Tuesday, April 30, 2013


A few tidbits caught my eye yesterday....and Matt's, and some reader friends, and another friend who made a comment to me about something he read on Facebook.....They all don't constitute a whole blog, or have already BEEN in a whole blog...but let's just run a miscellaneous list.

1) This one sadly came up a few times yesterday. Do not allow anyone to bully you into doing something you don't want to do. It started with a person who had her BF say he would leave if she wouldn't participate in a swingers lifestyle...and we don't mean dancing. When someone wants to force you to do something against your core being and beliefs, they don't love you, they love themselves. When you give an ultimatum, be ready to stand good on it. There are good times to give ultimatums, such as "if you don't get help for your drug addiction, I will no longer enable you, not a dime will come out of my pocket. Get help, or get out of my life".

2) Never allow yourself to live in fear. Fear usually fosters hate, and it always causes you to make bad decisions, as they are not logical decisions but irrational reactions. You will believe anything that supports your theory, even if it is totally ridiculous. You end up being a person who is bitter and usually alone, or with a small circle of like minded people. Anger, hate and fear cause illnesses , most prevalently cancer. It isn't worth it spiritually, mentally, physically. I see people posting hateful post after hateful post and fearful post after fearful post on social networking sites. They are on a mission . Nothing about their lives, unless a disaster hits. Nothing funny that happened to them, goals they reached, things their family or friends, did, or interests they have, just hate, fear, and rage. Don't get into that trap. It leads nowhere.

3) I saw a blog someone wrote about traits of an empath. It was 99% BS. Empaths are simply people who feel the emotions of others. They don't know things, can't tell the future or past. They aren't psychic, they aren't mediums. They just pick up on other people's emotions. Period. When they watch a commerical and cry, and they are the only ones there, that is THEIR emotion, not being an empath. All the other things they listed were traits of emotional people, and people with emotional ISSUES, not empaths. The list could just as easily apply to bi-polar, schizophrenics, dramatic personalities, those suffering from depression, and people who imagine themselves to be somehow "gifted". Be careful what you read on the net!

4) Suicides will never be your guide, neither will family members. Your guide is with you from birth, and it is NEVER a person you knew in life. A guide can have been a suicide several lifetimes ago, but not the last one!

5) The Muslim religion is not a bad religion in any way. There are extremists, but they do not reflect the beliefs of the majority of Islam. No one condemned Catholicism when the IRA was blowing up everything in sight....so don't condemn Islam for idiot suicide bombers. The extremists are to Islam what the Westboro Baptist Church is to Christianity!

That was enough for one day wasn't it! We will see what today brings, although I have a feeling it will be more of the same.

meanwhile...Do the right things for the RIGHT reasons. Research, learn and grow. Pass on nothing until you completely verify it, and never allow anyone to bully you or your children!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Why we have people in our lives.....are you one of the 'good ones"?

The Universe sends us 111 others to go through life with. They are our core soul group. Can we shun them and close ourselves off? We can if we really try, but then the burden falls on us to learn life's lessons on our own. A task that is virtually impossible. Guess what you get to do all over again? Walk the same Earthwalk.

Our goal on this earth is to grow, to learn, to raise our vibration and to teach in our soul group (and even beyond it). We are here to be "social" in the scientific sense of the word. We are here to share and treat others as we would want to be treated.We are here to explore differences, not huddle in similarities.

People are NOT in our lives to "complete us", do for us, enable us, make our lives easier, or to be used and abused in any way. It is a teaching learning exchange, even with children. If you have learned nothing from your children, you are one unplugged parent....and I don't mean in the sense of learning where they hide the cookies or how to program your iphone.

Life is supposed to be an equal exchange, and our job is to keep it equal. Giving and taking, learning and teaching, comforting and being comforted. Life is all about balance, the yin and the yang. Once that goes out of whack, things start to go badly.

Relationship partners are not there to entertain us so we don't feel lonely. They aren't there to pay our bills, watch our kids (or raise them), or to take care of our home.

A frequent reader said I don't talk about kids enough, so on this point, let's talk kids. Kids aren't here to do our housework, or be adults IN ANY WAY. Yes, kids need to have responsibilities that are age appropriate, but to learn responsibility and grow, not to have their day sucked up by work and discipline, or make your life easier. They are not to be told they are lazy or dumb in any way, shape,or form if it isn't done exactly the way you would do it. You have experience, practice, and hopefully a fully formed brain, you will do it better every time, so get over it. There should be no punishment if it isn't done correctly, but a coaching opportunity. This isn't the army. Kids are nurtured not pounded into being adults.

People talk to their kids like they are their employees that they are about to fire, then wonder why the kids are afraid to do anything.  Don't stifle your children , or your partners, allow them to grow! Facilitate that growth. Children need play, not work. They need a parent, not a best friend. They need direction and instruction, not marching orders.

Growth can't be facilitated if the child has their nose buried in their cell phone or other electronic device. Limit times they can use them and get them outside! You learn more about life by interacting with people, and life experiences, than you do an electronic device of any kind. They also build up more antibodies and are healthier.Play is the perfect way for kids to learn about life , people, differences and challenges. Children NEED to interact with children who have other ways, experiences and lives. They need that exposure to live in the real world.

We also have people in our lives to learn about differences. There are difference races, religions, nationalities, and lifestyles in this world. None are bad. All are different. Judge people on an individual basis, is this a good person for me to have in my life or not? Then move on that decision. When you immediately condemn someone based on your unknowing , or your prejudicial opinion, you are the person who should be out of the lives of other people. No one race, nationality, or way of life is bad. Not one. There are bad people out there, but no bad religions, races, or nationalities. When you react negatively to anyone based on anything other than their individual personality, you are prejudicial and hateful. Those are not qualities we are here to learn.

Starting with the current media events....Russians are not bad people, Muslims are not bad people. Mexicans, Catholics, Chinese, Taoists, are all ....NOT bad people. Do bad people exist in these groups? Of course they do. They also exist in every group YOU are part of. Should we condemn you too?? Maybe we should as being prejudice. People are people. We all have different ways of getting to the same goal. We all want the same things. We all want a safe, temperate, place to be, with food in our bellies and freedom to be who we are. Every person in the world wants the same thing. Some have it, some abuse it, so strive for it. Be thankful if you have it.

