There are times when things can go haywire for a moment, and sometimes longer, in order to make a change or teach a lesson. However the Universe always sends out energy to put things to right, and it always goes to the light. Always. People do not understand that whether it be politics, workplace, relationships, things happen because they are SUPPOSED to happen. The Universe has everything in divine order. ALWAYS.
You may not like the divine order of things. It may make you uncomfortable, but most times, discomfort is a learning process. It is a way of putting things to right, teaching a lesson, showing you another way that you NEED to see.
When you sit back and watch for a while you will see the energy start to turn things. Some times it is swift and sure, sometimes a process. Sometimes it is serious Karmic energy that makes for a hard lesson, sometimes it is a gentle persuasion, but it is always there. When people try to counteract that, they always suffer. The Universe doesn't punish, but it sure is a strict teacher when it needs to be.
It is easy to stay out of those pitfalls. You simply remember two very easy things.
1) It isn't all about you.
2) Do unto others.
That is pretty simple isn't it.
Revenge is not an answer. Taking power or ability away from another is not the answer. harming another is not the answer. Ultimatums are not the answer. Damaging property or welfare of others is not the answer.
Never impose your ways, your will, your situation on another human being. When you want to do it (and it is legal ), go for it, but harm no others in your actions or words.
I have seen energy begin to move in the right way when people do wrong. I watched just last weekend when an event was less attended because of ego and unfairness. Some were told they could not be included in the event as it wasn't to a particular group's ways. The result, many backed out and went to a similar event being held that same weekend. The other event was bursting at the seams with people, not only attending but participating. Energy moves from demanding, hateful, prejudicial people, it moves towards, love, acceptance, and honor.
Never allow someone to hold you hostage literally or figuratively. Always be strong and ready to be independent. Know your stuff and stand strong. There are an awful lot of stupid, hateful people out there who shout loud and strong. They demand to be heard, but you really don't want to hear what they have to say.
DO the RIGHT things for the RIGHT reasons, and Do unto others....and you will never go wrong!
The energy will always go to the light, make sure that you are always in the light.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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