Tuesday, April 9, 2013

But they don't know......KARMA!

I have talked to many folks over the past few days, we start off on one topic, and drift to another, and back again. There are people who don't like it when they are telling their experiences and what they are going through, and another talks about their issues. I do. It isn't all about me or them, it is about all of us. Sometimes it helps to see that others have had similar experiences, and sometimes it helps to see that others had worse experiences. Not that you wish ill on your friends , but sometimes it puts things in perspective. One thing we all agreed on, turned out to actually be two things. The one thing is, never allow someone to stomp all over you, and the other was never allow prejudice in any form. They can be the same thing if you are on the end of being treated unfairly. They kicker was that when we see people who were treated unfairly (or their family, ancestors or other loved ones were), and they turn around and treat others the same , unfair way, then we just know Karma will bite them on the butt, quickly and cleanly.

The second part of all that, always led to the same place, that the people who get smacked in the head by Karma rarely realize it. They think they are just perfect, and wonder why others have a life they don't. They don't know the answer to their question is Karma. Karma can be the reason yo are alone, living in undesirable conditions, feeling unwell, or are unhappy.

We were discussing how people we know, who are continually causing issues with others have a series of events that continually happen over and over, and they still don't get the message. They cause issues with people all the time, get Karma visits all the time, and don't' realize their crappy life is about KARMA.

They think they are perfect and that all the rest of you are messed up, so they wonder why they keep getting hit with issues. New health issue after new health issue, even people as young as in their 30's. No money at all, or no money to do anything but live paycheck to paycheck. No partner, bad partner, or a partner with issues that can't provide, help, or assist. Family issues, even as serious as death. We know a family that death follows around like a starving dog following a kid with a hot dog. It is bad, they are broke, unhappy, hurting, ill, and yet they don't see the hand of Karma in it all.

Now, don't get us wrong, every person who has an illness or issue is not being punished by Karma. They chose a hard path to walk in order to grow faster . We are talking about people who constantly cause their own issues, and get hit again and again leading to a miserable life. Those who cope and are happy and truly share with others, teach us how to overcome adversity and not to whine every time we get a paper cut.

Then the discussion went to "if they don't get that Karma is teaching them something, what good is it?". Good question. Only the really ego driven, the holier than thou , or mentally unstable, go through life that way, but there are more and more of them on this earth. They are the ones who have had miserable lives since they were adults, and continue to have miserable lives in all aspects. They then blame the cause of the misery on others. The Karma part for them will come at the end of their Earthwalk. It will be a hard lesson. It will involve lower levels of what some call "heaven" for them, and it will involve another really hard life. It isn't worth it, but they don't get it.

People think Karma is that energy that when you leave your girlfriend, after treating her badly, your next girlfriend will leave you after treating you badly. It rarely works that way, sometimes Karma is instant, and that would maybe get the message across better, but the Universe doesn't hand out punishment, it hands out lessons. Therein lies the reason why you don't see more "instant Karma". Sometimes it is as simple as feeling like crap after treating someone badly, or allowing that to happen. The "guilt" feeling, the "I should have helped that old lady pick up her groceries even if I was late" feeling. That is how Karma teaches you a lesson, you will stop and help next time, as you don't want that feeling again. It can be embarrassment, or any uncomfortable feeling.

Karma doesn't always cause a permanent change in people's lives. The event and lesson, and how many times Karma has tried to teach it, determine that.

Karma however, never misses an appointment for a lesson. It is the consummate and diligent teacher. It will be there, on time and teach a harsh lesson if needed.

When someone is unfair, unethical, unloving, uncaring....Karma will visit them. When they are devious and horrible, it will visit them swiftly. Many times you won't see their pain, but it is there, Karma doesn't take a day off.

Karma visits everyone , it is a teacher. It just teaches sometimes like your favorite grade school teacher that you loved and who inspired you, and other times it teaches like an angry lioness with a thirst for blood. Make sure you don't get the latter.

Rest assured Karma will catch up to everyone eventually.

You can lie, even to yourself, but never to the Universe, God, Creator, Yahweh........

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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