people come in and then leave, this way, the ones who gave attention are gone when it gets dark and it is time to sleep.

There are documented cases of people doing EVP work daily and then wondering how they ended up with 30 spirits in their home. Word gets out! It is like hanging out a sign "open for business" . You become the ghost internet cafe! Then they get stronger, braver, and you have a mess on your hands.

There is no reason to delve into the unknown in your home. None. When you have a haunting and need help, call in the experts.They won't charge you, and they will help.

Meanwhile, if you want to be a ghost hunter, there are MANY avenues for doing so. There is a fee for the places that allow you to come in and investigate, but there is also the guarantee that they won't then wake you up each night to chat. They are a much better way of investigating.

Enjoy, but keep the ghost investigations to places like Waverly Hills.


(2012) Dr R m Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The year 2000 all over again.Fear is the WORST enemy

Who remembers the build up to the year 2000? It probably isn't something that stands out in your mind unless you were one of those folks who is still eating the umpteenth package of freeze dried rations that you spent your life savings on.

Last century, we had some folks that were in an absolute panic. They believed that there would be chaos when 2000 came. They believed that all the world's computers would fail , causing a financial disaster, food disaster, power name it. They hoarded food and ammunition (to keep people from stealing their food). In other words, they panicked. Totally acted like crazy people, and made a mess, fortunately only of their basements, and not all our lives.

Today there is a similar situation going on. Caused basically by some people who either wanted to sell some books and classes, and /or people who just like scaring people. The same ones who send out and share emails telling you how criminals are using crying babies to lure you outside your door so they can rob you.

The year 2012 is not a year to fear. The date was on one obscure temple out and away from the main buildings and was not even a date that modern day Mayans were concerned about....til the white man started messing in things.The Mayans were certainly ahead of their time, and most likely that wasn't the Mayans themselves doing amazing things, but people from another place and time that came and helped them.The Mayans themselves were not any wiser than anyone else on the planet at that time.

Now today we have people with absolutely no credentials, telling us the world is about to end. The world will end someday, but long after you can your grandchildren have passed to the other side. This is not a magic disaster year. Will there be natural disasters? Yes, just like any other year. Will there be an ending to life as we know it? Not our everyday lives,no. There will be things that are natural that end lives, it happens every day.

What about the promise a few years back that we were all going to die from an avian flu and day now. It was going to shift and infect all of us. Did that happen? No. Do people get the flu and die from it every year? Of course, and it is usually unhealthy people or those who have an undeveloped immune system. Yet we had people, even on national TV, saying we were all going to die. Apparently they were wrong. There are people today with cases of surgical masks and duct tape in their basements.

The big change that IS coming (and who knows maybe it was what the Mayans were talking about), is that the veil is getting thinner. People who are not learning their life lessons are seeing Karma, swift and sure. People who do "get it" are reaping the benefits and being more abundant. So can it be a sort of disaster year for you if you are a mean and ruthless creep? Sure. The rest of the population, is good.

There will be the things that there are every year. Good and bad. An earthquake or two somewhere in the world. A hurricane maybe, and places buried in snow while others suffer drought. Will it be enough of an issue to begin to hoard food , toilet paper, and kill over? Not so much. Panic is anyone's worst enemy. Fear is the thing that makes people do incredibly stupid things that they normally wouldn't do. It makes them harm loved ones, become hostile, and ruin themselves financially, mentally and emotionally. Fear is the strongest emotion and the worst to bring about in anyone. Abusers use fear as their weapon of choice. It is something that NO ONE should even use as a weapon. Those who shout "the sky is falling",  are those who you should stay far away from. The others you need to avoid are the ones who will sell you something to bring you higher, save you, or make your life richer...classes, spells, attunements, oils, belief systems.

For those of you nervous about 2012, be not afraid. There is nothing bad going to happen to you that would not any other year. There are bad things out there. There always are, but they aren't all gathering together to fall firmly on your head just because it is 2012. I hope that all of you are smart enough to note who the people are, spreading the 2012 fear, so that on New Year's Day 2013, you can contact them and say  "Are you happy now that you spread fear? Wait til you see your Karmic debt, it's a doosey!"

Don't make this 1999 all over again....the rest of us need canned corn and toilet paper.

No fear!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mind your words new age gurus!

Yesterday, a person who is a drug addict (and in a seriously bad place), told me, it is OK to be a drug addict. She says that people like Wayne Dyer and Mike Dooley have told her so.

These new age gurus frequently tell people that is is OK to be different, and that they need to love themselves. That doesn't mean it is OK to be a drug addict, child molester, or in any way abuse your body (morbid obesity/anorexia), or someone else. They say these things because until you REALLY love yourself, you will allow yourself to be a drug addict, etc. You will be in relationships that run the gamut from unhappy to abusive. You will take jobs lower than you deserve or walk around all day unhappy.

THEY know what THEY mean, but apparently most others don't!  I can see how their concepts would be easily misunderstood. People think it means it is OK to be a mess. No , it isn't. Truly loving yourself and respecting yourself, keeps you out of all kinds of problems, from bad relationships, to unhealthy practices.

I guess it all goes back to the book "I'm OK, You're OK". The concept is fine, but the idea that people who are FAR from OK, accept that they can remain horrible people, is NOT the message.
Gang bangers, child abusers, wife beaters....down to people who abuse themselves by what they do (and don't), put in their bodies, are not OK!

Make sure that you really understand new age concepts before taking them to the Bliss Ninny level. The world isn't perfect, it is school. Learn and grow, don't squander it away , then wonder why you are unhappy, hurt, ill, alone, in jail, or broke.

Our lives are what we make them, and no matter how good they are we should always be striving to make them better. We should always be striving to learn new things and do new things. We should always be striving to teach others.

Learn and grow.
Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission .

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

new moon....Small but powerful!

Today is the New moon for this month. New moons are great times to have new or fresh beginnings. They are a time of light coming back into the night sky,  and a perfect time for shedding light into your life.

You may simply use this day as a new start, or use prayer, manifesting, spell work, whatever resonates with you, to bring about new things and new information. There are many ways to do this, and the key is to use what resonates with you. Using something that goes against your basic tenets will not work as you will fear and doubt it. Using what you believe in , is most powerful.

Use the new moon every month to get things going, you just have to do things within 24 hours of the moon rising. There are many websites available to help you find the dates and times needed. Remember that many times you will have to calculate actual time from GMT (if you live in Evansville, that is minus 6 hours) or eastern time.