God/Creator/Allah/Yahweh put all these different people on this earth, every last one of them, even the ones you hate or fear. How can you hate or fear one of the Universe's creations? They are here to learn from. We are here to learn from. There is always good and bad in everyone, the hope is that the good outweighs the bad. Find the good in everyone and guard against the bad yes, but do not assume bad in a person just because they are different.

Hating any ethnic/religious group of people is ignorant. Ignorance is not only not knowing, but not WANTING to know! It is fear reflected as hate. When you do not personally know an individual, don't say a bad word about them. When you do , it is OK to warn others (don't allow plumber "Brokenpipe" into your home he floods every house he goes to), but it is not OK to make a blanket statement about any race, religion, or creed.

People are in our lives for learning and teaching.....how much learning have you done lately...have you slammed the door on any communication because of a label?

Walk the talk.....going to church every Sunday and hating any group, is not religious, spiritual, or intelligent. It is hypocritical, hateful, and ignorant.

Do unto others......

People are in our lives as a learning experience.....LEARN and GROW!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Posing questions

I have been spending the morning writing. Writing all KINDS of things, but I do want to take a moment to go over something that is important. How to ask a question when you are getting a reading.

There is a lot or importance to asking a question. When I ask people what their question is , I many times get a "question" that is not really a question.

It is rediculous to ask "When will I be happy?". The answer is, WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO DO SO.
People CHOOSE to be happy. Mother Teresa was happy up to her knees in muck and sick people, that wouldn't make many others happy. You are responsible for your happiness. No one else, not the Universe, not your friends. YOU.

Another example is that when asked what the question is I get a topic, like "Romance". Romance is NOT a question. Psychics get signs and symbols. We may say things and we know what we mean, and you, with your hidden information may be interpreting it differently. We cannot interpret all the signs and symbols without knowing what we are asking about.

Many times I start to explain and the person then gives me the details and it makes perfect sense, but they are still puzzled. When I explain it further they have an "AHA" moment. Why waste the time? Ask the question! Many times I will see a person has an attachment. It may be a live person in their lives, or just an emotional blockage of an old relationship. Both are dealt with entirely differently. Why waste the time? Let's get to the question so the reader can easily see what it is attached to and explore options.

Never play "test the psychic" it ALWAYS backfires. First off, the Universe gives you back what you put in, if you put in malice , it gets nasty. It isn't worth it. Like energy attracts like energy. I had a gal ask the other day when she would have some more closings. Now if I say to the Universe, "when is the next closing" it doesn't really make sense. Readers go by the assumption that you are not asking a question you have the answer to. We need to be open and trusting to let information flow, and get answers. I asked the question of the Universe when she would be closing new deals (as I assume she wants to know when money is coming in). No, she was playing games. I told her I was getting 2-3, most likely months as they would be new deals and need to be formed. She said...oh I have a closing on Monday (2-3 days from the reading). I said...WHY would I ask about that? I am not going to ask about things you know already.

Now I don't know if it will be 2-3 months or  not. She just paid me to tell her something she already knew. What a waste of our time, my energy and her money.

Most people seriously want help and are willing to hear options and information that will help htem make informed choices. People like the one above just frustrate us and make us need to go out and ground ourselves.

A reading is teamwork. You GET out of it, what you put INTO it. Why put in BS?

Don't ask a question that won't answer your predicament. My all time favorite is "Does he love me?". Let's say the answer is Yes....yes, BUT he will never leave his wife; yes BUT he is committeemen phobic; yes BUT he has emotional issues and cannot keep that connection without self sabotaging it; yes BUT he is a priest and will never leave the priesthood (I have had that question). Don't ask a question formed around what you want to hear. Explain what you want to know and allow the reader to help form the questions for you. Experienced and talented readers will know exactly how to get to the answer, and it may take picking at it a bit. When you are so mistrustful that you are holding back, the Universe will hold back. You have to be open to get a good reading. You may not LIKE the answer, but at least you will get true information.

LISTEN to the answer. This is part of what I was just writing about and part of listening. I had a person ask when her boyfriend would be totally back in her life. I told her 2 months. She said...You failed the test. He kissed me yesterday. OK, on what planet is a guy who kisses you totally back in your life? This is why you have to be clear. To me, your ex kissing you isn't a marriage proposal, nor even a monogamous relationship.....heck it doesn't even mean a relationship at all! I looked at him again and told her, wait and see what happens, he will be in and out and more serious in 2 months. She said "no you are wrong", and hung up. It isn't what she wanted to hear. I didn't fail the test, she did. I can tell you right now that this is a relationship that will never endure.

Tell the reader what you are trying to find out and what roadblocks you fear, then you will get a quick, concise, true answer. Playing games and making a psychic pick at things when you are paying by the minute is shooting yourself in the foot!

Also a little pearl of information. NEVER pay any reader extra to "remove a dark cloud", or "curse". This is a way of fleecing you from your cold hard cash. You don't have to pay for spells either. Manifesting is using the same energy as spells. Doing it yourself has added power and benefits.

Do the RIGHT THINGS for the RIGHT REASONS and the world will pay you back in wonderful abundance.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Birdcage Theater, and other high energy places.

Yesterday my husband and I returned from another wonderful trip to the desert southwest. I love the area, and lived in Nevada and New Mexico for about 3-4 years. I return every year for a "fix" until we can retire there. I introduced my husband to Sedona 5 years ago, and he is a convert. He loves it as much as I do.

This year I thought I would throw in a little twist. Last year the twist was a weekend in Albuquerque for the "Gathering of Nations". The biggest pow wow in the country. We learned so much, met so many wonderful people, and had a blast.

This year I tossed in Tombstone. Tombstone is best known for the gunfight at the OK Corral between the Earps and Mc Laury's. History, and even the re-enactment, show Wyatt as a hero. History tells us, not so much. Did the Mc Laury's bring on their own demise? Well I would say a month of threatening to kill the Earp brothers would probably do it, and in the old west once you put your hand on your gun, you were either going to shoot or get shot. The Mc Laury's got shot. The wild card in the bunch, no pun intended , was Doc Holliday. To me, Doc was the most interesting piece of the puzzle. He would be a person I would have liked to have met. He was smart, complex, interesting, and never missed a shot, although he wasn't in very many gunfights either. He was also very sick with tuberculosis. His reputation scared most people away. The Earps weren't choirboys. Wyatt was arrested many times for various things, and his two common law wives were prostitutes (it was legal in Tombstone in the 1800's).

