Wednesday, March 27, 2013

NEVER wish Karma on anyone!

This is a conversation I have at least once a day with someone. It seems to be that we have become a vengeful society. We are not here to learn how to wish ill on anyone. Certainly not people we once loved.

Karma works in its' own way. It is superefficient, and puts whatever you could come up with to shame. It does its' job without malice however. Karma is a teaching tool, not a punishment. Karma is there to teach a lesson to a person in a way that is meaningful to THEM, NOT to you. It is a way that the Universe continues taking people to a higher place, not beating them down.

When we have hurts in life, we need to look at them and say "Where did I go wrong?". It may be you just picked the wrong person to be with, or maybe there was more to your actions that you may not want to look at , but need to. Did you pick that person because they had something you wanted? Money? Ability to help you move up in the world? Because then a break up is YOUR Karma being delivered. Sometimes the "wrong" is simply that we made a bad choice, or a quick and desperate choice. The break up is the Universe putting things to right, and that does not mean that just because you are unhappy Karma gets visited on the other person.

To top all of it off, bad things happen. They happen to everyone, even good people. They happen less and less severely to good people, but they happen. This is school, not "heaven" we have the yin and the yang, good and bad, black and white, without all of that the Universe could not function. Bad things will happen. They have to! Accept them. learn from them, adapt, and move on!

The WORST thing that you can do is wish something bad happens to someone. The worst you could do is wish vengeful thoughts on another person. Once you do that, you bring that energy to YOU. People who pray every day for something bad to happen to another in retribution, get the "retribution" not the person they are wishing it on. Then they wonder why their lives are not going well, and the other person seems to be happy and moving right along.

Karma strikes when the time and situation are right, not right away so you can revel in the situation. The Universe is trying to protect you, if it allows you to be happy that something bad happened to someone else, then YOU are due for Karma, and since you are such a fan of it, it will visit you long and hard.

Whatever you put out there comes back to you, multiplied, and depending on how you see things, from threefold to tenfold. Just once is more than you really want to experience. When you wish swift retribution every day, the Universe gives YOU swift retribution, right in the back of the head.

Maybe the Universe didn't intend for you to be with someone at all. Your free will pushed it, you achieved it, and then ,since the Universe always gets it's way, you lost it. You cannot then wish retribution on a person that you should never have been with in the first place. Maybe, just maybe, what you wanted with all your heart, a person, a job, a situation, was never supposed to be yours in the first place.When you wish Karma on that, who do you think gets the Karma? You do , for trying to bend the Universe's plan into something you preferred. Sometimes we can change things to the way we prefer, but sometimes we cannot, and when we force that, we cause issues, and it is no one's fault, but our own.

NEVER wish Karma on a person.It is not a weapon, and not a punishment! Rest assured the Universe will take care of everything, even delivering it to you, if it has to.

Do the right things for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr> R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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