Think of what the moon phase represents, and you can see how it is associated with success of things done and started during moon phases. The moon does direct energy towards earth (the moon creates the tides of the oceans), and it does direct energy at everything on this planet. It is all part of the Universal energy or chi. New moons are even good times to do ghost investigations, along with full moons.

When you think of the way that all of the Universe effects all of the rest of the Universe, you will easily see ties, causes and reasons for things. Sometimes we do not see them right away, or even at all, but they are always there. Everything is interconnected.

Use today for a new start on something, anything, and see what wonderful things happen!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mardi Gras

Tuesday is Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday. Fat Tuesday is the last day of celebration in cities that celebrate Carnival , like New Orleans. It marks the beginning of Lent.

I had the Mardi Gras experience once many years ago. It was fun, but something I wouldn't do again.Too many VERY drunk and crazy people situated in one place.

Mardi Gras occurs from around the time of the Epiphany to Ash Wednesday. It is a "season" not just a day. Mardi Gras isn't just about food. It is about masks, dances, contests, and dancing. It is a time of complete revelry before the Lenten season begins.

There are other cities in the US and of course the world that celebrate Mardi Gras or carnival season. There are other countries of course who celebrate! Especially Brazil.

There are so many ways to celebrate, but at least make sure you have a great desert with dinner!!

Peshaui Wequahimese

(C)2012  Dr R M Wolf May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Friday, February 17, 2012

Check references

I always say to make sure that you check on teachers, energy workers, and readers. There are a lot of scammers out there. Even if they aren't actual scammers, would you rather have reiki from someone who read a book on reiki, or studied for 6 months minimum under a reiki master? I will take the latter and you should also!

I was chuckling yesterday because I saw a list of people a practitioner listed as their teachers. I looked up the teachers, couldn't find any of them, nothing. Now, if I were the person looking to get service from this practitioner, I would move on. I can sit here and spout off names, I can even use names I heard from others or saw in articles....yet NONE of these names came up as teachers, or anything for that matter. You can usually find SOMETHING on a person when searching the net, even if it is just a Facebook profile....but on these "illustrious teachers", NOTHING.

Look up Triple Moon Goddess, or Triple Moon Goddess Gina and all kinds of things pop up. My web page, my blog, pages from an online company I work for. You can find old stuff, car stuff (I was in a few Mustang clubs and my car appeared on magazine covers), under my maiden name.

My names have stuff all OVER the place. Yet, I couldn't find a thing on this list of teachers....either they don't exist, or they aren't anything but a person working out of their house with a book of instructions in their hand, a cat in the window, and a cross around their neck to ward off evil.

Work with quality. There are quality people out there , many of them, so why settle for those who do things half way, never completed studies, learned from quacks, or outright lie. No reason for it whatsoever. As I have stated before, I have bought fake stones locally, and so have others. I have seen people scammed, and sometimes it was done with good intent, in other words the seller really believing in the product, but that doesn't matter in the end does it? I have seen a "cured" person die weeks later, and similar circumstances of failed magical healings. I have seen "spiritual" places rip people off time and time again.

Make sure that you ask for and check the references. You all know how to use Google. Use it. Use Snopes, use Truth or Fiction, use NAFPS, research, really research. That means looking for the good and bad, your position and the opposite position. Search local newspapers. I found an obituary that gave me a valuable insight into a person. The info is out there. Don't be gullible.

People have asked for specific practitioners this week, I answered them, but I will share the info in case there are more of you out there who want it:

For Evansville:

Tai chi. I recommend Karen Yoe and Mike Goebel in the Evansville area. Contact them through the Yoga Center on Franklin Ave, and Body Works Massage institute.

Reiki treatments- Karen Yoe, Julie Barter, or myself.

Reiki classes- Same people as above

Readings. I will be happy to help , and can refer you to an authentic medium.

I also have contacts , not that you asked....for reflexology, crystal bed healing , past life regression and Yoga.


If you are local, please ask, and I will point you in the right direction. I also have people outside the area I can refer you to!

It is your money, time and energy. spend it wisely.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tai chi

A few people have asked me over the past few weeks, "What is tai chi"? I think the best way to describe tai chi is "moving meditation". When we think of mediation we think of sitting still and trying to make our minds go blank. This will never work for me because that is the signal for psychic information to enter. It is turning ON the switch for me, not off. But there are some things that work for me, one of them is tai chi.

Tai chi is an ancient Chinese practice. When the Emporer decreed that the practice of martial arts was banned, the warriors found another way to keep fit and to work energy. They believed that moving energy was a big part of everything they did, including battle. We see it today in high tech martial arts films. People running through the air and jumping great distances. Tai chi is a part of that. It is making energy flow, opening channels and allowing the life force (chi) that is all around all of us to move through and around us.

There are many forms of moving energy and energy work. Tai chi is just one example. There are many tai chi classes available out there from slow and silent to more aggressive with the flavor of old combat, like sword tai chi or sparring.  There is a class and teacher for every student.

Tai chi helps us with balance, blood pressure and heart health. It helps any illness known to man, or at least the symptoms of that illness. You don't even have to do the movements to benefit from tai chi, just sitting in the room with others practicing the art will have health benefits.The energy moves around and through you, even if you are not moving. People who have trouble standing can do tai chi while sitting in a chair. It warms you, invigorates you, heals you, and enlightens you.

The moves also incorporate breathing to the movements, and this helps in not only the physical sense, but the mental and emotional as well. Moves can be done in a soft easy way, or in a more challenging way, enabling the practitioner to adjust the moves to his or her ability.

Here is an example of a tai chi form:

I noticed that whenever I went to tai chi class with a headache, I left without it. It is an amazing thing that works quickly , easily, and smoothly.

The ancient art of tai chi is practiced in parks and city squares daily all over China. There is an "offical" form that people are allowed to do, so China is still in the "do as your leader tells you" mindset, but at least the people can practice the art.

There is so much more to tai chi. It has several styles, named by the families who designed the forms (series of movements). The forms have basically the same movements, but done with a slightly different flair to them. 