So that is the mundane.....now the metaphysical.

The town of Sedona is becoming a bit of a tourist mecca. It was a spiritual mecca, and that is still there and active as always, but it is getting a bit crowded. There is traffic, and the place is packed on weekends. It is hard Thursday through Monday to get a seat at many restaurants.( I really have a hard time butying this recession bullcrap). Yet, when you get out on those trails, or in the creek, you can feel all that healing , positive energy flowing through it. It is a place of wonderful energy, and a few claimed vortices. The vortex phenomenon is a bit over rated and there are places where they are supposedly located,where there isn't much going on.It is swirling energy, it is natural, like the tides, not metaphysical really at all.

I remember hiking to a stop of a claimed vortex one year to find a bunch of women at the top of a public trail, blocking the path, and meditating. We all had to wait 15 minutes to continue up the trail. Then these wonderful creatures of love and compassion piled rocks in trees creating cairns known as hoodoos. All they made was a mess, and trust me, rocks DO NOT belong in trees. Then they hugged each other, took pictures, never for a moment, saying.."oh we are finished, go on through" . A prime example of people who think they are spiritual, actually thinking only about themselves. Hopefully they have found a spot where they aren't blocking a public trail to meditate now.

The people who live there are really wonderful , and all admit, they were called there. They all say the most interesting things when they see you , or when you leave their shops like...."continue to do good things", "celebrate the day", "enjoy the beauty of Sedona". It sure beats, "have a nice day". I just hope all the "tourists" don't ruin it! There is a saying to keep in mind when you travel "be a visitor, not a tourist!"

One day we headed to Jerome. Jerome is haunted. It is an "official" ghost town , as is Tombstone, but people do live there and thrive there. It has become an artistic community full of fun and interesting people. All are sweet, wonderful, and funny. There are the most unusual and funky clothes and jewelry made by locals, a winery we LOVE, art, food, and the haunted Jerome Hotel. You may have seen it on Ghost Adventures. I have not rented a room there yet, although I always say I will, we just run out of time....but it is haunted, and so are many of the other buildings. Many died horrible deaths there. Mining accidents (Jerome is an old mining town), disease, fights, and buildings literally sliding down the mountain from all the blasting going on underneath them. The hotel was a hospital, so that explains a lot. There are haunted bed and breakfast establishments, and restaurants. The energy is different from Sedona, but it is very much there, and worth the trip even if you just want to shop or dive into the history of it all! There are remains of buildings that have had the roofs cave in, or walls fall down, they add to the "haunted ghost town" feel.

Tombstone is the site of the famous gunfight at the OK Corral, maybe you saw one of several movies made about it. It is where either The Earps brought "lead justice" to the wild cowboys, or murdered innocent men, depending on how you see it.Wyatt wasn't the local sheriff as many believe, his brother was, and he had been deputized by his brother before the gunfight, and so had Doc Holliday. The OK Corral is said to be haunted, and it may be. I didn't feel anything there, but there were also MANY live people there, and that muddies the waters. However, the town has an aura about it. It still has the feel of a friendly place that can get dangerous at any minute. After Tombstone we visited Boot Hill. Boot Hill doesn't have a ghostly aura about it. I think all the ghosts are in town drinking and playing cards and shooting pool.Some of the grave markers however are very entertaining.

The cherry on top of the Tombstone experience, for those of you who like haunted places, is the Birdcage Theater. I went hoping it would be great, but thinking that maybe a lot of it was tourist nonsense...although I was sure it was haunted. It isn't tourist nonsense. We easily found it, and the funny part is, there are crowds of people all along the wooden sidewalk of Tombstone, but not so much in front of the Birdcage. You can feel the "spooky" from the outside and I am sure many who don't really know why, just don't want to go there.

It is amazing. History-wise and ghost-wise. The Birdcage was closed down when the mine flooded and the town went bust. Everyone pretty much got up and left. Later it was opened to just "store" a few things, like a hearse, barber chair, and equipment from the town and mines. It is a treasure trove of history.

The front room is a bar area and if you tune in , you can feel it....that feeling you get when you are in a haunted place. Some of you know what I mean, many of you have yet to find out. It isn't being scared, or nervous, it is more like just feeling energy throb out of a place. Like there are hundreds of people in a little space. It is hard to explain. You feel like there are a bunch of people right next to you and you can't see them. The bar is where they take your money, either for a self guided tour, or a night time guided ghost hunt. We weren't able to stay for that, but guess what we are doing next year....

The place is so very haunted, you don't need a night time tour. I pushed open the door and stepped into the main area and WOW....it was like it was Saturday night, 1881 and the place was packed! I said...this place is haunted for sure! Matt said it sure is, and then saw someone (who wasn't in this dimension), run up the short stairway next to the stage. I heard many noises coming from the "cribs" thinly disguised as theater boxes, above the main area.It just was as if something or someone was always moving around. I didn't even have to open up, there are ghosts there that really don't care if you hear them or see them, they are going about their business. Maybe the high energy comes from the fact that there are so many there. Tombstone claims to have buried a body a day, and the claim is true....

We walked around a while in the main room then headed up the short stairway to behind the stage. I was looking at pictures of the "soiled doves" on the wall and swore Matt was standing next to me. I could feel him, hear him scratch an itch, and sigh. I turned around and..... he wasn't there. There is a partial wall, and I walked all the way around it , sure he was there, he wasn't. He was all the way on the other side of the building looking at the Black Mariah hearse. I told him , and he said, yeah someone ran up those stairs, and is over here too. I could hear voices and looked downstairs through a grill by the stage which is an entrance to the wine cellar. There were two people down there, so I chalked it up to that. Later as the same voices continued after the people had left the building (and Matt and I were the only ones in there), I realized it wasn't them, but voices from unseen people.

