Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yes, lots of people know......I do!

I had a chuckle yesterday, I keep hearing from a person who should know, that no one knows what the other side is like. Really? I do. I may not know all the details, but I bet I know most of them. There are thousands of bits of information out there. There are classes galore, programs, and books with information from psychics , mediums, and channels. There are entire programs of information from ascended masters. There are people who had NDEs, or who astral travel. There are even people shown and taught information that is just there to be passed on.

Many people don't get into the metaphyscial, and that is OK, but if it is part of what you do and who you are, you best know what the other side is like, otherwise how do you effectively investigate it? Anyone can find an elephant while stumbling around in the jungle, but when you know what the elephant eats, where they sleep and how they migrate, you can quickly go and find one without being told where they are and how to photograph them. You don't have to go yelling through the brush with big sticks hitting and destroying the elephant's habitat as you go.

When you understand the metaphysical, you will have no issue getting evidence, and also have no issue with yourself if you don't get any. Every place on this planet has spirits , EVERY place. Not every place has spirits that want to talk to you, and that is OK. Just like we don't have to give in to being disturbed in our home , ie haunted, they don't either! Some are simply your great aunt Edna following you around to see how you are doing. Some are suicides stuck in a location, some are people who still firmly believe they live in that house and that you are a trespasser. Some are afraid to cross, or aren't sure how, some need help. Some have no faith or basis for an image of the afterlife and freeze up.I remember the first time I met an authentic medium, she said, you do know you have five energies around you all the time? I didn't. I knew there were some, but five? Wow, I have an entourage!

Not only do you need to research the metaphysical field to find out about "the other side", but there are books and classes by scientists (yes it has finally happened), that explain how all this metaphysical "stuff" is not really anything strange. They have already firmly identified ELEVEN dimensions (and you thought there were only three), and they are all alongside or even right through us as we move about in our dimensions. They understand how an energy can exist in those dimensions and will be happy to explain it to you. They can also explain how we can move through what we think of as "solid" matter like walls and doors.

So when someone says to you "we really don't know anything about the other side", then walk away and find one of the millions that does know. The problem is many get all they know from edited TV shows. There isn't a lot of info there, and these folks mostly are not looking to do anything except gather evidence of an afterlife. The exception to the rule is Dead Files, where they actually give solutions to help. Find someone whose education goes beyond Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures.

I had a certificate (I was still in high school so could not complete the 4 year college course) in parapsychology, before many of these people were ghost hunting, and before some of them were born (this was in 1977). I then moved on to complete a bachelors in psychology, then a ministerial degree, and attended one of two accredited universities to obtain my masters and doctorate in metaphysical sciences. Along the way I became a reiki master; studied with a medium, several psychics, and a tarot card master. They all knew their craft well, not just what they did , but how it worked and why. So when people say "no one knows" I am astounded! Maybe they need to read a few books!

The same people probably don't realize we also have what we term as "angels" around us, but we have Guides, Helpers, Runners, Gatekeepers, and more. There is all kinds of stuff right next to you. You don't have to "hunt" ghosts, they and other beings are always right there next to you!

We know the structure of the other side at this point (seven levels), and we know there is no "hell" (but the lowest level of what we term "heaven" doesn't have many "perks") . We know that we can stay there, move on (back to another life), or come back and visit. We know suicides stay where they die if they don't cross all the way over (the Bible calls that in between space Purgatory, and most ghosts call it home). When they do cross all the way over suicides are counseled and sent back to do it all over again. We know we live in soul groups of 112 souls and we are all important to the learning and development of the others in our soul group. We know that there is always a light to go to, but for some it is a pinpoint, not the bright light of movies, and that depends on several factors. We know so much more, this is just the basics that every Metaphysician knows! These aren't secrets, or things that are hard to find outlets to learn.

We know how to manifest, how to get help from the other side and even how to cleanse out evil and negative energy. We know about protection, grounding, and because we know all this, we know to RESPECT the other side. When you are going "retro Zach Bagans" on a spirit you may be yelling at a man who called that place home for 40 years and doesn't know he passed, he thinks you are an intruder; maybe you are yelling at an angel, a guide, a helper. That oesn't get you any bonus points for YOUR afterlife.

Zach learned the hard way that was not the right way to do things. Make sure that you respect the other side whether they are confused spirits or energy that is there for your benefit. They are not to be yelled at. What about "bad" spirits? Do you think yelling at a psychopath is a good idea? A murderer? That may get you some good swear words on tape, but did that solve anything, make anything better? Did it get your answers, or solve the problem? You don't scare them, they aren't going to leave because you came in and yelled at them. What it did was get you a sound bite and a homeowner with a bigger mess on their hands. That is pure drama for the TV show ratings, not what professionals do (well even the TV shows don't do it any more thank goodness).

I have written several blogs on why you should never provoke, they are there for the reading, but do not allow anyone to tell you that "no one knows what the other side is like", because there are millions who do.

Read, research, learn and grow.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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