Tai chi is even taught in Universities as a PE credit in the US. It is going mainstream, and is fun, relaxing, and can even be challenging. If you are interested, and live in the Evansville area, let me know and I will refer you to some awesome teachers who can teach you this ancient art. You don't have to be athletic, or even fit to do tai chi, and the benefits are amazing while they increase your strength, health and fitness.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr.R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cyber Bullies

There has been a trend lately where people bully others on the internet. I wrote about this a few days ago. The anonymity of the internet makes some people much braver than they usually are, and others feel that they are having private conversations, and that the person will not hear about. It is the internet, any expectation of privacy is totally ridiculous.

I had a client receive copies of what a person was saying about her on a social networking site. She sued and won. The comments were slanderous and crossed a line. The person was a fellow church member.

When did we lose the concept of what spirituality doesn't mean being quiet in the face of wrongs, but it doesn't mean carrying on like a 2 year old and personally attacking a person. It isn't all right, at all, no matter what the situation. Just becasue it is the internet doesn't mean all the rules go out the window..

I had a colleague attacked the other day, and it was by another "spiritual adviser". There are people that do all kinds of ritual, ceremony, and counseling, that act in a completely NONspiritual way. When you see this happen, call them out....

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who do nothing.-Albert Einstein

I have stated this many times. When you allow someone to do wrong, it is as if you are ALSO doing the wrong thing. When you are a person who claims to be religious or spiritual, this is especially true. We are not in a popularity contest we are in life.

DO the right things for the right reasons- Me

DO unto others......

Peshaui Wequashimese

 (C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Soulmate fallacy.

The word "soulmate" is a New Age word. It isn't an old concept nor a Universal reality. We sometimes end up with our perfect partner, and sometimes it is a person we are supposed to be with for a myriad of reasons. However , the belief that one person is THE one, or that just because we are totally and completed infatuated with someone, does not mean we are supposed to be with them (if that were true Brad Pitt would have millions of soulmates).

Soulmate came from the terms associated with soul groups.We are all part of a soul group. That IS a Universal reality. Your soul group is 112 souls who have contracted together to help each other in life lessons each lifetime. They are souls who have crossed all the way over, and have gone on to the levels of the other side that we generally call "Heaven" in Christianity. There are levels to it, but that is a blog for another day. Each Earthwalk is a learning experience. Deep learning on a life lesson and soul level. We are contracted together in a group of souls that we have traveled to this dimension with many times. There is an intricate pattern decided ahead of time, and some people we may interact with all our life, others we will share brief , but meaningful encounters with. Some of these people we will have as family, as friends, as teachers, and others as lovers of some sort.

Sometimes old life memories return. We can't forget everything, as this is a learning sequence of lives, it would do no good to forget the old lessons on how to live and behave, so trace memories remain. When we meet a past life lover or even child in this life, our soul instantly reacts to that strong cellular memory. Some people even then remember particulars of the past life and can name streets, events and people they would have no way of knowing. When you feel that pull towards another, people sometimes say the word "soulmate". Especially if they are good looking....the homely ones, not so much.

The fact is the person who is closest to being what we term a "soulmate" is the person who is most integral and important in our current life lesson. It can be our child, brother, boss, neighbor. Soulmates are not lovers. There is another misnomer, "Twin Flame". Your soul cannot be divided in half. There is not another part of your soul that you need to partner with. All these terms do is make people act irrationally and irresponsibly. People try to partner with people who want nothing to do with them, or who are already partnered with another. People wait years for a person who never returns their affections. People even become stalkers and have protection orders taken out on them all in the name of "soulmate".

Why would the Universe give you the partner you were "supposed to be with", and then have them be married to another and tell you to get lost? It wouldn't. There is not a person who you are supposed to be with, unless you need to work out karma, and the Universe with facilitate that, not make it difficult. It will throw those people into your life.

When you feel there is an old connection to another person find a licensed and qualified hypnotist that has a certification in past life regression. You may just find you have known that person many times before.

We stay with out soul group throughout our many Earthwalks. The entire soul group will attain the level of being able to remain in the "heaven" dimension at the same time. That is part of why it is so important to work with those in your soul group. People who do not cross all the way over (like ghosts who haunt places), abandon their soul group and the ability to move up and on. There are many reasons spirits have given as to why they don't want to cross or are afraid to. Our free will is still our gift from Creator/God/The Universe, even in death.We don't have to go to that "heaven" place.

This life is short. Spend it with a person who returns your love in equal measure, and appreciates you as much as you appreciate them. Relationships are a partnership. They should be 50/50 as often as possible. We all have bad days, but when you are with someone you love, the bad days are few and far between.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Perception changes reality, even with the other side.

I often talk to people about the fact that their perception of a situation is what causes they way things feel, not the other way around. I can choose to have a great day, and I will, even if little things go wrong. It is how I accept and deal with the things that life throws at me, that make things all OK at the end of the day.

I also have the strength to walk away from situations and people that either no longer serve as a positive influence on my life or become harmful. I walk away without ever a moment's glance back over my shoulder. There is no reason to keep problems in your life. Not situations, people, or habits.

Many have a hard time understanding the concept of choosing how to feel about a situation. It is hard to wrap your brain around because we have all been brought up to believe the opposite. But here is a prime example. When I was younger I lived in a haunted house. VERY haunted. Haunted by a murderer in fact (which we discovered years after living there). It was a scary place. From the time I was 10 years old until early teen years I was scared to death each night. What happened however, after years of fear, was a numbness, it all wasn't so scary after a while. You get used to it. A friend of my Mom's who was a psychic and ordained minister told her to tell me to just tell them to stop. TO mean it, say it, own it...and all would be better.

It worked. By the time I moved out of that house, it was quiet. Totally. I didn't send any spirits on, I had no idea how to do that at the time, but I did take control. I choose to not allow that "man" to control the household, and to not be afraid, and all was well. It was almost like magic , maybe it was. It happened just about overnight.

I later moved into a much scarier place. It was a portal (in NM), and MUCH scarier, I was able to keep things at bay, but not stop them. There was just too much going on there. Hundreds of souls passing through each night. I moved out....but not because of the spirits.

So what did the scared little kid and VERY uncomfortable adult do with all that? Decide to help others. There was no help for me , or actually very little , when I was growing up. If you mentioned "ghosts" you were laughed at by most people. You were crazy. There was not a metaphysical section at the book store, and parapsychology books were few and far between. When you could find a parapsychology book, they were full of scientific study, mostly on ESP,and past lives, but held little info on getting rid of problem spirits.