The ghosts are just going about their business, things move slightly, chairs creak, backdrops sway. You hear sighs, words, movements, including people scratching an itch on a body that has disappeared from this earth a long time ago.

I wanted to go downstairs, it is a place where a lot of activity happens. I walked down and directly across the room is a crib. They have the door panels removed so you can see in, nothing has been touched since the girls left. Behind me is a poker table. Matt was still coming down the stairs, and I distinctly heard cards being shuffled. I turned and for an instant saw a card game, then it was gone. Every time you looked one place something moved just to the right or left. This building has the card hands left on the table when people got up and closed up the buildings. It has the sheets on the beds in the cribs, and glasses & bottles left on the bar. It has the original wallpaper, peeling in may places but still there, it is all original. Never touched.

There are marvelous historical things down there too, but there are also a bunch of people who maybe didn't like the way the town "ended" and wanted to continue the fun. The Birdcage is worth the trip.

Walking down the main street in town there are little signs ever few feet telling you who was shot to death on that spot. It was a violent and rowdy town. The sign on the entrace to Boot Hill says "Leave your gun outside, the grave yard is full".

We went from peaceful Sedona to avant garde' haunted Jerome, to VERY haunted, rowdy Tombstone. I think it would be awesome to just stroll down the middle of the street in Tombstone around 2 AM and see "who" I would meet.  I didn't hear any talk about my friend who believes she was reincarnated from a soiled dove there (funny that I know 2 people who have that claim, I guess we do stay in our soul groups!) so they aren't still talking about her, maybe because she didn't stay and continue to participate in the fun! The fun is still going on at the Birdcage, and maybe next year I can document it for you! I still have a bunch of photos to check out. Only time will tell! The Birdcage policy is you cannot publish photos without their permission, so they probably won't be published here. I will try to publish an outside shot of the building though.

Enjoy, and really study history. It is rarely what you learn in the movies, and rarely is actually history. Much of it is still going on!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Metaphysical terms

Many times callers will ask for certain talents, or misunderstand a word used. The sad part is many terms are thrown around by people who don't know what the terms mean, and mislead people. Today for an easy Friday blog before my bi-annual week of rest, I am going to go over some terms.

Here are some terms you have probably heard, but many do not understand:

Querant- A person who asks questions about their situations to an adviser.

Let's talk about the "clairs". The prefix "clair" means "clear" , it is derived from the French language and talks about senses for obtaining information about the future. The clairs also can help some see past and present events. They are words to ONLY be used as describing divination skills.

Clairvoyant- Means "clear seeing" of future events. Nothing else. It means in your minds eye you can clearly see things. It means your messages come to you in visual clues and aspects. This "seeing" is not external, but on a screen in the seer's mind. It is symbols, faces, places, designed to answer questions for a querant.

Clairaudient- Means "clear hearing" of messages for themselves or others. It can be a word, or a sound like wedding bells.

Clairsentient- means "clear feeling", feeling the emotions of others or that the Universe sends as messages to demonstrate how a querant or person they are asking about will feel emotionally.

Claircognizant- Means "clean knowing". When asked a question by a querant, a claircognizant immediately knows the answer as if you asked them their name.

Psychometric - A person who can obtain messages by picking up an object. The energies where the object has been will be read and messages passed on. This is used mostly for past events.

Psychic- A person who is able to get answers from beyond the normal ways and means. A person who uses sharpened intuitive skills to receive answers in order to help others from beyond our normal 5 senses. They can see into the past, present and future and have a "clair" listed above or combination of them. They can get information on the dead although they do not directly converse with the dead. They sense spirits, and energies.

Medium- People who are born with the ability to directly converse with the dead.They can see the dead in different "states" from what they looked like at death to sparks of light. Different mediums see and converse in different ways, but it is always direct and clear.They can ask questions of the dead and get clear responses, these questions do not include psychic information of the future, but about the deceased and their lives and current situations.

Trance Mediums are not conscious of their messages and need to be told them later. Physical mediums allow a spirit to overtake some or all of their physical body to send messages. Mediums do not have to use either of these methods, but can just simply converse.

Psychics and mediums can also sense and communicate with the other beings out there from angels, guides, gatekeepers, to entities on the negative side of things.

Do not confuse this with seeing ghosts. When you think you have seen an apparition, it does NOT mean you are a medium or even psychic. You just caught the right energy at the right time. Anyone with an open mind and lack of fear can see a ghost.

Intuitive- A person who picks up on the energy in an area, which may come with some information, from a feeling to a name. They cannot however ask for information and receive it. They are like a radio, they get what is sent only. Everyone is intuitive, but true initiatives have this skill highly sharpened. They cannot control it, it just comes to them, but the information is still totally valid.

Scrying- Looking into any reflective surface for messages. A method used by psychics. An example is a crystal ball, however some also use water, ice and mirrors.

Tarot- A divination method used by psychics and non psychics. There are 78 cards divided into the major and minor arcana that used archetypes to send messages quickly and clearly.

Prophecy- The gift that allows people to see world events before they occur.They relay messages from higher sources.

Spiritual- A way of living brought about by a belief that there is a Higher Power in this Universe. It is living life knowing that we are here for lessons, and we try to learn them as best we can for hope of moving forward to a state of closeness to that Highest Power in another dimension (sometimes referred to as Heaven).

Remote viewer- A person who can send their mind and sense to another place across the miles to see and hear what is currently going on somewhere else. It is sending one's conscious to another physical place. This may or may not involve psychic activity and people can be trained to do this.

This is just the basics and scratching the surface. There is much more to it, and many more terms, but these are the most commonly tossed around. The sad part is today many WANT to be psychic. It has become popular where it used to be something that you were ridiculed for, even burned to death for. Many take intuition , which we all have, and try to present it as being psychic. Psychics can reach out and find answers, intuitives have information sent to them, if they try to seek information they cannot obtain it.

The hot ticket these days is mediumship. The only real mediums I have met are very pious , pure and genuine people. They have a very bright light around them, it is easy for a psychic (or medium) to spot a fake. Psychics also have a brighter light around them. There is so much to all of this, it is a whole class for another day. My psychic development classes actually have three full days of class schedules.

