There are a few colleagues and friends who are on a campaign to end bullying. Bullies used to be the problematic little kid in school who had a bad life, and took it out on others they perceived to be weaker or smaller than they were. Now bullies are that AND adults as well. There are bullies in the workplace, living spaces (like apartment complexes) and more than anywhere else, the internet.
We used to say people had "phone muscles" , this meant that they would say things on the phone they wouldn't say to your face. They would make anonymous calls and they would hang up on you. Then caller ID came along and that pretty much ended that. So now the place bullies hang out is the internet.
There is a story in the news about people making fun of a dying 9 year old neighbor, and others picking on children so badly that they caused kids to commit suicide. The sadder part of all this is that these are not kids doing this, but adults! I guess they never grew up and now they have a whole new outlet to act like a jerk.
We see and hear of it , and even experience it every day. I have yet in all my years to have a bully hurt my feelings , probably because I am a strong person who firmly believes in the Universe and Karma, but others do get effected, even to the point of taking their own life. I have friends of mixed race even being picked on in this day and age. I used to get in fights in school defending a cousin of mixed race, now the jerks are older, bigger, and just sad an example of a human.
When you use the internet to try to anonymously hurt someone, you are a bully. Bullies hide, they try to rally the troops against you, they call you names (I know we are talking about adults here), and my friend Abby says their favorite word is to call another person a "coward". It is how they feel about themselves. Bullies always feel powerless, so powerless they allow their anger to control them for days, weeks and even months. They try to get a negative reaction out of you, and will do just about anything to get it. Their goal is to upset you, your goal is to ignore them and let them pile up that Karma.
Don't even give in to bullies. All internet sources, from email sources to games to social networking sites , have ways to report bullying. It is a hot topic and laws are being passed in the internet community to stop bullying. When anyone threatens, or challenges you on the net , it is just like they did it to your face, the same rules and laws apply. Report any bullying to the internet sites and if the bullying continues, authorities. There are way too many jerks out there getting their jollies by attacking others. Children have died or committed suicide over this, it is evil stuff.
When someone is just "running off at the mouth", you can report them, and ignore them. They only show their true colors as they spew their hate. Ignore racist comments as much as possible and keep saying to yourself "Karma".
We are working towards a better place in 2012. That doesn't mean that there are still not total jerks out in the world who want to harm, anger, or even just try to make themselves feel better by attacking others. It doesn't matter what your skin color is, or your sexual preference. It doesn't matter who or what you believe in, as long as you do not try to force it on another person.
Remember to report all bullying, even if it is not happening to you directly, it is the only thinng that stops them in their tracks.
Do unto others.......
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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