Today it is different and today people are more apt to ask for help. I have helped friends and strangers cleanse their homes. I have also helped them find out what is going on when things go bump in the night. Then there is the added bonus of a bunch of friends who also know for a fact that these events happen and ghosts do exist.They are great people who have a different view on the world and life just because of what they have seen in places where many fear to tread. They help others.

I found excellent teachers, and learned much about "the other side". I questioned my guides about it, and get vague answers, but they are very helpful answers all the same. 

I have gone from running from, to running at the paranormal. I no longer fear the other side, although they can make me uncomfortable and startle me, they can't stop me. I help as often as I can, and do it with pleasure. Matt and I do not charge people to cleanse their home, and if you need a house cleansed, blessed or investigated, people should never demand a monetary compensation for that. This is done out of the same spirit (no pun intended), as any "helper". We do it to help those who are troubled by spirits and to help the spirits try to move on.

Many won't cross all the way for various reasons, and I have written about them here before. Yet sometimes we can talk them into going. Sometimes we can chase them, and at other times we can push them.

A word of caution, go and investigate haunted sites, but do NOT make your own home a place of constant investigation. When spirits see an interested party, they get comfortable and stay. Sometimes they bring a bunch of friends. You can end up with unruly house guests that you cannot see. It is NOT fun , at all, especially at 2 AM. You cannot control entities in your home, don't even try, so do the right thing by them and by you and your family, and don't entertain them. If you want to play Ghost Hunter, there are plenty of places designed for that.

Be safe, go with people who have experience, and don't think that you have learned all you need to know on a TV show.

But change your perception on things that you have problems with. Change your attitude each day to "I am going to have a good day", or "things are getting better today". This also means however, taking action. I told the ghosts to go, I took action and control, I didn't just think about it or sit around wishing and hoping. Make the changes you need to make, beginning with your perception and attitude and watch the magic happen.

Have an awesome day today!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Friday, February 10, 2012

More drums

Apparently I republished the wrong drum article....I am sure this is the right one. So , by request, here it is!

...The question that came was if I knew anything about a gourd dance/song/drumming. I said, "No, but I will find out". The answer is, it is a Kiowa dance that began in the 1940's, so as dances go, it is new. The drumming for the dance is high energy with double beats and a lively dance accompanies it. The only people who are to do this drumming/dance are the Kiowa or a tribe they have gifted the dance to. The dance is supposed to only be performed before Grand Entry when it is in a pow wow setting and is for the dancers. It is sometimes used to honor a tribal member.

Here is an example of a Kiowa Gourd Dance:

Traditional or original songs are to be gifted to drums, tribal groups, etc. In other words, it isn't OK for someone to take a ceremonial song and perform it without the permission of the person they learned it from. Some other songs, not ceremonial are the same way. Social songs are usually different, but if they are original, you still need permission. Think of it this way, you cannot perform a Beatles song because the copyrights will be infringed upon. Songs are for sharing, but in a certain way. The only way you should be singing a song that is NA, is when someone allows you , by teaching it to you and gifting it to you. When you want to learn a song, ask in the proper way. The answer may be "no", and that is OK! Now, traditional inter-tribal songs...songs everyone and anyone in an area knows, you can sing...sort of like not needing permission to sing "Row row row your boat."

I really like the gourd dance, but it isn't one I will ever see in person , unless I do some traveling.Certainly one I will never drum or sing.

The other major question was, what was the difference between a northern drum and a southern drum. I found that there is a lot of confusion about that , even in the NA community. Some thought if you were from the south, you were a southern drum. That would make sense, but it isn't that simple. Many NA groups moved from one place to another, they brought their ways with them, and sometimes melted into the groups they came in contact with. The northern/southern drum is an example of that. It doesn't matter where your original tribe lived, or where you live now. It is a style. You can live in Alabama and be a northern drum.

So, style not location. What does the style mean? This wasn't easy. I found that many groups are a mixture or don't even know there are "styles", the "big dogs" in the drum world know though, people like the Black Lodge Singers , and Bear Claw who do national pow wows.

Northern style is sung in a higher voice or pitch. It is loud and proud. The beats are a bit faster and livelier. The songs are louder and sung to get the dancers moving. There are women allowed to sit at the drum, but tribal differences apply here. Some tribes will not allow women at the drum ever, or if they are on their moon. Northern drums will be outside the sacred circle, but next to it, with the host drum (there can be several drums at a pow wow) in the best position.

Here is an example from Black Lodge Singers:

Southern style is sung lower and slower. They use honor beats frequently, although northern drums sometimes use honor beats, especially when doing southern songs. No women can sit at the drum, however they may sit behind the drum and sing harmonies, but never on the first two push ups (or rounds). Southern style drums have four posts, each representing and facing the cardinal directions.

 Here is a southern drum example, the voices are much lower, and lots of honor beats in the song. A great example of a southern drum by Bear Claw Singers. You can hear the women in the background, but will not see them seated at the drum. They stand to honor the song, while the men are seated at the drum.

First I want to say THANK YOU to the folks who sent in these great questions! It made me think, research, and find some knowledgeable resources that will always be good to have.

Remember, you cannot just take a song and sing it in most cases.

                              Some other drum stuff from questions sent in......

No, a woman should not touch a drum, or any other sacred object like a pipe, when she is on her moon .More on that point. No woman on her moon should be in the same room as the drum, under the arbor with the drum, in the dance arena, nor any other area where there are sacred objects!

Drums traditionally have seven to eight people surrounding the drum. A little fact I found while researching this, is that the average drum is 26" wide.

In Oklahoma the drum is in the center of the dance ring.

Traditionally each song has 4 rounds or push ups, they can increase if there is a request by a dancer (who may fan, whistle or wave a staff over the drum), to continue so they can dance more. Quotes from dancers, from those who enter contests, to those who dance for fun and to honor their traditions all say the louder, more energetic, more enthusiastic the drumming, the more they want to dance and dance well. It gets the energy flowing. One dancer said"..all slow drumming does is make me want to take a long nap until the pow wow is over. I will dance as it is respectful, but you most likely will not see my best dancing."

Drums should not sing in only one language. A pow wow for instance,  is a gathering, and all groups should be honored. Ceremonial drumming may take on one language reflecting the ceremony's origin.

There is more, of course, and some of it was already written about in the blog, but I found out some interesting things.

That was a fun journey, and I am sure that it is only beginning. Keep the questions coming on any topic!

Peshaui Wequashimese.