Don't be fooled by people who don't know the answers to how all this works, only those who are in clear and direct communication with their guides and the other side will have all the answers as to how the metaphysical world works. Metaphysicians will also have many answers but will not be able to describe the experience.

Many today not only fake things, or act things out because they really believe they have a skill, but there are also schizophrenics and other mental and emotional disorders that mimic psychic or mediumship skills. Beware the fakes and mentally ill.

Enjoy your week!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

But they don't know......KARMA!

I have talked to many folks over the past few days, we start off on one topic, and drift to another, and back again. There are people who don't like it when they are telling their experiences and what they are going through, and another talks about their issues. I do. It isn't all about me or them, it is about all of us. Sometimes it helps to see that others have had similar experiences, and sometimes it helps to see that others had worse experiences. Not that you wish ill on your friends , but sometimes it puts things in perspective. One thing we all agreed on, turned out to actually be two things. The one thing is, never allow someone to stomp all over you, and the other was never allow prejudice in any form. They can be the same thing if you are on the end of being treated unfairly. They kicker was that when we see people who were treated unfairly (or their family, ancestors or other loved ones were), and they turn around and treat others the same , unfair way, then we just know Karma will bite them on the butt, quickly and cleanly.

The second part of all that, always led to the same place, that the people who get smacked in the head by Karma rarely realize it. They think they are just perfect, and wonder why others have a life they don't. They don't know the answer to their question is Karma. Karma can be the reason yo are alone, living in undesirable conditions, feeling unwell, or are unhappy.

We were discussing how people we know, who are continually causing issues with others have a series of events that continually happen over and over, and they still don't get the message. They cause issues with people all the time, get Karma visits all the time, and don't' realize their crappy life is about KARMA.

They think they are perfect and that all the rest of you are messed up, so they wonder why they keep getting hit with issues. New health issue after new health issue, even people as young as in their 30's. No money at all, or no money to do anything but live paycheck to paycheck. No partner, bad partner, or a partner with issues that can't provide, help, or assist. Family issues, even as serious as death. We know a family that death follows around like a starving dog following a kid with a hot dog. It is bad, they are broke, unhappy, hurting, ill, and yet they don't see the hand of Karma in it all.

Now, don't get us wrong, every person who has an illness or issue is not being punished by Karma. They chose a hard path to walk in order to grow faster . We are talking about people who constantly cause their own issues, and get hit again and again leading to a miserable life. Those who cope and are happy and truly share with others, teach us how to overcome adversity and not to whine every time we get a paper cut.

Then the discussion went to "if they don't get that Karma is teaching them something, what good is it?". Good question. Only the really ego driven, the holier than thou , or mentally unstable, go through life that way, but there are more and more of them on this earth. They are the ones who have had miserable lives since they were adults, and continue to have miserable lives in all aspects. They then blame the cause of the misery on others. The Karma part for them will come at the end of their Earthwalk. It will be a hard lesson. It will involve lower levels of what some call "heaven" for them, and it will involve another really hard life. It isn't worth it, but they don't get it.

People think Karma is that energy that when you leave your girlfriend, after treating her badly, your next girlfriend will leave you after treating you badly. It rarely works that way, sometimes Karma is instant, and that would maybe get the message across better, but the Universe doesn't hand out punishment, it hands out lessons. Therein lies the reason why you don't see more "instant Karma". Sometimes it is as simple as feeling like crap after treating someone badly, or allowing that to happen. The "guilt" feeling, the "I should have helped that old lady pick up her groceries even if I was late" feeling. That is how Karma teaches you a lesson, you will stop and help next time, as you don't want that feeling again. It can be embarrassment, or any uncomfortable feeling.

Karma doesn't always cause a permanent change in people's lives. The event and lesson, and how many times Karma has tried to teach it, determine that.

Karma however, never misses an appointment for a lesson. It is the consummate and diligent teacher. It will be there, on time and teach a harsh lesson if needed.

When someone is unfair, unethical, unloving, uncaring....Karma will visit them. When they are devious and horrible, it will visit them swiftly. Many times you won't see their pain, but it is there, Karma doesn't take a day off.

Karma visits everyone , it is a teacher. It just teaches sometimes like your favorite grade school teacher that you loved and who inspired you, and other times it teaches like an angry lioness with a thirst for blood. Make sure you don't get the latter.

Rest assured Karma will catch up to everyone eventually.

You can lie, even to yourself, but never to the Universe, God, Creator, Yahweh........

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Women/Mixed drums....a reprise

A woman drummer asked me to dig this out of the archives. She and her husband who drum together, are always reaching out to erase ignorance, they do lectures. I write. They hand this blog out at a lecture they do on drumming. After a remark made yesterday they asked me to republish, and they are right, it needs to be, so here it is again, originally published in September 2012.


Small world and women drumming.....

Back in the days of my psych class we were taught something that had never dawned on me, once I got  bit more out into the world and different parts of the country , I began to see it more and more. When you are young and learn something, anything, you assume that this is how it is everywhere with everyone. You think every part of the country does things the same way, eats the same foods, thinks the same thing. It doesn't. We currently have so many ways of traveling around the country, we can be on opposite coasts in a matter of hours, where it took our ancestors months. We have mass media, social media, and we can talk to a human in another part of the world just by dialing a phone or checking Skype.The world is getting smaller.

Imagine how our ancestors had things. They may have learned different ways of doing things, new foods to grow, and new celebrations as time went on, but it took decades for those things to happen. There wasn't any quick and easy way until the mid to late 1800's, and the speed of things today is mind blowing compared to that.

There was a lot of discussion yesterday about drumming after coming off of a pow wow weekend. There is a great misconception out there that it is traditional for men only to drum. That is a HUGE misconception. I grew up learning that women were equal (if not actually having more status), in my family's tribes. Our tribes were mixed, there were a lot of people in a small area, and they loved each other, killed each other, captured each other, and married both indigenous people and outsiders. We were the melting pot before the US was a melting pot. Yet what my grandmother taught me , and what I had seen first hand was that women were the ones who did everything, so did men. The society was matrilineal , so the woman's bloodlines were followed. We had great women leaders and even women who led war parties, like Weetamoo. We had women healers. There was no "this is a man's job", or "this is woman's work". My grandmother and her sisters knew much history and had passed it down through the women of the family. I didn't get to spend much time with her, she was miles away with my Dad's side of the family, a man my Mother divorced before I was born. Yet, she passed on much of her knowledge in that short time.

