Tuesday, January 8, 2013


You have all heard me talk about fear. When you make decisions out of fear, you will ALWAYS make the WRONG decision. Last night a friend sent me an email of gun "facts". I researched them , not one of them was accurate. They weren't accurate becasue the author wasn't striving to be truthful or accurate, they were striving to make a point, scare people, and get a reaction.The other part of it was that the logic was flawed, and one statement had nothing to do with the others.

A "fact" on this list, was that 195,000 are killed annually by medical malpractice. First of all this email was trying to show that other things kill more people than guns. When you look up all the numbers, you will find that actually the opposite is true from the faked statistics this email listed. It also is what you call flawed logic. Any 5th grader will tell you that saying something like "my turtle killed more people than my rock, so we need to outlaw turtles and leave the rocks alone", is flawed logic. It makes no sense, and isn't true. We learn how to compare in grade school, but apparently forget as adults. They are apples and oranges, just because turtles kill 5 people and rocks only 4, doesn't mean we shouldn't try to remedy both. The answer is NOT "leave the rocks alone". This isn't a numbers game.

The "fact" that most entertained me, was that the medical malpractice number wasn't just skewed a little, or fancied up, it was MORE THAN DOUBLE the real number. Now, I know people pretty up their numbers here and there, round up or down to make a point, but DOUBLE??
People write this crap becasue they know that people will swallow it whole. People do, the person who sent it to me did...and yes I sent it back with the REAL FACTS and links to the information.

I ask all of you to CHECK OUT THE REAL FACTS before passing on, reprinting, or in any way redistributing "information", especially on the WORST source of information , Facebook placards. Never pass along scaremail or anything that tries to misinform, or put fear into other people. That is disgraceful. It is BEING A BULLY (see things my way, even if I have to lie to you!).

There is no room in 2013 for people to mislead, lie, cause fear or bully others. RESEARCH and make sure that you get REAL information before passing it on.

The Universe doesn't need more fear and misinformation, don't be part of the problem , be part of the solution!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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