How is the new year going? It is pretty much going to stay the same through the year, so if you got off to a good start, then a good year, if it got off to a bad start, batten down the hatches. Now I don't mean little things like the annual flu, or it snowed a foot. I mean life events, changes, and general feeling. Your abundance, your attitude and faith in the world.
This year I have seen things shift. Usually it happens quietly in the background and you may even have to look backwards to find it. It is many times subtle. This year won't be subtle. When you mess up, you will know it, and when and how. You will see why things go sideways.
People will have life altering events this year. Some good, some not so good. Grandma used to say that the "chickens come home to roost", and they will this year, more than ever. They already are. Those who are , as I say, "doing the right thing for the right reasons", will see rewards. Those who aren't, or who are doing truly bad things, will see Karma. Those who wish for Karma to visit others, will get it themselves. Never wish and hope and pray for divine retribution on another person, the Universe has it all in hand, when ,where, and how. When you put out that "hate", because that IS what it is, you will get it back in turn. It isn't worth it. Let the Universe, God, or whatever Higest Power you resonate with , handle it.
When you have faith in life and hand over the "major stuff" to the Universe, things get taken care of properly and smoothly. Just because YOU want your ex to suffer, doesn't mean the Universe thinks he or she should. When you wish evil on them, YOU get the lesson!
I have seen so many people living in anger and fear. The changes , whether they realize it or not, are being felt, and making them uncomfortable. They can blame it on a number of things, but the anger, discomfort and fear is NOT coming from without. It is coming from within.
It is sad to see so many live that way, there is no need for it.
You can't immediately change the way things are going, it is "pay the piper" time. However, what you CAN do, is make sure that you are on a good path. Drop the anger and fear, drop the hate. Live positively and lovingly, and things will shift. The Universe is more responsive now. Do good, get good back every time, and quickly, do bad and Karma will be the least of your worries.
Remember that you are a member of a world community. This world is so intertwined , and that is the way it is supposed to be, that there is not a way to live without the rest of the world. We give and take, and like a family, sometimes the balance is out of whack, but when one member fails, the whole family takes the hit. We are supposed to be intertwined, and we will be. We have to learn to stop the hate, the fear, the greediness, and the ME ME ME. It is US US US. Like it or not, and that is the Universe's decision. Charity begins at home, yes, but only BEGINS.
When you find yourself hating, fearing, and angry at the world, the way things are, and your life. Make changes to YOU, it is the only thing that you can change right now, for the better, and have a say in. It is where it all will need to begin. It is the only place it CAN begin.
Remember that old song, "Let there be peace on earth"? It had the lyrics" Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now...." It was a song of the times, and it was because of where we were in time and world events. Yet people miss the real crux of the song. Let it begin with me. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? You can't create peace with angry words, thoughts, and snide comments. It isn't about pointing fingers, it is about YOU being the best you can be right now. It is not about hate, it is about helping others, no matter who, where they live, or what they do.
So, if you want the year to go well, and life to improve, then step up. Make good decisions NOT based on fear, hate, and retribution. It will not only being the right thing to do, but it will bring you peace, abundance and reward. Anger, hate and retribution based responses will not only result in lessons, and negative results, but even your health. Cancer is more prevalent in angry people.
It is well worth it! It benefits you, the world, and those directly around you.
Change is made when YOU change, and YOU take DIRECT action. It is not meant through hate, arguing, sarcasm, and fear. It is not made by name calling, finger pointing and hate.Happiness begins inside of you, not in work changes, government changes, world changes. Please be a part of the positive change in the world, not part of the problem. It will benefit you, me and the rest of the world.
Do the right things for the right reasons, and the answer to the title of this blog will be "Awesome, abundant, happy and healthy!"
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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