The last few days I have been having an email discussion on religion. Religion in general, not dogma. Dogma is what starts wars , which is just about as ridiculous as we can get as a world population, but it is so. Dogma really is what sets each religion apart, but it is also what always gets in the way. When you clearly look at all the religions you see that they are all basically the same. They all tell you to make sure you do good things, share good things, love others, and that there is an afterlife.
Then the rules, names, and interpretations step in and negate all that wonderful teaching. I think that today the societies that evolved from the religions are even more accepted, more powerful and teach more, they don't have such dogmatic restrictions.
When I was studying for my second degree and becoming an ordained minister , our school made us learn about each religion. We of course wouldn't have the time to be too in depth, but we had to at least have a working knowledge. We didn't for example, delve into each Christian religion (for example the Protestant, Episcopal, or Catholic ways of Christianity), in depth, but we did look carefully into major differences. We also took into consideration societies that didn't have a religion per se. Many had a "way of life", that was what it was. They did not consider it a religion, and it really was not. An example is the American Indian ways of life. Today some American Indians have become Christian, a religion that was forced upon many, but openly accepted by others, however Christianity is not the "official" American Indian relgion.
The major world religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. There is also Bah'ai, and Taoism along with spiritual belief systems like Wicca, and Paganism. Then you can add in the organized teachings of spiritual growth like Rosicrucianism and the Order of The Golden Dawn. Esoteric systems that help people today in growth and spirituality. There are also more centralized or "local" religions , like Mormonism. There are different ways of looking a major religions like Gnosticism. It would be a very long list indeed to get into all the options out there.
They all are full of wonderful teachings. Some reached out to, or developed into secret societies like the Masons or Golden Dawn. All have their own structure, teachings, and tenets. Some are more strict than others, and some are more organized than others, yet there is not a bad teaching among them. All the original ideas go back to the same root. Love, grown, help, and learn.
Unfortunately we have people that take these religions or systems and twist them, people like Muslim Extremists, the IRA and satanic worshipers. Those are people who kill, harm, and use others for their own selfish ways. Please do not look at these people as religious people. They use religion as an excuse to act abhorrently , like the Westboro Baptist Church.
I was asked if reiki were a religion. It is not, it is an energetic healing modality that can be used by anyone trained and attuned to the energy. They can be Christian, Islamic or Jewish and still learn and share reiki healings.Today many hospitals are allowing, teaching, and accepting reiki as part of their programs, and methods. Doctors have figured out that it doesn't matter how it works, it works.
I remember giving reiki to a friend in the hospital who was hooked up to monitors of all sorts. You could clearly read everything going on with those brightly lit screens. A nurse asked if she could watch us, and we said "of course". She just wanted to see what it was about. When we were finished I turned to see her staring with her mouth half open at the monitors, all the readouts had improved. Blood pressure had dropped, heart rate dropped and smoothed out. She said "Well I guess that really works". We said "Of course it does". (I don't consider a fun night one that includes a I am there for a reason).
There are so many ways and so many options open to all who want to try to find a way to guide them. I am not a fan of major organized religion as I think the dogma just drags it down into the muck. It makes it too restricting. Just tell people to "do unto others" and leave it at that. The belief systems, and organized societies do a better job in my opinion. They actually teach people how to be better people, how to grow, how to see beyond what is right in front of us. They teach meditation, they teach acceptance, they teach exploration, they teach love of nature and internal spiritual development. They accept all races, sexual preference and differences and this makes them rich in learning other traditions and development. They consider the individual and their levels and needs. They don't raise the bar so high no one can attain achievements and personal growth.
Organized religion, is not such a good thing, but there are good things that have come from it. Religion restricts. Spirituality fosters growth, and acceptance. Pick one and explore it. Start with one that is not a major world religion and see if something resonates in there for you. Look at Paganism (which is NOT devil worship), Rosicrucian teachings, or the Gnostic Bible. Love nature? Try the Wicca way.There will probably be something in there that strikes a cord for you. Remember, spirituality is basically accepting that there is something bigger than you, and that there is a life after this one where your conscious continues. Knowing those things , really knowing them, will enable you to live a good life in this phase.
Don't let some church or other organization dictate what you HAVE to do. I have heard more horror stories about how people were treated at church, than how they were treated at a bus stop. This isn't a contest, and this isn't a popularity contest. Learn, grow and move to another teaching. Never stop. To stop is to stagnate and spiritually die. When you think you know it all, you have reached rock bottom. Upward, onward and forward!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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