Have a great weekend!

(C)2011 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Drums ( a reprise)

A reader asked me to reprint the drums article...I asked WHICH ONE? The answer was "the one about synthetic drums". I think this is it....if not , let me know! This blog has been added to and edited since its' last publication.

The first question was to ask, if it were necessary to have a "real" drum. Well that depends on what you are doing. When you want to use that drum in ceremony, from sweat lodge to pow wow, YES you need a real drum. You can use synthetic for personal use, but anyone who has experienced a beautiful, natural, pow wow drum that was prayed over while it was being made, will never go back to a synthetic drum again. The energy is vastly different. Remember , there is a spirit in that object whether it is a drum, flute, rattle, or bells. The quality of the energy and power of the spirit is very different from something made in a factory by a person who just had a fight with his wife, hates his job or had a flat tire going to work that day, from a drum that is made with love, prayer, and positive thoughts, while Creator guides the maker's hands. When people dance, drum, and pray, they are in a mindful place of peace, positive thought and ceremony, at least they should be. That isn't required in a regular factory.

You can journey with a synthetic drum, but you can do a million times better with a natural drum. You also can journey, and some Nations do, with a flute. I remember someone saying once that the flute took away from their journeying time, they needed a drum. The flute is also a journeying instrument.A traditional Native American tool. We aren't in South America or Alaska, so we aren't Shaman, and we don't need a drum to journey. People are so misinformed and misled sometimes. Flutes were also part of medicine bundles and war bundles, I know that east coast war bundles contain flutes as they are deemed a necessary part of sacred songs for the ceremonies.

The synthetic drums put out a lot of noise, but that is what it sounds like after a while to me. They are big vibrations, but so is an earthquake. They seem to scatter the energy, rather than meld it.
All of the "Remo" drum owners are now mad at me, but that is OK. The fact is, there is a vast difference. I have seen , and been the victim of "harm" with a synthetic drum, but never with a natural one. Pow wow drums are large and loud sometimes, especially when you have many participants drumming on one, and loud honor beats (we will get to that shortly), making the drum shout. The loudness never makes you want to step away, feel badly,cover your ears, or need a break. It is because it is quality, natural , SPIRITUAL sound.

Another question was about Native American Drums. Native American drums are made by Native Americans. Period. Drums made in the same style by non Natives are Native American Style Drums. It is illegal to call any item or event "Native American" (from drums to flutes to gatherings to jewelry), that was not actually made by, or run by a Native American. Even if it was made exactly like a Native American would have done 200 years ago, you still cannot call it Native American.

A third question was what those really hard drum beats are during a song. They are honor beats. They are meant to put emphasis on a particular word or phrase that is being sung. Sometimes that word  is the word for "Creator" (which will differ of course depending on the Nation's language the song is being sung in). One drummer will do the honor beats, and no it does not hurt the drum. That tough hide can take just about anything. There are ceremonial songs that go with just about everything in NA ceremony. There is a song for everything and the song is an integral and important part of the ceremony. The ceremony should not be done without the proper song, or sometimes even , the proper drum.

The last question asked was, "how difficult is it to make a drum?". It isn't easy, that is for sure, and depending on the type, style and size of the drum, it can be downright difficult. Hollowed out tree branches or logs are easier than beveling sides for a drum, but none of it is easy. It took quite a while to make our drum, and the final lacing of it was filled with prayer and ritual.

Another person who was reading on drums said that it always says in articles, "men drumming". Women drum, don't they?
Yes they do, but traditionally, in many nations (but not all), they did not. They kept the drums and the songs in most NA societies, but were usually not allowed to drum. Women were not allowed to touch sacred items in many Nations. Women are not allowed to take part in ceremony, touch sacred objects (like the drum) while they are menstruating. That is a whole blog for another day.

There was a question about "Native American Drum Circles". Native Americans didn't have drum circles. Drum circles are a New Age invention. They are full of fun and energy, but drum circles have NOTHING to do with Native Americans. The people who sit on a pow wow drum are NOT a drum circle , they drum in a circle around a drum, but they are not a drum circle. Someone decided that must be what a drum circle is and put that in a video that had been passed around. A few Native corrected them, I don't know if it were fixed or not, but there is no such thing as a Native American Drum Circle.

Some pow wows and celebrations will not allow women on drums to this day. Some dancers will not dance if there is a woman on the drum. This is tradition, in many NA nations, but that doesn't mean that women can't drum. Larger traditional pow wows and rituals will not ever have women drummers. Women did sing however, at least in most societies, but never in the lead. Today there are all women drums, and they are seen at pow wows and ceremony. It just depends on how traditional the event is.Northern drums CAN have women sit on the drum, southern drums will NOT. Remember that not every NA nation disallowed women drummers.

Many NA cultures believe that a woman brought the drum to the people, and that the spirit in the drum is a woman. The drum must then be treated with the respect and honor you would give a lady, more specifically, a Grandmother.

Same person, different question is "aren't they (natural drums) hard to take care of? Well, yes and no. Anyone who has a natural drum, will most likely treat it as a drum should be treated. It is kept covered , in a space that is reserved for it. It is not tossed in your car trunk. Remember, this is a ceremonial item with a spirit living inside of it. Would you toss Grandma out in the garage after a celebration? Well, maybe some of you would...but the drum is treated reverently. Therefore there are no worries about making sure it always sounds good. The hides will be looser in cool , damp weather, and tighter is sunny , warm weather. When you keep your drum away from humidity, and cold, it will be fine, but you should be doing that anyway. There is nothing else you need to do.
Well made drums do not need to be tightened, or adjusted in any way. They last forever.

The other part of this question was what was the drum made of. Well, wood, and many times that wood is cedar, but not always. Drum makers had their favorites and of course the trees available where the tribe was located dictated the wood type. The same goes for the hides. They are usually elk, deer, and buffalo. Sometimes people use cow, but that is not as popular. Think again, do you want the spirit of a bear in your drum or a cow???

The last question was about group drumming and Native American tradition. No, the Native Americans did not have drum circle night. They didn't sit around and drum for intentions, that is all New Age. Not a bad thing, but not Native American. Also the idea of Shamanic drumming (steady beat with no singing, used for healing or journeying), is NOT a tradition of the US Native Americans. South America, yes, anywhere on US soil besides Alaska and Hawaii, no.  Shamanism is not a belief of the lower 48, there were sometimes medicine men and women, but no shaman. That is a term that has been used generically, but the lower 48 Nations didn't practice Shamanism.
There is also a genre "Neo-Shamanism", that again is New Age, and is a blend of other cultures Shamanistic beliefs, and other New Age practices thrown in, it is FAR from Native American.