When I traveled to other parts of the country I did notice that some people had a different view of things, but let's talk drumming. Most of the people I met off of the east coast when I moved to NV, and NM didn't have big drums. They used hand drums. Think about it. Not much wood and large hides available in the desert are there? It was part of that realization that not everyone is the same, even similar people. When I met a Navajo medicine woman, she and I talked about much metaphysical, and never really got into the "pow wow" part of things, but she had hand drum that was made of cottonwood , it was beautiful. A friend later gave me a cottonwood drum.

I never in all my association with people from several nations and many tribes, heard a word of women not being allowed to do something until I landed in Indiana. I assumed it was the local way of things. It didn't really matter all that much, I was not about to toss my ancestors in the garbage for local beliefs, beliefs that really for the most part, aren't even local, but from Plains tribes. I work in spiritual endeavors each day, so my motto is "to each his own". I always respected other people's ways, because my travels and friendships with many tribes, I knew that no one did things the same.  There may be similarities, or you can see where one tribe adapted another tribe's ways (like the Lakota adopting the Ute Sundance and making it an important and integral part of their ways). Yet there was always the local twist. Most of the "twists" came from what was available to the people.  We didn't all live in tipis becasue we were not all nomads, nor had the huge buffalo hides needed to make one. This is just one example of what we learned in the movies, isn't so. Native people out west where John Wayne roamed the buttes, didn't live in tipis like in the movies. But I digress.....

We always drummed and learned songs that I barely remember pieces of. Heck, I barely remember pieces of ones I learned last week....but it was the way it was. I read all the books by James R Walker who lived with and was adopted by the Lakota in the 1800's. He wrote extensively of all the rituals, beliefs, and traditions, and never said "no women on a drum" anywhere. Women on their moon were not allowed to touch any ritual object, including a drum, but that was only when they were on their moon.

Once I started looking into trying to find out why women were supposedly not always allowed on the drum locally, I could only find from research the northern/ southern style indicator. Northern style  allows women at the drum, southern does not, they can sing, but stand behind the men. I then learned that this difference was modern, it was a style way of looking at things and really had nothing to do with where the tribe existed, as far as geographical location.

When I get stuck, I always try to get a hold of my elusive aunt. I think she is a wandering Lakota at heart because I can never get her at home....she doesn't have a drop of Lakota blood, but she sure is out and about a lot. I asked her yesterday about women on the drum, and she said...what do you mean, what kind of silly question is that? A question like that to her is like "Do you get wet when it rains?" It is most likely to be answered with a "duh".  She said that women don't drum as much as they just have other things they want to do, but no one tells them they cannot or should not, and that is our way. Always has been, always will. She told me to look up a "Shannon someone" who talks about current research.

Looking up a "Shannon someone" isn't easy, but I found it.  Apparently current research shows it really never was a rule that women were not allowed at the drum. They were always at the drum, keeping the drum, singing the songs, keeping the songs. They didn't sit on the drum much after a while just out of personal preference, and then it suddenly got switched from  "don't want to much" to  "they are not allowed to" in the 1970's. Did the native nation all get together and pass a law saying women were not to drum? No, it never happened. Like many rumors, it took hold, and stories were formed to make it be a "man's right". It never was to begin with.

Those of us who grew up knowing better, always wondered at why there were beliefs that a woman didn't belong at a drum. I blame it on the movies made in the 40's and 50's. We were a Man's Nation at that time, and I think some people started thinking Hollywood knew more about Indians than Native Peoples. Some figured it was tribal difference, and those may have actually existed, but there was NEVER a blanket belief that women were not allowed to drum. NEVER. There really is not a blanket Native belief period. When something is tradition, it is Navajo tradition, or Lakota tradition, or Cree tradition, not Native tradition, there is no blanket NA policy on "this is the way it will be and always has been". That doesn't exist , never did. If anyone EVER tells you , "that is Native American tradition" they are totally incorrect. That concept and reality doesn't exist.

The research showed that in the 1970's men started with the "no women at the drum anywhere" talk and it was adopted by many. The people who always had a bunch of women who drummed just shook their heads, and kept drumming, but certain people bought into it, and all of a sudden we had northern and southern style drums. We still do not have a "no women at the drum rule" for the Native community as a whole, that never came to be. Tribes held on to their traditions, and became known as "northern drums". They certainly aren't all in the north either.

So as our small world that existed in the 70's ever expands and new researchers are talking to elders who are over 80 years old, they realized there was never a "no woman at the drum" rule. There may have been a  particular ceremony where the women didn't drum, or the men didn't do a certain task, but there was never a blanket rule about drumming.

There was never a rule about women not drumming in the northeast, and much of the southeast. There weren't even big drums in many tribes out west.There weren't big drums PERIOD back in the day!

When people have a mistaken belief that they have had for years, it is hard to erase it or change it overnight. My aunt's "are you kidding me",  response made me laugh, I realized to her I sounded like I was saying something akin to "Is my husband allowed to walk through the kitchen?". I must have sounded slightly insane to her.

A quote from the research:
 Northeastern tribes have a long history of women involved in all aspects of ceremonial life, dances, and tribal leadership.  Women are considered the original song givers and played the drum for their people.  Thus, no one can say that Northeastern women have no place to sit the drum.

The pendulum always swings back to center, to truth, to the way it needs to be, and it has been for a few years now, yet there are still people out there that believe someone, somewhere, at one time back in their tribal history said "no women at the drum ever", and in most cases, they are incorrect.

The more important part of this is that when someone else has a different tradition (and they will!), you respect it, you honor it, and you allow them to do their thing their tribal way. You take a step to the side and allow them to peacefully participate without telling them they are wrong or cannot do that. The NA community is varied and has as many different traditions as there are languages.

Like I said yesterday, think about the joke...How many Indians does it take to screw in a light bulb? I think the best answer is "how many tribes are there?"

Always allow room for the ways of others, including people from every part of this world. This is 2012, it is not "my way or the highway", it is not about saying "my tradition is better than yours". There are thousands of cultures on this planet. There are hundreds of belief systems, let each person do what is their way without interference.

