There are always days when we feel like things aren't going well. When these days pile on top of each other, we have to ask ourselves "What is the Universe trying to get me to change?". The Universe is VERY good at sending out messages, we just tend to get in our own way. We don't want to understand the messages.
There have been people in my life that I give suggestions to, and their answers are always excuses as to why they "can't". When it boils down to it, it is not that they "can't" it is that they "don't want to", then they go on being stuck and complain about being stuck. I can't unstick them, only they can unstick themselves. It starts with removing "I can't" from the lexicon.
When you are "stuck in a rut", you have made the rut and only YOU can pull yourself out of the rut, but it will take direct, consistent action. What is the Universe trying to push you towards? Where does it want you to go? What it is trying to tell you? Most times it is very obvious, yet we ignore it. The longer you try to ignore the Universe, the more insistent it becomes to the point of making things go sideways in your life. The Universe gives gentle nudges when it starts trying to send messages, and those can become so much of a shove that you have dire things happen, like losing your home, getting sick. Accidents, illness, financial issues are WAKE UP CALLS, not punishments.
I have watched people run headlong into disaster, trying to pull them back by their shirt tails only to have them jump into a bigger mess when I turn my attention elsewhere. It is a shame what unhappiness surrounds me in people who are bright, intelligent , strong, and talented. They just won't make a change or take a chance. They want perfection delivered to their doorstep, and delivered now. It doesn't work that way.
It took me years to get the message for myself, and interpret it, but then I acted on it immediately, and things immediately got better. I set realistic goals and time frames, took steps towards the goals instead of trying to jump a million yards and land squarely on success all at once. The goals were reached quickly and relatively easily.
Now I am at the happiest place ever in my life and it is all because I have learned to turn all my questions over to the Universe. I am not afraid, not negative, and not thinking I am being punished. I stay strong, toss negative people out of my life, and stay among positive, productive energy. I don't say "I can't" when I can, but don't want to. I don't say "I can't" when the answer really is "it won't be easy". The pushes and lessons from the Universe are not what they were. They are suggestions instead of insistent pushes. Things rarely come up where I have to make a difficult change, but if that happens again, I will make that difficult change, because I have found that it ALWAYS releases the log jam.
So everyone's home work assignment is difficult this weekend.This takes ACTION on your part.
First, are you not happy? If you really are happy, then go and have a good time this weekend.
If not, WHY? What is it that you are not happy with? Do you have realistic expectations and goals? If you do, work towards them, if not CHANGE them to realistic ones and attainable ones.Take on the biggest one first, it will probably solve the smaller ones. Deal with the important ones first like job and financial issues, not "finding a partner". When you are awesome and have your act together, you will have an awesome partner. When you are a mess, you will attract a mess.
Are you working towards those goals or just waiting for some magic to happen? If you aren't working towards them GET TO WORK. Today is the best day to start.
Are you getting listening to the Universe or telling it "I can't"? Because if the Universe is telling you to do something, you CAN. When you are telling the Universe "I can't", you will go NOWHERE. You are stuck, and until you change your attitude, nothing good will happen.
Are you willing to make changes? If you are not, you are stuck. The Universe isn't punishing you, YOU are punishing you.
So, now you have your changes, you accept them, you have realistic goals, a plan on how to reach them, you are working towards the goals. KEEP GOING!!
By Sunday night, everyone should have their forward momentum that needs it. No excuses. NONE. NONE AT ALL. There are NO VALID excuses for being stuck. The Universe will never make you stuck. Only you will.
Have a productive weekend!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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