There are many types of drum circles out there, but there are no native American ones, there is no such thing. Want to hear NA drumming? Go to a pow wow. Check out pow wow protocol before going. There are also many drum circles that are high energy and have nothing to do with any kind of ritual or tradition, it is just drumming for the absolute fun, thrill, and high energy of it.

Treat any pow wow drum that you "meet" with respect. It is a respected family member of the drummers, and holds a powerful. Do not touch the drum unless invited to do so. Do not take pictures of a drum unless you first ask the drum keeper. Do not "party" in any way around the drum, swear, argue, or act up in any way. Treat it with respect and honor. Ask questions of the drum keeper when they are not otherwise occupied and they will answer your questions.  Make sure that you cleanse yourself before sitting at a pow wow drum, and treat it with the utmost respect.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(There are other drum blogs in the archives, feel free to use the search with the word "drum")

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


The year 2012 is about balance. It is about combining the yin and the yang. It is not about extremes. It is about finding the good in the bad and the bad in the good. It is not about going on and on about the same point, nor resulting to violence. It is about making sense, teaching, and sharing. It is about knowing when to walk away. You cannot have a battle of wits with an unarmed person, so why try? Some people are so ingrained in their insanity they look anywhere and every where to prove a point.When even that goes to the extreme, we have people who kill others, including themselves to try to make a point.

This quote is about politics, but it doesn't apply to just politics:

“Extremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower

There are people today who try to convince us that things that are not "right" in any way shape or form, for anyone , is actually good for all, as they like it. They live strange lives, usually unsuccessful , unhappy, and alone. Cursing corporate America for not allowing them to have a good job ,when it is either their lack of knowledge and skills or a personality that no one wants to put up with, that keeps them from being financially successful. They are without a romantic partner, and usually have been most of their lives.No one wants to stay around them for more than 10 minutes.  They aren't in a lull, they are in a drought. They have some acquaintances, but no real friends. Some people may use them and then move on from them, but never accept them. And they want to tell the world what to do and think. They are usually extremists.

People who do things like bomb market squares have no real life experience. They have no reality check because no one says "wake up and smell the coffee" to them.We are here to teach, and that sometimes means saying to the person who is acting irrationally "you are acting like a jerk". Why are people so afraid to say something? Two things , fear of retribution, and popularity. This isn't a popularity contest. He who ides with the most friends doesn't win. He who does the most good in life does. He who learns the most does. He who doesn't get stuck does. He who gives 100% everyday , does.

Those same people also win at life. They get to do things, go places, have new experiences. They get to have real friends who help them when they need it, and they rarely need it.

When you go to extremes, you violate everything that is in Universal energy. You don't have to be a religious extremist to do this, but if your mind is made up and closed tight about anything , you run the danger of becoming an extremist. There are people who allow their beliefs and habits to rule their lives, they are slaves to them.

When you see someone going overboard , say something, and say it loud and clear or they won't hear you. Then when they still won't get it, walk away.

The world is not black and white, so there can be no extremes, the world is grey. It is a little of this and a little of that. It is the yin and the yang.  It is not religious fanatic, nor total lack of a supreme being. It isn't even Republican nor Democrat (of which I am neither...I hate politics). It isn't the rich vs the poor. All that is easy excuses. We all live in the same world. So how is it that some are abundant and others are not? It isn't just one group's influence on the world like "rich people" , "abortion doctors" , "Muslim extremists" . They don't change or effect your world . They don't make you live in a certain income bracket, have a certain education, or opportunities, make you have a happy day or not. As much as you want someone to blame it on, it isn't them. Who is it? Look in the mirror.

Everyone , every day choose what day they will have. We all have things that happen....good and bad, each day. Each and every day. How we handle it and our attitude towards it, is what makes us draw in more positive energy or more negative energy. Being extreme just draws in extreme and unbridled energy that in and of itself is destructive.

There are no "good" extremes. Extremes are bad for all of us.
Learn, research and grow, and stay out of extremes , it will only limit you.
Meanwhile, do unto others.....

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c) 2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


There are a few colleagues and friends who are on a campaign to end bullying. Bullies used to be the problematic little kid in school who had a bad life, and took it out on others they perceived to be weaker or smaller than they were. Now bullies are that AND adults as well. There are bullies in the workplace, living spaces (like apartment complexes) and more than anywhere else, the internet.

We used to say people had "phone muscles" , this meant that they would say things on the phone they wouldn't say to your face. They would make anonymous calls and they would hang up on you. Then caller ID came along and that pretty much ended that. So now the place bullies hang out is the internet.

There is a story in the news about people making fun of a dying 9 year old neighbor, and others picking on children so badly that they caused kids to commit suicide. The sadder part of all this is that these are not kids doing this, but adults! I guess they never grew up and now they have a whole new outlet to act like a jerk.

We see and hear of it , and even experience it every day. I have yet in all my years to have a bully hurt my feelings , probably because I am a strong person who firmly believes in the Universe and Karma, but others do get effected, even to the point of taking their own life. I have friends of mixed race even being picked on in this day and age. I used to get in fights in school defending a cousin of mixed race, now the jerks are older, bigger, and just sad an example of a human.

When you use the internet to try to anonymously hurt someone, you are a bully. Bullies hide, they try to rally the troops against you, they call you names (I know we are talking about adults here), and my friend Abby says their favorite word is to call another person a "coward". It is how they feel about themselves. Bullies always feel powerless, so powerless they allow their anger to control them for days, weeks and even months. They try to get a negative reaction out of you, and will do just about anything to get it. Their goal is to upset you, your goal is to ignore them and let them pile up that Karma.

Don't even give in to bullies. All internet sources, from email sources to games to social networking sites , have ways to report bullying. It is a hot topic and laws are being passed in the internet community to stop bullying. When anyone threatens, or challenges you on the net , it is just like they did it to your face, the same rules and laws apply. Report any bullying to the internet sites and if the bullying continues, authorities. There are way too many jerks out there getting their jollies by attacking others. Children have died or committed suicide over this, it is evil stuff.

