Friday, November 1, 2013

Spirit presence does NOT equal "Haunted"

There are spirits in every place you go. Some are residents, some pass through, some follow you around. People will say that they have no spirits in their house (they always do), or claim because they captured an EVP, or saw something unusual, that the house is haunted. Neither one is actually true.

Spirits are everywhere, so if a spirit in a home or office makes it "haunted" , we are all haunted. Every one of us has at least one spirit guide. What are spirit guides? Dead people. So there is at least one "ghost", of a special nature looking over your shoulder right now.

That spirit guide goes everywhere you go, so you bring a spirit into every building you walk in to. "Haunted" is an overused word. It used to be a terrible thing for a house to be haunted, now it can be a selling feature!  Some homes, and especially hotels and other large commercial buildings , earn a higher asking price because they are haunted. Capturing an EVP does not make a place haunted, it means a spirit (possibly passing thru) had some thing to say to you.

Recently a client told us her house was haunted because a medium saw a little girl there. A medium will see spirits in EVERY building they enter. The spirits are everywhere, and that does not mean a place is haunted.

What exactly makes a place haunted? "Haunted" is prolonged , regular, and obvious spirit activity. It does mean that the spirit most likely resides there, but it doesn't have to. The place may have a bunch of "regulars" who pass in and out. It means the spirit is constantly making itself known in our material world. It may be even getting to the level of wanting you out. When we have spiritual activity of this level, it is a haunt.

When we have activity that is beyond spirits, and involves activity of non human spirits, then it is beyond haunted, the site is possessed or invaded. A site can have both. Sometimes human spirits are trying to control or maintain activity on a level of nonhuman activity.

Some places are merely a place where spirits pass through, they don't stay. When a spirit doesn't stay, it can't be haunted, yet there may be hundreds of spirits there each day. This is a portal, and they exist mostly due to natural circumstances. Things that create portals that are not natural are, Ouiji boards, ceremonies, and large scale disasters. Natural things that make the atmosphere just right for portals are, running water (underground streams for example),  high electromagnetic fields, people with psychic or mediumistic abilities, ley lines, certain crystals, and places of high energy over thousands of years (like the Aztec cities or Stonehenge). Combine any of these and the "traffic" can be phenomenal.

Today people get their information from TV shows. It isn't always "bad" information, but it is usually a tip of the iceberg, and a little knowledge IS a dangerous thing. There are still universities offering parapsychology classes, the science of the "paranormal". I took one back when I was a senior, and it was eye opening. This was before TV shows and books galore. We have come a long way, but knowing what the parapsychology pioneers knew, will help you truly understand the "other side".

Try reading books by Lyod Auerbach and Hans Holzer to start. Go to the arcane to learn more, the Rosicrucians, Masons, and New Dawn. There is so much really good information out there.

Just remember,spirits are everywhere!!!

Happy All Souls Day!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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