Never limit yourself , be open and aware of other people's lifestyles, beliefs, and ways. Just because you learned something as a child, doesn't mean that it is the way it is for EVERYONE! This small world is getting smaller , don't be squeezed out! Be RESPECTFUL of the ways of others in EVERY aspect of life!

Happy drumming!!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Who DOES speak English?

I have found that I cause confusion by using the English language . Yes, confusion, and with people who were born right here in the USA. I find that many words meet silence and then the query, "what does that mean"? OK folks, I grew up in the hood. We didn't call it that at the time, but it was a poor neighborhood, there were 2 riots that spilled onto our street when I lived there, and three languages were spoken regularly. Yet somehow, we knew the English language.

It's funny that the same people that say "learn to speak English", apparently do not. So what are these difficult and puzzling words? They are words like:




Self sabbotage
(or as Bugs Bunny would say Sab O Tage EEEEE)





It is hard for me to stop and take my language down a few notches, but I don't think that I speak above most people. I did graduate college, twice, and grad school, so I was exposed to lots of fancy language, but I don't believe that these are hard words. My Mom used to make me look up words I didn't know to see if there was a definition that she didn't think of. My eight grade teacher gave us a word a day, and on Friday we better know what they all meant. There are some really fun words in our language, and some just happen to be the perfect words to use sometimes. Maybe I should include a "word a day" on the end of each blog.

Then there are the ones that are used incorrectly , as in "Let me AXE you a question", or "WHENEVER I went to my sister's house". It is "ASK" and "WHEN".

I am hoping people will email or comment and tell me how many of the eight words they know the meaning of without looking them up. Even if you have trouble putting the definition into words, do you get the concept and understand the word, that is good enough for me. I am curious! I am not the greatest wordsmith ever born, heck I didn't even like English class, I thought it was boring, yet I understand people when they speak to me in my native language!

I want to know how many people DO speak English......after all if we want others to speak it, we sure better be able to ourselves.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Soulmate. Metaphysicians in the know , know better.

The most hated word for those of us who were born psychic is the word "soulmate". There are times when you know people are not using it in the spiritual sense, they just mean that they found the love of their lives, their best partner, they are happy, and don't have a complaint in the world. That is a good thing.

Then there are the people who have romanticized the word. It has become a word that justifies their desire and determination to be with a person no matter what, even if they are not interested. The word has become an excuse for obsession, a celestial reason to stalk. 

There is no ONE person you MUST be with for your entire life. It isn't reality. How could a God of any belief system, who gave us free will, then say that" He" gets to pick your closest and most intimate relationship?  He doesn't. You have free will. There are people in our soul group, 111 others there for learning from, teaching, having relationships with, being close friends with, being relatives to. You have a few choices in that bunch. You make the choice out of free will, not the Universe.

Sometimes people ask if they will ever be in a long term relationship. Most will, some won't. Some CHOOSE to spend their lives unmarried, unattached, and alone. It is unusual, but not THAT unusual.
I can however guarantee you that the person you are chasing after, who is married, or who keeps changing their phone number, is NOT a person the Universe deems you are supposed to be with.

 The next question is always "what do they look like", so that they can recognize them. You won't recognize them by me telling you they are tall, with dark hair and wear glasses. I just described a billion people. Don't worry about what they look like. Worry about living your life, and it will happen without you chasing down every tall, dark haired person! The point is , there is not that ONE person out there. So, if your relationship will happen in two years, the Universe doesn't have ONE person standing around waiting for you to get your act together. You can be late, a slow developer who isn't learning the lessons and making the changes that you need to make. We usually don't have a relationship because there is something we need to do. When we sit around for 2 years and dream about the tall , dark haired person and get nothing done in the way of personal growth, the time line just went out another two years! What the Universe has is a plan, it will send the person who is ready, and on the same wavelength (if you have done your work), OR it may send someone who will "teach you a lesson" if you haven't done the work!

We are attracted to people for all kinds of reasons. Unless they feel the EXACT same way about you, it is doomed to failure. It may not even start, or it may last 10 years depending on many factors, but it won't work. Maybe the word soulmate should have as its' definition "two people who are equally determined to be with each other; doing whatever they can for each other without losing themselves in the process, in a relationship full of respect, passion, and love." It certainly isn't "someone you are destined to be with".

We may have Karma to work out with someone, but that doesn't make them a "soulmate". Karmic relationships sound like a good thing, but Karma is always about learning a lesson, so at least for one of you, it WON'T be a good thing....well it will be "good" as in you will resolve Karma and learn a lesson, but that is rarely pleasurable.

"Soulmate" has become a word that those who are not in the know, who learned their craft through New Age websites and "over the top" books, used for luring in the brokenhearted, those who are pining away for someone and will do anything to be with them are a goldmine for the shysters out there. They aren't people to help, they are dollar signs. Some readers who use that word mean well, they just are as romanticized as their clients and live in a dream world of unreality, others just know they can suck your pocket dry.

There are people who are most important in our lives at a specific time. It is always for a lesson, but not a Karmic one. Karmic lessons are usually ugly, life lessons where we have done no wrong and we are experiencing different situations, are not. We need people in our lives to learn our life lessons. Love, sharing, loneliness (you can't know loneliness without knowing companionship!), charity, pain, help, family, cooperation, etc. We can't learn them in a vacuum. We need others.

The romanticism of a "soulmate" relationship is nice, but it isn't reality, just because you are so attracted to a person you can't stop thinking about them, doesn't mean it is supposed to be a realtionship. How selfish would that be! Sometimes these attractions happen for a reason, maybe a catalyst for you to get out of a bad marriage, get your life together, or your finances in better order. Maybe they are in a field you are supposed to enter, but never is it because you are supposed to have sex with them.

There are people who we find in life that are our perfect match. I have mine and I know people who have theirs. They exist, they may even call their partners their "soulmates" in a way meaning they are perfectly happy, and life is good. However, that doesn't mean that some higher being picked that person for them, it sounds nice, it would make a great movie, but THEY picked their partners, and the important part is that their partners ALSO picked them!

When you need to stalk, chase, lie, coerce, and bully; when the person is married, in a relationship; totally uninterested; when they hide when you walk in the room.....they are NOT in any way, shape or form, your soulmate !

We had people make up the disasters of the Mayan prophecies.They wrote books galore, gave classes on how to survive, and attuned people to the stars. A bunch of crap, that is all it was,  Dec 2012 has passed, and no tidal waves. Put the "soulmates" in that same trash can and toss it out to the curb. Find a real and realistic relationship of a person who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them! You need to do the work, and you each need to choose each other.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Oestre (reprise!)

A new reader wrote and asked why I didn't write about Easter. Probably because I have written about it umpteen times before, and nothing changes. It is what it is and what it was, but for all of you who missed reading about Easter, here is the blog I wrote in 2011 on the origins of Easter:

Most Christians do not realize that their holidays are actually re-manufactured Pagan celebrations. Christianity is only a thing of the past 2000 years, that is when Christ entered the historical picture. So what went on before that? The church would have us believe that a bunch of heathens ran around doing horrible things to each other and believing in nothing sacred. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Buddhism, Taoism and other eastern religions already existed in one form or another, same with Hinduism. The Native Americans already roamed the earth, with a strong sense of something higher than themselves. Cave men even had paintings showing that they believed (and feared) a Higher Power. Then there were the Pagans. "Pagan" was a name bestowed by the church on people who did not belong to the church. Some people take the word to mean people who have no belief system, no "god". That is what the church wanted them to think, but nothing could be further from the truth. There were Pagans, like the Celts who were very powerful and had a structured society and belief system that rivals what we have today. Their priests, the Druids were wise not only in energy, higher powers, but in healing and intuition.

Pagans had very structured and sensible belief systems. The Romans and the Greeks had a god or goddess for everything, and almost every day was a celebration of some sort or another for a god or goddess. No one wanted to insult the gods, bad things would happen! Christianity just managed to make people believe that their way was the only way. If you were not a Christian, you were a "bad person", and unfortunately many still believe that today. All of the belief systems, Christian or not, have the same basis, that we need to be Good People, be good to each other, and live a good life with our fellow man. The stories that back that belief are many and varied, they were meant to speak to a specific culture and time in order to get the message across.So the same "story" is told, but with different names, places and twists to it.

That brings us to yesterday...Easter. Easter is one of the major Christian holidays. It is the day when Jesus Christ is said to have risen from the dead, proving , in a way, to many that he must have really been the son of God. Christians believing this as a major, factual, part of their belief system will have a difficult time accepting the fact that Easter existed before Jesus Christ. It was called Oestre by the Pagans, and changed to Easter by the church to bring them in.

All of the major Pagan celebrations were adapted and adopted by the Christian church, they figured this was the best way to get the Pagans to come into the group. The Pagans loved ritual, celebration and rites. The church had none, so they adopted the Pagans'. They said basically "Yes, we too believe that, but it was just a little bit different, it went like this...", and proceeded to use the Pagan beliefs to bring them into the fold. They then changed the celebrations a bit , but used much of the original elements and words , like Oestre/Easter.

Oestre existed hundreds of years before Easter. It actually took 300 years of Christianity's existence for "Easter" to be celebrated by the Christian church!

Spring was a very important time in the lives of our ancestors. It was renewal, rebirth, new beginnings, fertile lands and animals. All things that were necessary for life. it was also more light, warmer weather, and hope. The gods had again bestowed life upon them. They celebrated and thanked the gods, whom they believed could take away this wondrous time if they wished. These celebrations and beliefs went on for thousands of years before the Christian church existed.

Persophene returned from the underworld in spring, well before Jesus existed. Her mother was Demeter, goddess of crops and grain. This is a whole goddess rebirth story that was believed, existed and was celebrated before Christ was born. Oestre (sometimes spelled Eostar), was a celebration of the goddess Ishtar's rebirth , and a story of larkspurs with rabbit faces in them (starting to see a connection?).Since ancient times, rabbits have been a symbol of fertility. This is all about spring, rebirth, the land, the animals, and being able to live on another year. The biggest difference in all this is that the church made it a male based religion instead of female. Females are a symbol of fertility, not males, but the church needed a new spin. Modern times didn't come up with rabbits and take the religion out of Easter, the ancient church tried to take the rabbits out of it thousands of years ago, but the rabbits had, yes, you can say it, a rebirth. They have become again, a symbol of Easter. Circles, remember, life is always circles....

We have the Germans to thank for taking this Pagan holiday to the new world. With rabbits, eggs (another fertility symbol), and creating a holiday that has become more secular.

There is even more to this story, every culture has spring rebirth celebrations, beliefs and rituals, not just the Christians. The fact is though, that Easter existed before Jesus Christ ever set foot on this earth.

For many years the church tried to stifle the Pagan stories. They don't want the belief system dented in any way, people may actually leave the church or even feel they were duped. The historical research and availability of ancient information on rituals, celebrations and beliefs is now astounding.The church used to be powerful enough to keep it under wraps, but no longer is able to do so. Many have not left, they still go for their own personal reasons, they always will, but it is important to know what the true roots of "religious" holidays are. There is always a connection back to ancient Rome, Greece, the Far East, India, or as they are better known, The Pagans! Christianity is the new kid on the block. They didn't invent this stuff, they just reinvented it.

Never hate another religion, or call ANYONE a "pagan". There are "Pagans" (with a capital P), who are a whole belief system, but they are not people with no basis, no good, and no belief, they are just the opposite, they are your Grandmothers and Grandfathers of Christianity. Never put down ANY religion (they really are all the same anyway) , because even those who do not belief in Christ as the son of God (and that is every religion BUT Christianity by the way), preach being good to one another, being peaceful, and living a good life. Just because a person doesn't believe Jesus was the actual son of God, does NOT make them a bad person, ever. Putting them down and persecuting them for it , is!

It is simple to live a good life, you don't need to put a name on your beliefs. Just, "do unto others", and do the right things for the right reasons, and the higher power would be more than happy with your about that!

Happy Easter, Happy Oestre!


Hope this spurs on some research into Pagan holidays and the "Church".

(C)2013 / 2011 Dr. R M  Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.