When someone is just "running off at the mouth", you can report them, and ignore them. They only show their true colors as they spew their hate. Ignore racist comments as much as possible and keep saying to yourself "Karma".

We are working towards a better place in 2012. That doesn't mean that there are still not total jerks out in the world who want to harm, anger, or even just try to make themselves feel better by attacking others. It doesn't matter what your skin color is, or your sexual preference. It doesn't matter who or what you believe in, as long as you do not try to force it on another person.

Remember to report all bullying, even if it is not happening to you directly, it is the only thinng that stops them in their tracks.

Do unto others.......

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, February 6, 2012

2012, year of disruption

What a year, and it is only February! We knew many things about this year, including changes around perception, psychic development in some, and people being shuffled in our lives.

 This past weekend was a prime example. From a client's abusive partner calling me after the client did, to try to make me change what I told my client (guess how that went), to trying to reiterate that people need to be more aware on what they post on social networking sites (horrific pictures), to new friends coming in with some abilities developing, and a little garden weeding on my part.

We also somehow managed to eat out, go on an owl prowl, check out the outside of a building that is supposed to be "haunted", and get some tax stuff ready (yes the world is not ending, so do your taxes).

This is a year of disruption, but that doesn't mean that anything we do can be lessened. We can't sit back and hope that the Universe does it for us, we still have to act, think, manifest, and move forward. So many are stuck, and that doesn't mean we should remain stuck with them.

This year more than ever is a year of setting boundaries, strong ones. A year of using our common sense and intuition, and not acting emotionally. This weekend was full of people acting emotionally and going way overboard. Stepping not only over boundaries, but general good behavior. I don't respond well to threats, and neither do most of my fellow colleagues.

I don't tolerate one ounce of nonsense. There are times when I allow people to have a bad day, we all do, but when I see a pattern or escalation of behavior (or outright threats), I react immediately and strongly. We are being seperated into groups, and that is going to happen all year long, the best thing is to "go with the flow" as there is no stopping or changing it.

I also had a fellow reader be threatened and people seemed like they had way too much attitude this weekend. Hopefully it is something in the stars and will smooth out because many stepped way over the line.

There will be more people trying to quietly but firmly bring things to right, but they will not suffer fools lightly. They will move them out of the way. Prejudicial people and others who choose to be ignorant, will be pushed aside and left behind. The teachers will move on, they will no longer waste their time with people who are stuck and do not want to learn.

The world will try to balance the earth toward the more yin side. The quieter, more peaceful side, and keep it from the loud, threatening and angry yang side. It will be a balancing act that goes on all year long.Teachers will remove themselves from situations where people are not getting the message, this is something that was discussed about 2-3 years ago, and it is happening more strongly and swiftly as we approach December 2012. This isn't a time for debate any more, that time is way passed for many.

This is a year of disruption and a year that we need to slide through as smoothly as possible. We need to move on from many situations, people and places. We need to trust ourselves and take care of our bodies. We need to accept new teachings, and authenticate everything. We need to make sure all we accept is genuine and not allow people to threaten, bully and badger us into not walking the path set before us. Karma will take care of the rest.

Do the right thing for the right reasons....and make sure that you remain strong.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Trust in the Universe, and get moving!

There are always days when we feel like things aren't going well. When these days pile on top of each other, we have to ask ourselves "What is the Universe trying to get me to change?". The Universe is VERY good at sending out messages, we just tend to get in our own way. We don't want to understand the messages.

There have been people in my life that I give suggestions to, and their answers are always excuses as to why they "can't". When it boils down to it, it is not that they "can't" it is that they "don't want to", then they go on being stuck and complain about being stuck. I can't unstick them, only they can unstick themselves. It starts with removing "I can't" from the lexicon.

When you are "stuck in a rut", you have made the rut and only YOU can pull yourself out of the rut, but it will take direct, consistent action. What is the Universe trying to push you towards? Where does it want you to go? What it is trying to tell you? Most times it is very obvious, yet we ignore it. The longer you try to ignore the Universe, the more insistent it becomes to the point of making things go sideways in your life. The Universe gives gentle nudges when it starts trying to send messages, and those can become so much of a shove that you have dire things happen, like losing your home, getting sick. Accidents, illness, financial issues are WAKE UP CALLS, not punishments.

I have watched people run headlong into disaster, trying to pull them back by their shirt tails only to have them jump into a bigger mess when I turn my attention elsewhere. It is a shame what unhappiness surrounds me in people who are bright, intelligent , strong, and talented. They just won't make a change or take a chance. They want perfection delivered to their doorstep, and delivered now. It doesn't work that way.

It took me years to get the message for myself, and interpret it, but then I acted on it immediately, and things immediately got better. I set realistic goals and time frames, took steps towards the goals instead of trying to jump a million yards and land squarely on success all at once. The goals were reached quickly and relatively easily.

Now I am at the happiest place ever in my life and it is all because I have learned to turn all my questions over to the Universe. I am not afraid, not negative, and not thinking I am being punished. I stay strong, toss negative people out of my life, and stay among positive, productive energy.  I don't say "I can't" when I can, but don't want to. I don't say "I can't" when the answer really is "it won't be easy". The pushes and lessons from the Universe are not what they were. They are suggestions instead of insistent pushes. Things rarely come up where I have to make a difficult change, but if that happens again, I will make that difficult change, because I have found that it ALWAYS releases the log jam.

So everyone's home work assignment is difficult this weekend.This takes ACTION on your part.

First, are you not happy? If you really are happy, then go and have a good time this weekend.

If not, WHY? What is it that you are not happy with? Do you have realistic expectations and goals? If you do, work towards them, if not CHANGE them to realistic ones and attainable ones.Take on the biggest one first, it will probably solve the smaller ones. Deal with the important ones first like job and financial issues, not "finding a partner". When you are awesome and have your act together, you will have an awesome partner. When you are a mess, you will attract a mess.

Are you working towards those goals or just waiting for some magic to happen? If you aren't working towards them GET TO WORK. Today is the best day to start.

Are you getting listening to the Universe or telling it "I can't"? Because if the Universe is telling you to do something, you CAN. When you are telling the Universe "I can't", you will go NOWHERE. You are stuck, and until you change your attitude, nothing good will happen.

Are you willing to make changes? If you are not, you are stuck. The Universe isn't punishing you, YOU are punishing you.

So, now you have your changes, you accept them, you have realistic goals, a plan on how to reach them, you are working towards the goals. KEEP GOING!!

