Monday, April 29, 2013

Why we have people in our lives.....are you one of the 'good ones"?

The Universe sends us 111 others to go through life with. They are our core soul group. Can we shun them and close ourselves off? We can if we really try, but then the burden falls on us to learn life's lessons on our own. A task that is virtually impossible. Guess what you get to do all over again? Walk the same Earthwalk.

Our goal on this earth is to grow, to learn, to raise our vibration and to teach in our soul group (and even beyond it). We are here to be "social" in the scientific sense of the word. We are here to share and treat others as we would want to be treated.We are here to explore differences, not huddle in similarities.

People are NOT in our lives to "complete us", do for us, enable us, make our lives easier, or to be used and abused in any way. It is a teaching learning exchange, even with children. If you have learned nothing from your children, you are one unplugged parent....and I don't mean in the sense of learning where they hide the cookies or how to program your iphone.

Life is supposed to be an equal exchange, and our job is to keep it equal. Giving and taking, learning and teaching, comforting and being comforted. Life is all about balance, the yin and the yang. Once that goes out of whack, things start to go badly.

Relationship partners are not there to entertain us so we don't feel lonely. They aren't there to pay our bills, watch our kids (or raise them), or to take care of our home.

A frequent reader said I don't talk about kids enough, so on this point, let's talk kids. Kids aren't here to do our housework, or be adults IN ANY WAY. Yes, kids need to have responsibilities that are age appropriate, but to learn responsibility and grow, not to have their day sucked up by work and discipline, or make your life easier. They are not to be told they are lazy or dumb in any way, shape,or form if it isn't done exactly the way you would do it. You have experience, practice, and hopefully a fully formed brain, you will do it better every time, so get over it. There should be no punishment if it isn't done correctly, but a coaching opportunity. This isn't the army. Kids are nurtured not pounded into being adults.

People talk to their kids like they are their employees that they are about to fire, then wonder why the kids are afraid to do anything.  Don't stifle your children , or your partners, allow them to grow! Facilitate that growth. Children need play, not work. They need a parent, not a best friend. They need direction and instruction, not marching orders.

Growth can't be facilitated if the child has their nose buried in their cell phone or other electronic device. Limit times they can use them and get them outside! You learn more about life by interacting with people, and life experiences, than you do an electronic device of any kind. They also build up more antibodies and are healthier.Play is the perfect way for kids to learn about life , people, differences and challenges. Children NEED to interact with children who have other ways, experiences and lives. They need that exposure to live in the real world.

We also have people in our lives to learn about differences. There are difference races, religions, nationalities, and lifestyles in this world. None are bad. All are different. Judge people on an individual basis, is this a good person for me to have in my life or not? Then move on that decision. When you immediately condemn someone based on your unknowing , or your prejudicial opinion, you are the person who should be out of the lives of other people. No one race, nationality, or way of life is bad. Not one. There are bad people out there, but no bad religions, races, or nationalities. When you react negatively to anyone based on anything other than their individual personality, you are prejudicial and hateful. Those are not qualities we are here to learn.

Starting with the current media events....Russians are not bad people, Muslims are not bad people. Mexicans, Catholics, Chinese, Taoists, are all ....NOT bad people. Do bad people exist in these groups? Of course they do. They also exist in every group YOU are part of. Should we condemn you too?? Maybe we should as being prejudice. People are people. We all have different ways of getting to the same goal. We all want the same things. We all want a safe, temperate, place to be, with food in our bellies and freedom to be who we are. Every person in the world wants the same thing. Some have it, some abuse it, so strive for it. Be thankful if you have it.

God/Creator/Allah/Yahweh put all these different people on this earth, every last one of them, even the ones you hate or fear. How can you hate or fear one of the Universe's creations? They are here to learn from. We are here to learn from. There is always good and bad in everyone, the hope is that the good outweighs the bad. Find the good in everyone and guard against the bad yes, but do not assume bad in a person just because they are different.

Hating any ethnic/religious group of people is ignorant. Ignorance is not only not knowing, but not WANTING to know! It is fear reflected as hate. When you do not personally know an individual, don't say a bad word about them. When you do , it is OK to warn others (don't allow plumber "Brokenpipe" into your home he floods every house he goes to), but it is not OK to make a blanket statement about any race, religion, or creed.

People are in our lives for learning and much learning have you done lately...have you slammed the door on any communication because of a label?

Walk the talk.....going to church every Sunday and hating any group, is not religious, spiritual, or intelligent. It is hypocritical, hateful, and ignorant.

Do unto others......

People are in our lives as a learning experience.....LEARN and GROW!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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