By Sunday night, everyone should have their forward momentum that needs it. No excuses. NONE. NONE AT ALL. There are NO VALID excuses for being stuck. The Universe will never make you stuck. Only you will.

Have a productive weekend!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Advocate for healthy

I was going to write about another subject but I started to go back and forth with a friend this morning about the world and beliefs. She asked about if I were into politics (those who truely work in the light have nothing to do with politics). I said "can't stand them.". The answer as to why is, that I think it makes intelligent people act like idiots. They waste more time reacting than thinking. They spend more time putting a spin on things than finding real answers. They all do it. all sides, every last one of them. More mud gets tossed than good ideas get tossed around. It is a waste of time and energy.

Then the question arose, if we were to start a political party, what would be its' basis? The answer came out to be whatever is healthy for that person at that time. So we would have first of all free health care for everyone (instead of being the only wealthy , civilized country without it). We would be pro choice (many reasons for that, see the abortion blog), we would be all about healthy foods, environment, clean energy, and counseling/treatments for everyone.

All those skinny models get counseling, all those 500 pound people confined to their beds get the same. The woman who needs care or help with a child gets it. People get to make informed decisions about their health care and no one is turned away. Every food bank and soup kitchen is number one priority.

We keep throwing out the baby with the bathwater. If there are 100 good points to something, and one bad point, we toss it out as bad. How about we change the one bad point? Politics throws out the baby with the bathwater, and it isn't making healthy decisions for anyone.

I learned long ago from people who at that time had a much clearer vision of metaphysics, that the Universe wants us to a few things. Learn all we can, have faith, do the right things, and help others. Pretty simple really. Sometimes helping others means doing things we wouldn't do for ourselves. None of them were involved in politics or trying to change the world. I wasn't, just because I wanted nothing to do with all that negativity, but after a while I found out it is because we aren't supposed to be. Politics (like time), is a man made thing. Like all man made things, it is flawed. Greatly flawed in my opinion.

They told me that there are things we influence through belief (what we now call manifesting) , and things that we bring about as a people hoping for good things. We create what we believe, not what we necessarily want. It doesn't matter who we slander or promote, it matters what the Universe wants to be. When the Universe finally says "this school called earth is a failed experiment, even the political leaders still have not learned to get along", then this world won't be here anymore. Earth will be like the Mary Celeste, afloat with the whole crew vanished into thin air.

People can yell and scream, carry signs, make mudslinging commercials...and it doesn't make an iota of difference.Think about politics and what it involves. Does the positive outweigh the negative , or the other way around? Sure looks like the other way around...and it isn't just the elected officials, but the people of this country who have lost their minds.

There is nothing about politics that is spiritual (and if you think being anti abortion and saving babies is spiritual politics, you are very wrong). There is nothing about it that is "working in the light", there is nothing about it at all about having faith, there is nothing about it in learning, there is rarely anything about it in doing the right thing (doing the party thing, doing the financially beneficial thing, doing the popular thing, yes). It is a man made mess that is not part of the metaphysical world. It is not part of what we are here for .

So my "party of two" are advocates for healthy for all. We are standing firm against politics and all the negativity, hate, frustration, anger, and logistical nightmares it creates. We are for being positive, healthy, growing, learning, and helping others.

Do the right things for the right reasons, and sometimes those reasons involve choices that aren't pretty. God will sort it out, it isn't your job to be God, nor speak for him/her. Don't mess with anyone's health, time or abundance. Just your own!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf . May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 2

February 2, 1887, the first Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney is observed. However, this isn't the first time we ever did weather prognostication. The Celts had already been doing it for many years, along with other cultures, and all at the beginning of February. This day is simply the day that we still celebrate in the US. There are other groundhogs around the world too, it is just that Punxsutawney Phil is the most famous one, annually around 40,000 people attend the event . If the groundhog sees his shadow, we have six more weeks of winter. I wonder what Phil will tell us tomorrow?

Originally the groundhog wasn't a groundhog at all, but a badger. The Pennsylvania Dutch (Germans), brought the tradition to the new world. The Celts and the hag predate the badger, but with the same indicator, if it is cloudy that day, more winter; sunny that day, spring is coming!

February 2 is also a day with more religious overtones. It is also Candlemas. Candlemas evolved out of Imbolc as the Christians tried to bring the Pagans into the church. The Celts and other pagans were lighting candles for Brigid, they were celebrating bringing light back into the skies. The Church decided to use the same candles (Brigid is goddess of the sacred flame), to draw in the pagans. The day actually became known for several different things. It was known as the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin. Mary went  to the temple (remember temples are Jewish houses of worship), to be purified after Jesus birth. I always thought this was interesting. Here is a woman who supposedly had an immaculate conception and gave birth to Christ and she needs to be purified from that like any "normal" woman? When one really looks at the dogma of the church and Bible one HAS to come up with questions like this. But Mary supposedly went on this day to the Temple to be purified.

This day was chosen not because Mary actually went to the Temple on this day (scholars have shown Jesus was born in the spring, not December, which to me would make a better teaching story that the winter , but so be it), but to help blend in with celebrations of Brigid. The church knew that the Celts were celebrating Brigid , so they wanted to bring in a similar type of celebration to show them how "similar" the traditions were, and to make them feel comfortable in the church.

Candlemas was a day when people would bring their candles to the priests to be blessed, so they would last until there was much light in the day again and they wouldn't be needed so much.Candles were prized and valuable things in the old days. They brought light, and even a little warmth. So this day became the Presentation of Jesus at The Temple. The day Jesus would have been baptized (which is funny because he actually wouldn't have been born yet, being his birthday really isn't Decemebr 25).

The holidays in the church were a haphazard system of trying to meld with the traditions of the non Christians to make them want to come to the church. It worked on some people, others either didn't conform , or were shunned, and at times, killed. The world today allows for all religions , but unfortunately people are still killed for their beliefs.

February 2 is a day of all kinds of secular and non-secular celebrations. There are even more depending on the type of church you attend. Eastern Orthodox, Spanish and Brazilian churches have their own celebrations for example.

So on February 2, pick a celebration. The easiest,  is to watch Phil and see what he has to say about winter. Some years it gets a little exciting with Phil taking a nip out of a handler, but then if I were pulled out of my nice warm bed, I would probably do the same!

May spring come soon to those of us in the northern hemisphere!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission